User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements
and Recurrent Neural Networks
Paul R. B. Houssel
and Luis A. Leiva
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Mouse Movements, Biometrics, Authentication, Neural Networks.
Behavioral biometrics can determine whether a user interaction has been performed by a legitimate user or
an impersonator. In this regard, user re-authentication based on mouse movements has emerged as a reliable
and accessible solution, without being intrusive or requiring any explicit input from the user other than regular
interactions. Previous work has reported remarkably good classification performance when predicting imper-
sonated mouse movements, however, it has relied on manual data preprocessing or ad-hoc feature extraction
methods. In this paper, we design and contrast different recurrent neural networks that take as input raw mouse
movements, represented by discrete sequences of coordinate derivatives (coordinate offsets relative to time),
as a mean of user re-authentication that could be used on web platforms. We show that a 2-layer BiGRU
model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches while being much simpler and more efficient. Our software
and models are publicly available.
Our fingerprints, face, and eyes are among the most
used biometric schemes as a mean of authentication,
since they offer a reliable, secure, and accessible so-
lution (Abdulrahman and Alhayani, 2021). Although
they are considered intrusive, in the sense that they
require an explicit user intervention to work, such as
approaching the finger or eyes to a special reading de-
vice. While browsing the web, however, our mouse
movements can be considered as an alternative op-
tion (Leiva et al., 2021; Lin et al., 2012). They can
be collected unobtrusively, in the background, while
the user is naturally using their computer mouse.
Therefore, mouse movements can serve as a low-cost
implicit secondary mean of re-authentication This
method, also defined as continuous authentication,
seeks to verify the user’s identity during ongoing web
sessions to ensure that their authorization remains
valid, while being unintrusive.
Previous work has shown that mouse movements
can disclose a lot of information about ourselves and
our behaviors. For example, it is not only possible to
determine simple demographics such as gender (Ya-
mauchi et al., 2015) or age (Leiva et al., 2021), but
it goes as far as predicting feelings (Yamauchi and
Bowman, 2014). This information can be deemed
sufficient to authenticate a person using mouse move-
ments, and in fact, many researchers have experi-
mented with it for dynamic user profilling (Shen et al.,
2012; Oak, 2018; Almalki et al., 2021; Muda et al.,
2017; Eberz et al., 2017).
Many researchers have benchmarked their
mouse-based authentication methods on the Balabit
dataset (F
op et al., 2016), which includes, among
other information, the timing and mouse coordinates
of ten users across several browsing sessions. Some
studies have achieved remarkably good accuracy for
impersonation detection (Revett et al., 2008; Almalki
et al., 2019), however, they rely on manual data
preprocessing (e.g. to filter unwanted mouse actions)
and computationally expensive feature extraction
To solve this research gap, we study different Re-
current Neural Nets (RNNs) that do not rely on cum-
bersome feature extraction or data preprocessing, just
on the mouse movement coordinates themselves. We
show that a 2-layer BiGRU model outperforms state-
of-the-art approaches while being much simpler and
more efficient. Taken together, our results can inform
researchers interested in developing their biometrics
solutions at web scale.
Houssel, P. and Leiva, L.
User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0012296600003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 652-659
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Prior work has approached user authentication us-
ing mouse movements by either introducing differ-
ent ways of preprocessing the data or using classic
Machine Learning models. While some approaches
have shown promise (Pramila et al., 2022; Antal and
Egyed-Zsigmond, 2019; Antal and Fejer, 2020), most
of them rely on computationally expensive feature ex-
traction methods, including e.g. average angle be-
tween two consecutive coordinates, directionality of
movement, minimal values of angular velocity, etc.
All in all, it seems clear that mouse movements offer
an ideal solution for re-authentication on websites and
web applications.
Manual feature extraction comes with important
drawbacks and challenges (Jorgensen and Yu, 2011).
First of all, it is not very scalable (Li et al., 2017),
since many different (and sometimes computation-
ally demanding) features must be extracted in almost
real-time, in order to not degrade the user’s brows-
ing experience (i.e., users should not wait more than
a second to be re-authenticated). Further, not only do
these classic models become unnecessarily complex,
but also take longer to train (Cai et al., 2018). Since
a user-dependent model is created for every user that
accesses an application, it is therefore of utmost im-
portance to keep the authentication model as simple
and as performant as possible. Another problem is
that the vast majority of previous work has relied on
additional information other than the mouse move-
ments themselves, also known as “mouse actions”.
For example, whether the user is scrolling, clicking,
or using the drag-and-drop functionality. By relying
on these additional events, it is possible to segment
mouse movements and thus keep only the “interest-
ing” or relevant parts. However these make an au-
thentication system more limited, since a user might
just move the mouse without clicking or performing
any of those above-mentioned actions.
In this context, previous work has proposed dif-
ferent preprocessing techniques applied to the raw
mouse movements (coordinates and optionally their
associated timestamps). For example, Tan et al. pro-
posed curve fitting to smooth mouse movements and
thus remove noise (Tan et al., 2017). They used a Lin-
ear SVM model for classification and achieved better
performance as compared to using raw movements.
These results are counter-intuitive, as previous work
has shown that subtle details and imperfections in our
mouse movements are key to telling humans and ma-
chines apart (Leiva et al., 2020).
Qin et al. used Dynamic Time Warping and a
segmentation algorithm to allow mouse movements
to be differentiated among themselves (Qin et al.,
2020). These distances served as input to a classifi-
cation model. A more interesting approach was pro-
posed by Chong et al., who used movement heatmaps
as input to a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (2D-
CNN) classifier (Chong et al., 2018). Other authors
have followed this approach (Wei et al., 2019; Hu
et al., 2019). The main problem is that generat-
ing heatmaps may require as much computational re-
sources as doing manual feature extraction, so they
are hardly scalable in practice, as it is not feasible to
generate a heatmap image every time a user should be
More recent solutions do not require manual fea-
ture extraction (Antal et al., 2021; Antal and Fejer,
2020; Fu et al., 2020), suggesting that it is possible
to handle raw movements with Deep Learning mod-
els (Chong et al., 2019; Levi and Hazan, 2020; Hema
and Bhanumathi, 2016), however, they rely on ex-
plicit segmentation based on mouse actions. As previ-
ously stated, these approaches have a limited applica-
tion as not every user is always using mouse actions
while browsing. We therefore compare and contrast
RNNs relying on raw mouse movements alone.
3.1 Dataset
We used the Balabit Mouse Challenge dataset (F
et al., 2016) to compare our method against others,
given its popularity among the web biometrics com-
munity. It comprises mouse movements collected
from ten different users across several sessions. These
users were asked to log in with their remote desk-
top client. A network monitoring device was set be-
tween the client and the remote computer that inspects
all web traffic, including any mouse interactions, e.g.
coordinates and timestamps, event actions (dragging,
moving, pressed, released, etc.) and how such actions
were initiated (left or right button, scroll, or none). A
session is either considered legal (the recorded mouse
movements belong to the legitimate user) or illegal
(the recorded mouse movements belong to another
3.2 Data Splits
The dataset is randomly split into training and test
partitions of 90% and 10%, respectively. Since in
some of our experiments, the data classes are unbal-
anced, the proportion of each class is the same in the
testing and training sets (stratified data splits). To
User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks
present representative results, for every experiment,
the compiled model is trained and evaluated 5 times
using 5 different random seeds, and the average met-
rics are computed and presented as the results.
3.3 Data Normalization
Since in our work we only consider x, y, t tuples (cf.
subsection 3.1), we ignore every other column of the
original dataset CSV files. The mouse movement
coordinates are then normalized over time, by com-
puting the difference between each consecutive co-
ordinate and dividing it by the corresponding times-
tamp offset. This has proved effective in work-
ing with mouse movements in web-related experi-
ments (Br
uckner et al., 2020). We illustrate in Fig-
ure 1 what raw and normalized coordinates look like.
3.4 Data Augmentation
In order to get more samples for model training, we
tried two different ways to augment the legal data.
First, by perturbing the coordinates with small ran-
dom noise (Br
uckner et al., 2020; Leiva et al., 2021).
However, this method was discarded since it wors-
ened the results. Second, by padding with zeros the
sequences that had less than 600 coordinates, until
completing that length. Note that padding values can
be added either at the beginning or at the end of the
sequence (also known as post- and pre-padding, re-
spectively), however previous work noted that pre-
padding was preferred for RNN training (Dwaram-
pudi and Reddy, 2019), therefore we adopted pre-
padding as our data augmentation method. Further,
we considered negative data (mouse movements from
sessions that belong to other users) in addition to pos-
itive data (legitimate mouse movements) for model
training. For each user, illegal mouse movements are
obtained by randomly selecting legal mouse move-
ments from other users in the dataset.
3.5 Evaluation Metrics
We report balanced Accuracy, Area Under the ROC
(AUC) score, and Equal Error Rate (EER). Together,
these evaluation metrics are the most representa-
tive ones for biometric authentication systems, which
helps us to compare our results against previous work.
Balanced Accuracy is weighted by class distributions,
AUC informs about the discriminative power of any
classifier, and EER is the location on a ROC curve
where the false acceptance rate and false rejection rate
are equal.
3.6 Models
To decide upon the design and architecture of our
model, we conducted different experiments on the
mouse movements of user 7 (chosen at random as a
reference user) in the Balabit dataset. These exper-
iments guided us toward the best-performing model
for predicting anomalies in the mouse movements of
that user. This final model was then evaluated on all
users of the Balabit data set.
Critically, given that a mouse position depends on
the previous positions, we need to come up with a
model that can process sequential data and that has
some memory, to remember the dependencies be-
tween coordinates at different timestamps. There-
fore, it seems natural to experiment with RNN-based
archiectures (Ackerson et al., 2021):
1. Vanilla RNN, a neural network designed for han-
dling time-series which can remember short-term
dependencies (Sherstinsky, 2020). It was first in-
troduced as the Hopfield Net (Hopfield, 1982).
2. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), an extension
of RNN which does not have the vanishing gradi-
ent problem (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997).
3. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), a version of LSTM
with a forget gate and fewer hyperparame-
ters (Cho et al., 2014). GRU layers are witnessing
great performance on small datasets, like Balabit.
For each of these architectures, we consider its
bidirectional version. This allows the network to learn
relationships between previous and future mouse
movements at a certain time. Given the excellent per-
formance of the Bidirectional GRU model, as mea-
sured by the AUC score (Figure 2), we chose it for
further finetuning:
- One Input layer with 600 input neurons, to process
all mouse sequence lengths in the Balabit dataset.
- Two Bidirectional GRU layers with Hyperbolic
Tangent activation function and 200 hidden units.
- One Dropout layer with a dropout rate of 0.20.
- One Output layer with one neuron, predicting the
probability that the input mouse movements origi-
nated from an impostor or not. This layer uses the
Sigmoid activation function.
- And the following design parameters:
(a) Batch Size of 150 mouse sequences.
(b) Adam optimizer with a Learning Rate of 0.005.
(c) Binary Cross Entropy loss function.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Legitimate Legitimate Impersonated Impersonated
User 7
User 21
Figure 1: Comparison of legitimate and impersonated mouse movements for two users in the Balabit dataset.
Figure 2: Model comparisons, according to AUC scores.
After finetuning our model, we can evaluate how it
performs on the set of all users. While doing so, we
also need to specify one last parameter that was not
taken into account yet, the amount and distribution
of legal and illegal data. We are not only going to
ask ourselves how much positive and negative data
benefits the most for training the model, but also how
the proportions of these two influence the final model
Another problem we need to address is the lack
of data. When collecting the mouse movements of a
new user, we may assume that only the first session,
when the user is signing up into his account, is a legal
session that can be trusted. This implies that we can
only collect data of new users during their first ses-
sions, limiting the amount of mouse data that can be
collected for each user later on. In this series of ex-
periments we want to find out if training with larger
amounts of negative (illegal mouse movements) data
is a solution when dealing with small amounts of pos-
itive (legal mouse movements) training data. Below,
we defined four experiments, for which we evaluate
different data distributions and how they impact the
final performance of an authentication system.
(A) In this first experiment, we will, for every user,
take into account all available legal and illegal
(B) To balance out the proportion between legal and
illegal data, the negative training data needs to be
augmented. For a given user, legal data from any
other random user is taken as illegal data for the
given user. This illegal data is added to the dataset
until both legal and illegal data are equally bal-
anced. In this experiment, there is as much illegal
as legal data for every user.
(C) In this third experiment, we investigate an aug-
mentation technique to slightly increase the
amount of legal mouse movement data. Since
the input layer has 600 neurons, each session in
the dataset is split into chunks of 600 timestamps.
For some of them, the remaining amount of times-
tamps is inferior to 600. As explained in subsec-
tion 3.3, we pad these sessions with zero dummy
values such that they have a final length of 600
mouse movements. In this experience, the legal
data is augmented by adding padded sequences,
there is the same amount of negative data as in
experiment B.
(D1) In this experiment, the amount of negative data
is augmented as in experiment B. By taking legal
data from other random users, we obtain twice as
much negative data as positive data. Furthermore,
we add the padded sequences as legal data.
(D2) Here the distribution of the experiment is the
same as in D1 but without taking into account the
padded sequences.
Since each experiment deals with unbalanced
data, class weights are set to prevent the classifier
User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks
Table 1: Results of Experiment A.
User EER Accuracy AUC Score
7 0.3048 0.55 0.8286
9 0.2500 0.725 0.8875
12 0.3403 0.5875 0.7597
15 0.4245 0.5279 0.6107
16 0.2677 0.6085 0.8338
20 0.5294 0.4941 0.5000
21 0.6125 0.5000 0.4458
23 0.5850 0.5138 0.5000
29 0.4556 0.5000 0.5593
35 0.1242 0.8046 0.9425
All users 0.3894 0.5811 0.6868
from being biased toward the illegal or legal class. We
report Balanced Accuracy (weighted by class distri-
bution) and weighted AUC Score. For each exper-
iment, the models are trained for over 400 epochs
with early stopping, monitoring the validation loss:
the training is stopped if this metric is not improving
over 40 consecutive training epochs and the optimal
model weights are retained.
The results in experiment A show that the lack of neg-
ative training data significantly affects model perfor-
mance. In all cases, it can be noted that users 15 and
35 have most of the time the worst results. On the
other hand, the experiments D1 and D2 have the most
promising results. It shows us that training the model
with more negative data is a feasible solution in case
we lack positive data. As such, we obtained promis-
ing authentication with simply 80 seconds of legal
mouse movements. Furthermore, the unbalancing of
the data does not affect model performance. Since
both of these experiments have very similar results,
we perform an investigation on possible overfitting.
By comparing the evaluation accuracy and loss
with the number of epochs over the training period,
we identified the presence of overfitting in all experi-
ments except in D2. We noticed that padding mouse
sequences do not add value to the model and can even
diminish performance. Because bidirectional GRUs
learn from a sequence of data and attempt to identify
relationships between future and past coordinates, in-
cluding zero values with pre-padding in the input pre-
vents them from forming this relationship.
Table 2: Results of Experiment B.
User EER Accuracy AUC Score
7 0.1117 0.9349 0.9394
9 0.0525 0.9355 0.9850
12 0.2036 0.8762 0.8688
15 0.1241 0.8828 0.9517
16 0.0615 0.9462 0.9820
20 0.1000 0.9562 0.9797
21 0.1175 0.9097 0.9533
23 0.1000 0.9125 0.9719
29 0.0562 0.9829 0.9850
35 0.0824 0.9412 0.9806
All users 0.1010 0.9278 0.9597
Table 3: Results of Experiment C.
User EER Accuracy AUC Score
7 0.0609 0.9435 0.9750
9 0.0846 0.9212 0.9647
12 0.1829 0.8857 0.8844
15 0.1091 0.9212 0.978
16 0.1572 0.8847 0.9221
20 0.0680 0.9714 0.9752
21 0.0235 0.9714 0.9961
23 0.1684 0.8789 0.903
29 0.0737 0.9526 0.9839
35 0.1462 0.8683 0.9586
All users 0.1074 0.9199 0.9541
Table 4: Results of Experiment D1 (with padding).
User EER Accuracy AUC Score
7 0.0478 0.9696 0.9803
9 0.0360 0.9613 0.9882
12 0.0914 0.92 0.9621
15 0.1303 0.8818 0.9501
16 0.0546 0.9559 0.9700
20 0.0286 0.9739 0.9936
21 0.0340 0.9746 0.9803
23 0.0474 0.9632 0.9787
29 0.0263 0.9763 0.9898
35 0.0195 0.9379 0.9944
All users 0.0516 0.9515 0.9788
Our experiments provide evidence about the useful-
ness and effectiveness of mouse movements as an
online user re-authentication method; i.e. after the
user has logged in to the application. In a nutshell,
our model can predict whether mouse movement data
come from a legitimate user or an impersonator, with
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Results of Experiment D2 (without padding).
User EER Accuracy AUC Score
7 0.0 0.9905 1.0
9 0.0444 0.9839 0.9810
12 0.0834 0.9316 0.9563
15 0.1000 0.8983 0.9684
16 0.0269 0.9615 0.9966
20 0.0000 0.9438 1.0000
21 0.0585 0.9581 0.9819
23 0.0625 0.9156 0.9848
29 0.0000 1.000 1.000
35 0.0588 0.9559 0.9962
All users 0.0434 0.9539 0.9865
excellent performance (95.3% Accuracy and 98.6%
AUC), establishing new state-of-the-art results. Our
experiments show that training our model with a 2:1
negative:positive data ratio further improves perfor-
mance. Our experiments also show that sequence pre-
padding slightly decreases classification performance,
so it should be avoided.
We now have to ask ourselves how this model
compares against previous work. As discussed in sec-
tion 2, we identified only one state-of-the-art model
that could be compared to our work. Antal et al. (An-
tal and Fejer, 2020) trained a 1D-CNN model on the
Balabit dataset and achieved 93% Accuracy and 98%
AUC. Their model did not use ad-hoc feature engi-
neering but required explicit segmentation of mouse
actions. Our model achieved better performance us-
ing a simpler architecture that requires no data prepro-
cessing. Other competitive approaches are reported in
Table 6.
6.1 Limitations and Future Work
The main limitation of our mouse-based authentica-
tion method is that it requires mouse movements to
work, so it cannot be used on mobile devices, where
only a limited number of interactions (e.g. taps or
scrolls) is available. Previous work has proposed to
use mobile touch interactions for biometric authenti-
cation (Jorgensen and Yu, 2011; Yazji et al., 2009) but
the achieved classification performance was not ready
for production use. For a mobile scenario, it may
make more sense to rely on browser fingerprinting
techniques that could uniquely profile each user based
on hardware and browser settings, but this can only
prove something the user has (the mobile phone), not
what the user is (how they move their mouse).
Previous work has shown that a mouse-based bio-
metric system can be susceptible to reply attacks,
where the attacker captures or imitates the victim’s
mouse movements (Tan et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2019;
Lee et al., 2016). To address this, and thus avoid
bypassing the biometric system, additional measures
should be considered. For example, not allowing the
same sequence of mouse movements to be considered
for analysis or using full timestamps as an additional
(automatic) feature for classification, so that the bio-
metric system can compare the actual time against the
submitted mouse movements’ time.
For future work, it would be interesting to com-
bine mouse movements with other input modalities.
For example, previous work has experimented with
keyboard presses (Zheng et al., 2022; Handa et al.,
2019; Fridman et al., 2015; Traore et al., 2012; Roth
et al., 2014; Thomas and Mathew, 2022), however,
the reported results are no better than ours. Other au-
thors have proposed to combine mouse and eye move-
ments (Rose et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2020) but their
proposed classifiers degrade with an increasing num-
ber of users. For example, from 93% of F1-score with
5 users to 37% with 32 users (Rose et al., 2017). To-
gether with the fact that eye-tracking devices are ex-
pensive, these approaches are rendered impractical.
Finally, as hinted in INTRODUCTION section,
previous work has shown that mouse movements en-
code sensitive information about the user (Leiva et al.,
2021), therefore privacy issues may emerge if a clas-
sifier like ours is deployed without informing the user
or requiring their explicit consent. Overall, we be-
lieve it is important to reflect on the tradeoffs between
privacy and technological innovation, and the impact
that unethical practices may have on users.
Figure 3: System diagram of user re-authentication based
on mouse movements. Legal mouse movements are col-
lected on trusted sessions, established with primary authen-
tication methods. Authenticated sessions are then moni-
tored via mouse movements to verify impersonation.
We have presented a new approach for user re-
authentication using raw mouse movements as sole
input. Our approach, a 2-layer Bidirectional GRU,
is much simpler than any other model proposed in
previous work and can be trained for any user with
User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks
Table 6: State-of-the-art results on the Balabit dataset using automatic feature engineering approaches. Cells with ‘–’ denote
a result not reported in the respective paper. The best result is denoted in bold font.
Ref. Features Eval. metrics (%) Notes
(Tan et al., 2017) Smooth coords. 0.18 86.0 SVM
(Chong et al., 2018) Heatmaps 0.10 93.0 2D-CNN
(Antal and Fejer, 2020) Coord. offsets 93.0 98.0 1D-CNN, explicit segmentation
This paper Coord. offsets 0.04 95.3 98.6 BiGRU, no segmentation
just 80 seconds of mouse movement data which can
be collected on trusted sessions established after a
primary user authentication (Figure 3). Critically,
no manual preprocessing and no feature extraction
methods are needed, thereby making our classifier
suitable for practical real-time applications. Our
software is publicly available at
This work is supported by the Horizon 2020 FET pro-
gram of the European Union through the ERA-NET
Cofund funding (BANANA, grant CHIST-ERA-20-
BCI-001) and Horizon Europe’s European Innova-
tion Council through the Pathfinder program (SYM-
BIOTIK, grant 101071147).
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User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks