Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the
Ophelia Prillard
, Costas Boletsis
and Shukun Tokas
SINTEF Digital, Forskningsveien 1, 0373 Oslo, Norway
Data Privacy, Ethics, Extended Reality, Metaverse, User Privacy.
The significance of the metaverse has been growing rapidly within the online realm. However, several chal-
lenges remain, including privacy, ethics, and governance. Extended reality (XR) devices used to access the
metaverse are equipped with high-quality sensors that can collect large amounts of sensitive user data, includ-
ing biometric data and spatial data. Such considerations raise major concerns about the extent and nature of
user data that this massive platform could accumulate, the data collection awareness and transparency it will
provide to its users, and the ethical nature of the informed user consent it will request. This research aims
to document and analyze the privacy challenges that arise from a prevalent metaverse application, align them
with the related literature, and present an initial set of ethical design suggestions that can mitigate these privacy
challenges. To do so, a case study shapes and informs a set of ethical design suggestions. The user onboarding
of a prevalent multi-user/remote working metaverse application, Meta Horizon Workrooms, was documented
and modeled through a user journey modeling language, CJML. The walkthrough revealed certain challenges
regarding data privacy awareness, such as long, legally worded privacy policies, a hard-to-use user interface
that can affect privacy awareness, and ambiguous wording in data-collection notices. Several best practices re-
garding user privacy were examined to tackle these issues, and certain ethical design solutions (e.g., informed
user interface, design privacy icons, anonymization, logging, revising all consent) are suggested.
Since its inception, the concept of the metaverse has
been continuously evolving. It has been described in
various ways, such as a second life, 3D virtual worlds,
and life-logging (Wang et al., 2022; Sanchez, 2007;
Dionisio et al., 2013; Bruun and Stentoft, 2019). In
general, the metaverse is commonly defined as a fully
immersive, hyper spatiotemporal, and self-sustaining
virtual shared space that seamlessly blends elements
of the physical, human, and digital realms (Wang
et al., 2022; Ning et al., 2023). The metaverse is rec-
ognized as a developing paradigm in the next genera-
tion of the Internet, following the revolutions brought
about by the World Wide Web and mobile Internet.
Extended reality (XR) devices, such as the Microsoft
Hololens, Meta Quest, HTC Vive, and Apple Vision
Pro head-mounted displays (HMDs), are gateways to
the metaverse, enabling immersive digital experiences
and transforming how individuals experience this next
frontier of the internet (Warin and Reinhardt, 2022;
Wang et al., 2022). These devices are equipped with
a collection of sensors, such as cameras, proximity
sensors, gaze tracking sensors, microphones, temper-
ature sensors, and many more, that allow tracking of
users (e.g., face, hands, eye-gaze) and their surround-
ings (e.g., people, places, objects) (Warin and Rein-
hardt, 2022; Cheng et al., 2022).
In 2021, the metaverse concept swiftly gained
widespread popularity, rekindling optimism about the
possibility of forging an ideal virtual society charac-
terized by strong human connections. This surge in
interest prompted major corporations to pledge their
commitment to metaverse development, aligning with
their vision of a centralized virtual realm (Xu et al.,
2023; Wang et al., 2022). Perhaps the most promi-
nent among these companies is Meta, formerly Face-
book. In September 2019, Meta unveiled Meta Hori-
zon Worlds, a virtual reality (VR) social platform,
and Meta Horizon Workrooms, a virtual office and
meeting room environment, and allocated over $10
billion toward its metaverse initiative in 2021. No-
tably, Meta’s XR headset, the Quest 2, has achieved
Prillard, O., Boletsis, C. and Tokas, S.
Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse.
DOI: 10.5220/0012296500003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 333-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
remarkable success, boasting sales exceeding 10 mil-
lion units and securing its status as the cutting-edge,
top-selling VR product globally. Furthermore, in Au-
gust 2021, Nvidia introduced its plans for Omniverse,
the first-ever virtual collaboration and simulation plat-
form. In October 2022, Microsoft also made its mark
by presenting Mesh, a metaverse platform designed
to connect remote and hybrid workers (Cheng et al.,
2022; Fernandez and Hui, 2022; Wang et al., 2022).
Currently, there are a high number of metaverse-
related patents filed by major corporations (Murphy,
2022; IFI Claims Patent Services, 2022), further re-
vealing the business interest in the metaverse domain
(cf. (Stahl et al., 2020; Teller, 2023)).
The growing commercialization of the metaverse,
its highly centralized nature, and its multisensor-
based usage have raised major concerns from well-
established organizations, such as the International
Association of Privacy Professionals (Weingarden
and Artzt, 2022) and the World Economic Forum
(World Economic Forum, 2023), as well as the aca-
demic community (Wang et al., 2022; Di Pietro and
Cresci, 2021; Fernandez and Hui, 2022), about the
extent and nature of the data this massive platform
could accumulate, the data collection awareness and
transparency it will provide to its users, and the eth-
ical nature of the informed user consent it will re-
quest (Di Pietro and Cresci, 2021; Fernandez and Hui,
The constant surveillance from XR devices to
deliver more immersive experiences in combination
with the users’ vulnerable, immersed cognitive state
can jeopardize their privacy and safety. Biomet-
ric data, such as gaze features, gait recognition,
face prints, voice prints, heart rate, and temperature,
can be used to accurately profile users, analyzing
their actions, reactions, and emotions as they inter-
act with content and other users. Surveillance cap-
italism (Zuboff, 2019) and respective profiling prac-
tices based on sensitive biometric data are currently
a significant privacy risk for the metaverse. Poten-
tial applications of these practices could be to provide
highly targeted and personalized user content (e.g.,
advertisements) or even shape user beliefs (Fernandez
and Hui, 2022; Roesner et al., 2014; Di Pietro and
Cresci, 2021; Warin and Reinhardt, 2022; Dwivedi
et al., 2022). That raises even more significant con-
cerns when combined with the fact that many XR
headsets and metaverse software can be used by users
younger than 18. For example, Meta Quest can be
used by users aged 13+
(Cheng et al., 2022; Choi,
2022; Lee et al., 2022). Moreover, camera record-
Meta Quest safety information for parents and pre-
ings of physical surroundings, taking place through
XR devices, can reveal the users’ physical location
with high accuracy, and business data privacy may be
compromised when the metaverse is used for remote
working. Hence, sensitive business data is shared in
metaverse settings.
This paradigm shift in the way individuals, com-
munities, and institutions engage offers positive av-
enues, such as enhanced avatar anonymity, and daunt-
ing challenges, especially concerning privacy, with
the metaverse’s inherent profiling, monitoring, and
potential privacy invasions emphasizing the ethical
dilemmas tied to sensitive data collection (European
Data Protection Supervisor, 2022).
This early stage presents the first step in design-
ing for user privacy and data privacy awareness in the
metaverse from an ethical standpoint. The goal of this
research is to document and analyze the privacy chal-
lenges that come from a prevalent metaverse applica-
tion, align them with the related literature, and present
an initial set of ethical design suggestions that can
mitigate these privacy challenges. This work’s contri-
bution resides in (i) presenting an empirical, method-
ological approach for evaluating the privacy stages of
metaverse application, (ii) describing a set of ethical
design suggestions that researchers and practitioners
can use in the field and inform their designs, and (iii)
raising awareness on the topic of user privacy in the
metaverse. The project’s vision is to produce an eth-
ical design framework for privacy by design in the
2.1 Methodology
A case study is carried out to approach the aforemen-
tioned goal. Based on the designed methodology, the
user onboarding process in a prevalent metaverse ap-
plication is documented and modeled, at first, through
a user interface walkthrough.
Then, the documented user onboarding is ana-
lyzed as to the potential privacy-related challenges
and gaps that users may face. The main focus is
to extract and analyze how users are informed about
privacy disclosures (often termed privacy notices),
how the consent is requested from the users, and
how much control they have over their collected data.
Identifying the potential challenges and gaps is based
on the authors’ heuristic evaluation of the onboarding
as experts in usability, user experience, privacy, and
extended reality.
Finally, based on the results of the analysis, a set
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: The Meta Quest Pro headset.
of ethical design suggestions (i.e., mitigation actions)
are proposed. These suggestions come from a scoping
literature review on privacy-related best practices.
Overall, the methodology is designed with a map-
ping approach in mind, addressing the ”cold start”
issue that can be present early in designing the ini-
tial set of potential solutions for user privacy aware-
ness in the metaverse. Furthermore, the visualiza-
tion of the user onboarding process, as both an in-
terface walkthrough and a journey model, allows for
the combination of experiential/qualitative elements
(from the walkthrough) and quantitative observations
(from modeling), thus providing clearer documenta-
tion of the privacy challenges users may face.
2.2 Apparatus & Software
For the case study, the Meta Quest Pro XR headset
(Fig. 1) was used. Meta Quest Pro is an advancement
over the top-selling XR headset, Meta Quest 2. Meta
Quest Pro features a variety of tracking options that
are expected to become commonplace very soon (e.g.,
with the Apple Vision Pro XR device
), such as face-,
eye-, and hand-tracking, to enable an immersive expe-
rience and more natural avatar expressions and move-
ments. More specifically, it features five cameras for
room scale, two cameras for face tracking, three cam-
eras per controller for self-tracking, and three cameras
for eye tracking. As for sensors, it is equipped with an
ambient light sensor, accelerometer, proximity sensor,
gyrometer, barometer, and magnetometer.
Regarding the application used in the case study,
the virtual office environment of Meta Horizon Work-
rooms (v1.15) was chosen. Horizon Workrooms is
part of Meta’s popular Horizon metaverse brand and
has been widely used in research in the fields of edu-
Meta Quest Pro,
Apple Vision Pro,
Figure 2: CJMLs communication model with a sender
transmitting a message to a receiver through a communi-
cation channel (upper part). The visual representation of
a touchpoint in the case of a journey diagram (left) and a
swimlane diagram (right) (Boletsis et al., 2021).
cation and networking, among others (Zolezzi et al.,
2023; Skorupska et al., 2022; Hedrick et al., 2022;
Hwang et al., 2023; Alhilal et al., 2023; Cheng et al.,
2022). Horizon Workrooms has also been used in
Colombia for the first court hearing in the metaverse
(Bello, 2023).
2.3 User Onboarding & Modeling
The user onboarding for the Meta Horizon Work-
rooms application has been recorded as a user inter-
face walkthrough, and the videos can be accessed
Video 1 presents a ”privacy-unaware” user journey
(i.e., the user immediately consents to all data col-
lection), while Video 2 shows a ”privacy-aware” user
journey, where the user opens the privacy notices and
chooses not to share data. The purpose of showing
both onboarding processes is to provide readers with
more complete documentation of the user onboarding
process. It also provides insight into how these two
onboarding journeys can differ.
Then, the walkthrough was modeled using the
CJML modeling language to visualize its parts clearly
and quantitatively. CJML represents a visual lan-
guage designed to model and illustrate service and
work processes in the context of customer or user
journeys. This approach is informed by a user-centric
design methodology, making it accessible and intu-
itive to a wide range of users (Halvorsrud et al.,
2021; Halvorsrud et al., 2016). In CJML, the fun-
damental building blocks are observable touchpoints,
which can be either a ”communication event” or a
”non-communicative activity or action.” A user’s path
Video recordings of user onboarding.
Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse
Figure 3: The CJML-created user journey model for the user onboarding process of Meta Horizon Workrooms, using the
Meta Quest Pro. The blue-bordered icons are actions initiated by Meta asking for user input. A full-scale copy of the figure
can be accessed at:
through these touchpoints to achieve a specific goal
is referred to as a ”user journey” (Halvorsrud et al.,
2021; Halvorsrud et al., 2016; Halvorsrud et al.,
2023). CJML offers two distinct diagram types, each
serving a unique purpose (as illustrated in Figure 2).
The ”journey diagram” best suits journeys involving
only a few actors and highlights deviations from the
planned journey. On the other hand, the ”swimlane
diagram” is valuable for journeys that involve multi-
ple actors, emphasizing both the initiator and the re-
cipient of each touchpoint (Halvorsrud et al., 2021;
Halvorsrud et al., 2016; Halvorsrud et al., 2023)
A journey diagram (Fig. 3) was designed for this
case study. The blue touchpoints denote the commu-
nication initiated by Meta, involving requests for user
input, notably through consent requests. Most of the
time, user input involves reading and agreeing with
some type of text, as seen in video recordings
. The
modeling was carried out by the authors, who have
vast experience in the use of CJML, and it was super-
vised by the creator of CJML, Dr. Halvorsrud.
2.4 Evaluation Results
Expert evaluation of the user onboarding process for
the Meta Horizon Workrooms application using the
Meta Quest Pro headset revealed challenges related
to data privacy and user privacy awareness. The
main theme that runs through the identified chal-
lenges is that the UI of the device and the applica-
tion are not properly designed to facilitate the deliv-
ery of privacy-related information, specifically in XR
settings. These challenges are described below.
Users must read quite long texts of privacy notices
and terms before deciding on consent. For instance,
to create a Meta Quest account, the user agrees to the
terms that describe how they can read the ”Meta Pri-
vacy Policy” and the ”Supplemental Privacy Policy”
to learn how their data are collected, shared, and used.
The Supplemental Privacy Policy (effective 25 July
2023) consists of approximately 9,000 words. The
printable version of the Meta Privacy Policy (effective
7 September 2023) contains approximately 26,800
words. In the Meta Horizon Workrooms, the exten-
sive text of the Supplemental Privacy Policy (effective
1 January 2023) is displayed in a confined scroll area,
posing readability challenges, particularly in XR set-
tings. Notably, the texts for the additional policies,
such as the face tracking, eye tracking, and fit ad-
justments policies, are delivered as text on webpages
through WebView.
Figure 4: An example of an ”accept” button for sharing data
that is visualized with bright blue color and a ”reject” button
in dark grey. There is also another link right above the two
buttons (Hands Privacy Notice) that is styled like regular
text (00:40 in Video 1).
The UI design choices regarding buttons, links,
scrollbars, and window sizes make it challenging to
access all the necessary information to provide in-
formed consent. In most cases, the positive consent
option that enables data sharing (e.g., tracking of nat-
ural facial expressions, eye tracking, and fit adjust-
ments) is highlighted in bright blue. The negative op-
tion is highlighted in dark gray (Fig. 4). When users
do not consent to tracking, such as hand tracking, they
can only click a ”Not Now” button. Upon reappear-
ance, the ”Permanent Dismiss” option is displayed as
text positioned below the two other buttons, necessi-
tating deliberate consideration before selection. The
way users are prompted to enable features that come
with a policy notice vary and can be inconsistent and
unclear. In some cases, it is delivered as a text link in
a different color, as a ”Learn More” button, or even
as regular, unstyled text that behaves as a link only on
hover (like the Hands Privacy Notice link above the
two buttons in Fig. 4). Moreover, identifying scrol-
lable panels is challenging since some hovering ac-
tion must take place to be highlighted as a scrollable
area (Fig. 5). Finally, even though Horizon Work-
rooms deliver content in large windows, the windows
become much smaller when it comes to information
on privacy policies and consent (Fig. 6).
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
When it comes to consent forms, there were neg-
ative consent options that, when selected, prevented
users from proceeding, as they were considered nec-
essary for the application. For instance, to access
Horizon Workrooms, the user must enable hand track-
ing and agree to the ”Hands Tracking Notice. Per-
mission is mandatory to enter the application. How-
ever, once inside, users seamlessly navigate and oper-
ate with the controllers. This reveals a more signifi-
cant concern since it is unclear which specific data is
being collected in real-time while using the applica-
tion, what data is needed and requested by the soft-
ware, and what is needed by the hardware. More-
over, during the onboarding process, there are sev-
eral consecutive consent requests (Fig. 3) that deal
with a specific subject (e.g., tracking) but are deliv-
ered in a gradual, serial way, piece-by-piece. Finally,
despite the presence of privacy menus enabling users
to toggle additional tracking options on/off, the pri-
vacy policies, the Meta Privacy Policy, and the Sup-
plemental Meta Platforms Technologies Privacy Pol-
icy are non-negotiable. Declining or revising them is
not an option if the user intends to use the headset or
the application.
Figure 5: An example of a window with a ”hidden” scroll-
bar that appears only on hover, revealing that the application
will also request eye tracking.
Figure 6: An example of a window requesting tracking con-
sent and its size compared to its surroundings and user’s
3.1 General Observations
As stated above, the expert evaluation of the user on-
boarding process for the Meta Horizon Workrooms
application identified several challenges regarding the
UI design of the application. More specifically, it re-
vealed how challenging it can be for users to achieve
full privacy awareness in XR settings. Naturally,
these challenges can be attributed to uninformed de-
sign choices. Nevertheless, literature tends to connect
these challenging UI settings (especially when bio-
metric data is shared) with ”dark patterns. Dark pat-
terns are sophisticated, manipulative, and deceptive
interfaces that can deceive, steer, or manipulate users
into behavior (e.g., buying products, giving consent
without reading privacy notices) that is profitable for
online services/platforms etc. (Gunawan et al., 2022).
Based on the literature, Meta is known for us-
ing dark patterns, leading to the coining of the term
”privacy zuckering” (Gunawan et al., 2022; B
et al., 2016). The term was first introduced by Tim
Jones in an EFF article (Jones, 2010) for “deliberately
confusing jargon and user-interfaces, and it refers to
the use of dark patterns (B
osch et al., 2016). It was
also observed that the applications adhere to the data
protection by default principle, as it initially disables
face, eye, and hand tracking features. However, it
can be pointed out that the current UX design (Fig 4,
Fig 6) may inadvertently influence users toward en-
abling tracking features.
Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse
3.2 Privacy Notices
”Designers use dark patterns to hide, deceive, and
goad users into disclosure. They confuse users by
asking questions in ways non-experts cannot under-
stand, they obfuscate by hiding interface elements that
could help users protect their privacy, they require
registration and associated disclosures to access func-
tionality, and hide malicious behavior in the abyss
of legalese privacy policies. (Waldman, 2020). In
this case study, the Supplemental Privacy Policy con-
sists of approximately 9,000 words, while the print-
able version of the Meta Privacy Policy consists of
approximately 26,800 words. It would take the aver-
age user 37 minutes and two and a half hours to read
these policies alone, based on the average reading rate
(238 words/minute (Brysbaert, 2019)). Realistically,
expecting users to spend that much time reading pri-
vacy notices while attempting to use a metaverse ap-
plication is highly unlikely, meaning they may not be
fully privacy-aware when they consent to sharing data
due to inherent, problematic design decisions.
3.3 User Interface
At the same time, the user has to read through and
consent to several consecutive policies while having
to deal with (i) hidden scrollbars, (ii) small window
size, (iii) inconsistently styled buttons (shiny/blue
buttons versus grey ones), and (iv) inconsistently
styled hyperlinks. One might say that these design
choices belong to dark patterns under the interface in-
terference (Gray et al., 2023; European Data Protec-
tion Board, 2023) practice, making it hard for users to
navigate the data practices and privacy controls. More
specifically, points (i) and (ii), mentioned above, may
fall under the aesthetic manipulation practice to chal-
lenge users’ access to information, point (iii) may
be stirring (i.e., guiding users toward the ”shiny”
choice), and point (iv) could utilize the inconsistent
interface practice to challenge users’ cognitive mem-
ory and, again, challenge their access to information
(Gray et al., 2023; European Data Protection Board,
2023; Waldman, 2020).
3.4 Consent
In general, dark patterns to obtain user consent raise
significant concerns in light of the General Data Pro-
tection Regulation (GDPR)
(Voigt and Von dem
Bussche, 2017). Article 7 of the GDPR underscores
the necessity for clear, distinguishable privacy notice,
emphasizing users’ right to withdraw consent at any
time. In this case study, the Meta privacy notices are
fairly detailed. Nevertheless, the complex nature of
data processing, storage, and sharing can be confus-
ing for the average user. Ambiguous wording for sen-
sitive data (gaze and facial tracking data) could poten-
tially lead to misunderstandings and concerns about
privacy. For example, the terms ”raw image data,
”abstracted facial expression data, and ”abstracted
gaze data” do not explicitly list what they entail and
can be difficult to understand (for experts and average
users). Another example is in the event of a crash, eye
calibration data might be sent to Meta servers, but the
purpose and duration of its retention on the servers
are unclear. Several statements, such as ”crash logs
are stored on Meta servers until no longer necessary,
can be vague about the specific duration for data re-
tention. In addition, users can, indeed, disable hand-
, face-, and eye-tracking, yet to the author’s knowl-
edge, there was no option to withdraw all consent,
which may not be aligned with Article 7’s require-
ment. Finally, ”dark patterns also make disclosure
‘irresistible’ by connecting information sharing to in-
app benefits” (Waldman, 2020), something that is the
case herein (e.g., giving consent for facial tracking
is advertised as a best practice to create an attractive
and expressive avatar that mimics user’s facial expres-
sions in real time).
3.5 Design Suggestions
In this work, the focus is on a single hardware de-
vice and a specific application. Naturally, any con-
cerns regarding user privacy awareness or dark pat-
terns cannot be proof of their existence in all XR hard-
ware and metaverse applications. However, they can
be indications and cautionary tales for any metaverse-
related hardware/software. At this point, after iden-
tifying certain privacy-related challenges under spe-
cific metaverse settings and aligning them with re-
lated research, several ethical design suggestions are
proposed, aiming to mitigate the aforementioned is-
sues. To formulate the suggestions, the works of (a)
Fernandez et al. (Fernandez and Hui, 2022) on pri-
vacy, governance, and ethical design in the metaverse,
(b) the XRSI Privacy Framework (XR Safety Initia-
tive, 2020) on a layered structure focused on privacy
within an XR system, and (c) Abraham et al. (Abra-
ham et al., 2022) on a useful list of recommendations
for secure and private XR systems, were taken into
great consideration. Finally, the review by Heurix et
al. (Heurix et al., 2015) on privacy-enhancing tech-
nologies (PET) was also utilized.
Fig. 7 provides an overview of the ethical design
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 7: An overview of ethical design suggestions for data privacy and user privacy awareness in the metaverse.
suggestions based on the privacy-related use stages.
In general, it is imperative that the UI is user-friendly
and easy-to-use throughout the metaverse use. Ap-
plying usability heuristics and XR-focused UI design
guidelines would ensure that users are not challenged
by UI elements while attempting to achieve privacy
awareness. Specific suggestions for each privacy-
related use stage follow.
Privacy Awareness. Long privacy notices can
be summarized using privacy icons to effectively
convey privacy choices. Icons can convey infor-
mation visually and succinctly (Massironi et al.,
2001). Privacy icons are collections of standard-
ized, easily understandable, and user-friendly vi-
sual symbols. These symbols represent various
aspects of specific data handling practices, as-
sessed in terms of their associated risks and ac-
companied by concise textual descriptions. As a
result, users can better grasp potential privacy im-
plications, leading to decreased uncertainty and
enabling more informed decision-making (Efroni
et al., 2019; Holtz et al., 2011).
User Consent. At this stage, it is important to
provide users with more flexibility than merely
sharing the data or being unable to use the appli-
cation. De-identification, specifically, anonymiza-
tion and pseudonymization, can allow users to use
the applications while preserving their privacy.
Anonymization can transform data in such a way
that it can no longer be used to identify an indi-
vidual, even when combined with other data, and
pseudonymization can replace or encrypt person-
ally identifiable information (PII) with artificial
identifiers or pseudonyms (Heurix et al., 2015;
n and Pikul
ık, 2019). Moreover, addi-
tional flexibility is needed because users should
be able to give or refuse consent to or anonymize
or pseudonymize individual data practices. Inte-
grated consent bundled together with multiple and
diverse data practices should be discouraged.
Using Metaverse. When using a metaverse appli-
cation, it can be crucial to combat user uncertainty
about privacy through transparency. Privacy-
related information about exactly what data are
being shared at any specific time can be pro-
vided through discrete, real-time visualizations
(e.g., with privacy icons). At the same time, any
data-sharing transaction can be stored in an easily
accessible log file that contains a detailed account
of the activity (e.g., a timestamp of the transac-
tion and data type). Direct access to all shared
datasets and personal data (e.g., by a single link
or a menu item) is also essential (Heurix et al.,
2015; Abraham et al., 2022). In the same way, di-
rect and easy access should be provided to all con-
sent forms that users have decided upon in the past
and not to just some of the choices (e.g., tracking).
That way, users can re-read all the forms and re-
vise their consent at any time, benefiting from the
application of GDPR’s Article 7
These suggestions, as formulated in this work,
provide the starting material toward a methodological,
iterative, ”evaluation-and-refinement” stage, where
other metaverse applications can be evaluated as to
their user privacy and data privacy awareness and,
therefore, lead to the following evaluation and refine-
ment of these design suggestions.
The metaverse is rapidly expanding, accompanied by
the proliferation of sensor-equipped XR devices. This
Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse
growth presents a pressing concern regarding data pri-
vacy and user awareness for informed consent. Our
research aimed to address this concern by developing
and presenting an ethical design framework tailored
to the metaverse.
The case of a prevalent application, the Meta Hori-
zon Workrooms, was studied to achieve this goal. A
detailed walkthrough of the onboarding process us-
ing the Meta Quest Pro HMD was implemented. The
analysis unveiled several noteworthy issues, mainly
raising concerns about the potential employment of
dark pattern design choices, which could push for the
acquisition of sensitive data, such as biometric infor-
mation. Then, the investigation was linked to work
in the field, leading to an initial set of ethical design
suggestions that can be further studied and applied in
future work.
It must be noted that the generalizability of the
formed ethical design suggestions is limited by the
focused part of the metaverse evaluation presented
herein, even if all parts are grounded in literature.
However, this work represents the very first step to-
ward a complete ethical design framework for privacy
by design. These suggestions are promising starting
material to be used by researchers and practitioners
in the field to further conduct evaluation studies of
existing metaverse applications and implement them
as part of new or open-source metaverse applications
that will be empirically studied. It is expected that
an iterative design process will take place to evaluate
and refine them before solidifying them into an ethi-
cal design framework. Ultimately, this research plans
to contribute to a safer and more ethically designed
metaverse environment for all users.
This research was supported by the SINTEF projects
”VisD: Extented Reality Visualization on Data
Privacy Awareness” and ”TrustworthyMetaverse”,
funded by the Basic Funding through the Research
Council of Norway. We would like to thank Dr.
Halvorsrud for her valuable contribution to the appli-
cation of CJML.
Abraham, M., Saeghe, P., Mcgill, M., and Khamis, M.
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