Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for
Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations
Jackie (Chris) Scott
, Yair Levy
, Wei Li
and Ajoy Kumar
College of Computing and Engineering, Nova Southeastern University,
3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33314, U.S.A.
Keywords: Phishing, Spear-Phishing, Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA), Business Email
Compromise (BEC), Red Team, Phishing Campaigns, Phishing Training.
Abstract: Although there have been numerous significant technological advancements in the last several decades, there
continues to be a real threat as it pertains to social engineering, especially phishing, spear-phishing, and
Business Email Compromise (BEC). While the technologies to protect end-users have gotten better, the
‘human factor’ in cybersecurity is the main penetration surface. These three phishing methods are used by
attackers to infiltrate corporate networks and manipulate end-users, especially through business email. Our
research study was aimed at assessing several phishing mitigation methods, including phishing training and
campaign methods, as well as any human characteristics that enable a successful cyberattack through business
email. Following expert panel validation for the experimental procedure, a pilot study with 172 users and then
a full study with 552 users were conducted to collect six actual end-users’ negative response actions to
phishing campaigns conducted with traditional Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product (KnowBe4) and
a red team. Users were randomly assigned to three groups: no training; traditional training; and longitudinal
customized training with 1,104 data points collected. While the phishing method was significant, our results
indicate that current training methods appear to provide little to no added value vs. no training at all.
The role of Information Security (ISec) continues to
be the first line of defense in guarding Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) of the end-users of
modern Information Systems (IS) (Ho, 2018). As the
focus on email threats continues to strengthen from
attackers, it is imperative to research the success
factors of these attacks so that steps can be taken to
guard against email sabotage, financial ransom, email
compromise, and hacking (Costantino et al., 2018).
Salahdine and Kaabouch (2019) stated that social
engineering, specifically phishing and Business
Email Compromise (BEC) campaigns, are on the rise
and it is critical to understand the factors behind it and
the impact on Intellectual Property (IP). While the
research on social engineering goes back to the mid-
1990s, the research on specific phishing and BEC
topics, outcomes, and mitigations are starting to gain
momentum in academia as it is a serious threat to IP.
The research problem that this study addressed is
the continued growth of cyberattacks targeting
businesses via email to impersonate the corporate
end-user for causing significant financial damages to
organizations (FBI, 2019). Further, lack of
cybersecurity knowledge and skills contribute to the
enablement of up to 95% of cybersecurity threats,
which lead to significant financial and IP loss to
businesses (Carlton & Levy, 2015). The Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3) stated that successful
cybercrime attacks were responsible for $4.2 billion
in financial losses in 2020, in the United States (U.S.)
alone (FBI IC3, 2020). Phishing is one type of social
engineering, which is defined as a scalable act of
deception whereby impersonation is used to obtain
Scott, J., Levy, Y., Li, W. and Kumar, A.
Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012281600003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 643-651
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
information from the target (Lastdrager, 2014). These
attacks have become increasingly more sophisticated
with attackers using very customized business emails
to lure corporate end-users to trust and act on them
(Kotson & Shultz, 2015).
The main goal of our research study was to
compare email phishing training methods (annual
industry-standard awareness training and continuous
customized social engineering Security Education,
Training, and Awareness (SETA) program) and email
phishing campaign methods (industry-standard
phishing campaign and a Red Team phishing
campaign) and their role in mitigating simulated
email phishing attempts in organizations. The
traditional Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
platform utilized to deliver both the SETA and
traditional phishing campaigns was KnowBe4
( KnowBe4 was used to
create one of the email phishing campaigns, and the
other was created by a Red Team during the
penetration testing period. KnowBe4 also acted as the
single instrument for gathering data on the success of
malicious emails when delivered to corporate end-
users. The secondary goal of our research study was
to assess any statistical mean differences between the
three groups of users (two types of training and no
training), the campaign methods (via COTS or via
Red Team), and their impact on actual email phishing
mitigation behavior by the corporate end-users when
controlled by five demographic factors.
1.1 Research Questions
RQ1: What are the approved components of the
experimental procedures for the phishing training and
campaign methods according to cybersecurity
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)?
RQ2: What level of validity of the experimental
procedures the phishing training and campaign
methods is sufficient according to cybersecurity
RQ3: Are there any statistically significant mean
differences between the use of an annual industry-
standard phishing training, continuous customized
social engineering focused training, and a control
group without training, on end-users’ negative
response to malicious emails?
RQ4: Are there any statistically significant mean
differences between the use of an industry-standard
phishing campaign and a Red Team phishing
campaign on end-users’ negative response to
malicious emails?
RQ5: Are there any statistically significant mean
differences between the phishing training methods
(an annual industry-standard phishing awareness
training vs. continuous customized social
engineering-focused training vs. no training - control)
and the phishing campaign methods (industry-
standard phishing campaign vs. Red Team phishing
campaign) on end-users’ negative response to
malicious emails?
RQ6: Are there any statistically significant mean
differences between the use of an annual industry-
standard phishing training, continuous customized
social engineering-focused training, and a control
group without training, on end-users’ negative
response to malicious emails, when controlled for
participants’: (a) age, (b) gender, (c) job role, (d)
location (clinic vs. admin), and (e) years of job
RQ7: Are there any statistically significant mean
differences between the use of an industry-standard
phishing campaign and a Red Team phishing
campaign on end-users’ negative response to
malicious emails, when controlled for participants’:
(a) age, (b) gender, (c) job role, (d) location (clinic vs.
admin), and (e) years of job experience?
A literature review was conducted to provide a
theoretical foundation for our research study focused
on phishing mitigation methods. Based on the overall
increase in cyberattacks, and the many high-profile
ransomware and data theft cases over the last several
years, phishing mitigation remains a primary goal in
every organization. Most current statistics state that
over 90% of successful cyberattacks and breaches
begin as a phish. With every organization’s
dependency on email, coupled with the fact that over
three billion phishing emails are sent every day
around the globe (Earthweb, 2022), it appears there is
a need to continue researching phishing mitigation
A literature review of social engineering, SETA,
and email phishing mitigation methods in the
cybersecurity research field has been conducted to
provide a foundation for this research study. While
many studies have focused on types of social
engineering, phishing continues to be the number one
cause of successful cyberattacks in organizations. The
FBI IC3 (2021) stated over 90% of all data breaches
start as a phish and may be increasing by as much as
400% per year. Phishing success and its negative
impact on organizations is widely publicized and
known, however, this research study will focus on
what is unknown in this field. What is unknown, as it
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
relates to successful phishing email attacks in
organizations, is the impact that various forms of
phishing training programs coupled with various
phishing campaign methods have on phishing
mitigation. Another mitigation method, the Intrusion
Detection and Prevention System (IDPS), was also
discussed as part of the literature review, however,
the focus of our study was contained within the
corporate email environment and not the external
network. We believe that our study addresses a
current gap in the body of knowledge as it relates to
phishing attacks and how to effectively mitigate them
in an organizational environment.
This experimental research targeted the difference
between phishing training methods and phishing
campaign methods when controlled by multiple
factors. In Phase 1, we developed a baseline measure
between training and campaign results leveraging an
expert panel of cybersecurity professionals utilizing
the Delphi method. The expert panel consisted of 50
cybersecurity SMEs to conduct the review. The
Delphi method is a demonstrated technique in the
field of IS in the development of the experiment with
SMEs (Ramim & Lichvar, 2014). Phase 2 of our
study included a randomized participant sample
selection of 30 business professionals for each quasi-
experiment. Phase 3 of our study further expanded on
phishing training methods versus phishing campaign
methods results but was controlled by demographic
indicators and vulnerability action types to quantify
any statistically significant differences. The specific
end-user negative response actions measured during
Phase 2 and Phase 3 are noted in Table 1.
Table 1: The Six End-User Negative Response Actions
Measures (Increase in Severity).
No. End-User Action
1. Non-identification of phishing email
2. Clicking/opening a phishing email
3. Replying/forwarding to others
4. Opening/executing attachments
5. Enabling macros
6. Data entry to a malicious website
3.1 SMEs Instrument
The 50 targeted cybersecurity SMEs were recruited
through many different methods, including social
media (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), as well as word of
mouth and personal network facilitation. Once the
SME panel was finalized, each person received a link
to the “Cybersecurity SME Survey” using the Google
platform. Ultimately this survey confirmed
the approved components of the experimental
procedures, as well as validated their use as part of
the research experiments. The outcome of the SME
instrument results was used to positively confirm
RQ1 and RQ2 of this research study.
3.2 Organizational End-User
This study leveraged a COTS platform that provided
reporting as to the behavior of the end-user. During
the email phishing campaigns, the negative response
actions related to the vulnerability types were logged
for every email and every end-user in that specific
campaign. This industry-standard reporting platform
(KnowBe4) provided a detailed analysis of the
campaign, regardless of method (Industry-standard or
Red Team).
3.3 Data Analysis
3.3.1 Phase I: SMEs Validation
Quantitative data collection methods were used in
Phase 1 for the collection of cybersecurity SMEs’
inputs with validation of current email phishing
mitigation methods, as well as email phishing training
and campaign methods. The specific data collection
method was a short survey sent by email to the
selected SMEs. According to Kost and Correa da
Rosa (2018), a shorter survey instrument holds the
potential to dramatically improve the response rate as
opposed to a longer survey. This shorter survey was
created utilizing a 7-point Likert scale for non-
demographic questions and will rate agreement from
(1) Strongly Disagree through (7) Strongly Agree.
The Delphi methodology was used to ensure the
reliability and validity of the instrument utilized for
this research study. This methodology is oftentimes
used to summarize the agreement between the SME
group as to the applicability of the measurement
instrument. Walker and Selfe (1996) stated that a 70%
agreement in the survey questions by respondents was
an acceptable rate to validate the instrument and
move forward with this study, which we followed.
3.3.2 Phase II: Pilot Study
Phase 2 consisted of a pilot study with randomized
participants grouped into one of two developed
treatments (Industry-standard and Red Team) as well
Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations
as a control group (no training). Pilot data was
collected, and data analysis was performed using one-
way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The
experiment was revised per the preliminary data
analysis and the results aided in adjusting the research
measures to ensure internal validity. This study
utilized the linear statistical models to address the
research questions utilizing SPSS
version 28. The statistical analysis one-way ANOVA
was used to assess significant mean differences
between the variables being studied (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2016).
3.3.3 Phase III: Main Study
Phase 3 incorporated the findings from the pilot study
in Phase 2 and used this information to perform the
main study. All data gathered on the population came
from a System Administrator on the Chief
Technology Officers (CTO) team. In addition, all
needed information to codify and analyze the data
was provided by this separate team. All data to
answer demographic questions as part of RQ6 and
RQ7 was provided by the team based on the employee
ID of the participants. All end-user participants were
required to provide consent in email to be considered
for the research study. No PII was provided during
data collection for the experiments per IRB
4.1 Phase I: Cybersecurity SME
Survey Feedback
RQ1 and RQ2 were answered through a survey
instrument during the first phase of this research
study. Participation in the Cybersecurity SME survey
was facilitated by sending an email invitation to 50
potential candidates within the network of work,
school, and personal acquaintances, with a goal of 25
respondents. Of the 50 potential candidates, 27 or
54% response rate, cybersecurity SMEs completed
the survey over a period of about three weeks.
4.1.1 Phase I: SMEs Validation
In addition to the demographics captured, the
cybersecurity SME group also provided inputs to
answer both RQ1 and RQ2. The survey answers
provided positive feedback on both the approved
components and the level of validity of the
experiment based on Delphi consensus thresholds. In
general, Delphi consensus thresholds range from 51%
to 100%, however, a 75% or greater score is standard
and, therefore, is an acceptable threshold for decision-
making (Dupuis et al., 2016). For RQ1, the SME
panel was asked to rate the six “end-user negative
response actions” used to score the experiment (Table
2), as well as the two different campaign methods that
were to be used in both the pilot and main studies
(Table 3).
Table 2: SME % Agreement for Six End-user Negative
Response Actions (N=27).
Table 3: SME % Agreement for Phishing Campaign
Methods (N=27).
In addition to the approval of the experimental
procedures (RQ1), the SME respondents were asked
to provide feedback on the validity of the overall
experiment and the significance of phishing overall in
the world of cybersecurity (RQ2). Based on the
responses regarding the SMEs level of knowledge
around phishing and phishing campaigns (96%
agreement) coupled with the direct question about the
“significance of phishing today” (also 96%
agreement) showed clear support of the measures..
4.2 Phase II: Pilot Study
4.2.1 Pilot Study Data Collection
The pilot study was conducted to confirm the ability
to acquire the needed data for the main study, as well
as to test the procedures in which the data was
collected. In this phase, a random selection of three
distinct groups of organizational end-users were
chosen to test and confirm the process. First, a group
of 30 unique organizational end-users were selected
who were new to the organization and had not been
exposed to any previous phishing training from the
company. Second, a separate group of 30 unique
organizational end-users were selected to receive an
annual, industry-standard phishing training of 30
minutes. Last, a separate group of 30 unique
organizational end-users were selected to receive
customized, continuous phishing training, consisting
User not able to
Clicking /
Replying /
Enabling a
Data entry
when prompted
Averages 5.93 6.04 5.74 6.52 6.11 6.30
Stand Dev 1.2066 1.2855 1.5589 0.9352 1.6718 1.1373
% Agreement 85% 89% 85% 96% 85% 93%
Red Team
Averages 5.44 5.85
Stand Dev 1.7172 1.6572
% Agreement 81% 89%
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
of eight short videos of less than five minutes in
After the 4-week training phase of the data
collection process, the phishing campaigns
commenced. Each week for two weeks, all three
groups were phished twice a week by both phishing
campaign methods (Industry-standard and Red
Team). The KnowBe4 platform was able to collect
data on all six negative end-user responses by
providing a count of clicks for each action. The pilot
data upon completion consisted of two sets of 86
responses (No training 28, Annual 29, Continuous 29)
for 172 discrete responses to analyze. During the pilot
data collection phase, there were no demographic
indicators captured. To further confirm the data
collection process was accurate, an analysis of the
pilot data was completed to test the results for RQ3
and RQ4.
4.2.2 Pilot Data Analysis
Table 4 shows the output of the one-way ANOVA for
RQ3 to determine any mean differences.
Table 4: One-way ANOVA Output for RQ3 Using Pilot
Data (N=172).
Based on the output of the ANOVA, there appear
to be no statistically significant mean differences
between the phishing training method and the six
negative response actions (p values above 0.05, see
Table 4). This result would indicate that the training
method is overall not an important factor in
determining negative end-user response actions.
Table 5 shows the output of the one-way ANOVA for
RQ4 to determine any mean differences.
Based on the output of the ANOVA, there appear
to be several statistically significant mean differences
between the phishing campaign method and the six
negative end-user response actions. The mean
differences for four of the six were statistically
significant (See Table 5). This result indicates the
way the phishing campaign method is conducted has
a significant impact on end-user negative response
Table 5: One-way ANOVA Output for RQ4 Using Pilot
Data (N=172)
4.3 Phase III: Main Study
4.3.1 Main Study Data Collection
Like the pilot, in this phase, a random selection of three
distinct groups of organizational end-users was chosen
to create the main study dataset. First, a group of 200
unique organizational end-users were selected who
were new to the organization and had not been exposed
to any previous phishing training from the company.
Second, a separate group of 200 unique organizational
end-users were selected to receive an annual, industry-
standard phishing training of 30 minutes. Last, a
separate group of 200 unique organizational end-users
were selected to receive customized, continuous
phishing training, consisting of eight short videos of
less than five minutes in length.
This initial recruitment process lasted for one
week to provide the organization end-user an
opportunity to respond. The results for the main study
groups showed only a 7-9% opt-out rate. For the no-
training group of 200, 17 users responded no to
participating in this study. For the annual training
group of 200, 15 users responded no to participating
in this study, and for the continuous customized group
of 200, 16 users declined. The main study data upon
completion consisted of two sets of 552 responses
(No training 183, Annual 185, Continuous 184) for
1,104 discrete responses to analyze.
4.3.2 Main Study Data Analysis
Table 6 shows the output of the one-way ANOVA for
RQ3 to determine any mean differences.
Based on the ANOVA results there is one
statistically significant mean difference between the
phishing training method and one of the six negative
end-user response actions (Opened (F (2,1103) =
4.722, p = .009). Using the Tukey HSD output for
Negative Response
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Not Reported
Open Attachment
Enabled Macro
Entered Data
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Negative Response
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Not Reported
Open Attachment
Enabled Macro
Entered Data
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations
Table 6: One-way ANOVA Output for RQ3 (N=1104).
multiple comparisons (Table 7), there is a statistically
significant difference between training Group 2
(Annual) and training Group 3 (Continuous
Customized) as it relates to an end-user opening a
phishing email (p < 0.5, see Table 5).
Table 7: Tukey HSD Output for RQ3 (Opened).
Table 8 shows the output of the one-way ANOVA for
RQ4 to determine any mean differences.
Table 8: One-way ANOVA Output for RQ4 (N=1104).
Based on the output of the ANOVA, there appears
to be several statistically significant mean differences
between phishing campaign method and the six
negative end-user response actions. The mean
differences for Not Reported (F (1,1103) = 294.620,
p = < .001), Opened (F (1,1103) = 178.780, p = <
.001), Reply/Forward (F (1,1103) = 8.103, p = .005),
and Entered Data (F (1,1103) = 28.970, p = < .001)
are all statistically significant. This result indicates
the way the phishing campaign method is delivered
(Industry-standard vs. Red Team) has a significant
Table 9: ANCOVA Output for RQ5 (N=1104).
impact on end-user negative response actions. Both
pilot and main study data results for RQ4 are
consistent and statistically significant.
Table 9 shows the output of the Analysis of
Covariance (ANCOVA) for RQ5 to determine any
mean differences. Based on the output of the Tests of
Between-Subjects Effects ANCOVA, there appears
to be a statistically significant mean difference
between the phishing training group and the phishing
campaign. The mean differences for Campaign
Method (F (1,1103) = 178.681, p = < .001) show that
overall, the campaign method is most important as it
relates to phishing success for the six negative end-
user response actions measured. To take this a step
further, all the data from each phishing campaign was
summarized to show click rates by each training
method. Table 10 shows that across all three training
groups, the Red Team campaign method was the most
successful in getting end-users to take a negative
Table 10: Average Click Rates Across Training Groups.
Given the statistically significant findings of the
ANCOVA, and the average click rates across training
groups, the use of the Red Team method for phishing
campaigns appears more effective than Industry-
standard. In addition, it seems this holds true no
matter the type of training method the end-user
Negative Response
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Not Reported
Open Attachment
Enabled Macro
Entered Data
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Mean Diff
Sig. Lower
Opened 1
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Negative Response
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Not Reported
Open Attachment
Enabled Macro
Entered Data
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Method Type III
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Training Group
Campaign Method
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
# Users Oppts Total
# Clicks Click
No Train
No Train
Industry Std
Red Team
Industry Std
Red Team
Industry Std
Red Team
Avg %
Avg %
Industry Std
Red Team
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 11: ANCOVA Output for RQ6 with Demographic
Control (N=1104).
To answer RQ6 and RQ7 there were five
demographic indicators added to the main study
dataset. The demographic indicators the final two
RQs were controlled for are: (a) age, (b) gender, (c)
job role, (d) location (clinic vs. admin), and (e) years
of job experience. Table 11 shows the output of the
ANCOVA for RQ6 to determine any mean
differences. Given the results of the ANCOVA there
appears no statistically significant mean differences
for the phishing training group on the six negative
end-user response actions when controlled for
demographic indicators. Table 12 shows the output of
the ANCOVA for RQ7 to determine any mean
Table 12: ANCOVA Output for RQ7 with Demographic
Control (N=1104).
Given the results of the ANCOVA there appears
no statistically significant mean differences for
phishing campaign method on the six negative end-
user response actions when controlled for
demographic indicators.
4.4 Summary of Results
Phase 1 of this research study included utilizing
cybersecurity SMEs via the Delphi process to confirm
the approved components and the level of validity of
the research study. A consensus was reached on all
measurements (six negative end-user response
actions) and methods, and this study was approved to
move forward. The cybersecurity SME survey results
were used to answer RQ1 and RQ2.
In Phase 2, the pilot study, a 7-week process for
randomly selecting organizational end-user training
groups was created. Following this was a 4-week
training cycle for each of the three phishing training
groups (No training, Annual training, and Continuous
Customized training). The last part of the process
consisted of a 2-week phishing campaign, in which
each participant was phished twice a week by both
phishing campaign methods (Industry-standard and
Red Team). The result of the 7-week process was a
clean and accurate dataset produced by the KnowBe4
platform to analyze.
In Phase 3, the main study, the same 7-week
process was utilized to randomly select a larger set of
organizational end-users to participate. With the pilot
study, three training groups of 30 were defined,
however, the main study was significantly larger by
utilizing three groups of 200. The result at the end of
the data collection process was 1,104 unique data
points, which were used to formally answer RQ3,
RQ4, and RQ5. For the main study, demographic
indicators were also attached to the organizational
end-user record to provide answers to RQ6 and RQ7.
The findings of our research study are significant as
they contribute to the body of knowledge and have
several key implications for providing both
researchers and practitioners additional insight into
mitigating phishing attacks. The indication that
phishing training methods have little effect overall on
end-user negative response actions should imply that
new ways of dealing with phishing from the
technological perspective should be developed,
without the need for end-user intervention. According
to our results, annual cybersecurity awareness
training is not effective in mitigating corporate
networks from phishing threats. Annual training, and
even continuous customized training, are still
delivered in video format and are easily dismissed.
Despite indications that an end-user has successfully
completed a module or video really has little meaning
today. An implication from this study should be to
rethink how organizational end-users are trained and
find a new dynamic approach that is more efficient
and effective. SETA is critical to ensure the user
population is aware of the risks, but modernization of
the approach and technological methods are
imperative. The indication that phishing campaign
methods are statistically significant should imply that
organizations must continue phishing campaigns, but
also learn from the results and act. Our study indicates
that a vended Red Team campaign was most effective
in phishing the end-user population. While not every
Type III
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Job Role
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Type III
Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
Job Role
* p <0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p <0.001
Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations
organization is large enough to support an internal
Red Team, it is imperative this method is utilized,
even on a contract or third-party vendor basis.
5.1 Recommendations and Future
This research study was to compare phishing training
and campaign methods and their role in mitigating
malicious emails in organizations. While the goals of
our research study were met, there are many areas for
expansion and additional future research in the
phishing training and campaign method domains. The
implications above also lead to recommendations on
how to continuously improve this process. As stated,
the IT security industry needs to rethink current ways
of training end-users, and their overall effectiveness.
With many current advances in Machine Learning
(ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) there stands to
be a great opportunity to address this issue. By
combining ML/AI methods with modern advances in
behavioral technology, there must be a better way to
prevent, not just mitigate, phishing attacks. Future
research in this area should include more focus on
technological approaches to prevent phishing emails
by providing alerts and warnings similar to not
fastening a car seatbelt (Cooper et al., 2021) and
complete screen freezing techniques to enable the
end-users to shift from System 1 to System 2 thinking
(Antonucci et al., 2022). This research study was
conducted in a medium-sized, privately held,
healthcare network organization. The composition of
the organization is typical for a healthcare company
that has offices distributed nationally, however, there
is a very high employee turnover rate. In our results,
we found that 55.62% of the end-users has been
employed by the company for five years or less.
There may be future research done on a more mature,
more stable employee base to see if there may be
some correlation to the higher vulnerability rates. In
addition, being a privately held company, there has
historically been less investment in IT security
processes, tools, procedures, and training. There may
be some differences in outcomes based on company
size, stability, and IT security posture. Lastly, as this
was a healthcare company, there may be more end-
users learnings from other industries or verticals that
operate in non-healthcare mediums, which may have
impacted the results.
Antonucci, A. E., Levy, Y., Dringus, L. P., & Snyder, M.
(2022). Experimental study to assess the impact of
timers on user susceptibility to phishing attacks.
Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and
Practice, 2021(No. 2), Article 6.
Carlton, M., & Levy, Y. (2015). Expert assessment of top
platform independent cybersecurity skills for non-IT
professionals. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical
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Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations