Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
Megan Widmer
, Mich
ele Fee
and Franc¸ois-Alex Bourque
Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Operational Research and Analysis,
Schedule, Fleet, Integer Linear Program, Optimization.
To inform decisions about future fleet planning, a way to model asset availability over time is needed. To
accomplish this, a tool was developed that generates optimized fleet schedules from simplified operations and
maintenance cycles. By repeating these cycles and offsetting them from asset to asset, it is possible to generate
schedules that meet a set of fleet availability requirements. Target schedule characteristics were encoded in an
Integer Linear Program (ILP) and solved using the PuLP python package with the COIN-OR branch and cut
solver. To evaluate the effectiveness of the approach, fleet schedules for notional asset fleets were generated
and compared qualitatively to those made using a genetic algorithm (GA) based tool that is currently in use.
The ILP tool was found to produce schedules that met the requirements more consistently than the GA.
Understanding when assets in a fleet are available
is a fundamental component in future fleet planning.
A method that models optimized fleet schedules that
conform to a set of requirements is therefore essen-
tial. Such schedules are used, for example, to inform
fleet size required to meet operational ambitions and
high-level fleet crewing and training requirements.
Due to the nature of the operational demand and
the logistics of ship maintenance, the fleet schedules
are modelled from repeating operations and mainte-
nance cycles (OPCYCLEs), which differ from class
to class according to the assets’ maintenance require-
ments and crewing limitations. These cycles track
when each asset is available to perform operations
and by offsetting the start of each cycle from asset-
to-asset, it is possible to generate fleet schedules that
meet a set of availability objectives.
The optimization of this kind of periodic or cyclic
schedule is common to a range of fields, including
medical (Ferrand et al., 2011; Burke et al., 2004)
and military applications (Verhoeff et al., 2015; Raf-
fensperger and Schrage, 1997) to track personnel and
equipment availability. In these applications, the use
of regular, repeating cyclic patterns to track overall
availability lends a predictability to the final sched-
ule that is beneficial in the context of operations plan-
ning. Optimizing schedules built from these cyclic
patterns has been done with a range of approaches, in-
cluding heuristic methods (Fee et al., 2019) and math-
ematical optimization (Ferrand et al., 2011; Verho-
eff et al., 2015). In particular the use of linear pro-
grams is well documented (Ferrand et al., 2011; Ver-
hoeff et al., 2015) since the requirements can often
be expressed in terms of linear constraints. Solutions
are often formulated as a mix of hard and soft con-
straints, where hard constraints are used to capture
requirements and restrictions, while soft constraints
capture preferences. A hard constraint describes a
scenario where a solution is not feasible if that con-
straint cannot be met, such as was used with Deris
et al. (1997) with maintenance requirements. A soft
constraint uses a slack variable that tracks a penalty
when the constraint is not found, but which is help-
ful in solving schedules with some flexibility of the
outcome. Ferrand et al. (2011) for example uses
both hard and soft constraints in optimizing physi-
cian work schedules, where the hard constraints are
the work requirements, and the soft constraints are
the physicians work preferences. Integer Linear Pro-
gram (ILP) was chosen to perform the optimization in
this work because heuristic methods do not guarantee
identification of a global optimum and can be difficult
to tune. The ILP tool uses a combination of hard and
soft linear constraints to bind a solution space and an
objective function to determine the optimal arrange-
ment of each asset’s cycles in relation to each other.
Widmer, M., Fee, M. and Bourque, F.
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0012272200003639
Paper copyright by his Majesty the King in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of National Defence
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2024), pages 47-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-681-1; ISSN: 2184-4372
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The ILP tool was built using the PULP Python
package (Foundation, 2023). The objective for the
tool was to create optimized schedules for single- or
multi-class fleets at a steady state of operations. The
constraints were developed to be modular in order to
be easily adapted to account for a range of different
availability requirements, including those that arise
from a fleet split across separate home ports, as was
demonstrated here. To evaluate the effectiveness of
the tool, fleet schedules were generated for asset fleets
with notional maintenance cycles. These will be com-
pared qualitatively to those produced using a genetic
algorithm-based fleet optimizer (Fee et al., 2019) that
is currently in use to support navy planning.
To generate fleet schedules, an operations and mainte-
nance cycle, or OPCYCLE, is used as the main build-
ing block. These provide a semi-flexible mapping
of the asset’s readiness states over time. An asset’s
readiness state is the measure of its availability to per-
form operations. The schedule for a single asset is
made by repeating the OPCYCLE sequence over a
span of time. By choosing the offset between each as-
set schedule within a fleet, it is possible to distribute
available and unavailable states across the fleet sched-
ule to meet a set of requirements.
2.1 OPCYCLE and Readiness States
For the purposes of this report, the following readi-
ness states are used:
Extended Readiness (ER): The asset is in deep
maintenance (usually in dry dock), so it is not con-
sidered employable and is not normally crewed.
Restricted Readiness (RR): In this readiness state,
the asset is in shallow maintenance.
Normal Readiness (NR): This is a period when the
asset can conduct limited domestic operations.
High Readiness (HR): This is a period when the
asset is in the highest state of readiness and so it
can deploy on expeditionary operations and con-
duct the full spectrum of combat operations;
Each readiness state involves a different level of crew
training as well as availability of different equipment
on board. Remaining at the highest state of readiness
is taxing on both the crew and the asset and so can
only be maintained for a specific number of months.
Figure 1 shows an example of a typical OPCY-
CLE. Each block represents a time period where the
asset is at a particular readiness state and this se-
quence shows the transition from lowest readiness to
highest and back again.
Each asset starts in deep maintenance (ER) and
then begins its trajectory towards higher readiness
states. To start preparing the asset for operations, it
undergoes an intermediate RR stage. Once the asset
is out of the RR state, it will be at NR by default and
may be raised to HR at any time before the next ER
or RR period, whichever is first. Once the HR deploy-
ment is completed, the asset will either return to NR
or, if it is due for maintenance, enter the scheduled
ER or RR period.
2.1.1 OPCYCLE Repeats
If the schedule length is longer than the OPCYCLE,
the cycle is repeated. For example, for the OPCY-
CLE described in Figure 1, to generate a schedule of
30 time units long, the OPCYCLE would be repeated
twice. If the schedule length is not a multiple of the
length of the OPCYCLE, as shown in Figure 2 for
a fleet schedule of 20 time steps, partial OPCYCLE
repeats are used. Any time steps beyond t=19 are ig-
2.1.2 Sub-Operational Cycles
Since it is taxing on both the equipment and the crew
to maintain an asset at a higher state of readiness for
long periods of time, the operational cycles are often
broken up into smaller sub-segments, referred to here
as sub-OPCYLEs. Each sub-cycle contains a single
HR period and is delineated by short, shallow main-
tenance periods rather than the longer, deep mainte-
nance found at the start of the cycle.
Each sub-OPCYCLE includes a single sequence
of RR, NR, and HR readiness states, where the time
that the asset spends at NR and/or HR as well as the
placement of the HR state may vary. In Figure 3, the
two sub-OPCYCLEs are labelled.
2.1.3 Placement of the HR State
Following the RR stage in each sub-OPCYCLE, the
asset may enter the HR state or transition to NR. Once
at NR, the asset may be raised to HR at any time be-
fore the start of the next maintenance period (ER or
RR). In Figure 4, the first sub-OPCYCLE of the OP-
CYCLE from Figure 1 is examined. In Panel (a), the
HR state starts after the RR state ends, while in Panel
(b), (c) and (d), the start of the HR period is offset by
one, two and three time steps respectively.
For example, in Figure 1, the length of the HR
offset in the first sub-OPCYCLE is zero (directly af-
ter the RR period) and in the second sub-OPCYCLE
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 1: Notional example of an OPCYCLE.
Figure 2: An illustration on how the repeats of an OPCYCLE work using a fleet schedule of 20 time units. The gray readiness
states that begin at t = 20 show those outside the fleet schedule.
Figure 3: Illustration of sub-OPCYCLEs.
Figure 4: Examples of HR period offset.
is two (two blocks away from the RR period). Break-
ing the OPCYCLE up in this way allows for the in-
dependent placement of the HR period in each sub-
OPCYCLE, as seen in Figure 1, which will be an inte-
gral part of the subsequent formulation since the flexi-
bility allows readiness requirements to be more easily
2.1.4 Wrap Around Feature
For a schedule at steady state, when an OPCYCLE is
offset from asset-to-asset, it is necessary for the OP-
CYCLE to wrap around to the start. For example,
in Figure 5, a single asset schedule of 20 time units
made from the OPCYCLE in Figure 1 is offset by 5
time units (the ER block begins at 5). The first OP-
CYCLE runs from time step 5 to 19, and then repeats
from time step 20 to 29. The last 5 blocks of that sec-
ond OPCYCLE wrap around to the beginning of the
schedule and appear in time steps 0 through 4 of the
schedule (labeled as “second repeat”).
2.2 Fleet Schedule
Combining individual asset schedules, it is possible
to construct a fleet schedule, such as that shown in
Figure 6. In this representation of a fleet schedule,
each row represents a single asset schedule where the
coloured tiles represent the readiness states. This fig-
ure shows an example of a fleet schedule for a no-
tional fleet of five assets using the OPCYCLE de-
scribed in Figure 1. To the right of the fleet schedule
is a table showing the offset of each asset schedule.
2.2.1 Sub-Fleets
Occasionally it is necessary to track readiness states
by grouping of assets, such as those with a common
home port or those within a larger fleet belonging to
different classes of asset. To accommodate this, the
tool includes the idea of sub-fleets. For example using
Figure 6, the fleet of five assets can be split between
two different sub fleets, Port A and Port B. For the
notional example, assets 0-2 are based in Port A and
assets 3-4 are based in Port B. So, the fleet schedule
now has two sub-fleets that can have their own opti-
mization objectives.
2.3 Characteristics of a Good Schedule
In a naval context, there are many distinct character-
istics that make up a good, optimized schedule. They
1. A consistent number of assets at ER for all assets
at each time unit;
2. A consistent number of assets at HR for all assets
at each time unit; and
3. A consistent number of assets at HR for the assets
in each sub-fleet.
While the structure length and placement of the ER
periods in the OPCYCLE captures the assets’ main-
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
Figure 5: A demonstration of the wrap around feature of an OPCYCLE that has an offset of 5 time units. The gray readiness
states that begin at time step 20 show those outside of the fleet schedule.
Figure 6: Fleet schedule for five assets spanning 20 time units.
tenance needs, this consistency needed for at the
schedule-level stems from the maintenance facility’s
workload balancing requirements. If there are mul-
tiple maintenance facilities for a given fleet of assets,
this first characteristic is imposed at the sub-fleet level
rather than for all the assets.
The second and third characteristics are derived
from the underlying operational demand that the asset
fleet is expected to fulfil. With the exception of fleets
tied to specific seasonal operations, the bulk of the
operational demand is across the fleet as well as at the
sub-fleet level is consistent throughout the year. As a
result, an attempt is made to maintain the number of
assets at
HR consistent over time in the whole fleet as
well as each sub-fleet.
These three characteristics are included in the con-
straints used in the mathematical formulation of the
fleet scheduling problem.
2.4 Integer Linear Program
The following section describes the implementation
of the integer linear program (ILP) used to optimize
fleet schedules.
2.4.1 Indices
Below are all of the indices used in the formulation of
the ILP tool.
i a sub-fleet
a an asset
t a time step
k an OPCYCLE offset
h an OPCYCLE repeat
d a sub-OPCYCLE
l a HR period offset
2.4.2 Sets
Below are all of the sets used in the formulation of the
I the set indexing the sub-fleets
A the set indexing the whole fleet of assets
the set indexing the assets in sub-fleet i
T the set of time steps
K the set of possible values by which an
OPCYCLE is offset relative to the start
of the fleet schedule
the set indexing the OPCYCLE repeats
of asset a in the fleet schedule
the set indexing the sub-OPCYCLEs of
asset a and for each OPCYCLE repeat h
the set of possible values by which a HR
period is offset relative to the RR period
of sub-OPCYCLE d for each OPCYCLE
repeat h and for each asset a
The fleet schedule from Figure 6 can be used to better
interpret the sets and indices defined. Starting with
the set T that represents the 20 time steps that make
up the schedule length that can be represented as T =
{0, ..., 19}.
The ve assets in Figure 6 are represented by the
set A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. The set I represents the whole
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
fleet (indicated by zero) and two sub-fleets that cor-
respond to Port A (indicated by one) and Port B (in-
dicated by two), so the set is I = {0, 1, 2}. There are
three sets for A
the total fleet A
= A for the Port A,
= {0, 1, 2} and for the Port B, A
= {3, 4}.
The set K has 20 possible OPCYCLE offset
starting points which can be represented as K =
{0, ..., 19}. Since the OPCYCLE is 15 time units long
and the fleet schedule is 20 time units long, there are
two repeats of the OPCYCLE represented by the set
. The first repeat is full and the second repeat
slightly shortened, and depending on the offset the
formulation will remove the excess time steps after
the offset has been applied. Since the fleet schedule
only contains one OPCYCLE and each asset has the
same number of repeats, H
= {0, 1}, a. In this set,
zero represents the portion of the fleet schedule shown
as the “first repeat” in Figures 2 and 5 and one as the
“second repeat” in those figures.
Similarly, from Figure 1, there are two sub-
OPCYCLEs that are present and since each asset has
the same OPCYCLE, D
= {0, 1}, a and h. For
this example, the sub-OPCYCLE indicated by zero
includes the potions highlighted in Figure 4 (t = 3
to t = 8 in the OPCYCLE). The D
= 1 refers to
the second sub-OPCYCLE between t = 9 to t = 14 in
Figure 1.
Finally, the set L
represents the possible rela-
tive offset of each HR. Using the OPCYCLE in Fig-
ure 1, the set L
, a and h can be determined.
The single OPCYCLE contains two sub-OPCYCLEs
so there are two sets for both values of d:
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} if d = 0
{0, 1, 2, 3} if d = 1
The positions for the first sub-OPCYCLE (d = 0)
1, 2, 3 and 4 are shown in Figure 4. Since the sec-
ond sub-OPCYCLE (d = 1) is shorter, there are fewer
permissible values for L
2.4.3 Variables
Below are the variables used in the formulation of the
a binary variable that indicates
whether the OPCYCLE starts at the
time step t = k. For example, in Fig-
ure 6, since the OPCYCLE for asset
1 begins at t = 3, X
= 1, X
= ...X
= 0.
a binary variable that indicates
whether the HR period for each sub-
OPCYCLE, d, and each repeat of
the OPCYCLE in the fleet schedule,
h, is shifted by l time steps from
the start of the availability block.
In Figure 6, for asset 2 (counting
from the start of the OPCYCLE at
t = 6), the visible HR periods are
shifted by 2, 1 and 0. As a result,
=0. The
HR block at h = 1,d = 0 is not shown
since it occurs between t = 20 and
t = 29 and is trimmed off.
a binary slack variable that counts
how many time step have soft con-
straints that are not met over the time
period of the fleet schedule.
2.4.4 Parameters
Below are the parameters used in the formulation of
the ILP tool.
a matrix indicating when asset a is at
ER. It returns one if asset a is at ER at
time step t given that its OPCYCLE
is offset by k, otherwise it returns to
a matrix indicating when asset a is at
HR. For an OPCYCLE offset by k,
it returns one when asset a is at HR
at time step t for each HR period in
sub-cycle d of OPCYCLE repeat h
for each offset of l, otherwise it re-
turns zero.
M the large integer used with the slack
the maximum quantity of assets at
ER for each sub-fleet i
the maximum quantity of assets at
HR for each sub-fleet i
the minimum quantity of assets at ER
for each sub-fleet i
the minimum quantity of assets at HR
for each sub-fleet i
For the notional example of Figure 1, since the OP-
CYCLEs are identical for all assets, the matrices
are the same for all assets. In other words,
, shown in Figure 7.
In this matrix, a value of one corresponds to the
presence of an ER block at a particular time step, t,
(row) given a particular offset, k (column). Since each
asset can only have one such offset (only one value of
k), this matrix is used in the constraints described in
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
1 0 0 ·· · 1 1
1 1 0 ·· · 0 1
1 1 1 ·· · 0 0
0 1 1 ·· · 0 0
0 0 1 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 0 ·· · 1 0
0 0 0 ·· · 1 1
1 0 0 ·· · 1 1
1 1 0 ·· · 0 1
1 1 1 ·· · 0 0
0 1 1 ·· · 0 0
0 0 1 ·· · 0 0
Figure 7: Matrix ER
for the notional OPCYCLE shown
in Figure 1.
subsection 2.4.5 to track the total number of assets in
the ER state.
Figure 8 show an example matrix for HR
As with the ER
, these values are OPCYCLE-
dependent and so the matrices is the same for all as-
sets in the notional example. The matrix shown below
is for the first repeat of the OPCYCLE (h = 0) and
correspond to the positioning of the HR period in the
first repeat (d = 0) where it is not shifted from the end
of the maintenance period(l = 0).
As k is increased (in the matrix, moving to the
right), the time step at which the HR states occur is
shuffled forward in time and, accordingly, down the
rows of the matrix.
In Figure 8, the first two matrices represent the
first HR period in the OPCYCLE. As l is increased,
as for Figure 8 (a) to (b), the position of the ones,
are shifted forward in time or downward in the ma-
trix. The matrices in Figure 8 (c) and (d) represent
this mapping for the second sub-OPCYCLE and so
the ones start further down in the matrix.
The value of M was chosen to be 100 since it much
larger than the fleet sizes that are expected to be used
with this tool.
In the notional example provided in Figure 1, the
maximum number of assets at ER for each sub-fleet,
designated by the variable MaxER
, was calculated
using Eq. (1).
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
1 0 ·· · 0 0
1 1 ·· · 0 0
0 1 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 0 0
0 0 ·· · 1 0
0 0 ·· · 1 1
0 0 ·· · 0 1
Figure 8: Example matrices for HR
Length of OPCYCLE
×Number of Assets
To keep the number of assets close to this maxi-
mum bound, the minimum bound for the number of
assets at ER for each sub-fleet, M inER
, was set to
one fewer than the MaxER
Using the notional example for a fleet schedule of
length t = 15 that was used to calculate MaxER
maximum number of assets for each sub-fleet can be
calculated using Eq. (1).
× 3
× 2
0.6 + 0.4
= 1.0
× 3
= 1.0
× 2
= 1.0
must have a minimum value of one and
so the value for both sub-fleets, MaxER
and MaxER
is rounded up to one.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
A similar calculation, shown in Eq. (3), can be
conducted to determine the maximum number of as-
sets at HR for each sub-fleet, designated by the vari-
able MaxHR
Length of OPCYCLE
×Number of Assets
The minimum number of assets at HR for each
sub-fleet, MinHR
, was calculated using the value of
= MaxHR
1 (4)
Using the notional example for a fleet schedule of
length t = 15 with ve assets, three in one sub-fleet
and two in the other, the maximum number of assets
for each sub-fleet can be calculated using Eq. (3).
× 3
× 2
0.8 + 0.5333
= 2.0
× 3
= 1.0
× 2
= 1.0
The result was one for both sub-fleets, which
means that a maximum of one asset for each sub-fleet
can be at HR at any time unit.
2.4.5 Constraints
Below are all of the constraints that were used in the
formulation of the ILP tool.
First Offset is Zero
The first constraint is used to force the first asset in
the fleet schedule to start the ER at the first time unit.
= 1 (5)
All Assets Must Only Have One Assigned Offset
This constraint is used to tell the model that, for each
asset, there can only be one starting point for the OP-
= 1 a A (6)
From the notional example in Figure 6, for each asset
in the schedule a constraint is produced, so there are
six constraints. The first one is:
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
= 1
Bounding the Number of Assets at ER
For the sub-fleets defined by A
, the number of assets
in ER is bound between MaxER
and MinER
i I and t T
i I and t T
From the notional example in Figure 1, consider
the whole fleet A
= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. There are a total of
40 constraints. Set MaxER
and MinER
to 1 and 0,
respectively, the first constraints of Equations (7) and
(8) are written as
0 X
+ X
+ X
+ . . . + X
+ X
+ X
Bounding the Number of Assets at HR
For the sub-fleets defined by A
, the number of assets
in HR is bound between MaxHR
and MinHR
. A
slack variable, Z
, is introduced at each time unit t to
soften the constraints yielding:
i I and t T (9)
i I and t T (10)
The big-M method was selected for these con-
straints to simplify the problem. While it is possi-
ble to exclude the big-M and use the slack variable to
track the deviation of the number of assets at HR from
the HRMax
and HRMin
, this requires a Z variable
for each constraint rather than each time step. Link-
ing the slack variable across several constraints does
run the risk of permitting more constraints to be bro-
ken for a given timestep without penalty as soon as
one was broken, but this was not found to be the case
with the scenarios tested. This is likely because of
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
the way the HRMax
and HRMin
range was calcu-
lated paired with the flexibility given to the HR place-
ment within the sub-OPCYCLEs. This meant these
soft constraints were generally easy to meet.
From the notional example in Figure 1. For
the sub-fleet containing all assets, A
= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
the constraint equations produced a total of 40 con-
straints. Setting MaxHR
and MinHR
to be two and
one respectively, the first constraint of Equations (9)
and (10), where t = 0, are written as:
1 Y
+ . . . +Y
2 (11)
Link X and Y Variables
To ensure that the solution for X
and Y
respond to the same k, the variables are linked using
the constraint shown in Equation (12).
= 0
a A, k K, h H and d D (12)
This equation ensures that if the solution for
=0, then the corresponding Y
do not con-
tain a value of one. As written, this equation also
makes sure that, for an X
with a value of one, only
one offset l is selected for each HR period.
From the example in Figure 1, there are a total
of 60 constraints that are generated, one for each HR
period in the fleet schedule. An example of the first
constraint is provided below.
= 0
2.4.6 Objective
The objective of the ILP, shown in Equation (13), en-
sures that the number of assets at HR for the sub-fleets
in question stray minimally from the prescribed target
|T |
2.4.7 Existing Genetic Algorithm Tool
A genetic algorithm schedule optimization tool was
developed to generate fleet schedules for a navy in
transition (Fee et al., 2019). The tool was intended to
characterize the capability gap that would occur given
the time-lines involved in replacing an older fleet with
a newer one. It has since been adapted to handle
steady state schedules. The cost function of the GA
included the following terms:
Penalty for the number of times the schedule
failed to stay within a target range of number of
assets at ER.
Penalty for how much the total number of assets
at HR at each time deviated from a target number.
Penalty for fluctuations in the total number of as-
sets at ER measured as the sum of the standard
deviation in a rolling 24-time-increment window
along the length of the schedule.
Penalty for fluctuations in the total number of as-
sets at HR measured as the sum of the standard
deviation in a rolling 24-time-increment window
along the length of the schedule.
Given the non-linear nature of the last two terms,
the GA was deemed an appropriate tool at the time.
While the schedules were deemed to be better than
one could achieve by hand, they did not always con-
form strictly to the fleet availability requirements dis-
cussed above. As a result, an attempt to generate lin-
ear constraints that could produce a higher quality re-
sult was attempted with the current ILP tool.
The schedule optimization tools described above were
used to create 12-year schedules for a notional fleets
with four, six, eight, ten, and 12 assets. These are used
as a basis of comparison between the GA tool and the
ILP tool to allow for a qualitative comparison between
the algorithms used. For all the fleet schedules, the as-
sets are split evenly between Port A and Port B. These
make up two sub-fleets in the example, each having a
distinct OPCYCLE shown in Figure 9. The two OP-
CYCLEs were very similar, but since the deep main-
tenance facilities are located at Port A, the OPCY-
CLE for assets assigned to Port B has a slightly longer
ER period to account for travel to this facility. These
12-year OPCYCLEs have three sub-OPCYCLEs each
with one HR period of 12 months each. A time unit
of one month was selected.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 9: OPYCLEs for assets at Port A and Port B.
3.1 Evaluation of the Fleet Schedule
For the GA and the ILP, fleet schedules were gen-
erated for ve fleet sizes (four, six, eight, ten and
twelve) using the OPCYCLEs from Figure 9. The
schedules were compared qualitatively according to
their conformity to the characteristics of a good
schedule. To facilitate this evaluation, stacked bar
graphs were generated that show the number of assets
at each readiness state for each month.
The stacked bar graphs are shown for both sched-
ules generated by the GA and ILP tools are shown in
Figure 10 to 14.
3.2 Total Assets at ER
Because of the way that the GA implemented the ER
availability schedule requirement, it had mixed suc-
cess with generating schedules where the number of
assets did not fluctuate unnecessarily. The GA at-
tempted to maintain the number of assets at ER at a
particular target value, effectively MinER
, while lim-
iting variation around this target by penalizing devi-
ations from this value. This method resulted in the
number of assets at ER occasionally increasing too
For example, in the six- and eight-asset fleet
schedules, shown in Figure 11 and 12, the number
of assets at ER remained in a range of one assets (be-
tween one and two assets) for the whole schedule. In
the case of the solutions for the four-, ten- and twelve-
asset fleets, found in Figures 10, 13 and 14, respec-
tively, the number of assets fluctuated by three assets.
This is most visible in the 12-asset schedule, shown
in Figure 14(a). In this case, MaxER
is three, but the
number of assets at ER spiked to four around t = 20
and dipped down to one around t = 120. These fluc-
tuations in the number of assets at ER places a strain
on the maintenance facility, requiring them to employ
and discharge staff to adapt to rapid changes in de-
By changing the way this is constrained in the ILP,
these fluctuations were minimized. For all the sched-
ules produced by the ILP, the total number of assets at
ER are strictly bound between MaxER
and MinER
For example, in the ten-asset results as shown in Fig-
(a) Genetic Algorithm.
(b) Integer Linear Program.
Figure 10: Comparing the schedules of 4.
(a) Genetic Algorithm.
(b) Integer Linear Program.
Figure 11: Comparing the schedules of 6.
ure 13, for all months, the total number of assets at
ER remains at a value of one or two assets.
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
(a) Genetic Algorithm.
(b) Integer Linear Program.
Figure 12: Comparing the schedules of 8.
(a) Genetic Algorithm.
(b) Integer Linear Program.
Figure 13: Comparing the schedules of 10.
3.3 Overall Assets at HR
The overall number of assets at HR in the GA gen-
erated schedules exhibiting a similar behaviour to the
number of assets at ER. The number of assets at HR
for most schedules varied by at most one. Exception-
ally, the eight-asset fleet in Figure 12 showed a minor
inconsistency, where from t = 89 to t = 91, where
there was a spike to three assets, followed by a dip to
one from t = 93 to t = 95. In this instance, it should
be possible to fill the deficit with the surplus that was
(a) Genetic Algorithm.
(b) Integer Linear Program.
Figure 14: Comparing the schedules of 12.
In the ILP, while the number of assets at HR in the
whole fleet is encoded as a soft constraint, restrict-
ing the number between a range of acceptable values
(between MinHR
and MaxHR
) for each time incre-
ment in the schedule was as successful as it is with the
number of assets at ER. For example, it can be seen
the ten-asset result as shown in Figure 13 that the total
of assets at HR stays between values of two and three
for all months.
One side effect of the way in which the GA and
ILP handle this schedule restriction is the distribution
of the fluctuations observed. In the four-, eight- and
twelve-asset fleets, shown in Figure 10, 12 and 14,
respectively, it is possible to find a solution where ex-
actly one, two and three assets, respectively, are at HR
for the entire schedule. In the six- and ten-asset fleets
shown in Figure 11 and 13 where this is not the case,
the way in which the number of assets at HR cluster
is different.
In the GA tool, the fluctuations are controlled by
attempting to reduce the local variability along the
schedule by incurring a penalty that is the sum of the
standard deviation of a rolling 24-step interval over
the length of the schedule.
In doing so, fluctuations in the number of assets
at HR are minimized, resulting larger clusters of time
when the number of assets are higher or lower. For
example, in Figure 13, the intervals where there are
three assets at HR are grouped into roughly two clus-
ters, around t = 30 to t = 40 and t = 85 to t = 144.
In the ILP result for this same fleet size, there are a
greater number of smaller groupings.
In the context of a naval fleet schedule, this ob-
servation points to an important secondary character-
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
istic of fleet schedules not taken into account in the
formulation of both tools. The frequency and dura-
tion of changes to availability would have an impact
on the operation of a fleet. For the sake of longer
term planning, the regularity of availability at differ-
ent readiness states at a fleet level reduces strain on
the supporting infrastructure, such as personnel and
maintenance facilities. That being said, there is also
likely an optimum duration of any increases in avail-
ability that could be leveraged. This optimum would
be dependent on the type of operations that the fleet
would undertake. For example, having the equivalent
of one additional asset frequently available at HR for
one week at a time may not provide a measurable ben-
efit, while having a surge of one less often, but for 4-8
months may provide an advantage.
3.4 Assets at HR by Home Port
Since the GA did not aim to control the number of as-
sets at either port in any way, it performed poorly in
this respect. Analysing each port separately revealed
schedules where the assets at HR on a coast fell to
zero at times. In the smaller fleets, specifically the
four- and six-asset results, there were large periods of
time where only one coast has assets at HR. This was
inevitable since the MaxHR
and MaxHR
were less
than one for these fleets. While this is unavoidable in
the smaller fleets, this dip to zero assets was found to
occur in the larger fleets as well. For example, in the
12-asset schedule (Figure 14) around t = 130, there
is a period of time where only the Port A has assets
at HR. The MaxHR
and MaxHR
are both two, in-
dicating that it should be feasible to maintain at least
one asset per home port at all times.
With the ILP, this restriction was added in. As
a result, the number of assets at HR in each home
port is allocated as expected: these stayed between
the ranges of MaxHR
and MinHR
(Port A) and
and MinHR
(Port B) at any given month.
Two good examples of this are the six- and eight-asset
fleet results. The eight-asset fleet schedule has one as-
set per coast consistently, while for the six-asset fleet
it was always between a range of zero and one which
is consistent with MaxHR
and MaxHR
A naval schedule optimization tool was developed us-
ing an ILP and tested against an existing schedule op-
timizer that uses a GA. Both tools used simplified op-
erations and maintenance cycles to generate steady-
state schedules that conformed to a set of availability
requirements. The tools were compared using 12-year
schedules generated for a notional fleets of assets of
varying sizes, assigned to two separate home ports.
The ILP tool was formulated with a lot of flexibil-
ity in mind. It was devised to allow the user to gener-
ate schedules of varying lengths for multi- or single-
class fleets with different sub-fleet configurations and
When compared qualitatively, the schedules pro-
duced with the ILP conformed to the availability re-
quirements for all fleet sizes more than the GA did.
In particular, the results generated with the GA oc-
casionally struggled to minimize fluctuations in the
number of assets at HR, both at a fleet-wide level and
by sub-fleet. The GA also did not have constraints
to regulate the number of assets per port and so of-
ten produced schedules where there were no assets on
one coast, but plenty on the other port.
Since the tool was flexibly constructed using an
off the shelf python package that allows the user to
intuitively alter the constraints, this leaves room for
future modifications. In particular, the introduction of
constraints that regulate the regularity of the fluctua-
tions in the schedule may be worthwhile.
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Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program