A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a
Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop
Anum Afzal
, Tao Xiang
and Florian Matthes
School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748, Garching
bei Muenchen, Germany
FAQ Chatbot, Efficient Transformer, Training Data, Natural Language Generation, NLG Evaluation.
Employees at large companies tend to have longer waiting times if they need company-specific information
and similarly someone on the other end needs to manually address those queries. Most companies are trying
to incorporate LLM-powered conversational agents to make this processing faster but often struggle to find
appropriate training data, especially domain-specific data. This paper introduces a semi-automatic approach
for generating domain-specific training data while leveraging a domain-expert as a human-in-the-loop for
quality control. We test this approach on a HR use-case of a large organization through a retrieval-based
question-answering pipeline. Additionally, we also test the effect of long context on the performance of the
FAQ chat for which we employ LongT5, an Efficient Transformer. Our experiments using LongT5 show that
the inclusion of the generated training data improves the performance of the FAQ chatbot during inference.
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI)
and natural language processing (NLP) techniques has
led to a growing interest in developing intelligent chat-
bots for a wide range of applications (Zaib et al., 2021).
Naturally, many large organizations are adopting these
conversational agents to automate the information re-
trieval processes and hence, making them faster and
more convenient (Nicolescu and Tudorache, 2022).
One such application is the human resource (HR)
domain, where chatbots can help answer employee
queries, provide information about company policies,
and assist with various HR-related tasks.
However, one challenge in designing such a con-
versational agent is that users are often unpredictable
and would often deviate from the training phrases used
during model training. This includes asking ambigu-
ous or incomplete questions, making it difficult for the
chatbot to address them properly. This becomes even
more critical when a Language Model (LM) powered
Retrieval Augmented Pipeline (RAG) is used. Such
an approach first finds the relevant article to be used
as grounding knowledge, which together with the user
question is passed to a Language Model (LM), that gen-
erates the answer addressing the user query. If the user
utterance is matched to the wrong article then the prob-
ability of the model generating the correct answer is
automatically quite low. Similarly, an Instruct-tuning
(Wei et al., 2022) could never reach its full potential
if the instructs deviate too much from the real-world
To address this challenge and ensure the chatbot’s
relevance and effectiveness, we present and evaluate a
semi-automatic approach for generating training data
following the real-world distribution. While we im-
plement and evaluate it for the HR domain of a large
organization, this can be applied to many other do-
mains. We deployed an HR chatbot powered by a
question matching algorithm, and used the logs to
construct an additional training set consisting of real
user utterances. We also introduce the concept of the
human-in-the-loop who is a domain experts curating
the quality of the generated dataset.
When working with a retrieval-based approach, an-
other challenge in passing grounding knowledge to
the chatbot is the document length, which typically
exceeds the 512 token limitations of most transformer-
based architectures. To address this issue, we investi-
gate the use of Efficient Transformers(Tay et al., 2022),
specifically the LongT5 model (Guo et al., 2021),
which is designed to handle longer sequences more
Afzal, A., Xiang, T. and Matthes, F.
A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop.
DOI: 10.5220/0012266100003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 42-49
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
effectively than its predecessor, the T5 (Raffel et al.,
To summarize, we address the following two chal-
lenges in this paper:
When interacting with a chatbot, users may stray
from the phrases and queries used during the train-
ing phase, which can effect chatbot performance.
We address this by collecting training phrases from
the chatbot logs and using it for model training to
make it more robust during inference.
We highlight the limitation of transformer-based
language models in terms of the context window
and advocate the usability of an Efficient Transfer
supporting a larger context window. Additionally,
we also evaluate the model’s performance across
various context windows.
Since the use case revolves around frequently asked
questions, we have limited the scope to single-turn
conversations. Furthermore, to test the effectiveness
of the generated data, we fine-tune the LongT5 model
with and without the inclusion of the training data
collected via chatbot log, allowing us to compare the
performance under both data distributions.
The development of conversational agents has been an
active area of research in recent years. With the recent
advancements in Natural Language Processing, there
has been a massive surge in the number and capabili-
ties of Large Language Models (LLMs). For example,
GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) and its 175B parameter
count enable it to model language in a similar degree
to that of a human. Building on these advancements
and coming closer to the chatbot use-case, we refer to
the question generation approach where LLMs could
be leveraged to generate sample questions given an
article ((Ushio et al., 2023; Leite and Lopes, 2023)),
but the generated questions are still structured and still
far away from the actual user utterances that a chatbot
encounters during run-time.
Many state-of-the-art LLMs can now be Instruct-
tuned to make them follow instructions. While user
queries can oftentimes be ambiguous, the Instruction-
tuning approach could be used to make the chatbot
more receptive towards them and accurately address
them. In a similar direction, albeit with a markedly
different approach, Instruct-GPT (Ouyang et al., 2022)
utilizes the reinforcement learning PPO technique
(Schulman et al., 2017): following an initial instruc-
tion fine-tuning procedure on data collected through
the OpenAI API
, a reward model was constructed
to reflect human preferences on different instructions
following model outputs. With these components, re-
searchers were then able to further train the baseline
through policy optimization, outperforming both the
base fine-tuned model and a FLAN-fine-tuned ver-
sion. A similar approach could be utilized by many
large organizations when designing their internal FAQ
chatbots but instead of relying on OpenAI for instruct-
tuning data, companies could generate their data for
model tuning.
This section will provide a refresher on the concepts
that serve as an essential building block of the frame-
work presented in this paper.
3.1 Dense Passage Retriever
A Dense Passage Retriever (DPR) typically refers
to a module that has been, given an input (ques-
tion), trained to retrieve the top-k pertinent documents
from a large collection of documents. Such a system
(Karpukhin et al., 2020) could use sparse vector space
models such as BM-25 and TF-IDF to embedding-
based approaches that utilize models like BERT. The
former approach relies on the bag-of-word representa-
tion of text. Whereas, the latter approach makes use
of the contextualized word embedding from encoder-
based models like BERT and its variants to find the
top-k relevant documents. Several approaches also
focus on a Graph-based approach for finding the most
relevant documents (Albarede et al., 2022).
3.2 Generative Question Answering
Generative Question Answering (GQA) differs from
standard question-answering in the sense that instead
of finding the location of the answer in the refer-
ence text (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), it generates the an-
swer from scratch. Traditionally, an encoder-decoder
(seq2seq) model like T5 (Raffel et al., 2019) and BART
(Lewis et al., 2019) that takes text as input and pro-
duces text as output is most suitable for a Generative
Question Answering (GQA) task. While T5 poses each
downstream task as a seq2seq task via prefix model-
ing, BART uses a similar pre-training objective, and
unlike T5, only focuses on the seq2seq task. However,
contemporary decoder-only LLMs like GPT 3.5/4 are
now also able to effectively handle a GQA task. The
A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop
standard practice is to pass the grounding knowledge
along with the question as input to the model. The
grounding knowledge is used to ensure that the model
produces the factually correct answer. State-of-the-art
large language models that have been pre-trained on a
huge corpus allow us to obtain competitive results on
a specific task by fine-tuning on a smaller dataset.
3.3 Efficient Transformers
The heart of the Transformer is the
n × n
matrix that provides the weights for the dependency
of one word to another within a sentence of length
(Vaswani et al., 2017). While the Transformer archi-
tecture has greatly improved the performance of GQA
models, it also introduced quadratic computational
complexity and memory requirements. To address
these limitations, several Efficient Transformer vari-
ants have been proposed (Tay et al., 2022). Having
managed to eliminate the quadratic complexity of the
self-attention, the models such as BIGBIRD-Pegasus
(Zaheer et al., 2020), PEGASUS-X (Phang et al.,
2023), BART-LS (Xiong et al., 2022) and LongT5
(Guo et al., 2021) remain competitive. These archi-
tectures have a self-attention matrix that incorporates
Local Attention combined with some notion of Global
Attention to effectively encode the input text.
Efficient Transformers arise as promising solutions
given the reduced complexity of their self-attention
matrix. LongT5 being the efficient variant of the T5
model is particularly relevant. The authors integrate at-
tention ideas from long-input transformers (ETC) (Liu
et al., 2020) and pre-training strategies from summa-
rization pre-training (PEGASUS) (Zhang et al., 2020)
into the scalable T5 architecture.
In this section, we formulate the task and the proposed
methodology in detail. However, an overview of the
use-case is summarized below.
Given is a set of employee questions, and a set of
context documents containing information relevant to
the HR domain. Each question is associated with a
context that provides the necessary information to an-
swer the question. We opted for a retrieval augmented
approach that first uses a Dense Passage Retriever
trained to retrieve the context document for a given
question. Secondly, a generative question-answering
model that, given a question and its corresponding con-
text document, can generate a response that is close
to the ground truth answer and hence, addresses the
user query. Figure 1 shows the overall architecture
of the proposed methodology, and also outlines the
training triplets of question, reference answer and the
context document used for fine-tuning the model for
this specific task.
With the problem statement and notation intro-
duced, we now proceed with the methodology, in-
cluding the description of models, Dataset Collection,
Dataset Pre-processing, and Evaluation Methods.
4.1 Datasets
4.1.1 Data Collection
A question-answering task using grounding knowledge
requires a dataset where each sample is a tuple of a
question and its respective answer along with context
as shown in Figure 1. The HR domain experts com-
piled a dataset of frequently asked questions along with
textual context using the company’s internal documen-
tation. Additionally, a primitive question-matching
approach was embedded in a chatbot and deployed, al-
lowing employees of a large company to interact with
it. A user query is match to a FAQ in the database and
the respective answer is returned to the answers. We
collected the user queries along with the matched FAQ
pair, and the respective article that FAQ belonged to in
the form of (user query, matched question, respected
answer, respective document). To ensure the quality,
these logs were then controlled by domain experts
to ensure the quality and correctness of the dataset.
As per the assessment done by the domain-experts,
roughly 60% of the user queries were mapped to the
correct question. Thus, we constructed two similar
datasets with the differences highlighted below:
FAQ Dataset: The first dataset consists of struc-
tured questions, context, and answers derived only
from the internal FAQs and handcrafted by the
domain experts.
UT Dataset: The second dataset comprises user
utterances as questions collected during user inter-
action. A retrieval model matched user utterances
to questions in the FAQ Dataset. The associated
contexts and answers of the matched questions
were then extracted and used as the paired contexts
and answers for the user utterance (questions). To
ensure correctness, the dataset was inspected and
manually corrected by the domain experts.
4.1.2 Dataset Analysis
Since the FAQ dataset has been manually constructed
by domain experts, it classifies as the gold standard
dataset. The question range is fairly distributed be-
tween all of the available topics related to the HR
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: A block diagram depicting the flow of the Retrieval-based Question Answering approach used to evaluate the
performance of the generated dataset. The dotted line represents the fine-tuning of the model while the normal line represents
the system flow during inference.
domain. A small sample of such questions is shown in
Figure 2 depicting questions with proper grammar and
Meanwhile, the questions from the UT dataset are
shown in Figure 3. They are very unstructured, lacking
in terms of grammar, and in some cases contain insuf-
ficient context for the chatbot to reply appropriately.
Additionally, we observe the user utterance dataset to
be quite skewed in terms of query distribution, contain-
ing favorite topics that are inquired about much more
frequently than others.
4.1.3 Dataset Pre-Processing
In the preprocessing stage, we removed samples con-
taining invalid values, such as NaN or purely numeric
values. From here, we sample two training datasets for
our experiments using the following distribution:
FAQ dataset (N
48k): This dataset is derived
entirely from the manually annotated frequently
asked questions, containing structured question-
context-answer triples.
FAQ + UT dataset (N
89k): This dataset is con-
structed by merging the FAQ dataset and the UT
During fine-tuning, we filtered the FAQ dataset and
FAQ + UT dataset with respect to the input lengths.
This along with the number of samples for each filtered
configuration is summarized in Table 1.
As a final step, we divided them into training, val-
idation, and test sets, with the validation and test set
each comprising 10% of the data.
Table 1: Summary of training samples used for fine-tuning
after filtering the datasets for a specific input number of
tokens using the T5 Tokenizer.
Datasets 512 5120 7168
FAQ 4023 42914 45800
FAQ + UT 5480 77916 85977
Retrieval-Based Question Answering
4.2.1 Dense Passage Retriever
To ensure the factual correctness of the answers gen-
erated by the model, we provide the model with some
grounding knowledge, which is the relevant article in
this scenario. For the sake of simplicity, we used the
Dense Passage Retriever (DPR) provided by Haystack
. We fine-tuned a SentenceBERT model using all
our HR articles, which is then used by the DPR mod-
ule. We additionally used a contrastive loss function
(Khosla et al., 2021) to train the DPR to assign the
given user utterance to the relevant article. Specifi-
cally, we did negative mining to get the most similar
but incorrect HR articles for each query based on the
cosine similarity of their na
ıve TF-IDF embeddings. In
this case, the incorrect articles refer to articles that do
not contain the answer to the asked question. During
inference, the DPR module embeds the user utterance
and computes a similarity matrix between it and the
pre-computed embedding of every document. Then
we select the top-k (empirically we chose
k = 3
A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop
Figure 2: Snippet of sample questions from the FAQ dataset.
Figure 3: Snippet of sample questions from the UT dataset compiled using chatbot logs.
keep the sum of the document length within the in-
put length limit of the preceding module) as the most
related documents to the query.
4.2.2 Generative Question Answering Models
We experimented with and explored the performance
of LongT5. We chose LongT5 as a representative of
the Efficient Transformer family, specifically the local
attention variant, over the transient-global (tglobal)
variant for the following reasons: Firstly, the local
attention-based LongT5 exhibits linear complexity
concerning input sequence length, making it more
efficient for processing lengthy input texts. This is
achieved through the sparse sliding-window local at-
tention operation, which allows a given token to attend
to only
tokens to its left and right, with r=127 by
default. This yields a linear complexity of
O(l · r)
is the input sequence length (Guo et al., 2021).
Secondly, the local attention mechanism does not intro-
duce any new parameters to the model, maintaining its
simplicity. For LongT5, we employ the local attention-
based variant
, which consists of 296 million trainable
parameters. This model incorporates local attention
mechanisms, allowing it to efficiently process long
input sequences.
4.3 Evaluation Methods
In this subsection, we outline the evaluation meth-
ods used to measure the performance of the LongT5
model trained on the two distinct datasets. To gauge
the question-answering capabilities in real-world sit-
uations, we evaluate the model performance on an
evaluation set derived from the UT dataset.
4.3.1 Evaluation Datasets
Evaluation Dataset (N
4k): This dataset comprises
only real user questions with contexts and answers
derived from the UT dataset. We also filter the dataset
to only include samples with less than or equal to (512,
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
5120, 7168) tokens when evaluating the models with
different context lengths.
4.3.2 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the quality of the generated responses, we
use the ROUGE score (Lin, 2004) and BERTScore
(Zhang et al., 2019). The ROUGE score measures
the similarity between the generated response and
the ground truth answer by comparing the overlap
of n-grams, with higher scores indicating better per-
formance. BERTScore, on the other hand, computes
token-wise cosine similarities between the contextual
embeddings of the generated and ground truth sen-
tences, using the F1 score for aggregation. By com-
bining these metrics, we can assess the models’ perfor-
mance in terms of both lexical and semantic similari-
ties to the ground truth answers
We ran experiments on LongT5 using the two dataset
distributions introduced previously in the section
4.1.3. This enabled us to compare the performance
of LongT5 and assess the influence of varying input
lengths on the quality of the generated answers, while
measuring the impact of the generated dataset on the
model’s performance.
To test the long-range capabilities of the LongT5
model, we tested the model by increasing the input
length. We filtered and then fine-tuned on three dataset
subsets, constructed by filtering out samples having
more than 512 tokens, 5120 tokens, and 7168 tokens.
This allowed us to include
, and
of the training corpus for 512 tokens, 5120 tokens, and
7168 tokens respectively. We limited the tokens to
7168 as it allowed us to include 99% of the training
corpus and the remaining 1% are very large documents
which would increase the memory requirement and
training time by a lot without adding a lot to the model
Since the GQA model relies on the context doc-
ument to generate the correct answer, the accuracy
of the DPR module explained in section 4.2.1 would
affect its performance. Our experiments show that
we can achieve an 89.4% accuracy on the validation
set with the top-1 relevant document predicted by our
current DPR model. The focus of this paper was not
on increasing the accuracy of the DPR, but rather on
evaluating the chatbot performance having included a
dataset compiled from chatbot logs for training, under
the assumption that the context document passed to
the GQA model is the correct one.
To test the performance of the models at run-time,
we extracted a small portion of the dataset prepared
using real-time user utterances as previously explained
in section 4.3.1.
Based on the analysis using the ROUGE and
BERTScore shown in Table 2, there are two impor-
tant findings discussed below:
The choice of training dataset has a significant im-
pact on the performance of the models. Our results
indicate that models trained using a combination
of structured FAQ pairs and our generated dataset
perform better during inference time, as they more
closely resemble real-world data. This is demon-
strated in Table 2, where the models fine-tuned
on a combination of the FAQ dataset and the UT
dataset have a higher ROUGE and BERTScore
than being trained on the FAQ dataset alone. How-
ever, BERTScore seems to be much higher than
the ROUGE, pointing towards the unreliability of
these evaluation scores.
While LongT5 didn’t perform well on 512 tokens,
it improved drastically when the context length
was scaled to 5120 tokens. On the contrary, when
LongT5 is scaled up to 7168 tokens, we witness
a decrease in scores. This indicates that a larger
context window and a larger dataset make gener-
ative question-answering a more challenging task
for this specific model.
The comparison of this work with the previous baseline
is difficult because the previous approach was evaluate
in terms of accuracy, if the user utterance was mapped
to the correct question or not. The evaluation of the
text generation model in this paper is done via ROUGE
& BERTScore making it challenging to compare the
two approaches.
We investigated the performance of the collected
dataset on LongT5 through GQA tasks, particularly fo-
cusing on the impact of the generated dataset. We fine-
tuned LongT5 with and without the collected dataset
and also varied the context length for LongT5. Our
findings reveal that the choice of training dataset plays
a crucial role in model performance and gets the best
results when scaled up to 5120 tokens. The models
that had seen the UT dataset collected via chatbot
logs were able to more accurately understand user ut-
terances during inference. Many large organizations
can leverage this semi-automatic approach to generate
more training data that can support training for robust
FAQ chatbots in the form of Instruct-tuning or Fine-
A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop
Table 2: Evaluation of the fine-tuned LongT5 model on varying input lengths and dataset distribution during inference, both on
a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the best.
Datasets 512 tokens 5120 tokens 7168 tokens 512 tokens 5120 tokens 7168 tokens
FAQ 33.1 41.0 31.9 79.8 83.8 80.6
FAQ + UT 50.6 60.1 48.0 85.9 90.6 86.1
tuning. Additionally, while the LongT5 architecture
can encode large context lengths up to 5120 tokens, it
is not able to reach the same performance in terms of
automatic evaluation scores on a sequence longer than
5120 tokens. We tested this approach on a HR use-case
but this could be implemented to any use-case that has
some domain-specific FAQs with context documents
Finally, as our experiments were impacted by the com-
mon computing constraints, there are some directions
we were unable to explore and could be possible future
Model Selection: While LongT5 seems like a reason-
able choice given the landscape of models that cater
to our privacy and length constraints. However, the
latest LLM developments (Chiang et al., 2023; Taori
et al., 2023), also make a strong claim for their use
in an FAQ chatbot. Given the overwhelmingly good
performance of chatGPT and GPT 4, they could be
used as a baseline for all future work in this project.
The latest open-source models derived from LLaMa
(Touvron et al., 2023) and other foundational LLMs
like MPT-7B (MosaicML, 2023) with a context win-
dow of up to 84K, seem quite promising given their
more comprehensive instruction following abilities.
Evaluation Methods: We chose to evaluate the chat-
bot’s performance with the standard ROUGE score
given its overwhelming presence in contemporary pub-
lications, along with BERTScore based on its ability
to understand text contextually. Nevertheless, for a
question-answering or instruct-tuning use case, there
may be other approaches to performance evaluation
worth considering. Furthermore, with the surge in
LLM capacity comes the ability to have automatic
Natural Language Generation Evaluation (Liu et al.,
2023) without relying on traditional metrics such as
ROUGE and BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) which have
known shortcomings in correlation with human qual-
ity judgment (Reiter and Belz, 2009). These LLM
approaches don’t necessarily rely on a reference text
for evaluation, dropping the need for laborious anno-
tation work by human experts. Lastly, the inclusion
of human evaluation might be costly but it is the only
reliable form of evaluation and should be included in
the next rounds of evaluation.
Dense Passage Retrieval: Finally, we would like to
explore integrating our system with a vector database
replacing our Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) module
with an enterprise-ready solution. These databases
utilize document embeddings as keys such that re-
trieval becomes powered by vector similarity. More-
over, since they leverage efficient vector libraries like
Faiss (Johnson et al., 2019), this integration would
simplify our system by effectively removing the DPR
component and the need for its training, making it
more robust and lightweight.
The work outlined in this paper is part of a bigger
research project between Technical University of Mu-
nich and SAP SE under SAP@TUM Collaboration
Lab. The authors would like to thank Patrick Heinze,
Albert Neumueller, Darwin Wijaya from the SAP IES
as well as the Domain Experts from the Human Re-
source department for their continued support.
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