Smart Home Privacy: A Scoping Review
Ali Ahmed
1 a
, Victor Ungureanu
2 b
, Tarek Gaber
3 c
, Craig Watterson
1 d
and Fatma Masmoudi
4 e
Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand
University of Liverpool, Sutton, England, U.K.
University of Salford, 43 Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, Greater Manchester, U.K.
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia
Smart Homes, Privacy, Scoping Survey, Data Collection, User Consent, Data Anonymisation.
Privacy concerns in smart home technologies have surged as their adoption becomes ubiquitous. This scoping
review paper undertakes an exhaustive examination of the current literature to elucidate the state of privacy
within this burgeoning context. Employing a scoping review methodology, we have analysed about 78 peer-
reviewed articles. Key emergent themes include privacy concerns, trust, user perception, and a range of
technical risks and mitigation. Our findings reveal significant gaps in privacy design and protection, establish-
ing this paper as a novel contribution that sets the groundwork for future research. Additionally, it provides
practitioners and policymakers with actionable insights for enhancing privacy measures in smart homes. Sup-
plemental material, including a curated database of the reviewed literature and previously published papers,
will be available to reviewers to enrich the understanding of our contribution.
Smart home technologies have experienced unprece-
dented growth and integration into our daily lives, rev-
olutionising how we interact with our living spaces
(Deschamps-Sonsino, 2018, page 8). These intercon-
nected devices offer convenience, energy efficiency,
and enhanced security. However, this rapid prolif-
eration of smart home systems has raised significant
privacy concerns, as these devices collect and pro-
cess vast amounts of personal data (Ziegeldorf et al.,
2014). This paper aims to provide a scoping survey
of the existing literature on privacy in smart homes,
shedding light on the various dimensions of this crit-
ical issue. This paper aims to contribute to under-
standing smart home privacy challenges and identify
avenues for further research.
One of the primary privacy concerns in smart
homes revolves around collecting and using personal
data. Smart home devices like voice assistants, smart
meters, and sensors can capture sensitive informa-
tion, including audio recordings, video feeds, energy
consumption patterns, and user behaviour (Sharif and
Tenbergen, 2020). The potential for unauthorised ac-
cess, data breaches, or misuse of this data raises sig-
nificant ethical and legal concerns. Furthermore, shar-
ing personal data by smart home devices with third
parties introduces additional privacy risks (Edu et al.,
2020). Service providers, manufacturers, and adver-
tisers may have access to sensitive information, lead-
ing to potential profiling, targeted advertising, or even
surveillance. The lack of transparency regarding data-
sharing practices and the potential for data aggrega-
tion across multiple devices further exacerbate these
concerns. User consent and control over personal data
in smart homes are critical aspects of privacy protec-
tion. However, it is often challenging for users to un-
derstand the full extent of data collection and make
informed decisions regarding consent. Smart home
platforms privacy policies and consent mechanisms
may be complex and difficult to comprehend, lead-
ing to potential gaps in user understanding and control
over personal information.
Various technical and policy solutions have been
proposed to address these privacy challenges. Data
anonymisation techniques, encryption protocols, and
Ahmed, A., Ungureanu, V., Gaber, T., Watterson, C. and Masmoudi, F.
Smart Home Privacy: A Scoping Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012255900003648
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 635-642
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
access control mechanisms aim to protect personal in-
formation while allowing the benefits of smart home
technologies to be realised. Additionally, regula-
tory frameworks and industry standards have been de-
veloped to ensure privacy protection in smart home
ecosystems. By conducting a scoping review, this pa-
per aims to identify the current state of knowledge,
highlight research trends, and identify gaps that re-
quire further investigation. The findings of this paper
contributes to the ongoing discussions on smart home
privacy, informing policymakers, industry practition-
ers, and researchers about the key issues at hand and
fostering the development of privacy-preserving solu-
The organisation of this paper is as follows:
1. Section 2 introduces the research methodology.
2. Section 3 introduces the individual studies that
have been surveyed and provided a summary of
those studies.
3. Section 4 identifies the common themes in litera-
ture and answers the research question.
4. Section 5 highlights the limitations of this study.
5. Section 6 concludes the paper and highlights pos-
sible future research.
The objective of this scoping review is to map the ex-
isting literature on the topic of smart home privacy.
The review aims to identify and analyse the key con-
cepts, sources of evidence, and research gaps related
to privacy concerns in smart-home technologies. The
question, “What are the main dimensions of privacy
concerns in the context of smart homes?” guided this
scoping review. The question seeks to identify and
understand the primary aspects or dimensions related
to privacy concerns. In the context of smart homes,
these dimensions could include factors such as data
collection, surveillance, information sharing, security
vulnerabilities, user awareness, and control over per-
sonal information. The research question served as a
guiding principle throughout the scoping review pro-
cess. It helped focus the search strategy, select appro-
priate inclusion and exclusion criteria, and system-
atically assess and synthesise the findings from the
identified studies. By using this question as a starting
point, this paper aimed to ensure that the scoping re-
view covered a broad range of privacy dimensions and
addressed the diversity of concerns within the context
of smart homes.
To ensure a comprehensive search for relevant lit-
erature, the following databases is searched: IEEE
Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Springer, and Google
Scholar. The search terms and keywords to be
used include variations and combinations of: “smart
home”, “privacy”, “data protection”, “security”, “per-
sonal information”, “internet of things”, “smart de-
vices” and “ethics”.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selec-
tion of articles are as follows:
Table 1: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
Criteria Description
Articles that focus on privacy con-
cerns in the context of smart-home
Articles that present empirical
research, theoretical frameworks,
conceptual models, or practical
approaches to smart home privacy.
Articles published in the English
Articles published from 2010 to
Articles that do not specifically ad-
dress smart homes privacy.
Articles that are not peer-reviewed.
Articles published in languages
other than English.
The study selection process involves title/abstract
screening and full-text screening. During the title/ab-
stract screening, articles that do not meet the inclu-
sion criteria will be excluded. In the full-text screen-
ing, the reviewers will assess the remaining articles
against the inclusion and exclusion criteria to select
the final articles for data extraction and analysis.
is used to extract relevant information
from the selected articles. The data to be ex-
tracted may include the author(s), year of publica-
tion, research methods, sample size, key findings, any
frameworks or models discussed, and possible auto-
generated tags. Afterwards, thematic analysis will be
employed to identify the main themes, concepts, and
dimensions related to smart home privacy.
Given the scoping nature of this review, a formal
quality assessment of individual studies will not be
conducted. Instead, the included articles will be as-
sessed for relevance to the research question and its
contribution to understanding smart home privacy.
1, last accessed 18 June 2023
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In the study by (Lin and Bergmann, 2016), the authors
emphasised the prevalence of privacy risks in smart
homes, underscoring the challenges arising from the
lack of expertise and standardisation. Their advocacy
for auto-configuration and automatic updates in smart
appliances aimed to mitigate these risks. (Liu et al.,
2022) highlighted the necessity for Smart Home Pri-
vacy Protection (SHPP) standards as crucial for so-
cietal development. This emphasises the need for a
structured framework to address privacy concerns in
smart home ecosystems. Proposing innovative solu-
tions, (Alhazmi et al., 2022) introduced the MQTT-
Based Privacy Orchestrator (MPO). This solution
aims to comprehensively address security and privacy
concerns, targeting key barriers to consumer adoption
of IoT devices. (V
o et al., 2017) delved into opti-
mising Wake-Up-Word (WUW) detection in voice-
activated smart homes, proposing an architecture that
prioritises low-cost integration, privacy, and ease of
use. This signifies a significant step towards ensur-
ing secure voice interactions within smart home envi-
ronments. The comprehensive analysis conducted by
(Ford and Palmer, 2019) on the Alexa app and devices
revealed privacy issues related to command logging
accuracy and potential unauthorised recordings. The
study’s suggestion to process voice commands within
the smart home network presents a viable solution to
enhance user privacy. Studies such as (Abdallah et al.,
2020) and (Guhr et al., 2020) explore the intersec-
tion of smart home technology with specialised ap-
plications, catering to the elderly and assessing the
impact of privacy concerns on device adoption, re-
spectively. Additionally, (Zhang et al., 2020) intro-
duces a blockchain-based solution to optimise energy
consumption and enhance privacy in power data ex-
change. In addressing privacy challenges, (Apthorpe
et al., 2018) revisited traffic padding methods, propos-
ing Stochastic Traffic Padding (STP) as an effective
solution. Simultaneously, (Hatamian, 2020) provided
a privacy and security principles catalogue for app de-
velopers, offering practical guidance. Furthermore,
(Musto et al., 2021) outlined a strategy for person-
alised service access, while (Rios et al., 2021) intro-
duced a Privacy Manager based on Edge Computing
(PMEC) to enhance data privacy in IoT settings. Fi-
nally, (Qashlan et al., 2021) explored data security
through blockchain, integrating attribute-based access
control and edge computing.
The study by (Vimalkumar et al., 2021) inves-
tigated factors influencing user trust in Voice-based
Digital Assistants, shedding light on the significance
of perceived risk and trust in shaping user percep-
tions and adoption. (Haney and Furman, 2022) ex-
plored the importance of smart home updates and
the link between these updates and privacy/security.
This highlights the need for transparent communica-
tion between users and developers regarding the im-
pact of updates on privacy. Investigations by (Li et al.,
2023) into the privacy concerns of new purchasers of
smart home devices and (Zou et al., 2023)’s demon-
stration of IoTBeholder’s effectiveness in predicting
user behaviour showcase the evolving landscape of
privacy considerations and predictive technologies in
smart homes.
(Pierce et al., 2022) addressed privacy concerns
in IoT devices, focusing on potential compromises
to individual privacy posed by spatial sensors. This
emphasises the importance of ensuring user privacy
in the evolving landscape of IoT. (Nassiri Abrisham-
chi et al., 2022) delved into side-channel attacks,
specifically Fingerprint and Timing-based Snooping
(FATS), proposing solutions to secure smart homes
against these passive assaults. This research con-
tributes to the ongoing efforts to fortify IoT devices
against emerging privacy threats. (Mohanty et al.,
2022) conducted a large-scale study on privacy con-
cerns in IoT devices, exploring factors like anonymity
and GDPR compliance. The study’s self-assessment
scorecard offers a practical tool for mitigating privacy
risks in IoT settings.
(Musale and Lee, 2023) examined the impact of
cloud-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)
in IoT devices, revealing insights into user comfort in
data collection. This highlights the nuanced relation-
ship between technology and user perception in the
context of privacy. The exploration by (Windl et al.,
2023) into the need for tangible privacy mechanisms
in smart homes underscores the importance of incor-
porating tangible elements, such as tokens for privacy
preferences and dashboards for device overviews, to
enhance user awareness and control in complex envi-
Figure 1 depicts the word frequency distribution
within the analysed literature. It is the first step in
providing insights into the prevalent themes and con-
cepts related to smart homes and privacy concerns.
From Figure 1, one can discern that the text empha-
sises topics such as privacy, concerns, and user expec-
tations in the context of smart homes. Additionally, it
highlights the significance of privacy-preserving tech-
nologies and the need for measures and countermea-
Smart Home Privacy: A Scoping Review
Figure 1: Literature Word Analysis.
trust, and User
Perception and
Privacy Risks
and Attacks
Data Sharing
and Consent
and Protection
Figure 2: Smart-home Privacy: Themes.
sures to address perceived risks.
Given that and guided by the research question,
the literature survey shows common Themes and cat-
egories in smart home privacy research. These cate-
gories capture the common themes that emerge from
the studies survey in this paper as seen in Table 2 and
Figure 2.
Privacy Concerns, Trust and User Perception and
Acceptance. Research on privacy concerns in smart
home environments broadly focuses on three areas:
risk perception, privacy threats, and user attitudes.
Studies such as (Guhr et al., 2020), (Balasubrama-
nian et al., 2021), and (Kreuter et al., 2020) investi-
gated the factors that influence users’ perceptions of
privacy risks. Another avenue of inquiry, represented
by (Haney and Furman, 2022), (Vimalkumar et al.,
2021), and (Mohanty et al., 2022), examines the im-
pact of privacy threats on user behaviour and technol-
ogy adoption. The relationship between privacy con-
cerns and user intentions has also been explored, as
evidenced by (Windl et al., 2023).
In summary, this body of work enhances our un-
derstanding of users’ privacy concerns, risk percep-
tions, and attitudes towards smart home technolo-
gies. The insights gained can guide the development
of user-centric design approaches, privacy-enhancing
strategies, and effective communication methods to
improve the acceptance of smart home devices. Fur-
thermore, the researchers on user attitudes towards
privacy in smart homes has illuminated key factors af-
Table 2: Themes and Corresponding Papers.
Theme Individual Papers
Trust, and
User Per-
and Ac-
(Guhr et al., 2020; Balasubra-
manian et al., 2021; Kreuter
et al., 2020; Haney and Fur-
man, 2022; Vimalkumar et al.,
2021; Windl et al., 2023;
Zheng et al., 2018; Haney
et al., 2021; Schomakers et al.,
2021; Yao et al., 2019b;
Abdi et al., 2019; Haney
et al., 2020; Tabassum et al.,
2019; Georgiev and Schl
2018; Wilkowska et al., 2015;
Schomakers et al., 2020; Al-
mutairi and Almarhabi, 2021;
Kaaz et al., 2017; Liu et al.,
2021; Shouran et al., 2019;
Shuhaiber et al., 2023)
Risk and
(Setayeshfar et al., 2021; Zou
et al., 2023; Musto et al., 2021;
Pierce et al., 2022; Nassiri Abr-
ishamchi et al., 2022; Edu et al.,
2020; Al-Turjman et al., 2022;
Habibzadeh et al., 2019; Tabas-
sum et al., 2019; Nemec Zla-
tolas et al., 2022; Duezguen
et al., 2021; Leit
ao, 2019; Acar
et al., 2020; Hafeez et al.,
2019; Ramapatruni et al., 2019;
Yakubu et al., 2023; Ozmen
et al., 2023)
Data Shar-
ing and
(Mohanty et al., 2022; Seymour
et al., 2023; Siddiqui et al.,
2023; Zampati, 2023; Khan
et al., 2020; Sultana et al., 2020;
Singh et al., 2019; Lin et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2023)
lines, and
(Zhang et al., 2020; Zou et al.,
2023; Hatamian, 2020; Musto
et al., 2021; Rios et al.,
2021; Qashlan et al., 2021;
Makhdoom et al., 2020; Sul-
tana et al., 2020; Singh et al.,
2019; Lin et al., 2019; Iqbal
et al., 2023; Poh et al., 2019;
She et al., 2019; Yao et al.,
2019a; A
ıvodji et al., 2019;
Wan et al., 2020; Hafeez et al.,
2019; Ramapatruni et al., 2019;
Augusto-Gonzalez et al., 2019;
Khanpara et al., 2023; Yakubu
et al., 2023; Ozmen et al., 2023)
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
fecting privacy-related decisions. These insights are
instrumental for developing privacy-enhancing mea-
sures and user-centric designs, ultimately fostering
greater acceptance of smart home technologies.
Privacy Risks and Attacks. Several studies have
explored the security and privacy implications in
smart homes. For instance, (Setayeshfar et al.,
2021) revealed vulnerabilities through machine learn-
ing analyses of IoT signals. (Zou et al., 2023) consid-
ered blockchain for enhanced privacy, while (Musto
et al., 2021) focused on distributed identity manage-
ment. Additional risks like DDoS and firmware is-
sues were also documented (Saxena et al., 2020; Guhr
et al., 2020; Buil-Gil et al., 2023).
Data Sharing and Consent. Some studies have in-
vestigated the factors affecting users’ willingness to
share data in smart homes, including the role of pri-
vacy regulations. (Seymour et al., 2023) specifi-
cally examined how GDPR influences trust and data-
sharing behaviour. User preferences and personality
traits are key in shaping data-sharing behaviour in
smart homes. (Siddiqui et al., 2023) explored the role
of control, perceived benefits, and transparency in
data-sharing decisions. (Zampati, 2023) looked into
how personality traits like privacy concerns and risk
perception influence willingness to share data. These
insights could guide the development of tailored pri-
vacy mechanisms and policies for smart homes.
Privacy Design, Guidelines and Protection Tech-
niques. Several studies have proposed techniques to
enhance user privacy in smart homes. (Zhang et al.,
2020) and (Zou et al., 2023) focused on blockchain
technology to ensure data integrity and confidential-
ity. (Hatamian, 2020) and (Musto et al., 2021) looked
into distributed authentication mechanisms for se-
cure user control. Context-aware policy languages
were explored by (Rios et al., 2021) and (Qashlan
et al., 2021) for fine-grained data access control.
Cloud-based trusted environments were investigated
by (Makhdoom et al., 2020) and (Sultana et al., 2020)
to secure user data. These contributions aim to de-
velop robust privacy-enhancing solutions for smart
The search strategy is limited by the specific choice
of keywords and may miss some relevant studies. The
article selection criteria, focusing on aspects like pri-
vacy in smart homes and English language, could also
exclude pertinent work, thus affecting the review’s
comprehensiveness. Additionally, the absence of a
formal quality assessment of included studies may
question the overall reliability of the findings. There-
fore, the results may lack generalisability across the
broader ecosystem of smart home privacy issues.
While the inclusion of variations and combina-
tions of search terms is a good starting point, there
is a possibility that some relevant studies may not be
captured due to the specific choice of keywords. The
effectiveness of the search strategy in retrieving com-
prehensive results may depend on the relevance and
appropriateness of the chosen terms. The criteria for
article selection are focused on specific aspects, such
as privacy concerns in smart-home technologies, em-
pirical research, theoretical frameworks, and articles
published in English. While these criteria help narrow
down the scope, they may also exclude relevant stud-
ies that fall outside these specific criteria, potentially
limiting the comprehensiveness of the scoping re-
view. The methodology states that a formal quality as-
sessment of individual studies will not be conducted.
While this is acceptable for a scoping review, it means
that the included articles’ quality and potential biases
are not thoroughly evaluated, which may impact the
overall reliability of the findings. Given the aforemen-
tioned limitations, this study’s findings may lack gen-
eralisability to other areas of smart homes and may
not capture the broader landscape of privacy issues
that exist within the entire ecosystem of smart home
devices and systems.
In summary, this scoping review offers a thorough
assessment of existing studies on privacy issues in
smart homes, identifying key themes like trust, user
perception, risks, and protective measures. The find-
ings stress the urgency for continued research to ad-
dress these privacy concerns as smart home adoption
expands. Standardised privacy guidelines and user-
centric design are emphasised for ensuring trust, data
security, and ethical practices. Future research should
delve into user perceptions and trust to inform the
development of privacy-focused features. As smart
home technology evolves, ongoing studies should ex-
plore emerging privacy risks and the influence of new
technologies like AI and IoT on smart home privacy.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy