Local Economy-Based Mangrove Ecotourism Sustainability Strategy
Darul Islam
and Citra Lutfia
Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Ecotourism, Local Economy.
Abstract: Ecotourism is one way to make the natural environment a tourist destination. Ecotourism is the concept of
nature tourism trips that have a vision and mission of conservation and love for the planet. This can happen
because the financial benefits obtained from tourist travel costs are also used for nature conservation needs
and improving the welfare of local residents, so that it gets great attention from local governments to
increase regional independence. The goal of ecotourism is to preserve local culture and not violate human
rights and demographic movements. Ecotourism's potential lies in the concept of environmental
development that involves maintaining and conserving nature. Mangroves have the potential to be used as
ecotourism. The mangrove forest area in Lembung Village, Galis District, Pamekasan, Madura is one of the
interesting locations how the concept of Ecotourism can be combined with local economic development and
conservation issues. The purpose of this research is to collect information about the description of
ecotourism practices in the mangrove forest area in Lembung Village and the strategic concept of
sustainability of local economy-based ecotourism management. Ecotourism and sustainable tourism
development can be optimally achieved through cooperation between academics, government,
entrepreneurs, and the community.formulated.
The strategic role of the tourism sector in national
development can be seen in the National Medium-
Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 which
sets 5 (five) focus development programs for the next
5 (five) years, namely Infrastructure, Maritime,
Energy, Food and Tourism (IMEPP). Of the five
sectors, tourism is designated as a leading sector. The
Ministry of Tourism also seeks to make a significant
contribution to the Indonesian economy. This is
evidenced by the achievements of the tourism sector
and the performance achievements of the Ministry of
Tourism in 2019 obtained foreign exchange of IDR
280 Trillion, which previously in 2018 the country's
foreign exchange earnings amounted to IDR 229.50
Trillion, (Kemenparekraf, 2019).
Liap, et al (2019) state, one of the sectors that
can be a mainstay in national and regional
development is natural resource tourism consisting
of forests, mountain rivers and coastal and ocean
areas which are a mainstay that plays an important
role in driving economic growth and national or
regional business.
Currently, ecotourism is one of the options for
introducing a natural preserved environment, as well
as a tourist-visit area. The potential of ecotourism
lies in the concept of environmental development,
which is based on maintaining and conserving
nature. Mangroves have the potential to be used as
ecotourism. This is because the condition of
mangroves is very unique and the model of the area
developed as a tourist facility still pays attention to
the authenticity of the forest and the organisms that
live in it. An area that is unique and distinctive will
have a higher worth and become a special attraction
for someone. This is used as a guideline for the
development of tourist areas (Dzulkarnain, 2016).
Damanik and Weber (Damanik and Weber, 2006)
state that, the basic idea of sustainable development is
preservation of natural and cultural resources. These
ideas then led to the concept of sustainable tourism.
The concept of sustainable tourism. This means the
development of resources (attractions, accessibility,
amenities) for tourism that aim to provide optimal
profits for stakeholders and optimal satisfaction value
for tourists in the long term.
Islam, D. and Lutfia, C.
Local Economy-Based Mangrove Ecotourism Sustainability Strategy.
DOI: 10.5220/0012644600003798
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference (MEBIC 2023) - Sustainable Recovery: Green Economy Based Action, pages 73-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-704-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The concept of ecotourism is actually not new in
the world of development, this concept has been
introduced relatively long ago, especially since the
emergence of various problems in the tourism
industry sector, such as environmental damage, tourist
behavior that threatens ecosystems and the
sustainability of natural-social existence. This concept
also offers Experiential richness which will invite
tourists to be more responsible for the preservation of
environmental resources by limiting the consumptive
use of society such as reducing the use of fossil
energy in tourist trips replaced by the use of
sustainable energy, inviting tourists to be more
familiar with the impact of the accumulation of tourist
waste, and consuming organic-based food which is
much healthier for health (Pollitt et al., 2021).
In a sense, genealogically the idea of ecotourism
emerged as a response to many parties to various
natural-social damages that arose due to the
activities of the tourism industry that did not heed
the natural ecosystem. Ecotourism is a shortened
form of the word ecotourism, to be precise. In turn,
the concept of ecotourism has developed along with
the development of the tourism industry itself
(Damanik and Weber, 2006). According to (Tanaya,
2014) ecotourism is a contemporary concept that
emerged as a sustainable form of natural resource-
based tourism. The main principle of ecotourism
activities lies in experience and learning about
nature, which is managed by minimizing impact,
non-consumptive, and most important of all is self-
orientation that emphasizes locality values
(Dzulkarnain, 2016).
The purpose of ecotourism in its management
(Pollitt et al., 2021), for some regions such as Madura,
the idea of strengthening a sustainable economy
through ecotourism with local wisdom is a quite
logical consideration, even very strategic value. This
is based on the magnitude of Madura's social natural
potential which has a variety of rich local wisdom,
both in the form of socio-cultural, social religion, and
natural exoticism that is beautifully stored in it
(Leonandri and Rosmadi, 2018).
Sustainable Tourism is tourism that is growing
very rapidly, including the increase in the flow of
accommodation capacity, local population and the
environment, where tourism development and new
investments in the tourism sector should not have a
bad impact and can be integrated with the
environment, if we maximize positive impacts and
minimize negative impacts (Ahmad Rangkuti,,
2017). This concept also leads to every tourism
activity that takes place in a tourism destination by
not damaging the environment and being able to
control negative impacts on the environment through
the use of natural resources and encouraging
companies engaged in the tourism sector to achieve
a high standard of environmental utilization, create
new environmental standards and make the latest
environmental innovations (Prabawa, 2017).
Lembung Village, Galis District, Pamekasan,
Madura is home to a mangrove forest area. The
mangrove forest area was inaugurated in 2019.
Besides that, the area is used as a source of land
income for local residents by fishing for oysters. The
majority of people in the area are looking for oysters
and are using the technique of cutting down the
mangrove trunk to make it easier to take oysters
attached to the mangrove trunk. This technique can
potentially jeopardize the structure of the mangrove
community because the population of mangroves is
reduced due to deforestation, which is part of the
process of taking oysters. This cannot be ignored
because it will cause bad impact on the ecotourism
environment itself. Ecotourism's principles, which
include preserving environmental characteristics,
providing education, engaging local communities,
and improving the economy of local communities,
must be reaffirmed. A good and responsible
ecotourism management concept is necessary for
this reason. So, the importance of policy
management in maintaining the mangrove
ecotourism area is for the sustainability of the
ecosystem in the area as a coastal protector, habitat
for various types of biota, and nursery ground for
many types of marine fish and serves to protect the
coastline from abrasion or erosion.
Ecotourism cannot be compared to other types of
tourism. Ecotourism requires specific management
in order to achieve sustainability goals in economic,
social, and cultural aspects. The focus of ecotourism
management is on how to maintain and protect
irreplaceable resources so that they can be utilized
for present and future generations. In ecotourism
management, it is very important to integrate
environmental and cultural (socio-cultural)
components. To be sustainable, resource
management must be done wisely and take into
account ecological and economic values.
Muttaqin, et. al (Muttaqin et al., 2011) evealed
that the development of mangrove ecotourism areas
in an area has its own challenges, this is because the
perception of the community around ecotourism
does not support these activities, while ecotourism is
tourism which includes the concept of development,
research and education. In addition, it has the aim of
preserving the lives and welfare of local residents.
To protect mangrove forest areas, policies that
utilize existing potential are needed. Thus, new jobs
will be available with income resources from
mangrove ecotourism.
A comprehensive study is required, particularly
one that addresses the ecosystem attachment of a
particular tourist attraction. With the above review,
research on "Sustainable Ecotourism Management
of Mangrove Ecotourism in Lembung Pamekasan" is
important to answer the relationship between
existing resources at the study site and sustainable
tourism management.
Sustainable tourism development is essentially
related to efforts to ensure that natural, social, and
cultural resources utilized for tourism development
in this generation can be enjoyed by future
generations. Tourism development must be based on
sustainability criteria, which means that
development can be ecologically supported in the
long term. One of the objectives of mangrove
ecotourism is to enhance the quality of life of the
local community. Using these conditions, this study
aims to identify the economic strength of the local
economy in the ecotourism area in Pamekasan
Regency. Develop strategies that can encourage the
development of local economies based on
ecotourism potential in Pamekasan Regency.
This research uses a qualitative approach, because
it leads to a detailed and in-depth description of the
portrait of conditions that actually occur in the
field. This research will observe and examine the
Sustainability Strategy of Mangrove Ecotourism
Based on Local Economy.
The population that is the source of data from
this research is the forest farmer group and the
parties involved in ecotourism management.
Sample withdrawal will be carried out using
snowball sampling technique (Sugiono, 2017).
Data Analysis
Data analysis in this study was carried out three
times, namely:
1. Analysis before the field
This analysis was carried out by researchers
before entering the field. This analysis was
carried out by reviewing data from previous
research and literature studies.
2. Analysis during the field
At this stage this uses the Miles and Huberman
model. Where data analysis is carried out
interactively and continuously until completion.
3. Analysis after the field
After the data is obtained, summarized, presented
and summarized. Furthermore, researchers will
test the credibility of the data or trust in the
research data by triangulation and discussion
with friends.
2.1 Framing the Question
In the case of this research, there are two parts or
two research questions:
QR1: How is the strength of the local economy in
the ecotourism area in Pamekasan Regency?
QR2: How is the mangrove ecotourism
sustainability strategy that can encourage the
development of ecotourism potential based
on the local economy in Pamekasan
2.2 Identifying Relevant Work and
To get as much as possible researchers distributed
questionnaires to ecotourism managers and the
surrounding community researchers also conducted
observations and semi-structured interviews, this
semi-structured interview was chosen so that
respondents were more open in conveying their
answers. convey the answer.
3.1 Overview of Mangrove Forest
Research Objects in Lembung
Lembung Village is geographically located in Galis
Sub-district, Pamekasan Regency. Lembung Village
itself, has a population of 1,353 people with details
of 674 men and 679 women. The village consists of
four hamlets, namely Lembung Tengah Hamlet (the
average community works as farmers or manages
rice fields and salt farmers), Lembung Utara Hamlet
(the community works as farmers). Two other
hamlets, namely Bangkal Hamlet and Bengkaleng
Hamlet, are also working as fishermen, but they also
work as mangrove forest conservationists and coffee
users (BPS, 2015). Data from the Pamekasan
Forestry and Plantation Service in 2020 describes
the area of mangrove forests as 1,174 hectares, with
details of 714.53 hectares of good condition, 42
Local Economy-Based Mangrove Ecotourism Sustainability Strategy
hectares of moderate condition and 418 hectares of
damaged condition.
The center for mangrove planting in Lembung
Village, Galis District, Pamekasan is located in
Bangkal Hamlet. There is plot 61A, which has an area
of 3.8 hectares of mangrove forest. with a length of +-
4 kilometers and an estimated 30,000 mangrove trees
planted on the land. Meanwhile, in Bungkaleng
Hamlet there is Plot 61B with an area of 25.0
Hectares and there are 260,000 mangrove trees
already planted at that location.Mangroves in the
Lembung Mangrove Ecotourism area are 4 types,
namely Rhizophora Mucronata, Rhizophora
Apiculata, Rhizophora Stylosa, and Avicennia
Marina. Different types of mangroves have distinct
functions and fruit uses. (Lugina et al., 2019) also
explained that mangrove trees including their fruits)
have economic value and high potential to be
Kusmana (Kusmana, 1995) states that the function
of mangrove forests is divided into three, namely: (1)
physical function, can protect the environment from
the influence of oceanography (tides, currents,
hurricanes, and waves), control abrasion and prevent
the intruition of sea water to land; (2) biological
function, is closely related to fisheries, namely as a
nursery ground, feeding ground, and spawning
ground for several species of fish and shrimp, and is a
major supplier of nutrients on the coast, especially
seagrass areas and coral reefs; (3) economic function,
as a source of first-class wood, pulp, paper materials,
chips, and charcoal.
The Forest Farmers Group (KTH) "SABUK
HIJAU", which was formed in 2009 in Lembung
Village, Galis Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency,
aims to maintain sustainability and small and
medium business units that are a support for the
economic stability of the community and no less
important as a means for the community to live
independently and try themselves with their
creativity and abilities in the field of production for
their survival and can mingle and further strengthen
the bond of brotherhood. KTH Sabuk Hijau has 22
members who conserve, utilize, develop, and
supervise <unk> 290,000 mangrove trees on an area
of 46.00 ha.
3.2 Development Strategy
The concept of managing mangrove tourism
development in Lembung Village, Galis District,
Pamekasan Regency is currently still centralized in
the Forest Farmers Group 'Green Belt'. Meanwhile,
the Madura Forest Management Unit (KPH), as the
landowner, only monitors and supervises the
mangrove forest located at that location.
Furthermore, in planning the development of
mangrove tourism in Lembung Village, Galis
District, Pamekasan Regency, the concept of
management is needed to realize the established
managerial practices in its management.
The conception of management is designed based
on the existing conditions of management and the
needs of all parties, who play a role in the
development of tourism in Lembung Village, Galis
District, Pamekasan Regency. The problem that
hinders the natural tourism management plan can be
resolved immediately. Mangrove tourism
management is needed to identify the necessary
elements for the development of mangrove tourism as
a whole. The participation of several parties in
promoting tourism. mangrove nature is very
necessary. Especially the participation of the
community around the location. (13)explained that
developing forest tourism requires cooperation
between the community and the government. The
level of participation is significantly affected by
mentoring activities from extension workers (from the
government) to the community and farmer groups.
In the local economy-based ecotourism
development strategy, some identification is needed
as a basis for reference, so that this development can
be properly targeted. The results of research based
on SWOT analysis are divided into 3, first, local
economy-based mangrove ecotourism sustainability
strategy, both internal factor strategies and external
factor strategies.
In order to measure the potential of a tourist
attraction according to (Christopher, 2008), there are
four components that must be owned by a tourist
attraction, including attractions, amenities,
accessibility, and infrastructure.
Lembung Mangrove Ecotourism was built with the
theme of educational tourism, where tourists can
visit this place while learning how to breed, plant
and cultivate various kinds of flora and fauna that
exist. Ecotourism visitors are more prevalent among
the general public, students, and students. Where can
the general public visit mangrove ecotourism to
enjoy the natural panorama available, while student
visitors and students can focus more on education
and research?
Attraction components in mangrove forests
located in Lembung Village, Galis District,
Pamekasan Regency include wooden trails, viewing
posts, mangrove galleries, and people's boats. The
owned attraction components can be developed and
adjusted to fit the development of the Lembung
Village ecotourism area in Galis District.
The manager of a tourist site must have
amenities, namely facilities, infrastructure, and
accommodation, as this is a component that
increases tourism capacity. The results of the study
explain that the identification of amenity is quite
lacking as evidenced by the facilities and
infrastructure available so far are tracking, gazebos,
toilets, photo spots, canteens and parking lots.
Therefore, the manager will continue to carry out
several discussions to improve facilities and
infrastructure to improve the satisfaction of visitors
who come to this ecotourism site. So that a targeted
development strategy is needed, and the
participation of the surrounding community and
outsiders is needed to build supporting facilities.
According to (Mufid et al., 2019). Facilities are an
important part of ecotourism development.
Ecotourism destinations must have environmental
interests in mind and offer benefits to visitors.
Facilities should be built as needed while
maintaining the principles of nature.
In tourism, ease of access is the most important
thing. In terms of tourism, any form of
transportation is important for access. Conversely,
transferability, the ease of moving from one place to
another, has to do with this access. Tourists will not
visit an area that is not accessible, such as airports,
ports, and roads. If an area has tourism potential,
then adequate accessibility must be available.
Lembung Village mangrove ecotourism has
accessibility that includes access to the mangrove
area in Lembung Village. This accessibility includes
all types of transportation, both land, sea and air.
However, intra-structure access to tourist sites, both
inside and outside roads, still needs to be developed.
Mangrove Ecotourism Ansilari Lembung Village
Galis District Pamekasan Regency
Ansilari are facilities that support tourism activities,
and they prioritize the availability of public facilities
and amenities that aid tourism activities, including
banks, ATMs, telecommunications, hospitals, and
other. On the other hand, ansilari also includes the
presence of various organizations that assist and
encourage tourism growth and relevant destination
marketing. This is in line with (Nguyen et al., 2020)
that tourism support activities start from mapping
mangrove potential, The direction of mangrove
development will be determined by the initial
identification of mapping, so a clear classification is
needed for each mapping. Because the location of
Lembung Village mangrove ecotourism is close and
still far from the city center, the facilities that
support it are lacking. Mangrove managers should
improve these facilities.
Table 1: SWOT Analysis of Internal and External Factor
Has rich and unique mangrove
Access to ecotourism sites is
still not comfortable to pass
Has beautiful natural beauty
Tracking in mangrove
ecotourism lembung is a lot
of damage.
Supporting mangrove forest
Facilities and infrastructure
available are still incomplete
(toilets, prayer rooms,
canteens etc.).
The main educational attraction in
Pamekasan Regency
The parking lot is still less
spacious and uncomfortable
Has processed products from
various types of mangroves.
There is no product stand
for processed mangrove
Having resources that are
beginning to realize the
importance of mangrove forest
There is cooperation with various
Increase the economic income of
the community around ecotourism
through the development of
mangrove processed products.
Competition from similar
Increase employment
opportunities or businesses of the
surrounding community (selling
goods and services).
Illegal logging and
reclamation of mangrove
Policy support and training from
the Government.
Garbage that is disposed of
carelessly and garbage that
is sent
Can contribute to increasing
income for the village.
Destruction done by
Ecotourism ecotourism
empowerment program from the
Conflicts between visitors
and the surrounding
Source: data processed by researchers
One way to achieve success in the development
of an area is to involve the local community in the
activities. This is necessary because they are the
ones who will directly get the impact of these
activities. In addition, the involvement of local
communities is needed to foster a sense of belonging
to the existing tourist attraction so that its utilization
is directly felt by them, especially to increase
income. The development and management of
tourism objects will have a positive impact on
sustainability and ecosystem preservation if the
community is involved.
Local Economy-Based Mangrove Ecotourism Sustainability Strategy
Lembung Mangrove Ecotourism has an impact on
changes in the ecological, socio-cultural, and
economic elements of the surrounding community,
with both positive and negative impacts. Managers,
awareness of the surrounding community, and
tourists have an impact on environmental
preservation. SWOT analysis for Lembung
Mangrove Ecotourism Development for Socio-
Economic Strengthening of Lembung Village
Community supports an aggressive strategy because
developing ecotourism and improving the socio-
economy of the surrounding community must
optimize strengths by using available opportunities.
Good institutions are necessary to effectively
develop the socio-economic side in the development
of business units, for instance. Based on the findings
of the research results, there are several
recommendations that can be given given, namely
the need for follow-up discussion on the strategies of
the results of the SWOT analysis offered. SWOT
analysis offered. To develop ecotourism in Madura,
it is necessary to conduct a discussion forum to
formulate steps to be taken. mangrove ecotourism
development. In addition, assistance is needed from
the government, especially the tourism office of
academics, and the private sector.
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