Systematic Review: Implementation of Telepharmacy Services for
Jimmi Ellyas Dolok Saribu and Liandhajani
Magister Program, Faculty Pharmacy, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta,
Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Jakarta 14350, Indonesia
Keywords: Telepharmacy, Role of Pharmacist, Evaluation of Telepharmacy.
Abstract: Telepharmacy services are service activities that provide pharmaceutical care to patients at a distance through
the use of telecommunications and information technology. The purpose of this review article is to analyse
the importance of telepharmacy services in the competitive pharmacy business by providing a brief overview
of the meaning of telepharmacy, the implementation of telepharmacy services, the role of pharmacists in
telepharmacy services and the results of the evaluation of telepharmacy services in pharmacies. Data searches
and retrieval methods were conducted electronically using Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science direct, Nature,
NCBI websites. Keywords used in the search included "pharmacy development strategy", "telepharmacy
strategy", "telepharmacy", "telepharmacy in pandemic" and "telepharmacy in Covid-19 pandemic". "A total
of 24 journals were found and only 12 journals and 10 government regulations met the inclusion criteria.
From this literature review, it can be seen that telepharmacy services can help maximise pharmaceutical
services in the competitive era of pharmacy business, and with the results of this evaluation, it is hoped that
they can be used as a reference for Indonesia in creating integrated policies and procedures for implementing
telepharmacy services in the future.
Health is an important thing and one of the factors
related to the Human Development Index. Health is
also something that many people strive for in order to
improve the welfare of Indonesian society (Irwan,
2020). There are various types of health problems that
many people experience, which are related to
lifestyle, food pattern, environment, and genetic
diseases (Pinontoan et al., 2019). Pharmacies are
health service facilities that provide patients and the
public with various sources of information related to
health services. Pharmacies also have full authority
and responsibility for the supply of medicines.
Pharmacies can act as managers to organise
implementation plans.
Pharmacy is a type of health service that basically
has two functions, namely a health unit and a business
unit. Pharmacy is also one of the efforts to develop
health services with the mission to provide medicines
and public health needs to achieve optimal health. The
pharmacy function in the business unit aims to make a
profit, so pharmaceutical service activities include not
only the management of medicines as goods and
patient services to improve the quality of life, but also
to balance pharmaceutical and financial aspects for the
benefit of patients (Hartayu et al., 2020).
The development of information and
communication technologies has given rise to an
application in the provision of pharmacy services to
provide services to one or more remote locations via
computer, video and audio links, known as
telepharmacy. Information and communication
technologies play an important role in different types
of access to health services, which can be called
electronic health (Armada, 2023). In addition, health
services based on information and communication
technology in the pharmaceutical sector are referred
to as electronic pharmacy or also known as
telepharmacy, which can help in efforts to improve
people's quality of life and has been widely used in
rural facilities due to the low number of pharmacists
available (Hendra, 2023).
Telepharmacy is a remote service that allows a
pharmacist to check and profile prescription drug
orders. This can also help to improve the quality of
services provided by pharmacies and is linked to
development strategies in both health and business