amount of food consumed but also the nutrients it
provides. The frequency, quantity, and timing of
meals all play a role in maintaining good nutrition.
Fish, eggs, and meat are good sources of essential
nutrients for the body.
Breastfeeding mothers require additional calories
to support both the healing process and the production
of breast milk for their babies (Solehati, 2020). Adult
women typically require 2200 kilocalories, while
breastfeeding mothers require an additional 700
kilocalories during the first six months after giving
birth (Solehati, 2020). Mothers who have undergone
a cesarean section and restrict their diet, as advised by
their parents, may experience a slower healing
process. This can be attributed to a decrease in
nutritional intake. Conversely, mothers who have
adequate sustenance will experience a faster injury
recovery cycle. Conversely, mothers who have
adequate sustenance will experience a faster injury
recovery cycle. Conversely, mothers who have
adequate sustenance will experience a faster injury
recovery cycle. These findings were reported by
Haerani et al. (2021). Dietary forbearance is a
behavioural practice of abstaining from certain foods
due to social taboos that have been passed down
through generations. Certain groups have legends
about restricted food sources, such as breastfeeding.
Despite lacking scientific evidence, some still believe
that consuming certain foods while breastfeeding can
cause negative effects, such as festering wounds and
bad-tasting breast milk (Yanti, 2019).
The nutritional status of postpartum mothers has a
significant impact on the wound healing process.
Nutritional status refers to the body's condition
resulting from food consumption and nutritional
intake. Nutrients aid in metabolic processes and the
maintenance and formation of new tissue (Viyana,
2023). Nutritional status is a reflection of the balance
between the body's need for nutrients to maintain
normal bodily functions, produce energy, and obtain
other nutritional intake. Following surgery, the body
requires nutrition to aid in maintaining health and
healing wounds. These nutrients can be obtained from
foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, and fat,
which are available from various animal and
vegetable sources. These nutrients can be obtained
from foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, and
fat, which are available from various animal and
vegetable sources. These nutrients can be obtained
from foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, and
fat, which are available from various animal and
vegetable sources.
The authors express gratitude to the study participants
for their valuable contribution. This research can serve
as a reference for further analysis on the effectiveness
of other plants in healing post-Caesarean patients.
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