The Influence of Influencer Reviewers and Electronic Word of Mouth
on Product Purchase Decisions with Digital Marketing as a
Moderating Variable
Ari Soetiyani and Amos Julian Hosea
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 UTA 45” Jakarta Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Ilmu Sosial, Indonesia
Keywords: Influencer, Word of Mouth, Purchasing Decisions, Digital Marketing.
Abstract: This article aims to test and analyse the influence of Influencer Reviewer and Word of Mouth on Buying
Decisions with Digital Marketing as a moderator. The population in this study used a sample of 229
respondents, who are the audience of GadgetIn's YouTube channel subscribers from Generation Z and the
Millennial Generation. Data retrieval techniques used simple random sampling by spreading research
questionnaires in the form of Google Forms through social media. The data processing method in this study
uses Smart PLS software to test hypotheses. The results of this study show that Influencer Reviewer is proven
to have a positive and significant effect on the Purchase Decision, Word of Mouth is not significant to the
Purchase Decision, Digital Marketing is proven to have a positive and significant effect on the Purchase
Decision, Digital Marketing has a significant influence and can moderate the influence of the Influencer
Reviewer on the Purchase Decision, Digital Marketing has been proven to be insignificant and cannot
moderate the influence of Word of Mouth on the Buying Decision.
Technology was created to make it easier for humans
to carry out activities and provide comfort for their
users. The development of increasingly modern times
creates various kinds of technologies that are
increasingly sophisticated, so that there are now few
areas of human life that are free from their use,
especially communication technology, which is
currently capable of transforming human life.
According to Williams & Sawyer (2011),
smartphones are mobile phones with
microprocessors, memory, screens, and built-in
modems. The role of communication technology
today is very important because of the many demands
for the rapid and precise exchange of information.
Today's evolving communication technologies
have enabled humans to connect with each other
without being limited by distance, space and time.
The unification of various functions of
communication tools has been integrated into a
communication tool called a smartphone. A
smartphone is a mobile phone with more capabilities,
starting from resolution, features, to computing
including the presence of a mobile operating system
in it.
Changes in the use of the internet have altered the
way humans interact with virtual concepts, meaning
that individuals with shared interests can
communicate with others electronically. The phrases
virtual community and online community are
commonly used to describe those groups that interact
with one another online (Hagel and Armstrong,
1997). Community existence, along with content and
commerce, is fundamental in online commerce
(Calkins et al., 2000). Community existence can
influence consumers in the decision-making process
about whether to buy. Interaction between
community members makes it possible to get to know
each other and connect based on common interests,
leading to the ability to build genuine relationships.
This can ensure frequent and regular visits, and lead
to more profound relationships and loyalty to the
community (Kim et al., 2008). One of the virtual
communities in Indonesia is GadgetIn, which is a
YouTube channel. GadgetIn was created on 6
December 2014 by David Brandy. This YouTube
channel has 8,190,000 subscribers and is watched by
over 500,000 views per video. The number of gadget
Soetiyani, A. and Hosea, A.
The Influence of Influencer Reviewers and Electronic Word of Mouth on Product Purchase Decisions with Digital Marketing as a Moderating Variable.
DOI: 10.5220/0012581900003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 339-343
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
or smartphone users in 2021 has significantly
increased from the number in 2018. In 2020,
smartphone users reached 175.4 million, whilst in
2021 it increased to 202.6 million.
Previous researchers have shown that Reviewer
Influencers have been studied in relation to the
Purchase Decision (Yasmin., 2020). Electronic Word
of Mouth has a positive impact on the Purchase
Decision (Sulthana & Vasantha, 2019). However,
Electronic Word of Mouth also has a negative impact
on the Purchase Decision (Zinko et al., 2021). Digital
Marketing has a positive impact on the purchase
decision (AL-AZZAM1 & AL-MIZEED2, 2021).
However, there has been no research that places
Digital Marketing as a moderating variable which
moderates the influence of purchasing decisions on
electronic word of mouth. Additionally, something
new from this research also lies in the moderating
variable that moderates between the electronic word
of mouth variable and the Digital Marketing variable.
This will be a topic of discussion where previous
research can have a positive or negative effect.
Theory of Reasoned Action is expanded to Theory of
Planned Behaviour so that the application in terms of
knowing the relationship between intention and
behaviour is clearer. It is explained that a person's
intention for behaviour is formed by two main things,
namely subjective norms and attitude towards the
behaviour, whilst perceived behaviour control is an
additional factor in Theory of Planned Behaviour
(Ajzen, 1991). Using this theoretical approach, the
research model is studied systematically to see the
purchase decision implemented in the form of
feedback (feedback) and attitude towards the
GadgetIn YouTube channel. Digital marketing is
influenced by influencer reviewer and electronic
word of mouth and moderated by digital marketing as
a moderating variable. Thus, influencer reviewer and
electronic word of mouth have the potential to
influence the purchase decision moderated by digital
marketing. Based on this argument, the results of
previous research are traced, and a research
hypothesis is formed.
The research method uses qualitative. The Theory of
Reasoned Action is expanded to become the Theory
of Planned Behaviour so that the application in terms
of knowing the relationship between intention and
behaviour is clearer. It is explained that a person's
intention for behaviour is formed by two main things,
namely subjective norms and attitude towards the
behaviour, while perceived behaviour control is an
additional factor in the Theory of Planned Behaviour
(Ajzen, 1991). By using this theoretical approach, the
research model is systematically reviewed to see the
Purchase Decisions implemented in the form of
feedback (feedback) and attitude towards the
GadgetIn Youtube Channel. Digital Marketing is
influenced by Reviewer Influencer and Electronic
word of mouth and moderated by Digital Marketing
as a Moderating variable. Thus, Reviewer Influencer
and Electronic Word of Mouth have the potential to
influence the Purchase Decision moderated by Digital
Marketing. Based on that argument, the results of
previous research were traced, and a research
hypothesis was formed.
3.1 The Influence of Influencer
Reviewers on Buying Decisions
A good Influencer Reviewer will certainly have a
significant impact on the decision-making process
where the Influencer is able to attract attention,
interest, desire, decision and action that affects
consumptive behaviour (Yasmin, 2020). The
credibility owned by an influencer in promoting a
product causes an increase in the public's brand
awareness of a product or brand, so that it can bring
in potential consumers, especially if the followers of
the influencer are actively involved in helping their
marketing. This can effectively influence the level of
product sales to consumers (Evelina and Fitrie, 2018).
Thus, Influencer Reviewers have the potential to
exert an important influence on Purchase Decisions.
This is unquestionably crucial in forming a positive
perception of Influencer Reviewers. Consistent with
the preceding statement and argument, H1 is
established: The Influence of the Influencer Reviewer
has a Positive and Significant Effect on the Purchase
3.2 The Effect of Electronic Word of
Mouth on Purchase Decisions
Thurau (2014) said electronic word of mouth is a
statement made by actual, potential, or previous
consumers about products or companies where this
information is available to people or institutions
through internet media. The activity of delivering
information by word of mouth has long been a factor
affecting the purchasing decision of Hennig-Thurau
(2004). Thus, Electronic Word of Mouth has the
potential to have an important influence on the
Purchase Decision, this is certainly an important thing
to increase consumer buying interest. In accordance
with the previous statement and the argument above,
H2 is determined: Electronic Word of Mouth has a
Positive and Significant effect on the Purchase
3.3 The Effect of Digital Marketing on
According to research by Glen et al. (2019), social
media marketing comprises content creation,
community, interaction, and trust. Additionally,
social media marketing delivers information about
promotions that is easily understood by consumers
(Raddy, 2016). This influences consumer perception
and purchase decisions. (Sivasankaran, 2017) Digital
marketing and its impact on the buying decisions of
young people. Digital marketing poses many threats
and challenges in the competitive online market, and
it also affects the decisions of young consumers.
Purchasing decisions arise from digital marketing
interactions. This is certainly an important point that
must be considered to understand what prospective
consumers need to help determine their purchase
decision. According to the previous researcher's
statement and the argument above, it can be stated:
H3 The influence of Digital Marketing has a positive
and significant effect on purchasing decisions.
3.4 3.4 Digital Marketing Moderation
on the Influence of Influencer
Reviewers on Buying Decisions
According to research by Batu et al. (2019), digital
marketing is the use of the internet and other
interactive technologies to create and connect
information used for digital transactions (Hisam,
2018; Mahalaxmi and Ranjith, 2016). Additionally, a
study by Ananda and Wandebori (2016) found that
trustworthiness refers to the level of trust individuals
have and the acceptance of messages by influencers.
Trust concerns the ability of influencers to influence
the audience, vlogger expertise is of sufficient quality
in providing accurate information with experience,
knowledge and skills possessed will be a
consideration to make a purchase. Influencer
Reviewer is one of the important components for
potential consumers to determine purchases.
According to the previous research statement and the
arguments above, the H4 hypothesis is established.
Digital marketing has a significant effect and can
mitigate the influence of the influencer reviewer on
the purchase decision.
3.5 Moderation of Digital Marketing
on the influence of Word of Mouth
on Purchasing Decisions
Just relying on digital marketing is not enough to
make a potential consumer decide on a purchase.
According to (Dareen and Haryadi, 2015), word of
mouth that is maintained by consumers is closely
related to the purchase decision. Companies must
maintain trust by always working as best as possible
so as not to cause consumer disappointment. This is
certainly an important point that must be considered
to know what potential consumers want for the
purchase decision by the influence of word of mouth.
According to the previous researcher's statement and
the argument above, it can be said: H5 Digital
Marketing has a significant influence and can
moderate the influence of Word of Mouth on
Purchase Decisions.
Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it can
be described as follows.
Proof of the first hypothesis, Influencer Reviewer
has a positive effect on the significant Pmebelian
Decision. A good Influencer Reviewer will certainly
have a significant impact on the Decision of Decision
where Influencers are able to attract attention,
interest, desire, decision, and action that affect
consumptive behaviour (Yasmin, 2020).
The proof of the second hypothesis, Word of
Mouth against the Purchase Decision, is not
significant. (Thurau et al., 2014) state that electronic
word of mouth is a statement made by actual,
potential, or previous consumers about products or
companies, where this information is available to
people or institutions via internet media. The activity
of delivering information by word of mouth has long
been a factor affecting the purchase decision (Hennig-
Thurau, 2004). Thus, Electronic Word of Mouth has
the potential to have an important influence on the
Purchase Decision, this is certainly an important thing
to increase consumer buying interest. In accordance
with the previous statements and arguments above, it
is determined that Word of Mouth has no significant
effect on the Purchase Decision.
The Influence of Influencer Reviewers and Electronic Word of Mouth on Product Purchase Decisions with Digital Marketing as a
Moderating Variable
Table 1: Results.
Hypothesis Original Sample Standard T- P Values
Sample Mean Deviation Statistics
0,260 0.274 0,130 1.196 0.046
-0.158 -0.168 0,140 1.131 0,258
0,587 0,598 0,234 2.515 0,012
-0,469 -0.467 0,336 1,396 0,163
1.012 1.013 0,221 4,585 0,000
Proof of the third hypothesis: Digital Marketing
against significant purchase decisions. According to
the research of Glen et al. (2019), social media
marketing is formed from content creation,
community, interaction, and trust. Social media
marketing also encompasses the delivery of
information about promotions that is easily
understood by consumers (Raddy, 2016). Consumer
perception and purchase decisions. (Sivasankaran,
2017) Digital marketing and its impact on the buying
decision of young people has many threats and
challenges in the competitive online market. Digital
marketing also affects the decisions of young
consumers. Purchasing decisions arise from digital
marketing interactions. This is certainly an important
point that must be considered in order to understand
what prospective consumers need to help them make
a purchase decision. Based on the previous
researcher's statement and the argument above, it can
be stated: H3 The influence of Digital Marketing has
a positive and significant effect on purchasing
Proof of the fourth hypothesis, Digital marketing
has no significant effect and cannot moderate the
influence of Influencer Reviewers on Purchase
Decisions. According to research by Batu et al.
(2019), digital marketing is the use of the internet and
other interactive technologies to create and exchange
information for digital transactions (Hisam, 2018;
Mahalaxmi and Ranjith, 2016). Additionally,
according to research conducted by Ananda and
Wandebori (2016), trustworthiness refers to the level
of individual trust and acceptance of messages by
influencers. Trust concerns the ability of influencers
to influence the audience, vlogger expertise is of
sufficient quality in providing accurate information
with experience and knowledge, and skills possessed
will be a consideration to make a purchase. Influencer
Reviewer is one of the important components for
potential consumers to determine purchases.
According to previous research statements and the
arguments above, the hypothesis is determined to
have no significant effect.
Proving the fifth hypothesis, Digital Marketing
has proved to be significant and can moderate the
influence of Word of Mouth on Buying Decisions.
According to (Dareen and Haryadi, 2015) Word of
Mouth that is maintained by consumers is closely
related to the Purchase Decision. Companies must
maintain trust by always working as best as possible
so as not to cause consumer disappointment. This is
certainly an important point that must be considered
to know what potential consumers want for the
purchase decision by the influence of word of mouth.
This study used a selected sample of 229 respondents
from among men and women. The male and female
respondents who were sampled in this study were at
least part of Generation Z, aged 20 to 23, and the
Millennial Generation, aged 24 to 39. With various
criteria, including 8.7% from SMA/Degree, 11.4%
from Master (S2), 23.6% from Diploma (D3), and
56.3% from Bachelor (S-1), the data quality test in
this study uses a Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis.
This analysis is a Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) equation model with a variance or component-
based approach to structural equation modelling. The
software to be used is SmartPLS (Partial Least
Square). The measurement outer model validity test
is the relationship between the indicator and its
construct. Initial evaluation or model measurement
testing is reflective, namely with convergent validity.
The convergent validity evaluation starts by looking
at the item reliability shown by a loading factor value
of more than 0.5 so it has good validity.
Source: Data processed by SmartPLS
Figure 1.
Validity testing for reflective indicators use
correlations between item scores and constructs. An
indicator is declared valid if it has a loading factor
value above 0.5. The image above shows that the
loading factor gives the appropriate value
recommended. It means that the indicators used in
this study are valid or can be said to have met
convergent validity.
Based on the results of the hypothesis test above,
it can be described as follows. Evidence of the first
hypothesis, E-commerce Service Quality has a
positive impact on Customer Satisfaction. The effect
of good E-commerce Service Quality can have a
favourable influence on customers. Furthermore, a
customer can be considered satisfied as there are
influences from various aspects, namely product
quality, service quality, product design and
reasonable price of a product. Thus, the evidence of
this research supports and complements research that
has been previously done by (Meidita et al., 2016;
Putri & Pujani, 2019).
This research provides evidence that Influencer
Reviewing, Word of Mouth, and Purchase Decision
can be strong factors in creating Digital Marketing.
Then, Digital Marketing has been proven to be
significant and can moderate the influence of
Influencer Reviewers on Buying Decisions. This
research has limitations, namely respondents who
were only sampled from the audience of the GadgetIn
YouTube channel. Further research can be spread
further in questionnaires with respondents using other
methods, such as conducting in-depth interviews, so
that the gathered information can be more diverse and
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The Influence of Influencer Reviewers and Electronic Word of Mouth on Product Purchase Decisions with Digital Marketing as a
Moderating Variable