Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management
System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District
Central Kalimantan Province
Tresia Kristiana and Yunikewaty
Program Study of Government Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Kristen University Palangka Raya,
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Program Study Management, University Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Keywords: Implementations, Occupational Safety and Health Management System.
Abstract: Palm oil plantations are one of the strategic commodities that contribute to the country's foreign exchange,
with an average of US$ 22-23 billion. Palm oil plantations are capable of absorbing a workforce of up to 16
million people directly. The area of oil palm plantations in 2022 will increase by 2.49% from the previous
year. Riau Province is the area with the largest area of oil palm land in Indonesia, however the area of oil
palm land does not have a significant effect on the amount of labor absorption. Central Kalimantan is the
province with the largest number of oil palm plantation workers, reaching 756 thousand people. This
number beats Riau's 609 thousand workers. PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari is one of the plantation companies in
Central Kalimantan Province, located in Taulan Hulu District, East Kotawaringin Regency, with the largest
number of palm oil plantation workers, reaching 1772 workers. Based on Law No.13 of 2003 concerning
employment, PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari are required to implement an Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (SMK3).
This research uses qualitative methods, collecting data using in-depth interviews, observation and
documentation studies. Key informants consist of elements from the leadership of PT Huntan Sawit Lestari,
P2KT administrators, and environmental experts at PT Hutan Sawit Lestari, supervisors and employee
representatives.Data analysis uses the triangulation method. The research data were analyzed using Van
Meter and Van Horn's Policy Implementation theory.
The research results it is known that the Plantation Company PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari has implemented an
Occupational Safety and Health Management System in accordance with statutory provisions. The company
formed the P2KT organization as the implementing unit, and established supervisors. The company
provides facilities and infrastructure in the form of equipment to prevent work accidents, provides health
facilities in the form of health clinics, and installs signs to indicate danger. To support the performance of
P2K3, the Company provides certified experts according to the required fields and from ministries and other
institution Conclusions from this research Overall, the Palm Oil Plantation Company PT.Hutan Sawit
Lestari implemented Occupational Safety and Occupational Health principles in accordance with the
mandate of Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Labor in every line of work. However, it needs to be improved
in order to achieve the common goal of Safety and Health at work and the ultimate goal is Zero Accidents.
Companies are expected to make a priority scale by making adjustments to the latest regulations.
Palm oil is one of the commodities that contributes
the largest foreign exchange to the country. Main
Director of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund
Management Agency (BPDPKS) Eddy
Abdurrahman at the opening of the event
'Socialization of the Impact of Implementing
BPDPKS BLU Service Tariffs on Sustainable Palm
Oil Plantations, said' Palm oil is a strategic
commodity for the Indonesian people, apart from
providing huge foreign exchange, palm oil also
creates jobs. No less than 16 million people work in
palm oil industry. As a strategic commodity, palm
oil generates huge foreign exchange, an annual
average of US$ 22-23 billion. Apart from that, palm
Kristiana, T. and Yunikewaty, .
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central Kalimantan Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0012581300003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 94-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
oil also directly creates employment opportunities
for 16 million people. Palm oil is a strategic
commodity for the Indonesian people, apart from
providing huge foreign exchange, palm oil also
creates jobs. No less than 16 million people work in
the palm oil industry. As a strategic commodity,
Palm oil generates huge foreign exchange, an annual
average of US$ 22-23 billion. Apart from that, palm
oil also directly creates employment opportunities
for 16 million people.
The area of oil palm plantations in Indonesia will
reach 14.99 million hectares (ha) in 2022. This
number has increased by 2.49% compared to the
previous year which was 14.62 million ha. Looking
at the trend, the area of oil palm plantations in the
country has tended to increase in the last decade.
The area of oil palm plantations also reached its
highest figure last year. The management of oil palm
plantations in Indonesia is generally managed by the
state, the private sector with an area of 8.83 million
hectares, while those controlled by the community
are 6.16 million hectares. Furthermore, the National
Statistics Agency (BPSN) noted that Riau Province
has the largest oil palm plantation area in Indonesia
in 2022, namely 2.86 million ha. Its position is
followed by West Kalimantan and Central
Kalimantan with oil palm plantation areas of 2.01
million ha and 1.83 million ha respectively.
The Directorate General of Plantations of the
Ministry of Agriculture and the Indonesian Palm Oil
Entrepreneurs Association (Gapki) noted that the
achievement of crude palm oil (CPO) production
was 46.7 million tons in 2022, a decrease of 0.34
percent from 2021 production of 46.8 million tons.
million tons. The palm oil industry is also a labor-
intensive industry that absorbs a lot of workers.
Increasing production along with increasing land
also encourages an increase in the number of
workers in the palm oil plantation sector.
Central Kalimantan is the province with the
largest number of oil palm plantation workers,
reaching 756 thousand people. This number beats
Riau with 609 thousand workers and North Sumatra
with 567 thousand workers. Companies that have
more than 100 workers or have a high potential for
work accidents are required to implement an
Occupational Safety and Health Management
System. This policy is implemented based on
Government Regulation (PP) no. 50 of 2012.
Regulations which are implementing regulations for
article 87 of Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning
Employment states that SMK3 is part of the
company's overall management system in the
context of controlling risks related to Occupational
Safety and Health in order to create a safe, efficient
and productive workplace.
Indah Yuliana(2020) Occupational Health and
Safety is one of the main concerns for companies
because basically the human spirit is everything.
Accidents and health and disease are things that
must be avoided for workers and their families.
Losses as a result of work and health accidents will
not only be detrimental to workers but also to the
company, because of additional costs due to
accidents and a bad track record for the company.
Much greater costs will be borne by the company if
occupational safety and occupational health are not
managed well by the company. In managing
occupational safety and occupational health, an
Occupational Safety and Occupational Health
(SMK3) management system is required.
Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012,
stipulates the implementation of the Occupational
Safety and Health Management System (SMK3),
which is a mandatory government policy to be
implemented by companies in an effort to reduce the
number of work accidents and occupational diseases.
In this regulation, it is mandatory to implement K3
Management System norms (1) Implementation of
the K3 plan is carried out by entrepreneurs based on
the K3 plan as follows referred to in Article 6
paragraph (1) letter c and Article 9. (2)
Entrepreneurs in implementing K3 plans are
supported by human resources in the field of K3,
infrastructure and facilities.
PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari is a plantation company
operating in the oil palm plantation sector which is
domiciled/located in Taulan Hulu District, East
Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan
Province. The PT Hutan Sawit Lestari company was
founded ± 11 years ago and has obtained an HGU
(Hak Guna Usaha) permit. HGU PT. Sustainable
Palm Oil Forest covering an area of 6,299.88 Ha. In
processing and cultivating oil palm plantations, PT.
Sustainable Palm Oil Forest has its own Palm Oil
Factory (PKS) with a production capacity of 45
tons/hour, with coordinate points: LS: 1038”26.31”
and BT: 112051”11.36”. PT. To date, Sustainable
Palm Oil Forest has employed employees with a
total of 1,772 workers consisting of (Employees and
staff = 621 people, Harvest Workers = 523 people
and Daily Garden Care = 653 people).
Even though regulations regarding occupational
safety and occupational health have been established
by the government in the form of Government
Regulation No. 50 of 2012, in reality on the ground
the understanding and perception regarding
implementation, especially in industry, is still
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central
Kalimantan Province
diverse. Based on the facts, data and phenomena as
stated above, the problem in this research is how the
PT Hutan Sawit Lestari Company implements the
Occupational Safety and Occupational Health
Management System Policy.
Policy implementation is a process of trying to
translate a policy that is still abstract into concrete
reality. Jones (1986) suggests that the activities of
the public policy implementation process can be
divided into three stages, namely the interpretation
stage, the organizing stage and the application stage.
Apart from Jones, Donald S. Van Meter and Cearl E.
Van Horn in Wahab (2002:65) state: "those actions
by public or private individuals (or groups) that are
directed at the achievement of objectives set for in
prior policy decisions". According to Van Mater and
Van Horn, the implementation process is formulated
as actions carried out by individuals, officials,
groups, government or the private sector which are
directed at achieving the goals outlined in policy
According to Van Meter and Van Horn (1975),
there are several factors that are believed to
influence policy implementation and performance.
Some of these factors are as follows:
1. Policy standard and objective, which ‘elaborate
on the overall goals of the policy decision… to
provide concrete and more specific standard for
assessing performance’.
2. The resources and incentive made available
3. The quality of inter-organizational relationships
(we find in their discussion of this, as in so
much of the American literature on
implementation, an extensive discussion of
aspects of Federalism
4. The characteristics of the implementation
agencies, including issues like organizational
control but loos, going back surely to inter
organizational issues, ‘the agency` formal and
informal linkages with the “policy-making” or
“policy-enforcing” body’
5. The economic, social and political environment,
6. The disposition or response oh the
implementer”s, involving three elements: their
cognition comprehension, understanding) of the
policy, the direction of their response to it
(acceptance, neutrality, rejection) and the
intensity of that response’.
The implementation of public policy is defined
as the tendency, desire or agreement of the
implementer (implements) not only must know what
must be done and have the ability to carry out the
policy, but they must also have the will to
implement the policy (Edward III, 1980: 11) . Most
implementer can carry out policy implementation
freely. The reason is their dependence on the
superiority of the people who formulate the policy,
and the complexity of the policy itself.
Van Meter & Van Horn (1974, 472) argue that
there are three types of response elements that can
influence the ability and willingness to implement a
policy, including first, knowledge (cognition),
understanding and understanding of the policy,
second the direction of their response, whether they
accept, neutral or reject (acceptance, neutrality and
rejection), and third, the intensity of the policy.
Understanding and general intent of a standard and
policy objectives is important, because, however
successful policy implementation is, it can fail
(frustrate) when implementer (officials) are not fully
aware of the standards and policy objectives. The
direction of the disposition of implementer s towards
standards and policy objectives is also a "crucial"
thing. Implements may fail in implementing
policies, because they reject the objectives of a
policy (Van Meter & Van Horn, 1974, 473).
This research uses qualitative methods, qualitative
research is a research method used to uncover
problems in the work life of government, private,
community, youth, women's, sports, arts and culture
organizations, etc. so that it can be used as a policy
for the common welfare. (Al-Ghazaruty, 2009). In
qualitative research methodology, there are various
data collection methods/sources that are commonly
used. According to Bungin (2007:121-122), "the
documentary method is one of the data collection
methods used in social research methodology to
explore historical data. Document material differs
gradually from literature. Literature is published
material, while documentary is information stored or
documented as documentary material.
Moleong (2007:217) provides reasons why
document study is useful for qualitative research,
including; 1). Because it is a stable, rich and
encouraging source. 2). Useful as evidence for a test.
3). Useful and appropriate because it is natural,
appropriate to the context, born and in the context. 4.
Relatively cheap and not difficult to find, it just
takes time. 5). The results of the content study will
open up opportunities for expanding knowledge of
something being investigated.
East Kotawaringin Regency is one of the districts in
Central Kalimantan province. The capital of this
district is located in Sampit. This district has an area
of 16,496 km², consisting of 17 (seventeen) sub-
districts, 17 (sub districts) and 168 villages. From 17
Districts. in East Kotawaringin, there are at least 50
large private oil palm companies (PBS) that are
already operating. Of this number, there are at least
35 palm oil processing factories, with production of
fresh fruit bunches (FFB) amounting to
8,383,070,190 kg, CPO 1,843,630,706 kg, kernel
375,922,421 kg, and PKO 25,415,870 kg.
One of the Palm Oil Plantation Companies is PT.
Sustainable Palm Oil Forest is domiciled/ located in
Tualan Hulu District, East Kotawaringin Regency,
Central Kalimantan Province. The Palm Oil
Company PT Hutan Sawit Lestari, which was
established approximately 11 (eleven) years ago and
has employed local employees from the Central
Kalimantan area (General Payroll) is estimated to
reach 69% of the total 1772 people, including office
administration workers, assistants. Manager,
Foreman, Clerk, Security Guard, Cook and 2
Managers, as well as harvest workers and daily
garden maintenance workers. Judging from the
number of workers absorbed by PT Hutan Sawit
Lestari, the large number of palm oil harvests and
processing results from palm oil mills that produce
CPO, it is based on Law Regulation No. 13 of 2013
concerning Employment, article 86 letter a which
states Efforts to protect workers are carried out so
that workers are always healthy, safe, secure and
prosperous so that ultimately they can achieve a high
level of productivity. One important aspect is the
Institutional Enforcement of the Occupational Safety
and Health Management System (SMK3).
4.1 Occupational Safety and Health
Management System Policy
Human resources (labor) are one of the company's
assets which have an important role in determining
the company's success in achieving its stated goals.
Therefore, the workforce must be given special
attention and managed as well as possible by the
company. This is intended so that the company's
workforce is able to provide optimal contributions in
efforts to achieve company goals. In managing
human resources, management is needed that is able
to manage resources systematically, planned and
In managing human resources, in this case the
workforce, the government makes laws and
regulations which essentially provide protection for
workers, guarantee workers' basic rights, and
guarantee equality of opportunity and treatment
without discrimination on any basis to realize the
welfare of workers/laborers. and his family while
still paying attention to developments in the business
world. In order to provide protection and realize the
welfare of workers, the government has established
Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower to
ensure the existence of a harmonious work relations
system and guarantee the basic rights of workers and
guarantee equality of opportunity and without
discrimination accompanied by pressure from the
parties involved. strong to the weak. In Article 86
paragraph 1 of Law Number 13 of 2003 it is stated
that every worker/laborer has the right to obtain
protection for:
a. occupational Health and Safety
b. morals and decency and
c. treatment that is in accordance with human
dignity and religious values.
As stipulated by the Government in Law Number
13 of 2003, every company that meets the provisions
is required to implement an Occupational Safety and
Health Management System (SMK3). In Indonesia,
SMK3 has been implemented since 1996 through
Minister of Manpower Regulation No.05/Men/1996.
Internationally, the development of OHSMS began
to develop through the ILO Guideline in 2001. Then
in the same year, OHSAS was also developed.
SMK3 was reaffirmed in Law No.13 of 2003 article
87. And mandated implementation guidelines
through Government Regulation No.50 of 2012
concerning the Implementation of SMK3 since 12
April 2012. To clearly understand the systematic of
implementing SMK2, you can see the following
Figure 4.1: Systematic of implementing SMK3.
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central
Kalimantan Province
Based on Figure 4.1, it can be seen that the legal
basis for SMK3 is Article 87 of Law No.13/2003,
which contains:
(1) Every company is obliged to implement a safety
and health management system work that is
integrated with the company management
(2) Provisions regarding the implementation of the
occupational safety and health management
system as intended in paragraph (1) is regulated
by Government Regulations.
The next legal basis for SMK3 is PP No.50/2012,
which consists of:
Article 1- Definition of SMK3 Is part of the
company's management system as a whole overall in
the context of controlling risks related to work
activities to create a safe, efficient and productive
Article 2- Objectives of implementing SMK3
a. increase the effectiveness of planned
occupational safety and health protection,
measurable, structured and integrated;
b. prevent and reduce work accidents and work-
related diseases by involving elements of
management, workers/laborers, and/or
trade/labor anions;
c. creating a safe, comfortable and efficient
workplace to encourage productivity.
Article 5- Implementation of SMK3
Mandatory for companies: employ at least 100
(one hundred) workers/laborers; or has a high
level of potential danger.
Provisions regarding high levels of potential
danger in accordance with regulatory provisions
When implementing SMK3, pay attention to
statutory regulations, conventions or
international standards
4.2 Company Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (SMK3) PT Hutan
Sawit Lestari Palm Oil Plantation
All areas of work have risk factors for work
accidents that can befall laborers/labor workers.
Considering the risk factors that could occur, the
Government in this case has issued Labor Laws,
which contain Work Safety requirements in order to
protect the rights of workers. Therefore, every
worker/laborer has the right to obtain protection for
Occupational Safety and Health in accordance with
article 86 letter a UU no. 13 of 2003 concerning
Employment. Efforts to protect workers are carried
out so that workers are always in a healthy, safe,
secure and prosperous condition so that ultimately
they can achieve a high level of productivity. One
important aspect is K3 Institutional Enforcement,
occupational health efforts and good work
environment management.
Palm Oil Plantation Company PT. Sustainable
Palm Oil Forests in order to comply with statutory
provisions and support the Occupational Safety and
Occupational Health Management System has
formed an Occupational Safety and Occupational
Health Advisory Committee Organization (P2K3).
The P2K3 organization in its organizational
structure includes competent and certified experts
from each ministry and other institutions, both from
the government and other institutions. As for data on
expert staff owned by the Palm Oil Plantation
Company PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari in the
Occupational Safety and Occupational Health
Management System can be seen in the following
Table 4.1: Occupational Safety and Health Management
System (SMK3) Experts.
No Information Total
1 Occupational Safety and Health Expert and has
received a decree from the Ministry of Manpower
of the Republic of Indonesia
2 Staff who are competent in the field of First Aid for
Accidents and have received a First Aid certificate
from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration
of the Republic
3 The Fire and Rescue Team has fire fighting
equipment to prevent and deal with fires in the
4 Tenaga Paramedic untuk mengikuti pelatihan
Hyperkes yang dilaksanakan di Jakarta oleh
Kemenakertrans Republi
5 Juru Las bersertifikat untuk karyawan yang khusus
ekerja di
6 The equipment operator has a K3 license for lifting
and transport equipment, has a driving license
Source: PT Hutan Sawit Lestari
The Palm Oil Plantation Company PT Hutan Sawit
Lestari, in implementing the Occupational Safety
and Occupational Health Management System
(SMK3), provides equipment and supporting
facilities as an effort to prevent work accidents and
maintain health for workers and their families and
communities living around the Company's area. The
SMK3 supporting equipment can be seen in the
following table.
Table 4.2: Equipment and Supporting Facilities SMK3 PT.
Hutan Sawit Lestari.
No Informasi Conditio
1 Install light fire extinguishers (APAR) according to
instructions/mandate RI Minister of Manpower and
Transmigration Regulation No. 04/1980 concerning
APAR. Installation is carried out in strategic places such
as: employee housing, generator engines, child care
centers, offices, clinics, employee cooperatives, palm oil
factories (PKS), a checklist is carried out every month by
P2K3 officers as a form of monitoring the condition of the
2 Providing first aid kits in workplaces (such as in large
offices, and warehouses/workshops, elementary schools,
kindergartens and main camp landfills and carried by
foremen in the field after receiving training from first aid
certificate holders and assisted by PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari
clinic Paramedics.
3 Regarding the Obligations of the Management, article 14
letter (a) has installed a banner with Occupational Safety
and Health Information in strategic places such as offices,
warehouses & workshops as well as in palm oil factories
(PKS) in public places that are easy to read by employees,
contractors, suppliers and guests.
4 Installation of sign boards in public places that are easy to
see and read by the public regarding the use of APD,
calling for prioritizing Occupational Safety and Health
Installed in
a strategic
5 Put up an occupational safety and health flag at the Head
Office, at the PKS PT office. Sustainable Palm Oil Forest
and at the Port/Bulking CPO in Bukit Batu Village,
Cempaga Hulu District, WaringinTimur City Regency
6 Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to
employees, especially those who work at high risk and
danger of work accidents and being exposed to or
contaminated with toxins, such as Central Warehouse,
Workshop, Spraying, Manuring and Harvester employees.
7 Providing health services to BUMIL and children under
five at the end of every month by inviting doctors and
midwives at the Parenggean 2 Health Center to the PT
Clinic. Sustainable Palm Oil Forest to check the health of
children under five and pregnant women and provide
and on a
8 Conduct health check-ups (worker health checks) in
plantations 01, 02, 03, 06, warehouse, PKS, and BPPL
who work at high risk and risk of work accidents by
taking blood samples from each employee (cholinesterase
check) and sending them to Neoziqma Lab in Sampit and
and on a
Source: Laporan PT Hutan Sawit Lestari 2023
4.3 Factors That Influence the
Successful Implementation of
System Policies Occupational
Safety and Occupational Health
Management PT. Hutan Sawit
Policy implementation as a concept has a number of
theoretical foundations, especially a number of
factors that play an important role in the policy
implementation process. There are many factors and
elements within each factor, each of which
individually or together interact with each other to
influence policy implementation. Each factor and
element in it has a different role, but its existence
cannot be ignored or its role is considered small.
Sometimes factors or elements that have a small role
in certain public activities can be considered to have
a large role in other cases or activities.
Among the factors that look simple to complex
can be human resource factors to organizational
structures, and working relationships between
organizations, starting from issues in the form of
commitment of policy implementer. Some experts
try to generalize all these factors into several specific
factors which are considered to be representative of
factors and elements that have a significant role in
the implementation of public policy, one of which is
Van Meter and Van Horn. According to Van Meter
and Van Horn there are at least 5 (five) factors that
determine success or failure in policy
implementation consisting of: Standards and
Objectives, resources, inter-organizational
communication and implementing activities,
implementing disposition, implementing attitude,
implementing statistics/structure organization.
The five factors that determine success or failure
implemented by PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari are based
on research data studied with the opinions of Van
Meter and Van Horn as follows:
(a) Standards and Goals
In every public policy, standards and objectives
must always be stated clearly in each program.
Because with clear standards and policy objectives,
it will be easy to implement the policy. On the other
hand, failures will often occur due to unclear policy
standards and objectives. Palm Oil Plantation
Company PT. Sustainable Palm Oil Forests in
creating and compiling the Occupational Safety and
Health Management System (SMK3) program use
standards set by the Government in applicable laws
and regulations, as the first legal basis is Law no. 13
of 2013 concerning Manpower, and Decree of the
Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
Number: KEP.7869/M/DJPPK/VII/2014 concerning
providing reports every 3 (three) months to the
Minister of Manpower or appointed Officials. The
purpose of making an expert report on occupational
safety and health within PT. Sustainable Palm Oil
Forests are as follows:
a. As a form of supervision and responsibility for
the appointment decision letter from Ministry of
Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
b. provide information to the relevant agencies
regarding the implementation of K3 in the
PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari.
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central
Kalimantan Province
c. Providing positive suggestions and
recommendations for the company regarding
safety implementation and occupational health
in the PT environment. Sustainable palm oil
forests so that the workforce is always available
a state of health, safety, security and prosperity
so that in the end to achieve something high
level of productivity where the important aspect
is safety and security efforts occupational health
including K3 Institutional Enforcement,
occupational health efforts and managing a
healthy and environmentally friendly work
(b) Resource
Policy resources are no less important than standards
and objectives, these policy resources must be
available in order to facilitate the implementation
(implementation) of a policy. Lack or limited
funding or other incentives for implementing
policies is a major contribution to the failure of
policy implementation. Important sources in
implementing the policy in question include:
1. Staff
In this context, each staff member must have the
skills and abilities to carry out tasks,
recommendations and orders from superiors. Apart
from that, there must be accuracy and
appropriateness between the number of staff
required and the expertise they possess in
accordance with the tasks and work they handle. At
the Palm Oil Company PT Hutan Sawit Lestari, with
regard to the Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (SMK3) as per the data in table
Table 4.1 There are 81 (eighty one) Occupational
Safety and Health Management System (SMK3)
Experts at the PT Hutan Sawit Lestari Company.
experts who have certificates according to their field
and expertise issued by the government through the
responsible ministry in accordance with the
2. Fund
Funding sources are urgently needed to finance the
implementation and operational implementation of
policies. On the Palm Oil Plantation of the PT Hutan
Sawit Lestari Company, the implementation of the
Occupational Safety and Occupational Health
Management System policy is budgeted in the
SMK3 operational fund. The basis for calculating
funds can be done by: (1) Compiling a list of
occupational accident and health risks that occur, (2)
Carrying out an K3 risk assessment, (3) Determining
mitigation actions for K3 risks (4) Calculating K3
costs, (5) Carrying out calculation of the percentage
of K3 costs to the contract.
3. Information
Relevant and sufficient information about how to
implement a policy and the willingness or ability of
the various parties involved in implementing the
policy, so that implementer will not make mistakes
and interpret how to implement or carry out the
policy. Apart from that, this information is important
to make the people involved in implementation
aware so that they are willing to carry out and
comply with their duties and obligations.
At the Palm Oil Plantation Company PT Hutan
Sawit Lestari, information on the Occupational
Safety and Occupational Health Management
System is carried out by installing signs and signs as
well as work safety equipment in strategic places to
avoid work accidents and efforts to prevent disease,
especially dangers resulting from work accidents
and health problems. other.
4. Authority
Authority is needed to guarantee and ensure that the
policies that will be implemented are in accordance
with their wishes. At the Palm Oil Plantation
Company PT Hutan Sawit Lestari, the authority to
implement Occupational Safety and Occupational
Health Management is given to the P2K3
Organization formed by the Company to implement
policies in accordance with the provisions of the
Legislative Regulations, this is done by equipping
the company with the expert staff required.
5. Facility
Facilities are the means used for ope rationalization
in carrying out the implementation of a policy which
includes, among other things, buildings, land and
facilities, all of which will make it easier to provide
services in implementing the policy. At the Palm Oil
Plantation Company PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari
facilities in the form of supporting facilities and
infrastructure are provided by the company
according to the company's capabilities.
Specifically for the implementation of the
Occupational Safety and Health Management policy,
the facilities provided are: Personal Protective
Equipment for workers (PPE), Light Fire
Extinguisher (APAR) in accordance with the
instructions/Mandate of the Minister of Manpower
and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No.
04/1980 concerning APAR, Medical Centers/Clinics
have obtained operational permits from the Regent
of East Kotawaringin with the Decree of the Regent
of KOTIM No. 10/IK-BP/KP3M/X/2015 dated 07
October 2015, Warehouse for storing employee
PPE, employee showers for spray and fertilizer as
well as a place for washing used sacks and making a
tub/pool for storing used washing and bathing water
for employees in Garden 06 ( division 24), central
warehouse and garden 01, management of B3 waste
has been carried out well as evidenced by the
existence of a special LB3 storage warehouse, there
is an LB3 balance sheet, it is labeled, given a
wooden plate, etc. Waste handling at the main camp
has been handled well, with waste being separated
regularly every day and disposed of in the waste pits
(c) Communication Between Organizations
Standards and objectives must be understood by the
individuals (implements) who are responsible for
achieving the standards and policy objectives.
Therefore, standards and objectives must be
communicated to implementer consistently and
uniformly from various sources of information.
Before implementing the Occupational Health
and Safety Management System (SMK3) policy, the
Palm Oil Plantation Company PT. Socialization is
delivered in work meetings and work evaluations
which are held regularly, planned and programmed.
One of the results of the work meeting was to form a
P2K3 organization along with determining
management by appointing an implementing unit.
P2K3 membership comes from the workforce in the
company, every three months a meeting is held to
evaluate workforce activities to prevent work
accidents. The results of the P2K3 performance
evaluation were presented at a working meeting of
leadership elements within PT. Sustainable Palm Oil
Forest. This is part of vertical communication
between leaders and subordinates.
Activities/Attitudes of the Implementer
and Disposition
2K3 which was formed by the Palm Oil Plantation
Company PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari carries out work
safety and health management system activities by
following applicable rules and regulations. Efforts to
prevent work accidents and occupational health by
preparing experts according to the fields and
expertise required by PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari. As in
the data in table 4.1 above, existing experts have
certificates according to their field of expertise
issued by the ministry. The P2K3 organization
receives full support from the company with
available budgeted funds, not only expert staff,
support is also provided by providing facilities and
infrastructure such as supporting activities in the
occupational safety and occupational health
management system such as providing PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment) for all workers,
Providing first aid kits for each work unit, providing
light fire extinguishing equipment, installing danger
signs, providing clinical facilities and infrastructure,
as well as carrying out health checks for each
(e) Implementing
Characteristics/Bureaucratic Structure
Organizational structure, division of authority,
relationships between organizational units within the
organization concerned, organizational relationships
with external organizations and so on. Therefore, the
bureaucratic structure includes dimensions of
fragmentation and standard operating procedures.
P2K3 at the Palm Oil Plantation Company PT.
Hutan Sawit Lestari has SOPs as determined by the
Government. The creation of K3 SOPs follows
references to Management System Standards such as
OHSAS 18001. As for the form of accountability to
the government in accordance with applicable
regulations, PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari has been
audited by the ISPO team for stage 2 by the
company PT. SGS Indonesia.
Based on the findings and analysis regarding the
implementation of the Occupational Safety and
Health Management System Policy at the PT.Hutan
Sawit Lestari We can conclude that sustainable oil
palm forests are as follows:
a. Overall, the Palm Oil Plantation Company PT.
Hutan Sawit Lestari already implement
Occupational Safety and Occupational Health
principles as mandated right in Law No. 13 of
2003 concerning Labor in almost every line of
b. It is necessary to increase the implementation of
Occupational Safety and Health3 in order to
achieve the goals The common goal is safety
and health at work and the ultimate goal is Zero
Accidents/Zero Accidents.
c. In the framework of implementing Occupational
safety and Health rules, of course there are
several things that need improvement and
become a priority scale, namely referring to The
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central
Kalimantan Province
most recent applicable law is the Job Creation
Based on the findings and analysis of the findings
that we have carried out and mentioned previously,
and in order to further improve the performance of
the Occupational Safety and Health Management
System (SMK3) at PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari
recommends the following things:
a. So that findings that are not in accordance with
K3 rules and norms are followed up in a
measurable time
b. Increase cooperation in every line in matters
implement a Safety Management System and
Occupational Health at the Palm Oil Plantation
Company PT. Hutan Sawit Lestari
c. Providing supporting facilities and infrastructure
that are more complete and adequate in terms of
Quality and quantity in efforts to implement an
Occupational Safety and Health Management
System within PT.Hutan Sawit Lestari
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