Auditor Competency to Conduct Remote Audits
Robiur Rahmat Putra, Kiko Armenita Julito, Sihar Tambun and Anjeli Frisilia
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, North Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Auditor Competency, NVivo, Remote Audit.
This research aims to obtain concepts and information about what competencies are needed by an auditor, if
you want to become an auditor with remote audit skills. The research data sources are online news, YouTube
and research articles for 3 years, specifically from 2021 to 2023. Data sources are selected based on credibility
and suitability of the data to the problem being studied. Data processing uses NVivo 12 Plus software. There
are four stages of data processing, the data input process, coding process, visualization process, and conclusion
determination process. Coding validity was evaluated using a triangulation approach. The research results
obtained seven competency points needed for auditors with remote audit skills. Firstly, two-way
communication competency during the audit process. Second, master audit procedures in general. Third, have
an attitude of professionalism. Fourth, be able to extract audit evidence from information and communication.
Fifth, have IT-based audit certification. Sixth, master digital technology. Seventh, understand management
information systems. The implications of the research results can be used by auditors or prospective auditors
in the future. If you want to work as an auditor with remote audit skills, it is recommended that you master
these seven competencies. For students who are prospective auditors, these seven competencies can be
equipped and prepared now. With these seven competencies, it is hoped that they can become capital to
become superior auditors in the era of digitalization in the future.
In early October 2023, Ziprecruiter noted that Auditor
work in the field of remote audit is one of the jobs
with a high average salary in the United States. The
annual salary of an auditor in the remote audit field is
$65,762 to $118,317. This salary is higher than the
average salary for auditors in other fields.
Ziprecruiter also reports that there are very few
vacancies for professional auditors in the remote audit
field in various cities in the world, such as in Jakarta
(Ziprecruiter, 2023). The demand for the auditor
profession in the field of remote audit is very high in
developed countries such as the United States
(Crucean & Hategan, 2023). Meanwhile in
developing countries, the demand for auditors in the
field of remote audit emerged after the Covid 19
pandemic (Baatwah & Al-Ansi, 2022; Castka &
Searcy, 2023). This fact is very interesting to observe,
considering that the direction of world development
is towards digitalization and high technology.
Information on the facts and phenomena described
above must be utilized. Auditors and prospective
auditors must compete to be able to compete in this
profession. Paying attention to phenomena and facts
in the field raises a very important research question
to study, what competencies are needed by auditors to
carry out remote audits.
Previous research achievements related to the
problems studied, there are several things that have
been achieved. Bhattacharjee et al. (2020)explained
that remote audits can still maintain audit quality
because supervision can be carried out through the
audit software used. Supervisors play an important
role in maintaining the quality of the audit process.
Remote audits can also trigger auditors' creativity in
solving problems encountered during audits.
Furthermore, Fan et al., (2020) stated that remote
audits use more efficient costs. This audit system will
cut a lot of operational costs. Large costs will depend
on creating a system for remote audits that is adequate
and integrated with artificial intelligence technology.
The difference between this research and previous
research lies in the differences in the problems
studied and the resulting research recommendations.
Research was conducted to produce a systematic
concept about the competencies needed to become an
auditor with remote audit skills. No previous research
Putra, R., Julito, K., Tambun, S. and Frisilia, A.
Auditor Competency to Conduct Remote Audits.
DOI: 10.5220/0012581100003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 304-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
has done this. There are no professional accounting
bodies or auditor professional bodies in various
countries that have this competency standard. There
are no standardized competency standards in the form
of professional standard books. This research carries
out a coding process from various sources, combines
coding in one visualization model, and determines
conclusions using the principle of triangulation. This
research model is still new and has not been carried
out by many researchers.
The aim of this research was to obtain concepts
and information about the competencies needed to
carry out remote audits. This concept really needs to
be obtained in detail, so that professional auditors and
candidates get a clear picture of this competency.
There is no systematic description or detailed
information in various literature. There is no
standardized concept regarding the competencies that
auditors must fulfill. Even the professional standards
for public accountants in Indonesia and in various
countries do not yet have this competency standard.
Remote audit competency standards have not been
standardized in the form of professional competency
standards. There are not many experts who
understand this field. This research was conducted to
formulate this concept and provide information for
administrators of professional bodies.
The benefits of the results of this research can be
used by practicing auditors and prospective auditors
in the future. Auditors and prospective auditors can
prepare themselves from now on by strengthening
competencies in accordance with remote auditing
needs. Accountant or auditor professional bodies can
utilize the information resulting from this research, as
a basis for preparing standardized competency
standards. Educational institutions or universities can
also utilize this information to develop learning
curricula for accounting students. The curriculum was
formed and structured to produce accounting
graduates with competency in the field of auditing,
specifically remote auditing. This is very important,
considering that the world is heading towards an era
of digitalization in various sectors, including the
accounting and auditing industries.
Competency is the work ability of each individual
which includes aspects of knowledge, skills and work
attitudes that are in accordance with the expected
standardization (Li et al., 2022). Another definition
states that competence is something related to an
individual's abilities and skills to achieve the expected
results (Basilotta et al., 2022). According to Spencer
& Spencer (2008), competence consists of five
characteristics. First, skills, the ability to plan,
thoroughness, leadership ability, ability to collaborate
in groups accompanied by abilities in accordance
with intellectual, emotional and social intelligence in
planning, leading with accuracy, ability to collaborate
in groups. Second, goal or motivation is something
where a person consistently thinks so that he takes
action. adding that motives are drives, direct and
select behavior toward certain actions or goals and
away from others. For example, someone who has
achievement motivation consistently develops goals
that provide a challenge to himself and takes full
responsibility for achieving these goals and expects
feedback to improve himself. Third, traits are traits
that make people behave or how someone responds to
something in a certain way. For example, self-
confidence, self-control, fortitude or endurance.
Fourth, attitude, the attitudes and values that a person
has. Attitudes and values are measured through tests
on respondents to find out the values a person has and
what interests someone to do something. Fifth,
knowledge, the information a person has for a
particular field. Knowledge is a complex
competency. Knowledge tests measure a participant's
ability to choose the most correct answer but cannot
see whether someone can do the job based on the
knowledge they have.
Remote audit is an audit that is carried out
partially or completely offsite. Audits will still cover
all areas but use digital technology to support
assessors where site visits are not possible (Ariyanto,
2022). Due to efficiency considerations, audit
procedures previously carried out via client visits
were also carried out remotely as a reaction to
increased activity (Febriyana et al., 2023). The
remote audit itself is carried out like a normal audit,
starting from planning or pre-audit, opening meeting,
audit implementation, closing meeting and reporting,
then post-audit follow up (Agha, 2022). Electronic
documents and data are shared via screen sharing.
Apart from that, remote audits can also be used for
online discussions, opening and closing audit
meetings, and in some cases site inspections
(Hermina, 2022)
This research uses qualitative research methods using
a systematic literature review approach. The literature
studied does not only come from research articles, but
also from several sources obtained online. Sources of
Auditor Competency to Conduct Remote Audits
data processed come from YouTube, online news,
and research articles. The data source must come
from a credible source, whether YouTube channels,
online news, and other sources. Data is searched
using keywords that match the research question. The
consideration for using this data is due to the
availability of adequate data on the internet and it can
be accessed easily (Hafidhah & Yandari, 2021). The
selected data sample is data published during the last
three years, specifically 2021 to 2023. The data
processing uses NVivo 12 Plus software. This
software was chosen because it is able to produce
coding visualization images and the way to use the
software is very user friendly (Tambun & Sitorus,
There are four stages carried out in the data
processing process with NVivo, i.e. the data input
stage, coding stage, visualization stage and
conclusion stage (Sitorus & Tambun, 2023). The first
stage, data input uses two methods, internal data input
and external data. Internal data is data input to NVivo
without using an internet connection. This data is
usually data that is already available on the laptop,
such as research articles. Meanwhile, external data is
data that is input into NVivo using an internet
connection, the data input process uses the ncapture
for NVivo facility. Examples of external data
originating from the internet such as YouTube, online
news, and various social media. The second stage,
coding data according to the answers to the research
question. Coding is simple words or sentences that are
answers to research questions. At this stage, content
analysis is carried out, particularly the stage of
understanding the words or sentences in the research
data (Tambun, 2021). Specifically for the coding
process for YouTube data sources or social media
sources in video form, coding is carried out after there
is a transcript of the YouTube content or video.
Analysis was carried out by making transcripts, then
a coding process was carried out (Salahudin et al.,
2020). The third stage, create a coding visualization
image. Visualization coding is a collection of coding
that forms an image. Coding images are
interconnected with various data sources. This coding
image is analyzed in the process of drawing research
conclusions. The fourth stage, determining research
conclusions. Research conclusions are answers to
research questions. The answer can be seen from the
existing coding. Coding is considered to have strong
validity if the coding is confirmed from various data
sources. Coding validity is strong if it is confirmed at
least three times from various data sources. This
principle is a measurement of coding validity using
the triangulation method (Natow, 2020). Next, the
coding is sorted based on the most confirmations to
the coding with the fewest confirmations. These
codings are used as answers to research questions, as
well as as research conclusions.
This research produced several references consisting
of: 4 YouTube, 4 Online News, and 12 research
articles. The coding process was carried out using
NVivo 12 Plus Software. There are seven codings that
are valid and confirmed at least three times in the data
sources studied. Below is a visualization image of the
resulting coding.
All coding in figure 1 is an answer to the research
question.Coding comes from content analysis of the
various data studied. The coding process uses the
facilities available in the NVivo 12 Plus software. The
following is a summary table and intensity of each
coding created.
Figure 1: Coding Visualization Image.
Table 1: Recapitulation of Coding.
No. Coding Intensity Reference
1 Two-way
during the audit
Agha (2022)
Azizah &
Mulyandini &
Natita (2021)
Pejuang RSP
You Tube
2 Mastering
general audit
Agha (2021)
Awaliah &
Bella et al
You Tube
Pejuang RSP
You Tube
3 Have an
attitude of
Zhafirah et al
4 Able to extract
audit evidence
Azizah &
Bella et al
You Tube
Pejuang RSP
You Tube
5 Have IT-based
DQS (2022) –
Online News
Journal of
Online News
SWA (2020) –
Online News
6 Mastering
Agha (2021)
Febriyana et al
Minarhadi &
Mulyandini &
Natita (2021)
Sari & Novita
You r s
Online News
You Tube
You Tube
7 Understand
Mulyandini &
Natita (2021)
Zhafirah et al
DQS (2022) –
Online News
Auditor Competency to Conduct Remote Audits
4.1 Two-Way Communication during
the Audit Process
Auditors now have the possibility to carry out audits
remotely thanks to the emergence of real-time two-
way online communication technology (Azizah &
Wahyuni, 2022). By utilizing technology and
communication, several stages can be carried out
remotely using information systems and technology,
such as drones, Google Meet, Zoom, and others
(Mulyandini & Natita, 2021). This remote audit
process requires examining documents uploaded and
stored on platforms such as Google Drive. These
documents are very important to assess/recheck
thoroughly because they play an important role in the
remote audit process later (RSP, 2020).
4.2 Mastering General Audit
Remote audit procedures are generally the same as
audit procedures in general, the only difference being
that they understand technology which can help
auditors learn about the information systems that will
be used later to help make it easier to check audited
financial reports (Emkamalopek, 2021). Audits using
digital technology also support assessors if on-site
visits are not possible. Later the Auditee will
communicate with the auditor via conference services
such as Zoom or Live Streaming (Agha, 2022). It is
important for auditors to allocate sufficient time to
explain the remote audit process approach to
stakeholders. This will help anticipate gaps in
understanding, especially regarding the use of
technological tools during the audit process. These
tools may include drone cameras, remote attendance
at conferences, and obtaining necessary
authorizations for video and photography capture.
4.3 Have an Attitude of
When conducting remote audits, an auditor must
remain aware of his professional responsibilities,
maintain a skeptical mindset, and be careful when
carrying out tasks such as evaluating the quality of
documents or making observations in the field
(Tedjasuksmana, 2021). Based on SKPN Number 1
of 2017, the crucial aspect of being a good auditor lies
in the ability to think critically. This requires an
auditor's ability to consistently research and verify the
evidence collected during the audit (Hermina, 2022).
By checking the quality of audit results related to the
examination, an auditor still considers
professionalism as a relevant factor. Auditors can also
minimize risks that arise in the future (Zhafirah et al.,
4.4 Able to Extract Audit Evidence
from Information and
By applying information and communication
technology, auditors can conduct remote audits to
collect reliable data and assess existing internal
controls. This process involves analytical procedures
and interaction with the auditee (Tedjasuksmana,
2021). Auditors can also utilize remote audit
techniques through information and communications
technology to collect critical audit evidence and
assess compliance with audit standards without
having to be physically present at the client's location
(Azizah & Wahyuni, 2022). Drone cameras, and
other technologies involved in the audit process,
illustrate the limitations when implementing remote
audits. Anticipating differences in understanding of
these limitations is critical, therefore it is important
for the auditor to dedicate sufficient time to explain
the planned remote audit approach to stakeholders
(RSP, 2020).
4.5 Have IT based Audit Certification
Zakir explained that this remote audit is a long-
distance audit without visiting the location, either in
whole or in part by using technology (Rahayu, 2020).
Therefore, auditors are required to have certification,
even though it is the same as auditing in general,
auditors must have high performance abilities, skills
and additional levels of excellence compared to other
auditors (Konig, 2022). By using policy standards or
having certification, auditors are expected to be able
to carry out remote audits with the help of information
and communication technology and be able to carry
out two-way communication such as when holding
meetings via Zoom with auditees. Having
certification means that an auditor is able to carry out
audits from any location, but does not rule out the
possibility of still going to the location (Certification,
4.6 Mastering Digital Technology
When using digital technology, the audit will still
cover every area even if an on-site visit is not
possible. The duration of a remote audit is equivalent
to an on-site customer audit. During most audits,
auditees will be contacted via conference services
(Febriyana et al., 2023). The use of digital technology
covers all areas that will later be inspected by
auditors, this can be done if a site visit is not possible
(Agha, 2022). The use of digital technology-based
audits aims to support assessors where site visits are
not possible (on-site). Several technologies that can
be used to carry out remote audits include an online
conference system (Skype, Google Meet, WA video
call, Webex, Zoom). Apart from that, auditors can
also use email and telephone calls (Salbiyatul, 2021)
4.7 Understand Management
Information Systems
The auditor's understanding of information
technology and the related controls that use it helps
the auditor learn more about information systems
related to financial reporting. Inspection procedures
are carried out using computers, especially in
processing relevant data using an inspection
information system (Zhafirah et al., 2022)With
remote, procedures or even entire audits are carried
out using information systems and ICT in electronic
companies, giving the effect that collecting evidence
using remote audits can improve the quality of audit
results (Mulyandini & Natita, 2021).
The results of this research have obtained answers to
the research questions posed at the beginning. There
are seven points of competency required by auditors
to be fit or competent to carry out remote audits or
remote audits. The seven competencies are: Two-way
communication during the audit process, Master
general audit procedures, Have a professional
attitude, Able to extract audit evidence from
information and communication, Have IT-based audit
certification, Master digital technology, and
Understand management information systems. The
results of this research can be implemented by
auditors so that they have adequate competence to
carry out remote audits. Research recommends seven
competencies to become a reliable auditor in the high-
tech era, where the majority of audit processes will be
carried out remotely. The implication of this research
is that auditors who conduct remote audits need to
learn seven competencies provided by the result of
this research. Apart from that, seven competencies
need to be tested quantitavely to determine what
competencies really influence the performance of
auditors conducting remote audits.
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