(Febriyana et al., 2023). The use of digital technology
covers all areas that will later be inspected by
auditors, this can be done if a site visit is not possible
(Agha, 2022). The use of digital technology-based
audits aims to support assessors where site visits are
not possible (on-site). Several technologies that can
be used to carry out remote audits include an online
conference system (Skype, Google Meet, WA video
call, Webex, Zoom). Apart from that, auditors can
also use email and telephone calls (Salbiyatul, 2021)
4.7 Understand Management
Information Systems
The auditor's understanding of information
technology and the related controls that use it helps
the auditor learn more about information systems
related to financial reporting. Inspection procedures
are carried out using computers, especially in
processing relevant data using an inspection
information system (Zhafirah et al., 2022)With
remote, procedures or even entire audits are carried
out using information systems and ICT in electronic
companies, giving the effect that collecting evidence
using remote audits can improve the quality of audit
results (Mulyandini & Natita, 2021).
The results of this research have obtained answers to
the research questions posed at the beginning. There
are seven points of competency required by auditors
to be fit or competent to carry out remote audits or
remote audits. The seven competencies are: Two-way
communication during the audit process, Master
general audit procedures, Have a professional
attitude, Able to extract audit evidence from
information and communication, Have IT-based audit
certification, Master digital technology, and
Understand management information systems. The
results of this research can be implemented by
auditors so that they have adequate competence to
carry out remote audits. Research recommends seven
competencies to become a reliable auditor in the high-
tech era, where the majority of audit processes will be
carried out remotely. The implication of this research
is that auditors who conduct remote audits need to
learn seven competencies provided by the result of
this research. Apart from that, seven competencies
need to be tested quantitavely to determine what
competencies really influence the performance of
auditors conducting remote audits.
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