Income Pattern of Migrant Labours at Alang Ship Breaking Yard
Hrudanand Misra
Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Keywords: Income, Migrant Labour, Ship Breaking, India.
Abstract: Migration is the process which is as old as human history. People move from one place to another due to
economic factors dominate the decision to migrate. The decision to migrate is also influenced by income
differential at the place of origin and place of destination. Individuals belonging to lower income have a
greater propensity to migrate than others. Alang ship breaking yard employs 90 percent of migrant labours
and they are largely from backward states of U.P, Bihar, Orissa and Jharkhand. Only a small fraction around
5-10 percent originates from Gujarat state. In the study of migration income plays important role, which
decide the decision to migrate. The income of the labour determined by varies factors such as skill level,
experience, age, education etc. The aim of the present paper is focus on the change of income pattern among
the migrants employed at Alang ship breaking yard. The results show that workers present income is three to
four time higher than previous income shown by pair t-test. The regression result also shows that skill level
and experience of the migrants are important factors in present income.
The process of breaking ships for the extraction of
steel scrap for supply to the steel rolling mills has led
to the beginning of an industrial activity. Ship
breaking is the process of dismantling an obsolete
vessel’s structure for scrap. The process includes
wide range of activities from removing all gear and
equipment to cutting down as well as recycling the
ship’s structure. On average a ship has an active life
span of 25 to 30 years. After it fails to meet the safety
requirement, it is sent for breaking. The ship is sold
through international broker or via cash buyers. Until
1960’s, ship breaking activities was highly
mechanized and concentrated in industrialized
countries like United States, the United Kingdom,
Germany and Italy. The United Kingdom accounted
for 45 percent of ship breaking industry. During
1960’s and 1970’s ship breaking activities shifted to
semi-industrialized countries, such as Spain, Turkey
and Taiwan mainly because of availability of cheaper
labour and also the existence of re-rolling mills in
these countries. About 79 countries were involved in
ship breaking activity. Asian yards come into
existence during 1980’s. Despite their late
establishment, at present this region account for over
95 percent of the industry. Alang ship breaking yard
of India has become eminent industry holding first
position in Asia and also in world market. Bangladesh
holds second position after India.
At present, India has large share in ship breaking
industry (OCED, 2001) and most of the activity is
concentrated in Alang and Sosiya, the two villages
situated in the coast of Arabian Sea in the district of
Bhavnagar in Gujarat.
Alang is a small coastal village as the district of
Bhavnagar in Gujarat, dominated by a small
population of fishermen and farmers. Presently, it has
turned out to be one of the largest ship breaking yard
not only in India but in the world. The yard stretches
over 15 Km and actually covers two yards (Alang and
Sosiya). The Alang ship breaking yards have the
capacity to break VLCCs and ULCCs vessels, a
facility not available to any other ship breaking
countries in the world. Furthermore, unlike other
countries where the ship breaking activities is capital
intensive in India it is labour intensive. Being a labour
surplus country labour is available in plenty and that
too at competitive rate. Alang ship breaking yard
provides large number of employment opportunities
to number of skilled and unskilled labours. Moreover,
there are many other activities and industries which
are directly and indirectly dependent on Alang ship
breaking yard, and the number of such workers
directly and indirectly employed is estimated to be in
between 1.5 to 1.6 lakhs (International Federation of
Human Rights, 2000: 56). This also includes the
downstream industries generated by the ship breaking
Misra, H.
Income Pattern of Migrant Labours at Alang Ship Breaking Yard.
DOI: 10.5220/0012501800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 708-711
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
industry such as re-rolling mills, foundries, oxygen
plants, local scrap store, transportation companies
and other small local businessmen and upstream
activity such as brokers, service sectors etc. A survey
conducted by the International Federation of Human
Rights (FIDH) found that 100 re-rolling mills are
functioning in the area and each generally employs
between 80-120 and thus employing about 8,000-
10,000 workers.
It is found that a large proportion of labours
employed at Alang ship breaking yard are migrants
from different states. They are largely from backward
states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and Jharkhand.
Only a small proportion of workers are from Gujarat
state i.e. 5-10 percent. Large proposition of the
workers are originate from the backward or most
backward districts of these states. Out of 18 districts
from which respondents originate 4 are developed, 3
are industrially backward, 8 are backward and 3 are
most backward as classified by planning commission.
The next section focus on the various factors affects
the income of the migrants employed at Alang.
Various occupations are covered by the Central
Government and the State Government for the
implementation of Minimum wages Act. For the
payment of Minimum wages, labours are divided into
three categories as per their skill however all labours
are covered under skilled or unskilled category. The
minimum wages paid to the labour constitutes the
basic wage and special allowance. The special
allowances is linked with the cost of living index and
revised twice in a year. Hence, minimum wages of
labours are revised at an interval of every six months.
But the wages of the labours are fixed either on the
basis of time or piece rate. According to contractors
that piece rate is not revised with the revision of the
special allowance of minimum wages at the interval
of six months. It is found that in many industries that
contractors do not pay wages according to the
provision of Minimum Wages Act. Contractors seem
to recognize only the basic wage component of
minimum wages.
There are various studies conducted by
researchers on the payments and wages to the labour
in Indian industries. The researchers cover wide range
of industries viz, Carpet weaving, Glassware, Beedi
industry, Construction, Brassware wherein labour
face exploitative conditions. These industries also
cover length and breadth of India. Various studies on
construction industry analysed the Minimum Wages
legislation. The analysis of the Minimum Wages with
respect to employment in the construction or building
operation is on the basis of the recommendation of
Labour Commissioner The average wage rate
prevailing in construction industry in most cases far
below the Minimum Wages fixed under the Act
(Subrahmanian, Veena and Parikh 1982: 137-141). In
Alang ship breaking yard wage rates especially for
unskilled workers are found to be below the
Minimum wages as mentioned in the Minimum
Wages Act. According to data available on minimum
wages by Gujarat Government, the minimum wage
fixed in April 2002 for skilled workers at Rs.89 and
for unskilled workers at Rs.79 per day. The results of
the survey suggest that wages at Alang ship breaking
yard are higher than those earned by workers at their
native place, but labours are receiving wages less than
the prescribed minimum wages. Infact, section 13 of
the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 provides
that the wage rates of the inter-state migrant workmen
should be same as those applicable to such other
workmen and also the inter-state migrant workmen
should not be paid less than the wages fixed under the
Minimum Wages Act.
At Alang ship breaking yard many workers do not
know even their wage rate because they never asked
the muqadams or labour contractors due to fear of
being fired from the job. Some workers reported to
the researcher that they would not know their exact
wage rate until they get the money in their hand. This
practice violates the article 7 of the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936 which states that there are no
deductions from the wage except in very precise
circumstances. Thus, such practices are contrary to
article 21 of the Contract Labour Act which states that
in case the contractor fails to make payment of wages
within the prescribed time period or make short
payment then the principal employer is responsible to
make payment of wages in full or the unpaid balance.
In Alang ship breaking yard wages of the workers
are paid on the basis of a daily rate but paid monthly.
Each and every worker is handed with an attendance
card at the start of the each month. Everyday Workers
have to get the card filled with arrival and of departure
details from the plot. The payment is either on the
basis of task or piece rate. For instance, loaders whose
work is to load and unload gas cylinders on the truck
are paid between Rs.5 to 5.50 per cylinder. The wages
ranges from Rs.60 to 70 a day for helpers and Rs.150
to 170 for experienced gas cutters. As compared to
other labours, muqadams are paid approximately Rs
300 per day and pay slip is given to them but not to
Table 1 presents the average monthly incomes of
the respondents in Alang ship breaking yard. Average
present income of the respondents is Rs. 2888.88
which is three times higher than the average previous
income of respondents (i.e. Rs 843.00). The previous
Income Pattern of Migrant Labours at Alang Ship Breaking Yard
income of the respondents in the present study refers
to the income from the last occupation. In all the
categories of workers wages earned are three times or
higher than the previous income with the exception of
skilled workers. Previous income of the workers is
significantly lower than the workers present earning
in Alang. To test this hypothesis the study uses paired
t-test. The average present income is significantly
higher than previous income of the workers and is
significant at 1 percent critical level.
Table 1: Nature of Work and Income of the Respondent per
Nature of
Paired t-
Manual 760.47 2866.51 24.487
730.41 2566.62 22.284
916.98 2853.11 23.105
1066.18 3758.35 17.985
t-test is significant at 1% level
There can be many factors determining the income of
the respondents. To understand their significance an
income function would be great help. To estimate the
income function regression technique is made use of.
Various alternative models are fitted using both
qualitative and quantitative variables. The present
income of the respondents is determined by diverse
factors such as skill of the individual, previous
experience, age, education of the respondents. The
present exercise uses the relevant variables to
estimate the income function. Though, many
variables are included in the model but it is found that
some variables do not explain variations in income
function significantly. Therefore, for the analysis of
the income of the respondents bivariate and
multivariate regression functions have been fitted.
The following income function was considered for
explaining variation in income.
Present Income = f (Years of Experience, Previous
Income, Skill, Work at Ship/Yard, Experience
Out of the explanatory variables skill and work at
ship/yard are qualitative dummy variables and other
variables are quantitative in nature. To explain the
relation three equations are fitted and the results are
presented in table 2. The models are
Present Income = f (Years of Experience,
) --------------- (1)
Present Income = f (Years of Experience,
Previous Income, Skill) --- (2)
Present Income= f (Years of Experience, Previous
Income, Skill, Work at Ship/Yard, Experience
) (3)
It was found that for the sample data the income
function is best explained through the variables such
as years of experience and skill. In Model-1 years of
experience and years of experience square are the
explanatory variable. This model explains 9 percent
of variations in the dependent variable. To test a
model for its explanatory R
is not a confirmation test.
To test whether the independent variables explain the
variations in the dependent variables significantly, F-
test is made use of. The coefficients of years of
experience and years of experience square have
expected sign in the model. In view of the fact that
there exists a tendency that the income of respondent
increases with the increase in years of experience at a
diminishing rate which is explained through negative
sign of the years of experience square but the
coefficient is not statistically significant. A study
conducted by Banerjee on Delhi city found that the
years of experience have significant positive but
diminishing effect on earning (Banerjee, 1986: 198-
In Model-2, previous income, experience and
skill, a dummy variable are the explanatory variables.
From model 1 to model 2 the result improves
marginally. All the three independent variables
including one dummy variable show positive sign but
two variables are statistically significant as indicated
by their t-values. Years of experience explain
variations in present income significantly and the skill
of the respondent’s leads to higher income and has a
positive coefficient and is statistically significant. The
model is a good fit as the F-ratio is statistically
significant at 5 level.
A study done by Mehta found that earning
function shows the importance of workers skill as
income determinant (Mehta, 1990: 150-159).
Therefore, it can be concluded that in the present
study income is significantly higher for the
respondents who have more years of experience and
are skilled. In this model previous income of the
respondents is not statistically significant, which
show that the income of respondents are lower before
opting present occupation at Alang ship breaking
yard. Model 3 includes five explanatory variables
and it is found that four of them have positive
coefficient and experience square has a negative
coefficient but it is not statistically significant. Years
of experience are the most significant explanatory
variable as it is significant at 1 percent level. The skill
of the respondent leads to higher income on an
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
average and is statistically significant at 5 percent
level. The respondent’s work on ship leads to
relatively higher income; however it is not
significantly higher. The model explains the variation
in present income significantly as the F-ratio is
statistically significant at 5 percent level. Combining
the three models it can be concluded that years of
experience and skill level are the most important
determinants of present income.
Table 2: Regression Result of Respondents’ Income at
Alang Ship Breaking Yard.
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Constant 2528.544 2432.513 2444.099
Years of
N 300 300 300
0.091 0.119 0.122
F-Ratio (14.917)** (13.294)** (8.206)**
Dependent Variable: Present Income
Significant at 10%
Significant at 5%
Significant at 1%
Figures in bracket are t-value
Ship/Yard = 1 workers working inside ship
otherwise 0 if workers working in yard.
Skill = 1 for skilled workers otherwise 0
The study shows that the economic factors dominate
the decision to migrate. The decision to migrate is
also influenced by the difference in income at the
place of origin and place of destination. Individuals
belonging to lower income have a greater propensity
to migrate than others. The present study shows that
the previous income of the respondents is
significantly much lower as compared to present
earnings at Alang, which is shown by Pair t-test. The
overall average present income of the respondents is
higher (i.e. Rs. 2888.88) as compared to their
previous income (Rs. 843.00). The regression
analysis shows that the skill and years of experience
are the important variables determining the income
level of the migrants at Alang ship breaking yard.
The ship breaking industry after functioning for
more than 20 years, workers are still getting wages
less than prescribed minimum wages. Wage structure
of the workers at Alang is very well known to
employers as well as Government, but both the
players are still silent and nobody is taking initiative
to improve or revised wage system in ship breaking
industry of Alang.
Banerjee. B (1986). Rural to Urban Migration and Urban
Labour Market: A Case Study of Delhi, New Delhi:
Himalaya Publishing House.
Hayani. Y (2003) “Waste Pickers and Collectors in Delhi:
Poverty and Environment in an Urban Informal sector”,
Foundation for Advanced Studies on International
Development, Tokyo.
International Federation of Human Rights (2000). Where
do the Floating Dustbin ends up, Labour Rights in Ship-
breaking Yards in South Asia: The Cases of Chittagong
(Bangladesh) and Alang (India), Netherlands:
International Federation of Human Rights.
Johnson. G. E and Whitelaw. W. E (1974) “Rural-Urban
Income Transfers in Kenya: An Estimated Remittances
Function”, Economic Development and Cultural
Change, Vol. 22, No. 3.
Krishnakumar. P (20010 “The Quality of Life of Low-
Income Groups: A Micro-Level Study”, Discussion
Paper No. 34, Centre for Development Studies,
Mehta. M (1990). Employment, Income and the Urban
Poor: A Case of Lower Strata Workers in an Indian
Metropolis, New Delhi: Harman Publishing House.
Subrahmanian. K. K, Veena. D. R and Parikh.
B. K (1982). Construction Labour Market: A Study in
Ahemdabad, New Delhi: Concept Publishing House.
Income Pattern of Migrant Labours at Alang Ship Breaking Yard