were processed with the assistance of participants
from both groups. In the experiment, the participants
of the control group were given the full details of the
questionnaire and were offered to process the results
by applying it in practice. In the experimental group,
along with the details of the questionnaire, a
methodological instruction was given to improve its
response sheet. The statistical processing results of
the indicators between the results of the groups
participating in both experiment and the test are
presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Descriptive and formative group indicators for the unification of the questionnaire answer sheet processing method
and findings, N=100.
Scales Medium rang
degree of
validity (p)
Control group,
Experimental group,
EPI (H. Y. Eysenck)
64.19 22.81 35.00 0.000*
Temperament structure (Y. Strelyau)
64.58 22.42 18.01 0.001*
FPI (Frayburg questionnaire)
62.81 24.19 94.25 0.000*
QOCI (V.M. Rusalov)
60.79 26.21 18.,00 0.000*
Self-attitude questionnaire (V.V. Stolin)
65.12 22.00 36.12 0.000*
Annotation: * − expression of statistically significant differences.
From the collected quantitative indicators, it can
be seen that it is necessary to save time in the
processing questionnaire responses and not to ignore
the concept of improving the response sheet for the
acquisition of unbiased details, or to rely on the use
of a single method of processing results. However,
based on our experience, analytical measures suggest
that the situation has been sufficiently achieved.
H.Y. Eysenck’s (EPI) questionnaire (U=35.00,
p<0.05), Y. Strelyau’s “Temperament structure”
(U=18.01, p<0.05), Frayburg’s questionnaire (FPI)
(U=94.25, p<0.05), V.M. Rusalov’s questionnaire
((U=181.01, p<0.05), and Self-attitude (V.V. Stolin)
questionnaire (U=36.12, p<0.05) showed variations
in the unification of the method of processing
outcomes in terms of control and experimental
The study conducted on the unification of the
production mechanism in identity psychodiagnostic
technique responses followed the analysis aimed at
being part of the studies in this direction. This was
done to identify the empirical facts that determined
the objective and unbiased nature of our study and
validate it. Taking this into account, as a continuation
of our studies on the integration of processing
structures, the analysis involved testing consistency
between the individual questionnaire answers and
post-unification indicators with their original choices.
At the next level of the study, respondents were
recruited to assess the consistency status of individual
questionnaires between the original and unified
alternatives. Additionally, students in the educational
path of "psychology" were engaged as main research
participants. The examiners administered both
variants of the questionnaires, and the correlation
between them was determined. The results are
presented in the below table (see Table 6). In the
application of the technique, the metrics obtained
after the unification findings do not influence the
standards of reliability. Although the unification of
questionnaires has a positive influence on the
productivity of the experts' work, they do not change
the individual findings collected. Indicators were
developed comparing the outcomes of the application
of the first and second versions of the Eyzenk EPI
questionnaire. To do this, according Styuden's T-
criteria, the reliability of the variations between the
mean arithmetical values of the scales and the
relationship between the scales was calculated. The
methodological metrics from the table indicated that
the outcomes of the first and second versions of the
questionnaire were correlated. The scales of
questionnaire for “extraversion-introversion”
(r=0.548, р≤0.01), “neuroticism” (r=0.701, р≤0.01)
and sincerity reliability indicators showed
correlation. Differences were also not observed in the
mean arithmetic values of the scales according to the
first and second forms of the questionnaire: (12.96
and 12.76; t=0.358), “neuroticism” (12.05 and 11.96;
t=0.068) and scale of sincerity (3.60 and 3.62; t=-
0.071). It can be concluded that the unified form of
the Eysenck questionnaire provided convenience to
specialists for processing answers, and it did not have
a negative impact on its internal stability indicators.