98.95%, Linear Discriminant Analysis 91.01%, K-
Nearest Neighbors 98.73%, Classification and Re-
gression Tree 99.15% and Na
ıve Bayes 98.53%. The
test results show that the Random Forest algorithm
produces the highest accuracy value compared to sev-
eral other methods.
As noted, the research does not aim to replace the
plant disease diagnosis process carried out by experts
but only seeks to complement it. The existence of
machine learning methods can only predict with the
level of accuracy by the accuracy obtained; still, test-
ing through the laboratory is the most reliable way to
diagnose plant diseases. However, the model imple-
mentation is used to help smallholders who need help
to get a quick response from experts.
For further research, other feature extraction can
be applied, which is not just one type; a feature extrac-
tion combination sees the difference in performance
results in the extraction process. If there are larger
data, it can be continued using deep learning and im-
plemented in the system.
The author would like to thank all parties who
have supported this research process. The author
also thanks Siddharth Singh Chouhan, Uday Pratap
Singh, Ajay Kaul, and Sanjeev Jain for publishing the
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Leaf Disease Detection Using Color Histogram and Random Forest on Pongamia Pinnata (L.) Pierre