Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed,
Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
Laura Maria Marques da Fonseca, Hamid R. Barzegar and Claus Pahl
Faculty of Engineering, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Decentralized Identity, W3C DID Standard, Identity Management, Verifiable Credentials, Blockchain.
In many Web and Internet-based systems, sharing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to identify persons
and other entities is common, but centralized systems such as central registries have limitations in terms of
control of privacy and identity that a decentralized identity management architecture could address. This study
aims to compare the current and potential systems, analyze protocols for decentralized identification and data
exchange, propose a protocol selection method, and provide a simple code example. The goal is to assess
the feasibility of decentralized processes in software-based business workflows. The methodology involves
reviewing protocol materials, including white-papers, articles, and code docs, alongside ontological aspects of
identification. Challenges to implementing Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) include interoperability and the
evolving Web/Internet landscape towards more decentralization, openness, and greater user utility.
Automation has allowed to execute business tasks
more efficiently and error-free than human actors
since the 1970s. The great threat for such systems
consists in the human misuse of their capacities or
information, an issue often addressed by protecting
either the access through an identification system,
known as access control systems, or other personal
identification information (Bowers, 1988). Access
control is neither new as a procedure nor exclusive
for computerized business environments. With the
ubiquity of computer and internet-based tasks, the ex-
change of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
has immensely expanded in the last 20 years, which
has raised awareness about privacy and identity own-
ership, problems tightly related to the centralized con-
trol of and access to the information. Today, decen-
tralized variants of the identification and exchange
of PII are proposed such as the W3C DID standard
(W3C , 2023) that builds on the URI Uniform Re-
source Identifier mechanism of the Web, but with a
mechanism that is relatively complex, which requires
a thorough analysis.
The objectives of this research are to: (i) introduce
the concepts of the Decentralized IDentifier (DID)
and understand which problems it addresses; (ii) map
the state-of-the-art of the protocols implementing the
DID; (iii) offer a decision framework for the choice of
one protocol for an application given its requirements;
(iv) apply the decision framework to one sample de-
cision process and suggest an implementation of the
protocol chosen; and (v) provide arguments for the
comprehension and discussion about the feasibility of
implementing this technology (in its current state) for
common identification and PII exchange processes.
The motivation is the concern regarding control
and ownership (and their management) of personal
identifying data by companies and other organisations
in the Web space, which often misuse this data for
financial and surveillance reasons. This motivation
extends to a personal desire for an identification and
data-exchanging processing where the data ownership
is held by the data owner (Dodevski and Trajkovik,
2018). Assessing the feasibility of this new identifi-
cation architecture is the final objective.
We outline our methodology in Section 2. Section
3 explains the decentralized identifier concept, Sec-
tion 4 describes the construction and application of
the decision framework, Section 5 evaluates the deci-
sion procedure, code implementation is explained in
Section 6, and conclusions are presented in Section 7.
We carry out a technology review of suitable pro-
tocols (Werth et al., 2023a), following a systematic
Marques da Fonseca, L., Barzegar, H. and Pahl, C.
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012254900003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 535-544
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
selection and classification approach (Werth et al.,
2023b). We use a sample implementation to discuss
the feasibility of protocol implementation for con-
crete application scenarios. The approach taken in-
volved studying the DID mechanism according to the
W3C standard and exploring projects with decentral-
ized ledger-based DID implementations. Here, iden-
tification and data exchange processes are closely re-
lated, with identification as the initial step followed by
data provision (Fukami et al., 2021). We treat identi-
fication as distinct from data exchange. The research
questions led to a decision framework methodology,
incorporating objective criteria (Pahl et al., 2018).
The stages included evaluating protocols through
an analysis of white-papers, blogs, social media, and
web content to assess their alignment with the cho-
sen criteria. Outcomes were organized into a decision
matrix for protocol selection. An identification pro-
cess was selected and the decision framework applied,
leading to an illustrative protocol implementation.
Reflections on decentralized app viability and DID
challenges form the conclusion. Literature was se-
lected from diverse sources, including blog posts and
social media, recognizing that blockchain and other
technology discussions often occur outside academia
and its publications. The goal is a comprehensive ex-
ploration of emerging personally identifiable informa-
tion (PII) exchange architectures.
Question 1 concerns Benefits and Limitations
of Architectures for Identification and Data Ex-
change. This requires an investigation of the au-
thentication process’s nature and its relationship
with information systems. This question also
addresses drawbacks of centralized identification
and data exchange, aiming to identify improved
processes to rectify them.
Question 2 addresses the analysis of Benefits and
Limitations of the DID Concept and its Proposed
Standard. We examined DID privacy compliance,
potential drawbacks, and the impact of DID adop-
tion on digital business processes.
Question 3 concerns the Feasibility of Decision
Frameworks and Protocol Implementations. This
explores the current state of DID implementation
and enhancements, protocol selection strategies,
feasibility, and strategies to address limitations in
existing protocols.
These inquiries constitute an in-depth exploration of
decentralized identification and data exchange sys-
tems. By systematically investigating these questions,
this research aims to contribute to a comprehensive
understanding of the implications, challenges, and po-
tential benefits of emerging decentralized information
exchange architectures.
The core of a decentralized identification system is
the mechanism of the decentralized identifier (DID),
as proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C). The understanding of the new identification
paradigm implies a broader comprehension of the
DID internal mechanism and its external effect on
digital business processes.
Decentralized identity empowers users by remov-
ing centralized data storage, offering control over per-
sonal information for authentication and claims ex-
change. It employs three core elements: the De-
centralized Identifier (DID), blockchain, and Verifi-
able Credential (VC). DID is a unique cryptographic
global identifier. W3C standardized this system in
late 2021 for decentralized, persistent, and crypto-
graphically verifiable identity creation and resolution
(Serto Suite Documentation, 2023),(Shilina, 2022).
3.1 DID Mechanism
The DID serves as a unique identifier, offering access
to a specific value from a verifiable data registry -—
an essential DID document DIDstring: document.
This document contains details on the DID controller,
cryptographic keys, and potential external references.
The controller, acting as the document’s key, has sole
authority to modify it. Notably, the controller might
differ from the DID subject (e.g., a CEO controlling
a company’s DID). Subjects can encompass individu-
als, institutions, data models, etc.
The W3C standard does not specify a preferred
verifiable data registry, so for example blockchain is
not mandated. However, for improved quality and
security, an ideal registry should possess the follow-
ing key attributes: (1) Immutability: prevent unautho-
rized identification changes. (2) Longevity: Ensure
identity preservation. (3) Auditability: record every
change. (4) Decentralization: align with decentral-
ized identifier concept, avoiding central data control.
(5) Single source of truth: A subject should be in a
single ledger for data accuracy and non-repudiation.
Blockchains address needs one to four but not the
fifth. Blockchain innate properties, addressing points
one to four, are not contingent on external data checks
prior to processing and storage. Addressing point five
forms part of our research focus here.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 Components
The DID-based identification consists of three main
interacting components: the controller, the document
and the verifiable credentials.
DID Controller. To avoid confusion, the data struc-
ture DID will be named DID controller here. The DID
is a self-sovereign, portable, verifiable, decentralized
identity that lasts a lifetime and is implemented in the
form of a string that must follow the following syntax:
URI scheme identifier: identifier for the
DID method: DID method-specific identifier.
The URI scheme identifier is always a “did”. The
method is a W3C-jargon for the different materializa-
tions of the verifiable data storage, which might be a
generic one or custom-made. In this verifiable data
storage, the DID document can be found. Btcr means
the bitcoin blockchain, for example. The two first
components of the DID string (uri+method) are fixed,
the third part might be redefined by the method to
adapt the string for the local information necessities.
The sequential structure of the third part might be
even changed for a sequence of strings that meet one
given standard. Cosmos, for example, developed the
DID further in four different versions to adapt it to
its interoperable reality; a DID string that carries the
zone would be adequate, e.g., for Cosmos:
The following DID corresponds to a DID doc-
ument stored in the ”regen” testnet in the NFT
“ecocredit” namespace (Andrieu et al., 2022):
DID Document. The document retrieved from the
data registry via DID key is a DID document which
contains data related to the DID subject, including
cryptographic materials (keys) and possible external
references, such as a reference to an alternative
identification method, a service reference, amongst
others. It is usually created/issued in one standard
format (JSON or JSON-LD). The controller creates
the DID document and could change it (if it is not
stored in an immutable storage), whilst the subject
is identified by it. In some cases, the subject and
controller might be the same. Whether the DID
standard allows changes to be made it is not clear
(W3C, 2021). A sample DID document (Serto Suite
Documentation, 2023) is:
"@context": "",
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"authentication": [
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
"controller": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3u
VAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV" ],
"service": [
// used to retrieve Verifiable Credentials
associated with the DID
"type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
"serviceEndpoint": ""]
Verifiable Credentials. The DID string is a mecha-
nism for indexing a user or issuer public key in the
blockchain, while the VC is a claim or attestation
related to the DID subject. The DID is the means
and the VC is the finality of the process: a crypto-
graphically signed claim, whose legitimacy can be
proven by a reverse cryptographic process using a
public key stored in the blockchain. A VC can be
a diploma, a birth certificate, the identification name
of a user or any piece of information related to one
digital/physical subject.
3.3 Drawbacks of the W3C Standard
According to our analysis, the most significant prob-
lem of the DID mechanism as designed by the W3C
is the fact that it is not interoperable. The reasons for
this mechanism design can be assumed as follows:
1. It was designed in 2020/2021 for the then hetero-
geneous and fragmented state of blockchains.
2. Interoperability was not a focus during the devel-
opment, especially because the year before the re-
lease (2020) saw an explosion in market capital-
ization of tokens, and it seemed back then there
would be enough users for the biggest networks.
3. The developers visualized the interoperability in
DIDs would or should be better implemented
through another mechanism in the blockchain
software stack, for example with an API, a local
logic of each application or a layer 2 or 3 solution.
3.4 W3C Standard and Blockchain
The DID standard as defined by the W3C can be im-
plemented on the Web 2.0. The W3C documentation
does not affirm that the key storage must be made in
the blockchain. Nonetheless, it the DID implemen-
tation and expansion in number of protocols can be
expected in a Web 3.0 iteration because:
1. Storing the keys outside an immutable ledger
(blockchain) would threaten the non-repudiation
of the communication that happens in name of
that DID (alias the VCs).
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
Figure 1: An E-commerce example.
2. According to our research, there is no implemen-
tation of the DID in the Web 2.0 currently in use.
3.5 Process for the User
Fig. 1 illustrates the on-boarding and checkout proce-
dures implementing the DID and the VC. Firstly, the
customer logs into the platform with the DID stored
on the wallet. The customer proceeds to checkout and
the website sends a request for the wallet of personal
data such as name, age, and the payment gateway au-
thorisation. The wallet formulates the request as a
push-up notification for the customer who must ac-
cept or deny it. After the customer approval, the hash
of the customer’s personal data is sent in the form of
VC together with the issuer’s (the state’s) DID string.
With help of the DID string, the e-commerce applica-
tion locates the issuer’s public key in the blockchain
and uses it to decrypt the hash of the customer’s per-
sonal data, confirming his or her identity.
3.6 Process for Business/Software Actor
Fig. 2 shows a generic business process that imple-
ments the DID and the VC. Firstly, it is necessary to
clarify some concepts implemented in the diagram.
The process is triggered with an identification re-
quest sent to the DID protocol. The DID protocol
most likely the wallet part will formulate two re-
quests: one for the login with password and another
one for the authorization to transfer the data. If the
user types the password wrongly, the password re-
quest is repeated, and if the user denies the transfer-
ring of data, the process is aborted at the application
level. If both password and data transferring requests
are successful, the process continues with the encrypt-
ing of the user’s data in the level of the DID protocol
with the private key of the issuer. In this same task,
the data is encapsulated with the DID of the issuer,
and after that it is sent to the application layer. The
application layer receives this package with encrypted
data and DID and searches in the blockchain for the
key-value pair DID:public key. If the key-pair is
not identified, the process terminates instantaneously,
else the decryption of the data is executed next (the
decryption is included in the sub process App Busi-
ness Process). With the decrypted data, the decen-
tralized application business process can be executed,
and the process terminates in its successful path.
A objective is the development of a decision frame-
work, helping developers to select a protocol and
blockchain platform for an identity management so-
lution. This is based on a review and classification
of protocols. After an initial state-of-the-art assess-
ment, 17 protocols implementing the DID system as
standardized by the W3C were found. We used a two-
phased procedure for creating the decision framework
together with a group of criteria and of questions for
the first and the second phase, respectively. Fur-
thermore, a systematic review of the official docu-
mentation and white papers related to each protocol
was made in order to answer the questions and as-
certain the previously established criteria. The de-
cision framework contains a pre-defined number of
steps that can assist the choice of one protocol when-
ever the business and identification requirements of
the decentralized application are clearly defined. It
is visually represented by the decision tree. Further-
more, for validation and illustration, a decentralized
application with a prototypical identification need is
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: A decentralized identification in a generic business process.
Table 1: An excerpt from the original decision matrix.
Protocol/Criterion Updated GitHub Updated Website Part Conferences Wallet works
Serto no no no n.a. yes yes yes no yes yes no yes
specified, used as input for the decision framework
and as a result one protocol is chosen.
4.1 DID-Implementing Protocol
A DID-implementing protocol consists of an API
containing classes, objects and methods for pro-
cedures related to the DID identification and PII-
exchanging mechanism, such as:
Creating the DID string and the set of public and
private keys.
Storing the key-pair value DIDstring:public key in
the blockchain in an indexed way.
Indexing the same key-pair value at user wallet.
Signing one VC and passing the combo [ DID-
string of the issuer + hash/VC + claimed message
] to another user
Receiving the combo [ DIDstring of the issuer +
hash/VC + claimed message ] and verifying the
authenticity of the message
The latter two might be executed at application
level, but the DID protocol must at least pass the
combo [ DIDstring of the issuer + hash/VC
+ claimed message ] to the application, where it
will be transmitted and/or received and decrypted.
4.2 Methodology and Construction
After an initial review of the selected projects’ doc-
umentation, it became evident that some protocols
needed exclusion due to obsolescence or other rea-
sons. This led us to a two-phase approach: exclu-
sion and inclusion. In phase one, unsuitable protocols
were eliminated, while phase two categorized remain-
ing ones based on their characteristics and relevance.
Both phases involved systematic reviews of the avail-
able protocol materials, including white papers and
official communications. Phase one aimed to address
questions as follows: (i) criteria for a protocol’s in-
eligibility in (D)app integration and (ii) ideal fea-
tures when choosing a DID-implementing protocol.
These questions yielded yes-no criteria, such as as-
sessing wallet-based protocols’ ease of DID creation
and obsolescence. Phase two focused on protocol dis-
tinctiveness and relevance to business needs, using
the following questions: (i) blockchain platform and
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
its position in the scalability-security-decentralization
trilemma and (ii) protocol interoperability.
The inclusion criteria were defined after phase
one, taking into account the protocols left. Phase two
aimed to align each protocol with specific business
process needs or (D)app requirements, often necessi-
tating sub-criteria for differentiation. Ultimately, this
process facilitated the mapping of each protocol to
unique business necessities or (D)app requirements.
The construction of the decision framework fol-
lows the two phases defined above.
4.3 Selection Criteria
We consider three exclusion criteria:
1. The Obsolescence of the Project: Given the recent
W3C DID standard publication and the dynamic
nature of the darea, constant protocol evolution is
imperative. Software maintenance must consider
factors like security enhancements and blockchain
ecosystem adaptations. Project activity indicators
include factors such as GitHub activity, roadmaps,
team engagement in workshops, and social me-
dia updates. Ongoing observation clarified which
protocols met this criterion.
2. Proprietary Software: Integrating proprietary so-
lutions into open-source platforms poses licensing
challenges. To avoid compliance issues, both app
and DID framework should be from the same ven-
dor. Framework integration assumes license com-
patibility (often lacking in proprietary software).
3. Testing of Wallet-Based Protocols: Some pro-
tocols integrate at the app layer, while others
closely collaborate with wallets, acting as iden-
tity/password managers. Wallet-based protocols
underwent guided tests for creating DIDs.
A first protocol division based on Ethereum compati-
bilty as one of the key platforms resulted in two exclu-
sive groups: (1) Ethereum and Ethereum Virtual Ma-
chine (EVM) compatible; (2) interoperable and ag-
gregating protocols.
Ethereum or EVM Compatible: Running on EVM-
compatible blockchains widens user reach due to
Ethereum’s market share. EVM executes smart con-
tracts, and Ethereum’s popularity promises greater
user interaction. Arguments for EVM-based proto-
cols: (1) Dapp users engage with Ethereum’s ecosys-
tem. (2) Potential network effect favors protocols on
widely-used blockchains. However, Ethereum lacks
interoperability and faces scalability and price issues.
Subdivision criteria for the Ethereum category are
the following: (1) Protocol is Ethereum-based. (2)
Protocol is EVM-compatible with higher scalability:
Binance Smart Chain-based protocol.
Interoperable and Aggregating Protocols: Origi-
nal DID and blockchain designs lacked interoperabil-
ity, causing issues like identity fragmentation. To ad-
dress this, two imperfect approaches emerged: inter-
operability and aggregation. Interoperable protocols
operate within an interoperable ecosystem, while ag-
gregation handles data communication between non-
compatible networks.
Interoperable protocols solve logic transforma-
tion across networks, but they’re limited to spe-
cific ecosystems like Polkadot and Cosmos. Here,
there are no sub-criteria for interoperability proto-
cols due to their ecosystem similarity.
Aggregation protocols bridge data communica-
tion gaps between non-compatible networks but
require manual logic translation. Sub-criteria for
aggregation protocols are as follows: (1) Protocol
has a blockchain of its own. (2) Protocol doesn’t
have its own blockchain.
4.4 Application of the Decision Criteria
In this part, the above defined decision process with
a series of steps will be applied. For the first part,
the exclusion criteria, it is not necessary to define a
specific context. On the other hand, the second part
with inclusion criteria requires the definition of a spe-
cific context, more concretely said, a contextualized
decentralized application.
The initial list of DID-implementing protocols
found was: Litentry,,, ontology,
selfkey, XSL,, metadium,, Ce-
ramic, Microsoft ION, blockpass,, valid-
ity.tec, synaps, IBM Blockchain Identity, serto
4.4.1 Exclusion Criteria
Obsoleteness and proprietary software were decided
based on the documentation and resources available.
The wallet decison required testing, which had the
following results. successfully passed, offer-
ing clear instructions and easy DID access. Selfkey,
however, caused problems as exhaustive research and
app exploration failed to yield DID creation.
Thus, the initial protocol list was reduced by ap-
plying the exclusion criteria one-by-one:
1. After excluding the obsolete projects, the list
reduces to: Litentry,,, self-
key, XSL, metadium,, ceramic, IBM
Blockchain Identity.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2. After excluding the proprietary software-based:
Litentry,,, selfkey, XSL, meta-
dium,, Ceramic.
3. After excluding the non-functioning wallet-based
tested protocols: Litentry,, XSL, metadium,, Ceramic.
4.4.2 Inclusion Criteria
The classification of protocols following the inter-
operability criteria is presented in Table 2. Table 3
shows a discussion of interoperability concerns.
To allow a technical comparison, we also provide
an analysis of the blockchain throughput in Table 4.
We already said, that the for second phase, the
application context plays a role (Dodevski and Tra-
jkovik, 2018; Guggenberger et al., 2020). In this
phase, application requirements guide our choice of
an e-voting Dapp, serving as an example of a web
3.0 service needing an identification system. Such
criteria extend to other web 3.0 services reliant on au-
thentication, including decentralized exchanges, DeFi
lending, DAOs, and voting systems. The DID utility
extends to future DeFi services like credit rating cre-
ation for borrowers. The e-voting app targets specific
contexts, such as city council representative elections.
Interoperability and aggregation concerns for the
chosen app context are: (1) Ethereum + EVM com-
patibility or Aggregation + Interoperability: Interop-
erability (2) Interoperability or Aggregation: Given
Polkadot-centric interoperability, aggregation is pre-
ferred. (3) Aggregation Protocol with or without its
own blockchain: Litentry’s own blockchain suits ex-
clusive DID management or Dapp hosting.
In the e-voting context, the DID serves a utili-
tarian role, authenticating users and validating votes.
The selected protocol should interact with diverse
blockchains for adaptable e-voting implementations,
making an aggregation protocol without a dedicated
blockchain, like Ceramic, a fitting choice.
The integrity of the decision can be validated ei-
ther by proving the quality of the decision procedure
or through illustration by implementing the chosen
protocol (Ceramic for the given context) as a baseline
identification architecture in one production-case of
the exemplary business process (e-voting) and testing.
Given that a creation, implementation, and testing of
do not lie within the scope of this project, greater dili-
gence will be put into the evaluation of the correct-
ness and completion of the decision protocol. Never-
theless, the implementation of one illustrative DID as
identification baseline is provided later with the aim
of clarifying the achievability of this implementation.
4.5 Decision Tree
A decision tree is a representation of the steps of the
decision process. It acts here as a summary of the
framework created after the definition of the decision
criteria. The aim was to differentiate the protocols
as much as possible, such that the decision frame-
work would fit the largest spectrum of decentralized
projects (and their requirements). The consequence of
this work is the fact that the tree has leaf nodes with
only one protocol, except for and A
visualization of the tree can be found in Fig. 3.
The protocol’s feasibility was assessed in the first half
of 2023, considering digital identification systems,
business processes, and current DID-implementing
protocols. Characteristics were evaluated uniformly,
without arbitrary prioritization due to undefined ap-
plication domains. A specific concern is the up-to-
dateness and extensibility of the decision framework.
The extensible decision framework, representing ac-
cumulated knowledge, suits any cognitive identifica-
tion process requiring PII exchange in digital busi-
ness. The protocol remains viable unless: (1) new
DID protocol enters production; (2) a listed protocol
exits the market; (3) major disruptions affect base el-
ements; (4) the blockchain coins’ market capitaliza-
tion is disrupted; (5) key digital economy actors im-
plement protocols. Adapting the framework for item
1 or 2 is simple, while other scenarios demand a full
decision procedure reformulation.
Currently, a few functional DID-implementing
protocols exist after the 2022 Crypto crisis, which is
reflected in the current list. Larger ecosystems like
Polygon and Cosmos lack DID protocols. Ceramic
stands out, sharing DID across blockchains as an ap-
plication layer solution.
The scope of this implementation consists of creat-
ing a functional decentralized application for the cre-
ation of a DID, which string ought to be posted in
the blockchain as an index to the public key. The
objective is providing an implementation and deploy-
ment in order to investigate viability, feasibility and
ease of integration into any digital business process.
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
Table 2: Protocols divided following defined interoperability criteria and sub-criteria.
Interoperable or Aggregating Interoperable or Aggregating
Ethereum + EVM Compatible Interoperable Aggregating
Ethereum: Metadium more scal-
able: XSL (Binance smart chain)
Polkadot:, With a blockchain of its own: Litentry
Without a blockchain of its own: Ceramic API
Table 3: Pros and Cons of Interoperability-based and Aggregation-based protocols.
Interoperability Aggregation
pros Prefabricated logic, one DID enough Network effect, increase scalability
Protocols are incipient, no real interoperability
within big chains
Protocols are middlemen APIs. No token of its own
(exception Litentry). Potential translation issues
Table 4: The Throughput of the blockchains that have active DID protocols, measured in TPS (transactions per second).
Blockchain Maximum TPS Average TPS
20 (Blockchair Blockchain Services,
13-15 (Blockchair Blockchain Services,
Binance Smart Chain
300 (BSC Binance Smart Chain News,
40 (BNB Smart Chain Explorer, )
Polkadot 1,000 (Coinbase Documentation, 2023) Information not found
The initial intention was to provide an interoperable
implementation with Ceramic, based on the decision
process and documented experience with a previous
implementation provided on GitHub (Dabit, 2023).
Nevertheless, due to continuously changing APIs, an
Ethereum-based implementation was provided to an-
swer these questions: (1) What is the feasibility of
the implementation of protocol for managing DIDs?
(2) What are the drawbacks of the DID-implementing
protocols? (How) Could they be improved? We report
on problems that arose during the implementation that
would limit feasibility and/or ease of implementation.
6.1 Ceramic Protocol
The Ceramic Network is a group of open-source APIs
for storing, updating and retrieving data from de-
centralized networks (Ceramic, 2023), that has three
main usability branches, amongst which is the sup-
port to the creation of apps with interoperable DID
storage and communication. The way in which in-
teroperability is implemented and operated in Ce-
ramic can be seen in Fig. 4. One of Ceramic’s
products is named Decentralized Identifier and pro-
vides the client with methods for creating and retriev-
ing DIDs, which is interoperable with seven differ-
ent blockchains, amongst which Cosmos, Ethereum,
Filecoin and Polkadot (DID Toolkit, 2023). This in-
teroperability can be easily implemented in code with
a switch-case structure at the moment of creating a
data profile that accumulates the DID data and inter-
acts with the blockchain.
Furthermore, Ceramic can interact with already
existing wallets of which most importantly Meta-
mask which avoids the situation in which the user
must download a wallet and manage its credentials
for each DID created (Ceramic Developers, 2023).
Another relevant reason for implementing APIs from
Ceramic is that the JavaScript DID is coded in Type-
Script, which makes its implementation and integra-
tion into other code structures less challenging com-
pared to other blockchain-related APIs, where inter-
action happens mostly in Rust, a recently developed
and not so largely diffused language.
6.2 Initial Implementation
The objective is to build an interface for Ceramic for
interacting with Ethereum to read or create a DID
reference. Using TypeScript, the main Ceramic pro-
tocol functions like 3id-did-resolver (Ceramic Net-
work, 2023) influenced a React app design. The
app is divided into front-end (React App, JavaScript)
and back-end (Ceramic APIs, blockchain). Ini-
tially, code was based on a tutorial, but libraries 3ID
and IDX were replaced by ’@didtools/pkh-ethereum’
and ’composeDB’ (ComposeDB on Ceramic, 2023).
ComposeDBonly works in Linux IDEs. Issues arose
with the DID class of the dids’ package, preventing
successful implementation. This class creates a skele-
ton DID structure, authenticates sessions, and con-
nects to Ceramic’s endpoint client. The skeleton can
be replaced with actual data from the IDX library.
6.3 Second Implementation
The aim is creating an application that writes a
DID on the blockchain. Given that the data con-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: The Decision Tree for Protocol Selection for E-Voting.
Figure 4: Example of Interoperability in Ceramic.
Figure 5: The Libraries Implemented for the DID-Dapp.
cept of DID is not provided by any JavaScript
Ethereum library, it must be created within the
application. Fig. 5 shows the libraries used for this
implementation. The DID is a mechanism for the
indexing of the public key in the blockchain, and
that the DID string is this index. The most effi-
cient option for indexing information on Ethereum
lies in the transaction hash, which will concate-
nated with the method to create a DID string such as
0d8139b4e6a657c45822a1a5718bec36d. The pub-
lic key stored in the blockchain is the wallet address.
The React Native baseline was maintained, be-
cause the JavaScript library ’ethers’ (Ethers Ethereum
Library, 2023) allows interaction with Ethereum
mainchain and testchain (Goerli). Fig. 6 displays the
smart contract with which method the application in-
teracted. Whether the interaction is made with the
mainchain or in the testchain depends on the user’s
configuration of the wallet and on the location of the
smart contract to interact with. Two functioning Ce-
ramic libraries are implemented (’did-session and
@didtools/pkh-ethereum’) to collect the user’s
authorization for the session and for the access to wal-
let funds in the form of a wallet pop-up.
Figure 6: The Smart Contract in Solidity.
A React Native application is created, followed
by a smart contract in Solidity (here in the Remix
online IDE) to receive a string input (public key)
and write it to the blockchain. This contract must
be deployed only once, and must be copied into the
JavaScript code. Based on the ABI and contract
address, the JavaScript code can access the method
storePubKey() for posting the public key and passed
the previously collected wallet address as parameter.
The feasibility of decentralized data exchange archi-
tectures raises concerns beyond technological issues.
While this research focused primarily on the technical
aspects, several crucial factors require attention.
In evaluating the potential for decentralized iden-
tification to consolidate, factors beyond privacy com-
pliance need an analysis. Economic, legal, and so-
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
ciological influences hold considerable sway. The
combination of high entry costs and network effects
creates a capital risk that could discourage participa-
tion from both identity providers and business actors,
potentially leading to an oligopolistic market lacking
user choice. This underscores the necessity of well-
designed technical elements to prevent data misuse.
Market-driven forces further complicate matters.
Sustainable business models for providers and incen-
tives for user adoption remain currently unanswered.
The transition from centralized routines to decentral-
ized ones relies on user willingness to migrate from
familiar systems. Moreover, third-party actors need
compelling reasons to embrace these changes.
Human behavior and perceptions play a vital role.
Encouraging users to trust information to decentral-
ized identifiers, while motivating them to transition
from established systems, presents challenges (Le
et al., 2022). Additionally, addressing user awareness
and engagement remains vital for success of the DID
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