Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and
Recommender Systems
Ryan Dutra de Abreu
1 a
, Laura Silva de Assis
1 b
and Douglas O. Cardoso
2 c
Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Federal Center of Technological Education, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Smart Cities Research Center, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal
Collaborative Filtering, Social Networks, User Profiling, Collective Behavior.
Community detection and recommender systems are two subjects of the highest relevance among data-oriented
computational methods, considering their current applications in various contexts. This work investigated how
pipelining these tasks may lead to better recommendations than those obtained without awareness of implicit
communities. We experimentally assessed various combinations of methods for community detection and
recommendation algorithms, as well as synthetic and real datasets. This targeted to unveil interesting patterns
in the behavior of the resulting systems. Our results show that insights into communities can significantly
improve both the effectiveness and efficiency of recommendation algorithms in some favorable scenarios.
These findings can be used to help data science researchers and practitioners to better understand the benefits
and limitations of this methodology.
The Internet’s significant growth in the last three
decades has transformed how society conducts busi-
ness and communicates (Castells and Cardoso, 1996).
By 2020, its widespread usage had become a global
norm (Roser et al., 2015), resulting in new rela-
tionship structures, habits, consumption patterns, and
markets (Paul and Aithal, 2018).
Although beneficial in many aspects, this digital
evolution has led to information overload for users,
making it challenging to find relevant data and make
informed decisions (Dias, 2014). In this context, rec-
ommendation systems offer promise in managing this
overload, simplifying decision-making by suggesting
relevant items (Panteli et al., 2019).
Grounded in cognitive science and information re-
trieval, this systems are crucial for generating person-
alized suggestions based on user preferences (Rich,
1979; Sanderson and Croft, 2012). They can employ
various approaches, including collaborative filtering,
content-based filtering, and hybrid filtering (Burke,
2000; Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005; Pazzani and
Billsus, 2007; Schafer et al., 2007).
Collaborative filtering (CF) techniques are widely
used due to its efficiency, recommending items based
on similar users’ preferences (Gorripati and Vat-
savayi, 2017). Yet, many commercial systems rely
on large, sparse user-item matrices, posing challenges
such as the “cold-start” problem (Guo, 2013).
To tackle these challenges, researchers have ex-
plored strategies like incorporating additional data
to model user preferences, introducing new similar-
ity measures, and using community detection algo-
rithms to uncover network structures (Guo, 2013;
Keerthi Gorripati and Angadi, 2018; Xie and Szy-
manski, 2013; Bourhim et al., 2018; Bhaskaran et al.,
2022). While integrating community detection with
recommender systems has shown promise in enhanc-
ing recommendation accuracy, there is still a wide
range of experimental opportunities in the field.
This study investigates combining these tasks to
improve recommendations through implicit commu-
nity awareness. We explore novel algorithm combi-
nations, evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness
with synthetic and real datasets to provide insights for
data science researchers and practitioners.
Remaining sections include an overview of re-
lated literature (Section 2), details of the community-
oriented recommendation methodology (Section 3),
experimental descriptions and results (Section 4), and
a research summary (Section 5).
Dutra de Abreu, R., Silva de Assis, L. and Cardoso, D.
Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and Recommender Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012237000003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 496-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Integrating community detection algorithms with rec-
ommender systems has gained recent attention. These
approaches use data structure and relationships to en-
hance recommendation accuracy and diversity. This
section provides an overview of relevant works in this
Pham et al. (Pham et al., 2011) proposed a cluster-
ing approach that improves recommendation quality
by incorporating social information. Their user-based
algorithms make predictions by aggregating ratings
from the active user’s nearest neighbors with weights.
The technique outperformed traditional CF methods
in evaluations using DBLP and Epinion data.
A graph-based CF approach treating users as a
network of highly similar sub-communities was pre-
sented in (Bourhim et al., 2018; Bourhim et al., 2019).
By utilizing key-nodes and the Louvain modularity-
based algorithm to group users, significant perfor-
mance gains were achieved compared to classical rec-
ommendation approaches.
Ciftc¸i et al. (C¸ iftc¸i et al., 2021) used Louvain and
Label Propagation community detection algorithms to
identify artist clusters, aligning well with Spotify’s
artist lists. Additionally, Kherad and Bidgoly intro-
duced a recommendation method (Kherad and Bid-
goly, 2022) combining matrix factorization, graph
analysis, and deep learning techniques. They em-
ployed the Louvain algorithm for community detec-
tion and HITS for identifying important nodes in the
user communication network, resulting in superior
performance compared to existing methods.
In (Patra et al., 2014), a similarity-based CF
method was introduced to address the user cold-start
issue in sparse data situations, delivering reliable rec-
ommendations for new users with limited ratings,
substantially improving accuracy compared to exist-
ing solutions.
Similarly, Gorripati and Vatsavayi (Gorripati and
Vatsavayi, 2017) proposed a community-based CF
approach that tackles both data sparsity and cold-
start problems. By examining user preferences within
the same community, they enhance recommendation
quality. Their method involves identifying user pat-
terns, creating a network based on co-rating relation-
ships, identifying community structures, and comput-
ing neighborhood similarity.
In the realm of music recommendation sys-
tems, (Cao et al., 2020) addressed data sparsity and
cold-start issues. The authors introduced a com-
munity detection algorithm based on the Louvain
method, which exhibited higher accuracy, stability,
and shorter running times compared to alternative ap-
proaches, validating the effectiveness of their cold-
start algorithm.
While these works have shown the potential of in-
tegrating community detection algorithms with rec-
ommender systems to enhance recommendation ac-
curacy and address challenges, they have some limita-
tions. Furthermore, there is still a research gap in ex-
ploring the combinations of community discovery and
recommendation algorithms, as well as their impact
on system performance. Our work aims to advance
this integration by exploring novel algorithm combi-
nations, assessing their effectiveness and efficiency
using synthetic and real datasets, and gaining insights
into system behavior. This contributes to more effec-
tive and personalized recommendation systems.
This work’s core inspiration is to enhance recommen-
dation algorithms using community detection tech-
niques. This approach is highly adaptable and can
be employed with a range of prediction algorithms,
including heuristics, neighborhood methods, matrix
factorization, and other CF techniques. The method-
ology involves four steps, which will be detailed in
the following subsections.
3.1 Graph Projection
In this subsection, we outline the process of trans-
forming a bipartite graph of user-item ratings into
a unipartite weighted graph focused solely on users.
This projection enables us to capture user relation-
ships and interactions while considering the weighted
connections derived from their ratings.
Consider a weighted bipartite graph G =
(U, I , E, r) where U is the set of users nodes, I is
the set of items nodes representing the catalog items,
E is the set of edges connecting nodes from U to I
and r represents the ratings, i.e., the weights assigned
to each edge. It can be evaluated the dissimilarity
between two users u
and u
, where (u
, u
) U
by iterating over the items that both users have rated
and evaluating the mean squared difference between
their corresponging ratings. This will result a unipar-
tite weighted graph G
= (U
, E
, w), where U
resents the set of nodes in the weighted projection
which corresponds to the set of nodes U in the bi-
partite graph, E
represents the set of edges in the
weighted projection, capturing the connections be-
tween pairs of nodes in U
which rated at least one
item in common, and w represents the weight func-
tion in the weighted projection, assigning numerical
Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and Recommender Systems
Figure 1: Example of a bipartite graph: (a) representing
user-item relationships and its corresponding projection (b)
showing the connections among users based on their rat-
values to the edges in E
Mathematically, the weight w
is defined as
shown in Equation (1):
] G[u
where, G[u
] and G[u
] represent the sets of items
rated by users u
and u
, respectively. r
and r
represent the ratings of i-th item given by users u
, respectively. To give the just mentioned weights
a positive connotation, we apply the transformation
shown in Equation (2), which also acts as a normal-
ization to the (0, 1] interval:
1 + w
Larger w values result in smaller normalized
weights w
, indicating lower user similarity, while
smaller w values lead to larger normalized weights,
indicating higher similarity. These weighted connec-
tions reflect user relationships in the bipartite graph
and serve as the basis for constructing the projected
user-user graph. This transformation helps us focus
on user-user relationships for recommendation pur-
Figure 1 visually illustrates a bipartite graph G
and its corresponding projection G
, generated from a
fictitious dataset of 10 users and 10 items with ratings
from 1 to 5. The left side shows user-item relation-
ships, while the right side depicts connections among
users based on their ratings.
3.2 Community Detection
Community detection aims to identify clusters of
users within the graph who exhibit similar patterns or
behavior. By uncovering these communities, we can
Figure 2: Graph projection with identified communities.
gain insights into the underlying structure and dynam-
ics of user interactions, which can further enhance the
effectiveness of our recommendation algorithm.
To detect communities in the projected graph, we
can employ various community discovery algorithms
in order to identify densely connected groups (Choud-
hary et al., 2023). In the context of recommenda-
tion systems, particular algorithms have been widely
used for community detection, like Louvain (Blondel
et al., 2008), Girvan-Newman (Girvan and Newman,
2002), Infomap (Rosvall and Bergstrom, 2008) and
Label Propagation (Raghavan et al., 2007).
This clusting process is illustrated in Figure 2,
where the Louvain algorithm is applied to the pro-
jected graph generated in the previous subsection
(Figure 1(b)). This application results in a graph visu-
alization where each node is assigned a specific color
representing its community membership.
One can gain valuable insights into the users’ col-
lective behavior through community detection tech-
niques, leading to a more personalized and satis-
factory user experience. Once communities are de-
tected, they represent user subsets with shared charac-
teristics, allowing for personalized recommendations
based on community affiliations.
3.3 Model Instantiation and Training
This section focuses on enhancing the recommenda-
tion model training phase using community informa-
tion. After completing graph projection and commu-
nity detection, we aim to incorporate community in-
sights to capture collective user behavior and prefer-
Let us denote the training dataset as D, the rec-
ommendation algorithm as A, and the set of commu-
nities as C . The community-based recommendation
model training process can be outlined as follows.
Consider a dataset subset D
is created for each com-
munity C
C, containing ratings and preferences of
users in that community. Using D
, the recommen-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
dation model M
which is associated with commu-
nity C
can be trained using the recommendation al-
gorithm A. The model M
learns from the user-item
interactions within D
, capturing the preferences and
patterns specific to community C
After training the model M
, it is stored as the
trained model specific to community C
. All this
process is repeated for each community C
C ,
resulting in trained recommendation models M =
, M
, ··· , M
} for each of all |C| communities.
The Algorithm 1 summarizes the steps involved in
community-based recommendation model training.
1 for community C
C do
2 Prepare the training dataset D
, the subset
of D regarding users in C
3 Train the recommendation model M
using D
and algorithm A;
4 Store the trained model M
specific to C
5 end
6 return Trained recommendation models
, M
, ·· · , M
for each community
Algorithm 1: Community-Based-RMT(D, A, C ).
As an illustrative example, for the two-
communities fictitious projected graph mentioned
earlier (Figure 2), this iterative training process
would generate two training instances: one for the
first community (users 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10) and
another for the second community (users 2, 7, and
8). By incorporating community information into
training, we enhance the accuracy and effectiveness
of the recommendation model. It learns not only
from individual user-item interactions but also
from collective behavior within each community,
capturing nuanced preferences and improving overall
3.4 Rating Prediction
This section covers the prediction phase of the pro-
posed recommendation methodology. Once the list of
communities and a trained model for each community
is obtained, the next phase can predict recommenda-
tions for any user based on their community member-
For a user u for whom we want to provide recom-
mendations, we can find the community C
to which
user u belongs. Once community C
is identified, we
retrieve the trained recommendation model M
cific to community C
. Using model M
, we can gen-
erate personalized recommendations for user u. The
model utilizes user-item interactions and the learned
patterns within the community to provide recommen-
dations tailored to the preferences and behavior of
users in that community.
The prediction process involves using the trained
model M
to calculate the predicted ratings or scores
for items that user u has not yet interacted with.
This can be done using various techniques, such as
CF, matrix factorization, or deep learning-based ap-
proaches. The specific method depends on the rec-
ommendation algorithm chosen during the training
phase. Once the predicted ratings or scores are ob-
tained, it is possible to classify the items or select
the best-ranked recommendations to present to user
u. These recommendations are based on the pref-
erences and interests of users within the same com-
munity as u, capturing the collective behavior and
preferences of that community. Algorithm 2 summa-
rizes the prediction process for a single user, taking
as input a user u, the set of communities C, where
C = {C
, C
, ·· · , C
}, and the trained recommenda-
tion models M = {M
, M
, ·· · , M
1 C
2 M
Trained recommendation model
specific to C
3 for each item i not rated by user u do
4 score
, u, i);
5 end
6 Sort items by score in descending order;
7 return top-k recommendations for user u
Algorithm 2: Community-Based-RP(u, C , M , k).
By leveraging community structures and trained
recommendation models, we can offer personalized
recommendations influenced not just by individual
user behavior but also by their community’s behavior.
This captures community-specific nuances, leading to
more accurate, relevant recommendations.
This section covers experiments evaluating the pro-
posed community-based recommendation methodol-
ogy. We conducted experiments on synthetic and real
datasets to gauge its effectiveness and robustness. We
also compared the results achieved with this approach
to default settings of established recommendation al-
gorithms to assess the impact of community detec-
tion. For transparency and reproducibility, the source
code is publicly accessible
Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and Recommender Systems
4.1 Datasets
The experiments were conducted using both a syn-
thetic dataset generated specifically for this study, and
a well-known real-world dataset, Movielens 100k
The choice of these datasets was motivated by the
need to evaluate the performance and robustness of
our community-based recommendation methodology
across different data scenarios.
The synthetic dataset was generated to simulate a
graph with a community structure, enabling the estab-
lishment of ground truth regarding community mem-
berships and user-item preferences. Creating this syn-
thetic dataset allowed for a systematic study of how
community detection affects recommendation perfor-
mance. The dataset generation employed a custom
function for simulating a bipartite graph, incorporat-
ing parameters like the number of users, communities,
items, categories, as well as connection probabilities
and strengths. These parameters enabled the creation
of synthetic datasets with desired community struc-
tures and interaction patterns.
To generate the communitarian recommendation
graph, specific steps were followed. First, community
labels were randomly assigned to users while ensur-
ing sorted labels for consistency, representing users’
community memberships. Community size distribu-
tion was calculated by counting users in each com-
munity. Similarly, category labels were randomly as-
signed to items, with sorted labels for consistency,
and category size distribution was computed based
on the assigned labels, representing item distribution
across categories.
An affinity matrix L was constructed to capture
the likelihood of users liking items in specific cate-
gories, with entries generated randomly based on a
given probability α. This matrix quantified the de-
gree of affinity between communities and categories,
forming the basis for modeling user-item interactions.
To consider varying liking strengths, the affinity
matrix L was transformed into an adjusted affinity
matrix L
. Values in L
were scaled by the liking
strength parameter β, which controlled the overall im-
pact of affinity on recommendations. Additionally, re-
maining values in L
were adjusted to
, ensuring
a balanced influence of affinity across communities
and categories.
By combining the adjusted affinity matrix L
matrices of zeros, a probability matrix P was con-
structed. This matrix represented the probabilities of
user-item interactions based on community and cate-
gory affiliations. Leveraging user and item distribu-
tions along with the probability matrix P, a stochastic
block model graph (sbg) was created using the Net-
workX library (Hagberg et al., 2008). The stochas-
tic block model graph depicted the recommendation
graph, with block sizes corresponding to user and
item distributions.
4.2 Experimental Protocol
To evaluate our community-based recommendation
methodology, we divided the datasets into training
and testing sets. Various test sizes were considered,
including 25%, 10%, and 1% of total ratings. We em-
ployed random permutation cross-validation to ensure
reliable and unbiased evaluations. This technique in-
volves shuffling the dataset and then splitting it into
multiple training and testing subsets, mitigating po-
tential biases due to data ordering. The scikit-learn
library’s random permutation cross-validation imple-
mentation was used with five splits to generate diverse
training and testing subsets, ensuring robust perfor-
mance assessment.
In each training instance, we followed several
steps for the recommendation process. First, we trans-
formed the bipartite graph into a projected graph, as
described in Section 3, focusing on user-user and
item-item relationships. Community detection algo-
rithms, specifically Louvain (Blondel et al., 2008) and
Paris (Xie et al., 2013), were applied to identify com-
munities based on connectivity patterns between users
and items.
Once communities were identified, recommenda-
tion models were instantiated and trained separately
for each community. We evaluated five recommenda-
tion algorithms available in the Surprise library (Hug,
2020), categorized as follows:
1. Matrix Factorization Algorithms: SVD and
2. Neighborhood-Based Algorithms: k-NN and
Slope One.
3. Clustering Algorithm: Co-Clustering.
Additionally, the NormalPredictor algorithm
served as a random baseline. Trained models were
used to generate predictions for user-item pairs in
the training data, with each model specific to its cor-
responding community, following the approach out-
lined in Section 3.
To assess performance, we employed the RMSE
metric, quantifying the accuracy of recommendation
models in predicting user-item ratings. We also eval-
uated the computational cost, including training and
testing times in seconds, to assess the efficiency of
our community-based recommendation approach.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Predictive performance considering various datasets, community detection approaches and recommendation algo-
Figure 4: Training time considering various datasets, community detection approaches and recommendation algorithms.
By conducting experiments on synthetic and real-
world datasets, we aimed to comprehensively evalu-
ate our approach’s performance across various data
settings. Subsequent subsections present and discuss
the results obtained.
4.3 Results and Discussion
This section presents computational experiment re-
sults evaluating the community-based recommenda-
tion approach’s performance, comparing it with de-
fault recommendation methods, and analyzing effec-
tiveness and computational cost across various sce-
To evaluate the community-based recommenda-
tion approach, tests were conducted on both synthetic
and real datasets, as previously explained. Figure 3
illustrates the performance comparison between the
proposed approach (utilizing Louvain or Paris algo-
rithms for community discovery) and the default al-
ternative (without a community discovery algorithm).
The bar heights represent the average RMSE of the
iterations, while the error bands show the variability
or uncertainty in these averages, calculated using the
standard deviation.
In the synthetic dataset scenario, our community-
based recommendation approach consistently outper-
formed the default method (without a community
detector), especially with neighborhood-based algo-
rithms, which showed significant performance im-
provement when combined with community detec-
In the real dataset scenario (Movie Lens 100k),
our approach generally performed similarly to the de-
fault method with slight differences. The only ex-
ception was the Normal Predictor algorithm, which
showed lower RMSE when community detectors
were used.
These results indicate that community detec-
tors can benefit recommendation tasks, especially
for datasets with clear network structures. Addi-
tionally, neighborhood-based algorithms showed the
most significant improvement when integrated with
our community-based approach. This highlights the
potential effectiveness of combining neighborhood-
based algorithms with community-based recommen-
dation strategies.
In addition to performance evaluation, the com-
Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and Recommender Systems
Figure 5: Prediction time considering various datasets, community detection approaches and recommendation algorithms.
putational cost of the community-based recommen-
dation approach was also analyzed. Two aspects were
considered: i) training time, and ii) prediction time.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 display the training and predic-
tion time for each algorithm in different scenarios for
both datasets. The bar heights correspond to the me-
dian execution times, while the error bands depict the
uncertainty associated with these median values, cal-
culated using the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD).
While the results for synthetic data indicated a
slight increase in computational cost, the use of detec-
tors notably reduced training time for all algorithms in
real data scenarios and decreased prediction time for
neighborhood-based algorithms.
In summary, our proposed solution approach
demonstrates promise in improving recommendation
algorithm performance, particularly in datasets with
highly connected networks, especially when employ-
ing neighborhood-based algorithms. Additionally,
even in datasets with fewer disconnected users, the
approach maintains similar performance to the default
method while significantly reducing computational
costs. These findings highlight the approach’s effec-
tiveness in recommendation systems, enhancing per-
formance while optimizing computational resources.
In this paper, we introduced and evaluated a
community-based approach to enhance the effective-
ness and efficiency of recommendation algorithms.
Our approach yielded promising results, particularly
in data scenarios with clear network structures, con-
sistently outperforming the default method with lower
RMSE values. The synergy between community
detectors and neighborhood-based algorithms fur-
ther highlighted our approach’s advantages. Even
in datasets lacking distinct clusters, our approach
maintained comparable performance to the default
method while significantly reducing computational
costs. These findings offer valuable insights for rec-
ommendation system researchers and practitioners,
showcasing the potential of community-based meth-
ods in improving accuracy and computational effi-
Future development of our approach should in-
volve exploring whether other algorithms or param-
eter combinations, both for community detection and
recommendation, can achieve similar or superior en-
hancements within the same pipeline. Additionally,
further investigation using different datasets, includ-
ing real datasets beyond Movie Lens 100k and syn-
thetic data with varying characteristics, can expand
our understanding of how our approach handles di-
verse community structures.
Douglas O. Cardoso acknowledges the financial sup-
port by the Foundation for Science and Technol-
ogy (Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia, FCT)
through grant UIDB/05567/2020, and by the Euro-
pean Social Fund and programs Centro 2020 and Por-
tugal 2020 through project CENTRO-04-3559-FSE-
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