A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning
Shuiyi Kuang and Yan Zhang
School of Computer Science and Engineering, California State University San Bernardino, U.S.A.
Fund Market Prediction, Gated Recurrent Units, Long Short-Term Memory, Deep Learning.
Numerous neural network models have been created to predict the rise or fall of stocks since deep learning has
gained popularity, and many of them have performed quite well. However, since the share market is hugely
influenced by various policy changes or unexpected news, it is challenging for investors to use such short-term
predictions as a guide. In this paper, a suitable long-term predictor for the funds market is proposed and tested
using different kinds of neural network models, including the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model with
different layers, the Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) model with different layers, and the combination model
of LSTM and GRU. These models were evaluated on two funds datasets with various stock market technical
indicators added. Since the fund is a long-term investment, we attempted to predict the range of change in
the future 20 trading days. The experimental results demonstrated that the single GRU model performed best,
reached an accuracy of 92.14% to correctly predict the direction of rise or fall, and the accuracy of predicting
the specific change also hit 85.35%.
With the rising inflation, it is necessary for many indi-
viduals and families to make some investments. The
greatest alternative among many investment options
is fund investment due to its convenience, low bar-
rier to entry, and low risk, especially for new investors
or those who are not familiar with the stock market.
The fund market predictor proposed in this paper is an
auxiliary application that helps fund investors decide
when to buy or sell stocks. Unlike a regular stock
market predictor, this predictor focuses more on the
fund market, which means that instead of targeting
a single stock, it largely targets a sector. It is more
likely to be correctly predicted because trends across
the industry are more stable than for a single stock.
In addition, the predictor takes some financial mar-
ket indicators as input feature values, such as Raw
Stochastic Value (RSV), Standard Deviation (SD) and
Accumulation and Distribution Line (ACD). By train-
ing these data with financial indicator features, an ef-
fective prediction model with the highest accuracy is
In this paper, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), two variants of
the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), are trained in
single-layer, multi-layer, and combined. The param-
eters such as the number of layers, number of neu-
rons, training period, single sample size, regulariza-
tion, dropout, and optimizer are adjusted by observing
the loss curve to obtain the optimal model.
Indeed, various prediction algorithms and models
have been proposed by many researchers in both aca-
demics and industry to predict the stock market ac-
curately. There have already been many successful
predictors for the stock market which can reach a rela-
tively high accuracy, but it is not that meaningful since
they could not help investors to make profits in ac-
tual operations. People may know the stocks they are
holding will go down tomorrow but they do not know
the range of the price drop. What if you decide to sell
your shares but the price only drops a little, or you
decide to keep your shares but the price breaks down?
Warren Buffett, the most famous and successful in-
vestor, said it is unwise to decide one’s investment
whether failed or not only according to the next-day
stock price (Lowenstein, 2013). After all, investment
is a long-term business, especially for funds invest-
ment. It’s more important to keep track of the trends
rather than the ups and downs every day.
From a professional financial point of view, even
if the fund market is more stable than the stock mar-
ket, the future is still uncertain. Policy shifts, bad
news from industry leaders, or the sudden outbreak
of war can cause unpredictable effects, so the predic-
Kuang, S. and Zhang, Y.
A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012206400003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 347-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tor is just an aid. As the old saying goes, you can
learn from history, and those who forget the past will
eventually repeat it. So, the significance of the fund
predictor studied in this paper is to tell us not to make
similar unwise decisions that have been made many
times in history. Therefore, as ordinary investors who
do not have professional financial knowledge, while
we choose an excellent fund, the specific manipu-
lation work will be done by professional fund man-
agers. All we need to do is deciding when to buy or
sell the shares. At this time, the fund predictor can
become a good assistant who offers supporting refer-
ence for you.
A review of the existing methods for the prediction of
the stock market using neural networks is discussed
in this section.
Cao et al. applied artificial neural networks to pre-
dict the stock price movements of companies traded
on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Cao et al., 2005).
It is concluded that the neural network outperforms
the linear model and neural networks are useful tools
for stock price forecasting in emerging markets like
China. Yildiz et al. brought up a three-layer arti-
ficial neural network to predict the rise and fall of
the ISE National-100 and achieved an accuracy of
74.51% (Yildiz et al., 2008). Hsieh et al. pro-
posed a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based on
the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to fore-
cast five indices including the Dow Jones Industri-
als (Hsieh et al., 2011). But the prediction was rel-
atively mediocre for time series data, since the RNN
network could not solve the problem of long-term
dependence. Nelson et al. examined the perfor-
mances of several different Long Short-Term Mem-
ory (LSTM) models, and got an average accuracy
of 55.9% in the financial projection that whether a
single stock will rise in the coming period (Nelson
et al., 2017). The poor performance should prob-
ably be caused by the small amount of data and
the large variability of a single stock. Moghar and
Hamiche presented a 4-layer LSTM to predict NYSE
and GOOGLE and concluded that the prediction ac-
curacy increases with increasing epochs (Moghar and
Hamiche, 2020). Shao et al. applied the K-means
algorithm to cluster the stock price subseries (Shao
et al., 2017). An LSTM neural network model was
then constructed based on the number of clusters, and
the clustering results were used to train the corre-
sponding LSTM model, which resulted in higher pre-
diction accuracy than a single LSTM neural network
prediction model.
Gao et al. combined Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) for stock
market prediction and applied PCA and LASSO di-
mensionality reduction to the training data, and fi-
nally concluded that LSTM and GRU have com-
parable predictive power, but LASSO dimensional-
ity reduction is more effective (Gao et al., 2021).
Roodiwala et al. developed a new LSTM model
which tracked the NIFTY 20 index for a period of 5
years, and finally achieved a Root Mean Square Er-
ror (RMSE) of merely 0.008, which was an excel-
lent performance (Roondiwala et al., 2017). Liu et
al. described a combination of a regularized GRU and
LSTM model, which yielded better results than either
GRU or LSTM alone (Liu et al., 2019). This novel
idea led us to consider the option of combining these
two neural networks for long-term prediction of fund
In these existing methods, the forecast targets are
short-term trends in highly volatile stocks, while we
choose to forecast long-term trends in more stable
funds, and to the exact range of the change, which
is more valuable for practical purposes.
The source data used in this research was downloaded
from https://finance.yahoo.com/quote. We choose
two indices which track the financial and real es-
tate sectors, respectively, for the period from January
2009 to November 2022. The financial codes are
000934.SS and 000006.SS. After removing samples
with missing values, the total valid sample size ob-
tained was 3375, and the initial data contained 10 at-
tributes, as shown in Table 1.
Data from the financial sector index is used to train
the model, and then data from the real estate sector
index is used to validate the model.
3.1 Financial Index Features
We add some financial indicators to the original
dataset, and then manually extract features by calcu-
lating the correlation between the indicators. The in-
dicators with high correlations are dropped to reduce
the dimensions of input data, which can also increase
efficiency of neural network models.
The technical indicators commonly used in the fi-
nancial markets (Kim, 2004) are added in the dataset,
as shown in Table 2.
As too many financial indicators are added, the
dimension of the input becomes large,. The high-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Features and descriptions.
Features Description
Close The closing price at the end of the
High The highest transaction price during
the whole day.
Low The lowest transaction price during
the whole day.
Pre close The closing price at the end of yes-
Range The price difference between today
and yesterday.
Change Percentage of the price difference
between today and yesterday.
Vol The number of shares traded in the
whole day.
Turnover A measure of the number of times
inventory is sold or used.
Table 2: Commonly used financial index.
Feature Description
RSV Raw Stochastic Value, the most basic
stochastic value for each period.
MA Moving average of n-day price.
BIAS It reflects the deviation between the
price and its moving average in a cer-
tain period.
SD Standard Deviation of the price.
ACD Accumulation and Distribution Line,
it delivers buy and sell signals.
DIF Assistant indicator to calculate ACD.
RSI Relative Strength Index, a price fol-
lowing an oscillator which ranges
from 0 to 100.
DMA A security’s average closing price
over the previous 50 days.
BBI It measures the general short/mid-
term trend.
dimensional input is not conducive to the convergence
of the model. Therefore, we use a scatter plot to
show the indicators that are correlated computation-
ally, some indicators with strong linear correlation
can be found, and then those indicators can be elimi-
nated to reduce dimension.
Figure 1 shows that both MA and BBI are fully
positively correlated with the closing price, DIF UP
and DIF DN, which are intermediary products of DIF
calculation, are also positively correlated with DIF to
a large extent, so they can be deleted.
We generate the correlation coefficient matrix by
calculating the correlation coefficient between vari-
ables and show it by heat map in Figure 2. There is
Figure 1: Scatter graph of close, DIF, MA, and BBI.
a greater correlation between the variables when the
coefficient of correlation is near 1. As shown in Fig-
ure 2, the blue parts can be considered a very high
correlation, so they can be eliminated. Besides, RSV,
BIAS, DMA, RSI are relatively highly correlated, so
it’s enough to only keep RSV indicator. DIF indicator
also has a very strong correlation with daily change,
so it can be eliminated as well.
Figure 2: Heat map of coefficients of existing features.
Figure 3 shows the final features of remained six
characteristic values of input data, including closing
price, up and down change, trading volume, RSV,
SD, and ACD, which have a relatively low correlation
with each other.
3.2 Trend of Index as Output
For a long-term fund investor, holding the fund for
more than one month is a basic strategy, so the pro-
posed model is designed to predict the future trend of
the fund within 20 trading days. The trend of the in-
A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning
Figure 3: The extracted 6 features.
dex for the next 20 trading days will be used as the
forecast target. After streamlining the input data, a
new feature disparity 20 is added, which is the cu-
mulative increase or decrease over the next 20 trading
days. The latest 20 samples will be discarded because
it is impossible to calculate. Since the calculation of
RSV needs to use the lowest and highest prices of the
past 20 trading days, the oldest 20 samples will be
discarded because they cannot be calculated. Finally,
3335 samples out of 3375 original samples are in the
dataset. The six refined indicators are used as input
data, while the future 20-day change disparity 20 is
used as output data.
3.3 Data Normalization and Split
To ensure robust model convergence and prevent ex-
tended training times caused by numerous eigenval-
ues with varying magnitudes and units, we employ a
variant of Min-Max normalization to scale the data
within the range of [1, 1]. As a benefit of normaliza-
tion, the training model is able to converge more eas-
ily since the data are in the same order of magnitude.
The preprocessed data are divided into a training set,
validation set, and test set by the ratio of 7 : 2 : 1.
This experiment tests ve models for long-term pre-
diction of funds markets to select the most suitable
one: single-layer LSTM, single-layer GRU, multi-
layer LSTM, multi-layer GRU, and hybrid GRU-
LSTM. RNN model is examined first since the LSTM
and GRU models are frequently cited as suitable RNN
variations for time series forecasting.
4.1 RNN
Compared to standard neural networks, RNNs can
connect past information to current tasks, making
them valuable for solving time series prediction prob-
lems. (Medsker and Jain, 2001). The structure of
RNNs determines that it can only receive information
from the approaching moment when processing infor-
mation at the current moment. It cannot receive infor-
mation from an earlier moment. There is only one
activation function inside the standard RNN , usually
tanh or so f tsign.
RNNs retain the information of past moments in
the forward propagation process. When optimizing
the model, the gradient descent method is used to up-
date the parameter values along the direction of the
gradient of the objective function to achieve the min-
imum loss value. When the gradient approaches 0,
it signifies negligible impact, a key challenge in us-
ing RNN for long time series problems. Thus, it also
gives birth to RNN variant forms, LSTM and GRU, to
solve the gradient disappearance.
4.2 LSTM
LSTM adds a cell state and three gate structures to
achieve the retention of information. Three gates
are the input gate, the forgetting gate, and the out-
put gate (Yu et al., 2019). The forgetting gate is the
key to the LSTM, and it determines what information
is forgotten and what information is added to the cell
state (Yu et al., 2019). The internal structure of the
LSTM is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The internal structure of LSTM.
Initially, h
and x
pass through the forgetting
gate (typically a sigmoid function), yielding f
in the
range (0,1) where 1 retains all and 0 forgets all. Then,
the input gate computes i
via a sigmoid function, de-
termining what to retain and introducing new infor-
mation through a tanh function. Lastly, the updated
cell state, confined to (1, 1) by a tanh function, is
multiplied by the output gate result o
to produce the
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
final output h
. Thus, we only need to set a larger bias
term for the forgetting gate of LSTM, then the cell
state can maintain a relatively stable gradient flow,
which can also alleviate the gradient disappearance
problem due to fractional concatenation.
4.3 GRU
GRU, a concise version of LSTM, combines the for-
getting gate and input gate into one update gate and
merges cell state and hidden state, which greatly sim-
plifies the structure of LSTM but achieves a similar
effect as LSTM (Chen et al., 2019). The internal
structure of GRU is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: The internal structure of GRU.
GRU only has two gates, a reset gate and an up-
date gate, which are computed in the same way as the
gates in LSTM. GRU has one less gate than LSTM, so
the total number of parameters is only three-quarters
of LSTM with same complexity. GRU is more con-
cise and reduces the risk of overfitting. It is also able
to deal with both long-term and short-term dependen-
4.4 Stacked Neural Network
Multi-layer neural network stacking is utilized to im-
prove the learning ability of a model, where multi-
ple hidden layers are added between the input and
the output layer, and the output of the former layer is
passed to the latter layer with the same dimension as
the input (Mohammadi and Das, 2016). Nevertheless,
given that stacking multi-layer neural networks can
cause issues related to gradient vanishing and overfit-
ting, this experiment primarily focuses on two-layer
stacked networks. There are an input layer, two mid-
dle layers and an output layer. The middle layers can
be RNN, LSTM, or GRU. This experiment will test
the stacked neural network in three ways: double-
layer LSTM, double-layer GRU, and mixed GRU-
4.5 Evaluation Methods
We use five evaluation criteria, namely Mean Abso-
lute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE),
score, Probability, and Accuracy to evaluate the
prediction performance of the selected models.
The MAE is used to measure the mean absolute
error between the predicted and true values, which is
defined as follows. A smaller MAE means a better
model (Hodson, 2022).
RMSE is used to indicate how much error the
model will produce in the prediction, similar to the
standard deviation. It allows for assessing the stabil-
ity of the model (Hodson, 2022).
is a default model evaluation metric used by
scikit-learn in the implementation of linear regres-
sion, which can be used to reflect the degree of the
model’s fitness to the data. The larger it is, the better
the model is (Hodson, 2022).
Probability is the probability of correctly predict-
ing the rise and fall trend in all test samples. It is an
evaluation criterion especially set in this research.
Accuracy is an evaluation criterion especially set
in this paper. Since the purpose of this test is to predict
the future of the 20 trading days, this indicator is used
to show the probability that the difference between the
real changes and predicted changes is within 0.02 or
less. As long as the gap between predicted changes
and the actual changes is less than 0.02, it is consid-
ered as a valid prediction.
5.1 Parameters Setting
LSTM and GRU have similar parameter configura-
tions, including input data shape, neural unit count,
batch size, epoch, loss, activation, optimizer, archi-
tecture, and reliability.
Data Shape: As LSTM and GRU expect three-
dimensional tensors (input length, input size, and
time step), the two-dimensional data should be re-
shaped into three-dimensional data in advance. The
input length is the length of the original data, and it
is the total number of 3335 samples. The input size
is the number of features of the extracted financial in-
dicators after preprocessing. The time step is set to 1
for the single stock data, where the dimension of each
sample is 1, then the length of the data processed by
each time step is just 1. If we are dealing with two-
dimensional image data, then the time
step will in-
crease to the vertical length of the image.
A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning
Neural Unit Count: The number of neural units im-
pacts both model parameters and output dimensional-
ity, which need to be adjusted according to the results
during the training process. Adjustments should align
with training results increasing the number of units
if a model is underfitting and decreasing it when over-
Batch Size: Batch size determines the number of
samples processed per training step. The loss value
calculated in model optimization is the average loss
of all samples in a single batch size. A larger batch
size will lead to memory consumption, slow speed,
and inaccuracy problems. While a smaller batch size
may result in convergence difficulties. Therefore, it is
very important to choose a suitable batch size to im-
prove the running speed and increase the accuracy of
gradient descent.
Epoch: Epoch represents one complete dataset pass
through the network. We need to pass the complete
dataset in the same neural network several times to
keep updating the weight matrix of the network to
reach the optimal solution. However, multiple epochs
are essential with more potentially leading to overfit-
ting. The appropriate number depends on the training
process and requires adjustment. We set 10 epochs as
the monitoring period in this experiment.
Loss: All test models in this experiment use mean
average error as the loss value.
Activation Function: Activation functions determine
information retention. Due to the changes can be both
positive and negative, Tanh with the symmetric nor-
malization range as (-1,1) is chosen. Other suitable
activation functions will be tested to ensure the most
suitable one for the model.
Optimizer: The optimizer optimizes the weights and
bias parameters during gradient descent. The default
Adam optimizer is used. Alternative optimizers will
be tested to see how they work.
Model Architecture: The GRU-LSTM model in this
paper refers to the ve-layer neural network model
proposed in (Liu et al., 2019), with the input and out-
put layers, two layers of GRU and one layer of LSTM
as hidden or middle layers. L2 regularization is used
to avoid the risk of overfitting with the increase in the
number of intermediate layers
Dropout: To avoid overfitting, dropout is applied
during training, which means temporarily deactivat-
ing neural units with a certain probability (Srivastava
et al., 2014). Since it is a temporary random dropout
for each batch-size sample in different networks, it
forces each neural unit to work together with other
randomly selected neural units, weakening the joint
adaptation between neurons. Thus, it achieves the ef-
fect of suppressing overfitting and enhancing general-
ization ability.
Reliability: Due to neural network variability, even if
using the same data to train the same model multiple
times, the obtained result in each run could be differ-
ent. To ensure the reliability of the training process,
each parameter adjustment is repeated 10 times, and
average validation set loss will be taken as the refer-
ence and depicted using box plots.
In the process of adjusting the parameters, every
time a parameter is changed, other parameters need
to be retested along with it. Thus, to improve the effi-
ciency, the loss curve in the test process will be used
to determine whether it is in an overfitting or under-
fitting state, and the test range of the parameters will
be adjusted accordingly. We use boxplots which is a
graphical representation of a distribution of numeri-
cal data, to show the variation of loss in response to
changes of one certain independent variable.
The final parameters of each model are shown in
Table 3.
5.2 Results
This experiment uses the Keras neural network ar-
chitecture to build prediction models (Gulli and Pal,
2017). To compare the prediction performance,
for each model we train and predict on a fund
index dataset tracking the financial sector (code
000934.SS), and then use the model with same pa-
rameters on another dataset tracking the real estate
sector (code 000006.SS). Each model is trained 20
times on each dataset and then the results are aver-
aged. The forecast results of the models for fund in-
dices 000934.SS and 000006.SS are shown in Table 4.
From Table 4, it is obvious that among all five
models for forecasting the two fund indices, the
single-layer GRU model performs the best, with the
lowest error and the highest model fit. The stan-
dard deviation in the last column shows that the GRU
model performs the most consistently over the course
of 20 repeated trials, with an MAE standard deviation
for only 0.0002 over 20 trials. As for the most crucial
criterion Accuracy, the single-layer GRU model per-
forms significantly more accurately than other mod-
els, reaching an accuracy rate of 85.35% in predicting
the change of the fund (000934.SS) with fluctuations
within 2%. However, the same model is much less ef-
fective in predicting another fund (000006.SS), with
an accuracy of 71.40%, which may result from the
fact that the adjustment process of the model parame-
ters is based on a single data set.
The performances of the five models are compara-
ble when it comes to the effect of the up and down pre-
diction, all reaching about 90%. It is evident that just
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: The parameters of each model.
1st-units 30 40 50 50 50
2nd-units 50 20 20
3rd-units 3 30
batch size 20 70 20 70 32
epoch 10 40 25 40 25
dropout 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4
activation softsign softsign tanh softsign softsign
optimizer adam adam adam adam adam
Table 4: Experimental results.
Code Model MAE RMSE Rsquare Prob Acc Std(MAE)
000934.SS LSTM 0.0135 0.0173 0.8754 91.72% 76.63% 0.0005
GRU 0.0109 0.0142 0.9160 92.14% 85.35% 0.0002
Stacked-LSTM 0.0134 0.0169 0.8807 90.50% 78.80% 0.0008
Stacked-GRU 0.0153 0.0190 0.8495 89.89% 72.09% 0.0011
GRU-LSTM 0.0128 0.0163 0.8894 90.25% 79.23% 0.0009
000006.SS LSTM 0.0169 0.0222 0.8861 90.26% 67.94% 0.0006
GRU 0.0150 0.0206 0.9022 90.97% 71.74% 0.0050
Stacked-LSTM 0.0168 0.0219 0.8895 90.88% 66.93% 0.0005
Stacked-GRU 0.0181 0.0231 0.8775 89.94% 61.48% 0.0009
GRU-LSTM 0.0192 0.0242 0.8638 88.98% 59.91% 0.0026
simply predicting the up and down is relatively easy,
although it could not offer very meaningful guidance
to practical operation. However, if combined with the
prediction graph shown in Figure 6 and 7, it can be
seen that the failure to predict the direction of the rise
and fall is mainly concentrated in the areas near x-
axis, which means the range of change is very small.
For long-term fund investors, a such small change can
be ignored, which means that when the prediction re-
sults in small fluctuations, the actual prediction accu-
racy rate will be higher than the average accuracy rate
of statistics.
Figure 6 and 7 show the prediction curve of the
best-performing GRU model for two fund indices.
The red line is the true value and the green line is
the predicted value. The closer they are, the better the
prediction is.
It is easy to see that the largest forecast errors tend
to occur at the time of the largest increases or de-
creases. Therefore, such recent forecast effect graphs
can be quite instructive when making an artificial
judgment of long-term trends.
In this research, five neural network models for pre-
dicting long-term fund trends were trained and tested
on two datasets 000934.SS and 000006.SS. We con-
Figure 6: Prediction curve of single GRU on 000934.SS.
cluded that the single-layer GRU model has the best
performance, with an effective prediction accuracy of
85.35% on dataset 000934.SS. Although the whole
process of adjusting the parameters is done based on
this dataset, which leads to a slightly worse predic-
tion effect of the same model on other datasets. The
effective prediction accuracy declined to 71.40% on
dataset 000006.SS. On the other hand, we can have
A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning
Figure 7: Prediction curve of single GRU on 000006.SS.
reasons to believe that the prediction accuracy can
be greatly improved by making special model adjust-
ments for specific funds. The reliability of different
prediction results can also be determined by subjec-
tive judgment with the assistance of recent prediction
curves, so long-term prediction of fund trends through
deep learning is feasible.
The purpose of this experiment is to build an aux-
iliary forecaster through deep learning. After all, the
financial market is hugely variable and greatly influ-
enced by the news, so the role of deep learning is
more of a technical prediction. It can only be used
as a reference, but not as a decisive factor. Therefore,
a single-layer GRU neural network model with such
prediction accuracy is already a surprise and fully suf-
ficient. In the future, the process of adjusting the pa-
rameters of neural networks can be streamlined and
made more efficient. The AI-driven training meth-
ods can be adopted to simplify the task significantly.
Continuing this research, our aim is to transform the
auxiliary predictor developed here into a versatile tool
that can benefit a broader audience, facilitating invest-
ment decisions for a wide range of individuals.
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