Figure 15: Actuar usage of ‘StoneSpeedChecker’.
tion to aiding practice, this application can be used to
confirm the state of the stones and rink in night prac-
In this research, we developed an image-processing
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result of analyzing the peculiarities of the curling rink
and the game itself, we adopted an image-processing
based measurement method by infrared LED and in-
frared camera. In addition, we actually implemented
the system and, after conducting a preliminary exper-
iment, involving altering the infrared camera position,
inside the university, we conducted an experiment in
the real environment of the Kawanishi Construction
Curling Hall in Kitami. The average measurement
error was 0.189m in the curling venue experiment,
demonstrating that it was possible to measure with a
high degree of accuracy while using a single camera.
Furthermore, as applications that utilize our tracking
system, we developed two kinds of game incorporat-
ing projection mapping on the rink.
This work was supported by the “Functional Develop-
ment Project for Resilient Athlete Support” of Japan
Sports Agency.
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Development of a Curling Stone Tracking System Using Infrared LEDs, and an Accompanying Application