contributions of this study. The key innovation lies in
the development of an app prototype using the
Thunkable framework. This app is designed to
facilitate navigation and exploration of outdoor
environments, with a focus on travel routes. The app
seamlessly provides information about itineraries and
points of interest along the routes and allows users to
post and access reviews from others. The app also
integrates a digital map for navigating different
regions. What makes the app special is the explicit
consideration of accessibility during development.
This includes the inclusion of alternative text, voice
dictation via the microphone, and the implementation
of haptic feedback, which enhances the user
experience when exploring the digital map.
The evaluation found that some adjustments are
needed to address the limitations of the Thunkable
platform. Therefore, a recommendation for future
development of this project is to improve accessibility
through targeted design. It might be useful to provide
users with an overview of the route within the routes
in the form of a video presentation or photos of key
points. Also, it would be a good option to offer the
possibility to select a language other than Italian.
During the evaluation, difficulties arose in the
map design, so some information essential for good
usability could not be included. In this case, with a
view to the future, the code could be modified to store
points of interest and users' favourite routes.
The Thunkable platform is constantly being
updated, and new features could overcome the
highlighted limitations, making it easier to exploit
multimedia and multimodal functionalities for
enhancing inclusion; as a result, we intend to conduct
a new test with a larger number of participants
This work was funded by the Italian Ministry of
Research through the research projects of national
interest (PRIN) TIGHT (Tactile InteGration for
Humans and arTificial systems).
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