Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
Hamza Reza Pavel, Anamitra Roy, Abhishek Santra and Sharma Chakravarthy
Computer Science and Engineering Department and IT Lab, UT Arlington, U.S.A.
Homogeneous Multilayer Networks, Closeness Centrality, Decoupling Approach, Accuracy & Precision.
Centrality measures for simple graphs are well-defined and several main-memory algorithms exist for each.
Simple graphs have been shown to be not adequate for modeling complex data sets with multiple types of
entities and relationships. Although multilayer networks (or MLNs) have been shown to be better suited, there
are very few algorithms for centrality measure computation directly on MLNs. Typically, they are converted
(aggregated or projected) to simple graphs using Boolean AND or OR operators to compute various centrality
measures, which is not only inefficient but incurs a loss of structure and semantics.
In this paper, algorithms have been proposed that compute closeness centrality on an MLN directly using a
novel decoupling-based approach. Individual results of layers (or simple graphs) of an MLN are used and a
composition function is developed to compute the closeness centrality nodes for the MLN. The challenge is
to do this efficiently while preserving the accuracy of results with respect to the ground truth. However, since
these algorithms use only layer information and do not have complete information of the MLN, computing a
global measure such as closeness centrality is a challenge. Hence, these algorithms rely on heuristics derived
from intuition. The advantage is that this approach lends itself to parallelism and is more efficient than the
traditional approach. Two heuristics, termed CC1 and CC2, have been presented for composition and their
accuracy and efficiency have been empirically validated on a large number of synthetic and real-world-like
graphs with diverse characteristics. CC1 is prone to generate false negatives whereas CC2 reduces them, is
more efficient, and improves accuracy.
Closeness centrality measure, a global graph charac-
teristic, defines the importance of a node in a graph
with respect to its distance from all other nodes. Dif-
ferent centrality measures have been defined, both lo-
cal and global, such as degree (Br
odka et al., 2011),
closeness (Cohen et al., 2014), eigenvector (Sol
et al., 2013), multiple stress (Shi and Zhang, 2011),
betweenness (Brandes, 2001), harmonic (Boldi and
Vigna, 2014), and PageRank (Pedroche et al., 2016).
Closeness centrality defines the importance of a node
based on how close it is to all other nodes in the graph.
Closeness centrality can be used to identify nodes
from which communication with all other nodes in
the network can be accomplished in least number of
hops. Most of the centrality measures are defined
for simple graphs or monographs. Only page rank
centrality has been extended to multilayer networks
(De Domenico et al., 2015; Halu et al., 2013).
A multilayer network consists of layers, where
each layer is a simple graph consisting of nodes (en-
tities) and edges (relationships) and optionally con-
Figure 1: HoMLN Example.
nected to other layers through inter-layer edges. If
one were to model the three social media networks
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, an MLN is a better
model as there are multiple edges (connections) be-
tween any two nodes (see Fig. 1.) This type of MLN is
Pavel, H., Roy, A., Santra, A. and Chakravarthy, S.
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0012159500003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 17-29
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
categorized as homogeneous (or HoMLNs) as the set
of entities in each layer has a common subset, but re-
lationships in each layer are different. It is also possi-
ble to have MLNs where each layer has different types
of entities and relationships within and across layers.
Modeling the DBLP data set (dbl, 1993) with authors,
papers, and conferences needs this type of heteroge-
neous MLNs (or HeMLNs) (Kivel
a et al., 2014).
This paper presents two heuristic-based algo-
rithms to compute closeness centrality nodes (or CC
nodes) on HoMLNs with high accuracy and effi-
ciency. The challenge is in computing a global mea-
sure using partitioned graphs (layers in this case) and
composing them with minimal additional information
to compute a global measure for the combined lay-
ers. Boolean AND composition of layers is used for
ground truth in this paper (OR is another alternative).
These MLN algorithms use the decoupling-based ap-
proach proposed in (Santra et al., 2017a; Santra et al.,
2017b). Based on this approach, closeness centrality
is computed on each layer once and minimal addi-
tional information is kept from each layer to compose.
With this, one can efficiently estimate the CC nodes
of the MLN. This approach has been shown to be
application-independent, efficient, lends itself to par-
allel processing (of layers), and is flexible to compute
centrality measure on any arbitrary subset of layers.
Problem Statement: Given a homogeneous MLN
(HoMLN) with l number of layers G
(V, E
), G
(V, E
), ..., G
(V, E
), where V and E
are the vertex
and edge set in the i
layer the goal is to identify
the closeness centrality nodes of the Boolean AND-
aggregated layer consisting of any r layers using the
partial results obtained from each of the layers during
the analysis step where r l. In the decoupling-based
approach, the analysis function is defined as the Ψ
step, and the closeness centrality nodes are estimated
in the composition step or the Θ step using the partial
results obtained during the Ψ step.
1.1 Contributions and Paper Outline
Contributions of this paper are:
Algorithms for computing closeness centrality
nodes of MLNs
Two heuristics to improve accuracy and efficiency
of computed results
Use of decoupling-based approach to preserve
structure and semantics of MLNs
Extensive experimental analysis on large number
of synthetic and real-world-like graphs with di-
verse characteristics.
Accuracy and Efficiency comparisons with
ground truth and naive approach
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 discusses related work. Section 3 introduces
the decoupling approach for MLN analysis. Sec-
tion 3.1 provides the challenges of decoupling-based
approach for a global metric. Section 4 discusses
the challenges in computing the closeness centrality
nodes in MLNs. Section 5 describes the proposed
heuristics for computing closeness centrality of an
MLN. Section 6 describes the experimental setup and
the data sets. Section 6.1 discusses result analysis fol-
lowed by conclusions in Section 7.
Due to the rise in popularity and availability of com-
plex and large real-world-like data sets, there is a crit-
ical need for modeling them as graphs and analyz-
ing them in different ways. The centrality measure
of MLN provides insight into different aspects of the
network. Though there have been a plethora of stud-
ies in centrality detection for simple graphs, not many
studies have been done on detecting central entities in
multilayer networks. Existing studies conducted on
detecting central entities in multilayer networks are
use-case specific and no common framework exists
which can be used to address the issue of detecting
central entities in a multilayer network.
(Cohen et al., 2014) proposes an approach to
find top k closeness centrality nodes in large graphs.
This approximation-based approach has higher effi-
ciency under certain circumstances. Even though the
algorithm works on large graphs, unfortunately, it
does not work in the case of multi-layer networks.
In (De Domenico et al., 2015; Sol
e-Ribalta et al.,
2016), authors capitalize on the tensor formalism, re-
cently proposed to characterize and investigate com-
plex topologies, to show how closeness centrality and
a few other popular centrality measures can be ex-
tended to multiplexes. In (Cohen et al., 2014), au-
thors propose a sampling-based approach to estimate
the closeness centrality nodes in undirected and di-
rected graphs with acceptable accuracy. The proposed
approach takes linear time and space but it is a main
memory-based algorithm. The authors of (Sariy
et al., 2013) propose an incremental algorithm that
can dynamically update the closeness centrality nodes
of a graph in case of edge insertion and deletion. The
algorithm has a lower memory footprint compared
to traditional closeness centrality algorithms and pro-
vides massive speedup when tested on real-world-like
graph data sets. In (Du et al., 2015), the authors
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
propose closeness centrality algorithms where they
use effective distance instead of the conventional geo-
graphic distance and binary distance obtained by Di-
jkstra’s shortest path algorithm. This approach works
on directed, undirected, weighted, and unweighted
graphs. In (Putman et al., 2019), authors com-
pute the exact closeness centrality values of all nodes
in dynamically evolving directed and weighted net-
works. This approach is parallelizable and achieves a
speedup of up to 33 times.
Most of the methods to calculate closeness cen-
trality are main memory-based and not suitable
for large graphs. In (Santra et al., 2017b), the
authors propose a decoupling-based approach where
each layer can be analyzed independently and in par-
allel and calculate graph properties for a HoMLN us-
ing the information obtained for each layer. The pro-
posed algorithms are based on the network decou-
pling approach which has been shown to be efficient,
flexible, scalable as well as accurate.
Most of the algorithms available to analyze simple
graphs for centrality, community, and substructure
detection cannot be used for MLN analysis directly.
There have been some studies that extend existing al-
gorithms for centrality detection (e.g., page rank) to
MLNs (De Domenico et al., 2015), but they try to
work on the MLN as a whole. The network de-
coupling approach (Santra et al., 2017a; Santra et al.,
2017b) used in this paper not only uses extant algo-
rithms for simple graphs, but also uses a partitioning
approach for efficiency, flexibility, and new algorithm
Briefly, existing approaches for multilayer net-
work analysis convert or transform MLN into a single
graph. This is done either by aggregating or project-
ing the network layers into a single graph. For homo-
geneous MLNs, edge aggregation is used to aggregate
the network into a single graph. Although aggregation
of an MLN into a single graph allows one to use ex-
tant algorithms (and there are many of them), due to
aggregation, structure and semantics of the MLN is
not preserved resulting in information loss.
The network decoupling approach is shown in
Figure 2. It consists of identifying two functions: one
for analysis (Ψ) and one for composition (Θ). Us-
ing the analysis function, each layer is analyzed in-
dependently (and in parallel). The results (which are
termed partial from the MLN perspective) from each
of the two layers are then combined using a composi-
tion function/algorithm to produce the results for the
two layers of the HoMLN. This binary composition
can be applied to MLNs with more than two layers.
Independent analysis allows one to use existing algo-
rithms on smaller graphs. The decoupling approach,
moreover, adds efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.
Figure 2: Overview of the network decoupling approach.
The network decoupling method preserves struc-
ture and semantics which is critical for drill-down and
visualization of results. As each layer is analyzed in-
dependently, the analysis can be done in parallel re-
ducing overall response time. Due to the MLN model,
each layer (or graph) is likely to be smaller, requires
less memory than the entire MLN, and provides clar-
ity. The results of the analysis functions are saved and
used for the composition. Each layer is analyzed only
once. Typically, the composition function is less com-
plex and is quite efficient, as shall be shown. Any of
the existing simple graph centrality algorithms can be
used for the analysis of individual layers. Also, this
approach is application-independent.
When compared to similar single network ap-
proaches, achieving high accuracy with a decoupling
approach is the challenge, especially for global mea-
sures. While analyzing one layer, identifying mini-
mal additional information needed for improving ac-
curacy due to composition is the main challenge. For
many algorithms that have been investigated, there is
a direct relation between the amount of additional in-
formation used and accuracy gained, however, this af-
fects the efficiency.
3.1 Benefits and Challenges of
Decoupling-Based Approach
For analyzing MLNs, currently, HoMLNs are con-
verted into a single graph using aggregation ap-
proaches. Given two vertices u and v, the edges be-
tween them are aggregated into a single graph. The
presence of an edge between vertices u and v depends
on the aggregation function used. In Boolean AND
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
composed layers, if an edge is present between the
same vertex pair u and v in both layers, then it will
be present in the AND composed layer. Similarly, in
Boolean OR composed layers, if an edge is present
between the same vertex pair u and v in at least one
of the layers in HoMLN, then the edge will be present
in the OR composed layer.
Both HoMLNs and HeMLNs are a set of layers
of single graphs. Hence, the MLN model provides
a natural partitioning of a large graph into layers of
an MLN. The layer-wise analysis as the basis of the
decoupling approach has several benefits. First, the
entire network need not be loaded into memory, only
a smaller layer. Second, the analysis of the individ-
ual layers can be parallelized decreasing the total re-
sponse time of the algorithm. Finally, the computa-
tion used in the composition function (Θ) is based on
intuition which is embedded into the heuristic and re-
quires significantly less computation than Ψ.
When analyzing an MLN, the accuracy depends
on the information being kept (in addition to the out-
put) during the analysis of individual layers. In terms
of centrality measures, the bare minimum information
that can be kept from each layer is the high central-
ity (greater than average centrality value) nodes along
with their centrality values. Retaining the minimal in-
formation, local centrality measures like degree cen-
trality can be calculated relatively easily with high ac-
curacy (Pavel et al., 2022) (Pavel. et al., 2022).
However, the calculation of a global measure,
such as closeness centrality nodes, requires informa-
tion of the entire MLN. This compounds the difficulty
of computation of closeness centrality of an MLN in
the decoupling approach partial information used for
estimation of the result will greatly impact the accu-
racy. Identification of useful minimal information and
the intuition behind that are the primary challenges.
The closeness centrality value of a node v describes
how far are the other nodes in the network from v or
how fast or efficiently a node can spread information
through the network. For example, when an inter-
net service provider considers choosing a new geo-
location for their servers, they might consider a city
that is geographically closer to most cities in the re-
gion. An airline is interested in identifying a city for
their hub that connects to other important cities with
a minimum number of hops or layovers. For both,
computing the closeness centrality of the network is
the answer.
Figure 3: Closeness centrality for a small toy graph.
The closeness centrality score/value of a vertex u
in a network is defined as,
CC(u) =
n 1
d(u, v))
where n is the total number of nodes and d(u, v) is
the shortest distance from node u to some other node
v in the network. The higher the closeness central-
ity score of a node, the more closely (distance-wise)
that node is connected to every other node in the net-
work. Nodes with a closeness centrality score higher
than the average are considered closeness central-
ity nodes (or CC nodes). This definition of close-
ness centrality is only defined for graphs with a single
connected component. The closeness centrality is de-
fined for both directed and undirected graphs. In this
paper, for an algorithm based on the decoupling ap-
proach, the focus is on the problem of finding high
(same or above average) closeness centrality nodes
of Boolean AND aggregated layers of an MLN for
undirected graphs. Even though closeness centrality
is not well defined for graphs with multiple connected
components, the heuristics work for networks where
each layer could consist of multiple connected com-
ponents or the AND aggregated layer has multiple
connected components. The proposed heuristics con-
sider the normalized closeness centrality values over
the connected component in the layers (Wasserman
et al., 1994).
For closeness centrality discussed in this paper,
the ground truth (GT) is calculated as follows: i)
Two layers of the MLN are aggregated into a single
graph using the Boolean AND operator and ii) Close-
ness centrality nodes of the aggregated graph are cal-
culated using an existing algorithm. The same algo-
rithm is also used on the layers for calculating CC
nodes of each layer.
For finding the ground truth CC nodes and identi-
fying the CC nodes in the layers, the NetworkX pack-
age (Hagberg et al., 2008) implementation of close-
ness centrality (Freeman, 1978) (Wasserman et al.,
1994) is used. The implementation of the closeness
centrality algorithm in this package uses breadth-first
search (BFS) to find the distance from each vertex to
every other vertex. For disconnected graphs, if a node
is unreachable, a distance of 0 is assumed and finally,
the obtained scores are normalized using Wasserman
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 4: Layer G
, G
, and AND-aggregated layer created by G
and G
, G
(which is computed as G
with the respective closeness centrality of each node. The nodes highlighted in green have above average closeness centrality
values in their respective layers.
and Faust approximation which prioritizes the close-
ness centrality score of vertices in larger connected
components (Wasserman et al., 1994). For a graph
with V vertices and E edges, the time complexity of
the algorithm is O(V (V + E)).
In addition to ground truth, the naive approach
is used for comparing the accuracy of proposed
heuristic-based approaches. In the naive approach,
we take the intersection (as AND aggregation is
being used for GT) of the CC nodes generated for
each layer independently using the same algorithm.
The result of the intersection of nodes is considered
as the CC nodes for the MLN. The naive approach
is the simplest form of composition (using the
decoupling approach) and does not use any additional
information other than the CC nodes from each layer.
The hypothesis is that the naive approach is going to
perform poorly when the topology of the two layers
is very different. Observation 1 illustrates that the
naive composition approach is not guaranteed to
give ground truth accuracy, due to the generation
of false positives and false negatives. One situation
where naive accuracy coincides with the ground truth
accuracy is when the two layers are identical. The
naive accuracy will fluctuate with respect to ground
truth without reaching it in general.
Observation 1. A node that has above average close-
ness centrality value in the AND-aggregated layer
created by G
and G
is not guaranteed to have above
average closeness centrality value in one or both of
the layers G
and G
Example: For single connected component graphs,
assume that an arbitrary node, say u, does not have
above average centrality value in layer G
and layer
. This means that node u has longer paths to reach
every other node in the individual networks. That is,
there exist other nodes, say v, which cover the en-
tire individual networks through shorter paths, thus
having high closeness centrality values. There can be
scenarios in which these other nodes (v) do not have
enough short paths that exist in both layer G
layer G
, and as a result bring down their closeness
centrality values (and also the average) in the aggre-
gated layer, G
. Here, if the node u, has com-
mon paths from the two layers that are shorter than
the common paths for other nodes, then its closeness
centrality value will go above average in the AND ag-
gregated layer.
This scenario is exemplified by node B in Fig-
ure 4, which in spite of not having above average
closeness centrality value in layers G
and G
, has
above average closeness centrality value in the AND-
aggregated layer, G
. It can be observed that the
closeness centrality value for other nodes decreased
significantly as they did not have enough common
shorter paths, however, node B, maintained enough
common short paths, thus pushing its closeness cen-
trality value above the average in the AND aggregated
Hence, it illustrates that a node that has above
average closeness centrality value in the AND-
aggregated layer created by G
and G
is not guaran-
teed to have above average closeness centrality value
in one or both of the layers G
and G
Lemma 1. It is sufficient to maintain, for every pair
of nodes, all paths from the layers, G
and G
, in
order to find out the shortest path between the same
nodes in the AND-aggregated layer created by G
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
Proof. Suppose, for every pair of nodes, say u and
v, the set of all paths from the layers G
and G
say P
(u, v) and P
(u, v), respectively, is being main-
tained. Then, by set intersection between P
(u, v)
and P
(u, v), one can find out the shortest among the
paths that exist between u and v in both the layers, G
and G
, which is basically the shortest path between
them in the ANDed graph (G
) as well. The
common path has to be part of the AND-aggregated
graph by definition. If there are no common paths, the
AND-aggregation is disconnected and the result still
holds. Figure 4 shows an example. For the nodes
A and F, if it is maintained P
(A, F) = {<(A,F)>,
<(A,B), (B,C), (C,F)>} from layer G
and P
(A, F)
= {<(A,C), (C,F)>, <(A,C), (B,C), (C,F)>, <(A,E),
(E,D), (D,F)>} from layer G
, then one can obtain
the path <(A,C), (B,C), (C,F)> as the shortest com-
mon path, which is the correct shortest path between
these nodes in the ANDed layer, G
. The short-
est path from G
between A and F cannot appear in
the ANDed graph. This proves the Lemma 1 that it
is sufficient to maintain all paths between every pair
of nodes to find out the shortest paths in the ANDed
Based on Lemma 1, in the composition step, for
every pair of nodes, the path sets from two layers
need to be intersected to find out the shortest com-
mon path. In doing so the closeness centrality value
for each node in the ANDed graph can be calculated.
Clearly, if G
(V, E
) and G
(V, E
) are two layers then
the number of paths between any two nodes will be
(V 2)!, in the worst case. Thus, the composition
phase will have a complexity of O((V 2)!(V 2)!),
which is exponentially higher than the ground truth
complexity O(V (V + min(E
, E
))) and defeats the
entire purpose of the decoupling approach. Thus, the
challenge is to identify the minimum amount of
information to gain the highest possible accuracy
over the naive approach by reducing the number
of false positives and false negatives, without com-
promising on the efficiency.
Two heuristic-based algorithms have been proposed
for computing CC nodes for Boolean AND aggre-
gated layers using the decoupled approach. The ac-
curacy and performance of the algorithms have been
tested against the ground truth. Extensive experi-
ments have been performed on data sets with varying
graph characteristics to show that the solutions work
for any graph and have much better accuracy than the
naive approach. Also, the efficiency of the algorithms
is significantly better than ground truth computation.
The solution can be extended to MLNs with any num-
ber of layers, where the analysis phase is applied once
and the composition phase is applied as a function of
pairs of partial layer results, iteratively.
Jaccard coefficient is used as the measure to com-
pare the accuracy of the solutions with the ground
truth. Precision, recall, and F1-score have also been
used as evaluation metrics to compare the accuracy
of the solutions. For performance, the execution time
of the solution is compared against that of the ground
truth. The ground truth execution time is computed
as: time required to aggregate the layers using AND
composition function + time required to identify the
CC nodes on the combined graph. The time required
for the proposed algorithms using the decoupling ap-
proach is: max(layer 1, layer 2 analysis times) + com-
position time. The efficiency results do not change
much even if the max is not used.
5.1 Closeness Centrality Heuristic CC1
Intuitively, CC nodes in single graphs have high de-
grees (more paths go through it and likely more short-
est paths) or have neighbors with high degrees (sim-
ilar reasoning.) In the ANDed graph (ground truth
graph), CC nodes that are common among both lay-
ers have a high chance of becoming a CC node. More-
over, if a common CC node has high overlap of neigh-
borhood nodes from both layers with above average
degree and low average sum of shortest path (SP) dis-
tances, there is a high chance of that node becoming
a CC node in the ANDed graph. Using this intuition
and observation, heuristic CC1 has been proposed for
identifying CC nodes for two layers as an MLN.
As discussed earlier, in the decoupling approach
the analysis function Ψ is used to analyze the layers
once and the partial results and additional information
in the composition function Θ are used to obtain inter-
mediate/final results. For CC1, after the analysis phase
(Ψ) on each layer (say, G
) for each node (say, u), its
degree (deg
(u)) and sum of shortest path distances
(u)), and the one-hop neighbors (NBD
are maintained if u is a CC node, that is u CH
When calculating sumDist
(u), if a node v is unreach-
able (which can happen if the graph/layer has multiple
disconnected components), the distance dist(u, v) = n
where n is the number of vertices in the layer (same in
each layer HoMLN) is considered. This is because
the maximum possible path length in a graph with n
nodes is (n-1).
In the composition phase (Θ), for each vertex
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(a) Accuracy.: CC1 vs. Naive. (b) Min Ψ vs. Max Θ Times.
Figure 5: Accuracy and Execution Time Comparison: CC1 vs. Naive.
u in each layer (say, G
), the degree distance ratio
(u)) is calculated with respect to the
second layer (say, G
) to estimate the likelihood of a
node to be a CC node in the ANDed graph (ground
truth graph) as per equation 2.
(u) =
(u), deg
A smaller value of this ratio (i.e. smaller
sum of distances and/or higher degree) means the
vertex u has a higher chance of becoming a CC
node in the ANDed graph. When calculating the
(u), the degree is estimated for vertex
u in the ANDed graph, by taking into account the up-
per bound of degree, which is min(deg
(u), deg
Instead of using the degree of the nodes in each layer,
using the estimated degree of the ground truth graph
gives a better approximation of the ratio value of
the sum of distance and degree for the ground truth
graph. Due to decrease in the edges in the ground
truth graph, the average sum of distances will increase
(as on average, paths will get longer). As a result, the
average degree distance ratio for the ANDed graph,
is estimated using equation 3.
, avgDegDistRatio
For each CC node in each layer, the set of central
one-hop nodes, i.e. nodes having the degDistRatio
less than the avgDegDistRatio
, is calculated. Fi-
nally, those common CC nodes from the two layers,
which have a significant overlap among the central
one-hop neighbors are identified as the CC nodes of
the ANDed graph, which is given by the set CH
The complexity of the composition algorithm is de-
pendent on the final step where the overlaps of CC
nodes and their one-hop neighborhoods is considered.
The algorithm will have the worst case complexity of
) if both layers are complete graphs consisting
of V vertices. Based on the wide variety of data sets
used in experiments, it is believed that the composi-
tion algorithm will have an average case complexity
of O(V ). We are not showing the CC1 composition
algorithm due to space constraints and decided to in-
clude a better composition algorithm (CC2.)
Figure 6: Intuition behind CC2 with example.
Discussion. Experimental results for CC1 are shown
in Section 6.1. Figure 5 shows the accuracy (Jaccard
coefficient) of CC1 compared against the naive ap-
proach on a subset of the synthetic data set 1 (details
in Table 1). Although there is significant improve-
ment in accuracy as compared to naive, it is still be-
low 50%. This is seen as a drawback of the heuristic.
Also, composition time is somewhat high for large
graphs. In addition, keeping one-hop neighbors of
the CC nodes of both layers is a significant amount
of additional information. Figure 5b shows the maxi-
mum composition time against the minimum analysis
time of the layers (worst case scenario). Even though
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
the composition time takes less time than the time it
takes for the analysis of layers (one-time cost), the
goal is to further reduce the composition time and the
additional information necessary for the composition
without making any major sacrifice to accuracy.
To overcome the above, Closeness Centrality
Heuristic CC2 has been developed, which keeps less
information than CC1, has faster composition time,
and provides better (or same) accuracy.
5.2 Closeness Centrality Heuristic CC2
For heuristic CC1, the estimated value of
is less than or equal to
the actual average degree-distance ratio of the AND
aggregated layer, so false negatives will be generated.
The composition step of CC1 is also computationally
expensive and requires a lot of additional information.
Furthermore, CC1 cannot identify all CC nodes of the
ground truth graph. Closeness centrality heuristic 2
or CC2 has been designed to address these issues.
The design of CC2 is based on estimating the sum
of shortest path (SP) distances for vertices in the
ground truth graph. If the sum of SP distances of a
vertex in the individual layers is known, the upper and
lower limit of the sum of SP distances for that ver-
tex in the ground truth graph can be estimated. This
idea can be intuitively verified. Let the sum of SP dis-
tances for vertex u in layer G
) be sumDist
(u).) Let the set of layer G
) edges be
.) In the ground truth graph, the upper bound
for the sum of SP distances of a vertex u is going to
be , if the vertex is disjoint in any of the layers. If
= E
, the sum of SP distances for any vertex u
in the ground truth graph is going to be sumDist
If E
, then the ground truth graph will have the
same edges as layer x, and sum of SP distances for
a vertex u in the ground truth graph will be same as
the sum of SP distances for that vertex in layer G
When E
= E
, for any vertex u, sumDist
(u) because layer G
will have less edges
than layer G
and average length of SPs in layer G
will be higher than average length of SPs in layer G
Similarly, when E
= E
, the sum of SP distances
for any vertex u in the ANDed graph is going to be
(u) and sumDist
(u) sumDist
(u). From
the above discussion, it can be said that the sum of SP
distances of a vertex u in the ANDed graph is between
(u), sumDist
(u)) and .
Algorithm 1 shows the composition step for the
heuristic CC2. In this composition function, it is
assumed that the estimated sum of SP distances of
vertex u is estSumDist
(u). sumDist
(u) and
(u) are the sum of SP of node u in layer G
Algorithm 1: Procedure for Heuristic CC2.
INPUT: deg
(u), deg
(u), sumDist
(u), sumDist
(u) u ;
, CH
: estimated CC nodes in ANDed graph
1: for u do
2: estSumDist
(u), sumDist
3: end for
4: Calculate CH
using estSumDist
and layer G
respectively, and CH
is the esti-
mated set of CC nodes of the ANDed layer. Figure
6 illustrates how the composition function using CC2
is applied on a HoMLN with two layers. For each
node u, the sum of SP is estimated, which is the max-
imum sum of SP of node among the two layers. In
the example, node A has a sum of SP as 9 and 7 in
layer 1 and layer 2, respectively. The estimated sum
of SP of node A will be 9 in the ANDed layer. Simi-
larly, the sum of SP of other vertices can be estimated.
Once the estimated sum of SP of all the vertices in the
ANDed graph is completed, Equation 1 can be used
to calculate the CC values of the nodes in the ANDed
layer. As the CC value for the ANDed layer is cal-
culated using the estimated sum of SP, one can either
take the CC nodes with above-average closeness cen-
trality scores or take the top-k CC nodes. For an MLN
with V nodes in each layer, the worst-case complexity
of the composition algorithm for CC2 is O(V ).
Discussion. Experimental results for CC2 are shown
in Section 6.1. In general, this heuristic gave better
recall as compared to the naive and CC1 approach by
being able to decrease the number of false negatives
(shown in Table 4). Moreover, in terms of accuracy,
both Jaccard coefficient and F1-score (shown in Ta-
ble 5) are better for CC2 as compared to Naive and
CC1 approach, (except a few special cases details on
which are in section 6.1). Also it has been shown em-
pirically that CC2 is much more computationally effi-
cient than CC1.
The implementation has been done in Python us-
ing the NetworkX (Hagberg et al., 2008) package.
The experiments were run on SDSC Expanse (Towns
et al., 2014) with single-node configuration, where
each node has an AMD EPYC 7742 CPU with 128
cores and 256GB of memory running the CentOS
Linux operating system.
For evaluating the proposed approaches, both syn-
thetic and real-world-like data sets were used. Syn-
thetic data sets were generated using PaRMAT (Kho-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Summary of Synthetic Data Set-1.
Dist. %
#V, #E L1%,L2% L1 L2 L1 AND L2
1 70,30 224976 124988 50319
2 60,40 149982 199983 50392
3 50,50 174980 174977 50422
4 70,30 399962 199986 51374
5 60,40 249978 349954 51458
6 50,50 299971 299960 51541
7 70,30 349955 749892 55158
8 60,40 649918 449935 55647
9 50,50 549933 549922 55896
10 70,30 249989 449970 100412
11 60,40 299986 399978 100494
12 50,50 349983 349981 100493
13 70,30 799937 399978 101695
14 60,40 699948 499969 101822
15 50,50 599958 599964 101998
16 70,30 699949 1499899 106389
17 60,40 1299914 899926 107141
18 50,50 1099924 1099923 107785
19 70,30 674971 374979 150398
20 60,40 449982 599970 150447
21 50,50 524978 524975 150475
22 70,30 1199942 599978 151684
23 60,40 749968 1049954 151883
24 50,50 899950 899956 152005
25 70,30 1049951 2249888 156501
26 60,40 1349920 1949906 157295
27 50,50 1649922 1649909 157602
rasani et al., 2015), a parallel version of the popu-
lar graph generator RMAT (Chakrabarti et al., 2004)
which uses the Recursive-Matrix-based graph gener-
ation technique.
For diverse experimentation, for each base graph,
3 sets of synthetic data sets have been generated using
PaRMAT. The generated synthetic data set consists of
27 HoMLNs with 2 layers with varying edge distri-
bution for the layers. The base graphs start with 50K
vertices with 250K edges and go up to 150K vertices
and 3 million edges
. In the first synthetic data set,
one layer (L1) follows power-law degree distribution
and the other one (L2) follows normal degree distri-
Graph sizes larger than this could not be run on a single
node due to the number of hours allowed and other limita-
tions of the XSEDE environment.
bution. In the second synthetic data set, both HoMLN
layers have power-law degree distribution. In the fi-
nal synthetic data set, both layers have normal degree
distribution. For each of these, 3 edge distributions
percentages (70, 30; 60, 40; and 50, 50) are used for a
total of 81 HoMLNs of varying edge distributions,
number of nodes and edges for experimentation.
Table 1 shows the details of the different 2-layer
MLNs from the first synthetic data set (L1: power-
law, L2: normal) used in the experiments. The other
two synthetic data sets have similar node and edge
For the real-world-like data set, the network lay-
ers are generated from real-world like monographs
using a random number generator. The real-world-
like graphs are generated using RMAT with parame-
ters to mimic real world graph data sets as discussed
in (Chakrabarti, 2005). As a result, the graphs have
multiple connected components and also their ground
truth graph.
6.1 Result Analysis and Discussion
In this section, the results of the experiments have
been presented. The two proposed heuristics have
been tested on synthetic and real-world-like data sets
with diverse characteristics. As a measure of accu-
racy, the Jaccard coefficient has been used. The preci-
sion, recall, and F1 scores for the proposed heuristics
have also been compared. As a performance measure,
the time taken by the decoupling approach has been
compared with the time taken to compute the ground
truth (as defined earlier in Section 4.) In addition, the
significance of the decoupling approach has also been
highlighted by comparing the maximum composition
time of the proposed algorithms with the minimum
analysis time of the layers. The accuracy of the al-
gorithms is compared against the naive approach that
serves as the baseline for comparison.
Table 2: Accuracy Improvement of CC1 and CC2 over Naive.
Data Set
Mean Accuracy
CC1 CC2 CC1 vs.
CC2 vs.
Synthetic-1 43.56% 46.77% +52.57% +63.83%
Synthetic-2 55.95% 55.20% +9.77% +8.30%
Synthetic-3 48.87% 50.90% +47.55% +53.65%
Real-world-like 88.71% 88.2% +7.36% +5.7%
Accuracy. Figure 7 illustrates the accuracy of both
the heuristics and the naive approach against the
ground truth for the synthetic data set-1. As one can
see, the accuracy of the heuristics is better than the
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
naive approach in all cases. In most cases, CC2 per-
forms better than CC1. The accuracy of CC1 in-
creases with the graph density. A similar trend has
been observed in other synthetic data sets as well,
where the proposed CC1 and CC2 heuristics per-
form better than the naive approach.
Figure 8 shows the accuracy of the algorithms
on real-world-like data sets (distributions mimic real-
world networks(Chakrabarti, 2005)). Across all data
sets, both heuristics have more than 80% accuracy.
The accuracy of the heuristics does not go below the
naive approach even for disconnected graphs. This is
significant, as the accuracy of the heuristics based on
intuition is pretty good for real-world-like data sets.
Although some of them show better accuracy for CC1
as compared to CC2, the efficiency improvement of
CC2 is an order of magnitude better than CC1 (see
Figure 9).
Table 2 shows the mean accuracy and average per-
centage gain in accuracy over the naive approach for
the synthetic data sets and the real-world-like data set.
For all synthetic data sets, the proposed heuristics sig-
nificantly outperform the naive approach as shown.
The least improvement in accuracy as compared to the
naive approach is only when both layers have power-
law degree distribution. Even for the real-world-like
data set which has a high accuracy for the naive ap-
proach, the heuristics perform better than the naive
Table 3: Precision of CC1 and CC2 over Naive.
Data Set
Mean Precision
CC1 CC2 CC1 vs. Naive CC2 vs. Naive
Synthetic-1 60.98% 58.08% +1.52% -3.29%
Synthetic-2 74.39% 72.02% -3.10% -6.18%
Synthetic-3 51.99% 52.02% +0.006% +0.0718%
Precision. After comparing the precision values re-
ceived using the proposed heuristics against the ones
from the naive approach for synthetic dataset-1, it is
observed that CC1 has overall better precision com-
pared to the naive approach and CC2. In general, it can
be observed from Table 3, that across different types
of HoMLNs, CC1 and CC2 give high precision values,
ranging from 51% to 74%. However, the improve-
ment over naive is marginal in most of the cases.
For synthetic data sets where one layer has normal
degree distribution and the other layer has power-law
degree distribution, CC2 precision drops slightly. CC2
was developed mainly to increase efficiency and pre-
serve accuracy.
Recall. After comparing the recall values received
using the proposed heuristics against the ones from
the naive approach for synthetic data set 1, it is ob-
Table 4: Recall Improvement of CC1 and CC2 over Naive.
Data Set
Mean Recall
CC1 CC2 CC1 vs.
CC2 vs.
Synthetic-1 60.38% 71.01% +70.87% 100%
Synthetic-2 72.79% 71.38% +16.71% +14.47%
Synthetic-3 48.87% 50.89% +47.55% +53.65%
served that CC2 has overall better recall compared to
the naive approach and CC1. In general, it can be
observed from Table 4 that across different types of
HoMLNs, both CC1 and CC2 have higher recall
values than the naive approach. Here, the heuris-
tics achieve high recall values in the range from 49%
to 73%. It is observed that the proposed heuristics are
able to decrease the false negatives more as compared
to naive approach, which explains their marked im-
provement in terms of recall. However, the improve-
ment over naive is marginal in most of the cases.
Table 5: F1-Score Improvement of CC1 and CC2 over Naive.
Data Set
Mean F1-Score
CC1 CC2 CC1 vs. Naive CC2 vs. Naive
Synthetic-1 60.58% 63.80% +36.56% +43.80%
Synthetic-2 71.67% 71.09% +6.21% +5.3%
Synthetic-3 50.22% 51.36% +24.71% +27.53%
F1-Score. On comparing the F1-score received us-
ing the proposed heuristics against the ones from the
naive approach for synthetic data set 1, it is observed
that CC2 has an overall better F1-score compared to
the naive approach and CC1. It is established from
Table 5 that across different types of HoMLNs, both
CC1 and CC2 have higher F1-scores than the naive
approach, reaching as high as 72%.
Performance. The ground truth graph obtained from
Boolean AND operation on layers of HoMLN will al-
ways have same or less number of edges than the in-
dividual layers as an edge will appear in the ground
truth graph only if it is connected between the same
nodes in both the layers. The NetworkX (Hagberg
et al., 2008) package used here utilizes BFS to calcu-
late the summation of distances from a node to every
other node while calculating the normalized closeness
centrality of the nodes. As the complexity of BFS de-
pends on the number of vertices and edges in a graph,
the ground truth will always require same or less time
than the analysis time for the largest layer.
Although the sum of the analysis time of the lay-
ers may be more than that of the ground truth, one
needs to only consider the maximum analysis time of
layers as they can be done in parallel. Furthermore,
the composition time is drastically less than the anal-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 7: Accuracy Comparison for Synthetic Data Set-1 (Refer Table 1 where Graph Pair ID is G
Figure 8: Accuracy of the heuristics CC1 and CC2 for the real-world-like data sets.
Figure 9: Performance Comparison of CC1 and CC2 on
Largest Synthetic Data Set 1: Min. Ψ Time vs. Max. CC1
Θ Time vs. Max CC2 Θ Time (worst case scenario).
ysis time of any layer. Hence, the minimum analysis
time for layers is compared with the maximum com-
position time to show the worst case scenario. As can
be seen from Figure 9 (plotted on log scale), the max-
imum CC1 composition time is at least 80% faster
and CC2 is an order of magnitude faster than the
minimum analysis time! In addition, the layer analy-
sis is performed once and used for all subset CC node
computation of n layers (which is exponential on n).
Discussion. Both proposed heuristics are better than
the naive approach in terms of accuracy and way more
efficient than ground truth computation. CC2 is better
than CC1 if overall accuracy and efficiency are con-
sidered, but CC1 performs better than CC2 for high-
density graphs and has better precision. The availabil-
ity of multiple heuristics and their efficacy on accu-
racy and efficiency allows one to choose appropriate
heuristics based on graph/layer characteristics.
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
In this paper, decoupling-based algorithms for com-
puting a global graph metric - closeness centrality -
directly on MLNs have been presented. Two heuris-
tics (CC1 and CC2) were developed to improve accu-
racy over the naive approach. CC2 gives significantly
higher accuracy than naive for graphs on a large num-
ber of synthetic graphs and graphs that are real-world-
like with varying characteristics. CC2 is extremely
efficient as well. Future work is to extend the algo-
rithms to more than 2 layers and improve accuracy.
This work was partly supported by NSF Grants CCF-
1955798 and CNS-2120393.
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