On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on
Multi-Purpose Machines
Lukas Meitz
1 a
, Michael Heider
2 b
, Thorsten Sch
1 c
and J
org H
2 d
Hochschule Augsburg, An der Hochschule 1, Augsburg, Germany
at Augsburg, Am Technologiezentrum 8, Augsburg, Germany
Predictive Maintenance, Data Preprocessing, Multi-Purpose Machines.
Maintenance of complex machinery is time and resource intensive. Therefore, decreasing maintenance cycles
by employing Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is sought after by many manufacturers of machines and can be
a valuable selling point. However, currently PdM is a hard to solve problem getting increasingly harder with
the complexity of the maintained system. One challenge is to adequately prepare data for model training and
analysis. In this paper, we propose the use of expert knowledge–based preprocessing techniques to extend the
standard data science–workflow. We define complex multi-purpose machinery as an application domain and
test our proposed techniques on real-world data generated by numerous machines deployed in the wild. We
find that our techniques enable and enhance model training.
Using data-driven models, Predictive Maintenance
(PdM)—a Machine Learning (ML) application do-
main made possible by the ML advances in recent
years—detects and predicts machine failures based on
collected data, which can lead to better efficiency and
reliability while reducing maintenance cost. While
there are many models that have been successfully
applied (Serradilla et al., 2022), implementations of
preprocessing and training are mostly based on a few
openly-available or easy-to-collect data-sets.
However, for some real-world applications, data
needs to be processed even further before model train-
ing. This is especially the case for multi-purpose ma-
chinery, which produces heterogeneous data not di-
rectly suited for learning. The goal of this article is to
introduce three more considerations and steps in pre-
processing for PdM in order to make heterogeneous
data suitable for model training.
The following article will first give a brief
overview of related publications on PdM preprocess-
ing and different representative PdM datasets. The
motivation for preprocessing is discussed in a founda-
tion section, followed by a definition of the term com-
plex machinery. Based on the properties and chal-
lenges of data collected from the described type of
machines, three additional steps for data preprocess-
ing in PdM applications are introduced. A short illus-
trative example is introduced, which is based on real-
world data. The article ends with a short discussion
and outlook.
Maintenance is a huge cost factor in industry and
manufacturing, with up to 60% of production cost be-
ing spent on it in some cases (Mobley, 2002). Addi-
tionally, because of ineffective maintenance actions,
about one third of the maintenance cost is estimated
to be wasted (Mobley, 2002).
Using the predictive paradigm for maintenance,
these cost factors can be reduced. Predictive Mainte-
nance can be described as condition based preventive
maintenance, with preventive maintenance meaning
replacing parts before a breakdown occurs (Mobley,
2002). If the observed condition changes into a un-
healthy state, maintenance is carried out before a ma-
chine breakdown occurs.
The condition of machinery is observed using
monitoring systems, most of which are data-driven
Meitz, L., Heider, M., SchÃ˝uler, T. and HÃd’hner, J.
On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines.
DOI: 10.5220/0012146700003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 606-612
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and based on recorded sensor-values. In this section,
we will highlight some research regarding the pre-
processing of data in PdM applications and give an
overview of different types of data-sets that are typi-
cally used.
2.1 Preprocessing in PdM
As in any data science project, recorded raw data has
to be prepared in order to be used in an application.
An extensive overview of the then state-of-the-art in
preprocessing of data for PdM was given by (Cer-
nuda, 2019). They focused primarily on standard sta-
tistical features and workflows common in other types
of ML and their usage in PdM.
(Cofre-Martel et al., 2021) apply similar prepro-
cessing steps and then propose the labelling of this
more concise data with the use of expert knowledge.
This facilitates the application of supervised learning
techniques which is commonly very difficult in PdM
due to the rarity of breakdowns but has advantages
over unsupervised clustering as run-to-failure cases
are highlighted directly (Yun et al., 2021). In their
work they highlighted the need for differentiation be-
tween the use of real-world and benchmark data.
(Bekar et al., 2020) propose preprocessing to be
based on the CRISP-DM cycle and K-Means cluster-
ing. In their accompanying case study, they validate
their proposed method with data of a simple spindle
application which consists of load and vibration ob-
2.2 Data-Sets in PdM Studies
In most cases, data-sets for predictive maintenance
applications consist of time-series. They are sen-
sor readings including one or more physical observa-
tions, like noise level, vibration, or power consump-
tion. In most of these cases, only a single machine
is used to generate the data, which leads to inher-
ent homogeneity and comparability, thus, eliminat-
ing the need for excessive data preparation. Some
examples of this type of application are centrifugal
pumps (Chen et al., 2022), electrical load of wash-
ing machines (Casagrande et al., 2021), refrigera-
tors (Kulkarni et al., 2018), or vibration data collected
from bearings (Wang et al., 2020; Sugumaran and
Ramachandran, 2011). In other scenarios, the data
used for implementing PdM-applications are bench-
mark data sets such as NASA Turbofan (Bruneo and
De Vita, 2019) that do not need further processing to
effectively train models.
In some cases, only simple statistics of the data
(e.g. mean, variance, skewness, etc.) are used for fur-
ther processing rather than the data itself. This is es-
pecially common in vibration or power level mon-
itoring, where, often, only a shift in the underly-
ing pattern is used for anomaly detection. Exam-
ples have been published by (Ding et al., 2019) and
(da Silva Arantes et al., 2021).
For Deep Learning applications, models handle
feature extraction implicitly, therefore, the prepro-
cessing is limited to standard steps such as data clean-
ing rather than complex manual feature engineering.
Examples are the use of Autoencoders for anomaly
detection (Sun et al., 2019; Bampoula et al., 2021;
Kim et al., 2021).
ufle et al., 2022) implement an anomaly detec-
tion solution for the degradation of a CNC milling
tool. They incorporate a preprocessing step to high-
light phases of the same machine action in order to get
comparable segments of machine operation, i.e. when
the machine is actively milling material.
PdM literature does rarely focus on specific data
preprocessing articles as many data-sets are rather
simplistic not requiring special preparation or do only
contain very limited sensor and actuator reading vari-
ety, i.e. focus on a singular part and its condition. In
most research studies, the type of application does not
create a need for dealing with data heterogeneity. In
the following, we will describe some techniques for
dealing with the type of complex data that is found in
many real-world applications.
As a foundation for the remainder of this article, the
term complex machinery and its characteristics in the
domain of PdM are introduced. Furthermore, this sec-
tion gives a brief overview of the motivation and im-
portance behind data preparation specific to PdM.
3.1 Data Preprocessing
Preprocessing has multiple roles that are important
for the further progress of a data science project. A
general definition of preprocessing is given in (Cer-
nuda, 2019): ”the set of actions performed to raw data
[...] with the aim of improving the modelling capa-
bilities”. However, there are more specific goals that
all aim for better model performance, as described in
(Luengo et al., 2020):
Reduction of Size and Complexity. Reduced size
improves runtime performance, which speeds up
model training and inference. Reduced complexity
On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines
enables a model to achieve faster convergence and al-
lows the use of models with less parameters which
might help their explainability.
Format Conversion of the Data. Depending on the
application and model, different sizes or chunks of
data are needed. Most models need fixed-length in-
put or smaller samples of the data. Some work with
aggregations or statistical features, that have to be ex-
tracted from the data.
Retention Only of Important Information. Most
importantly, preprocessing is used to filter data to only
the important information used for model training.
Model performance is greatly aided by eliminating
noise and distracting signals beforehand.
3.2 Heterogeneous Machine Data
Data-driven Predictive Maintenance aims to extract
information about a machine’s condition based on
collected data. The aforementioned preprocessing of
recorded data is a necessary step to extracting this in-
As shown in Section 2, applications have been im-
plemented based on a variety of sensor values that
are collected from runtime data. Most of the time
however, the data observes a singular component that
performs a specialised task like rotation, pumping,
or pressing. Although this is an important founda-
tion for applications in industry and commerce, there
are many remaining application domains that have
not been subject to research because of their machine
Complex machines that can be used for multiple
applications, when observed by sensors, create het-
erogeneous data. To clarify the type of complexity
referred to in this article, the following properties of
complex multi-purpose machinery are introduced:
1. It can be used for more than one application:
The machine is able to perform a specific param-
eterised process, i.e. milling, but is automated to
a level where it can produce results of high vari-
ety which is leading to vastly different data, e.g.
because of different lengths, rotations of the drill,
motor movements of varying speeds, etc. We call
one such parametrisation of the process an appli-
2. It consists of multiple components:
Such components can be different actuators and
sensors—not accounting for the sensors used
purely for the PdM application or other monitor-
ing tasks. For our definition, we assume that the
number of components is at least five with at least
three actuators. A prototypical example would be
a multi-pump system where distributed pressure
sensors trigger pump activation cycles.
Challenges. When collecting operation data from
complex machines, some challenges emerge for the
further processing of this heterogeneous data. These
challenges are closely related to the domain of big
data and are the result of the properties volume, va-
riety and variance (Sagiroglu and Sinanc, 2013).
There is a high amount of data collected from the
different components, not all of it useful for model
training. This data volume requires space to be stored
and computing performance to be efficiently pro-
Another problem is the handling of complexity, or
variety, from the many different components and ap-
plications of complex machines. Each component can
be of a different kind and therefore produce a differ-
ent type of data. For each application of the machine,
the underlying process can be different and subject to
parameters leading to different observable states.
The collected data contains significant hetero-
geneity in its patterns because of the different circum-
stances of machine operation. This results in high
variance and noise in physical observations (i.e. pro-
cess lengths, starting conditions, or material proper-
ties) and can lead to poor model performance.
Example. To give an example of a complex ma-
chine, we will look at the case of a CNC-mill—a com-
monplace machine in modern manufacturing plants.
Its actuators consist of multiple motors, one or more
for each axis, and a spindle for material removal. To
sense the physical state, there are limit switches and
spindle load measurements. Additionally, vibration
and noise sensors are often attached to the machine, to
enable PdM scenarios. Using this set of actuators and
sensors, the machine is able to process different ma-
terials to produce many different parts. When record-
ing the operation data, this application variety leads
to raw data with a high variance, which is not directly
comparable amongst different processes. For this or
similar types of machinery, it is therefore necessary to
further break down and prepare raw machine data to
create usable data sets.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
To overcome the challenges mentioned in the last sec-
tion, state-of-the-art data preprocessing, as seen in re-
lated PdM applications, is not sufficient. In this sec-
tion, three additional important considerations are in-
troduced, which have to be taken into account during
the data preparation process for PdM applications of
complex machinery.
These considerations can be implemented as in-
dependent steps and are suited for the preparation of
real-world complex machine data, whose characteris-
tics and challenges have been explained beforehand.
Most of the steps rely on the application of expert
knowledge and are not intended as fully-automatic
4.1 Use-Case-Specific Data Selection
There are two possible scenarios for implementing
PdM in an industrial environment. With multiple ma-
chines available, two use-cases can emerge for the
collected data: creating statements relative to a sin-
gle machine and creating statements about a group of
machines. In the case of PdM, the modelling scope,
i.e. one or many supposedly identical machines’ data,
can decide on how to partition the data during prepa-
ration. This partitioning can help reducing the variety
and volume of data.
The decision that is implicitly made is which kind
of data variance will be selected in the course of pre-
processing. For single machine applications, time-
variance will be detected, as this is the main feature
that changes over available data recordings. This is
useful for finding trends or anomalies in the data cre-
ated by the machine in different points in time. A
degradation or failure can be found this way, by com-
paring the past data points to new ones.
When trying to establish time-variance for mul-
tiple machines, the slight difference in hardware of
each device will be enough to introduce enough noise
to mask the time-variance. Therefore, in a multi-
machine setting the suitable application is anomaly
detection based on the bulk of the hardware. When
using multiple machines, one can create statements
about the majority behaviour of such machines. Out-
liers can be found this way, which are machines that
differ from the mean in the data they generate.
To conclude, depending on the target application
and the type of model, a selection of only the rele-
vant parts of the available data is necessary. Single-
machine models can learn from historical data and
establish degradation trends. Multi-machine models
are useful for finding anomalies or outliers in a set
of different machines. Depending on the sought out
information, further selection of only relevant sub-
components may be helpful.
4.2 Discerning Actuators and Sensors
As stated in the introduction of heterogeneous data,
time-series data generated by complex machines can
be split into two distinct categories: actuator control
signals and sensor observations. By distinguishing
these two types of data, the data handling can be im-
Actuators. Actuator control signals are generated
by the machine’s internal controller. They are often
of binary form, take discrete values from a fixed set of
possibilities, or are real-valued. Because they are gen-
erated by a controller, they encode information about
the machine’s inner state. This is a useful asset for
reducing variety in the data, as each observation can
be annotated with a supposed state as assumed by the
machine controller. Examples for binary signals are
relay-controlled heating, valve opening, or pump op-
eration. More high-level control signals could convey
the current machine status, target temperature, or tar-
get water quantity.
Sensors. Sensors are observers of the physical
world, they measure a value associated with a physi-
cal property, and their values are typically continuous.
Because of the nature of sensing, values can be sub-
jected to noise and outliers. The information encoded
into sensor measurements is useful for observing the
actual physical state (in contrast to the controller’s
‘set’-state) of a machine. Examples are temperature,
pressure, water flow, or electrical energy.
Division and Preparation. Dividing data into the
aforementioned groups can help in creating models
by reducing variance to the desired scope. To illus-
trate: Actuator control signals are useful for discern-
ing the machine state. For a specific machine state,
models can be trained using only sensor measure-
ments, which represent the physical state of a ma-
chine, thereby, automatically discarding multiple in-
put signals of varying noise that would not aid pre-
dictions at all. Because actuator control signals are
generated by the machine controller itself, they do
not change for the same machine state. Physical ob-
servations, however, can change over time based on
On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines
the underlying hardware and make useful features for
degradation modelling.
4.3 Data Segmentation
Complex (multi-purpose) machines are used for more
than one application (cf. Section 3.2). This means that
processes, e.g. manufacturing a part, are not directly
comparable to each other because every process is ei-
ther different due to its parametrisation or executed
under different circumstances. This difference in cir-
cumstances leads to data variance in collected obser-
vations that is much higher than the possible degrada-
tion effect (or rapid shift) which would warrant main-
tenance. To overcome this issue, data segments have
to be created, that contain only data gathered under
similar circumstances.
Using the separation of control signals and sensor
measurements from the previous section, segments of
similar machine state can be found by comparing con-
trol signals. For similar patterns in actuator signals,
the machine is likely in a similar state and the sensor
measurements are therefore comparable. There are
multiple possibilities for creating such segments of
similar circumstances, some of which are explained
in the following paragraphs.
Rule-Based Segmentation. Using existing expert
knowledge, a simple solution for creating time-series
clusters is creating segmentation rules. This as-
sumes that knowledge about the machine’s processes
is present an can be formulated as simple if-then-
Pattern Matching. Using a recurring pattern in ac-
tuator signals, common circumstances in the machine
behaviour can be found. This is useful for fixed-
pattern processes that stay the same for every occur-
rence of the process.
Dynamic Time Warping. For processes that do not
have the necessary actuator signals for clustering, Dy-
namic Time Warping (DTW) (M
uller, 2007) can be
used as another approach. Initially, a domain expert
has to establish a reference process and create seg-
ment labels for later segmentation. DTW can now be
used to establish a mapping from an observed time-
series to the already segmented reference process.
The labels can now be transferred from reference to
observation and a new comparable segment is created.
Figure 1: Temperature Readings from the same type of pro-
To illustrate a possible implementation, we will ap-
ply the aforementioned techniques on a small data
set sampled from real-world machine operation. The
data was sampled from a single machine and pro-
cess type, however this process is dependent on dif-
ferent starting conditions and parameters. This leads
to high variance in the process length and sensor val-
ues, which is not suitable for information extraction
in its raw state.
Figure 1 shows a plot of the recorded processes
and illustrates their heterogeneity. Standard data
preparation, as introduced by Cernuda (Cernuda,
2019), was conducted on the data beforehand.
Data Selection. The example data set contains mul-
tiple recordings of the same type of process observed
on a single machine. This machine consists among
others of a heater, a pump, and a temperature sensor.
A first step to implementing a PdM model is to decide
on the model scope. In this case, single-machine trend
detection is the desired application. The goal is to
compare a temperature degradation trend in this type
of process, therefore only relevant observations to this
phenomenon are selected, which are Pump, Heating
and Temperature. Note that while the type of process
is the same for each observation they vary greatly in
length, which is one of the challenges in this setting.
Actuator and Sensor Separation. The example
data set consists of multiple readings: actuators sig-
nals for a pump and a heating element as well as sen-
sor readings of temperature. By employing domain
expertise, the temperature sensor is selected for obser-
vation and heating and pump signals are used for ma-
chine state representation. More complex scenarios
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: Two process instances with highlighted active pump segments.
can be handled by creating sets of the unique values
of each variable as actuators take only a small num-
ber of specific values, sensors produce a great amount
of distinct values, as the physical observation is often
bound to be continuous.
Figure 3: Extracted segments of the same process for com-
Process Segmentation. Using the set of actuator
values, the selected process can be further segmented
to synchronise the sensor readings and aid observa-
tion comparability. Only a part of the process record-
ing is relevant, therefore a simple rule-based approach
for process segmentation is used. In the simple case
of this pump and heating system, the segmentation
is achieved by selecting the process segments with
an active pump signal. Figure 2 highlights the se-
lected and relevant process segment of two specific in-
stances. After extracting only the relevant segments,
observations are already intuitively comparable, as
shown in Figure 3. Using these previously selected
sensor readings, that have afterwards been segmented
into comparable chunks of similar length, further im-
plementation of PdM has been enabled.
Data preprocessing for PdM applications is notori-
ously hard when data of systems with many interact-
ing components was collected in the wild. This arti-
cle described additional considerations to be made for
data preprocessing in PdM applications and gives an
example of their effects. As many systems for which
PdM has successfully been developed are on the sim-
pler side, i.e. few moving parts, few components, or
few control signals, we gave a definition for complex
multi-purpose machines (multiple components; mul-
tiple applications) and used real-world data from one
such machine for our examples. Three steps for cre-
ating data sets useful for model training and further
processing are proposed in the main section of this
paper. These are data selection based on the desired
use-case, actuator and sensor clustering, and finally
data segmentation.
To highlight the effects of the at-first rather ab-
stract techniques, an example data set of a real-world
machine has been processed by applying the proposed
methods. Using the additional constraints described
in the article, the heterogeneous recorded data was
processed into segments of comparable information.
There are some limitations to our approach and
presented preliminary results, which can be improved
upon in the future. The considerations described in
the main section are dependent upon domain knowl-
edge and the manual application of data science ex-
pertise. This means the process of preprocessing in-
On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines
corporating the proposed steps has to be implemented
for each application separately. However, the pro-
posed techniques enable a further processing of data
in different use cases. Model training and other ap-
plications can be implemented after creating homo-
geneous data sets, which would not be possible or
well-performing in the case of raw and heterogeneous
machine data.
For future articles, a formalisation of the proposed
process is a necessary step. Additionally, by general-
ising the steps and implementing them in different ap-
plication scenarios, a comprehensive evaluation will
be an important next step.
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications