- 250 students are active at the moment
- Since now 2 students have got a jog offer in
the company, after the application via the
Considering the fact that marketplaces encompass
different types of roles that have to be permanently
balanced, building a marketplace is cumbersome
We introduced the platform that should bring a
huge value to all the participants in the system,
particularly students. Considering the numbers after
initial release and going live, the concept has been
proved already.
From the perspective of promotional activities,
omnichannel approach is something we could see in
different business contexts today. (Kim &
Angnakoon, 2016). However, in parallel, some
certain papers pointed out that diversification of the
channels for the job places promotion can bring a
number of challenges (Maier & Wieringa, 2021)
Future research and development activities are
directed toward establishing the position of
FONboard within FOS’s business ecosystem and
further fosering of talent management. The power of
the alumni should be employed as well. AI layer for
matching companies’ needs and students’ interests is
what will be improved in the future. More analytics
will help us adjust and reshape the platform.
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