Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using
ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries
Ole Werger
, Stefan Hanenberg
, Ole Meyer, Nils Schwenzfeier and Volker Gruhn
University of Duisburg–Essen, Essen, Germany
Large Language Model, ChatGPT, Empirical Study, User Study.
It is now widely accepted that ML models can solve tasks that deal with the generation of source code. Now
it is interesting to know whether the related tasks can be generated as well. In this paper, we evaluate how
well ChatGPT can generate tasks that deal with generating simple SQL statements. To do this, ChatGPT
generated for 10 different database schemas tasks with three different difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard).
The generated tasks are then evaluated for suitability and difficulty by exam-correction-experienced raters.
With a substantial raters agreement (α=.731), 90.67% of the tasks were considered appropriate (p<.001).
However, while raters agreed that tasks, that ChatGPT considers as more difficult, are actually more difficult
(p<.001), there is in general no agreement between ChatGPT’s task difficulty and rated difficulty (α=.310).
Additionally, we checked in an N-of-1 experiment, whether the use of ChatGPT helped in the design of exams.
It turned out that ChatGPT increased the time required to design an experiment by 40% (p=.036; d=-1.014).
Altogether the present study rather raises doubts whether ChatGPT is in its current version a practical tool for
the design of source code tasks.
Large language models such as ChatGPT are today
quite often used for code generation for given tasks
(Le et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022;
Barke et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023). While solving
tasks is an obvious goal, there is a different applica-
tion of ChatGPT: the generation of examples, respec-
tively tasks. Task generation plays a role whenever
one needs to explain some non-trivial technology to
someone - and one is just looking for some examples
that could be used as it is done in the field of educa-
tion. In education, lecturers need to create examples
to teach and also to test or examine content with stu-
dents. In such cases, teachers need to design tests or
exams from time to time, which requires time. I.e.,
task generation is an essential, recurring duty and thus
it is valid to ask whether ChatGPT is a helpful tech-
nology for this.
Our motivation comes from a specific teaching
perspective. All authors are frequently involved in the
correction of database management exams of a Ger-
man university where a database management course
is part of the curriculum. The exam consists of 50%
SQL tasks and other tasks related to topics such as
relational algebra, synchronization, recovery, etc. A
majority of the tasks on SQL are queries, i.e., SE-
LECT statements. One of the authors designs such
exams since more than ten years and a recurring prob-
lem is to find appropriate tasks for a given relational
schema. The examiner’s challenge is to find an appro-
priate number of easy, medium, and hard tasks and to
integrated them into the exam.
Taking into account today’s quite enthusiastic per-
ception on ChatGPT
, it seems plausible to check, if
ChatGPT in its current state is able to provide SQL
tasks. If this is the case, task generation could be
done by ChatGPT and students can decide on their
own how many tasks they want to solve: whenever
they see the need to practice more, ChatGPT could be
an almost infinite source of possible tasks.
While it is plausible to test whether ChatGPT is
helpful for the design of SQL tasks, it is not that
See for example:
Werger, O., Hanenberg, S., Meyer, O., Schwenzfeier, N. and Gruhn, V.
Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries.
DOI: 10.5220/0012076900003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 303-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
trivial to determine what helpful actually means and
how this can be tested using the scientific method.
Actually, we see two plausible perspectives on that.
The first perspective comes from the perspective of
students who might ask, whether they can ask Chat-
GPT to generate questions for them that they can use
for learning SQL. For them, it is desirable to have a
high probability that a task generated by ChatGPT is
a valid task, i.e., a task that can be understood and
solved (without too much freedom for interpretation
or misunderstandings). The other perspective comes
from lecturers: It is desirable to reduce the effort
to design tasks no matter whether ChatGPT’s tasks
could be directly used or whether ChatGPT just gives
enough inspiration for tasks: In the end, ChatGPT is
a valuable tool if it reduces the overall effort.
The present paper studies the usability of Chat-
GPT as an SQL task generator. Thereto, the paper
introduces two different experiments. The first one
studies to what extent tasks generated by ChatGPT
are considered as appropriate and to what extent a de-
sired difficulty is actually achieved in the generated
tasks. The second one studies, to what extent the use
of ChatGPT for task generation is efficient or not.
The results of the experiments are as follows.
First, ChatGPT is able to provide appropriate tasks:
independent raters (with a substantial interrater agree-
ment of α=.731) agreed that 90.67% of the tasks are
rather appropriate (than inappropriate) on a 2-point
scale (while they hardly agreed on appropriateness
on a 4-point scale). Further, the more difficult Chat-
GPT’s tasks are intended to be, the more difficult the
raters considered the tasks. Still, on average all tasks
are considered as medium tasks from the raters’ per-
spective. I.e., although ChatGPT is able to generate
tasks with different difficulties, its notion of difficult
tasks does not match the raters’ notion of difficult
tasks (p<.001). Second, in terms of overall effort, we
ran an N-of-1 experiment where the effort with Chat-
GPT was 40% higher than without (p=.036).
We see the contribution of this paper in two ways:
First, there is a technical contribution with respect
to the question whether or not ChatGPT can be
used as a task generator for SQL tasks.
Second, the paper can be used as a proposal for
studying ChatGPT in a rigorous way that leaves
room for detecting potential biases of experiment
participants (application of raters agreements, and
the execution of a randomized control trial).
For reproducibility, we make our data and the appli-
cation used for the rating publicly available
. The
The data is available at
paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives some
background information on ChatGPT. Afterwards, we
introduce the first experiment on the appropriateness
and difficulty of tasks (Section 3). Then, we intro-
duce the second experiment on the efficiency of exam
creation with and without ChatGPT (Section 4). Af-
ter describing related work in Section 5, we describe
threats of validity (Section 6). Finally, we summarize,
discuss, and conclude the present paper.
The focus of the present paper is on ChatGPT as well
as on SQL, but we assume that reader is familiar with
SQL. Hence, we do not describe SQL here. But since
the paper runs a so-called N-of-1 trial, we give some
background information on that.
2.1 Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) are computer pro-
grams that can interpret and generate natural lan-
guage. These models are trained using machine learn-
ing to understand and respond to human speech. An
example of a large language model is OpenAI’s GPT-
3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), which con-
sists of hundreds of billions of parameters (Brown
et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022). LLMs use deep
learning, which is based on neural networks. These
networks are trained on large text corpora to recog-
nize patterns in sentences. They have been applied in
many areas, including machine translation, chatbots,
text generation, and even in the creation of creative
works such as poems and song lyrics (Mikolov et al.,
2013; Vaswani et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2018; Radford
et al., 2019; Ouyang et al., 2022).
2.2 Usage of Language Models
When using LLMs, it is especially important that cer-
tain models perform particularly well in certain fields
of activity. These are, for example, GPT-3 for text
generation (Brown et al., 2020) and the BERT model
for question-answering tasks (Devlin et al., 2019). In
addition, when a request is made to the model (to per-
form the given task), a process called prompting is
used. Prompting uses a piece of text to get the model
to generate a certain output type. The process for
using LLMs can be described as follows: First, the
’prompt’ text, such as a few words or longer para-
graphs, is created and sent to the model. The LLM
then generates an output based on the given prompt
and its internal weights and parameters. The output
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
can be a single word, a sentence, a paragraph, or even
a long text, depending on how the model has been de-
veloped and trained. If the output does not match the
desired results, the prompt provided can be adjusted
to control the model more precisely and to generate
the rather expected result on the next try (Brown et al.,
2020; Liu et al., 2019; Radford et al., 2019).
2.3 OpenAI ChatGPT
On November 30, 2022, OpenAI unveiled a chatbot
powered by the GPT-3 model. In the form of a di-
alog, the bot can be asked questions or prompted to
generate a text in natural language. It was trained us-
ing reinforcement learning with human feedback and
thus can also produce source code in various program-
ming languages. Source code files were included in
its training data, as it was done with its predeces-
sor model InstructGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022). The
version used of ChatGPT was released on January 9,
. In the meantime, there is also the possibility
to request the underlying model (’gpt-3.5-turbo’) via
API request
in order to not be dependent on the chat
format. Further, OpenAI states to transform the chat
structure into a custom format called ChatML
to pass
one long sequence of tokens to the LLM.
2.4 Crossover and N-of-1 Trials in
The present paper executes in one of its experiments
a so-called N-of-1 trial, a special experimental pro-
cedure. In experimentation, respectively in empir-
ical software engineering (see for example (Wohlin
et al., 2012; Kitchenham et al., 2008)) it is quite
common to run so-called AB experiments, where a
number of participants do the experiment under treat-
ment A while others do it under treatment B. How-
ever, there are so-called crossover trials, where sub-
jects are tested under more than one treatment combi-
nation (see (Senn, 2002)). Actually, it is quite com-
mon to run crossover trials in software science: ac-
cording to Vegas et al. more than
of experiments in
software engineering from 2012–2014 were crossover
trials (Vegas et al., 2016, p.123): Testing subjects on
multiple treatments is quite common.
A special experimental design among crossover
trials are the so-called N-of-1 trials where a single
Figure 1: Example schema from exam.
subject is tested on all treatment combinations (see
(Mirza et al., 2017)), an experimental procedure that
was already documented in 1676 (Wiseman, 1676,
p. 123). While such experiments do not appear
that often in software science (see (Hanenberg and
Mehlhorn, 2022)), they are standard experimental
procedures in traditional empirical disciplines. For
example, Perdices et al. found that 39% of the studies
in the PsycBITE evidence database were single-case
studies (Perdices et al., 2006).
When designing N-of-1 trials (respectively
crossover-trials in general), it is necessary to consider
potential carry-over effects (see (Kitchenham et al.,
2003; Madeyski and Kitchenham, 2018)), i.e., effects
when a previous treatment influences measurements
of later treatments. Such carry-over effects are for
example learning effects, fatigue effects, or novelty
effects. Strategies to reduce such undesired effects
are the use of breaks in the protocol (so-called wash-
out periods, see for example (Evans, 2010, p. 10)), or
small modifications in the treatment combinations.
The general question for the first experiment is if the
tasks generated by ChatGPT for different difficulties
are appropriate tasks. We used the difficulty levels
simple, medium, and hard.
Since we had access to database exams from 2017
until today, our goal was to design tasks for these al-
ready existing schemas where each schema consists
of only three to four tables. In each year, there are two
database exams, i.e., we have access to 12 exams in
total. We removed two exams (2021/1 and 2022/2) as
they used a similar schema. Figure 1 illustrates such a
schema as used in one exam (the schema comes from
the Harry Potter world where a character can cast a
spell on some other character).
3.1 Experiment Layout
The experiment consists of the following variables.
Dependent Variables:
Rated Appropriateness of Tasks (1-4): Each
rater rates a task whether or not it is considered
as a valid task on a Likert-scale from 1-4 (1=
Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries
yes, can be used”, 2=”can be used but requires
minor revisions”, 3=”can rather not be used”,
4=”cannot be used”).
Rated Difficulty (1-3): Each rater rated a
task with respect to its difficulty (1=simple,
2=medium, 3=hard).
Independent Variables:
ChatGPT’s Difficulty (1-3): The difficulty
ChatGPT was asked to generated (1=simple,
2=medium, 3=hard).
Exam: 10 exams (2017/1, 2017/2, ..., 2022/1).
Fixed Variables:
Number of Repetitions: 10 repetitions for
each treatment combination (i.e., ChatGPT’s
difficulty and exam).
Ordering: The tasks were randomly ordered
before showing to the raters (each rater in the
same ordering).
The task in the experiment was: Rate the given
task for the given schema according to its appro-
priateness (1=“yes, can be used”, 2=”can be used
but required minor revisions”, 3=”can rather not be
used”, 4=”cannot be used) and difficulty (1=simple,
2=medium, 3=hard)”.
3.2 Experiment Execution
From the chosen 10 exams the relational schemas
were taken and ChatGPT was requested to generate
10 easy, 10 medium, and 10 hard tasks (each request
was done in a separated prompt where we passed each
time the corresponding schema to). The resulting 300
tasks were then randomly ordered. Then, a simple ap-
plication was given to the three raters that showed the
relational schema (as text) and the question. Then,
the raters rated the appropriateness and the difficulty.
ChatGPT’s difficulty was not shown to the raters. Fig-
ure 2 illustrates the situation inside the app, when the
rater was shown task 42, but did not decide yet.
Randomizing the order of the tasks was done to
potentially reduce carryover effects. Raters were
given as much time and breaks as they needed.
3.3 Tasks Appropriateness
Computing Krippendorfs alpha
directly on the de-
pendent variable appropriateness leads to rather dis-
illusioning results: Krippendorffs alpha for ordinal
Two exams do not occur in the present study: 2022/2
and 2021/1, because both exams used schemes from a pre-
vious exam.
All statistical analyses in the present work were done
using SPSS v27.
Figure 2: Used application for rating tasks (the application
was written in German, Frage geeignet = question ap-
propriate”, “Schwierigkeitsgrad” = “difficulty”).
Table 1: Rated Appropriateness: Absolute results of in-
terrater agreement on 300 tasks (three raters). Complete
agreement describes all raters rated gave the identical rat-
ing, None describes all raters had different ratings, 2/3 de-
scribed two raters agreed and one had a different rating.
Complete 1 only 2 only 3 only 4 only Sum
115 16 6 1 138
None 1/2/3 1/2/4 1/3/4 2/3/4 Sum
3 2 4 3 12
2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 2/3 2/4 3/4 Sum
116 6 1 6 3 18 150
scaled data (α=.4972, N=300, 3 raters)
as well as
Fleiss’ Kappa for nominal scaled data (κ=.311) re-
veal no acceptable interrater agreement.
the previous statistics are common in the literature,
there are still no standard ways to report the interrater
agreement. Because of that, we follow the guidelines
by Kottner et al. (Kottner et al., 2010, p.241) who
propose to report proportions of agreements. Table
1 illustrates the results. While 138/300 ratings were
identical and 150 ratings differed by one rater, 12 rat-
ings were completely different between raters.
However, a closer look at the ratings reveals that
Krippendorffs alpha was computed in SPSS (Hayes
and Krippendorff, 2007) using the script that is available
via Hayes’ webpage
Landis and Koch classify a κ with .21 κ .4 as fair
(which does not sound bad, but it is the third lowest class of
agreement on a 6-point scale from almost perfect to poor,
see (Landis and Koch, 1977, p. 165)).
The figure is compressed in a way that no details are
shown for the 2/3 agreements. For example, 1/3 contains all
ratings where two raters voted for 1 while one rater voted
for 3 and additionally all ratings where two raters voted for
a 3 and one voted for a 1.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Simplified Appropriateness: Complete means all
reviewers considered a task as rather appropriate or inap-
propriate, None describes that not all raters agreed.
Complete Rather appropriate Rather inappropriate Sum
247 25 272
None 2x rather appropriate 2x rather inappropriate Sum
11 17 28
the reviewers varied between the classification 1 and 2
as well as and 3 and 4 a lot. But it looks like there are
not many disagreements between the classes rather
appropriate (i.e., rated as 1 or 2) and rather inappro-
priate (i.e., rated as 3 or 4). Thus, we repeated the
calculation of the interrater agreement, this time only
on a 2-point scale (1 = rather appropriate, 2 = rather
inappropriate). The result is a substantial agreement
with respect to Fleiss’ Kappa (κ=.731)
as well as
Krippendorffs alpha (α=.731).
In the following,
we call this new dependent variable simplified appro-
priateness. The results of the absolute ratings can be
found in Table 2: 272 ratings were identical (from
which 247 were considered as appropriate).
Because of the previous analysis, we consider the
distinction between rather appropriate and rather in-
appropriate as substantial.
Next, we check whether the assumed difficulty by
ChatGPT determines the simplified appropriateness.
Thereto, we mark all datasets where the raters agreed
or disagreed and call this variable simplified appropri-
ateness agreement. I.e., we apply a χ²-test on the vari-
ables simplified appropriateness agreement (yes/no)
and assumed difficulty (simple/medium/hard). The
test does not show significant differences in the agree-
ment between (χ²(2, N=300) = 1.497, p=.473).
To test if there are differences between the exams
and the simplified appropriateness agreement we ap-
ply a χ²-test on both variables. Again, we find no sig-
nificant difference (χ²(9, N=300) = 10.084, p=.344).
We conclude from the previous findings that the
simplified appropriateness agreement does not nei-
ther depend on the exams nor on the assumed diffi-
To check if the number of tasks considered as
appropriate differ from the number of tasks that are
The terminology substantial comes again from Landis
and Koch (Landis and Koch, 1977, p. 165) and represents
the second highest rater agreement on the 6-point scale.
Both results are identical, because for a 2-point scale
the distinction between nominal and ordinal data is not
given. It should be emphasized that Krippendorfs inter-
pretation is slightly more reserved and following his inter-
pretation reliabilities between α = .667 and α = . 800 should
only be used for “for drawing tentative conclusions” (Krip-
pendorff, 2004, p. 241).
considered as inappropriate, we run a paired t-test
for each exam (i.e. we compare the number of ap-
propriate respectively inappropriate tasks) which re-
veals for the tasks that were considered appropriate
(M=27.2=90.67%, SD=1.68) and those that were con-
sidered not appropriate (M=2.8=9.33%, SD=1.68) a
significant and large difference (t(9)=22,875, p<.001,
d=3.373, CI
=[21.99; 26.81]).
I.e., with 95%
confidence the difference between appropriate and
inappropriate tasks was between
=73.3% and
=89.4% in each exam.
Whether the level of appropriateness is consid-
ered as good or bad lies in the eye of the beholder:
while one could argue that 90.67% appropriate tasks
are not bad, one could also argue that 10% inappro-
priate tasks are a quite high error rate.
3.4 Exploratory Experiment on
A recurring statement from the raters after the rat-
ings was that ChatGPT had problems with relational
schemas where the table name kind was used. It ap-
peared twice in schemas (2019/2 and 2022/1) express-
ing different characters and their kind (e.g. Harry Pot-
ter is of kind Human, while Dobby is of kind House
Elf). The identical word in German has a different
meaning (Kind in German is translated to child in
English), which caused ChatGPT to generate some
meaningless questions (such as “show the name of all
children who are students”).
Due to this, we checked, whether the existence
of the word kind in the schema influenced the ap-
propriateness of the tasks, i.e., we applied a χ²-test
on the variables simplified appropriateness agree-
ment (yes/no) and has child in scheme (yes/no). The
test reveals significant differences (χ²(1, N=300) =
4.766, p=.029): without the word kind in the schema
= 7.5% of the tasks were considered inappro-
priate, while for a schema with the word kind in it
= 20% of the tasks were considered inappropriate.
3.5 Task Difficulty
In addition to the question whether a task is consid-
ered appropriate, raters also determined the rated dif-
ficulty. Computing the rater agreement directly on the
The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality is not significant
with p=.283. But even if one considers the non-parametric
test as better suited due to the small sample size, the result
is the same (Z=-2.825, p=.005).
Instead of t-test a non-parametric Wilcoxon-test could
be used, but it has the same results (Z=-2.825, p=.005).
Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries
raw data leads again to frustrating results: Krippen-
dorffs alpha for ordinal scaled data (α=.589, N=300,
3 raters) as well as Fleiss’ Kappa for nominal scaled
data (κ=.498) reveal again no interrater agreement
that meets the standard bars.
We removed 53 cases from the dataset, in which
the raters agreed that they were inappropriate, so the
difficulty could not be considered, or in which the
raters disagreed on appropriateness. The remaining
tasks are called rather appropriate tasks.
Repeating the previous analysis on the remain-
ing dataset does not change much: Krippendorffs
alpha for ordinal scaled data (α=.618, N=247, 3
raters) as well as Fleiss’ Kappa for nominal scaled
data (κ=.529) reveal at least a moderate agreement.
However, at least with respect to Krippendorffs alpha
the value is above .6 which implies that we can use the
values at least for drawing tentative conclusions. I.e.,
in the following we use the rater values under the as-
sumption of a substantial agreement, being aware that
we should handle the results with more caution than
the previous rated appropriateness.
Again, the goal is to check whether the level of
agreement depends on the other factors such as the
assumed difficulty or the exams. Hence, we mark all
datasets where the raters agreed or disagreed on and
call the resulting variable difficulty agreement. In or-
der to check whether the difficulty agreement depends
on the assumed difficulty or the exams we run (like-
wise to Section 3.3) a χ²-test and receive noteworthy
differences to Section 3.3: The χ²-test on the difficulty
agreement and assumed difficulty reveals significant
differences (χ²(2, N=247) = 8.600, p=.014) as well as
comparison between difficulty agreement and exams
(χ²(9, N=247) = 20.685, p=.014).
With respect to assumed difficulty we see a com-
parable agreement for easy and medium tasks (
= 1.61), for hard tasks the number of agree-
ments and disagreements is almost equal (
= 1.05):
The more difficult ChatGPT’s tasks are intended to
be, the less often do raters agree on the difficulty.
With respect to the exams, it is hard to detect any
regularity in the comparisons: while there are exams
with a clear majority of agreements (2019/1:
= 5),
there are exams where the number of agreements and
disagreements are almost equal (2021/2:
= .93)
as well as exams where the disagreements are much
higher than the agreements (2019/2:
= .46).
While it is already noteworthy that agreements be-
tween raters are not that high as assumed, it is more
Landis and Koch classify κ with .4 κ .6 as a mod-
erate agreement (Landis and Koch, 1977, p.165).
Again, we follow here Landis’ and Koch’s terminology
(Landis and Koch, 1977, 165).
Table 3: Results of the one-way ANOVA on the indepen-
dent variable average rated difficulty and the dependent
variable ChatGPT difficulty. Below the ANOVA are the re-
sults of the Tukey post-hoc test.
Variable df F p η
treatments M
2 26.515 <.001 .179
Easy 1.23
Medium 1.53
Hard 1.74
Difficulty Difficulty Diff CI
Easy Medium -.301 [-.457, -0.135] <.001
Hard -.515 [-.684, -.347] <.001
Medium Hard -.214 [-.387, -.042] .010
Figure 3: Effect of ChatGPT’s difficulty on the average
rated difficulty (including 95% confidence intervals).
interesting to know what the relationship between
ChatGPT’s difficulty and the rated difficulty is.
A question with this comparison is how it should
be done, because one must not forget that in the sam-
ple of rather appropriate tasks there are still a few
tasks where the raters did not agree on the difficulty.
One way we see is to compute an average rating
of all three raters (called “average rated difficulty”)
and to compare it with ChatGPT’s difficulty. I.e.,
we run a one-way ANOVA on the independent vari-
able ChatGPT’s difficulty (with the treatments “easy”,
“medium”, and “hard”) and the dependent variable
average rated difficulty. The result shows a significant
impact of ChatGPT’s difficulty on average rated dif-
ficulty (F(2, 244)=26.515, p<.001, η
ning a Tukey post-hoc test reveals that the differences
between the ChatGPT difficulties lead to significant
different ratings (see Table 3).
Figure 3 shows that as ChatGPT’s difficulty in-
creases, the average rated difficulty also increases.
However, upon closer examination, the mean for
medium and hard tasks is still below 2, indicating that
human raters do not consider any of the tasks to be
Actually, it is disputable whether the results of the
ANOVA should be reported here, because the data violates
the assumption of homogeneity of variance tested via Lev-
ene’s test for (F(2, 244)=9.858, p<.001). However, running
the non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test reveals comparable
results as the ANOVA (χ²(2, N=247)=44.14, p<.001). Due
to this, we report keep the ANOVAs result in the paper and
just report additionally the non-parametric test here.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
difficult. One can simply check the statement “the av-
erage ratings are below 2” by running a one-sample
t-test against the constant 2 and one gets significant
results (M=1.483, SD=.504, t(246)=-16.197, p<.001).
Considering the previous results, it is plausible to
test if the rated difficulties match the difficulties of
ChatGPT. Actually, the result is already clear from the
previous results, but for completeness it makes sense
to make it explicit. Checking the interrater agreement
between ChatGPT and the human raters can be done
by using ChatGPT as a separate rater. Doing so leads
to a low interrater agreement (α=.4265, κ=.328).
Comparing the human ratings with ChatGPT’s rat-
ing, we used majority rating to avoid mixing ordinal
scale and decimal numbers, so the most frequent rat-
ing is selected. We call the resulting variable the ma-
jority rated difficulty. We are aware that this com-
parison increases the potential agreement, since a dis-
agreement between raters is rounded towards the ma-
jority. We removed three tasks where not at least two
out of three raters did agree, because majority voting
is then not applicable.
However, even under these optimistic assump-
tions, which tend to increase the raters agreement,
there was hardly any agreement between ChatGPT
and the reviewer (α=.310).
The previous experiment showed ChatGPT tasks may
not be trustworthy without manual inspection before
inserting into teaching tools.
From our teaching motivation, the question is also
whether ChatGPT could help designing exams. Tasks
which can not be used will not be a problem as long
as other appropiate tasks are generated. Further, if
tasks need some manual effort, they can be helpful in
terms of inspiration. This second experiment focuses
on user performance, we ask if the use of ChatGPT
improves the time required to design SQL exams.
One of the authors of the present paper designs the
database examples for his university since more than
10 years, while the others did not in the past. Because
of that, we consider only him as an appropriate exper-
tised participant for the experiment. Therefore, from
our point of view, it seemed quite natural to conduct
an N-of-1 trial with this single participant.
For running an N-of-1 trial it is necessary to de-
termine the ordering of treatments as well as the exact
definition under which a treatment is given. Remov-
ing too similar schemas from those used in the previ-
ous experiment and adding a new one, with also three
tables leads to seven schemas for this experiment.
We randomly ordered these seven schemas and gave
the participant the schemas and asked the participant
to design an exam with 35 points alternatively with-
out any help and with ChatGPT. After the seven ex-
ams were done, we repeated the same procedure, but
changed the treatments (i.e., this time the first exam
with ChatGPT, the second without, etc.), so that we
counterbalanced each treatment with its alternative.
4.1 Experiment Layout
The experiment consists of the following variables.
Dependent Variable: Time to finish (The total
time required by the design of an SQL exam).
Independent Variables: Techniques (with the
treatments Manually/ChatGPT).
Fixed Variables: Number of Exams (7 exams)
The task in the experiment was: Design an SQL
exam with 35 points”.
4.2 Experiment Execution
The participant was permitted to decide on his own
when to do a break, whereby a break was only permit-
ted between two exams. When working with Chat-
GPT, the participant was asked to start the design
of an exam with asking ChatGPT for 10 easy, 10
medium, and 10 hard tasks within one prompt. Addi-
tionally, the participant was permitted to interact with
ChatGPT later on if desired. It was left to the partici-
pant to decide how the results of ChatGPT were used.
4.3 Results and Informal Interview
The experiment was analyzed using a paired-sample
t-test (see Table 4). The manual design of SQL exams
needed significantly less time than the ChatGPT sup-
ported design of the exams. With support it took 40%
more time (p=.036, Cohen’s d=-1.014).
In an informal interview, the participant articu-
lated that the request to ChatGPT did not take much
time and the response times of ChatGPT were not dis-
turbing. However, he felt that he used only a small
The motivation for this additional schema lies in the
fact that 6 measurements would only permit to show signif-
icant differences if in all cases one treatment requires more
time than the other.
We ran the t-test because the Shapiro-Wilk test for
normality was not significant (p=.908). However, even
the non-parametric Wilcoxon test reveals significant differ-
ences (Z=-2.028; p=.043).
Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries
Table 4: Raw measurements and statistical results of the
second N-of-1 trial (with Treatments (tr.) M=treatment
manually and ChatGPT=treatment with ChatGPT). Mea-
surements are second rounded to full seconds.
Tr. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
M 1401 705 1200 866 1008 1062 1064
GPT 1193 1822 1377 1310 1658 1479 1373
T-Test df T M CI
M - GPT 6 -2.684 -415 [-794; 37] .036
M 1044 223.76 [836; 1250]
= 1.40
GPT 1459 215.58 [1259; 1658]
number of tasks from ChatGPT per exam. He also ar-
ticulated that there were situations where he was will-
ing to use a task from ChatGPT, but it was not usable
(using attributes that were not in the given schema).
The participant felt that reading tasks from ChatGPT,
thinking about them (and finally leaving such tasks
out), and finding either better tasks or slightly better
task formulations took more time than designing an
exam manually. He felt that context switching (be-
tween reading, thinking, and writing) using ChatGPT
was more stressful than designing an exam manually,
where one only has to think about possible tasks and
write them down.
These days, some researchers are concerned with the
evaluation of ChatGPT. Comparable works to the pre-
sented one and some additional are listed below.
Kung et al. (Kung et al., 2023) have confronted
the chatbot with the tasks from the United States Med-
ical Licensing Exam (USMLE) exam. In doing so, the
chatbot scored average, but this is equivalent to pass-
ing the exam. The authors conclude from their exper-
iment that, on the one hand, the language models are
getting better and better (earlier models had not yet
passed) and, on the other hand, that in the education
of adolescent medical students it may be helpful to
support them with AI tools (Kung et al., 2023).
Another group around Gao et al. (Gao et al., 2023)
worked on abstract/text generation for medical publi-
cations. They only specified the title and style of the
publishing journal and asked ChatGPT to generate a
suitable abstract. The generated texts and the original
texts written by humans were checked in three ways:
Both an ’AI output detector’ and a ’plagiarism detec-
tor’ were applied by machine. The first one detected
the generated texts applicable while the second one
could not detect any plagiarism of existing texts. In
addition, some human reviewers were asked to distin-
guish between the generated and original texts. The
humans found it much more difficult to recognize the
generated texts (about 68%), while they also classi-
fied original texts as generated. The authors conclude
that it is possible to recognize generic texts and yet
ChatGPT is already able to generate abstracts based
on the given titles (Gao et al., 2023).
Many different aspects of ChatGPT are consid-
ered by Bang et al. (Bang et al., 2023). They run
a lot of experiments on existing datasets to evaluate
the response of ChatGPT. To compare the results, ap-
propriate metrics are used for each dataset so that the
authors do not have to decide on task fulfillment. In
language processing tasks, ChatGPT seems to outper-
form other models in most cases, while it still has
problems especially with non-Latin script languages.
The authors see a problem in the reasoning genera-
tion, which often fails or is misleading. However, the
interactivity with the model is praised in both quanti-
tative and qualitative evaluations (Bang et al., 2023).
From our perspective, the following threats exist.
ChatGPT Output: We used the generated tasks ex-
actly as they were, without making corrections such
as spelling errors. We believe that these potential er-
rors have an impact on the appropriateness rating.
Ratings: The rating of the ChatGPT output was per-
formed by three raters with no prior training. We de-
liberately did this because the raters were already ex-
perienced database examiners. Therefore, we cannot
provide any formal training material or rating guide-
lines to help others to repeat the rating.
Rating Scales: The rating scales used are based on
assumptions and we have shown in one experiment
that these had to be adjusted/reframed. In particular,
the definition of the degrees of difficulty is not neces-
sarily unambiguous, so that discrepancies may arise.
Usage of ChatGPT: Using ChatGPT, there is basi-
cally no restriction on the exact text formulations. We
have used almost the same syntax in each query to
produce similar results. Other formulations or appli-
cation methods may achieve different results. In the
performance experiment, we did not require any spe-
cific use of ChatGPT, but advised the participant to
start with the task generation when using ChatGPT.
Used Database Schemas: We used the existing
database schemas from the last 10 university exams.
We think they are simple enough to generate easily
understandable tasks. Nevertheless, we found prob-
lems with the use of the word ’kind’, which has dif-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
ferent meanings in German and English, possibly due
to the fact that German is the natural language used
but English is used for the database schemas.
N-of-1 Experiment: We believe that it is necessary to
have a person who is trained in designing exams. Due
to this, we decided to have only one participant do this
task. The participant has many years of experience in
exactly this task and thus we think that he is a valid
expert for such task. However, we do not know how
his performance can be compared to other universities
or other lecturers.
The present paper performed two experiments on the
generation of SQL tasks by ChatGPT. Both experi-
ments do not support the rather positive perception of
ChatGPT’s usability that one finds today. I.e., we con-
sider the results of the study rather as a reminder that
it is currently not as productive as is might appear.
While the first experiment revealed that most tasks
generated by ChatGPT are rather appropriate tasks
(the raters agreement on a 4-point scale was too low
and had to be reduced to a 2-point scale), and while
more difficult tasks from ChatGPT’s perspective are
also more difficult tasks from the raters’ perspective,
ChatGPT was mainly able to generate easy tasks:
ChatGPT’s perspective on difficulty differed substan-
tially from the raters’ perspectives. These results sug-
gest that ChatGPT should currently not be used in
a way where generated tasks are automatically inte-
grated without additional manual inspections. The
second experiment addresses rather the performance
issue of using ChatGPT, i.e., the question whether or
not a certain work (in our case the design of SQL ex-
ams) can done more time efficient with the help of
ChatGPT. The N-of-1 experiment (where the partic-
ipants was an expert for that work) revealed that the
expert required 40% more time with ChatGPT.
We are aware that the presented experiments can
be seen only as a first step towards the evaluation of
ChatGPT. First, none of the experiments took either
complex or more controlled interactions with Chat-
GPT into account: in the first experiment, the Chat-
GPT’s generated tasks were directly used, in the sec-
ond experiment the participant was not advised to fol-
low certain, specific interaction patterns. However, it
is quite plausible to us that the code generated from
ChatGPT is not only a question of how good some
text is written into the prompt, but how users interact
with ChatGPT via the prompt by asking questions, re-
acting on the answers, ask follow-up questions, etc.
We definitely see a need for more studies on Chat-
GPT, including more complex interactions. However,
we still think that the given study design which re-
lies not only on the precision of answers but also on
the overall performance – could be used in follow-up
studies to evaluate the possible benefits or drawbacks.
Hence, the present study can be summarized with
the sentence: ChatGPT in its current form where users
rather apply simple interactions with ChatGPT is so
far not a performance boost as one might expect – at
least not for generating tasks.
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies