Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps
Mohammadreza Fani Sani
1 a
, Fatemeh Nikraftar
, Michal Sroka
1 b
and Andrea Burattin
2 c
Microsoft Development Copenhagen, Denmark
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Process Mining, Process Automation, Microsoft Process Automation, Recommender Systems.
Process automation is used to increase the performance of processes. One of the leading process automa-
tion tools is Microsoft Process Advisor. This tool requires users to select the corresponding connectors for
the automation of different tasks, which can be a challenging endeavor for users who have limited business
knowledge as there are various connectors and templates exist. To overcome this challenge, we present a
process-aware recommender system for connectors that eases the labeling task for end users. The results of
applying this method to real event logs indicate that it can recommend relevant connectors and, therefore, the
usage of the same mechanism might be generalized to broader contexts.
Process mining bridges data science and business
process management. It consists of process discov-
ery, conformance checking, and process enhance-
ment. Process discovery generates a process model
from event logs, conformance checking compares the
logs and model, and process enhancement provides
insights for improvement (van der Aalst, 2016).
Gartner estimated that process enhancement will
get more attention in the upcoming years
. In
this sub-field, one of the research directions that
helps process improvement is robotic process automa-
tion (Leno et al., 2020). The goal of this field is to de-
tect the bottlenecks of the process and try to automate
the tasks that require more time. In this regard, we
aim to detect and handle routine and administrative
tasks automatically using current technologies. As
a positive effect, we will reduce the resources’ costs
and the required times to handle the process instances.
However, robotic process automation techniques also
have their limits, and one of the fundamental chal-
lenges is selecting a suitable activity or process to au-
tomate, thus understanding which components should
be involved in the automation. This task, in the litera-
ture, is referred to as task mining (Syed et al., 2020).
One of the leading process automation tools is
Microsoft Process Advisor (MPA)
. This tool pro-
vides the opportunity to automate manual and repeti-
tive tasks that often take a lot of time. For example,
in an accounting company, a resource should find the
amount of a receipt and convert its currency by find-
ing the rates in a browser and finally send the con-
verted fee to the customer by email. Using MPA, it is
possible to record the event log based on the execu-
tion of some process instances and provide the corre-
sponding process automation steps. To provide such
automation, the user needs to connect tasks to the
corresponding connectors, i.e., proxies or wrappers
around an API that lets the underlying service com-
municate with several Microsoft products. Currently,
MPA supports more than 275 connectors and thou-
sands of pre-built templates that allow for easy inte-
gration of popular end-services in workflow develop-
ment/improvement. One of the challenges of automa-
tion in MPA is selecting the most suitable connector
after recording the process. Without having knowl-
edge of the process, the selection of proper connectors
could be a challenging task.
To overcome this challenge, in this paper, we pro-
pose a recommender system that provides the best
connectors for automating a process. To evaluate its
accuracy, we develop it and apply it to 50 real process
scenarios (Sroka and Fani Sani, 2022). The results in-
dicate that the proposed recommender system is able
Fani Sani, M., Nikraftar, F., Sroka, M. and Burattin, A.
Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps.
DOI: 10.5220/0012060800003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
to help the end-user select the corresponding connec-
The structure of the remaining part of the paper is
as follows. First, we provide related work in the area
of process mining and recommender systems. There-
after, the preliminaries that ease the rest of the paper.
After that, in Section 4, we explain the proposed rec-
ommender system. Section 5 provides the results of
evaluating the proposed method. Finally, in Section
6, we conclude the paper and propose some new di-
rections to continue this research.
Several works have been done in the areas of rec-
ommender systems and process automation in pro-
cess mining and a good overview of these is available
in (Eili et al., 2021), where different systems are sur-
Different process discovery techniques exist, each
employing various parameters that sometimes make it
difficult which technique and setting should be used.
There are some works, such as (Ribeiro et al., 2014;
Wang et al., 2012), that aim to help users to discover
more suitable process models. In (Jr. et al., 2021),
the authors use a meta-learning approach that is able
to recommend a suitable process discovery configu-
ration with high accuracy. Moreover, the work pre-
sented in (Schonenberg et al., 2008) discusses the
possibility of applying process mining techniques to
recommend to end-users what should be done in the
next phase of the process. Furthermore, (Seeliger
et al., 2018) proposes an interactive recommender
system that provides suggestions for visualising the
process model. In (Terragni and Hassani, 2018), the
authors propose some possibilities to use process min-
ing on the logs of users’ interactions on websites to
explore the customer journey, predict their future ac-
tivities, and recommend actions that maximize partic-
ular performance indicators.
In (Geyer-Klingeberg et al., 2018), the authors
present a process mining technique to enable effective
RPA activities towards process improvement. More-
over, (Wanner et al., 2019) discusses the capabilities
of processes-based techniques with RPA and proposes
an automatable indicator system as well as RPA activ-
ities to maximize the automation investment.
In (Mayr et al., 2022), a survey on task mining
has been reported and several applications and chal-
lenges in front of this research are represented. More-
over, (Choi et al., 2022) has proposed a tool to record
the interactions with user interfaces and to generate an
event log that can be used to bridge the gap between
process mining and RPA by detecting the tasks that
can be automated.
Some tools like MPA
provides tem-
plates/connectors to automate tasks and activities.
We aim to provide a connector recommender system
to help users in the selection of corresponding
In this section, some process mining concepts are dis-
cussed. In process mining, we use events to pro-
vide insights into the execution of business processes.
Each event is related to specific activities of the under-
lying process. Furthermore, we refer to a collection of
events related to a specific process instance as a case.
Both cases and events may have different attributes.
An event log that is a collection of events and cases is
defined as follows.
Definition 3 (Event Log). Let E be the universe
of events, C be the universe of cases, AT be the
universe of attributes, and U be the universe of at-
tribute values. Moreover, let C C be a non-empty
set of cases, let E E be a non-empty set of events,
and let AT AT be a set of attributes. We define
(C, E, π
, π
) as an event log, where π
: C × AT 7
U and π
: E × AT 7 U. Any event in the event
log has a case, therefore, ̸
(e, case) ̸∈ C) and
(e, case))=C.
Furthermore, let A U be the universe of activ-
ities and let A
be the universe of sequences of ac-
tivities. For any e E, function π
(e, activity) A,
which means that any event in the event log has an ac-
tivity. Moreover, for any c C function π
\ {⟨⟩} that means any case in the event log has
a trace (i.e., a sequence of events). Having a trace
of a case and the activities of the events in the trace,
we can have a variant of a case, i.e., π
(c, variant)
\ {⟨⟩}.
Therefore, mandatory attributes for events are
case and activity, and for cases are trace and variant.
There are different notations to show a process
model, e.g., Petri net (Petri and Reisig, 2008) and
BPMN (Chinosi and Trombetta, 2012) models. How-
ever, it is also possible to describe a process model by
the complete sequence of activities that is possible to
execute by it. In the following, we define a process
model and a process discovery algorithm.
Definition 4 (Process Model and Process Discov-
ery). Let A be the universe of activities. M =
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
) \ {} is the universe of process models where
P(X) is the powerset of set X.
Moreover, let E L be the universe of event logs,
pd : E L M is a process discovery algorithm that
returns a process model for each event log.
To compute how a process model and an event log
conform to each other, we use conformance checking
measures. There are different conformance check-
ing measures that are reported in the literature, e.g.,
alignments (Adriansyah and Buijs, 2012) and token-
replay (Rozinat and van der Aalst, 2008). In the fol-
lowing, conformance checking is defined.
Definition 5 (Conformance Checking). Let A be
the universe of activities and let M denote the uni-
verse of process models. cc:A
×M [0, 1] is a con-
formance checking function that returns how much
behavior in a sequence of activities is represented in a
process model.
The conformance of a process model and an event
log is the average conformance value of variants of
all its traces (π
(c, variant)). However, in this paper,
we use the conformance checking at the variant level
(i.e., we do not count repetitions of the same trace).
The set of all variants in an event log (C, E, π
, π
) is
(c, variant)|c C}.
As explained, traces and variants are the se-
quences (of events and activities). We are able
to use projection function on the sequence σ =
, x
, .. ., x
. So, if Q X,
: X
is a pro-
jection function that returns the concatenation of ele-
ments of the input sequence, i.e., σ
= x
. .. x
. .. x
. For instance, a, b,b, c,d, e, f , h
a, b, b, h. Note that, x
= ⟨⟩ if x ̸∈ Q.
In this section, we explained the proposed process-
aware connector recommender system. We first need
to define a connector recommender system.
Definition 6 (Connector Recommender). Let E
denote the universe of activities and let M be the uni-
verse of process models. Moreover, let L be the uni-
verse of connectors. We define cr : A
× P(M )
P(L) as a connector recommender that receives a
trace (i.e., a sequence of activities) and a set of pro-
cess models, and returns a set of labels. Finally, cr
is a specific type of connector recommender that for
trace t A
and process models M
M |M
| k,
we have |cr
(E, M
)| = k.
In other words, we recommend the connectors for
the variants in the event log (can be extracted by
(c, variant)). The schematic view of this method is
presented in Figure 1. The proposed method consists
of two phases, i.e., Train and Application. In the train-
ing phase, as the proposed approach is a supervised
method, we first need to provide the training/labeled
event log(s). In other words, we need to have some
traces labeled by their connectors.
It should be noted that one case or its trace can
have one or more than one connectors. Therefore,
a trace will be divided into some subsequences and
each subsequence can relate to one connector. In the
following, we define the labeled event log.
Definition 1 (Labeling Event Log). Let E be the
universe of events and let L U be the universe of
labels. We define π
(e, label) L τ that assigns a
label or no value to each event.
For each trace σ in the labeled event log, we may
have 0 to |σ| labels. It should be noted that in re-
ality, we usually assign labels to subsequences of a
trace and we assign a label to all the events of a subse-
quence. Moreover, note that an activity can be labeled
with different connectors in different events.
Afterward, we project the event log based on their
assigned connectors, consequently, we will have one
sub-log for each connector. We can use the following
function for this purpose.
Definition 2 (Event Log Projection). Let E L be
the universe of event logs and let EL=(C, E, π
, π
E L be a labeled event log. Moreover, let L L be
a set of labels. We define ep : E L × L 7 P(E L)
as an event log projection function that receives a
labeled event log and a set of connectors and re-
turn a set of projected event logs where ep(EL, L) =
, E
, π
, π
)|l L
= {e E|π
(e, label) =
l} C
= {c C||π
(c,trace) E
| > 0}}
In other words, for each connector, we gather all
the events (and the cases if it remains at least one
event in it) with the corresponding label in a sub-
log. Note that
) = {}; how-
) |E| as it is possible
that some of the events have no labels.
Thereafter, for each of the projected sub-logs, we
discover a process model that represents the general
behavior in that sub-log. It is not necessary to use
similar parameters for different sub-logs. Note that as
we define a process model as a possible sequence of
activities, we can also consider the variants of the pro-
jected event logs (i.e., M
(c, variant)|c C
}) as
Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps
Figure 1: A schematic view of the proposed connector recommender system. In the training phase, logs with the labels (i.e.,
the expected connector) are provided and a model is extracted for each label. The recommendation step (i.e., application)
computes the conformance of the given trace against all models and selects the recommender associated with the highest
conformance (i.e., the model that best fits the behavior of the recommender).
Table 1: Some information about the event logs that are used in the evaluation.
Connector Traces Labeled Traces Train Traces Test Traces
Approvals 30 30 23 7
Googlecalendar 30 26 20 6
Microsoftforms 21 21 16 5
Office365users 21 18 14 4
Onenote 24 15 11 4
Outlook 21 21 16 5
Planner 21 18 13 5
RSS 18 12 8 4
Sendmail 18 18 13 5
Sharepoint 18 15 11 4
their process models. The discovered process models
will be passed to the next phase. In other words, the
output of the training phase is a set of process models
for the connectors.
In the application phase, we aim to recommend
some connectors for a given trace. For this purpose,
we compute the conformance of the trace with all the
discovered process models. The higher conformance
values mean it is more likely that the trace relates to
the corresponding connector. Thereafter, we recom-
mend the top-k connectors, i.e., the k connectors with
the highest conformance value.
In this section, we evaluate the proposed recom-
mender system by applying it to real event logs. First,
we explain the dataset that was used in the evaluation
and the detail of the implementation and evaluation.
Afterward, the evaluation results are discussed.
5.1 Experimental Setting
To evaluate the proposed connector recommender
system, we used a dataset containing 50 processes,
each of which contains 3 or more process instances
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Information about the discovered process models.
Model Places Arcs Transitions Activities Shared Activities Fitness Precision
Approvals 65 212 99 27 136 0.964 0.209
Googlecalendar 36 124 59 20 114 0.996 0.238
Microsoftforms 56 182 85 26 130 0.987 0.123
Office365users 48 160 76 19 123 0.960 0.154
Onenote 34 106 50 19 91 0.967 0.252
Outlook 59 196 93 26 128 0.992 0.199
Planner 58 192 92 23 104 0.979 0.124
RSS 27 86 43 13 74 0.987 0.353
Sendmail 49 152 70 19 119 1 0.272
Sharepoint 32 104 49 18 113 1 0.242
(i.e., cases)
. We have labeled the event logs using
experts with business knowledge, which gives us the
training dataset to be used with the proposed method.
There are 25 connectors (i.e., the labels) in the event
log, however, we preprocess the dataset and keep only
the 10 most frequent ones. We split the dataset into
train and test parts: in the train event logs, we had 145
cases (on average 14.5 cases per connector); whereas
in the test event logs, there were 49 cases. Some
statistics of this event log is presented in Table 1
We have implemented the proposed method in
Python, using the PM4Py library (Berti et al., 2019)
To discover process models, we have used the In-
ductive Miner (Leemans et al., 2013) with the noise
threshold value equal to 0.1 (to have more specific
process models). Furthermore, to compute the confor-
mance value, we have used the alignment technique.
To recommend connectors, we use cr
with different
To evaluate the accuracy of the recommendation,
we have used the following formula:
RetrieveRate =
|{LabeledConnector} {RecommendedConnectors}|
The higher value means a more accurate recom-
5.2 Experimental Results
As explained, we first need to discover process mod-
els using the projected event logs. Some information
The event log is available at
This preprocessed labeled dataset is available at https:
The implementation is available at
about the discovered process models is given in Ta-
ble 2. In this table, activities indicate the number of
labeled transitions in process models, and shared ac-
tivities show how many times the activities appear in
the other process models. The fitness and precision
values indicate the quality of process models. As it
can be noted in the table, for all process models, we
have high fitness and low precision, which is mainly
because of the noise threshold that is used (i.e., 0.1).
Among the models, RSS has the fewest activities and
shared activities. The highest
shared activities
value be-
longs to the process model of Office365users connec-
Fig. 2 shows the discovered process model of the
RSS connector.
In the next step, we used the discovered process
models to detect which connectors should be recom-
mended for each trace in the test event logs. The re-
sults of using the proposed connector recommender
system on the test data are presented in Table 3.
The results show that for some connectors, e.g., Of-
fice365users, the labeled connector exists in the rec-
ommended connectors, even by recommending a few
connectors. It is mainly because the discovered pro-
cess model for these connectors is more distinguish-
able. On the other hand, for RSS connector, even by
increasing the number of recommended connectors,
the labeled connector does not exist in the list of rec-
ommendations. The low accuracy for the recommen-
dations of RSSs cases could be related to the few gen-
eral labeled activities in its process model. Moreover,
as we can see in Table 2, the precision of the pro-
cess model of this connector is higher compared to
the other process models.
It can be seen that by increasing the number of
recommended connectors, i.e., k, we have a higher
retrieve rate. However, recommending too many
connectors can reduce the benefit of the proposed
method. Therefore, finding optimal ways of properly
Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps
Figure 2: The process model (in Petri net description) discovered on projected event log of RSS connector.
Table 3: Retrieve Rate of the proposed method using different k values for different connectors.
Retrieve Rate
Connector Records k = 1 k = 2 k = 3 k = 4 k = 5
Approvals 7 0.57 0.71 0.71 1 1
Googlecalendar 6 0.5 0.5 0.67 1 1
Microsoftforms 5 0.6 0.6 0.8 1 1
Office365users 4 0.75 0.75 1 1 1
Onenote 4 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5
Outlook 5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8
Planner 5 0.6 0.8 0.8 1 1
RSS 4 0 0 0 0 0.25
Sendmail 5 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
Sharepoint 5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8
Table 4: The number of times that each connector is recommended when different k-values are used.
Approvals Googlecalendar Microsoftforms Office365users Onenote Outlook Planner RSS Sendmail Sharepoint
k = 1 3 3 5 6 1 9 9 0 9 2
k = 2 8 5 12 9 2 12 16 0 20 5
k = 3 11 6 24 15 2 14 20 1 25 7
configuring k represents a significant future direction
of research.
In Table 4, we have provided the frequency of dif-
ferent connectors when different k-values are used.
Suppose that connector c is recommended as the mth
connector if we recommend k m connectors, this
connector will be presented among them too. The
results indicate that we recommend some connectors
like Sendmail and Microsoftforms more often. Con-
versely, we infrequently recommend some connectors
like RSS and Onenote which are recommended only 3
times. The reason for this is due to the absolute fre-
quency of the activities in the projected event logs:
some connectors are more common to appear in all
logs hence these are able to replay traces of other con-
nectors with higher fitness value.
5.3 Discussion and Limitation
While the work has been validated with experiments
on real datasets, which revealed the efficacy of the
technique, further investigations are needed to gener-
alize the conclusions.
The proposed method assumes that most activities
in the projected training event logs exist in the traces
belonging to the connector we want to recommend.
To overcome this limitation, NLP techniques such as
semantic similarity methods (Hayes and Henderson,
2021) can be applied to define equivalence classes for
activities with different names but same action.
The performance of discovered process model is
highly dependent on the quality of discovered pro-
cess models. For example, if we discover a flower
model (van der Aalst et al., 2010), the process model
will have high fitness values for different traces. The
mining algorithm and the used setting for it can be
seen as a hyperparameter of the technique and, like
k, requires further investigation. But, contextual in-
formation is required to properly configure the tech-
The proposed method is a supervised technique
and requires labeled event logs. Labeling can be ex-
pensive and time-consuming, but tools can be used to
provide a rough estimate of the label. Additionally,
labeling is only required once, and pre-trained mod-
els (Qiu et al., 2020) can be used to reduce the effort.
Transform learning and pre-trained models (Qiu et al.,
2020) can also be used due to the limited set of labels
(i.e., the set of all connectors in MPA).
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The proposed process-aware recommender system is
a promising method for suggesting optimal steps to-
wards process automation. By leveraging process
models discovered from sub-logs created based on ac-
tivity projections and assigned connectors in labeled
event logs, the system uses user behavior to make rec-
ommendations. The results from applying this system
to real event logs, previously labeled by an expert,
demonstrate that for most connectors, the system is
able to recommend the expected automation steps ac-
To further improve the system’s effectiveness, fu-
ture research will consider additional data attributes,
such as the resources that execute activities and time
dimensions, and explore other techniques such as as-
sociation rule mining. Finally, classical data mining
approaches will also be considered to compare the
system’s performance with alternative approaches.
Overall, these efforts will enhance the system’s rec-
ommendation capabilities and further validate its use-
fulness in process automation.
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications