The proposed process-aware recommender system is
a promising method for suggesting optimal steps to-
wards process automation. By leveraging process
models discovered from sub-logs created based on ac-
tivity projections and assigned connectors in labeled
event logs, the system uses user behavior to make rec-
ommendations. The results from applying this system
to real event logs, previously labeled by an expert,
demonstrate that for most connectors, the system is
able to recommend the expected automation steps ac-
To further improve the system’s effectiveness, fu-
ture research will consider additional data attributes,
such as the resources that execute activities and time
dimensions, and explore other techniques such as as-
sociation rule mining. Finally, classical data mining
approaches will also be considered to compare the
system’s performance with alternative approaches.
Overall, these efforts will enhance the system’s rec-
ommendation capabilities and further validate its use-
fulness in process automation.
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Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps