How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy?
An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD
Zakaria Maamar
1 a
, Amel Benna
2 b
, Yang Xu
3 c
, Mohamed Adel Serhani
4 d
Minglin Li
, Huiru Huang
, Wassim Benadjel
and Nacereddine Sitouah
College of Computing and IT, University of Doha for Science and Technology, Doha, Qatar
Department of Multimedia and Information Systems, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
College of Computing and Informatics, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Computer Science Faculty, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Internet-of-Things, ODRL, Privacy, WoT TD.
Despite the multiple advantages of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), many users are still skeptical considering
IoT as another disruptive information and communication technology that is “silently” invading their privacy
with the risk of having their habits, preferences, and choices exposed publicly. To mitigate this silent in-
vasion, this paper looks into innovative ways of making IoT sensitive to privacy by first, allowing users to
explicitly express what is permitted, forbidden, and obliged over their personal data using the Open Digital
Rights Language (ODRL), and second, adjusting things’ specifications like the Web-of-Things Thing Descrip-
tion (WoT TD), so that things would act according to these users’ permissions, prohibitions, and obligations.
A system implementing and demonstrating the blend of ODRL with WoT TD is presented based on a case
study capturing privacy concerns in a center for elderly people.
Despite the tremendous advances in Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Privacy re-
mains one of the persistent concerns that constitutes
a major obstacle to the expansion and adoption of
many ICTs (Silva et al., 2021). Indeed, poor han-
dling of privacy could have severe consequences on
both persons and businesses. To avoid similar situ-
ations and mitigate their consequences, many initia-
tives exist with focus, in this paper, on Open Digital
Rights Language ODRL. ODRL is used to express that
“something is permitted, forbidden, or obliged, pos-
sibly limited by some constraints” (W3C, 2018).
To exemplify ICTs that are revolutionizing the
way contextualized services are provisioned to users,
we consider the Internet-of-Things (IoT, (Gupta and
Quamara, 2020)). From autonomous farming equip-
ment to driverless vehicles and wearable health moni-
tors, IoTs benefits and uses are endless. It is predicted
that 41 billion IoT devices will exist by 2027 and
that 70% of vehicles will be connected to the Internet
by 2023
. However, despite all the benefits and uses
of IoT, privacy will slow down IoTs “silent” invasion
into people’s lives (Mohanta et al., 2021). Whether
visible or invisible, things collect details about peo-
ple’s (and even about other things) habits, prefer-
ences, etc. Although this collection could be subject
to approvals, requesting approval for every single de-
tail and continuously would become over time cum-
bersome and inefficient. To address privacy concern
in an IoT ecosystem, we examine in this paper how
to make things “aware” of their rights of and duties
towards the data they get, and the actions they per-
form over these data. Could we blend ODRL with any
appropriate thing description-language to achieve this
awareness and hence, have a new generation of things
Maamar, Z., Benna, A., Xu, Y., Serhani, M., Li, M., Huang, H., Benadjel, W. and Sitouah, N.
How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy? An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD.
DOI: 10.5220/0012047600003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sensitive to privacy? Being W3C de facto standard to
describe things, we adopt the World-of-Things Thing
Description (WoT TD) to concretize this blend.
WoT TD abstracts a thing, whether physical or
virtual, into an entity that would logically reside
in an ecosystem of things and would engage in in-
teractions with these things. To blend ODRL with
WoT TD, we proceed with (i) examining separately
the model of each specification, (ii) identifying poten-
tial overlaps/correspondences between the 2 models’
constructs, and finally, (iii) using these constructs to
make WoT TD-based things sensitive to ODRL-based
rights and duties. Section 2 is an overview of IoT,
ODRL, and WoT TD. Section 3 is the core of the paper
by presenting a case study and conceptualizing and
operationalizing the blend of ODRL with WoT TD for
an IoT sensitive to privacy. Section 4 concludes the
paper and discusses future work.
This section presents IoT, ODRL, and WoT TD.
2.1 Overview of IoT
A good number of works on IoT exist, which in fact
does not help define IoT from a unique perspective
(e.g., (Abdmeziem et al., 2016), (Barnaghi and Sheth,
2016), and (Taivalsaari and Mikkonen, 2017)). For
illustration, Abdmeziem et al. present IoT character-
istics and enabling technologies (Abdmeziem et al.,
2016). The former include distribution, interoperabil-
ity, scalability, resource scarcity, and security. And,
the latter include sensing, communication, and actu-
ating, and are mapped onto a 3-layer IoT architecture
referred to as perception, network, and application.
In (Barnaghi and Sheth, 2016), Barnaghi and Sheth
discuss IoTs requirements and challenges. Require-
ments are related to quality, latency, trust, availabil-
ity, reliability, and continuity that should impact effi-
cient access and use of IoT data and services. And,
challenges result from today’s IoT ecosystems that
feature billions of dynamic things that make existing
search, discovery, and access techniques inappropri-
ate for IoT data and services. Finally, Qin et al. define
IoT from a data perspective as “In the context of the
Internet, addressable and interconnected things, in-
stead of humans, act as the main data producers, as
well as the main data consumers. Computers will be
able to learn and gain information and knowledge to
solve real world problems directly with the data fed
from things. As an ultimate goal, computers enabled
by the Internet of Things technologies will be able to
sense and react to the real world for humans” (Qin
et al., 2016).
2.2 Overview of ODRL
ODRL is an example of Rights Expression Lan-
guages (REL) that provides a flexible and interop-
erable information model, vocabulary, and encoding
mechanisms to represent statements about the poten-
tial uses of assets. An asset is an identifiable resource
(or collection of resources) such as data/information,
content/media, applications, and services. The ODRL
information model is available at
odrl-model and whose main constructs are:
Policy could include one to many permission, pro-
hibition, or duty rules. First, Permission allows an
action over an asset if all constraints are satisfied
and all duties are fulfilled. Second, Prohibition
disallows an action over an asset if all constraints
are satisfied. And, Duty is the obligation to exer-
cise an action that over an asset or not.
Party is an entity or collection of entities that
could correspond to a person, group of persons,
organisation, or agent. A party can fulfill differ-
ent roles including assigner (issuer of the rule),
and assignee (recipient of the rule),
Constraint is used to refine the specification of an
action and a party/asset collection or to declare
conditions applicable to a rule.
In JSON-LD Listing 1, the assigner (line 6) in
charge of an asset, movie1 (line 5), refers to a pol-
icy labelled as agreement (line 3) consisting of one
permission rule and one prohibition rule. The per-
mission rule (line 4) that is concerned with display
action (line 8) that an assignee, smart TV (line 7),
will execute subject to satisfying the constraint of
not enabling the permission rule for more than
4 hours (lines 10-13). The prohibition rule (line 14)
that is concerned with digitize action (line 18) that is
associated with the same assignee (line 17). Should
the assignee execute this action, then the remedy
would be to apply the action anonymize (line 20) to
the asset that is movie1 (line 21).
Listing 1: Excerpt of movies ODRL specification.
1 {" @c o n t e xt ": " htt p : // w ww . w 3 . or g / ns / o drl . js o n ld "
2 " ui d ": " ht t p : // e x a m ple . co m / p o licy : 0 1 " ,
3 " @ typ e " : " A g r e e ment " ,
4 " p e r m i ssion " : [{
5 " ta r get " : " htt p : // ex a m ple . co m / a sse t : mo v ie 1 ",
6 " as s i g ner ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / Mo v ie 1 P art y :
org " ,
7 " as s i g nee ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / sma rt - TV " ,
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
8 " ac t ion " : " d i spl a y " ,
9 " co n s t r a i nt ": [{
10 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " m e t e r e d T ime ",
11 " op e r a tor ": " it eq " ,
12 " ri g h t O p e r a n d " : { " @va l u e ": " P 4H" ,
" @ t ype " : " xsd : dur a t i o n " },
13 " u n it " : " ht tps : // www . w i k idat a . org /
wi ki / Q2 523 5 "}]}] ,
14 " p r o h i b i tion ": [{
15 " ta r get " : " htt p : // ex a m ple . co m / a sse t : mo v ie 1 ",
16 " as s i g ner ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / Mo v ie 1 P art y :
org " ,
17 " as s i g nee ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / sma rt - TV " ,
18 " ac t ion " : " di g i t i ze ",
19 " re m edy " : [{
20 " ac t ion " : " an o n y m i z e ",
21 " ta r get " : " htt p : // ex a m ple . co m / a sse t : mo v ie 1 "}
22 }
2.3 Overview of WoT TD
WoT TD is a central building block in the W3C WoT
and can be considered as a Things entry point (W3C,
2020). It describes the metadata and interfaces of
things, where a thing is an abstraction of a physi-
cal or virtual entity that provides interactions to and
participates in the WoT. Thing Descriptions provide a
set of interactions based on a limited vocabulary that
makes it possible both to integrate diverse devices and
to allow diverse applications to interoperate. Fig. 1 is
an excerpt of WoT TD model that is built upon 4 Vo-
cabulary parts having each a namespace: (i) core TD
Vocabulary defines the interaction model, (ii) Data
Schema Vocabulary describes a common subset of
terms defined in a JSON Schema, (iii) WoT Security
Vocabulary identifies the configuration of the security
mechanisms, and (iv) Hypermedia Controls Vocabu-
lary provides a representation for Web links and Web
forms that a Thing exposes to potential end-users.
In Fig. 1, InteractionAffordance is how end-users
and/or peers could interact with a Thing: Properties
of type PropertyAffordance allows to sense and con-
trol parameters, Actions of type ActionAffordance al-
lows to invoke physical processes, and Events of type
EventAffordance allows to asynchronously push com-
munications such as notifications, discrete events, and
streams of values to receivers.
Listing 2 shows a WoT TD instance of a lamp
Thing referred to as MyLampThing. Thanks to this
description, we know that there exists one Property
affordance with the title status (line 8), an Action af-
fordance is specified to toggle (lines 12-13) the switch
status, and an Event affordance known as overheat-
ing (line 15) that enables a mechanism for asyn-
chronous messages to be sent by a Thing. The list-
ing also specifies a basic security scheme requiring a
username and password for access (line 5).
Listing 2: Excerpt of lamps WoT TD specification.
1 {" @c o n t e xt ": " htt p s : // www . w 3 . org /2 0 1 9 / wo t / td /v1
2 "id ": " urn : de v : ops : 3 2 4 7 3 - WoT Lam p - 1 2 3 4 ",
3 " t itl e " : " M y L a m p T h ing ",
4 " s e c u r i t y D e f i n i t i o n s " : {
5 " ba s i c _sc ":{" sc h e me " :" b a sic " , " in " : " h eade r "}
6 " se c u r ity ": [ " b asic _ s c " ] ,
7 " pr o p e r t i es ": {
8 " st a tus " : {.. . " f orm s " : [{" hr ef " : " ... " }]}
9 " ac t ions " : {
10 " to g gle " : {" for m s ": [{" h ref " : ".. . "}]}},
11 " ev ents " :{
12 " ov e r h e a t i n g " :{.. .}}
13 }
To the best of our knowledge, there are no research
that specifically examine the blend of ODRL with
thing descriptions/WoT TD.
After presenting a case study that sheds light on pri-
vacy concerns, the rest of this section conceptualizes
and operationalizes ODRL/WoT TD blend. Different
WoT TD and WoT TD specifications and screenshots
are used for illustration purposes.
3.1 Case Study
To illustrate ODRL/WoT TD blend for an IoT sensi-
tive to privacy, our case study targets a long-term
care center for elderly people. On different occasions,
these people get together in the living room to watch
movies among other activities. First, we treat movie
as an asset whose use needs to be regulated. And,
we treat smart TV as a thing that would act upon
movies through specific actions. The smart TV is syn-
chronized with the elderly people’s smartphones mak-
ing them a second thing in the case study that would
act upon movies sometimes through the smart TV.
When playing movies, the smart TV would record
details like titles, ratings, and years of release. While
these details seem insignificant for elderly people,
third parties like drug companies could use them
to develop targeted awareness campaigns that could
make these people subscribe to some healthcare pro-
grams. To prevent the smart TV from collecting de-
tails for unauthorized uses and/or sharing details with
unapproved third-parties, we resort to ODRL poli-
cies. Our objective is to ensure that the smart TV
How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy? An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD
Figure 1: Excerpt of WoT TD information-model ((W3C, 2020)).
designated as assignee according to ODRL terminol-
ogy, is aware of the permission, duty, and prohibi-
tion rules impacting movies and hence, sensitive to
any privacy concerns. To this end, we specify the as-
signee/smart TV in WoT TD considering these per-
missions, duties, and prohibitions. This would make
the smart TV’s actions compliant with ODRL policies
by for instance, sharing a movie’s title because of a
permission rule, enforcing a movie’s rating because of
a duty rule, and scheduling a movie’s viewing hours
because of a prohibition rule. The way we correspond
asset-assignee:action to thing:action and identify and
specify smart TV and smartphone is given next.
3.2 Approach Conceptualization
Fig. 2 conceptualizes the approach to blend ODRL
with WoT TD by carrying out some operations at
design-time (d) and the rest at run-time (r). Dur-
ing this blend, 2 software engineering best-practices
are applied. First, ODRL specifications of assets
and WoT TD specifications of things remain loosely
coupled allowing their potential re-uses in other
case studies without being restricted to specific ones.
Second, this loosely coupling allows achieving the
separation of concerns principle (Kambayashi and
Ledgard, 2004).
Operations at Design Time. 2 stakeholders, asset
owners and IoT engineers, are involved. The former
use the asset-definition module to identify the neces-
sary assets, e.g., movie, according to the case study’s
needs and requirements and to specify these assets
in ODRL. During the specification of assets (1
2 ODRL constructs are deemed critical with respect
to the policies linked to these assets: assignee and
action. Upon receipt of the asset specifications from
the asset-definition module, the extractor module (2
extracts the assignee and action constructs along with
other associated details like policy and constraints and
makes them available to the IoT engineer. This one
uses the thing-definition module to first, specify fu-
ture things and their actions that would match as-
signees and actions (3
), respectively, and second,
identify additional things that would be deemed nec-
essary with respect to the case study’s needs and re-
quirements (4
). In all cases, things will be specified
in WoT TD. Since the additional things could act upon
assets, the IoT engineer would inform the owners of
these assets. The objective is to adjust these assets’
ODRL specifications, as they see fit (5
). More details
about developing thing specifications and adjusting
asset specifications are given in Section 3.3. With re-
spect to the elderly-center case study, smart TV would
be associated with operation (3
) and smartphone
would be associated with operations (4
) and (5
Operations at Run Time. Upon submitting both as-
set specifications and thing specifications to the de-
ployer module, this one makes things and assets re-
side in the cyber-physical ecosystem as either phys-
ical or digital entities so they act according to their
respective specifications. In conjunction with this de-
ployment, the deployer module informs the monitor-
ing module about the things and assets so that it an-
alyzes their behaviors and notifies the IoT engineers
and asset owners, respectively, of any potential de-
viations from the prescribed thing and asset specifi-
cations. For instance, a thing acting as an assignee
does not commit to a duty policy or violates a prohi-
bition policy. More details about run-time operations
are presented in Section 3.4.
3.3 Thing Identification and
As stated earlier, there exist 2 ways to identify an
IoT ecosystem’s future things, whether physical or
digital, that could act upon assets. An ecosystem
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Asset definition
Case study
Design time Run time
Chronology of
i Repository
Thing definition
Asset specifications
Figure 2: Representation of ODRL-WoT TD approach.
could be our elderly care-center. The first way taps
into the assignee construct in all ODRL specifications
where every assignee becomes an independent thing
(Thing as per Fig. 1). The second way taps into the re-
quirements of the under-development IoT applications
of the case study like the elderly center. Indeed, the
IoT engineer identifies new things not reported in the
ODRL specifications, as he sees fit. Let us illustrate
the first way of thing identification. Here the IoT en-
gineer proceeds in 2 steps:
1. In the first step, the IoT engineer uses some details
extracted from Listing 1 to convert the assignees,
e.g., smart TV, into things and to put together a
preliminary version of these things’ WoT TD spec-
ifications like the one shown in Listing 3. The
IoT engineer also refers to details from Listing 1
and how these things are used in daily life to insert
some properties, e.g., status (line 7), and some
actions, e.g., switchON, switchOFF, and display,
(lines 23, 24, and 25-31, respectively), into their
WoT TD specifications with focus on ActionAffor-
dance as per Fig. 1. For those actions, e.g., dis-
play, already reported in Listing 1 and then, List-
ing 3, it is required that they are not part of any
prohibition policies in the assets’ ODRL specifica-
tions. Otherwise, the actions will be treated differ-
ently for instance, discarded at the IoT engineer’s
own discretion.
2. In the second step, the IoT engineer ensures
that the actions in Listing 3 would comply
with their existing constrained definitions in List-
ing 1, should these actions already exist in the
ODRL specifications. For instance, the IoT en-
gineer ensures the compliance of the display ac-
tion with its associated constraints by includ-
ing in Listing 3 first, an additional action, sus-
pend (line 32), along with its necessary parame-
ters, displayValidityPeriod and movie-id (lines 34-
35) to put displaying movies on hold, and second,
additional properties, possibleMovies (line 21) for
the list of possible movies that this TV can display
and dispTime (lines 8-12) for the time elapsed
since the permission rule to display a movie is ac-
Still in the first way of thing identification with
focus here on the prohibited actions with remedy,
e.g., digitize in Listing 1. Should the IoT engineer
decide on retaining these actions in things’ WoT TD
specifications, e.g., digitize in Listing 3 (line 40), then
the remedy actions must be included in these specifi-
cations, e.g., anonymize in Listing 3 (line 41). Finally,
for those prohibited actions without remedy, they are
automatically discarded from the analysis of assets’
ODRL specifications. These actions cannot be exe-
Listing 3: Excerpt of smart TVs WoT TD specification.
1 {" @c o n t e xt ": " htt p s : // www . w 3 . org /2 0 1 9 / wo t / td /v1
2 "id ": " ht tp : // e x a mpl e . com / sm art - tv " ,
3 " nam e ": " S m art T V " ,
4 " s e c u r i t y D e f i n i t i o n s " : {.. . },
5 " s e c urit y " : [ . .. ] ,
6 " p r o p e rties " :{
7 " st atus " :{... }
8 " di s p T ime ":{
9 " ob s e r v a b le ": tru e ,
10 " de s c r i p t i o n " : " d i spla y ti m e o f mov i e by
sm a rt TV " ,
11 " t y pe " : " in t e ger ",
12 " mi n i mum " : 0 ...},
13 " mo v i e _ d e t a i l s " : {
14 " t i tle " : " de t a i ls ",
15 " ob s e r v a b le ": tru e ,
16 " t y pe " : " ob j ect " ,
17 " de s c r i p t i o n " : " d e tail s of t he m o vie
dis p l a y e d ",
18 " pr o p e r t i es ": {
19 " Dat e _ o f _ r e l e a s e " : {" ty p e ": " Da t e ",
How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy? An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD
20 " Du r a t ion ":{" ty pe " : " in t e ger ", ... }...
21 " po s s i b l e M o v i e s " :{... }, .. .},
22 " a c tion s " :{
23 " sw i t c hON ":{. ..},
24 " sw i t c h OFF ":{...},
25 " di s p lay " :{
26 " de s c r i p t i o n " : " D i spla y mov i e ",
27 " i n put " : {" d i s p layTim e " : " int e g e r ", "
movie - id ": " an y U RI "},
28 " f o rms " : [{
29 " h r ef " : " htt p : // ex a mple . co m / sm ar t - tv /
dsp{? di s l a y T i m e , movie - id}" ,
30 " h t tp : m ethod N a m e " : " P O ST " ,
31 " co n t e n t T y p e " : " a p p l i c a t ion / j son "}]}
32 " su s p end " :{
33 " de s c r i p t i o n " : " S u spen d mov i e ",
34 " i n put " :{" displayV a l i d i t y P e r i o d " : " 2 4 0" ,
35 " movie - id " : " htt p : // exa m p le . com / as set :
mo v ie 1 "},
36 " f o rms " : [{
37 " h r ef " : " htt p s : // SM A R TTV . e x a mpl e . com /
su s p e nd{? d i s p l a y V a l i d i t y P e r i o d ,
movie - id }" ,
38 " h t tp : m ethod N a m e " : " P O ST " ,
39 " co n t e n t T y p e " : " applic a t i o n / js on "},
40 " di g i t ize ":{. ..},
41 " an o n y m ize ":{...}... }
42 }
We now discuss the second way of thing identi-
fication. Contrarily to smart TV that is specifically
reported in movies ODRL specification, the IoT engi-
neer decides on having extra things, e.g., remote con-
trol and smartphone, that would allow to satisfy the
needs and requirements of the case study’s under-
development IoT applications. To this end, the IoT en-
gineer develops several WoT TD specifications from
scratch like Listing 4 for smartphone. In this listing,
many actions exist such as controlTV (line 21) that
configures a smart TV’s main functionalities from the
smartphone, displayOnTV (line 22) that switches dis-
playing movies from the smartphone to a smart TV,
and digitize (line 23) that produces a digital copy of
the displayed movies on the smartphone.
Listing 4: Excerpt of smartphones WoT TD specification.
1 {" @c o n t e xt ": " htt p s : // www . w 3 . org / 2 0 1 9 / wo t / td /v 1
2 "id ": " ht tp : // e x a mpl e . com / S m a r t phone /0 01",
3 " nam e ": " R e m o t e C o n t r o l " ,
4 " s e c u r i t y D e f i n i t i o n s " : {.. . },
5 " s e c urit y " : [ . .. ] ,
6 " p r o p e rties " :{
7 " st a tus " :{... },
8 " co n t a c t s L i s t " :{
9 " wr i t a ble ": true ,
10 " ob s e r v a b le ": tru e ,
11 " f o rms " : [{
12 " h r ef " : " ht tps : // S m artPh o n e . exam p l e
. c om / contact s L i s t "}]}, ... },
13 " a c tion s " :{
14 " sw i t c hON ":{. ..},
15 " ma n a g e C o n t a c t " :{
16 " f o rms " : [{
17 " h r ef " : " ht tps : // S m artPh o n e . exam p l e
. c om / contac t L i s t " ,
18 " h t tp : m ethod N a m e " : " P O ST " ,
19 " co n t e n t T y p e " : " a p p l i c a t ion / j son "}]
20 " do w n l o a d A p p " :{.. .},
21 " co n t r o lTV ":{...},
22 " di s p l a y O n T V " :{.. .},
23 " di g i t ize ":{. ..}, ... }
24 }
After specifying the extra things, i.e., remote con-
trol and smartphone, the IoT engineer decides on al-
lowing smartphones to act on movies by displaying
their trailers, for example. To accommodate this dis-
play in compliance with the existing ODRL specifica-
tion of movie (Listing 1), the owner adjusts this spec-
ification as per Listing 5 where the type is no longer
agreement but policy
(line 3), smartphone is added
as an assignee (line 7), and some properties are com-
pacted such as target (line 4).
Listing 5: Excerpt of movies adjusted ODRL specification.
1 {" @c o n t e xt ": " htt p : // w ww . w 3 . or g / ns / o drl . js o n ld "
2 " ui d ": " ht t p : // e x a m ple . co m / p o licy : 0 1 " ,
3 " @ typ e " : " Po l i cy ",
4 " t arge t " : " ht tp : // e x a mple . com / a sse t : mo vie 1 " ,
5 " a s s igne r " : " htt p : // ex a m ple . co m / M ovi e 1 Pa r ty : or g "
6 " p e r m i ssion " : [{
7 " as s i g nee ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / sma rt - TV /" ,
8 " as s i g nee ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / smart p h o n e / 0 0
1" ,
9 " ac t ion " : " di s p l ay ",
10 " co n s t r a i nt ": [{
11 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " m e t e r e d T ime ",
12 " op e r a tor ": " it eq " ,
13 " ri g h t O p e r a n d " : {" @ v a lue " : " P 4 H " , " @t y pe
": " xs d : d u r a t ion "},
14 " u n it " : " ht tps : // www . w i k idat a . org / wik i / Q 2
52 3 5 "}]}] ,
15 " p r o h i b i tion ":[{
16 " as s i g nee ": " h ttp : // exa m p l e . c om / sma rt - TV " ,
17 " ac tion " : " di g i t i ze ",
18 " re medy " : [{
19 " ac tion " : " an o n y m i z e "}]}]
20 }
It permits to support a rule being related to multiple
Assets, Parties, and Actions.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 3: OW s main interface along with some functionalities’ outcomes like monitoring.
3.4 Approach Implementation
To put ODRL-W oT TD blend into action, we im-
plemented a system, OW , in Python3 enhanced
with sip, pyqt5, and pyqtwebengine. Additional de-
velopment tools and libraries also include Nodejs,
ThingWeb node WoT, Postman, json, os, Naked,
and pathos. Fig. 3 shows OW s main interface
integrating 6 modules: asset definition that loads
any ODRL editor
, extractor, thing definition, thing
editor that loads Eclipse Edi{TD}or available at, deployer, and controller.
We asked asset owners to define their assets by
enacting the asset-definition module and then, fill-
ing out the necessary fields as they see fit. Next and
in compliance with the first option of thing identifica-
tion (Section 3.3), we invited an IoT engineer to enact
first, the extractor module allowing to generate rules
associated with the already-specified assets and sec-
ond, the thing-definition module to generate the initial
WoT TD specifications of future things like smart TV
(Fig. 4-before). Should the IoT engineer wish to re-
vise these specifications, he could do so by enacting
the thing-editor module. A video summarizing the
use of OW is available at
To deploy things, the deployer uses a functional
virtual device known as Servient. It provides stan-
dardized access, communication, and control capa-
bilities to physical devices. Fig. 4-after corresponds
to a deployed smart TV acting both as a server offer-
ing services such as switch on and display to users,
and as a client consuming these services. To deploy
assets like movies, we also associated them with a
Servient allowing things like smart TV to use these
assets. To ensure thing compliance with ODRL poli-
cies, the monitor module is enacted as per Fig. 3.
In this figure, the monitor reports the actions that a
user, through the smart TV, attempted to execute over
movies. Warnings due to rule violations are issued, if
deemed necessary. Finally, the monitor also reports
any updates of ODRL policies like added permissions
or dropped prohibitions.
During the implementation, we had to tackle
many challenges of different complexity levels. For
instance, we had to consider the variety of tools
adopted, the on-the-fly enrichment of assets, the sim-
ulation of real IoT devices and end-users during com-
munication, the alteration of things’ descriptions ac-
cording to ODRL, and, finally, the real-time monitor-
ing of things’ operations according to ODRL again.
In conjunction with these challenges, lessons learned
include defining assets as things in order to ensure
the privacy of their data and adding on-the-fly new
properties to things like smart TV in order to check
movies’ lists before executing any action. These prop-
erties permitted to communicate to the smart TV what
is permitted versus what is prohibited for each movie.
Although ThingWeb node WoT required accesses to
things’ properties through JavaScript promises, cod-
ing with JavaScript promises was tricky for real-time
applications. JavaScript code-execution is by default
asynchronous, which is not in line with how we envi-
sioned safeguarding the privacy of our things. These
properties played a major role in making things aware
of their current status. For instance, if a request is
sent to smart TV to play movie1, then the play action
will not start until the JavaScript promise containing
movie1s details is fulfilled and the play status prop-
erty contains the value ”Playing”. Consulting prop-
erties’ values happened periodically throughout the
smart TVs lifetime.
How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy? An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD
Figure 4: Excerpt of smart-TV definition before/after adjustment.
This paper presented what we would refer to as a win-
win partnership between ODRL and WoT TD. The
aim is to address privacy concerns in the particular
context of IoT. Users are more and more reluctant to
embracing IoT due to a variety of concerns with fo-
cus on privacy in this paper. To ensure that future
things “know” what they can and cannot do accord-
ing to users’ preferences, captured in ODRL, we ad-
justed these things’ specifications, exemplified with
WoT TD, according to these preferences that we de-
fine using ODRL-based permission, prohibition, and
obligation rules. A system demonstrating the blend of
ODRL with WoT TD has been developed using differ-
ent tools and technologies, and tested in the context of
a center for elderly people. Real things like smar t TV
and smartphone have been specified in a way they
have become sensitive to privacy thanks to rules in-
tegrated into ODRL policies. In term of future work,
we would to examine first, the appropriateness of ex-
posing things as assets (a cord construct in ODRL) and
hence, could be specified in ODRL as well, and sec-
ond, the adoption of aspect-oriented programming to
address cross-cutting concerns over things’ specifica-
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