K-DAD a Platform for Cooperative Learning in Primary Schools
Ersilia Vallefuoco
, Melanie Cristofolini, Massimo Zancanaro
and Paola Venuti
Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy
Cooperative Learning, Technology-Based Cooperative Learning, Educational Technology, Collaboration,
In Cooperative Learning (CL), students work together in small groups to achieve shared learning goals. Sev-
eral studies have proved that CL promotes active learning, social skills development, inclusion, and well-being
in the classroom. Technology can support CL-based interventions, providing different tools to increase learn-
ers’ participation and communication. However, few studies investigated the use of technology-based CL in
lower schools. We present a new digital platform, K-DAD, to support CL strategies in Italian primary and
lower secondary schools. To develop K-DAD, we used the learning management system Moodle, customiz-
ing appearance, interactions, and content architecture to provide a child-friendly e-learning environment. In
the platform, several CL activities and tasks were structured to promote environmental awareness as well as
diversity, equity, and inclusion. A prototype has been developed and further experimental investigations are
needed to estimate the usability and effectiveness of the K-DAD platform.
Cooperative Learning (CL) is an educational strat-
egy in which small groups of students cooperate to
accomplish shared learning goals to enhance their
and each other’s learning (Johnson and Johnson,
1990). Although there are different techniques of
CL, all are characterized by five core properties: 1)
positive interdependence: success or failure of the
group depends on each group member; 2) individ-
ual accountability: each group member is respon-
sible for achieving the final goal; 3) promotive in-
teraction: encourage positive collaboration and mu-
tual support; 4) social skills: communication, deci-
sion making, problem-solving, and handling of con-
flicts; 5) and group processing: monitoring and as-
sessing of group processes (Gillies, 2016). The ex-
tant literature demonstrates that CL improves indi-
vidual academic outcomes (Yeh and Fu, 2014; Yusuf
et al., 2019), supports social (Veldman et al., 2020),
emotional (Fernandez-Perez and Martin-Rojas, 2022;
Han and Son, 2020), and critical thinking skills (Erdo-
gan, 2019) development, facilitates the involvement
of the students (Tran, 2019), and promotes inclusion
and well-being in the classroom (Klang et al., 2020;
Van Ryzin and Roseth, 2019; V
ollinger and Supanc,
Johnson and Johnson (2014) discussed the pri-
mary role of digital technologies in supporting CL
strategies, especially in communication and cooper-
ative learning activities. The combined use of prop-
erly designed technologies and CL promotes student-
centered learning in which the learners are actively
part of their learning process, whereas the instruc-
tor acts as a facilitator (Silalahi and Hutauruk, 2020;
Bodsworth and Goodyear, 2017). According to Wang
and Wu (2022), digital technologies change the tra-
ditional learning environment into a CL environment
by providing new tools to increase learners’ partic-
ipation. Furthermore, they may support teachers in
creating groups in a more structured way (Jacobs and
Ivone, 2020) as well as easily monitor and assess
the contributions and actions of each group member
(Nam, 2014).
Several studies (Silalahi and Hutauruk, 2020;
Aghajani and Adloo, 2018; Wang and Wu, 2022;
Sarif and Maknun, 2022) investigated the efficacy
and effectiveness of implementing online CL inter-
ventions. This specific aspect became especially im-
portant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Møgelvang
et al. (2023) studied the effects of a digital CL inter-
vention in a cohort of undergraduate Norwegian stu-
dents. The CL-based intervention was organized so
Vallefuoco, E., Cristofolini, M., Zancanaro, M. and Venuti, P.
K-DAD a Platform for Cooperative Learning in Pr imary Schools.
DOI: 10.5220/0011990000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 345-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that the students’ groups met twice a week for five
weeks in Zoom meetings. The results pointed out sig-
nificant increments in the psychological measures of
sense of belonging and perceived generic skills. In an-
other study (Sugino, 2021), the impact of online CL
on students’ participation using the system of virtual
classroom Google Workspace for Education was ex-
plored. In particular, chat, pools, and video-meeting
were used to organize group interactions and discus-
sions. Overall, high levels of participation and coop-
eration were measured.
In addition to online CL, several studies (Bosch
et al., 2019, 2020; Sukmawati et al., 2020; Bosch
and Laubscher, 2019; Yang et al., 2021; Yapici, 2016)
have shown how CL can be applied in a blended learn-
ing environment to improve learning outcomes. For
instance, Yapici (2016) assessed the effectiveness of
blended CL in teaching biology. In this study, dif-
ferent cooperative activities (quizzes, glossaries, and
drag-and-drop activities), in a Moodle-based learn-
ing management system (LMS) were developed. The
findings suggest that blended CL increases the stu-
dents’ classroom community and academic achieve-
Nevertheless, the educational, social, and tech-
nological aspects need to be planned and defined
clearly for achieving effectiveness in a technology-
based CL intervention (Wang and Wu, 2022). For
what concerns the educational and social aspects, sev-
eral guidelines (Johnson et al., 1994; Johnson and
Johnson, 1990; Gillies, 2016) were developed to help
instructors to implement and organize CL activities
and promote positive interactions and communica-
tion. Yet, a smaller number of studies (among them,
notably Nilakusmawati et al., 2021; Bodnenko et al.,
2020; Zhou and Lewis, 2021) provide detailed indi-
cations of technological tools suitable for CL. There-
fore, there is high heterogeneity in computer applica-
tions employed (e.g., web-based applications, LMSs,
social networks, apps, and games) (Jacobs and Ivone,
2020; Silalahi and Hutauruk, 2020). In addition, most
studies in technology-based CL have involved univer-
sity or high school students; yet, the usability, design,
and content management of many applications are not
well-suited for teachers and pupils in primary and
lower secondary schools (Bodsworth and Goodyear,
Based on this background, this paper presents a
new platform, K-DAD, meant to support and facili-
tate CL in primary and lower secondary schools. K-
DAD is specifically designed to enhance cooperation
among pupils, promote social skills development, en-
gage pupils in educational activities, and facilitate
learning of specific didactic content. The educational
objectives of K-DAD are to improve knowledge and
awareness of environmental and inclusion issues. To
achieve these goals, we have developed several ac-
tivities, such as educational games, wikis, glossaries,
and concept maps, that are aligned with CL strate-
gies. Moodle 4.0 was used as LMS to develop the
first release of the platform. The remaining part of
the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides
an overview of the platform, illustrating the design
phases; Section 3 discusses research questions, hy-
potheses, and future directions.
The design involved a multidisciplinary expert team
to evaluate how to implement several CL-based dig-
ital activities in the platform, assess users’ require-
ments as well as technological aspects. The team
adopted a cyclic process for the design and develop-
ment phases, organizing periodic meetings to discuss,
review and program each advance.
Following previous studies (Yapici, 2016; Sulis-
woro et al., 2016; Nilakusmawati et al., 2021), we
adopted as a technological solution the LMS Moo-
dle, version 4.0. Moodle is one of the most popular
open-source LMS to support e-learning, assist tradi-
tional face-to-face learning, and implement specific
teaching-learning strategies (Gamage et al., 2022). It
also supports the creation, sharing, and management
of educational content, the interaction among pupils
and between the teacher and the pupils, monitoring
and assessment of pupils by the teacher, and espe-
cially the development of personalized e-learning en-
vironments (Ziraba et al., 2020).
2.1 The K-DAD Platform
The K-DAD platform is a CL-based platform target-
ing Italian pupils of primary (fourth and fifth grade)
and lower secondary school (sixth and seventh grade).
The K-DADs goals are to enhance pupils’ social and
soft skills training, and promote inclusion in the class-
room via technology-based CL.
To design the platform, we analyzed macro- and
micro-interactions of users within the basic theme of
Moodle to ameliorate usability issues and other is-
sues to make K-DAD more attractive for pupils in pri-
mary and secondary schools. In line with previous
studies (Hasan, 2019; Su
arez et al., 2022; Mkpojiogu
et al., 2018), the analysis emphasized the necessity to
modify and customize several user interface elements,
such as the graphical style, interactions, and content
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Screenshot of the first section of K-DAD: Little Environmentalist. This section involves activities aimed to become
environmentally responsible. In particular, the activities were organized into three main sub-sections: Recycle, Avoid Waste,
and Alternative Energy.
Concerning the appearance, we assessed sev-
eral themes provided by Moodle and eventually cus-
tomized a specific modern theme (CONECTI.ME
LTDA, 2022) by using an appealing palette of colors,
icons, and illustrations. Furthermore, as suggested by
Lyu et al. (2022), we used colors to visually support
the navigation of the users through pages of the plat-
form, attract users’ attention, and express information
(e.g., each section has different colors). In addition,
users can change text size and color background based
on their visual needs.
Following the advice of Mkpojiogu et al. (2018),
we structured and simplified the navigation inside the
platform: i) creating direct links between the home
page and the platform sections; ii) introducing a nav-
igation menu for returning to the previous page; iii)
redirecting to a new page to show subsections; iv)
designed minimal and clear menu. Moreover, we in-
serted a virtual tour to guide the user at the first access
to the platform and created video tutorials and instruc-
tions, available inside K-DAD. Additionally, we cus-
tomized the Italian language pack available by default
in Moodle to adopt a style more suited for kids.
We designed the content architecture using card
blocks to cluster sections and subsections and avoided
providing too much information on a single page (Fig-
ure 1). Providing clear instructional design is aimed
to help pupils focus on the content to be learned (Ni-
lakusmawati et al., 2021).
2.1.1 CL Activities
Up to now, K-DAD is organized into two main sec-
tions aimed at promoting environmental knowledge
and awareness (Il Piccolo Ambientalista, the little en-
vironmentalist) as well as diversity, equity, and in-
clusion (Diversamente uguali, we are different and
equal). Following Veldman et al. (2020), we orga-
nized the tasks starting with a story introducing a so-
cial problem related to the selected topics. After this
introduction, pupils are involved in several activities
and tasks that include:
concept maps;
boards to express and organize opinions and
cooperative educational games such as platform
games (as shown in Figure 2), drag-and-drop
games, crosswords, quizzes, play-roles, and puz-
zle games;
collaborative writing (wikis);
synchronous (e.g., chat) and asynchronous (e.g.,
forum) communication tools.
These activities have been structured to be carried
out in small groups and each group member has a spe-
cific role. At the end of each activity, both the group
as a whole and each individual member receive feed-
back and reward based on their outcomes.
For example, upon completing the Il Piccolo Am-
bientalista section, pupils are awarded a certificate
that accredits their competencies and level of envi-
ronmental responsibility. The activities were embed-
ded in the platform and implemented using both de-
fault activities of Moodle, specific plugins, or external
tools, especially for educational games.
K-DAD a Platform for Cooperative Learning in Primary Schools
Figure 2: Screenshot of an educational game, developed in
the platform K-DAD. The game provides that the player puts
waste in the right bin.
The aim of this paper is to introduce an Italian digital
CL-based platform tailored for pupils of primary and
lower secondary schools. Following previous studies
(Sulisworo et al., 2016; Yapici, 2016; Nilakusmawati
et al., 2021; Gamage et al., 2022), we have devel-
oped a Moodle-based platform to provide a flexible
and customized e-learning environment. To prevent
usability issues, we have designed a clear and struc-
tured user interface with child-friendly elements. To
facilitate the CL tasks, we integrated several plugins
and implemented different group activities. In partic-
ular, we developed two main sections as examples and
provided indications to teachers for implementing and
structuring other CL tasks into the platform.
CL offers an instructional paradigm to promote
active learning, teamwork, critical thinking, and
decision-making skills (Gillies, 2016). Specifically,
pupils can experiment with a positive experience of
interdependence in which they can co-construct new
knowledge and learn by themselves and others (John-
son and Johnson, 1990). To foster this form of
knowledge-sharing cooperation and collaboration, a
key role is played by the organizational structure
within the educational environment that ensures dif-
ferent actors cooperate on the same project and share
information inside and outside their group (Johnson
et al., 1994; Johler, 2022). Therefore, integrating CL
into the learning platform offers the opportunity to
create an organized space of communication, collab-
oration, sharing, organization, and monitoring to sup-
port both teachers and pupils (Sulisworo et al., 2016;
Yapici, 2016; Huang et al., 2020).
Despite the potential benefits, there is a lack of re-
search investigating the implementation of CL-based
digital platforms in lower schools due to the need
for a variety of resources, tools, specific equipment
in classrooms, and a high level of involvement and
training of teachers (Zhou and Lewis, 2021; Veldman
et al., 2020). Previous research (Akram et al., 2021;
Blikstad-Balas and Klette, 2020) demonstrated that
the use of technological tools, especially interaction
with pupils, can be challenging for teachers in differ-
ent ways. For instance, teachers may not be experts
in educational technologies and then not always iden-
tify the several opportunities that technologies offer
in traditional learning settings (Johler, 2022; Cachia
et al., 2021). In addition, using technology-based CL
requires teachers to appropriately design CL tasks as
well as to evaluate the suitability of the technological
applications in order to produce effective learning and
guarantee collaborative processes (Jacobs and Ivone,
2020; Iacono et al., 2021; Johler, 2022). Further-
more, many educational platforms requires specific
guidance to be used proficiently and with satisfaction
by children without adult guidance (Vlachogianni and
Tselios, 2022; Floriano et al., 2022), leading teach-
ers to favor specific technological applications such
as games, mobile apps, or social networks for imple-
menting cooperative strategies.
The driving idea beyond the K-DAD project is
that open-source learning systems, designed specif-
ically for school-aged children and structured based
on CLs main elements, can improve the application
of technology-based CL interventions in primary and
secondary schools. In particular, the project aims to
provide new frameworks to integrate digital learning
platforms into traditional teaching to foster coopera-
tion and inclusion in the classroom context.
Further studies need to be carried out in order to
validate the effectiveness and efficacy of the K-DAD
platform. As future study, we plan to conduct a task-
oriented usability test with kids to assess the usabil-
ity and user experience of the platform. Then, we
will evaluate possible changes and adjustments to the
platform prototype. After this first phase, we will
complete the development of the platform and assess
the impact of K-DAD in a whole-classroom setting.
Specifically, the study will involve 80 primary and
lower school Italian pupils who will use the K-DAD
platform in their classrooms. Changes in the per-
ceived level of inclusion, social skills development,
peer engagement in learning activities, and educa-
tional outcomes among the pupils will be evaluated.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The authors would like to thank Seyedehdelaram Es-
fahani and Patrick Lastra for their contributions.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education