Communicating Emotions During Lectures
Arsalan Ali Sadiq and Georgios Marentakis
Department of Computer Science and Communication, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
Emotions, Communication System, Emotional Communication, Lectures, Students, Teachers.
Teaching and learning are processes that generate a wide range of emotions in both students and lecturers,
which are often kept private and not expressed in the classroom. Emotions may arise in the classroom or
auditorium because of the material being taught, the way it is taught, the interaction with fellow students or the
lecturer, as well as other factors such as the physical conditions of the lecture room. In the classroom, emotion
is primarily communicated in an covert way, as in the gestures or the speech of teachers and students which
may not be sufficient for good communication, as for example, in large auditoria or during online teaching.
In other cases, the emotional load itself may hinder the expression of students and teachers. We report here
on the results of applying a user-centered design approach to the design and development of a system that
allows students to communicate emotion during the lecture in an efficient way, while the lecturer monitors and
responds to them in real-time. Our findings suggest that students are interested in a cross-platform application
that can be run on both their laptop and mobile devices. Furthermore, they wanted a solution that would not
distract them from the lecture and that they could use effortlessly. Based on the evaluation of a prototype,
the overall feedback shows that the system we developed appears to be promising and the system’s operation
causes no disruption or concern while listening or delivering the lecture.
Emotion is an ever-present part of our lives, influ-
encing almost every aspect of our actions. Emo-
tion is critical in education and learning-related re-
search, where it has become clear that various links
exist between emotions and learning (Pekrun, 2014;
Sagayadevan and Jeyaraj, 2012; Tyng et al., 2017).
In this sense, classrooms are emotionally and psy-
chologically charged environments. Emotions in the
classroom can be triggered by the content being
taught, how it is delivered, fellow students or the
instructor’s responses, and other factors such as the
classroom environment. Emotions are essential from
an academic standpoint due to their impact on learn-
ing and progress, but learners’ emotional health can
also be viewed as an educational goal. When students
have a better learning environment, appreciative emo-
tional experiences and academic achievement may be
increased (Munoz and Tucker, 2014).
Communication of emotion in the classroom hap-
pens, however, mostly in covert ways and emotion
is mostly encoded in speech or gestures of students
and teachers. In some cases, as in large auditorium,
the physical setup hinders the communication of emo-
tion, due to low visibility or audibility. The same is
the case in smart tutoring systems or online classes,
which are becoming increasingly popular (Tyng et al.,
2017). Even though exposing students to real-time e-
learning, aims to increase student engagement, com-
munication, in particular this of emotional cues, is ar-
guably worsened in such settings. In other cases, the
teaching style of a lecturer may result in that emotion
is outside the focus. Importantly, emotional load it-
self may make it difficult for students or teachers to
express themselves.
Systems that support the communication of emo-
tion may thus prove to be helpful for both physical
and online teaching. Most systems targeting emo-
tions in the classroom work using machine learning
techniques to automatically recognize students1 emo-
tions. Even if effective, these often recognize a lim-
ited range of emotions and require physiological or
optical signals from the users which may be cumber-
some but also can cause privacy issues. In this paper,
we contribute by presenting the results of applying a
user-centered design approach (Preece et al., 2015) to
understand users and design a system providing stu-
dents the ability to communicate their emotions in the
Sadiq, A. and Marentakis, G.
Communicating Emotions During Lectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0011989000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 558-565
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
classroom and teachers to monitor these emotions and
react accordingly.
Emotion emerges as the coordination of multiple sub-
systems or elements, each of which relates to one or
more of the typical expressions of emotional expe-
riences, such as feelings, physical changes, or facial
expressions. It is possible to differentiate between
moods and emotions. Moods typically endure for
longer periods, but they are frequently weaker and
their origin is uncertain. On the other hand, emo-
tions are frequently more intense, last shorter pe-
riods, and have a specific object or cause (Frijda,
1993). Emotions can be measured using convergent
measurement, which involves assessing all compo-
nent changes: ongoing adjustments to evaluation pro-
cedures at all levels of central nervous system pro-
cessing, the neuroendocrine, autonomic, and somatic
nerve systems’ reaction patterns, and shifts in motiva-
tion caused by evaluation results, particularly in terms
of action propensities, body motions and patterns of
facial and vocal expressiveness, and the character of
the subjectively experienced emotional state (Scherer,
Emotions are commonly described either by us-
ing categories or by using dimensions. With cat-
egories, emotions can be specified using emotion-
specific terms or class labels such as: rage, contempt,
terror, pleasure, sorrow, and surprise or domain-
specific expressiveness categories such as tedium and
bewilderment. Each emotion has its own collection
of characteristics that indicate inciting situations or
behaviours. Emotions can also be described using di-
mensions, typically two (valence and arousal) or three
(valence, arousal, and power). The valence compo-
nent of emotion determines whether it is positive or
negative and extends from painful sensations to pleas-
ant feelings. The arousal dimension describes the
amount of excitement depicted by the feeling, which
might vary from lethargy or tedium to intense exhila-
ration. The power dimension represents the degree of
power, such as emotional control (Mauss and Robin-
son, 2009).
A variety of tools for measuring, reporting, rec-
ognizing emotions exist, ranging from surveys, and
various self-reporting schemes to automatic recog-
nition based on facial movements or physiological
data (Mauss and Robinson, 2009). In human com-
puter interaction, common procedures involve the
self-assessment manikin (SAM) (Bradley and Lang,
1994), the Geneva emotion Wheel (Scherer, 2005),
the Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell, 1980), but
also sliders for valence or arousal (Laurans et al.,
2009; Betella and Verschure, 2016), or referring to
photographs (Pollak et al., 2011). Recently, there was
criticism against using emotional categories or un-
derlying dimensions to measure emotion as these ap-
proaches do not take into account the embodied, dy-
namic, and social nature of the emotional experience
(Boehner et al., 2007; Sengers et al., 2008). Tools
were proposed that allow users to express their emo-
tion in an interactive way by drawing, pressing, touch-
ing, or using other modalities (H
ok, 2008; Isbister
et al., 2006; St
ahl et al., 2009; Chang et al., 2001).
Automatic recognition of emotion is also quite com-
mon in affective computing (Kort et al., 2001; Picard,
2000) and has been applied in several setting involv-
ing physiological models, facial expression, move-
ment, voice cues, and other modalities.
Emotions in the Classroom are quite common as
a result of learning and interacting. Various forms
of positive and negative academic emotion categories
have been identified such as pride, optimism, plea-
sure, relaxation, thankfulness, and appreciation as
well as weariness, embarrassment, anxiousness, de-
spair, sorrow, despair, and disdain (Subramainan and
Mahmoud, 2020). Understanding students’ emotional
and behavioural issues in classrooms requires the con-
sideratio of teacher-student encounters, social com-
petence, and learning environment setting (Poulou,
2014). (Sagayadevan and Jeyaraj, 2012) explore the
connection involving the instructor and student com-
munication, emotional commitment particularly ef-
fective emotions displayed inside the lesson, and aca-
demic results like student performance and accom-
plishment. (Brooks and Young, 2015) centered on in-
structor style of communication as a determinant of
student academic experience. (Mazer et al., 2014)
have discovered links among instructors’ communi-
cation patterns and students’ emotional responses.
Smart classrooms often use tools to enhance the
communication between students and teachers. One
variety are clickers, which are essentially classroom
response systems that may employ simple button in-
terfaces or advanced wireless handheld transmitters
to collect student votes and transmit data via infrared
signals (Siau et al., 2006; Lantz, 2010). Clickers
instantly gather and compile student responses, and
then display the aggregated results in the classroom.
Graphical but also tangible systems have also been
proposed such as the ClassBeacons system uses scat-
tered lighting to indicate how instructor divide their
attention among students in the classroom (An et al.,
2019). Some systems target communication of emo-
tion in some capacity. These can be classified as these
Communicating Emotions During Lectures
using automatic or direct communication of emo-
tion. In automatic communication of emotion, data
from digital backchannel systems (Jiranantanagorn
et al., 2015), wireless sensors (Di Lascio et al., 2018),
agent-based systems (Ahmed et al., 2013), or cameras
(Sharmila et al., 2018) are used for emotion recog-
nition and automatic emotional communication. The
Subtle Stone (Alsmeyer et al., 2008) is a portable gad-
get that allows students to express their emotions to
their teachers by utilizing seven different colors that
stand for seven different emotions. The instructor’s
interface employs a Subtle Stone to portray all learn-
ers as separate person-shaped entities. A messaging
system that displays the person’s emotional condition
via animated vibrant text was demonstrated in (Wang
et al., 2004). It utilizes a two-dimensional visual dis-
play to show conversational animations and data. This
displays graphics for certain words or phrases. Find-
ings from an experiment performed in an online edu-
cational context indicate that a UI that provides feel-
ings and emotions allows online users to engage with
one another more effectively.
Summary. Emotion is an intensively studied phe-
nomenon which is known to have a large impact on
student’s learning and success. Arguably providing
ways to enhance the communication of emotion in
the classroom would improve the quality of students’
learning experience. And vice-versa bi-directional
communication could help teachers also communi-
cate emotions in the classroom in more flexible ways.
The review above indicates that mostly automatic
methods for recognizing emotion have been used in
the classroom. Even though these are important, they
often face significant problems as they have a re-
stricted number of emotional states and use sensors or
cameras which may prove cumbersome or pose im-
portant privacy concerns. Direct reporting of emo-
tions, on the other hand, is more promising in this
respect, however, it has not been studied extensively.
In particular, the wealth of methods for direct com-
munication of emotion in the literature have not taken
into account neither the potential of different interac-
tion techniques. Emotion can be expressed through
categorical, dimensional, or interactional input inter-
faces. In a categorical interface emotions are selected
using categories, in a dimensional interface emotions
are reported using dimensional spaces, and in an in-
teractional interface emotions are expressed by draw-
ing/interacting with a representation on a screen or
an object. Furthermore, systems for the direct com-
munication of emotions may be graphical or tangible.
The potential of these emotion input spaces and in-
teraction techniques has not been investigated in the
context of communicating emotion in the classroom.
This is what drives this work. By applying a user-
centered design approach (Preece et al., 2015), feed-
back is obtained about different methods for commu-
nicating emotion and different approaches to system
design. In particular, we look into how different in-
teraction and emotion input methods in the literature
are perceived by users for the purpose of communicat-
ing emotion in the classroom. Subsequently, we inte-
grate the feedback we received and design a prototype
which we evaluated. The evaluation aims to help us
understand whether the selected interaction method
and interaction type can be successfully used to com-
municate emotions during the lecture and whether it
allows lecturers to monitor student emotions during
the lecture. The design process involved: 1) gather-
ing requirements, 2) designing alternatives and pro-
totyping, and 3) evaluation. All the participants are
provided informed consent in accordance with regu-
lations of Norwegian Centre of Research Data (NSD).
During this phase, we obtained early feedback on
appropriate interaction methods (graphical or tangi-
ble) and emotion input techniques (categorical, di-
mensional, or interactional) for designing systems for
communicating emotion in the classroom. The pro-
cess consisted presenting participants with a presen-
tation and relevant paper prototypes followed by an
interview with two phases and a focus group. The first
phase of the interview was about getting general feed-
back and focusing on the interaction method and the
second about getting feedback on the emotion input
technique. A total of five participants (all university
students, 3 male, 2 female) participated. The focus
group was run in order to contrast participant opinions
but also in order to understand better the implications
of the social aspect of communicating emotions in the
The presentation presented the concept of emo-
tion as well as the possibilities offered by systems
communicating emotion in the classroom. Further-
more, several examples of how different graphical and
tangible interaction methods can be used to commu-
nicate emotion were provided drawing on the existing
literature. These were also illustrated by paper pro-
totypes which demonstrated how different interaction
methods could be used to communicate emotion (see
also Figure 1).
The first phase of the interview was more general
and questions investigated the source of participant’s
emotions in the classroom and whether participants
wanted to express these. Participants were also asked
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: Paper prototypes used in the study. a. ambient light to display emotional response, b. camera prototype to detect
emotion through facial expression, c. smart band and a scale to send emotion, and d. participants of the study examining
different paper prototypes.
to describe relevant situations and whether they be-
lieved a system for communicating emotions would
be helpful. Subsequently the focus shifted on obtain-
ing feedback on the appropriateness of graphical or
tangible user interfaces for communicating emotions.
The second phase focused on emotion input tech-
niques. To this end, participants were presented with
paper prototypes of categorical, dimensional, and in-
teractional interactions for graphical or tangible inter-
faces focusing on their interaction method preference
(see Figure 2). In the focus group, we asked partici-
pants to discuss and argue about their chosen method
but also reflect on how well it can adapt to the social
aspects of the teaching and learning.
Results. All participants reported aspects of the
learning material, process, and environment as the
main source of their emotions (i.e. state rather than
trait emotions). All participants agreed on the im-
portance of being able to express their feelings dur-
ing lectures. They reported on numerous occasions
in which they wished to communicate their emotions
in some way but were unable to do so due to feeling
shy, embarrassed, or discouraged. All agreed that a
system for communicating emotion would contribute
much to solve this problem.
Most participants preferred a GUI-based solution
because they found this is simple and quick to in-
teract with, not distracting, less noticeable, and pro-
viding good privacy and possibilities for concealed
communication. They felt that interacting with a tan-
gible system can be distracting, perhaps also noisy,
and likely easily noticeable by others. It seems that
speed, simplicity, and privacy is favored by partici-
pants. The GUI-based approach was also favored be-
cause it could be used both when taking notes on a
laptop but also when interacting with a mobile phone.
Concerning interaction type, it appears that partic-
ipants preferred categorical and dimensional inter-
faces. They found selecting appropriate arousal and
valence to be an easy task. Participants favoured mul-
tiple emojis to choose from, personalized profiles and
emotional feedback history, and comment boxes with
templates, as well as the possibility to provide input in
an anonymous way. The results seem reasonable con-
sidering that the primary goal of students in a class-
room is to listen to the lecture and not get involved in
lenghty interactions. The often private nature of emo-
tions seems to also influence participants responses.
Based on user feedback, a number of user scenarios
and stories were developed based on the requirements
to help us understand better user feedback and pos-
sibilities for design. Different design sketches were
also made to elaborate on the requirements. Sub-
sequently we decided to concentrate on prototyping
a graphical cross-platform prototype including a stu-
dent and a teacher view.
The student view (Figure 3 (a)) supported anony-
mous or named input and provided an emotion input
space containing two dimensions with relevant emo-
tions placed on its circumference. The interface re-
sembled this of the Geneva Emotion Wheel (Scherer
et al., 2013) and contained a 12-scale emotional wheel
with 4 intensity values, ranging from 1 to 4, for each
emotion. The student can select an emotion from the
wheel as well as its intensity, 1 being the lowest and
4 being the highest. We adopted the emotions used in
(Kort et al., 2001).
The teacher view had a real-time screen and a
Communicating Emotions During Lectures
(a) Categorical (b) Dimensional (c) Interactional
Figure 2: Design sketches based on different interface types.
summary screen. The real-time screen showed arriv-
ing emotions on an ambient color display background
whose color changed based on the average emotional
response (using a green to red colour gradient based
on the emotional responses). When a student sent an
emotion, the emotion appeared on the teacher’s screen
for a few seconds before disappearing. A detailed
view was also available for the lecturer, supporting
analysis and reflection on student input. This view
displayed all the emotions received, user names, etc
in tabular form in the order they were received and a
graph showing emotions based on their time of arrival
during the lecture (see Figure 3).
React JavaScript was used to develop a cross-
platform application that could run both on PC and
Mobile. React was chosen due to its modularity and
ease of use. A firebase database was used on the back-
end to store emotional responses and other related
data used in the application.
A realistic situation was set up in order to evaluate
the system and investigate the effectiveness of the de-
sign choices for students to transmit and for teachers
to observe students’ emotions in real-time (see Fig-
ure 3. In particular, we wanted to observe hwether
the selected emotion input technique and interaction
method was usable for students but also for monitor-
ing and reviewing student emotions by the lecturer.
The intention is not to provide or analyze data about
student emotions during lectures.
Five students and a professor from the school’s
IT department participated in the evaluation. Evalu-
ation was done in a lecture room in which the pro-
fessor lectured on a topic related to machine learn-
ing while the students followed. Before the lecture
began, the prototype was installed on the computers
and smartphones of the participants. During the lec-
ture, users used the prototype on their smartphone or
their PC. Some communicated emotions using their
laptop computers while taking notes and some using
their mobile phones. The first author sat in the room
and observed the users. The students were completely
focused on the lecture most of the time, but occasion-
ally sent emotional responses through the application
when some terminology in that topic was unclear or
when something appeared very interesting. When the
teacher went into greater depth about the topic and
discussed the more technical aspects of Long Short
Term Memory networks, for example, students’ fa-
cial expressions changed and students appeared to be
concerned and students focused on their laptops. The
emotional response log showed this change with neg-
ative emotions communicated during this time. Most
of the students used their laptops to take notes and
send emotional responses, and one student occasion-
ally used his mobile phone during the lecture pe-
riod to send emotional responses. The teacher was
mostly delivering the lecture, but he would occasion-
ally glance at the real-time screen to see the average
emotion of his students. The teacher also went to the
detail version of the screen after the lecture to reflect
on the total number of emotional responses and to
analyse the overall class emotion during the lecture.
Both students and the lecturer provided feedback
after using the system in the classroom using a ques-
tionnaire. In the questionnaire, they rated how easy it
was to use the system during the lecture and whether
they had any difficulties interacting with the system,
whether the system fulfilled their need of sending
emotion, whether it was easy to send appropriate
emotional responses, whether it was comfortable to
use the system in front of other students, and whether
there was any additional functionality they would like
to add to the user interface.
All participants found the system to be easy to use
and effortless and had no particular difficulties. They
also mentioned that the system fulfilled their emo-
tional communication needs to a great extent. Fur-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Prototyping and evaluation: a. student using his mobile device to evaluate the system, b. teacher screens both
real-time and detailed version, c. lecturer during evaluation.
thermore, they did not feel the system invited un-
wanted attention or disturbed in any way. The se-
lection of emotions to chose from was adequate for
most participants, however, some mentioned needing
more time than expected to find emotions in some
cases. Users mentioned they were comfortable with
using the system in front of others. As additional
functionality they recommended: a larger text box to
send messages to teachers to explain the emotion bet-
ter, inclusion of more options for emotions for more
in-depth precision of emotional communication, one-
click option for sending emotion, and that missing
emotions could be added by an additional button etc.
The lecturer also responded to a number of ques-
tions related to how easy it was to monitor the real-
time screen, the extent to which the graphs helped
understand and analyze student emotions, how often
they looked at the screen, and their impression about
the emotional state of students during the lecture. The
lecturer monitored the student emotion every 3-5 min-
utes and found that the real-time view supported easy
and quick monitoring of the students’ emotions and
also a feeling about the overall atmosphere of the
classroom. Lecturer responded that the detail version
of the screen helped a lot to analyse the students’ emo-
tions in more detail and in understanding how it can
be possible to adapt teaching. However, the teacher
mentioned that they would like to participate in a
larger scale evaluation to become able to commend
more specifically on how such a system may affect
teaching and learning. They also suggested to pro-
vide support for specifying thematically the lecture
moments and provide better possibilities to browse
emotions over time.
Motivated by a desire to improve the communication
of emotion during lectures, we investigated the lit-
erature in order to understand how emotion may be
communicated in the lecture hall. Our investigation
showed that categorical, dimensional, or interactional
input methods have been suggested for communicat-
ing emotion. Furthermore, it also showed that mostly
graphical and tangible interaction techniques are be-
ing used in smart classrooms. To understand better,
how users react to different combinations of the afore-
mentioned interaction types and methods we created
paper prototypes and performed interviews and a fo-
cus group with students.
The results showed that users tend to prefer a
graphical system as it is fast to use and does not ex-
pose their reactions to fellow classmates. Further-
more, users seem to like categorical or dimensional
interfaces for communicating emotion as they are
less willing to engage in more lengthy interactions
or contemplate on their emotional state during lec-
tures. Based on this feedback, we created a graphical
system using which students can communicate their
emotions using an emotion wheel type interface. We
also provided a cross-platform graphical interface so
that a lecturer can monitor each arriving emotion, the
tendency as this emerges by averaging received emo-
tions, and a detailed view for the emotions received.
The evaluation showed that this combination of inter-
action method and emotion input technique provides
an easy way to communicate emotions in the class-
room. The lecturers also found the received informa-
tion relevant and likely useful in planning their future
lectures. We also received several suggestions for ad-
ditional features which we plan to integrate in an ex-
Communicating Emotions During Lectures
tended version of the system that will be evaluated on
a larger scale.
Despite the small scale, this study is encouraging
with respect to the potential of systems for directly
communicating emotions in the classroom. Such sys-
tems seem to be favoured by students and teachers
and to be able to enhance communication during lec-
tures. We are motivated to expand on this research,
and design a larger scale study by involving more
students and lecturers in order to understand better
the potential of this system in affecting teaching and
learning. Furthermore, we are interested in investi-
gating other interaction techniques, such as ambient
displays, which were not in the focus of this study.
The resulting system can also be used to help un-
derstand better the development of emotions in the
classroom or the lecture hall and the interaction be-
tween teacher behaviour and student emotion (Zem-
bylas, 2007; Titsworth et al., 2013). In addition, it
can help study the cultural aspects of emotion devel-
opment across the world.
In this article, a user-centered design approach was
applied to design and develop a system using which
students can communicate their emotional states to
lecturers during lectures. The feedback we received
showed that students are looking for something quick
and easy which does not interfere much with attend-
ing to the lecture or makes their emotions visible to
unwanted receivers. A GUI providing the ability to
select emotions arranged in a two-dimensional space
seemed to be quite appropriate for this application, as
was also confirmed by the evaluation we performed.
The overall feedback shows that the design we pro-
pose is promising and can potentially help deliver a
better teaching and learning experience.
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Communicating Emotions During Lectures