Table 2: Comparison of run time for the two 3D vision modules (object detection and finger direction recognition in the
mobile device and web services.
Module Mobile Run Time (ms)
Web Services Run Time(ms)
Data Transmission Cloud Computation Total
Object Detection 73.01±4.45 267.05±98.19 201.36±26.65 468.41±104.40
Finger Direction
56.84±4.51 344.11±126.45 48.69±10.37 392.81±130.17
would require us to expand on the existing user re-
quest mapping module and task scheduler to incorpo-
rate the necessary changes for future integration.
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#1737533, and #2048498), ODNI Intelligence Com-
munity Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) at
Rutgers (#HHM402-19-1-0003 and #HHM402-18-1-
0007) and the US Air Force Office for Scientific Re-
search (#FA9550-21-1-0082).
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arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.10214.
An Integrated Mobile Vision System for Enhancing the Interaction of Blind and Low Vision Users with Their Surroundings