Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space
Mireille Hildebrandt
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Keywords: European Health Data Space, Ground Truth, Proxy, Interactive Machine Learning, Health Data, Alphafold,
Large Language Models, Law.
Abstract: In this position paper I discuss the use of health-related training data for medical research, in light of the
European Health Data Space. If such data is deployed as a proxy for 'the truth on the ground', we need to
address the issue of proxies. Ground truth in machine learning is the pragmatic stand-in or proxy for whatever
is considered to be the case or should be the case. Developing a ground truth dataset requires curation, i.e. a
number of translations, constructions and cleansing. What if the resulting proxies misrepresent what they
stand for and what if the imposed interoperability of health data across the EU affects the quality of the data
and/or their relationship to what they stand for? I argue that ground-truthing is an act rather than a given, that
this act is key to machine learning and assert that this act can have potentially fatal implications for the
reliability of the output. Deciding on the ground truth is what philosophers may call a speech act with
performative effects. Emphasising these effects will allow us to better address the constructive nature of the
datasets used in medical informatics and should help the EU legislature to take a precautionary approach to
medical informatics.
In this position paper, I take issue with the productive
assumptions of machine learning in the context of
health data research. The focus is on the construction
of training datasets that function as ground truth in
supervised learning or otherwise as a proxy for (part
of) the real world in unsupervised and reinforcement
learning. I highlight the need to explicitly
acknowledge that any computational ground truth is
at most an approximation whose match with the real
world depends on myriad design decisions that are
part of the collection and curation of training data.
Having discussed this point, I turn to the secondary
use of health data as foreseen in the proposed
Regulation on the European Health Data Space,
tracing the building blocks of the architecture of such
a space, including the required infrastructure and the
relevant conditions for data quality. I conclude with a
call to the health data science community to help the
See: https: //static-
EU legislature to better understand what cross-border
aggregates of health data can and cannot achieve.
This short paper is indebted to the work of Cabitza,
more precisely Cabitza et al. (2020, which I
, and my work in the context of AI in law,
for instance Hildebrandt (2023) and law for AI, for
instance Hildebrandt (2020, 2021, 2023).
Establishing ground truth is a conditio sine qua non
for supervised learning. Getting it wrong will result
in unreliable output and if used for decision making
this can result in damage or even harm (especially in
the case of medical artificial intelligence). To prevent
harm, it is key to acknowledge the constructed nature
of ground truth, foregrounding that it is the result of
the selection of training data and the hard work of
Hildebrandt, M.
Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space.
DOI: 10.5220/0011955900003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 15-22
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
domain experts who label/annotate/rate the data in
terms of preconceived labels/features/variables. This
is of particular relevance for human decision-makers
who consider using medical AI, notably because it
enables them to be accountable to those subject to
their decisions (patients). Considering the objectives
of the General Data Protection Regulation and the
upcoming legal framework of the EU for AI, keen
attention to the upstream design decisions that define
the ground truth will make the difference between
lawful and unlawful design and deployment of
medical AI. In this position paper, I focus on the
proposed EU Regulation of the European Health Data
Space, to mark out the discrepancy between an
unsubstantiated faith in big health data and the need
for high quality data in health and medical contexts.
Another way of framing the constructed nature of
the ground truth is to acknowledge that the ground
truth itself is not computable, though it can be
approximated. In the case of supervised learning, this
approximation depends on the annotations made by
data scientists and domain experts that define the
ground truth. Data scientists will be aware of the
constructed and approximate nature of the ground
truth and they will probably abstain from ontological
truth claims when deciding on a specific ground truth.
They are aware that they aremerely seeking a
sufficiently corroborated point of departure to enable
inferences and/or predictions.
However, once the outcome of ML research is
implemented in decision (support) systems for
medical diagnosis and treatment, it becomes pivotal
that the trade-offs inherent in ground truthing are
shared with those who consider deployment of the
3.1 Supervised Machine Learning
Opening the black box of ‘ground truthing’ will also
contribute to the domain of explainable AI (XAI), as
it forces developers and providers of medical AI to
account for the design decisions that are inherent in
developing the ground truth, by showing the trade-
offs inherent in such decisions. This should deflect
from objectivist accounts of ‘ground truthing’ that
suggest that the way it has been constructed equates
it with ‘the truth’. We should distinguish between
‘objective’ and ‘objectivist’ approaches to ground
truthing. The first denotes a well argued, cross-
disciplinary and contestable construction of a ground
truth; the second denotes claims to truth that hide
relevant assumptions and resist contestation.
One way to pierce the veil of objectivism that
distracts attention from key design choices, would be
to develop new types of metrics that highlight the
choices made when labelling training data. Cabitza et
al. (2020) suggest three such metrics, providing a
more granular account of how true, how reliable and
how informative the choice of a particular ground
truth actually is, by estimating the ‘trueness’ in terms
of the distance between the human annotation and the
unknowable true annotation, which in turn depends
on a new metric for the degree of concordance
between those who did the labelling and another one
for the degree of correspondence between sample and
reference population.
3.2 Unsupervised Machine Learning
Some may believe that the constructive nature of the
ground truth only concerns supervised learning and
can be avoided by using unsupervised learning. They
may point to the successes of deep learning (DL) in
winning complex games such as chess and Go or to
OpenAI, and its ability to generate seemingly well-
designed sentences, arguments and narratives. As to
success in games, this is connected with the fact that
they have fixed rules and a final set of potential moves
and outcomes. Even if that final set is intractable, it is
incomparable with the complexities and uncertainties
of real world, let alone real life, scenarios.
As to OpenAI’s successes in pre-training large
language models (LLMs) on ‘the entire internet’, we
have seen how the absence of understanding and
more precisely the absence of real world
confrontation results in stochastic parrots (Bender et
al., 2021) and in a challenging mix of pure nonsense
and fascinating simulacra (Bogost, 2022). The
constructive and approximate nature of the ground
truth becomes even more obvious here, though
perhaps hidden from popular imagination because it
concerns the twofold challenge of deciding on (1)
what data to use as a proxy for whatever it is one
wants to achieve, on (2) how to curate the data
(remove noise, structure, add, integrate and
interoperationalise data) and on (3) what ‘learner’ to
develop for training on the data. It seems that some
people may seriously think that having ‘all the data of
the internet’ implies that one now ‘has’ all there is to
know about reality, mistaking the proxy for what it
stands for. This kind of thinking is not merely naïve
but dangerously so. To confuse knowing something
BIOSTEC 2023 - 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
about the world with knowing how to survive and
flourish in the world (Cantwell Smith, 2019) is a
recipe for disaster, especially for medical research
and medical treatment (see relevant caveats for the
use of LLMs in clinical practice in Singhal et al.,
More interesting, then, is DeepMind’s AlphaFold
(Jumper et al., 2021). This concerns the challenge of
finding a ‘method to reliably predict a protein’s
structure just from its sequence of amino acids’ as the
website tells us.
The claim is that ‘the ability to
predict a protein’s shape computationally from its
genetic code alone as a complementary alternative
to determining it through costly and time-consuming
experimentation – could help dramatically accelerate
Alpha Fold is collaborating with EMBL-EBI, that
is “a not-for-profit international institute that helps
scientists realise the potential of big data. The
institute collaborates with scientists and engineers all
over the world, and provides the infrastructure needed
to share data openly and fairly in the life sciences. It
also performs computational research and delivers
bioinformatics training for the global scientific
community. EMBL-EBI is part of the European
Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).” EMBL-
EBI curates the AlphaFold dataset in a way that
allows linking with other biological datasets, such as
the Protein Data Bank Europe UniProt.
It is
interesting to see how DeepMind frames the issues at
stake, namely as a grand challenge to be solved.
Considering the progress that has been enabled by
AlphaFold one can understand the urge to think in
terms of ‘solutions’, but clearly as with all solutions
to real life problems these so-called solutions
generate many new questions and may also create
myriad new problems, such as the engineering of
proteins that endanger entire ecosystems (with or
without malicious intent).
It would help to not frame these tools as solutions
but as tools, acknowledging that tools shape or
reconfigure the goals they were aimed to achieve
(Dewey, 1916). For instance, the goal may have been
to help life sciences to speed up the experimental
testing of protein architectures, whereas the success
of the tool may instead achieve the replacement of
experimental testing with computational predictions.
The latter may not be helpful and bring along a
plethora of risks to life on earth in ways that are
difficult to foresee, even though it is not difficult to
foresee that such risks may result in a catastrophe.
Back to unsupervised learning and
groundtruthing. AlphaFold works with a transformer
model and an attention architecture using multiple
sequence alignment statistics, having moved from
AlphaFold1 to AlphaFold2 with a leap in accuracy
(Marcu et al., 2022). Some may believe that the
problem of ground truthing can be solved by the use
of transformer models, taking for granted that one
could thereby drop the assumption that the
distribution of future data is the same as that of the
training data (Holzinger, 2016). Transformer models
are based on calculating dependencies between
distant sequential data, this way they can produce
what is often qualified as context, thus developing
sensitivity to the complex interactions between
sequence and environments. By pre-training on very
large data, such dependencies can be modelled and
fine-tuned when further trained on more specific
smaller data.
Not being a computer scientist my rendering here
is probably somewhat retarded. However, even from
the perspective of computer science, there is nothing
final about the tool, which can interpolate and do
some extrapolation but cannot accurately generate
novel configurations. As Marcu et al. (2022) state:
‘One limitation of approaches based on MSAs, such
as AlphaFold2, is that they are constrained by our
current knowledge and data sets’. This is a
remarkable statement because any approach is
necessarily based on current knowledge and data sets,
the mere thought of escaping the laws of gravity that
tie computational tools to available input data and
known structures seems to confuse ‘complex
information processing’ with human imagination or
induction with abduction (Mooney, 2000).
Marcu et al. (2022) seem to believe that this
problem can be solved by adding molecular
dynamics, which would obviously create a more
realistic picture, but would – also obviously – be
constrained to known (or abducted) dynamics. Novel
dynamics will depend on novel types of modelling by
researchers, whose ability to imagine and abduct will
make the difference.
Marcu et al. (2022) then refer to yet another
constraint, noting that Alphafold2 was trained on a
specific database with specific drawbacks; this
sounds like the constraint they already mentioned,
namely limitation to current datasets.
In all cases, the datasets and the knowledge
deployed to train the model are proxies for an
assumed ground truth. The design, the engineering or
Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space
the construction of this proxy is not only hard work
but makes all the difference – it enables the learning
process due to the constraints it imposes, and whether
those constraints are relevant and productive can only
be decided by testing the output model in real world
environments which may be far removed from the
virtual laboratories of protein fold mappings.
3.3 Reinforcement and Interactive
Machine Learning
As Holzinger (2016) argues, reinforcement learning
(RL) concerns systems that are built to interactively
learn from the environment they navigate (my
paraphrasing, see also Pfeifer and Bongard, 2007;
Russell, 2019; Cantwell Smith, 2019). Holzinger’s
(2016) claim is that human beings can help to reduce
the search space of unsupervised systems, thus
greatly advancing reliable outcomes in domains
where time constraints or limited availability of
relevant data present NP-hard problems, taking
medical treatment as a prime example. Holzinger
(2016, at 124) highlights the salience of RL as
the first field to seriously address
the computational issues that arise
when learning from interaction with
an environment in order to achieve
long-term goals, because it makes
use of a formal framework defining
the interaction between a learning
agent and its environment in terms
of states, actions, and rewards. This
framework is intended to be a
simple way of representing
essential features of general AI
problems and features including a
sense of cause and effect, a sense
of uncertainty and non-determinism,
and the existence of explicit goals.
I could imagine that deployment of RL, and what
Holzinger calls interactive machine learning (iML),
has a better chance of ‘getting things right’ than
OpenAI’s stochastic parrots, especially when domain
experts interact with these systems to reduce what
Holzinger (2016, at 119) calls the otherwise
‘exponential search space’.
He then defines iML as
algorithms that can interact with
both computational agents and
human agents [mh: ‘oracles’] and
can optimize their learning
behavior through these interactions.
Linking back to the previous section, this comes
close to what is now being defined as ‘prompt
engineering’ that highlights the crucial role of human
interaction. Gilson et al (2022) have ‘tested’
ChatGPR performance on the Medical Licensing
Exams, concluding that it could be an interesting
educational and knowledge assessment tool. A
similar test has been conducted for the Bar Exam by
Bommarito II and Katz (2022), again with key
attention to prompt engineering.
Clearly, the key role of human domain expertise
in iML testifies to the need to mitigate risks inherent
in ground truthing, especially (though not only) in the
case of unsupervised and reinforcement learning.
This confirms potential problems with the
interoperability of medical data across different
jurisdictions and healthcare systems, due to the fact
that data have often been collected and stored based
on different purposes which render aggregation in a
shared data space hazardous at least.
As argued above, blind trust in the ‘trueness’,
relevance and interoperability of health data is a very
bad idea, even when the data is properly curated.
From the perspective of medical science and its
methodological integrity and from the perspective of
individual patients and public healthcare, we need to
develop methods and methodologies to better
understand what properly curated’ means in the
context of ground truthing and how independent
supervisors can test whether the interplay between
data and human intervention results in reliable and
contestable output. Referring back to Holzinger’s
definition of iML, we should acknowledge that
computational agents depend on the data they train
on, whereas human agents have access to real world
and real life implications.
4.1 Secondary Use of Health Data
In the 90s of the last century, Van der Lei (1991)
warned against using medical treatment data for other
purposes than those for which they were collected.
Not because he was concerned about violation of the
fundamental right to data protection but because of
his concern for the inherent unreliability of such data.
For instance, data may have been configured in a way
conducive to compensation by an insurance company
or conducive to obtain permission for a specified test.
Also, the data is necessarily skewed by the fact
that people with similar health problems do not
necessarily all seek medical advice or treatment, due
BIOSTEC 2023 - 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
to different access to healthcare, income or education.
The latter means that specific types of data are absent
from the training data and/or their distribution differs
from real world distribution of the relevant health
problems. This may differ between member states
(MSs) of the European Union, causing
incompleteness and bias in the data.
On top of that, the incentives to configure
treatment data in one way or another depend on the
way a national healthcare system has been organised,
and overlooking how this relates to their accuracy and
relevance will result in massive misinterpretation an
‘mismodelling’. Cross-border aggregation will
exacerbate these problems.
4.2 The Proposed Regulation on the
In 2022 the European Commission has launched the
proposal for a Regulation on the European Health
Data Space,
aiming to establish ‘rules, common
standards and practices, infrastructures and a
governance framework for the primary and secondary
use of electronic health data’ (art. 1). This includes
establishment of ‘a mandatory cross-border
infrastructure for the secondary use of electronic
health data’ (art. 2(e)).
The proposal defines ‘data quality’ as ‘the degree
to which characteristics of electronic health data are
suitable for secondary use’ (art. 2(ad)), and ‘data
quality and utility label’ as ‘a graphic diagram,
including a scale, describing the data quality and
conditions of use of a dataset’ (art. 2(ae)).
Art. 33.1 reads:Data holders shall make the
following categories of electronic data available for
secondary use in accordance with the provisions of
this Chapter:’, listing a broad set of categories of
health related data, such as ‘(a) EHRs [electronic
health record systems]; (b) data impacting on health,
including social, environmental behavioural
determinants of health; (c) relevant pathogen
genomic data, impacting on human health; (d) health-
related administrative data, including claims and
reimbursement data; (e) human genetic, genomic and
proteomic data; (f) person generated electronic health
data, including medical devices, wellness
applications or other digital health applications;’ and
many more.
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and
of the Council for the European Health Data Space,
3.5.2022 COM(2022) 197 final, see https://health.
Art. 33 continues in paragraph 3 by stating that
‘The electronic health data referred to in paragraph 1
shall cover data processed for the provision of health
or care or for public health, research, innovation,
policy making, official statistics, patient safety or
regulatory purposes, collected by entities and bodies
in the health or care sectors, including public and
private providers of health or care, entities or bodies
performing research in relation to these sectors, and
Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.’
Though the purposes for which secondary use is
permitted are limited, their articulation is very broad
(art. 34), e.g. including scientific research related to
health or care sectors; development and innovation
activities for products or services contributing to
public health or social security, training, testing and
evaluating of algorithms and for providing
personalised healthcare.
Though some purposes are explicitly prohibited
(art. 35, for instance taking decisions that are
detrimental for a natural person, decisions that
exclude certain groups from insurance or marketing
to health professionals) it is unclear how this could be
monitored and enforced, knowing that the
enforcement of purpose limitation in the context of
the GDPR has been notoriously difficult.
The governance of the EHDS is attributed to
Health Data Access Bodies (art. 36-43) that can issue
data permits to access data to potential data users,
provided a number of procedural and material
conditions are fulfilled (including purpose
The proposed Regulation requires that a ‘cross-
border infrastructure for secondary use of electronic
health data’ is set up by designated contact points in
the MSs (art. 52). Datasets available for cross-border
access must contain a metadata catalogue that
describes e.g. ‘the source, the scope, the main
characteristics, nature of electronic health data and
conditions for making electronic health data
available’. The European Commission will set up ‘an
EU Datasets Catalogue connecting the national
catalogues of datasets established by the health data
access bodies and other authorised participants’ (art.
Data made available through the health data
access bodies may have a ‘data quality and utility
label’, which is compulsory when processed ‘with the
support of Union or national public funding’ (art. 56).
Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space
The label must comply with the following elements
(art. 56.3):
(a) for data documentation: meta-
data, support documentation, data
model, data dictionary, standards
used, provenance;
(b) technical quality, showing the
completeness, uniqueness, accuracy,
validity, timeliness and consistency
of the data;
(c) for data quality management
processes: level of maturity of the
data quality management
processes, including review and
audit processes, biases
(d) coverage: representation of
multi-disciplinary electronic health
data, representativity of
population sampled, average
timeframe in which a natural person
appears in a dataset;
(e) information on access and
provision: time between the
collection of the electronic health
data and their addition to the
dataset, time to provide electronic
health data following electronic
health data access application
(f) information on data enrichments:
merging and adding data to an
existing dataset, including links with
other datasets;
I challenge health data scientists to figure out
whether these requirements can be met, and what it
means that commercial entities need not comply with
them. I also challenge them to explain what it would
mean if compliance with these requirements is not
feasible: does this imply that the requirements make
no sense or that the attempt to develop medical
training data at scale across MS borders is doomed to
result in misinterpretation, mismodelling and damage
to individual and public health. Maybe the delays that
are foreseen for the establishment of the health data
infrastructure connecting the national catalogues of
datasets established by the health data access bodies
and other authorised participants (Pištorová and
Plevák, 2022), indicate the need to reconsider what is
wisdom in the context of medical research and big
The EU’s quest to find ever more data to train ever
larger training datasets, thus hoping to compete with
other geopolitical regions, should not result in
massively noisy datasets that cannot even trace let
alone resolve - the data drift and concept drift that are
implied in this kind of research (
Rahmani et al., 2022;
Toor et al., 2020). The European legislature should
take a precautionary approach to such aggregation,
instead of assuming that more aggregated data
provides for better science. A precautionary approach
should take into account the caveats that e.g. Peek and
Pereira Rodrigues (2018) develop with regard to the
use of medical treatment data for health data science.
Starting with Van der Leis (1991) warning
against repurposing of training data in the context of
health, they continue to discuss to what extent and on
what conditions randomised clinical trials could be
replaced by Big Data and finally they highlight the
need for patients’ informed consent for secondary use
of their treatment data. In all three cases, they show
the complexities and the drawbacks of secondary use.
More precisely they demonstrate how such data
should and should not be used for medical research.
The proposed Regulation seems to combine
challenging quality requirements with stringent
obligations to share health data across MS borders.
Together with Peek and Pereira Rodrigues
(2018), I urge the community of health data scientists
to develop a research agenda that addresses these
concerns, acknowledging that ‘ground truthing’ is
hard work and involves decisions that are non-
obvious and may have major impact on individual
and public health.
I also urge the community to explain to the EU
legislature what can and cannot be expected from the
use of cross-border aggregates of health data,
highlighting the gap between claims made on behalf
of data-driven medical technologies and the
substantiation of such claims, taking the example of
our own Typology of legal technologies (Diver et al.,
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BIOSTEC 2023 - 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies