Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention
Raul Kaizer
1 a
, Leonardo Sestrem
1 b
, Tiago Franco
1 c
, Jo
ao Gonc¸alves
1 d
ao Paulo Teixeira
1,2 e
, Jos
e Lima
1,2 f
, Jos
e Augusto Carvalho
1,2 g
and Paulo Leit
1,2 h
Research Center in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), Instituto Polit
ecnico de Braganc¸a,
Campus de Santa Apol
onia, 5300-253 Braganc¸a, Portugal
Associate Laboratory for Sustainability and Technology (Sustec), Instituto Polit
ecnico de Braganc¸a,
Campus de Santa Apol
onia, 5300-253 Braganc¸a, Portugal
Wearable Health Monitoring, Data Acquisition, Fall Detection.
Reliable ways to treat and monitor patients remotely have been researched and proposed by numerous people.
Many of these propositions are under the wearable category due to it usually not requiring deep knowledge
to be handled and its durability. Among the many applicable ways, fall monitoring has gained importance as
the world population ages and countries aim to increase the quality of life. For it to be possible, there are
many ways such as analyzing muscle response, body position, or brain activities, but for most of them, the
result ends up being expensive and or inaccurate. With this in mind, this paper brings the development of an
acquisition system for electromyography, electrocardiography, body position and temperature. The acquired
data is transmitted to the smartphone through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and then sent to a secure cloud
to be provided to the physician. In future works, artificial intelligence codes will analyze the data patterns to
predict fall occurrences and establish functional electrical stimulation (FES) routines to prevent falls and or
treat the patients according to their necessities.
Isolated in their homes, elderly people with mobil-
ity issues are mostly unable to receive common treat-
ment from clinics, since constant consultations may
become a financial burden, and prolonged consulta-
tions are more demanding on therapists and increase
patient discomfort. A quick solution to this kind of
situation is requiring the health professionals to have
a more direct approach and move to each patient’s
house, however, is fated to become an obstacle to the
health system. That is because the number of people
requiring treatment increases at a higher rate than the
amount of specialized caregivers (WHO, 2022).
It is difficult to hope for the elderly to keep exer-
cise or treatment routines by themselves, which just
increases the burden on professionals and relatives.
Besides, even with proper treatment, the high amount
of time they are left alone in their houses increases the
chances of them falling or suffering any injury, and
not be found by anyone for a long time. Even when
considering home treatment, visits may prove them-
selves of no help if taken into account that the cause
of the problem can be an isolated event, that may not
occur or goes unnoticed during the visit (Jeong et al.,
When dealing specifically with the fall problem,
it is difficult to consider the early diagnosis as an
alternative. This is due to the diverse and complex
fall causes, and also individual susceptibility (Rakugi
et al., 2022). This problem can be easily overcome by
including non-invasive monitoring and rehabilitation
devices. These devices can be implemented in wear-
ables and can be used to remove the need for constant
human interference.
Up to date, there are wearables with capabilities
to analyze muscle, heart, and brain activity, or other
data signals such as body temperature and position. It
is also possible to monitor other parameters, but these
may require invasive sensors which, in addition to be-
Kaizer, R., Sestrem, L., Franco, T., Gonçalves, J., Teixeira, J., Lima, J., Carvalho, J. and Leitão, P.
Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention.
DOI: 10.5220/0011926500003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 701-710
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing uncomfortable, make it difficult for patients with-
out the necessary expertise to use them. Other models
present treatment features like electrotimulation to as-
sist physical therapy, an example is Functional ELec-
tric Stimulation (FES), but they usually also require
specific knowledge to some degree.
The number of signals that make it possible to ac-
cess the patient’s current situation allows many pos-
sible combinations, but implementing all of them to-
gether is a problem. Since it would increase both the
number of components and the price. That way, this
work brings the development and implementation of
a modular biosignal acquisition system specially de-
veloped to be integrated together with FES actuators.
The aim is to analyze the data with AI and generate
personalized FES routines for treatment or impulses
to prevent muscle imminent failure that would lead
to a fall. For it to be possible, the stabilizing mus-
cles located in the abdomen and lumbar are monitored
and stimulated individually. So each one of the target
muscles require a pair of EMG sensors and a pair of
FES actuators.
However, the description and analysis of the stim-
ulation system and the AI structure are outside this pa-
per’s scope due to their complexity requiring a more
in depth study. Therefore, this work will focus on the
acquisition portion of the system, i.e., electromyog-
raphy (EMG) from the stabilizing muscles located in
the abdomen and lumbar, electrocardiography (ECG),
body temperature, and position change (IMU). Fig-
ure 1 (Muharrem Adak, Vecteezy, 2022) exemplifies
the placement of EMG and ECG sensors, keeping in
mind that the placement may present slightly varia-
tions according to the patients’ anatomy. The tem-
perature and IMU sensors present a much more flexi-
ble position range, being highly dependant on comfort
and practicality.
Figure 1: Placement of EMG (red) and ECG (black) sensors
from the front (a) and the back (b).
Acquiring EMG signals allow the visualization
of the stabilizing muscles’ behavior, i.e. when they
work properly in a coordinated way to maintain the
patient stabilized or when there is some abnormal-
ity. The same applies to ECG signals; if the car-
diac waves present abnormalities or sudden changes,
the patient may have had a problem and needs help.
The IMU helps in monitoring the angular displace-
ment of the upper body that, together with the EMG
signals, allows the physician team to determine if the
change was voluntary or a fall. To complete the ac-
quired data, body temperature will be constantly ver-
ified since it often indicates health problems or other
factor changes.
The data acquired from both the electrodes and the
other sensors (IMU and thermometer) will be wire-
lessly transmitted to the smartphone with Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) without being treated to reduce
the delay (Qian et al., 2017; Marin-Pardo et al., 2020).
The smartphone then serves as a mediator to the cloud
where the data stays available to the physician to con-
sult and make decisions and to AI algorithms to anal-
yse the patterns and predict the falls.
The paper is separated as follows: Section 2
presents the related work. Section 3 describes the
proposed architecture and system requirements while
Section 4 focus on the implementation of the pro-
posed acquisition system and explains the functional-
ities and integration of the circuit modules. Section 5
analyses the prototype experimental results and Sec-
tion 6 summarizes the conclusions and points out the
future work.
With higher living standards, well-developed coun-
tries tend to research and develop systems to improve
the quality of life of the elderly, being fall detection
one of the most researched (Wang et al., 2020). The
problem is that for most systems, the detection of-
ten results in false alarms due to imprecise data in-
put and analysis. Recent studies indicate that fusing
the signals of different sensors is ideal to lower the
false alarm occurrences of fall detection and predic-
tion system (Siwadamrongpong et al., 2022). Besides
the increase in accuracy, analyzing multiple signal
responses improves the robustness of such systems,
since it needs more indicative responses to trigger the
Examples of devices with only one type of sig-
nal input such as EMG are often found in the litera-
ture (Zhu et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2021; Steinberg et al.,
2019). Even for the works that develop one device
capable of acquiring different signals, the inability to
treat and analyze these signals in an integrated way is
a problem (Wearable Sensing, 2022). This increase
both the cost and the amount of components patients
need to deal with to be able to monitor their daily
life. Some works reported simpler technologies with
WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare
higher accuracy such as computer vision and doppler
radar (Ren and Peng, 2019) but these tend to be ex-
pensive. Regardless of their precision, both these sys-
tems and the less accurate ones present the same prob-
lem, they only detect the fall after it occurs or during
the fall.
Aiming to predict the fall and with improvements
in electronics and materials, medical diagnosis de-
vices started to be integrated into wearables without
compromising the patient’s flexibility, easy mobility,
and capacity of executing their daily tasks. These
wearables can be found in various forms and shapes,
such as watches, t-shirts, armbands, etc. Most de-
vices are projected to monitor vital signals (Lou et al.,
2020) and, recently, there is a tendency to invest
in wearables with extra functionalities (Bruce-Brand
et al., 2012; Qian et al., 2017) like life support sys-
There are many different ways to detect a fall with
sensors adaptable to wearables, such as analyzing the
muscle response through EMG signals. (Biometrics
Ltd, 2021) is one of the many sellers of EMG sensors
and systems ready to be used for research and other
purposes. But, as said before, to increase the preci-
sion of the systems, fusing other signal responses with
EMG is necessary.
Combining EMG and IMU responses, (ZiYing
et al., 2021) uses machine learning techniques to treat
the data and, based on previously known patterns,
decide if the current combination of inclination and
muscle response is leading toward a fall. All this
data is sent via Bluetooth to a computer, which de-
creases the practicality of the device by having to stay
near a computer during the monitoring. Other works
also see the importance of implementing some type
of artificial intelligence (especially machine learn-
ing) to better perceive the EMG patterns and risks of
falling (Jeong et al., 2021; Rescio et al., 2018).
A different approach is shown by (ZiYing et al.,
2021) where the system’s main routine is to de-
tect Movement Related Cortical Potential (MRCP)
through an electroencephalogram (ECG). When there
is an intention of movement, the EMG sensors are ac-
tivated and the force threshold is verified to decide
if there is enough force to realize the movement. If
the threshold is below the necessary, the patient is in-
structed to wait for aid and the caregiver receives a
warning about the situation.
Just like EMG, there is still the application of ECG
as the main parameter for fall risk assessment (Shim-
mer Discovery in Motion, 2022). Since the ECG ac-
quires the response from the heart, analyzing anoma-
lies in the cardiac waves may reveal a possible fall
event. The number of works using mainly ECG or
a fusion of cardiac signals and some other parame-
ter increases each year but the tendency is for them
to integrate some type of artificial intelligence into
it (Butt et al., 2021; Melillo et al., 2015). This in-
tegration of ECG and AI tends to show good results
when predicting fall risk and lessens the burden on
specialists (Queralta et al., 2019).
By combining the responses from diverse biosensors,
this work’s aim is to analyze a modular system to
acquire, process and transmit the necessary biosig-
nals. These signals include the EMG signal of the
abdomen and lower back, ECG, IMU (by verifying if
the subject is inclined or upright) and body tempera-
ture. Later, these signals are to be used as input for AI
codes to create personalized FES routines.
3.1 System Requirements
Each biosignal that must be acquired has different
properties and so, presents different system parame-
ters requirements, all of which must be handled by
the same microcontroller. Starting with EMG acqui-
sition, to properly acquire the muscles’ responses the
sampling rate of the acquisition must be at least 1 kHz
on a frequency bandwidth of 18480 Hz. To acquire
the response of four pairs of electrodes (two pairs at
the abdomen and two at the lower back), the micro-
controller was configured to receive data through mul-
Regarding the ECG signal acquisition, the fre-
quency bandwidth can vary from 0.5 Hz up to 200 Hz
and the best sampling rate frequencies are around
120 Hz and 200 Hz (Kwon et al., 2018; Ajdaraga
and Gusev, 2017). The system also must include ba-
sic signal treatment features to eliminate power line
noise which alters the ECG signal acquired around
the 60 Hz.
Unlike the previous two signals which were sig-
nals acquired directly from the body, the response of
the IMU comes from an accelerometer and a gyro-
scope, each generating three responses, one for each
axis (x, y and z). These two devices work with a dif-
ferent communication protocol called Inter-Integrated
Circuit, or I2C what prevent the IMU acquisition rate
to be managed by the ESP-32’s timer, and instead,
works based on code routines. With this, the sampling
rate was set to 100 Hz (Zhou et al., 2020) since it is
the minimum necessary to accompany simple daily
The developed system also must be prepared to
Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention
handle a body temperature sensor. This sensor will
acquired the body’s temperature with a sampling rate
of 10 Hz in the same way the IMU, following the code
Since the purpose of this work is to develop the
necessary microelectronic to acquire and transmit
biosignals from inside a wearable, there are a few re-
quirements it must follow besides the ones specific
to each signal and circuit. To not influence the daily
activities of the patient, the final circuit must be light
and small without compromising comfort when wear-
ing the T-shirt.
Another factor to be taken into account when
thinking about not interfering in the daily tasks is the
absence of wires, i.e., the circuit must be wireless both
for energy source and data transmission. To avoid bat-
tery discharge in the middle of the session, energy-
efficient batteries and a battery monitor are also req-
uisites included in the scope of the project.
Fulfilling all these requirements while using high-
end materials with their durability and quality would
be an easier task, but the cost would turn exponen-
tially higher. To ensure that most people have the pos-
sibility of owning one exemplar, the cost of the final
product must be kept accessible while using durable
and trustworthy materials.
3.2 System Architecture
The proposed architecture, illustrated in Fig-
ure 2, constitutes an advanced technological sys-
tem/medical device with biofeedback response, since
the built-in sensors/actuators will be able to monitor
muscle and vital signs and, at the same time, act by
functional electrical stimulation (FES). Furthermore,
the device allows to work as an emergency system, in
situations of imminent fall, in which the sensors will
trigger a muscle activation, remotely controlled, of
the abdomen and/or low back muscles.
The designed system offers the possibility for the
patient to carry out the therapy comfortably at home,
allowing the reduction of social and economic bur-
dens, as well as the opportunity for hospital centers
to reduce the number of falls of users in the context
of hospitalization. The proposed wearable device is
responsible for ensuring the acquisition and condi-
tioning (amplification, filtering and conversion) of the
EMG, ECG, IMU and temperature data properly, and
subsequently send the acquired information to a mo-
bile application running on a smartphone/tablet.
The EMG sensors are destined to capture the mus-
culoskeletal signal, which measures the potential dif-
ference between the muscle fibers recruited during a
muscle contraction. In this way, the designed archi-
Figure 2: System architecture focusing the acquisition, sig-
nal conditioning and stimulation system.
tecture employs four pairs of EMG sensors, two for
the abdomen and two for low back muscles to monitor
the signals aiming to assist the fall detection system.
The ECG electrodes allow monitoring of the
user’s heart rate, which can be useful to check if a fall
has occurred or even alarm if another heart disease
is detected. This allows us to understand the level
of physiological arousal that someone is experienc-
ing, but it can also indicate a better understanding of
the psychological state (Berkaya et al., 2018). There-
fore, recording heart rate data gives access to sev-
eral parameters, such as Heart Rate (HR) that reflects
arousal, Inter-Beat Interval (IBI) and Heart Rate Vari-
ability (HRV), that are closely related to emotional
arousal (Berkaya et al., 2018).
Temperature sensor affords to measure the pa-
tient’s body temperature, which allows to monitor
and alarm if any anomaly occurs. The sensor is po-
sitioned in the core, that refers to the temperature
of the body’s organs. This metric fluctuates follow-
ing physiological processes, such as circadian cy-
cles, menstruation, illness or physical activity (Mina,
2021). Regarding remote patient monitoring, varia-
tions in core body temperature often provide insight
on health-related problems prior to the appearance
of other symptoms (Dolson et al., 2022). Therefore,
accurately monitoring the patient’s body temperature
can help to identify issues at an early stage.
The IMU provides to measure the acceleration and
angle, which allows jointly with the EMG to perform
the biofeedback for the stimulation module in the fall
detection system. Therefore, IMU sensor is the most
significant in the wearable its metrics will be the base
WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare
for the fall detection system where according to the
patient’s core angle and the acceleration value, then
the respective actuator array will be powered on in
order to compensate this undesirable motion and re-
establishing the patient corporal posture.
The FES actuators perform the electrostimulation
through electric pulses, aiming to assist in the user
posture correction and preventing imminent falls reg-
istered by the monitoring system. These actuators are
crucial in physiotherapy and monitoring contexts aim-
ing to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and low
back, that are the main muscular group recruited for
posture stabilization and elderly people usually have
atrophy in these muscles, which contributes to an in-
creased risk of falls.
After collected each information from their re-
spective transducer, it is forwarded to a signal con-
ditioning block that provides a properly amplification
to a higher amplitude aiming to decrease the trans-
mission losses, in addition, this same block allows to
filter the signal to attenuate undesired frequencies and
Next, all the sensor data is converted from ana-
logue to digital through an Analog/Digital Converter
(ADC) to be able to transmit all content to the micro-
controller unit (MCU). The MCU will receive all the
information, store it and process locally the data by
executing control rules to perform the muscle stimu-
lation function. These control rules triggered accord-
ing to the biofeedback from the EMG and IMU col-
lected data (providing a loop between the acquisition
and stimulation systems). Therefore, the MCU will
send commands to the stimulation driver according to
the IMU angle and acceleration values, to avoid im-
minent falls and guaranteeing the user integrity and
The mobile application is responsible for manag-
ing the information that defines the treatment sessions
in real-time, that is, receiving the data collected by
the set of sensors and sending the stimulation rules
considering the biofeedback to the wearable system.
This management is done in the mobile app due to its
greater computational power, enabling more complex
algorithms to be explored to provide adequate stimu-
lation adaptation for each patient.
In this way, before a treatment session starts, the
initial configuration parameters defined by the physi-
cian are downloaded from the cloud to the mobile
app. During the session, the mobile app will only
communicate with the wearable, requiring no internet
connection to perform the session. When the session
ends, all the data collected and the stimulation rules
applied will be sent to the cloud and be available for
the physician to evaluate and prepare the next treat-
ment session.
Considering the aforementioned project requirements
and the designed system architecture, a prototype of
an integrated acquisition system was developed as il-
lustrated in Figure 3 (note that the stimulation sys-
tem, the mobile app, the fall detection system and the
AI algorithms are not detailed in this paper). The
proposed solution comprises the data acquisition of
EMG, ECG, IMU and temperature, which operates in
real-time and integrated with the mobile app.
Figure 3: Schematic of prototype data acquisition and stim-
4.1 Bio-Signal Acquisition Module
The designed acquisition prototype employs commer-
cial and low-cost sensors, namely MPU 6050, EBZ-
AD8233, SI 7021 and AD8232 Heart Monitor, as pre-
sented in Figure 3.
Seeking to measure the signals produced by the
abdomen and low back muscles, the evaluation board
AD8233 was selected to perform the signal condition-
ing (amplifying and filtering). Originally, this device
was designed by the Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) as
a heart rate monitor front end to acquire ECG sig-
nals providing a frequency bandwidth of 7 25 Hz.
Then, aiming to measure EMG signals an adaptation
in the components of the High-pass (HPF) and Low-
pass (LPF) filters circuits were necessary, resulting on
a new frequency bandwidth of 15 480 Hz. Those
changes allow to acquire and amplify musculoskele-
tal signals properly since the biosignals have low am-
plitude levels, ranging from µV to a few mV.
The AD8232 Heart Monitor is a low-cost devel-
Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention
opment kit specified for ECG signals, which offers
complete voltage interval for reading (0 3.3 V) to
sample the heart rate signal amplitude and provides
a frequency spectrum of 7 500 Hz. ECGs can be
extremely noisy, the AD8232 acts as an operational
amplifier (op amp) to assist obtain a clear signal from
the PR and QT intervals easily. Furthermore, this in-
tegrated signal conditioning block is designed to fil-
ter small biopotential signals in the presence of noisy
conditions, such as those created by motion or remote
electrode placement.
The temperature sensor SI 7021 offers a 400 kHz
C bus communication, high accuracy for a low-cost
device ± 0.4
C providing a temperature ranging of
C to 85
C, and low-power sensor presenting
150 µA of active current.
The IMU sensor adopted is the MPU 6050, which
offers a 400 kHz I
C bus communication, a low-
cost sensor, low power consumption 3.6 mA and
500 µA operating currents of the gyroscope and ac-
celerometer respectively, and high-performance re-
quirements for wearable devices. This sensor model
allows tracking 6-axis motion, being 3-axis for the
gyroscope and 3-axis the accelerometer. Moreover,
the MPU 6050 enables to follow fast and slow
motions providing a user-programmable scale for
the gyroscope (±250,±500,±1000, ±2000)
/s and
accelerometer(±2g,±4g,±8g,±16g) m/s
4.2 Microcontroller Unit
To be possible to read data from all the sensors,
a MCU was employed to lead all acquisition and
transmission functionalities, as presented in Figure 3.
Therefore, the whole system architecture was based
on the ESP32 microcontroller which offers low-cost,
wireless communication (Wi-Fi and BLE) and capa-
bility to operate with dual core.
ESP32 is a MCU with enough computational
power to acquire sensor data from all the sensors, be-
ing capable to operate at high frequencies since the
clock of a standard model, such as ESP32-WROOM-
32D, is above 150 MHz. In addition, the ESP32 al-
lows separating through timer tasks the distinct ac-
quisition routines for each sensor, respecting their
sampling frequencies while avoiding delays and data
The ESP32 has an ADC with 12 bits of resolu-
tion, permitting to convert analogue voltage values
from 0.8 mV while e.g. the Arduino microcontroller
only has 10 bits of resolution that allows to measure
a signal from 4.89 mV. Lastly, this device provides
a dual-core functionality that is essential to guaran-
tee the correct acquisition and data transmission inte-
grated, being able to execute separately each function
without delays or interference among the tasks.
4.3 Data Transmission
The data transmission between the microcontroller
and the smartphone was an important part of the
project having in mind that data loss during the com-
munication could lead to wrong or incomplete infor-
mation being displayed to the medical team. Aiming
to implement a reliable transmission technology with
enough security and customizable, Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE) was implemented.
Besides the items aforementioned, BLE is sup-
ported by most smartphones, tablets and similar de-
vices nowadays. The coverage range of BLE 4.2 also
reaches greater distances, even being able to commu-
nicate at around 100 meters. Power consumption that
is already low for this version can be lowered even
more with simple configurations, what is an advanta-
geous point for a wireless wearable powered by bat-
Serving as the central, the mobile application is
responsible for sending requests to peripheral device
(the wearable) to read and send the acquired data or
to write new routines. In the meantime, the periph-
eral device can only send indications, responses to
requests and notification about characteristics previ-
ously selected during the configuration. Since the
ESP-32 employed has to deal with vast amounts of
data being transferred regarding all the signals ac-
quired, the signals responses pass through different
buffers while the responses required by the client are
sent directly. To better handle this task one of ESP-
32’s threads is exclusively to acquire, manage and
transmit the data to the smartphone in real-time.
Expanding the maximum throughput to 517 bytes
was another method for improving the transmission
performance since with this the computational cost
associated to constantly sending and receiving the
overhead of packages is lowered.
This necessity becomes even more visible sup-
posing the mobile application will present some type
of play/pause/stop command. With this in mind, the
transmission code was developed in a way that even
if the transmission is paused, biosignals acquisition
keeps running on the background while being stored
locally to avoid data loss until the treatment is re-
WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare
In order to verify the accomplishment of the require-
ments, the prototype was used to perform several ex-
perimental tests. The acquired signals were derived
from a healthy person executing a simple set of move-
ments during the tests routine. While standing, bend
the upper body forward, backward, to the left and fi-
nally to the right holding the position for a couple
seconds in each one. Afterwards, the subject would
strongly contract the biceps once followed by three
weaker contractions.
5.1 Data Acquisition Test
Auto-adhesive wet Ag-AgCl electrodes were chosen
to ensure that the noise from the sensor/skin interface
was the minimum possible. Besides being the golden
standard, these sensors present common connection
characteristics that allow them to be used with other
acquisition devices which makes possible to compare
the signals acquired by commercial devices and the
Although the acquisition boards used are commer-
cially available and already validated, the EMG ac-
quisition boards had some components changed. The
resulting acquisition system was then compared with
Bitalino’s output as can be seen in Figure
Figure 4: EMG comparison between Bitalino and the pro-
During the tests, it was verified that simply mov-
ing the cables resulted in high noise inputs, some-
times requiring the test to be remade. Even so, the
best signal-to-noise ratio when using the prototype to
acquire EMG signals achieved 14.68 dB in contrast
with 18.15 dB obtained when using commercial ac-
quisition devices.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 are examples of data ac-
quired with the proposed systems.
As can be seen, both signals still have a great
amount of noise present, even so, both the biceps
contractions and the PQRST complex are clearly de-
tectable. Since the IMU sensor does not need to stay
in contact with the body, it can be kept closer to the
Figure 5: EMG acquired using the prototype.
Figure 6: ECG acquired using the prototype prototype.
microcontroller, requiring shorter cables and reduc-
ing the movement and instability artifacts. This can
be seem in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7: IMU response to bending the body to the front
and the back.
Figure 8: IMU response to bending the body to the left and
the right.
Both the EMG and ECG signal, as well as the
six IMU responses and the temperature were acquired
and transmitted to the microcontroller via cables. For
the duration of the tests (approximately one hour and
a half), the ESP was able to handle all data without
5.2 Data Transmission Test
Besides acquiring the signals and handling the rou-
tines, the microcontroller was responsible for trans-
mitting the data through BLE. This type of communi-
cation presents the risk of losing some data be it due
to some glitch at the smartphone or the ESP not be-
ing able to keep track of the packets sent resulting in
packets being skipped.
To closely verify how many packets of each type
Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention
of data was received, the prototype was put to work
with simulated values as acquisition’s responses. The
time between the received packets was monitored for
fifty packets for each of the four types of signals. This
being said, it is important to note that comparison
between two types of signals may cause wrong con-
clusions as the transmission system works based on
buffers, so signals with greater acquisition rates, like
EMG, will present smaller time differences than sig-
nals with smaller acquisition rates (i.e. temperature).
Figure 9 shows the time between consecutive
packets for the acquired data. The ideal response
would be to present the same delay between all the
packets of one type of signal. To illustrate, if all the
EMG packets presented zero and 100 ms consecu-
tively between two packets, it would be proved that,
for this signal, the routine is being well handled by the
ESP. But as can be seem, the microcontroller presents
some problems to handle the acquisition and trans-
mission at the same time around the thirtieth packet
which cause irregularities in all four signals transmis-
Even with some irregularities in the transmission,
at long term tests the mean time is kept close to the
settings so there is no major prejudice to the final data
set. Since the ESP has two cores and just one of them
is being used to this task, employing other microcon-
troller with more cores or with higher performance
is bound to solve the discrepancies in delay between
Employing wearable systems in daily life is a reliable
way to improve healthcare while maintaining the bur-
den on the healing system at acceptable levels. The
possibility of remote monitoring of vital signals is
an important factor for both health professionals and
concerned relatives.
The proposed innovative system aims at revolu-
tionizing the method for detecting fall occurrences
with a low-cost modular device embedded into a
wearable T-shirt. Acquiring a set of important signals
such as EMG, ECG, body temperature and body posi-
tion allows the usage of this data for not only detect-
ing and preventing falls but to detect improvements
resulting from treatments. To provide the acquired
data to the medical team this system presents connec-
tion to the smartphone, which safely sends the data to
the cloud. To lower the burden on the ESP, data treat-
ment and storage are done on the smartphone, which
reduces the need for more expensive microcontrollers.
Preliminary experimental tests show that the
main acquisition system requirements were fulfilled,
mainly regarding the acquisition rates and identifica-
tion of each signal in the buffers. The microcontroller
also proved itself capable of handling the data trans-
mission while keeping the acquisition routines on.
There is a need to improve the transmission routines
since some packets presented higher delay, although
the frequency with which this occurred and the mag-
nitude of the delay did not have great influence in long
During the experiments, it was clear that the con-
nections between the boards created instability among
the components resulting in motion artifacts and noise
increase. Also, isolating one core of the ESP reduced
the processing capabilities so using both cores to ac-
quire and transmit the data may present a great posi-
tive impact on the result. Implementing the routines
in other microcontroller models may be an option as
Since the acquisition system was developed to be
integrated with the stimulation system, future works
are summarized in implementing the necessary elec-
tronics and verifying if the microcontroller is able
to handle all tasks, taking into account the complex-
ity of the stimulation routines. With both stimula-
tion and acquisition working together, a new printed
circuit board (PCB) will be designed to reduce even
more connection problems and circuit size. With this,
the analysis of the system’s integration viability into
wearables and battery consumption can be easily and
properly done.
Then, the PCB will be used for tests with volun-
teers for validation purposes and the acquired signals,
used to populate the database. With this data, the AI
will be trained to develop customized stimulation rou-
tines for each muscle according to the necessary treat-
ment or to prevent some fall occurrence.
This work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational
Programme for Competitiveness and International-
ization (COMPETE 2020), under Portugal 2020 in
the framework of the NanoID (NORTE-01-0247-
FEDER-046985) Project.
This work has been supported by the Founda-
tion for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal)
through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to
CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020)
and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).
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