GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization
Imen Tanfouri
1 a
and Fethi Jarray
1,2 b
LIMTIC Laboratory, UTM University, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Computer Science of Medenine, Tunisia
Single Document Summarization, Natural Language Processing, BERT Model, Genetic Algorithm, Triplet
Loss Function.
Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is a fundamental problem in natural language processing (NLP), it
aims to reduce text size by removing irrelevant data and preserving the semantic structure of the original
text. Recently, transformer-based models have shown great success in ATS and have been considered the
state-of-the-art model for many NLP tasks. In this research, we are concerned with extractive summarization
for a single document, where the goal is to extract a subset of sentences that best represents a summary
of the document. We propose a combination of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
(BERT) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for automatic text summarization (named GaSUM) where GA is used
as a search space method and BERT is used as a fitness measure. We validated these methods using the
CNN/Daily Mail available dataset. Our results showed that GaSUM achieves a ROUGE-1 score of 55.75%
and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin in terms of the rouge score.
Nowadays, the big amount of data available on the in-
ternet and its high increase daily causes a big problem
for the user to pick out pertinent information. There-
fore, it is important to develop automated text sum-
marizing systems that can transform longer texts into
small paragraphs to reduce reading time and speed up
the research process for pertinent information. There
are important applications for text summarization in
different NLP-related tasks like question answering,
headline generation, news summarization, and text
Machine learning-based models have been pro-
posed for different NLP tasks like word sense disam-
biguation (Saidi et al., 2022; Saidi and Jarray, 2022),
sentiment analysis, and text summarization. Numer-
ous machine-learning-based models are used in text
summarization task, most of them model the summa-
rization problem as a classification problem in which
the output is whether to include each sentence of
the original text in the summary or not. Other ap-
proaches have used Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
(Tanfouri and Jarray, 2022), Reinforcement Learning
(Keneshloo et al., 2019), and Sequence to Sequence
models (Nallapati et al., 2017).
Automatic text summarization (ATS) can be di-
vided into extractive text summarization and abstrac-
tive text summarization according to the output type
of the summarization system. The former aims at se-
lecting the most relevant sentences from a given doc-
ument as its summary. The latter aims to generate a
short text summary by paraphrasing the content of the
original document.
Figure 1: Extractive and Abstractive text summarizer.
According to the approach used, an extractive
summarization procedure can be either a sentence-
level (Nallapati et al., 2017; Liu and Lapata, 2019;
Jia et al., 2021; Gong et al., ) or a summary-level.
An extractive sentence level consists in scoring each
sentence of the document, then selecting sentences
Tanfouri, I. and Jarray, F.
GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization.
DOI: 10.5220/0011893000003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 2, pages 447-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
with the highest score to create the summary. The
main drawback of this method is that it independently
selects the sentences rather than taking into account
the semantics of the full summary. In order to over-
come this challenge, Zhong et al. (Zhong et al., 2020)
proposed a summary-level approach, MatchSUM that
jointly learns salience and redundancy in the extrac-
tive summarization. Globally, it consists in generating
summaries and returning the highest score summary.
Zhong et al. (Zhong et al., 2020) cast the scoring step
as a semantic textual matching problem and designed
a BERT-based framework for it. However, Match-
SUM becomes impractical when the search space is
huge, as in the case of long documents.
In this contribution, we focus on an extractive
summary-level approach. The contribution of this
work can be summarized as follows:
1. Propose GaSUM a hybrid approach of GA and
BERT for extractive summary level approach for
single document summarization.
2. Wrap the MatchSUM approach and run it inside a
GA structure.
3. Validate our method on the CNN/Daily Mail
available dataset and achieve state-of-the-art per-
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews the related work on ATS.
Section 3 explains our GaSUM method for ATS. Sec-
tion 4 details the experiments and the results. Section
5 concludes this paper and mentions some future ex-
The approaches developed for extractive text summa-
rization can be divided into classical machine learn-
ing (ML) models that require handcrafted feature ex-
traction and deep learning models where feature ex-
traction and prediction are embedded in a single net-
work. Traditional ML approaches include statistically
based systems (Al-Hashemi, 2010; Haboush et al.,
2012), support vector machine (SVM) (Boudabous
et al., 2010), Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA) and La-
tent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Froud et al., 2013;
AL-Khawaldeh and Samawi, 2015; Tanfouri and Jar-
ray, 2022; Mohamed and Oussalah, 2019), boosting
(Belkebir and Guessoum, 2015) and meta-heuristic
approaches (Al-Abdallah and Al-Taani, 2017; Jara-
dat, 2015; Tanfouri et al., 2021). Miller(Miller, 2019).
Nada et al.(Abu Nada et al., 2020) proposed a
BERT-based approach by first embedding the sen-
tences by BERT and then clustering the embedded
data vectors. Finally, sentences closer to the centroids
are selected for the summary. The main drawback of
this approach is that the sentences are encoded inde-
pendently into fixed-sized embeddings. To address
this issue, Yang Liu (Liu and Lapata, 2019) proposed
BERTSUM an extension of BERT for extractive sum-
marization. It can be considered the first BERT-based
extractive sentence-level summarization model. It has
the ability to deal with multiple sentences by insert-
ing a [CLS] token before each sentence, contrary to
the original BERT release, which cannot handle more
than two sentences. It achieves a 30.01 ROUGE-
1 score on CNN/DM dataset (Nallapati et al., 2016;
Hermann et al., 2015).
LEAD (Xu and Durrett, 2019) presents a neu-
ral model for single-document summarization based
on joint extraction and syntactic compression. This
model is a neural network model that encodes a
source document, chooses sentences from that doc-
ument, and selects discrete compression options to
apply. They choose sentences from the document,
identify possible compressions based on constituency
parse, and score those compressions with a neural
model to produce the final summary. It achieves a
40.43 ROUGE-1 score on CNN/DM dataset.
MatchSUM (Zhong et al., 2020) was the first
summary-level method proposed for extractive sum-
marization. Zhong et al. (Zhong et al., 2020) cast
the summarization task as a semantic text-matching
problem rather than the commonly used sequence la-
beling model. They designed a Siamese-based neu-
ral network to measure the semantic similarity be-
tween the original document and a candidate sum-
mary. They used triplet loss, where a good summary
should be semantically similar to the source docu-
ment. Furthermore, they achieved a 44.41 ROUGE-1
score on CNN/DM dataset. Although we have built
our proposed approach upon this, the main weakness
of MatchSUM is the lack of a search strategy, which
determines how to explore the search space in order to
find a good summary. One of our contributions is to
overcome the exploration issue by designing a genetic
We address the extractive summarization task as an
optimization problem, where the goal is to select the
best subset of sentences that maximize an evaluation
score. Our approach has two components: (1) a local
search-based genetic algorithm (GA) to explore the
search space and construct an optimal summary, and
(2) a BERT-based semantic textual similarity model
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(Fitness-BERT) to measure the similarity between the
original document and a guess summary that is con-
sidered as its fitness score. Unlike the sentence-level
summary approach, we compute a global score of the
selected summary.
Figure 2: GaSUM flowchart composed by a local search-
based genetic algorithm to find the best summary and a
BERT-based fitness function to compute the fitness score
of a summary.
We introduce the following notations: D a docu-
ment consisting of n sentences, C a candidate sum-
mary made from k sentences extracted from D, C is
the search space, i.e. the space of all feasible solu-
tions (summaries), C
is the human-annotated sum-
mary of D, f (D,C) the similarity score of C according
to D and
C is the candidate summary with the highest
score, i.e. the best summary according to the score.
C = arg maxscore(C, D)
The major issue in text summarization is the scor-
ing of summaries according to the original document.
In this contribution, we use a BERT-based similarity
3.1 Fitness-BERT Component
We cast the similarity between C and D as a Seman-
tic Textual Similarity (STS) task. STS seeks to quan-
tify the degree of similarity between the input texts C
and D. A Siamese neural network (SNN) is a neural
network designed to learn the similarity between two
texts (see Figure 3).
SNN consists of two identical subnetworks, a.k.a.
twin networks, that output the embedding of the given
two input sentences. Each sub-network implements
the BERT embedding. We feed the document D and
the candidate summary C to SNN and take r
and r
as their token representations [CLS], respectively. We
use cosine between r
and r
to measure the similar-
ity between D and C,
f (D,C) = cosine(r
, r
) (2)
SNN is commonly trained with the triplet loss func-
tion (Schroff et al., 2015), which ensures that the gold
Figure 3: A Siamese neural network (SNN) architecture that
outputs the semantic similarity between the candidate sum-
mary and the original document.
summary is closer to the document than any other
candidate summary. In its terminology, D is the an-
chor, C
is the positive sample, and C is the nega-
tive sample (Zhong et al., 2020). Mathematically, it is
stated as follows:
= max(0, f (D,C) f (D,C
) + γ
where a γ
is a margin value (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Triplet loss function for training Siamese neu-
ral network (Zhong et al., 2020). The golden summary C
should be semantically closer to the source document than
any other candidate summary.
We suppose that the candidate summaries are
sorted in descending order of ROUGE scores, with
the gold summary Zhong et al.(Zhong et al., 2020)
added a pairwise margin loss for all the candidate
summaries as a regularization term. The idea behind
this is that the candidate pair with a larger rank gap
GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization
should have a larger score margin. Mathematically,
= max(0, f (D,C
) f (D,C
) + ( j i)γ
i < j
where c
denotes the candidate summary number i and
is a hyper parameter. Finally, the margin-based
triplet loss can be expressed as equation (5)
L = L
+ L
The major challenge of applying triplet loss is how
to generate the negative examples, i.e. the set of all
summaries. Here, we apply the proposed pruning ap-
proach (Zhong et al., 2020) where we first apply a
filtering operation that eliminates irrelevant sentences
and then apply a brute-force method to generate all
combinations of summaries.
3.2 GA Component
The inference phase consists of selecting the highest
score summary of document D.
C = arg max f (D,C)
Since C is a very huge space, we propose GA
to explore it. A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search-
based algorithm for solving combinatorial optimiza-
tion problems in machine learning, computer vision
(Jarray et al., 2008; Brunetti et al., 2007) and natural
language processing. It initially creates a set of possi-
ble solutions known as population and then iteratively
generates better and better individuals with regard to
a fitness function or criterion by selecting, crossing,
and mutating them (see Figure 5). One of the main
advantages of GA is that it does not need derivative
Figure 5: Flowchart of genetic algorithm. The main compo-
nents are initial population generation, fitness scoring, par-
ent selection and diversification operators such as crossover
and mutation.
In the following, the terms chromosome and can-
didate summary are used interchangeably. The main
phases of the genetic algorithm are population Fitness
function, initialization, selection, crossover, mutation,
and summary generation. As mentioned above, the
score of a population C according to a document D
is computed as the cosine between their vector repre-
sentation according to Eq.(2).
3.2.1 Initial Population
This step starts by randomly creating the initial pop-
ulation P. This population contains Ps chromosomes
(candidate summaries), and each chromosome has n
genes, where n is the number of sentences in the
document. Each gene represents a sentence, and it
can take the value 1 if the sentence will participate
in the summary or 0 otherwise. For example, for a
document with four sentences n = 4 and 3 chromo-
somes, ps = 3 the initial population may be as follows
P = ([0110], [1011], [0101]). The choice of the size of
the population size Ps is a relevant issue: if the popu-
lation is too small, the GA may converge too quickly
to a bad solution, if it is too large, the algorithm may
take a long time to converge, especially when the fit-
ness function is time-consuming.
3.2.2 Selection
The selection phase consists in selecting the highest
score individuals and letting them pass their genes to
the next generation. There are several techniques to
select an individual from a population like roulette
wheel selection, rank selection, and tournament se-
lection. The last strategy consists of randomly pick-
ing k individuals from the population and keeping the
best one, where k is the tournament size parameter.
This process is repeated until we reach the desired
number of individuals to reproduce. The tournament
candidates are picked in two variants: with or with-
out replacement. In our experimental setting, we ap-
plied the tournament selection strategy with replace-
ment. Once the selection of individuals to form the
parents is performed, the next phase is the applica-
tion of diversification operators such as crossover and
3.2.3 Crossover
Crossover is the process that combines two individu-
als (parents) to produce a new individual (offspring).
There are different ways of swapping parents to get
offspring such as one-point, two-point, and uniform
crossover strategy (see Figure 6). Uniform crossover
can be seen as a more general version of the mul-
tipoint crossover, where each bit (gene) is randomly
swapped between the parents. In this paper, we adopt
a one-point crossover strategy.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 6: Crossover strategies. From top to bottom: select
a pivot point and swap the tails of the two parents to get
two new offsprings, select two pivots and swap the middle
substring of both parents, and uniformly (probability 0.5)
select each bit from parent 1 or parent 2.
3.2.4 Mutation
Mutation creates offspring by randomly changing the
bits (genes) of individual parents. There are different
variants of mutation such as swap, insertion, inver-
sion, and displacement mutation7. In this manuscript,
we adopt the inversion strategy.
Figure 7: Mutation strategies. From top to bottom; ex-
change the values of two bits, randomly select a bit and
randomly insert it, invert the values of a sequence of bits,
and displace a sequence of bits.
3.2.5 Summary Generation
In the summarization problem, after the GA execu-
tion, we get the best individual with the highest fit-
ness score. The final step is to decode this individual
to get the final summary. We take the positions of
genes with value 1, and we concatenate sentences of
these positions in the same order as the original text.
3.2.6 Toy Example
Figure 8 shows a toy example of a document sum-
marization. Table 1 presents the scores of similarity
between the original and the generated summary.
Figure 8: Example of running GaSUM algorithm over a
toy example. The extracted sentences are highlighted in the
original document.
The final summary returned by GaSum is evalu-
ated using the Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gist-
ing Evaluation (ROUGE) metric which considers
both Recall and Precision between candidate (model-
generated ) summary and reference (golden-annotated
) summary. It is branched into ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2,
and ROUGE-L scores.
In ROUGE-1 precision and recall compare the sim-
ilarity of uni-grams (each token of comparison is a
single word) between reference and candidate sum-
In ROUGE-2 precision and recall compare the sim-
ilarity of bi-grams (each token of comparison is 2
consecutive words) between reference and candidate
In ROUGE-L precision and recall measures the
Longest Common Sub-sequence (LCS) words be-
tween reference and candidate summaries.
Table 1 presents ROUGE-score for the toy example in
terms of recall, precision, and F-score.
Table 1: ROUGE score for the toy example.
Precision Recall F-score
ROUGE 1 0.70 0.51 0.59
ROUGE 2 0.56 0.41 0.48
ROUGE L 0.66 0.47 0.56
GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization
In this section, we describe the dataset used for text
summarization and present our implementation of the
GaSUM strategy.
4.1 Summarization Dataset
We carried out experiments on the CNN / DailyMail
dataset. It is an English-language dataset containing
over 300k news articles as written by journalists at
CNN and the Daily Mail. Each document is paired
with 3-4 highlights that summarize its content.
4.2 Implementation Details
We implement the genetic algorithm under the pa-
rameters presented in Table 2. For the fitness-BERT
Table 2: Parameters of genetic algorithm.
Description Value
Population size 50
Tournament size 32
Selection strategy tournament
Tournament variant by replacement
Crossover strategy one point
Iteration number 1000
Crossover Probability 0.6
Mutation Probability 0.2
component, we used the BERT-biased Siamese net-
work fine-tuned in (Zhong et al., 2020). Concerning
the GA component, we run a genetic algorithm with
the following parameters: 1000 generations, popula-
tion size 50, tournament selection as a selection strat-
egy, crossover probability 0.6, and mutation probabil-
ity 0.2.
The performance of our proposed method is eval-
uated using the ROUGE metric. ROUGE stands for
Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting and is a well-
known summary evaluation method. It counts the
number of overlapping n-grams between the golden
summary and the machine summary. Table 3 shows a
performance comparison between our GaSUM model
and the state-of-the-art.
Table 3: Comparison of numerical results on CNN/Daily
Mail dataset through R 1, R 2 and R L ROUGE metrics.
Model R-1 R-2 R-L
MatchSUM (BERT-base) 44.22 20.62 40.38
MatchSUM (RoBERTa-base) 44.41 20.86 40.55
LEAD 40.43 17.62 36.67
GaSUM 55.75 44.98 54.32
The experimental result shows that GaSUM out-
performs the state-of-the-art approaches including
LEAD and MatchSUM models according to R-1, R-
2, and R-L metrics. Moreover, GaSUM is faster and
more intelligent in the search for the optimal sum-
mary. In addition, GaSUM can be embedded in other
metaheuristics, such as particle swarm optimization
(PSO). This outperformance is due to the use of GA
approach that efficiently explores the search space
in order to find near–optimal solutions. In fact, the
search space is exponential in the document size, and
we have to choose the search strategy carefully to
avoid discarding some regions or exhaustively search-
ing for the best summary.
In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid approach
of BERT representation genetic algorithm exploration
(GaSUM) for summary-level extractive summariza-
tion. We prove how BERT based Siamese networks
can be efficiently used for summaries scoring and how
genetic algorithm can be used as an exploration strat-
egy to find the best summary. GaSUM outperformed
the state-of-the-art performance on CNN-Daily Mail
dataset. As a future perspective of this work, we plan
to further improve the performance of our approach
through the introduction of an attention mechanism
in the Siamese network.
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GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization