An Unsupervised IR Approach Based Density Clustering Algorithm
Achref Ouni
Laboratoire LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, Universite Clermont Auvergne, 63170 Aubiere, France
Image Retrieval, BoVW, Descriptors, Classification.
Finding the most similar images to an input query in the database is an important task in computer vision.
Many approaches have been proposed from visual content have proven its effectiveness in retrieving the most
relevant images. Bag of visual words model (BoVW) is one of the most algorithm used for image classification
and recognition. Even the discriminative power of BoVW, the problem of retrieving the relevant images from
the dataset is still a challenge.
In this paper, we propose an efficient method inspired by the BoVW algorithm. Our key idea is to convert
the standard BoVW model into a BoVP (Bag of Visual Phrase) model based on a density-spatial clustering
algorithm. We show experimentally that the proposed model is able to perform better than classical methods.
We examine the performance of the proposed method on four different datasets.
Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is the problem
of finding from a database the images that are similar
to a query image. This field is a key step for many ap-
plications in computer vision as pose estimation, vir-
tual reality, medical analysis. CBIR is based on the
robustness of the signature image. The CBIR system
is composed by three key steps: (1) Features extrac-
tion (2) Signature construction (3) Retrieved images.
Two major state-of-the-art works proposed the best
performing signature images: Bag of Visual Words
(BoVW) and deep learning based convolutional neu-
ral network (CNN). In a CNN, the signature image
consists of N floating-point vectors extracted from
feature layers within the architectural network. In
BoVW, signature images are computed based on the
frequency of visual words in the image. After signa-
ture images are created for a query and dataset, the
selection of candidates considered similar to the in-
put query is determined by the spacing between sig-
natures using a specific metric.
We focus on this work to enhance BoVW because
it is not necessary to train the algorithm on a set of im-
ages. In addition, BoVW is a robust algorithm with
low complexity and signature creation is faster than
CNN approaches. So, our aim in this paper is to in-
crease the BoVW accuracy by transforming it to bag
of visual phrase (BoVP).A visual phrase is a set of re-
lated visual words that aim to more robustly encode
the visual features in image. The transformation can
be applied with different ways (Pedrosa and Traina,
2013) (Ren et al., 2013) (Chen et al., 2014). We pro-
posed in this paper a robust transformation based den-
sity clustering. In this case the image signature is de-
fined by a matrix with size M M where M is the num-
ber of visual words. After building the images’ signa-
tures for both queries and datasets, the candidates will
be selected based on the euclidean distance. We con-
sider the images with low scores to be similar to an
input query. We test this approach on three different
datasets and two different visual descriptors (SURF,
KAZE). We show experimentally that the proposed
approach achieve a better results in terms of accuracy
compared to the state of the art methods.
The paper is structured as follows: We give a brief
overview of the work related to metaphor words in
Section 2. We detail our proposition in Section 3. We
show the experimental part on 4 datasets in Section 4.
Conclusion in Section 5.
We first discuss the state-of-the-art in both of our
contribution fields: Bag of Visual Words model and
Density-Based Spatial Clustering approach.
1.1 Bag of Visual Words Model
Bag of Visual Words proposed by (Csurka et al.,
2004) is one of the most common model used to clas-
sify the images by content. This approach is com-
Ouni, A.
An Unsupervised IR Approach Based Density Clustering Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0011892800003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
posed of three main steps: (i) Detection and Fea-
ture extraction (ii) Codebook construction (iii) Vec-
tor quantization. Detecting and extracting features
in an image can be performed using extractor algo-
rithms. Many descriptors have been proposed to en-
codes the images into a vector. Scale Invariant Feature
Transform (SIFT) (Lindeberg, 2012) and Speeded-
up Robust Features (SURF) (Bay et al., 2006) are
the most used descriptors in CBIR. Interesting work
from Arandjelovi
c and Zisserman (Arandjelovic and
Zisserman, 2013) introduces an improvement by up-
grading SIFT to RootSift. On the other side, binary
descriptors have proven useful (Rublee et al., 2011)
proposes ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)
to speed up the search. An other work (Leuteneg-
ger et al., 2011) combines two aspects: precision
and speed thanks to BRISK (Binary Robust Invari-
ant Scalable Keypoints) descriptor. (Iakovidou et al.,
2019) present a discriminative descriptor for image
dependent on both contour and color information.
In (Chatzichristofis and Boutalis, 2008), the authors
present descriptors both color and edge information.
Due to the limit of bag of visual words model many
improvement have been proposed for more precision.
Bag of visual phrases (BoVP) (Pedrosa and Traina,
2013) is a high-level description using a more than
word for representing an image. formed phrases us-
ing a sequence of n-consecutive words regrouped by
L2 metric. (Ren et al., 2013) Build an initial graph
then split the graph into a fixed number of sub-graphs
using the N-Cut algorithm. Each histogram of visual
words in a sub graph forms a visual phrases. (Ouni
et al., 2021) present a method based on grid cluster-
ing algorithm for linking the visual words. (Chen
et al., 2014) Groups visual words in pairs using the
neighbourhood of each point of interest. The pair
words are chosen as visual phrases. Perronnin and
Dance (Perronnin and Dance, 2007) applies Fisher
Kernels to visual words represented by means of a
Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). Similar approach,
introduced a simplification for Fisher kernel. Simi-
lar to bag of visual words, vector of locally aggre-
gated descriptors (VLAD) (J
egou et al., 2010) assign
each feature or keypoint to its nearest visual word
and accumulate this difference for each visual word.
(Mehmood et al., 2016) proposes a framework be-
tween local and global histograms of visual words.
in other side, CNN based approach are widely used
in CBIR context (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) (Szegedy
et al., 2017) (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014). In
many instances, CNN supersedes local detectors and
descriptors. The main idea is to train the network on
set of images. The next step use the pretrained CNN
for extracting the signatures image.
1.2 Density-Based Spatial Clustering
The notion of the ” density of a cell”, defined relative
to the number of objects contained in the cell. Density
clustering algorithms are based on a similar notion,
complemented by other fundamental concepts such
as the neighborhood of an object, kernel object, ac-
cessibility, or connection between objects. The com-
plexity of this algorithm is O(nlogn) which makes it
a rather inexpensive method. In addition, the clusters
obtained can be of various forms. However the algo-
rithm has a major disadvantage: the choice of param-
eters ε and M. Even if the authors of the algorithm
propose a heuristic to automatically determine these
parameters, this choice remains difficult in practice.
The data are not generally distributed identically and
these parameters should be able to vary according to
the regions of the space.
DBSCAN (Schubert et al., 2017) is an algorithm
of O(nlogn) complexity which makes it a fairly in-
expensive method. It is a density-based algorithm in
the measure that relies on the estimated density of
the clusters to perform partitioning. DBCLASD (Xu
et al., 1998)(Distribution-Based Clustering of Large
Spatial Databases) algorithm proposes a distributional
approach to manage this problem of variation in local
densities. Same authors propose OPTICS (Ankerst
et al., 2008) algorithm (Ordering Points To Identify
the Clustering Structure). OPTICS defines an order
on the objects which can then be used by DBSCAN,
in the cluster expansion phase.
We aim in this section to improve the image repre-
sentation. As described in previous section, bag of
visual words is the model that can describe the visual
features in image in a robust way. However, even the
new representation, the given outcomes do not fulfill
the ideal need. Therefore we attempt to improve the
BoVW model by changing to a bag of visual phrases
based on density clustering approaches.
The goal of using a clustering strategy is to rep-
resent an image as a set of clusters, each cluster con-
taining at least two keypoints and representing one or
more visual sets. For this case, each cluster takes on a
visual representation when its size is >2. Then, from
the acquired groups, we consolidated the visual words
inside each cluster to fabricate a discriminative signa-
ture denoted ”bag of visual phrase”. Also, we test
and study the distinction between the density cluster-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Bag of visual words model.
Figure 2: Density-based spatial clustering (Schubert et al.,
2017) (DBSCAN).
ing techniques (DBSCAN, Optics) at the degree of
execution, productivity and which one has better im-
provement the image representation.
In the first part of our framework, we start by rec-
ognizing and extracting of the keypoints from the in-
put query. After using the offline-created visual words
or vocabulary, we use the L2 metric to match each
keypoint detected in the image with the correspond-
ing visual vocabulary.
Figure 3: Clustering Key-points using Density cluster-
Figure 3 presents the clusters obtained by density
clustering approach. A cluster is the maximum set of
connected points(Key-points in our case). The algo-
rithm has a major disadvantage: the choice of parame-
ters ε and Min ε. In our case we propose a heuristic to
automatically determine these parameters. We fixed
Minε= 1 and we begin from ε=0.001 and in each it-
eration we increase the value of ε until the number of
cluster will be equal or close to the half size of key-
points. As shown in figure 3 we obtained 9 clusters
using 20 key-point. We succeeded in finding the ideal
number of clusters in relation to the number of keys-
points. The number of key-points in each cluster is
different to others. We consider each cluster as a set
of visual phrases.
The image signature size is M M where M is the
number of visual words. We initialize the matrix to
zero. Next, we fill the matrix with the indices of the
visual phrases. For example, if the pair visual words
are VW
and VW
then we increment the element at
index (5,30). Finally, the similarity is computed by
the euclidean distance between the matrix query and
the matrix from dataset.
In this section, we present the potential of our ap-
proach on large datasets. Our goal is to increase
the CBIR accuracy and reduce the execution time.
To evaluate our proposition we test on the following
Corel 1K or Wang (Wang et al., 2001) is a dataset
of 1000 images divided into 10 categories and each
category contains 100 images. The evaluation is com-
puted by the average precision of the first 100 nearest
neighbors among 1000.
The University of Kentucky Benchmark proposed
by Nister, abbreviated as UKB for ease of read-
ing. UKB contains 10200 images divided into 2550
groups, each group contains 4 images of the same
object with different conditions (rotation, out-of-
focus...). The score is the average accuracy across all
images of the 4 nearest neighbors.
INRIA Holidays, referred to as Holidays, is a col-
lection of 1491 candidates, of which 500 are query
pictures and the remaining 991 are corresponding re-
lated candidates. Public holidays are evaluated based
on mean precision (mAP) [29].
MSRC v1 (Microsoft Research in Cambridge) sug-
An Unsupervised IR Approach Based Density Clustering Algorithm
Figure 4: The 10 categories of Corel-1K dataset.
Figure 5: Example of images from UKB dataset.
Figure 6: Example of images from holidays dataset.
gested by Microsoft Research Team. MSRC v1 con-
tains 241 images divided into 9 categories. Scoring
for MSRC v1 is based on MAP score (mean preci-
In this section we present the experiments of our
approach based density clustering approach. To test
the proficiency of our proposed strategies, we led the
experimentation on four datasets(MSRC V1, UKB,
Figure 7: Example of images from MSRC v1 dataset.
Holidays, Wang) and two descriptors(SURF, KAZE).
In tables 1, 2, we separated the outcomes into two
principle parts. Above, we build the signature utiliz-
ing DBSCAN approach. Down, the signature con-
structed using Optics algorithm. The outcomes got
utilizing DBSCAN approach are superior to the out-
comes got utilizing Optics. We perform the results by
concatenating the GBOP
sur f
and GBOP
Table 1: Bag of visual phrase based DBSCAN algorithm.
Datasets GBoVP
sur f
sur f
MSRC v1 0.53 0.57 0.68
UKB 3.09 3.11 3.55
Holidays 0.55 0.56 0.68
Wang 0.55 0.52 0.63
Table 2: Bag of visual phrase based OPTICS algorithm.
Datasets GBoVP
sur f
sur f
MSRC v1 0.57 0.6 0.69
UKB 3.1 3.18 3.61
Holidays 0.56 0.56 0.65
Wang 0.59 0.55 0.65
Finally, we compare our approach against two dif-
ferent state-of-the-art methods in Table3. The first is
methods based on keypoints for building the image
signatures and the second is methods based on deep
leaning approaches. As show the aftereffects of our
proposed present great presentation for all datasets
compared to methods based on keypoints.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Comparison of the accuracy of our approach with methods from the state of the art.
Methods MSRC v1 Wang Holidays UKB
BoVW (Csurka et al., 2004) 0.48 0.41 0.50 2.95
SaCoCo(Iakovidou et al., 2019) - 0.51 0.76 3.33
CEDD (Chatzichristofis and Boutalis, 2008) - 0.54 0.72 3.24
egou et al., 2010) - - 0.53 3.17
N-Gram (Pedrosa and Traina, 2013) - 0.34 - -
Grid (Ouni et al., 2021) 0.67 0.62 0.64 3.57
Fisher (Perronnin and Dance, 2007) - - 0.69 3.07
Ours 0.69 0.65 0.68 3.61
In this paper, we present an effective bag of visual
phrase model dependent on grouping approach. We
show that the utilization of density clustering ap-
proach joined with BoVW model increment the CBIR
precision. Utilizing two descriptors (KAZE, SURF),
our methodology accomplish a superior outcomes
compared to the state of the art methods.
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