Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning
Kostas Loumponias
, Sotiris Raptis
, Eleni Darra
, Theodora Tsikrika
Stefanos Vrochidis
and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas-CERTH, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Cyber-Attack, Network Traffic, Forecasting, Destination Port.
To anticipate and counter cyber-attacks that may threaten the stability of the economy, society, and govern-
ments around the world, significant efforts have made particularly towards the detection of cyber-attacks, while
fewer studies have focused on their forecasting. This paper proposes a framework that provides forecasts of
upcoming (within the next minute) cyber-attacks, as well as their type, to a specific destination port. To this
end, several machine learning-based methods are applied on measurements (observations) obtained from the
network traffic flow. The proposed method is supported by two major pillars: first, the selection of appropriate
features generated by the network traffic and, second, in addition to the selected features, the detection of the
type of cyber-attacks that occurred in the past. The proposed framework is evaluated on the CIC-IDS2017
synthetic dataset and provides a robust performance in forecasting the type of upcoming cyber-attack in terms
of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score and confusion matrix.
Cyber-attacks have been continuously increasing in
recent years both in number and in type. Their impact
can be significant as cyber-attacks can lead to power
outages, equipment failure in several domains, leaks
of sensitive information, e.g. related to national secu-
rity, as well as to the theft of valuable and private in-
formation, such as medical records. Ultimately, they
can result in the shutdown of critical systems, bring-
ing down computer networks, and preventing access
to data. It is not a stretch to argue that cyber-attacks
have the potential to disrupt everyday life as we know
it. Therefore, a variety of approaches have been
proposed to stop or mitigate the devastating effects
of cyber-attacks. In particular, cyber-attack counter-
measure approaches can be categorized into (1) cyber-
attack detection, (2) attack projection frameworks, (3)
graphical systems, and (4) forecasting methods.
Typical cyber-attack detection systems use a
misuse-based approach, in which events that are be-
ing watched are compared to the signatures of inci-
dents that have already been seen. The difficulty of
such systems to identify novel events whose finger-
prints are unknown to the detection systems is one of
their limitations (Dutta et al., 2022). Anomaly detec-
tion is another technique that aims at detecting devia-
tions from normal behaviour and labeling them as ma-
licious (Blowers and Williams, 2014), (Liakos et al.,
2020). These methods frequently produce many false
alarms because they may classify as anomalous ac-
tions that are in fact normal, but not previously seen.
Attack projection frameworks (Yang et al., 2014)
simulate the development of an assault over time and
can be described as a network attack modeling ap-
proach for threat projection. This modeling goes be-
yond the conventional definition of intrusion detec-
tion systems, which uses observables of active as-
saults to forecast future hostile behavior based on sys-
tem flaws and attacker behavior. The focus of attack
projection is on the traces left by multistage cyber-
attacks. While these methods have found success,
they require access to the victim’s network and can
only detect attacks that are in progress. The study and
comprehension of complicated patterns can some-
times be challenging for viewers to visualize.
Graphical systems and well-designed diagrams
can help in understanding the nature of cyber-attack
and offer insights on how to best deal with them.
Attack graphs and attack trees may represent cyber-
Loumponias, K., Raptis, S., Darra, E., Tsikrika, T., Vrochidis, S. and Kompatsiaris, I.
Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011891000003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 757-764
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
attacks in terms of their visual syntax to correlate, hy-
pothesize, and predict intrusion alerts (Lallie et al.,
2020). The main goal of an attack graph is to pro-
vide an effective representation and algorithmic tools
to identify the scenarios in which system vulnerabili-
ties in a network might be exploited, but this strategy
heavily depends on having a thorough understanding
of the firewall rules and system vulnerabilities in the
network (Polatidis et al., 2020), (Polatidis and Geor-
giadis, 2016). However, this strategy offers little in-
sight into the precise nature of potential assaults.
Effective defenses could be designed to stop the
devastating effects of cyber-attacks if they are pre-
dicted before they happen. Forecasting methods have
been used to this end, with particular focus on predict-
ing the number of attacks for the next time step using
the historical cases of the previous period (Bakdash
et al., 2018), (Kwon et al., 2017) and their impact (Ji
et al., 2022). These methods are a relatively new area
of research and while several machine learning (ML)
techniques have already been used to predict cyber-
attacks, Deep Learning methods have recently been
found to be particularly effective in time series fore-
casting (Barreto and Koutsoukos, 2019). In particular,
analysis of time series data with uncertainties and/or
certain unobservable elements has been developed us-
ing Gaussian mixture models, hidden Markov mod-
els, and state-space models (Brockwell and Davis,
This paper proposes a framework that provides
next-minute forecasts of cyber-attacks, where these
forecasts also include the type of cyber-attack (DoS,
DDoS, etc.), by considering network traffic data pro-
vided by the Intrusion Detection Evaluation dataset
(CIC-IDS2017) (Sharafaldin et al., 2018). More
specifically, the proposed framework is destination
port (DP) oriented, since it considers only measure-
ments of the target DP to provide forecasts of upcom-
ing cyber-attacks (forecasts for the next minute). At
this point, it is worth mentioning that the term fore-
cast should not be confused with the term prediction,
as cyber-attack prediction refers (in the literature) to
the detection of cyber-attacks and not to the forecast-
ing of new upcoming cyber-attacks, which is the case
study in this paper. To the best of our knowledge,
network traffic data has been extensively used to de-
tect network anomalies and intrusions (Thapa et al.,
2020), (Khan et al., 2021) or to forecast the frequency
and the risk level of cyber-attacks (Yang et al., 2021),
(Ji et al., 2022), but not to forecast the type of upcom-
ing cyber-attacks.
The selection of appropriate features generated by
analyzing the network traffic has substantial impact
on providing robust forecasts (Ji et al., 2022). In
this study, only features that do not strongly correlate
with one another are selected since prediction models
do not benefit from extra information from features
with roughly comparable patterns. The detected type
of cyber-attacks that occurred in the past is also uti-
lized in order to forecast the cyber-attacks that will
occur in the next minute, in addition to the chosen fea-
tures. The type of previous cyber-attacks is detected
by the Random Forest (RF) algorithm (Svetnik et al.,
2003). Next, well established ML methods, such as
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber, 1997), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP),
and Logistic Regression (LR) (Dreiseitl and Ohno-
Machado, 2002) models are applied to the extracted
features to provide cyber-attacks forecasts. The ex-
perimental results in synthetic datasets show that the
proposed framework provides high accuracy for all
ML methods in forecasting next minute cyber-attacks,
as well as their type.
Overall, the main contribution of this work is a
framework that provides forecasts of upcoming cyber-
attacks as well as their type to a specific destination
port, through the selection and subsequent use of spe-
cific features of network traffic in a novel way, along
with the use of the prediction (i.e., detection) of the
type of cyber-attacks that have occurred in the past.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2, related works are reported. In Section
3, the proposed framework is provided. In Section
4, experimental results are presented using synthetic
datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the pro-
posed framework. Finally, in Section 5, conclusions
and future work are discussed.
In (Okutan et al., 2019), an automated system, named
CAPTURE, is presented. This system uses a range of
unconventional signals to forecast the occurrences of
endpoint-malware and malicious email for a target or-
ganization. Novel methods have been developed such
as Entropy-based Lagged Feature Selection (ELFS)
that selects the significant signals with specific lags,
and Concept Drift based Training Window (CDTW)
that dynamically finds the non-stationary relation-
ships between the unconventional signals and the at-
tack occurrences. Integrating both of these methods,
along with other components, CAPTURE is devel-
oped. CAPTURE selects the relevant signals with
the right lags and the corresponding training set to
produce better forecasts. A detailed examination of
the individual forecast confidences shows that CAP-
TURE offers better differentiation between the days
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
cyber-attacks occur from those without. Furthermore,
CAPTURE is able to allow the analysts to evaluate
the relevant lagged signals and how they collectively
lead to the forecasts.
In (Ahmet Okutan and McConky, 2018) the occur-
rence of a cyber-attack towards an entity is forecast
by using unconventional signals from various data
sources that may or may not be related to that tar-
get entity. They make use of Twitter and the open
source GDELT project (Leetaru and Schrodt, 2013)
for unconventional signals. The signals are not di-
rectly linked to specific vulnerabilities. Additionally,
a methodology based on Bayesian networks is pre-
sented, which can treat a variety of unconventional
signals to forecast events that do not necessarily have
balanced positive and negative ground truth instances.
In (Goyal et al., 2018) two concepts of ML,
LBFGS method (Seabold and Perktold, 2010) and
Adaptive Moment Estimation (Kingma and Ba,
2014a), for forecasting cyber-attacks are used. The
two methods take as input historical cyber-attacks to
train ML models that provide forecasts about the fre-
quency of malware attacks. These models capture
patterns present in historical data that enhance the
forecasting accuracy. Authors propose that they can
increase the forecasting accuracy of these models by
leveraging signals from external Web data sources.
From these data sources, a variety of time series is
extracted, each representing the number of daily oc-
currences of cyber security-related terms. The time
series are used as external signals in the forecasting
task. The ground truth data about cyber-attacks is
used to train the forecasting models, and to evaluate
their predictions.
In (Qasaimeh et al., 2022) a network-based cyber-
attacks forecasting model is designed to protect the
entire bank or financial institution from unknown sus-
picious activities by anticipating the emergence of
new cyber-attacks with novel patterns that made of
combination of existing attack. The proposed model
was able to forecast new types of network-based cy-
ber behaviors, which were generated from the pat-
terns, features, and activities of well-known attacks,
with 99.67% accuracy. The accuracy of the model is
90.36% when it is evaluated and verified in a real life
banking test environment that is controlled by specific
proactive controls.
The work presented in (Ivanyo et al., 2018) fo-
cused on the interval forecasting results of cyber-
attacks based on intelligent modeling. A probabilistic
neural network (NN) with a dynamic updating value
of the smoothing parameter is used. This approach
allows carrying out the cyber-attack interval forecast-
ing with a pre-set intensity level of cyber-attacks. The
approach demonstrates the high accuracy of cyber-
attack interval forecasts for selected data. At the same
time, the necessary practical recommendations on an
application of the interval forecasting results to the
protection against the cyber-attacks in industrial con-
trol systems were formulated.
In (Tavabi et al., 2020) some of the challenges as-
sociated with forecasting cyber-attacks are identified.
The small number of attacks that do penetrate the tar-
get’s defenses follow a different generative process
compared to the whole data which is much harder to
learn for predictive models. The loss of predictability
is quantified by using real-world data from two orga-
nizations. The proposed work identifies the limits to
forecasting cyber-attacks from highly filtered data.
In (Yang et al., 2021) a forecasting method based
on simulated annealing algorithm, ARIMA and NN
techniques is presented in order to forecast the the net-
work traffic (in bytes). The proposed method extracts
features from traffic data, combing a linear (ARIMA)
and and non-linear (NN models) method in order to
forecast the network traffic with high accuracy. In
(Ji et al., 2022) the authors forecast the risk level
(low, medium and high) and the frequency of upcom-
ing cyber-attacks using network traffic data. Initially,
wavelet transform are used to extract features form
the network traffic data. Then the vector auto regres-
sion with eXogenous variables (VARX), is utilized
to forecast future network traffic events (frequencies).
Finally, cyber-attack risks for network events are es-
timated with an adaptive threshold method and as-
sessed by using the support vector machine (SVM)
and LR model.
In this section, the proposed method to forecast the
type of cyber-attacks (if any) to a specific destination
port (DP) in the next minute is described in detail.
The proposed framework includes the following
Stage 1: Selection of Features: Network traffic
measurements include many different features,
, f
, ...., f
}, such as total packets in the forward
direction, total packets in the backward direction,
and others. However, some of these features f
may present a high degree of correlation (linear
or non-linear) among them. Thus, we can take
advantage of this observation and reduce the number
of features. For instance, in the case where f
have a high correlation value (e.g. greater than
95%), one of them can be removed, since it does
Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning
, , 𝒇
Network Traffic Data
Features Selection
Time series
Conversion to
a Targeted Scale
Train Detector
= 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕(𝑓
,…, 𝑓
, … , 𝑓
, 𝑦
, … , 𝑓
, 𝑦
ML Model
Input for ML Model
Forecast to
minute j
Figure 1: Framework of the proposed approach.
not provide any additional information. In the
proposed method, features with Spearman correlation
coefficient (De Winter et al., 2016) greater than 95%
are considered to have the same impact on predictive
models and one of them is removed. From now on,
, f
, ...., f
} denotes the reduced set of features.
Stage 2: Definition of Time-Frame: Without loss
of generality, f
i, j
stands for feature i at time j. In
network traffic records, the timestamp typically con-
tains the hour, the minute, and the second, however
the latter is not always provided. Furthermore, the
number of measurements for a feature may vary sig-
nificantly at different minutes, e.g., only a couple of
measurements may be provided for feature i (i.e., f
at one minute, while hundreds of measurements may
be provided for the same feature at a different minute.
Therefore, to provide a forecast for the next time-step,
we should define what the time-step is based on the
available data. In order to tackle the cases where the
seconds are not provided, i.e., the timestamp only in-
cludes the hour and the minute, the maximum value
of {f
, f
, ..., f
} for a period of one minute is consid-
ered, i.e.:
i, j
= max{ f
}, (1)
where t is the total number of measurements within
the minute j and ν
is the starting point of minute j.
Thus, the derived features, f
, include one measure-
ment per minute.
Stage 3: Detection of Cyber-Attacks: Detecting the
type of cyber-attack at each minute (if any) can be
used to forecast future threats. Therefore, the RF
algorithm is used to predict (i.e., detect) the type
of cyber-attack at every minute given the features
, f
, ..., f
. However, one limitation of RF process
is the unbalanced data. In order to tackle this limita-
tion, the SMOTE (Chawla et al., 2002) oversampling
method is applied. Thus, given the
1, j
, f
2, j
, ..., f
k, j
at minute j, the type of attack y
is predicted (de-
tected), i.e.:
= RF
1, j
, f
2, j
, ..., f
k, j
. (2)
Stage 4: Forecasting Models: In the proposed
framework, three methods are applied to forecast
whether there will be a cyber-attack in the next step
(minute), as well as the type of attack. In the first ap-
proach, the LSTM method is applied to forecast the
type of cyber-attack given the features in the m previ-
ous time steps, as well as the corresponding detected
cyber-attacks, i.e.,
= LST M (c
, ..., c
), (3)
where c
1, j
, ..., f
k, j
, y
and ˆy
denotes the
forecast label (type) of cyber-attack at minute j. Fur-
thermore, the LR model for the multiple classification
case and MLP are applied using only the last measure-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ment, c
, i.e.,
= LR(c
), (4)
= MLP (c
). (5)
In Figure 1 a framework of the proposed approach
for forecasting the type of cyber-attack (if any) in the
next minute is illustrated.
In this section, we conduct experimental evaluation
on the framework presented in Section 3 using the
three predictive models, LSTM, LR and MLP. Ini-
tially a detailed description of the used dataset, CIC-
IDS2017, is provided, before the presentation of the
experimental results.
4.1 Data Description
CIC-IDS2017 is a widely used publicly available
dataset provided and generated by the Canadian In-
stitute for Cybersecurity (CIC). It includes common
up-to-date types of cyber-attacks such as DoS, DDoS,
Web-Attack (WA), Infiltration, Port Scan (PS), Bot-
net etc., that meet real worlds criteria. There are
few other more recent network traffic datasets, such
as CSE-CIC-IDS2018 (Sharafaldin et al., 2018) and
CIC-DDOS2019 (Sharafaldin et al., 2019), however,
they do not include as many types of cyber-attacks as
The CIC-IDS2017 dataset capture took place over
the course of 5 days, from Monday, July 3, 2017,
at 9:00 a.m. through Friday, July 7, 2017, at
17:00. More specifically, the Victim-Network and
the Attack-Network, which are two entirely different
networks, were created in order to generate a realis-
tic background traffic. Then, CIC employed the CI-
CFlowMeter, a flow-based feature extractor that can
extract 80 characteristics (or features) of network traf-
fic from a pcap file. More details, as well as a statistic
analysis for the CIC-IDS2017 dataset are provided in
(Panigrahi and Borah, 2018).
4.2 Experimental Setup
The scope of this paper is to provide forecasts for the
cyber-attacks to a specific DP; to that end, only the
features relevant to this DP will be considered. In
CIC-IDS2017, only the DP 80 and the DP 22 include
different types of cyber-attacks. More precisely, DP
80 includes DDoS, DoS, WA, and PS attacks, while
DP 22 includes SSH Patror (SSH-P) and PS attacks.
Next, the same features of network traffic are se-
lected for both DPs, using the Spearman correlation
values as described in stage 1 (Section 3). The re-
sulting features (nine in total) are: Flow Duration,
Total Fwd Packets, Fwd Packet Length Max, Fwd
Packet Length Min, Bwd Packet Length Max, Bwd
Packet Length Min, Fwd Packets/s, Fwd Packets/s,
Bwd Packets/s and Min Packet Length.
In all records of the CIC-IDS2017 dataset, there is
only one type of cyber-attack that occurs per minute.
Therefore, the new features (derived during stage 2 in
Section 3) are labeled with the cyber-attack indicator
if there is at least one cyber-attack within the minute
under consideration. Moreover, the task of forecast-
ing the type of cyber-attacks can be approached as
a multi-classification problem, since in every case
(minute) there is one class (type of cyber-attack) oc-
curring among the different types of cyber-attacks.
Next, the RF algorithm and the SMOTE oversam-
pling method are applied to the derived features and
labels, in order to predict (detect) the type of attack
given the features (stage 3 in Section 3). The pro-
posed cyber-attack detector for both DPs provides a
very high accuracy in predicting the type of cyber-
attack. The accuracy in DP 80 is 97.55%, while in the
DP 22 is 98.2% (see Table 1) for balanced data.
Table 1: Detection of cyber-attack type.
DP 80 DP 22
RF + SMOTE 97.55% 98.2%
Finally, each record of CIC-IDS2017 contains
only one type of cyber-attack, however in order for
the training dataset to contain cases from all types of
cyber-attacks, we proceed as follow: (1) each record
is split into training and testing dataset, such as both
datasets to contain benign and non-benign labels, (2)
all derived training datasets are concatenated (joined)
into a single training dataset, and (3) we proceed in
the same way for the testing datasets.
4.3 Experimental Results in DP 80
The performances of the three ML methods (LSTM,
LR, MLP) in forecasting next minute cyber-attacks
are evaluated by calculating the weighted Accuracy
(Acc.), Precision (Prec.), Recall (Rec.), F1-score,
since the dataset is unbalanced, as well as the con-
fusion matrix (Hossin and Sulaiman, 2015). The pa-
rameters used in LSTM model are one LSTM layer
with 50 units and one hidden layer with 5 units (as
the number of classes), while for the MLP one hidden
layer with 150 units is used. The Adam optimiza-
tion process (Kingma and Ba, 2014b) is used for 20
epochs for both methods. The LR method uses the
Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning
default parameters, which are defined in the Python
library sklearn (Pedregosa et al., 2011).
Table 2 illustrates the results of the three meth-
ods for DP 80, where LSTM
stands for the LSTM
method given the m previous features (see stage 4 in
Section 3). From now on, only LSTM
which provide the best performance are reported. It
can be seen that all methods provide a good perfor-
mance regarding all the four metrics. LSTM
vides the best performance over Prec. (94.23%) and
F1-score (93.32%) metrics, while LR over the Acc.
(93.49%) and the Rec. (93.49%) metrics.
Table 2: Performance of ML methods for DP 80.
Acc. Prec. Rec. F1-score
93.33% 94.23% 93.33% 93.32%
92.50% 93.80% 92.50% 93.06%
LR 93.49% 93.33% 93.49% 93.13%
MLP 93.17% 93.54% 93.17% 93.07%
However, as it can be seen in the confusion ma-
trix Con f
, the LR method cannot forecast the PS
attacks, since it misclassifies them as WA, while
(Con f
) provides more robust fore-
casting regarding the PS attacks. Finally, LSTM
(Con f
and MLP (Con f
) provides almost
similar performances.
Con f
Benign DoS WA PS DDoS
Benign 540 6 13 1 1
DoS 6 6 0 0 0
WA 2 1 15 0 0
PS 5 0 5 2 0
DDoS 1 0 0 0 11
Con f
Benign DoS WA PS DDoS
Benign 534 14 2 10 0
DoS 6 6 0 0 0
WA 5 0 12 1 0
PS 5 0 1 6 0
DDoS 1 0 1 0 10
Con f
Benign DoS WA PS DDoS
Benign 544 2 13 1 1
DoS 6 6 0 0 0
WA 2 0 16 0 0
PS 5 0 7 0 0
DDoS 1 0 2 0 9
Con f
Benign DoS WA PS DDoS
Benign 541 5 13 1 1
DoS 6 6 0 0 0
WA 2 1 14 1 0
PS 5 0 6 1 0
DDoS 1 0 0 0 11
4.4 Experimental Results in DP 22
The same metrics and methods’ parameters as in the
case of DP 80 are used in the case of DP 22. The
only difference is the hidden layer in LSTM method,
where the number of units are 3, since the number of
classes is 3 (Benign, SSH-P, and PS).
The performances of the three ML methods are
provided in Table 3, where all methods provide a
good performance. However, LSTM
provides the
best performance in all metrics, while LR the worst.
Moreover, as it can be seen in the confusion matri-
ces (Con f
) and (Con f
), MLP has only one
more false positive forecasting compare to LSMT
It is clear that forecasting SSH-P attacks is eas-
ier than forecasting PS attacks. All methods cor-
rectly predict 22 SSH-P attacks, while they misclas-
sify only one. Meanwhile, from the 5 in total PS at-
tacks, LSTM
and MLP forecast correctly 3, while
LR forecasts 2. Therefore, it can be concluded that for
both DPs that the PS attacks are the hardest to forecast
compare to other types of cyber-attacks.
Table 3: Performance of ML methods for DP 22.
Acc. Prec. Rec. F1-score
95.04% 95.43% 95.04% 95.21%
LR 92.56% 93.63% 92.56% 93.07%
MLP 94.21% 94.60% 94.21% 94.38%
Con f
Benign SSH P PS
Benign 90 1 2
SSH P 0 22 1
PS 2 0 3
Con f
Benign SSH P PS
Benign 88 1 4
SSH P 0 22 1
PS 3 0 2
Con f
Benign SSH P PS
Benign 89 1 3
SSH P 0 22 1
PS 2 0 3
The aim of this paper was to provide next-minute
forecasts about the type of cyber-attack to a spe-
cific DP. To that end, the network traffic flow was
considered and, more precisely, the features of CIC-
IDS2017 were taken into account. The CIC-IDS2017
dataset is mainly used in the literature for detecting
the type of cyber-attacks. Therefore, there were many
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
limitations that needed to be addressed to forecast
cyber-attacks, such as the large number of different
features, the non constant frequency of measurements
within a predetermined time period, and the distribu-
tion of the cyber-attacks over time.
To tackle these limitations, only features with
Spearman coefficient value of less than 95% were ini-
tially considered. Next, we set minute as the time-step
and the new features were generated taking into ac-
count only the maximum value of the features within
one minute. Then, in addition to the new features, the
detected type of cyber-attacks were also used to fore-
cast next minute’s cyber-attacks. The RF algorithm
was used to detect the type of cyber-attacks.
Finally, three ML methods (LSTM, MLP and LR)
were utilised to provide forecasts for next minute’s
cyber-attacks. All methods performed well at both
DPs that were considered (i.e., 80 and 22), regard-
ing the four metrics, Acc., Prec., Rec. and F1-score.
However, the LSTM method had the most robust per-
formance being able to forecast all types of cyber-
As a step further, the proposed framework will
be extended to forecast cyber-attacks in the next sev-
eral minutes. Moreover, it would be interesting to ex-
tend the proposed framework in real-life datasets with
cyber-attacks incidents, which would include more
types of cyber-attacks occurring at the same time.
This research is part of a project that has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under AIDA (Grant
Agreement No 883596).
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy