limitations that needed to be addressed to forecast
cyber-attacks, such as the large number of different
features, the non constant frequency of measurements
within a predetermined time period, and the distribu-
tion of the cyber-attacks over time.
To tackle these limitations, only features with
Spearman coefficient value of less than 95% were ini-
tially considered. Next, we set minute as the time-step
and the new features were generated taking into ac-
count only the maximum value of the features within
one minute. Then, in addition to the new features, the
detected type of cyber-attacks were also used to fore-
cast next minute’s cyber-attacks. The RF algorithm
was used to detect the type of cyber-attacks.
Finally, three ML methods (LSTM, MLP and LR)
were utilised to provide forecasts for next minute’s
cyber-attacks. All methods performed well at both
DPs that were considered (i.e., 80 and 22), regard-
ing the four metrics, Acc., Prec., Rec. and F1-score.
However, the LSTM method had the most robust per-
formance being able to forecast all types of cyber-
As a step further, the proposed framework will
be extended to forecast cyber-attacks in the next sev-
eral minutes. Moreover, it would be interesting to ex-
tend the proposed framework in real-life datasets with
cyber-attacks incidents, which would include more
types of cyber-attacks occurring at the same time.
This research is part of a project that has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under AIDA (Grant
Agreement No 883596).
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Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning