Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep
Learning Methods
Kirsty-Lee Walker
and Tevin Moodley
University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Avenue and University Rd, Auckland Park, Johannesburg 2092, South Africa
Deep Learning, VGG16, InceptionV2, Xception, Down Syndrome, Handwriting Recognition.
The Handwriting task is essential for any learner to develop as it can be seen as the gateway to further academic
progression. The classification of Handwriting in learners with down syndrome is a relatively unexplored
research area that has relied on manual techniques to monitor handwriting development. According to earlier
studies, there is a gap in how down syndrome learners receive feedback on handwriting assignments, which
hinders their academic progression. This research paper employs three deep learning architectures, VGG16,
InceptionV2, and Xception, as end-to-end methods to categorise Handwriting as down syndrome or non-down
syndrome. The InceptionV2 architecture correctly identifies an image with a model accuracy score of 99.62%.
The results illustrate the manner in which the InceptionV2 architecture is able to classify Handwriting from
learners with down syndrome accurately. This research paper advances the knowledge of which features
differentiate a down syndrome learner’s Handwriting from a non-down syndrome learner’s Handwriting.
Deep learning is considered to have many applica-
tions in a wide range of industries, including hospi-
tality, agriculture, energy, and many more (Almalaq
and Edwards, 2017). Breaking down raw information
into numerous layers of pre-processed input and then
extracting higher-level features is a ground-breaking
innovation (Priatama et al., 2022). Deep learning has
also made advances in the education sector, such as
Handwriting, which requires much effort and con-
sistent feedback to master. Writing by hand boosts
self-esteem, promotes better memory recall, and helps
with reading and speaking (Engel-Yeger et al., 2009).
According to prior studies, down syndrome learners
have trouble writing as they can have short, stubby
fingers and low muscle tone, which impacts their
gross and fine motor skills (Chumlea et al., 1979).
With the help of an end-to-end deep learning
model, this research paper aims to distinguish hand-
written images as down syndrome or non-down syn-
drome. Three deep learning architectures are em-
ployed, VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception, to ex-
pand the field of study and demonstrate how deep
learning can be used to solve practical issues. This
research paper explores the proposed architectures to
determine which architecture is best suited to the do-
main. The problem background is discussed in Sec-
tion 2, which covers related studies. Section 3 de-
scribes the attributes and the manner in which the
dataset was constructed. The different architectures
proposed for this research are unpacked in section 4.
Finally, sections 5 and 6 breaks down the findings
along with the performance and difficulties that the
various architectures face.
Deep learning has been around for a while (Schmid-
huber, 2015), but there are not many applications in
down syndrome education especially when it comes
to Handwriting. According to earlier studies, the clas-
sification of Handwriting for learners with down syn-
drome has depended on labour-intensive, error-prone
manual methods of data collection and classification.
2.1 Related Works
Tsao et al. proposed Ecriture Suite software and R
software to evaluate graphomotor control, which re-
lates to the muscular movement required to perform
Walker, K. and Moodley, T.
Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep Learning Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0011888500003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
writing tasks (Tsao et al., 2017). The graphomo-
tor control evaluation was based on six spatiotem-
poral indices; handwriting speed, number of pauses,
pause duration, stroke duration, stroke length, and pen
pressure. In the study, 72 people participated, where
24 were down syndrome, 24 were of the same de-
velopment age, and the remaining participants were
of the same chronological age (Llamas et al., 2017).
Chronological age is the age as determined by the per-
son’s date of birth. Developmental age describes the
degree to which an individual’s physical and mental
development corresponds with typical developmen-
tal milestones (Eaton et al., 2014). The participants
wrote letters on a tablet, and the handwritten images
were analysed using Ecriture Suite software (Tsao
et al., 2017).
Figure 1: A figure depicting the Ecriture Suite software.
The graph illustrates the participant’s stroke or pen lift,
the colour code is used to indicate the different strokes (in
colour) and the pen lifts between these strokes (in grey)
(Tsao et al., 2017).
The graph in figure 1 illustrated pen pressure and
handwriting speed over time (mm/s). R software was
used to calculate each indicator’s individual coeffi-
cient of variation (ICV). The most significant result
was that the standard deviation for handwriting speed
for a down syndrome learner was 38.6, whereas the
development age was 62.79. Similarly, the number
of pauses for a down syndrome learner was 3.15, and
the developmental age was 0.52. Researchers con-
cluded that there is a developmental delay in writ-
ing acquisition for learners and adults with down syn-
drome. The developmental delay confirms that an au-
tonomous way to identify handwritten images must
be identified.
Patton & Hutton proposed the Handwriting With-
out Tears (HWT) software to encourage down syn-
drome learners to write (Patton and Hutton, 2017). In
the study, 46 down syndrome learners participated in
the HWT handwriting curriculum (Patton and Hutton,
2017). There were 7 HWT group meetings during the
eight-month curriculum. After the eight months were
concluded, the participants subsequently answered
a questionnaire on their experiences with the HWT
handwriting curriculum.
Based on the findings, an observation tool was
created to assess a learner’s engagement, interest, ca-
pacity to stay on task, and fine motor coordination.
According to the findings, down syndrome learners
would be more likely to participate in handwriting
promotion activities when learning through hands-on,
multi-sensory techniques (Patton and Hutton, 2017).
The researchers concluded that techniques for eval-
uating Handwriting in learners with down syndrome
need to be more reliable and robust (Patton and Hut-
ton, 2017). This study underlines the need for down
syndrome learners to access a handwriting recogni-
tion system that can provide feedback and promote
long-term handwriting learning.
More recent works aim to recognise characters
in handwritten images using a multilayer perceptron
neural network (Adamu et al., 2017). To reduce
noise, pre-processing techniques such as grey scaling,
noise reduction, binarisation, skeletonisation, normal-
isation, and segmentation were applied (Adamu et al.,
2017). During the feature extraction phase, the fea-
tures were mapped to a feature vector and then clas-
sified as an individual input character (the alphabet or
special letters) (Adamu et al., 2017). The model ac-
curately identified all 26 English alphabet letters with
an accuracy rate of 95.0%. The study highlighted that
employing a multilayer perception neural network de-
creases the time and expense associated with train-
ing to recognise handwritten characters (Adamu et al.,
2017). Deep learning models can be used to accu-
rately classify handwriting (Adamu et al., 2017). This
research paper compares the VGG16, InceptionV2,
and Xception to determine which architecture best
suits the problem domain. Each architecture will be
fined tuned on the handwriting dataset.
The English alphabet is well known and simplistic.
The capital letters O, A, T, X, C, and F are the sim-
plest to write, whereas D, G, J, Y, and Z are the most
challenging (Puranik et al., 2013). Figure 2 shows
how a learner with down syndrome struggles with all
the letters, demonstrating how challenging Handwrit-
ing is for a down syndrome learners. Therefore a
model that can categorise whether Handwriting de-
rives from a down syndrome or non-syndrome learner
may help in giving prompt feedback on areas that
need improvement.
The non-down syndrome handwriting data is col-
lected from GNHK (Good Note Handwriting Kollec-
tion) repository (Lee et al., 2021), which contains im-
ages of different ages, handwriting neatness and types
(reports, shopping lists, worksheets, study notes, di-
Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep Learning Methods
Figure 2: An image of a down syndrome learner’s Hand-
writing (on the right) and non-down syndrome learner’s
Handwriting (on the left) (Association, 2017).
agrams, and letters). As a result of there being no
dataset available for down syndrome a manual ap-
proached was used to collect the down syndrome im-
ages. A software tool called ParseHub was used to
scraped images and most of the images sourced came
from an online community called Pals. Other im-
ages contain text relating to letters and worksheets.
This dataset was used to research various ways of
efficiently detecting images such as down syndrome
or non-down syndrome using deep learning architec-
tures. The dataset was manually inspected to remove
images that did not meet the specifications or if the
images could not be differentiated comprehensively.
The resulting number of images in the dataset was 200
unique images. It was noted that there is a lack of im-
ages relating to the Handwriting of down syndrome
learners, which contributed to the small dataset size
used in this study. The dataset is divided using an
80/20 split, where 160 images were used for training
and 40 images for testing. Through testing and valida-
tion, the image size chosen was 128x128. The dataset
used in this study can be accessed using the following
link DownSyndrome.
Figure 3: A figure representing the VGG16 architecture
(Anwar, 2019).
VGG16 is an improvement on the AlexNet architec-
ture whereby the VGG16 architecture replaces large
kernel filters with multiple 3x3 kernel-sized filters
(Anwar, 2019). Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zis-
serman introduced the VGG16 architecture and sub-
sequently won the 2014 ImageNet object recognition
challenge (Yu et al., 2016). The VGG16 architecture
has seen much success due to its number of layers,
which is 16 layers deep. Figure 3, depicts the struc-
ture of the VGG16 architecture. The VGG16 archi-
tecture takes in an RGB image which passes through
the first stack of two convolution layers with a recep-
tive size of 3x3, followed by ReLu (rectified linear
activation function) (Yu et al., 2016). To prevent the
negative values from being sent to the subsequent lay-
ers, ReLu is then applied. Each of these two layers
contains 64 filters, each with a convolution stride and
padding of 1 pixel to maintain the spatial resolution
(Anwar, 2019). The activation map runs through spa-
tial max pooling with a 2x2 pixel window and a 2-
pixel stride (Yu et al., 2016). The size of the first
stack is (112x112x64), and the second stack has a size
of (56x56x128). Following the third stack, there are
three convolutional layers and a max pooling layer re-
sulting in a size of (28x28x512). Two stacks of three
convolution layers with 512 filters are added after the
third stack. The output of both of these stacks is
(7x7x512). Three completely connected layers, sep-
arated by a flattening layer, are added after the sixth
stack. The last has an output layer with 1000 neurons,
while the first two contain 4096 neurons each. A soft-
max activation layer for categorical classification is
placed after the output layer. The biggest flaw of the
VGG16 architecture is that it is slower than newer ar-
chitectures (Anwar, 2019).
Figure 4: A figure representing the InceptionV2 architec-
ture (Nguyen et al., 2018).
InceptionV2 is an enhanced version of Incep-
tionV1 architecture introduced in 2014 by Szegedy
et al. (Szegedy et al., 2015). InceptionV2 utilises
factorisation in the convolution layer to address the
overfitting problem. To benefit from batch normali-
sation, InceptionV2 removes local response normal-
isation and uses auxiliary classifiers as regularisers
(Szegedy et al., 2015). In a conventional convolu-
tional neural network, the output from the previous
layer serves as the input for the following layer, and so
on until the prediction (Szegedy et al., 2015). In figure
4 the InceptionV2 design is 48 layers deep. In some
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
circumstances, it has been observed that the deeper
the architecture, the closer it can come to the ideal
function (Brownlee, 2019). Similarly, a deeper model
performs better due to the ability to learn a more com-
plicated, non-linear function (Brownlee, 2019). Each
of the 11 modules of the InceptionV2 architectures
consists of pooling layers and convolutional filters
with ReLu serving as the activation function (Pandit
et al., 2020). Two 3x3 convolutions in InceptionV2
replace the 5x5 convolutions. The convolution filter
reduces the original input before applying various size
filters (1x1, 3x3, and 5x5) and a max pooling layer
(Szegedy et al., 2015). The inception block sends the
input from the preceding layers to four separate oper-
ations concurrently. Each layer has a higher accuracy
than the layers before it due to the concatenation of
the outputs before they are delivered to the next layer
(Agarwal, 2017).
Figure 5: A figure representing the Xception architecture
(Akhtar, 2021).
Extreme Inception, or Xception, is a network first
introduced by Francois Chollet (Chollet, 2017).
According to Akhtar et al., Xception is an addition
to the Inception architecture that uses depthwise sep-
arable convolutions in place of the normal Inception
modules (Akhtar, 2021). These depthwise separable
convolutions aid in reasonably accurately classifying
millions of images (Muhammad et al., 2021). In fig-
ure 5, the Xception architecture is seen, where the
data passes through the entering flow, then the middle
flow, repeated eight times, and finally passes through
the exit flow (Akhtar, 2021). Each depth map is first
subjected to the filters, which are then applied across
the depth to compress the original space using 1x1
convolutions (Muhammad et al., 2021). One notable
distinction between the Inception model and Xception
is that although Xception does not introduce any non-
linearity, the Inception model is followed by ReLu
non-linearity (Muhammad et al., 2021).
The smaller dataset in this research paper makes
transfer learning suitable. Transfer learning reuses
a previously learned model to solve a new prob-
lem which shortens training time and conserves re-
sources by eliminating the need to train numerous
models from scratch to carry out related tasks (Shu,
2019). Although transfer learning has several ad-
vantages, including small datasets, speed, and com-
putational complexity, there are drawbacks as well
(Shu, 2019). Transfer learning performance dimin-
ishes due to its inability to stop the negative trans-
fer (Shu, 2019). Similarly, transfer learning can lead
to overfitting when a new model acquires traits from
training data that degrade its performance. Overfit-
ting occurs when the training data fits exactly against
the training data (Ying, 2019). Since overfitting was
not encountered in this research, there is no need to
perform regularisation, decrease network capacity or
add dropout layers.
Table 1: A table illustrating the top-1 and top-5 accuracy for
the VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception architectures on the
ImageNet dataset to justify the selection of architectures in
the study (Robert and Thomas., ).
Model Top-1 Top-5
VGG16 74.40% 91.90%
InceptionV2 74.80% 92.00%
Xception 79.00% 94.50%
Table 1 examines the top-1 and top-5 accuracy of
each architecture proposed in this research to
support the architecture of choice. The ImageNet
dataset is used to pre-train and benchmark the
VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception architectures to
demonstrate each architecture’s performance on a
generalised dataset. With a top-1 accuracy of 79.0%
and top-5 accuracy of 94.50%, the Xception architec-
ture provides the best performance when used with
ImageNet, as seen in table 1. To determine whether
Xception performs the best in this research domain
results from table 1 will be further examined in the
results and discussion section. Additionally, to en-
sure the architectures are compared fairly, a global
average pooling layer and a dense output layer with
softmax activation is added to predict a multinomi-
nal probability distribution (Wani et al., 2020). The
adam optimiser is then used to assist the architectures
in classifying noise data, and sparse gradients (Wani
et al., 2020). Each architecture shuffle is set to false,
the weights are set to none, and the input tensor is set
to none. No other parameters are altered. Data aug-
mentation techniques are applied to each architecture.
Through testing and validation, A shear zoom of 0.2,
and image rescaling of 1./255 is applied (Wani et al.,
2020). The shear zoom range slants the images to a
20-degree angle, and rescaling of 1./22 ensures the
images are not distorted (Wani et al., 2020).
Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep Learning Methods
Figure 6: A figure illustrating the VGG16 architecture con-
fusion matrix highlighting 9 images incorrectly predicted as
down syndrome.
To ensure a fair and comparable baseline, each ar-
chitecture was run five times in table 2. The Icncep-
tionV2 architecture performs the best based on train-
ing data, with an accuracy of 99.56% and a loss of
0.01265. The Xception architecture achieved an ac-
curacy of 96.76% and a loss of 0.07340. The VGG16
has a loss of 0.41000 and an accuracy of 87.40%.
Table 2: A table comparing accuracy and loss for the
VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception architectures.
Model Accuracy Loss
VGG16 87.40% 0.41000
InceptionV2 99.56% 0.01265
Xception 96.76% 0.07340
The results in table 3 reveal that the InceptionV2
is the best-suited architecture for the problem domain
with the highest f1 score, precision and recall. The
confusion matrices in figure 6, figure 7, figure 8 are
obtained after five runs, the average is computed for
each metric.
Table 3: A table comparing the precision, recall, f1-score
for the VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception architectures.
Model Precision Recall F1 Score
VGG16 89.00% 87.20% 88.10%
InceptionV2 97.40% 96.80% 97.10%
Xception 91.00% 89.40% 90.20%
In figure 6, out of 40 test samples, 11 images are
predicted correctly as non-down syndrome and 20 im-
ages are correctly predicted as down syndrome. Simi-
larly, 9 images are incorrectly predicted as down syn-
Based on figure 7, 17 images were predicted cor-
rectly as non-down syndrome and 20 images were
correctly predicted as down syndrome. Similarly, 3
images were incorrectly predicted as being down syn-
drome Handwriting.
In Figure 8, 16 images are predicted correctly as
Figure 7: A figure illustrating the InceptionV2 architec-
ture confusion matrix highlighting 3 images incorrectly pre-
dicted as down syndrome.
Figure 8: A figure illustrating the Xception architecture
confusion matrix where 4 images are incorrectly predicted
as down syndrome.
non-down syndrome, and 19 images are correctly pre-
dicted as down syndrome. Similarly, 4 images are
incorrectly predicted as down syndrome. Similarly,
1 image is incorrectly predicted as non-down syn-
drome. In all three confusion matrices, figure 9 show
images that were the most commonly misclassified
In Figure 10 the InceptionV2 network achieved
the highest probability of 99.62% that the same un-
seen image is an example of the down syndrome class,
which may be a result of the high f1-score of 97.10%.
Simiarly, The Xception network had the probabil-
ity of 99.62% and the VGG16 has the probability of
86.64% for the same unseen image.
This research paper aims to recognise whether hand-
written images are from a down syndrome or non-
down syndrome learner. Table 2 shows that the In-
ceptionV2 architecture outperforms the VGG16 and
Xception architecture in terms of performance and ac-
Figure 9: Samples of the most misclassified images.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 10: An image depicting the InceptionV2 confidence
of classifying an unseen image.
curacy after each architecture is run five times to get
the mean. The precision, recall, and f1-scores of the
InceptionV2 and the Xception network are compara-
ble in table 3. The VGG16 architecture performs the
worst which is supported using the top-1 and top-5 ac-
curacy as seen in table 1. Although the VGG16 model
can be more discriminative due to its smaller window
size (Theckedath and Sedamkar, 2020) the VGG16
architecture suffers from the vanishing gradient is-
sue. The vanishing gradient happens when the gra-
dient is significantly smaller, preventing the weight
from changing its value (Brownlee, 2019). The van-
ishing gradient problem makes it challenging to re-
learn and fine-tune parameters early on which stops
the neural network from learning completely. In this
research paper steps are taken to use reLu to mitigate
the vanishing gradient problem.
The Xception architecture achieves the highest
top-1 and top-5 accuracy in table 1. However, the
Xception architecture did not have the best accu-
racy for the specified research domain. It has been
noted that the Xception design works better on larger
datasets, which may account for its lower perfor-
mance within this study. One other possible reason
for its poorer performance is that it has more depth-
wise separable convolution on kernels of various sizes
(Muhammad et al., 2021). The results in table 2 illus-
trate the minor performance difference between the
InceptionV2 and Xception architecture. Therefore, it
is challenging to pinpoint the exact reason for the In-
ceptionV2 architecture yielding better performance.
One plausible reason for the InceptionV2
performance is that it has fewer parameters. Fewer
parameters make it better for classifying smaller
datasets (Agarwal, 2017). The InceptionV2 archi-
tecture also offers a way to overcome overfitting.
The InceptionV2 architecture uses factorisation in the
convolution layer to reduce the overfitting problem
(Szegedy et al., 2015). Similarly, the InceptionV2 ar-
chitecture uses auxiliary classifiers as regularises, im-
proving the convergence during training by mitigat-
ing the vanishing gradient problem (Szegedy et al.,
2015). The configuration of the InceptionV2 archi-
tecture consists of 1x1 filters followed by convolu-
tional layers with different filter sizes applied simul-
taneously. This makes the InceptionV2 architecture
ideal for classifying down syndrome, and non-down
syndrome Handwriting as the InceptionV2 architec-
ture is capable of learning more complex features. It
is clear from the results that InceptionV2 is a good
fit for the research domain. Due to its capacity to
learn more complicated information, the InceptionV2
architecture is appropriate for categorising Handwrit-
ing from learners with and without down syndrome.
The InceptionV2 architecture is the best architecture
for the field of categorising Handwriting as down syn-
drome or not, according to the accuracy, loss, confi-
dence score, precision, recall, and f1 score.
The Ecruite software was used in the study by
Tsao et al. to identify the spatiotemporal indices
that influence how learners with down syndrome write
(Tsao et al., 2017). The researchers concluded that
there is a developmental delay in writing acquisition
for learners and adults with down syndrome. This re-
search paper demonstrates how a deep learning archi-
tecture can identify whether an image is a down syn-
drome or non-down syndrome learner’s Handwriting,
which can subsequently help in providing feedback to
learners with down syndrome on places to improve.
Although deep learning has been around for some
time (Schmidhuber, 2015), deep learning has seen
limited contributions within the down-syndrome
Handwriting domain. This research paper introduced
the difficulty of manually classifying and capturing
down syndrome handwriting. The manual approach
required much time and was error-prone. This study
used an end-to-end deep learning model to differen-
tiate handwritten images as down syndrome or non-
down syndrome using three deep learning architec-
tures, VGG16, InceptionV2, and Xception. This re-
search paper introduced a new dataset for down syn-
drome handwriting while also examining the
configurations of each architecture, outlining the ad-
vantages of transfer learning and looking at the re-
Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep Learning Methods
sults. Despite the VGG16 architecture’s impressive
performance in the research paper, more recent archi-
tectures like the IncpetionV2 and Xception perform
better. The InceptionV2 could classify a single image
with a confidence rating of 99.62% and an average
f1-score of 97.10%. Similarly, the InceptionV2 ar-
chitecture was able to classify each sample set with
high accuracy, with only 3 false positives and an ac-
curacy of 99.56%. InceptionV2 has outperformed
the VGG16 and Xception architectures making it the
ideal architecture for classifying the Handwriting of
down-syndrome learners. The InceptionV2 architec-
ture addresses the problem of the poor handwriting
feedback provided to learners with down syndrome.
The research paper advances knowledge of the char-
acteristics of Handwriting that can be utilised to dis-
tinguish between down syndrome and non-down syn-
drome handwriting. Future research will focus on de-
veloping a more concrete tool to assess the level of
readability of down syndrome learners handwriting,
which will yield more informative results by looking
at different classes. In conclusion, the InceptionV2 ar-
chitecture can be used as a faster, more efficient way
to distinguish between down syndrome and non-down
syndrome handwriting. This solution can be a way
to encourage more in-depth analysis to produce more
accurate results for the recognition of down syndrome
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