A Blockchain-Based System for the Last-Mile Delivery
Francesca Guerriero
1 a
, Edoardo Scalzo
1 b
, Rodolfo Pietro Calabr
and Giuseppe Scarf
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria, Rende (CS) 87036, Italy
VeChain Foundation San Marino Srl, Milano (MI), Italy
NTT Data Italia SPA, Rende (CS) 87036, Italy
Sharing Economy, Occasional Drivers, Vehicle Routing Problem, Blockchain.
This paper describes the application of the blockchain technology in the last-mile delivery. The attention
is focused on the Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers and Time Windows constraints. The
main aim is to develop a strategy, which uses the blockchain as a support to achieve a partially decentralized
delivery system. An analysis of the advantages obtained by using such a technology, in terms of economic
sustainability, is carried out on small-size test instances. The proposed system is implemented and tested
by using three different EVM-compatible blockchains. The collected experimental results have shown that
the implemented Polygon and VeChain blockchain systems allow to achieve good performance in terms of
sustainability and seems to have good prospects in terms of scalability.
Online shopping has experienced a relevant growth
over the last years. This tendency has raised increas-
ing interest in developing new innovative strategies to
improve customers’ online shopping experience and
to reduce delivery times. Thus, an increase in pres-
sure on the efficiency and effectiveness of last-mile
delivery has been observed.
For this reason, the management of same-day/last-
mile delivery process is one of the most essential ac-
tivities for shipper companies. To pursue successful
and efficient aims in this context, the larger e-retailers
have begun to investigate atypical and unusual last-
mile delivery solutions. One of the innovative ap-
proaches suggested by companies’ research teams
is crowd-shipping. The basic principle of crowd-
shipping is to incorporate the fundamentals of sharing
economy into the transportation process, by assigning
some deliveries to regular people (referred to as occa-
sional drivers (ODs)), that are traveling to their desti-
nation. For a small compensation, ODs will share the
empty space in their own vehicles to deliver packages,
while deviating from their usual route. In general, in
a classic Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional
Drivers (VRPOD) system, both the routing of a fleet
of company vehicles and a fleet of vehicles belong-
ing to ODs are managed in the same approach. In
this paper, we propose a delivery system consisting
only of ODs; therefore, we do not examine and pro-
cess the routes of company vehicles. In this scenario,
an OD route consists of starting from the shipper de-
pot, picking-up the packages and making deliveries
to assigned customers, and then ending at a destina-
tion location. Another important consequence of the
increase in requests for online purchases is the low
benefit that the delivery system of large e-retailers can
grant to small-medium shops, especially for deliveries
to be made in a restricted local area.
The objective of our work is to solve the afore-
mentioned problems through the implementation of
a driver system, managed entirely in a decentralized
way. To this aim, we have decided to use a relatively
new technology, that is the blockchain. Blockchain is
a kind of distributed software system, that handles the
main issues of certification, data integrity, security,
data ownership and privacy. All these properties are
satisfied by some particular architecture systems that
use the following main components: decentralization
and peer-to-peer network, cryptography, consensus
and immutability. Everything is immutable because
when data are written to the blockchain, they cannot
be changed. Indeed, the cryptography guarantees data
integrity. Furthermore, modifying data is practically
impossible; indeed, nowadays the cryptography used
in these systems is unbreakable. All data and infor-
mation are validated by a group of nodes (consensus
Guerriero, F., Scalzo, E., Calabrò, R. and Scarfò, G.
A Blockchain-Based System for the Last-Mile Delivery.
DOI: 10.5220/0011886200003396
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2023), pages 237-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-627-9; ISSN: 2184-4372
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and decentralization). All the nodes represent the core
of the system: they are the owners of all data, and
all processes of validation. These nodes validate ev-
erything, but, before validating data and information,
even if this is not mandatory, they need to reach a
consensus about it. Indeed, in a decentralized system
each node can be considered as an state machine inde-
pendent from the others ((Nakamoto, 2008), (Calabr
et al., 2021)).
This paper represents the first attempt to use the
blockchain technology in the ODs scenario, to man-
age and preserve some scores, which are used to as-
sign, in a completely transparent way, deliveries to the
available ODs.
It is assumed that shippers and ODs can register
on a dedicated crowd-shipping blockchain-based on-
line platform. In this paper, the shipper term is used
to refer, in addition to the classic company that deals
with shipping goods, also to a small-medium shop
that sells its products online and requires drivers to
make the deliveries for logistical reasons or for meet-
ing specific customer needs. By logging on this plat-
form, shippers can public a Delivery Box (DB), i.e., a
set of deliveries with the minimum information nec-
essary for the ODs to make a decision. The ODs can
accept the most convenient requests, receive all the
information to perform the deliveries and gain a com-
The selection of the delivery assignments is made
by an algorithm guided by three scores, that keep
track of the punctuality in packages collection, the
punctuality in delivery and in the completion of all
deliveries, respectively. The scores are initially set
to default values and are updated after each delivery.
The score updating schemes are not studied in this
work, and for this reason we consider, for the compu-
tational experiments, that each OD makes all deliver-
ies on time.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Sect. 2, we review the scientific literature re-
lated to the problem under investigation, i.e., the Ve-
hicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers and
Time Windows (VRPODTW), and to the blockchain
technology with specific reference to the context of
the sharing-economy. In Sect. 3, we present the VR-
PODTW, while in Sect. 4 we give details about the
support of the blockchain technology. In Sect. 5 we
report the computational results and in Sect. 6 we
summarize our conclusions and outline possible fu-
ture work along this research line.
Numerous relevant studies that discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of crowd-shipping can be found
in the scientific literature ((Alnaggar et al., 2021)).
(Archetti et al., 2016) were the first to take into ac-
count ODs when addressing the vehicle routing prob-
lem. The authors proposed a hybrid Variable Neigh-
borhood Search (VNS) and a Tabu Search to address
the problem. The researchers pointed out the impor-
tance and difficulties in developing suitable compen-
sation schemes. (Macrina et al., 2017) studied a vari-
ant of the problem addressed in (Archetti et al., 2016),
where time windows for customers and ODs are taken
into account. The authors also examined a system
with multiple deliveries for ODs and also took into ac-
count a split delivery policy scheme. They discussed
on the advantages of these crowd-shipping versions
in a variety of contexts and scenarios. To solve the
VRPODTW with multiple deliveries, (Macrina et al.,
2020a) proposed a VNS solution and tested the ef-
fectiveness of this heuristic on some benchmark in-
stances of (Solomon, 1987). (Festa et al., ) presented
for the first time an application of a variant of Biased
Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with a restart strat-
egy on the VRPODTW. They built a decoder function
to convert the chromosomes into OD paths starting
from a check on the compatibility of time windows
and travel times. Transshipment nodes were added to
the VRPODTW with multiple deliveries by (Macrina
et al., 2020b). These nodes are intermediate locations
that are served by company drivers and are closer to
the delivery area than the central depot. They showed
the benefits of this specific scenario as a particular
case of a two-echelon VRP. (Di Puglia Pugliese et al.,
2021) introduced occasional depots in the VRPOD.
These depots are considered to be places where own-
ers decide to share storage space for a small reward.
Therefore, just as it happens for ODs, also in this con-
text the owners of the intermediate depots are com-
mon people. The goal is to minimize the routing cost
and the activation cost for the use of occasional de-
pots. They grouped the ODs into two sets based on
the tasks they undertook and the remuneration policy
and proposed a mixed-integer programming model
to mathematically represent the problem under study.
The possible advantages of using intermediate trans-
fer points to enable driver deliveries are also exam-
ined by (Sampaio et al., 2020). The authors underline
the benefits of adopting this system when the pickup
and delivery sites are very distant and the time win-
dows of the ODs are narrow.
Other variants of the VRPOD consider the specific
scenarios where the relevant information is not al-
ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
ways available in advance (i.e., stochastic/online ver-
sion) (see, e.g., (Dayarian and Savelsbergh, 2020) and
(Archetti et al., 2021)) or the case in which electric
vehicles are used (see, e.g., (Macrina and Guerriero,
2018) and (Macrina et al., 2020c)).
As regards the use of blockchain technology, the
scientific contributions in the context of the sharing
economy and crowdsourcing mainly concern ride-
A decentralized peer-to-peer approach to the ride-
sharing process is an efficient way to get around prob-
lems with an intermediary or 3
party (see, e.g.,
anchez et al., 2016)).
Consequentially, some researchers used
blockchain technology to solve these problems.
For example, (Vazquez and Landa-Silva, 2021)
proposed a way to make a ride-sharing system
decentralized, by using a smart contract to execute a
cautionary deposit by the passenger and the driver,
and another one to make the payment at the end of
the ride.
In other scientific contributions, the importance
of investigating the multiple features that technology
can bring to ride-sharing to make the system sustain-
able and safe at the same time is discussed (see, e.g.,
(Baza et al., 2021), (Kudva et al., 2020) and (Renu
and Banik, 2021)).
In this section we report the mathematical program-
ming model of the VRPODTW, where only ODs are
considered. This formulation has been derived from
the model proposed by (Macrina et al., 2017). Let
C be the set of customers and s the shipper depot.
Let K be the set of available ODs and V the set of
their destination nodes v
. We define the node set as
N := C V {s}. Each node pair (i, j) N × N has
a positive cost c
i j
and a travel time t
i j
, which satisfies
the triangle inequality. Each customer has a request
, while each OD k has a maximum transport capac-
ity Q
, and finally each i C K V is assigned a
time window [e
, l
Let r
i j
be a binary variable equal to 1 if and only
if OD k traverses the arc (i, j). Let w
be the avail-
able capacities of k, after delivering to i C and f
the arrival time of k at customer i. The problem that
aims at minimizing the total cost can be mathemati-
cally formulated as follows:
i j
i j
s j
i j
= 0 i C, k K (2)
s j
= 0 k K (3)
s j
|K| (4)
s j
1 k K (5)
+ d
i j
(1 r
i j
) (6)
i C {s}, j C {v
}, k K
k K (7)
i j
i j
M(1 r
i j
) f
i C, k K, j C {v
i C, k K (9)
k K (10)
i C (11)
i j
= 1 i C (12)
i j
{0, 1} i, j N, k K (13)
[0, Q
] i C {s, v
}, k K (14)
0 i C {s, v
}, k K. (15)
The objective function minimizes the total cost, which
is defined by considering a differentiated delivery
routing cost for the ODs. In particular, each driver k
has a different routing parameter ρ
that modifies the
value of the cost. The parameter keeps track of the
reliability of k and it is calculated as a convex combi-
nation of the three scores (indicated as sc
) introduced
in the Sect.1. The coefficients (we
) are chosen, fol-
lowing company policies, by the shipper user, and the
value of ρ
is defined as follows:
. (16)
In this way, partial priority is given to the ODs with
the highest scores. For example, between two drivers
with the same destination, the OD with the best
weighted score will be chosen. On the other hand,
there could be scenarios in which a driver with low
scores is chosen but whose deviation for deliveries is
very low.
As regarding the constraints, equations (2) and (3)
represent flow conservation of the ODs. Constraints
A Blockchain-Based System for the Last-Mile Delivery
(4) establish a maximum limit of available ODs, while
(5) ensure that each OD leaves their origin node at
most once. Equations (6) and (7) are capacity con-
straints. Finally, constraints (8)–(11) manage the time
windows of all nodes. In particular, constraints (8)
compute the arrival time at node j, while constraints
(9)–(11) ensure that each customer is visited within
their own time windows and each OD makes deliver-
ies within their own time windows. Constraints (12)
allow each customer to be served once and only once.
Equations (13)–(15) define the domains of the vari-
Blockchain technologies are widely used in problems
where certification and trust are the basic compo-
nents. In the proposed VRPODTW system, this tech-
nology is useful to handle customers, drivers and de-
livery data. In particular, the blockchain manages the
entire shipments life cycle and updates the scores of
ODs, but due to the complexity of the proposed exact
model, we do not use it to implement the VRPODTW
algorithm. In fact, execute a CPU-bound process
into the blockchain is not very efficient. Blockchain
computations suffer from high cost and high latency,
with respect to classical centralized data processing.
Therefore, a semi-decentralized approach is used: the
solution of the exact model and, consequently, the
assignments of deliveries to ODs are performed in
a centralized way, while a decentralized approach is
used for the data updating and the deliver confirma-
Given the considerations reported above, some
operations will be on-chain and other off-chain. Con-
sequently, to be reliable and certified, the entire ship-
ments life cycle is handled in a decentralized way and
this guarantees the following properties:
Transparency of DBs;
Transparency of ODs scores;
Trust of ODs;
Certification of shipment receiving.
Figure 1 offers a high-level overview of how
blockchain interacts with the VRPODTW system. In
particular, it is possible to see the main positive flow
and main interactions between customers, shipper,
platform, algorithm, ODs and blockchain. The steps
are the following and they are of two kinds: on-chain
and off-chain.
(1). After purchasing online, each customer creates a
delivery request. Since no data is stored in the
chain, then this is considered an off-chain step.
(2). Shipper creates a Delivery Box (DB), that is a
set of the information necessary to perform the
deliveries. In particular, pickup and destination
location, the package details, the time windows
within which to make the deliveries and the com-
pensation are specified. This is an off-chain step
because here data are only submitted to VRPOD
Platform that confirms the creation of DB and
sends the request in step (3) to VRPOD Algo-
(3). The VRPOD platform takes the DB from step (2)
and manages the information for the next steps
and creates the inputs for the algorithm. Again,
this step is off-chain.
(4). The VRPOD algorithm finds the optimal solution
by minimizing costs, also taking into account the
scores of all the available drivers and then notifies
the selected ODs about the shipment assigned to
them. This step is off-chain and mainly consists
of a notification to each chosen OD, before the
on-chain steps (5) and (6).
(5). It is the first on-chain step. Here ODs confirm to
take care of shipments. This is a preliminary im-
portant step; in fact it is where blockchain comes
into the play. When an OD confirms the ship-
ment, then the procedure is started to write on
the blockchain the necessary information to keep
track of this event.
(6). This is the other important on-chain step. In fact,
here the procedure guarantees the correct receiv-
ing of packages by the customers. After this step,
in addition to keeping track of the confirmation
event on the blockchain, the process automatically
updates the scores of the OD.
(7). This is the last step and it is off-chain. Here the
procedure notifies the VRPOD algorithm with the
new update scores.
The cost of performing each transaction in the
blockchain is measured in terms of gas fees and as
shown in the figure, (5) and (6) are the only steps in
which gas fees are paid. These two steps represent the
decentralized phase and guarantee the trust and relia-
bility of ODs as well as certify that customers have
received shipments. All computational heavy calcu-
lations are performed by the algorithm.
In the Alg.1 there are two smart contracts to man-
age the system just described. The first one, Ship-
ment contract is used to register all shipments. The
information that the class considers are arrival time,
departure time, shipment information and other use-
ful data, including nonce. The latter is simply a ran-
dom number, that, in combination with private key of
ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 1: Blockchain and VRPODTW system integration - Main flow.
signer (customer), can confirm the correct arrival of
the shipment to customer. When a shipment is con-
firmed using confirmShip function, then the shipmen-
tOD (shipmentDriver variable) is set and a random
nonce is created. The setIsReceived function con-
firms that a shipment is effectively received by the
customer, by taking the signature of random nonce of
shipment. Nonce can be public and visible to every-
body, but only the owner of private key can sign this
number. This guarantees that the only person who can
confirm the receipt of shipment is the customer who
owns the private key used to generate the custAddress
address variable stored into the shipment. Then, after
this function is called, the scores of the OD will be
updated. Driver contract instead, is used to represent
a driver with the corresponding scores. Finally, when
a shipment is received, then the scores of the OD are
updated with updateScores().
In this section, we summarize the results of our com-
putational experiments. The exact model described
was implemented in Java and solved to optimality us-
ing CPLEX 12.10. The computational tests were con-
ducted using a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7-3720QM pro-
cessor and 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 of RAM running
macOs Catalina 10.15.7. As regarding the blockchain
we use three different EVM-compatible blockchains:
Ethereum, Polygon and VeChain. We interact with
blockchain using ethers.js library and smart contracts
are done with solidity version 0.8.14. To evaluate the
sustainability of the entire system and cost of the tech-
nologies we compared the results obtained by the pro-
posed approaches for several small-size instances.
5.1 Generation of Instances
In order to evaluate the performance of the pro-
posed integrated VRPODTW system in terms of cost
sustainability, computational experiments have been
carried out by considering three types of test prob-
lems. More specifically, we generated clustered-type,
random-type and mixed-type instances, starting from
the test problems used in (Macrina et al., 2020a) and
we have grouped them into three sets, based on the
number of customers, that is C5, C10, C15, with 5,
10 and 15 customers, respectively. Each set contains
12 problems. For each instance, we kept the same
features and information of customers and shipper de-
pot as those described in the work of (Macrina et al.,
2020a). Instead, as regarding the drivers, we elimi-
nated the company drivers and kept the main features
of the ODs.
A Blockchain-Based System for the Last-Mile Delivery
Algorithm 1: Smart contracts.
1 contract Shipment:
2 struct ShipmentInfo:
3 uint256 height;
4 uint256 width;
5 uint256 depth;
6 private ShipmentInfo shipmentInfo;
7 private Driver shipmentDriver;
8 private address custAddress;
9 private date departureTime;
10 private date arrivalTime;
11 private boolean isReceived = false;
12 private uint256 nonce;
13 constructor(custAddress):
14 this.custAddress = custAddress;
15 getNonce() external view;
16 confirmShip(driverAddress) external:
17 nonce = randomNumber();
18 this.driverAddress = driverAddress;
19 departureTime = currentTimestamp;
20 setIsReceived(signedNonce, shipment)
21 if verifySignature is true then
22 contract Driver:
23 private address driverAddress;
24 private uint256 scores = (sc
, sc
, sc
25 updateScores() public;
Since some drivers have been deleted from the
original version of the instances, to adapt them to
the specific scenario considered in this paper, then
in order to guarantee feasibility, we modified in the
instances of the set C15 the maximum capacities of
ODs, by randomly choosing values in the interval
[15, 80] and we added in all instances some more
ODs. More specifically, for each instance we gen-
erated randomly the location of three ODs in the rect-
angle R := {(x, y) R
| x [x
, x
], y [y
, y
where x
, x
, y
, y
are the minimum and maximum
of the abscissas and ordinates of the coordinates of all
nodes of the original instance. Therefore, there are 6
ODs in the C5 and C10 sets, while 8 in the C15 set.
Finally, for each OD we generated, in a random way,
the three scores, by choosing the values in the interval
[1, 30].
As regarding the shipper user parameters, de-
scribed in (16) in the Sect. 3, we set the first coeffi-
cient we
equal to 0.6 and both the other two we
, we
to 0.2, following a preliminary test.
5.2 Numerical Results
In Table 1 we report, for each set of test problems, the
average costs of the system, using Ethereum, Poly-
gon and VeChain. In particular, for each instance we
measured the blockchain costs related to the main two
functions showed in the steps (5) and (6) (see Section
4). Under the columns GL and GP there are the aver-
age values of the gas limit and gas price, respectively.
In particular, gas limit is the maximum amount of gas
estimated to execute a single blockchain function for
a customer or a driver, while gas price is the cost of
a single gas limit unit. This last metric alone does
not represent an accurate measure, because it is influ-
enced by the status of network, the volatility and other
external factors. However, it is useful to evaluate the
final price. Under the columns Cost
, the average cost
in dollars for using a given technology, that depends
on the gas limit and gas price.
Table 2 gives the numerical results obtained by
solving the mathematical model described in Section
3. In particular, under the Cost and Time columns the
average optimal values and the average running time
obtained with the exact model are given. Under the
last column (#EV) there are the average number of
main events to be tracked on the blockchain, that is
customer confirmations or updating of the OD scores.
These events depend on the number of the ODs se-
lected and on the number of customers to be served
by each OD.
It is important to note that the computational times
shown in Table 2 are measured in seconds. In addi-
tion, we assume that, in all solutions, each OD makes
all deliveries on time, thus all scores are incremented
by one.
From the Table 2, it is evident that when the
number of customers increases, the number of ODs
needed to make deliveries also increases. Thus, the
higher the number of customers, the higher the rout-
ing cost and the number of events to be recorded on
the blockchain. On the other hand, the average cost
per OD remains almost unchanged. As far as the
execution time is concerned, the computational re-
sults underline that in all the three sets of test prob-
lems, the exact model spends on average a relatively
short amount of time to find optimal solutions. How-
ever, the observed trend for the computational time
underlines that a heuristic procedure should be imple-
mented to solve large-scale instances.
Even though, the computational experiments have
been carried out on small-size instances, the results
reported in Table 1 clearly underline that, in these
cases, the choice of the blockchain affects the per-
formance of the developed system in terms of both
ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Blockchains results.
VeChain Polygon Ethereum
GL (10
) GP(10
) Cost
GL (10
) GP(10
) Cost
GL (10
) GP(10
) Cost
C5 8.18 1.36 0.008$ 6.50 3.60 0.011$ 6.50 1.32 8.23$
C10 14.72 2.53 0.015$ 11.57 6.60 0.019$ 11.57 2.43 14.68$
C15 20.25 3.57 0.021$ 15.76 9.23 0.026$ 15.76 3.41 20.02$
Table 2: Routing results.
Class Cost Time(s) #OD #EV
C5 206.88 0.20 2.33 12.00
C10 357.98 9.91 4.00 22.00
C15 470.68 33.16 5.17 30.50
sustainability and efficiency. From Table 1, it is evi-
dent the superiority of VeChain and Polygon in terms
of cost compared to Ethereum blockchain.
Indeed, with VeChain and Polygon the average
cost for the largest set is about 0.023$, while for the
Ethereum blockchain the cost is about 20$. Since the
values of the gas limit GL is estimated as a function
of the number of operations performed with the smart
contract, as expected, the higher the number of events
performed #EV, the higher the value of GL on all the
three blockchains. In particular, for each blockchain,
the average GL, referring to the class with 15 cus-
tomers, increases approximately 2.5 times compared
to the value of the class with 5 customers, exactly the
same increase in the number of events tracked on the
Looking at the values of GL of Polygon and
Ethereum in more details, we observed the same val-
ues for all the classes. However, a relevant difference
is detected in the Cost
values caused by a substantial
price difference as indicated in the GP column.
To make a preliminary assessment on the possibil-
ity of obtaining a scalable business system, it is im-
portant to consider the number of events to be tracked
on the blockchain, that is #EV.
From the results of Tables 1 and 2, we can no-
tice that, although in the C15 class the average cost
of Polygon and VeChain increases a little more than
double compared to the C5 class, the cost of a single
event remains lower than 0.001$, and respecting this
trend, then as the size of the instances increases, the
use of the two blockchains would continue to be con-
venient. Consequently, the sustainability of the OD
system in terms of costs seems to be really possible
with at least two of the blockchains used.
In this paper, we propose a way to solve multiple is-
sues related to VRPOD, including the great pressure
of deliveries in the last-mile and the need to achieve
transparency, semi-decentralization and reliability of
the non-professional driver system. We introduced
a VRPODTW system consisting only of occasional
drivers supported by blockchain technology, in which
a shipper decides to delegate some deliveries to the
OD network for logistical needs or at the request of
customers. The algorithm, that selects the most suit-
able ODs, is guided by three scores that keep track of
the punctuality of picking, delivery and the number
of deliveries completed. To evaluate the cost sustain-
ability of this system, a computational study has been
conducted considering three blockchains on three in-
stance classes with 5, 10 and 15 customers. The re-
sults showed that the economic sustainability of the
presented system is possible, and also that the choice
of the correct blockchain, in terms of scalability and
performance can greatly influence the costs of a single
shipment. Furthermore, the collected computational
results underlined the needs to implement a heuristic
to make the interaction with the blockchain more effi-
cient for large-scale instances. For future work, we in-
tend to develop a fully managed VRPODTW system
on blockchain, increase the size of the experiments
and develop a metaheuristic to adequately manage the
scalability of the system.
This work is supported by the Italian Ministry of Uni-
versity Education and Research (MIUR), project: “In-
novative approaches for distribution logistics” - Code
DOT1305451 - CUP H28D20000020006.
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ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems