Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain
Resolution Spatial Features
Shaojie Chen
1 a
, Bo Lang
and Chong Xie
State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Zhongguancun Laboratory, Beijing, China
Fast-Flux Domain Name Detection, Domain Resolution Spatial Features, Resolution Spatial Relationship
Graph, GCN, Botnet.
Fast-Flux malicious domain names evade detection by quickly changing the resolved IP addresses of the
domain name, and play an important role in cyberattacks. In order to improve the performance of the Fast-
Flux domain name detection, this paper explores and uses the rich spatial features contained in the domain
name resolution process, and proposes a Fast-Flux malicious domain name detection method based on the
domain resolution spatial features. In this method, the CNAMEs and IPs in the resolution results obtained by
multiple requests are used as nodes to construct the resolution spatial relationship graph (RSRG). Then the
NS record of the second-level domain name, Geographical locations and Autonomous System Numbers of
the resolved IPs, and WHOIS information of the domain name are further extracted as the node features in
the RSRG. Finally, a GCN model with Max Pooling algorithm is used to extract spatial features from RSRG
and perform classification. Our method achieves an accuracy of 94.98% and an F1 value of 92.02% on the
self-constructed dataset, and the overall performance is significantly better than the current best methods.
Botnet infects a large number of hosts and uses mal-
wares to form a one-to-many control network be-
tween the Command and Control (C&C) server and
the infected hosts. Early botnets usually directly
wrote the domain name or Internet Protocol (IP) ad-
dress (abbreviated as IP) of the C&C server in the
malwares to establish communications between the
infected hosts and the C&C server, which make it
easy to be discovered. In order to improve the con-
cealment of the C&C server, attackers use the Domain
Name System (DNS) protocol to build Fast-Flux ser-
vice Networks (FFSNs). In an FFSN, the C&C server
controls multiple infected hosts as relay servers, and
quickly updates the IPs of the malicious domain name
that belongs to the C&C server. In this way, the
malicious domain name is resolved to different relay
servers, thereby hiding the real C&C server. The ma-
licious domain names used in the FFSNs are called
the Fast-Flux malicious domain names. The hidden
C&C servers could perform various types of attacks,
such as DDoS, spam, and espionage, causing huge
losses to organizations and individuals. Therefore, it
is of great significance to detect the Fast-Flux domain
names for discovering cyberattacks.
The traditional detection method of malicious do-
main names is to use a blacklist or whitelist; however,
FFSN rapidly changes the IPs, making the blacklist
ineffective. Compared with domain names generated
by Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) which show
obvious text randomness, Fast-Flux domain names
show relatively weak randomness in the domain name
text, making it difficult to be detected only based on
the domain name itself. The DNS protocol data is im-
portant for the detection of Fast-Flux domain names.
According to the acquisition of data used for detec-
tion, detection methods are mainly divided into pas-
sive detection methods and active detection methods.
The passive detection methods are generally based
on real-time or historical DNS data obtained from the
actual network. Such methods do not generate addi-
tional traffic in the network, which is not easy to be
discovered by attackers. However, such methods usu-
ally need to analyze a large amount of historical data,
resulting in a large amount of computation, and the
attack cannot be detected before the FFSN infects the
monitored devices (Zhauniarovich et al., 2018). The
Chen, S., Lang, B. and Xie, C.
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0011872700003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 240-251
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
active detection methods generally obtain DNS data
through actively resolving the domain name to per-
form detections, and some methods additionally ac-
quire information from third-party databases. There-
fore, active detection methods do not rely on large
amounts of passive DNS traffic, and could complete
the detection process with a single domain name. Al-
though it would cost a certain amount of time to ac-
tively acquire the DNS and third-party data, active
methods can obtain data for the domain names in a
targeted manner, thus effectively reduce the amount
of data processing. In addition, such methods could
detect the domain names before their actual malicious
uses; and do not use network traffic of individual
users, which effectively protect user’s privacy (Zhau-
niarovich et al., 2018). Therefore, active detection
methods have attracted much attention of researchers,
and this paper also researches effective active detec-
tion method.
For current active detection methods, the acquisi-
tion sources of features are divided into the follow-
ing three types: 1) Actively obtain resolved IP infor-
mation of domain names, such as resolving through
the dig command; 2) Acquire information from third-
party databases, such as IP locations, WHOIS, and
results from search engine, etc.; 3) Actively access
the resolved IPs of the domain names to obtain infor-
mation, such as response time of the IPs, data trans-
mission paths obtained by traceroute command, etc.
Among them, the information from the third type,
which are obtained by actively access the resolved
IPs, will be affected by the network fluctuations; and
such methods will leave a large amount of data on
the corresponding IPs, which make it easy to be dis-
covered by attackers. Therefore, this paper mainly
conducts detection based on the former two types of
information mentioned above. In addition, compared
with traditional machine learning models, deep learn-
ing models could discover potential features. There-
fore, we study deep learning methods for Fast-Flux
domain name detection.
Fast-Flux malicious domain name is usually re-
solved to a large number of changing IPs, and these
IPs are widely distributed, which usually shows dif-
ferences from normal domain names in the spatial re-
lationships. Therefore, we propose to perform detec-
tion based on the resolution spatial features of domain
names. The resolution of a domain name is a com-
plex process, and the information returned from the
resolution includes Canonical Name (CNAME), re-
solved IPs, etc. Such information could be presented
as a radial structure centered on the domain name,
which contains rich spatial information. Therefore,
we first request to resolve the IPs of the domain name,
and build a relationship graph based on the returned
CNAMEs, IPs, and their dependencies in resolution
results. Here, we name the relationship graph as the
resolution spatial relationship graph (RSRG). In order
to measure the changes of resolved IPs, and to distin-
guish Fast-Flux domain names from Content Delivery
Network (CDN) domain names more effectively, re-
ferring to the idea of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019),
we obtain the resolution information from two dif-
ferent cities for five times respectively, to construct
the final RSRG. In addition, Fast-Flux domain names
are usually different from normal domain names in
the distribution of authoritative nameservers (NS), ge-
ographical locations (Geo) and autonomous system
numbers (ASN) of resolved IPs, and WHOIS infor-
mation of domains, etc. We additionally obtain such
information to construct 16-dimensional features for
each node in the RSRG. Finally, the graph convolu-
tional networks (GCN) with Max Pooling algorithm
is used to extract the spatial features from the RSRG,
and perform classification to obtain the final detection
To summarize, our method has the following con-
1) This paper proposes for the first time to de-
tect Fast-Flux malicious domain names based on the
domain resolution spatial features. The topology of
resolution spatial relationship graph (RSRG) is first
constructed based on the CNAME and IP records in
the resolution results. Then nameserver and WHOIS
information of the domain name, and Geographical
locations and Autonomous System Numbers of the
resolved IPs are obtained. They are then be used
as the node features of the RSRG, to describe the
spatial information of the nodes from multiple per-
spectives. Finally, the graph convolutional networks
(GCN) is used to extract domain resolution spatial
features from RSRG for classification.
2) We construct a dataset, which requests the re-
solved IPs from different locations for multiple times,
to differentiate Fast-Flux and CDN domain names
and measure the changes of the resolved IPs. Our
method achieves an accuracy rate of 94.98% and an
F1 value of 92.02% on the dataset, which is signifi-
cantly higher than the existing active detection meth-
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the related work of Fast-
Flux domain name detection, and mainly focuses
on active detection methods. Section 3 introduces
the motivation and Fast-Flux domain name detection
framework based on domain resolution spatial fea-
tures. Section 4 shows the construction of the datasets
and the experiments of the model on the datasets, and
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
compares our method with the existing methods. Sec-
tion 5 summarizes the paper.
In recent years, researchers have conducted lots of
methods on Fast-Flux malicious domain name detec-
tion. These methods can be mainly divided into pas-
sive and active detection methods, according to the
acquisition manner of the detection data. Passive de-
tection methods are designed to detect Fast-Flux traf-
fic from actual passive traffic, and usually extract fea-
tures from a single packet or packet set for detection.
Active detection methods aim to determine whether
a given domain name is a Fast-Flux domain name.
These methods usually need to actively obtain the res-
olution result of the domain name, or additionally ob-
tain data from third-party databases, such as WHOIS
and IP geographical locations, and extract features
from them for detection. The two types of detection
methods are introduced respectively in the following.
(1) Active Detection Methods.
Active detection methods usually actively acquire in-
formation from third-party databases. Common data
sources include actively obtained DNS data, addi-
tional information provided by third-party databases,
and information obtained by actively accessing the re-
solved IPs of the domain names.
Some methods perform detection only based on
actively obtained DNS data (Chen et al., 2019; Holz
et al., 2008; Berger et al., 2016). The FCDR methods
proposed by Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019) obtained
domain name resolution results from two different
DNS servers for 5 times respectively, and retained 1
CNAME record and 2 IP records for each resolution
result. For each time of request, 2 CNAME and 4
IP records from two DNS servers were combined to
form a 102-dimensional feature vector. Finally, a fea-
ture sequence with length of 5 was constructed, and
an LSTM model was used for classification. This
method highlighted the differences between Fast-Flux
and CDN domain names through requests from two
different DNS servers, and effectively measured the
changes of IPs through 5 requests. Berger et al.
(Berger et al., 2016) used DNSMap to extract the
corresponding relationships between FQDNs and IPs
that have changed within a certain period of time, con-
structed a bipartite graph between FQDNs and IPs,
and obtained the agile groups of FQDNs and IPs with
pruning method to perform detection.
In addition to DNS data, there are methods obtain
additional information, such as geographical loca-
tions, ASNs, WHOIS, or results returned from search
engines as detection basis. The FluxOR method pro-
posed by Passerini et al. (Passerini et al., 2008) ex-
tracted 9-dimensional features of each domain name,
including domain name registration features, network
availability features, and agent heterogeneity features,
and then used a Naive Bayes Classifier to perform
classification. Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2010) de-
tected Fast-Flux domain names based on the spatial
relationships of resolved IPs. They obtained the lo-
cation information of each resolved IP obtained from
the DNS packets, and calculated 6-dimensional fea-
tures, such as time zone entropy and the average of
minimal service distances, and then classified them
based on Bayesian network. Al-Duwairi et al. (Al-
Duwairi et al., 2015) used the Google search engine
to detect Fast-Flux domain names. They first ob-
tained the resolved IPs of the domain name, searched
each IP through the Google search engine, and re-
garded the numbers of hits as features for detection.
In the PASSVM method proposed by Al-Duwairi et
al. (Al-Duwairi et al., 2021), the Censys (Durumeric
et al., 2015) was used to obtain the opening port num-
bers of the IPs, etc., which are named censys-based
features, and obtained the IP geolocation-based and
DNS response-based features. They then combined
the third parts of features, and perform classification
with Support Vector Machine (SVM).
In addition, some studies try to access the resolved
IPs of the domain names to obtain features, such as
response time (Cafuta et al., 2018; Hsu et al., 2014;
Lin et al., 2013; Chandavarkar et al., 2018; Nagunwa
et al., 2022). Cafuta et al. (Cafuta et al., 2018) used
the network delay and server processing time as the
basic features, and additionally obtained results from
search engine to detect Fast-Flux domain names. Hsu
et al. (Hsu et al., 2014) believed that the response time
of each visit to the Fast-Flux domain name would
be fluctuating, they made multiple requests to the re-
solved IPs to obtain the response time, and then cal-
culated a value named FF-Score and performed clas-
sification with a threshold. Nagunwa et al. (Nagunwa
et al., 2022) integrated various types of features, they
extracted 6 types of features including temporal fea-
tures, spatial features, and DNS features, etc., and
perform classifications with various machine learning
Overall, current active detection methods are usu-
ally based on actively obtained DNS data and third-
party databases. The features obtained by actively ac-
cessing the resolved IPs of the domain name may be
interfered by network fluctuations, and such methods
will leave access records on the relay servers of the
FFSN, making it easier to be discovered by attackers.
In addition, most of the current detection methods ex-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tract features based on the feature engineering, and
perform detection based on rules or traditional ma-
chine learning methods, while seldom use deep learn-
ing models. However, deep learning models could
discover potential features. Therefore, our method is
based on the actively obtained DNS data and infor-
mation from third-party databases, trying to use deep
learning methods to extract the potential spatial fea-
tures of domain names to improve the detection ef-
(2) Passive Detection Methods.
Passive detection methods generally use the actual
DNS traffic as the detection content. These meth-
ods usually extract the internal features of a single
packet or packet set for detection; some passive meth-
ods used additional databases to extract features as a
supplement to the traffic features for detection.
For methods only use the features of traffic itself
(Rana and Aksoy, 2021; Almomani, 2018; Truong
et al., 2020; Wang and Chen, 2019a), to ensure the
real-time detection performance, some methods only
use a single packet for detection. Rana et al. (Rana
and Aksoy, 2021) used the TCP/IP packet of DNS
protocol as the detection unit. They extracted fea-
tures from TCP/IP packet headers, and obtained best
feature selection with genetic algorithm. Finally,
they performed classification with multiple classi-
fiers, such as random forest. However, the methods
using only a single packet cannot effectively describe
the changing behaviors of the resolved IPs. There-
fore, most passive methods perform detection based
on the packet sets (Almomani, 2018; Truong et al.,
2020; Wang and Chen, 2019a). Almomani et al. (Al-
momani, 2018) made statistics on the traffic of a do-
main name for one month, extracted 14-dimentional
features such as source and destination IPs, and av-
erage TTL values, and performed classification based
on adaptive evolving fuzzy neural networks.
In addition, some methods use additional
databases as supplement, such as geographical
locations, ASNs, etc. (Almomani et al., 2021;
Al-Nawasrah et al., 2018; Lombardo et al., 2018;
Surjanto and Lim, 2020; Kumar and Xu, 2018; Wang
and Chen, 2019b) Almomani et al. (Almomani et al.,
2021) and Al-Nawasrah (Al-Nawasrah et al., 2018)
extracted 7-dimensional features from DNS response
packets, such as number of resolved IPs, number of
ASNs, and packet size, and perform classification
with AdeSNN algorithm they proposed. Lombardo et
al. (Lombardo et al., 2018) extracted 6-dimensional
static features and 4-dimensional history-based
features, including maximum answer length, number
of IPs, and number of ASNs. Each dimension of
the features was normalized, then they calculated
the weighted summation to obtain the Aggregation
value A, and performed detection according to the
3.1 Motivation
Fast-Flux domain names usually correspond to a large
number of changing resolved IPs, and these IPs are
widely distributed. Hence, Fast-Flux domain names
are different from normal domain names in terms
of spatial information, such as geographical distribu-
tions and network characteristics. Therefore, we per-
form detection based on spatial features, which are
extracted from resolution results we actively obtained.
We use the dig command in Linux system to obtain
the resolution result. Dig command provide functions
of A record request and NS record request. The A
record (recorded as the ”dig A”) request is used to
obtain the resolved IPs of the domain name, which
are stored in the Answer resource records (RRs) in
the response packets; while the NS record (recorded
as the ”dig NS”) request is used to obtain the author-
itative nameservers (NS) and the IPs of the name-
servers (stored in the Additional RRs in DNS re-
sponse packet). The Answer RRs of ”dig A” response
packets usually contain CNAME and A records (i.e.
IP record), in which CNAME record resolves the do-
main name to another domain name, and A record re-
solves the domain name or CNAME to an IP address.
The details of Answer RRs will be described in Sec-
tion 3.3.
We obtain the resolution results of domain name
based on the ”dig A” request, and use the CNAME
and IP records as nodes to construct the resolution
spatial relationship graph (RSRG). Since an important
characteristic of Fast-Flux domain name is the chang-
ing resolved IPs, and response packet of a single ”dig
A” request cannot reflect that. Therefore, we request
the domain name for multiple times, and construct the
RSRG with all response packets of the requests. In
addition, Content Distribution Network (CDN) uses
a distributed way to build a group of servers on the
Internet, and provides services for users through the
principles of nearest service, and load balancing, etc.
Therefore, a CDN domain name also corresponds to
a large number of resolved IPs in the RSRG, and
the IPs may be changed, which leads to interference
to the detection of Fast-Flux domain names (Chen
et al., 2019). For a CDN domain name, the resolved
IPs obtained in different locations would be different,
and the change frequency of the resolved IPs is rel-
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
atively low; while for the Fast-Flux domain name,
the resolved IPs obtained in different location may
be the same, and the resolved IPs may be changed
rapidly. Therefore, in order to better distinguish Fast-
Flux from CDN domain names, we also execute the
”dig A” request for 5 times from two different loca-
tions according to the idea of Chen et al. (Chen et al.,
2019). And all IP and CNAME records are taken as
nodes to enrich the structural features of RSRG.
The object we process in the detection is
a single domain name, that is, an independent
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), such as
””. The second-
level part of a domain name (such as ””)
usually represents the owner of the domain name.
And for large normal networks, there are usually more
nameservers. Therefore, we choose to extract the
second-level part of the domain name, and perform
an ”dig NS” request for the second-level part syn-
chronously every time we perform a ”dig A” request,
to obtain the nameserver information of the second-
level part. In addition, the geographical locations
(Geo) and autonomous system numbers (ASN) could
well reflect the distribution of the IPs, and WHOIS
information could provide the creation date of a do-
main. Therefore, we choose these four categories of
data as the detection basis, and our data acquisition
process is shown in Figure 1. First, we perform 5
”dig A” and 5 ”dig NS” requests from each of the 2
locations that is in different cities, and obtain infor-
mation including CNAME, IP, NS, Additional, etc.,
and make a one-to-one correspondence between the
”dig A” response packets and the ”dig NS” response
packets. After that, Maxmind (Maxmind Inc., 2022)
is used to acquire geographical locations and ASNs
of all IPs obtained from 10 requests in an offline way,
and WHOIS request is executed to acquire the cre-
ation date of the domain name.
Dig A
Dig NS
2 locations,
5 times
Dig A
Dig NS
2 locations,
5 times
Figure 1: Process of data acquisition.
After the data acquisitions, all the obtained
CNAME and IP records in the 10 ”dig A” requests
are regarded as nodes in RSRG, and we perform fea-
tures extraction for each node based on the ”dig A”
result, the corresponding ”dig NS” data packets, Geo,
ASN, and WHOIS information. Finally, deep learn-
ing method is used to extract the spatial features of the
domain name from the obtained RSRG. Graph convo-
lutional network (GCN) (Kipf and Welling, 2016) is a
commonly used graph classification methods, which
updates the node features by the features of their
neighbors. Since GCN model is designed for node
feature calculation or node classification, in order to
apply it to the classification of the whole graph, we
refer to the idea of Knyazev et al. (Knyazev et al.,
2018) and use Max Pooling algorithm to extract fea-
tures of the whole graph, named domain resolution
spatial features, and conduct classification based on a
fully-connected layer.
3.2 Model Structure
We propose a Fast-Flux malicious domain name de-
tection model based on the domain resolution spatial
features. The structure of our model is shown in Fig-
ure 2. The model mainly contains 3 layers, which are
the data acquisition layer, RSRG construction layer,
and spatial feature extraction and classification layer.
Domain Name
Data Acquisition
GCN+Max Pooling
Geo, ASN,
Graph Topology
Node Feature
Spatial Feature
Extraction &
Spatial Features
Domain Name
Data Acquisition
GCN+Max Pooling
Geo, ASN,
Graph Topology
Node Feature
Spatial Feature
Extraction &
Spatial Features
Figure 2: Structure of the Fast-Flux domain name detection
In the data acquisition layer, operations including
”dig A”, ”dig NS” and WHOIS are used to obtain the
IP resolution results, NS information and WHOIS in-
formation of the domain name, and Maxmind (Max-
mind Inc., 2022) is used to obtain the geographical
locations and ASNs of the resolved IPs, as described
in Section 3.1. In RSRG construction layer, we first
construct the topology of the RSRG based on the ”dig
A” results, which will be introduced in Section 3.3;
we then construct a 16-dimensional feature vector for
each node in the RSRG from the original results of
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
”dig A”, ”dig NS” and WHOIS, etc., which will be
introduced in Section 3.4. In spatial feature extrac-
tion and classification layer, we first adopt multi-layer
GCN model and Max Pooling algorithm to extract 64-
dimensional spatial features, which will be introduced
in Section 3.5; and finally, a fully-connected layer is
used to output a 2-dimensional feature vector, which
is the classification result of the domain name.
3.3 Topology Structure Construction of
First, we select CNAME and A records from the An-
swer RRs in ”dig A” results as the CNAME nodes
and IP nodes in the RSRG. Each CNAME or IP is as-
sociated with the domain name node or the CNAME
node, which is in accordance with the relations ex-
ist in the Answer RRs. And finally, we obtain the
topology of RSRG, which is a divergent tree struc-
ture graph, in which the domain name is the central
node. As shown in Figure 3, assume that the de-
tected domain name is ”” and we perform
”dig A” request twice. The Answer RRs is shown
in Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b), which contain 5 and
4 records respectively. Each record contains the do-
main name, time to live (TTL), class, type, and result.
In Figure 3(a), the CNAME node ”” de-
pends on the requested domain name ””,
and the four IP nodes depend on the CNAME node
””. Since the results returned from each
”dig A” request may be different, we choose to re-
tain all the results to build the RSRG. We believe that
each correlation between domain name, CNAME and
IP nodes has bidirectional influences, and the GCN
model we use is based on undirected graph. There-
fore, we define the RSRG as an undirected graph. The
final RSRG for ”” we construct is shown
in Figure 3(c). 474 IN CNAME 69 IN A IP1 69 IN A IP2 69 IN A IP3 69 IN A IP4
Domain name TTL Class Type Result 474 IN CNAME 69 IN A IP5 69 IN A IP6 69 IN A IP7
Domain name TTL Class Type Result
(a) Answer of First Query
(b) Answer of Second Query
(c) Example of Domain Parsing Spatial Relationship Graph 474 IN CNAME 69 IN A IP1 69 IN A IP2 69 IN A IP3 69 IN A IP4
Domain name TTL Class Type Result 474 IN CNAME 69 IN A IP5 69 IN A IP6 69 IN A IP7
Domain name TTL Class Type Result
(a) Answer of First Query
(b) Answer of Second Query
(c) Example of Domain Parsing Spatial Relationship Graph
Figure 3: Example of RSRG topology structure construc-
3.4 Node Feature Extraction in RSRG
In terms of node features, we design 16-dimensional
features for each node based on the obtained data,
including 5-dimensional IP resolution features, 4-
dimensional NS resolution features, 6-dimensional
geographical and ASN features, and 1-dimensional
WHOIS feature. There are three types of nodes,
which are domain name node, CNAME node, and IP
node. Different types of nodes have different ways of
feature calculation. Each dimension of the node fea-
tures is finally divided by the maximum value of such
dimension in the dataset for normalization, to improve
the effect of the features extracted by the GCN model.
(1) IP Resolution Features.
The IP resolution features of nodes are extracted from
the ”dig A” response packets, and the 5-dimensional
features we extracted are shown in Table 1. Among
them, Times A1 and Times A2 are used to measure
the changes of resolved IPs. If such 2-dimensional
features of all nodes are 5, it proves that all the
records have not changed; on the contrary, the re-
solved IPs have changed for many times. TTL value
indicates the valid time of a resolved CNAME or IP.
The resolved IPs of Fast-Flux domain name changes
quickly, so the TTL value is relatively small. Since
that TTL value changes periodically, the maximum
value of the TTL could better reflect the valid time of
the result. In addition, Fast-Flux domain name is usu-
ally only accessed by infected hosts, it is more likely
that the local DNS server cannot find the resolution
result and needs to perform iterative query, which re-
sults in a longer response time. Moreover, the packet
size is also related to the number of results contained
in the packet. Therefore, we believe that the response
time and packet size have important value for Fast-
Flux domain name detection. For a CNAME or IP
node, the 5-dimensional features are extracted accord-
ing to the ”dig A” response packets containing such
CNAME or IP resolution result; for the domain name
node, they are extracted according to all the 10 ”dig
A” response packets.
Table 1: Description of IP resolution features.
Times A1 Times resolved at location 1
Times A2 Times resolved at location 2
Max ttl Maximum of TTL value
Min A time
Minimun response time of
A requests
Max A size
Maximun packet size of
A requests
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
(2) NS Resolution Features.
The NS resolution features of nodes are extracted
from the ”dig NS” response packets of the second-
level part of the domain name. The 4-dimensional
features we extracted are shown in Table 2. The NS
records store the nameservers, while the Additional
records stores the IP addresses of the nameservers.
The second-level part of the domain name usually
represents the owner of the domain name. For a
large normal network, there are generally more name-
servers, that is, more NS records and more Additional
records. Since each ”dig A” response packet is one-
to-one corresponded with a ”dig NS” response packet,
for a CNAME or IP node, the 4-dimensional features
are extracted from the ”dig NS” response packets cor-
responding to the ”dig A” response packets that con-
tains such CNAME or IP record; for the domain name
node, they are extracted according to all the 10 ”dig
NS” response packets.
Table 2: Description of NS resolution features.
Num NS Number of NS records
Num ADD Number of additional records
Min NS time
Minimun response time of
NS requests
Max NS size
Maximun packet size of
NS requests
(3) Geographical and ASN Features.
The geographical location indicates the location of an
IP in the real world, and the ASN indicates the owner
of the IP. The 6-dimensional features we extracted are
shown in Table 3. FFSN usually controls hosts in
other networks as relay servers, such hosts are usually
distributed in different locations, resulting in highly
dispersed IPs. The number of cities, countries, conti-
nents, postcodes, and registered countries of IPs can
measure the geographical dispersion of the resolved
IPs. In addition, the hosts controlled by FFSN usu-
ally belong to different owners, resulting in more dis-
tinct ASNs, so we use the number of ASNs to mea-
sure the number of IP owners. For an IP node, the
6-dimensional features are all 1; for a CNAME node,
they are statistically extracted according to its adja-
cent IP nodes; for the domain name node, they are
statistically extracted according to all IP nodes.
(4) WHOIS Feature.
The Fast-Flux domain name may change sometimes,
resulting in shorter registration time; while domain
names for normal services are relatively stable, result-
ing in longer registration time. The creation date of
the domain name is included in WHOIS information;
we choose to extract such time, and subtract the cre-
Table 3: Description of geographical and ASN features.
Num city Number of cities
Num country Number of countries
Num continent Number of continents
Num postal Number of postal numbers
Num reg country
Number of register countries
Num ASN Number of ASNs
ation date from the current time to get the Life time of
the domain name as one dimension of the node fea-
tures. If such WHOIS information is not found or
creation date is not included in the WHOIS informa-
tion, the Life time is set to 0. Since we only obtain the
WHOIS information of the domain name, the value
for all nodes in the RSRG is all set to the same value.
3.5 Spatial Feature Extraction from
After the construction of the RSRG, we use the multi-
layer GCN to extract spatial features from it. Since
the GCN model updates features of each node based
on its adjacent nodes, in an n-layer GCN network,
each node features may be affected by the node fea-
tures within a distance (i.e., the shortest path in graph)
of n.
As shown in Figure 3(c), the RSRG we construct
contains 2 CNAME nodes and 7 IP nodes. When
there is no association between two CNAME nodes,
the maximum distance of nodes in the graph is the
distance between two IP node that associated with dif-
ferent CNAME nodes, such as distance between IP1
and IP5 in Figure 3(c), that is 4. However, in the ac-
tual RSRG, there may be associations between two
CNAME nodes, which leads to larger distance be-
tween nodes in the graph. For instance, in the RSRGs
in our dataset, the maximum distance between nodes
is 7. For common GCN model used for node classi-
fication, the number of layers is usually set to 2 or 3.
More GCN layers would lead to poor differentiation
of nodes, and the feature vectors of different nodes
tend to be consistent. However, our goal is to extract
the features of the whole graph, so we do not need to
consider the differentiation of node features. There-
fore, we choose to use GCN model with 1-10 layers
for feature extraction, and select the optimal num-
ber of GCN layers as 8 through experiments. Here,
the node features output by each GCN layer is set
to 64-dimensions, and the Max Pooling algorithm is
adopted to select the maximum value of each dimen-
sion from all nodes features output by the last GCN
layer, and the 64-dimensional features are finally ob-
tained as the spatial features of the RSRG.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.1 Datasets and Indicators
The dataset we used is self-constructed which is based
on the Alexa domain names, CDN domain names, and
Fast-Flux domain names collected by ourselves. The
Alexa and CDN domain names are regarded as nor-
mal domain names and be acquired from Alexa Top-
sites (Alexa Web Information Company, 2021) and
github (Vincent, 2021) respectively. For Fast-Flux
domain names, we first obtained malicious domain
names from spam Archive (Guenter, 2022), phish-
stats (Phishstats, 2022), phishtank (Phishtank, 2022),
and (Cert Polska, 2020). Then, dig com-
mand was used in Beijing to obtain the resolved IPs
from ”” DNS server for 5 consecu-
tive days, and according to the idea of Nagunwa et
al. (Nagunwa et al., 2022), only the domain names
with resolved IPs and the resolved IPs have changed
at least one time were retained as the final Fast-Flux
domain names. Finally, 9,674 Alexa domain names,
8,638 CDN domain names and 8,709 Fast-Flux do-
main names were selected as the final dataset of this
For all the domain names in the dataset, we used
the ”dig A” command to obtain the resolution results
of the domain names for 5 consecutive days from Bei-
jing and Nanjing respectively, and used the ”dig NS”
command to obtain the NS records of second-level
part of each domain name. Then an offline database
named MaxMind (Maxmind Inc., 2022) is used to ac-
quire the geographical and ASN information for each
resolved IPs, and WHOIS information of the domain
name is acquired.
Both CDN and Fast-Flux domain names corre-
spond to a large number of resolved IPs, which may
affect the effectiveness of the detection model. To
better evaluate our detection method, we built three
sub-datasets based on the full dataset, which are Full
dataset (Alexa + CDN + Fast-Flux), Alexa FF dataset
(Alexa + Fast-Flux), and CDN FF dataset (CDN +
Fast-Flux). Finally, we used the average results of
5-fold cross-validation as the final testing results. For
all the three sub-datasets, 4 indicators including accu-
racy (Acc), precision (Pre), recall (Rec) and F1 value
are used.
4.2 Experimental Settings
In this paper, two active detection methods with best
performance are selected for comparison, which are
FCDR (Chen et al., 2019) and FluxOR (Passerini
et al., 2008). In addition, we set up multiple ablation
experiments to verify the effectiveness of the virous
designs of our method.
We conducted 5 groups of experiments in total.
Experiment 1, comparison experiment. We com-
pared the effects of our method with FCDR and
FluxOR on the three sub-datasets.
Experiment 2, effectiveness experiment for node
features. Taking the IP resolution features as
the base, we successively added NS resolution
features, Geographical and ASN features and
WHOIS features, to prove the effectiveness of
each set of node features.
Experiment 3, effectiveness experiment for data
acquisition methods. First, based on acquisition
in 2 locations, we compared the detection effects
of model when using data of 1-5 days, to show the
impact of the data acquisition times on the perfor-
mance. Then, based on acquisition for 5 times,
we compared the detection effects of model when
acquiring data in 1 or 2 locations, to show the ef-
fectiveness of data acquisition in 2 locations.
Experiment 4, effectiveness experiment for node
feature preprocessing. We compared the detec-
tion effects of non-normalization of node features,
normalization, and adding an additional fully-
connected layer, and selected the best node feature
preprocessing method.
Experiment 5, effectiveness experiment for num-
ber of GCN layers. We compared the detection ef-
fects of GCNs with number of layers ranging from
1 to 10 respectively, to select the optimal number
of GCN layers.
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Comparison Experiment
In this experiment, our method is compared with
two existing methods, which are FCDR (Chen et al.,
2019) and FluxOR (Passerini et al., 2008). FCDR
(Chen et al., 2019) acquired resolution data for 5
times from 2 DNS server, which is the same as our
method. They extracted 2 CNAME and 4 IP records
from the 2 resolution results of each time to construct
102-dimensional features, and finally obtained a fea-
ture sequence with length of 5, and then performed
classification using LSTM model. In this method,
the 102-dimensional features include 6-dimensional
features to indicate whether the CNAMEs and IPs
are in the whitelist. Since we did not construct the
whitelist, we consider two ways to deal with such 6-
dimensional features: directly remove them to form
96-dimensional features, or set all of them to 0. By
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
comparing the experimental results, we found that the
overall effect is relatively better when setting all 6-
dimensional features to 0, so such result is taken as the
final effect of the method. FluxOR (Passerini et al.,
2008) extracted 9-dimensional features for each do-
main name, including domain name registration fea-
tures, network availability features, and agent hetero-
geneity features, and used Naive Bayes Classifier to
perform classification. Our method iterates 50 epochs
in the training process without setting dropout, and
the initial learning rate is set to 0.001, and is decayed
to 0.1 of the current learning rates after the 25
epochs. The results of each comparison method
are shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Performance of comparison experiments.
FCDR FluxOR Ours
Acc 90.30% 66.39% 94.98%
Pre 86.12% 48.67% 94.16%
Rec 83.25% 78.52% 89.38%
F1 84.66% 60.09% 92.02%
Acc 87.95% 60.86% 94.26%
Pre 85.72% 55.97% 94.73%
Rec 88.15% 81.50% 93.05%
F1 86.91% 66.36% 93.88%
Acc 93.34% 84.22% 95.24%
Pre 92.84% 79.84% 95.90%
Rec 93.99% 91.73% 94.56%
F1 93.41% 85.37% 95.22%
From the results, our method achieved signifi-
cantly better effect than the existing two methods,
when comparing on the three sub-datasets using 5-
fold cross-validation. For FluxOR method, the fea-
tures they constructed are relatively simple, which
achieved poor detection effect. The FCDR method
only considered 1 CNAME and 2 IP records in each
resolution result, such features ignored the spatial fea-
tures of the resolved IPs, such as the number and dis-
tribution of the resolved IPs. And the overall effect is
also lower than our method.
4.3.2 Effectiveness Experiment for Node
The node features in RSRG are mainly divided into
four sets: IP resolution features (marked as ”IP”),
NS resolution features (marked as ”NS”), Geograph-
ical and ASN features (marked as ”Geo ASN”) and
WHOIS features. In this experiment, each method
constructed RSRG based on the data of all the 5-days,
and used an 8-layer GCN to extract spatial features
and perform classification. The experiment results are
shown in Table 5.
From the results, when only using IP resolution
features, our model reached accuracies of more than
90% on the three sub-datasets, which proves the effec-
tiveness of the IP resolution features. After adding NS
resolution features, the effects on three sub-datasets
are significantly improved, indicating that the NS res-
olution features are of great value in distinguishing
between Fast-Flux and normal domain names. Af-
ter adding Geographical and ASN features, the effect
on Alexa FF dataset changed little, but the effect on
CDN FF dataset was significantly improved, indicat-
ing that such features are of great value in distinguish-
ing between Fast-Flux and CDN domain names. Fi-
nally, after adding WHOIS features, the effects of the
three sub-datasets are significantly improved, which
proves the effectiveness of WHOIS features.
4.3.3 Effectiveness Experiment for Data
Acquisition Methods
This paper performs resolutions for 5 times in 2 loca-
tions, and obtains 10 times of resolution data to con-
struct RSRG for Fast-Flux domain name detection.
Among them, acquisition from 2 locations is mainly
used to distinguish between Fast-Flux and CDN do-
main names, and acquisition for 5 times is mainly
used to measure the changes of the resolved IPs. This
experiment was used to compare the detection effects
of our spatial features with data of different request
times. In this experiment, each method constructed
RSRG with 16-dimensional node features, and used
an 8-layer GCN to extract spatial features and per-
form classification. The experiment results are shown
in Table 6.
Comparing the result of data acquisition in 2 lo-
cations for 1-5 days, the detection effect of the model
was on the rise with the increase of days. Moreover,
it is found that the difference of detection effects be-
tween data of 1-day and 2-day is significantly higher
than that between other contiguous pairs. After anal-
ysis, we believe that using data of 1-day, i.e. only
one group of resolution result is reserved, the chang-
ing behavior of IPs cannot be described. However,
when using data of 2-days, there are two groups of
resolution results, changes of IPs can be effectively
discovered. Therefore, the detection effect is greatly
improved. When continuously increasing the days of
data, it would be better to describe the changes of IPs,
but the increase was relatively small compared to the
increase of 1 to 2 days.
Comparing the result of data acquisition for 5
days in 1 and 2 locations, it shows that for Alexa FF
dataset, the detection effects of the two configurations
are similar, indicating that it has no significant impact
on the dataset when acquiring data from 2 locations.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Performance of different node features.
Dataset Indicator IP IP + NS
IP +NS +
IP +NS +
Acc 92.13% 93.56% 93.59% 94.98%
Pre 91.04% 94.15% 94.40% 94.16%
Rec 83.83% 85.34% 85.16% 89.38%
F1 87.28% 89.52% 89.55% 92.02%
Alexa FF
Acc 92.10% 93.43% 93.18% 94.26%
Pre 92.01% 94.57% 94.28% 94.73%
Rec 91.24% 91.38% 91.14% 93.05%
F1 91.62% 92.94% 92.68% 93.88%
Acc 90.46% 91.70% 92.92% 95.24%
Pre 92.18% 92.60% 92.15% 95.90%
Rec 88.53% 90.78% 93.90% 94.56%
F1 90.30% 91.66% 93.02% 95.22%
Table 6: Performance of different data acquisition methods.
Dataset Indicator
2 locations
1 day
2 locations
2 days
2 locations
3 days
2 locations
4 days
2 locations
5 days
1 location
5 days
Acc 93.64% 94.58% 94.80% 94.97% 94.98% 94.90%
Pre 93.44% 93.74% 93.83% 94.44% 94.16% 94.52%
Rec 86.34% 89.15% 89.76% 89.69% 89.38% 89.38%
F1 89.74% 91.38% 91.75% 92.00% 92.02% 91.87%
Alexa FF
Acc 93.03% 93.88% 94.07% 94.14% 94.26% 94.32%
Pre 94.29% 94.54% 94.85% 94.73% 94.73% 94.27%
Rec 90.79% 92.42% 92.50% 92.78% 93.05% 93.71%
F1 92.50% 93.47% 93.66% 93.74% 93.88% 93.98%
Acc 93.88% 94.73% 95.07% 94.94% 95.24% 94.70%
Pre 94.43% 95.50% 96.11% 95.71% 95.90% 95.73%
Rec 93.33% 93.93% 93.99% 94.16% 94.56% 93.62%
F1 93.87% 94.70% 95.04% 94.92% 95.22% 94.66%
For CDN FF dataset and Full dataset, it shows that
when using data of 2 locations, the detection effect
is significantly higher than that of a single location.
Therefore, it is proved that obtaining data from two
locations is of great value in distinguishing between
Fast-Flux and CDN domain names.
4.3.4 Effectiveness Experiment for Node Feature
Since we extract 16-dimensional features for each
node in the RSRG, the value distributions of differ-
ent dimensions are quite different, hence we choose
to divide each dimension of features by its maxi-
mum value for normalization. In addition, we con-
sider adding a fully-connected layer after normaliza-
tion to transform the node features. Here we com-
pared the detection effects before and after normaliza-
tion of node features, and the detection effects before
and after adding an additional fully-connected layer.
In this experiment, each method constructed RSRG
with 16-dimensional node features based on the data
of all 5-days, and used an 8-layer GCN to extract spa-
tial features and perform classification. The experi-
ment results are shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Performance of different node features processing
+ FC
Acc 92.88% 94.98% 71.40%
Pre 93.90% 94.16% 61.88%
Rec 83.33% 89.38% 32.09%
F1 88.30% 92.02% 41.96%
Acc 91.02% 94.26% 63.50%
Pre 93.64% 94.73% 64.59%
Rec 86.97% 93.05% 50.70%
F1 90.18% 93.88% 56.79%
Acc 93.38% 95.24% 77.18%
Pre 95.43% 95.90% 70.59%
Rec 91.19% 94.56% 94.26%
F1 93.26% 95.22% 80.61%
From the result, after normalization of node fea-
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
tures, the detection effect of the model has signifi-
cantly improved. However, after adding the additional
fully-connected layer, the detection effect decreased
significantly. We believe that the 8-layer GCN already
has a high complexity, the additional fully-connected
layer further increases the complexity of the model,
resulting in the risk of overfitting or difficulty in con-
vergence, which leads to the decrease of the detection
effect. Therefore, we finally choose to only perform
normalization for node features of RSRG.
4.3.5 Effectiveness Experiment for Number of
GCN Layers
This experiment compares the effects of GCN models
with different layers on the effectiveness of the ex-
tracted spatial features. To select the optimal number
of GCN layers for spatial feature extraction, we tested
GCNs with layers ranging from 1 to 10 respectively.
In this experiment, each method constructed RSRG
with 16-dimensional node features based on the data
of all 5-days, and used different GCNs to extract spa-
tial features and perform classification. The experi-
ment results are shown in Figure 4. Figure 4(a), (b),
and (c) respectively shows the change trend of each
indicator on Full, Alexa FF and CDN FF datasets,
when number of GCN layers range from 1 to 10.
(a) Full Dataset
(b) Alexa_FF Dataset
(c) CDN_FF Dataset
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 4: Performance of different number of GCN layers.
From the results, with the increasing number of
GCN layers, the detection effect shows an increasing
trend on the whole, which proves that, GCN model
with more layers is helpful to improve the detection
effect. We believe that more GCN layers could effec-
tively fuse the features of nodes with farther distances,
and achieved deeper abstraction level of the extracted
feature, which result in higher efficiency of the model.
However, with the number of GCN layers increas-
ing, the improvement of the detection effect shows a
gradually decreasing trend in the three sub-datasets.
And the overall detection effect is the best when the
8-layer GCN is used. Moreover, when using the 10-
layer GCN, the model did not converge for twice in
the 5-fold cross-validation on the Alexa FF dataset,
resulting in an average accuracy of only 82%, which
is much lower than that of GCNs with 1 to 9 lay-
ers. We believe that the maximum distance between
nodes in the current RSRGs is 7, and more GCN lay-
ers could not integrate features of more nodes. In ad-
dition, the GCN model with more layers could im-
prove the abstraction ability of features; however, it is
more likely for such model to encounter problems of
overfitting and non-convergence, resulting in the de-
crease of the detection effect. Therefore, we choose
the 8-layer GCN as the final model.
In this paper, a Fast-Flux malicious domain name de-
tection method using domain resolution spatial fea-
tures is proposed. The method obtains the resolution
information through dig command in Linux system,
and constructs the topology of the resolution spatial
relationship graph (RSRG) based on the CNAME and
IP records. Then the method extracts 16-dimensional
node features, including IP resolution features, NS
resolution features, geographical and ASN features,
and WHOIS feature. Finally, the GCN model com-
bined with Max Pooling algorithm is used to extract
spatial features from the RSRG and perform classifi-
cation. The paper constructs a dataset based on 4 ma-
licious domain name websites, Alexa domain names
and CDN domain names, and perform testing based
on the dataset. The experimental result shows that
our method achieves an accuracy of 94.98%and an F1
value of 92.02%, which is higher than that of the ex-
isting similar methods.
At present, our method only considers the spa-
tial features of the domain names. We will consider
mining more relevant information from existing data,
such as text features in WHOIS information, to fur-
ther improve the detection effect of the model. And
then, we will deploy the detection model in actual net-
work to detect Fast-Flux domain names and discover
the attacks.
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