Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing
Nayane Maia
1,2 a
, Ana Carolina Oran
1 b
and Bruno Gadelha
1 c
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), CEP 69080-900, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Eldorado Research Institute, CEP 69057-000, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Software Testing, Soft Skill, Hard Skill, Software Engineering Competencies, Competency Assessment.
Process and product quality are essential to maintain competitiveness in the software industry. Software test-
ing is one of the activities to assess product quality, and its process permeates all phases of the development
process lifecycle. However, this requires software testing professionals to master different technical skills and
general skills. To reduce the skills gap required for the testing team, it is necessary to conduct a skills assess-
ment of all team members. Given this, the objective of this research is to present the results of a competence
assessment based on a competence mapping model aimed at software testing teams. To support this research,
a questionnaire was applied to 25 industry professionals from a development company to assess the general
and technical skills of all roles in the software testing process. As a result, we identified which competencies
managers desire for their testing teams. In addition, we identified how professionals see themselves through
a self-assessment based on this competence mapping model. After the evaluation, it was possible to identify
which competencies need to be developed to reach the required levels for each role and increase the produc-
tivity and quality of the process and the product.
With the exponential growth of demands for software
products, the industry has been looking for increas-
ingly qualified professionals with differentiated com-
petencies. Conceptually, competencies can be defined
as ”a collection of skills, aptitudes and attitudes to
solve a problem in a given context” (Holtkamp et al.,
2015). Competencies and skills are different things.
Skills tell us “what” professionals are able to do when
it comes to a specific assignment. Competencies show
the “how”, that is, answer what is the process should
be that the professional needs to go through to develop
new learning, therefore, they can be acquired through
training (Faria and de Castro Filho, 2014). In SWE-
COM (Ardis et al., 2014) these competencies can be
classified as technical skills and behavioral skills nec-
essary for software engineers.
Many studies (Assyne et al., 2021; Ahmed et al.,
2015; Holtkamp et al., 2015) seek to identify what
are the essential competencies for software profes-
sionals and it was concluded that is important to study
soft skills and hard skills, as both are considered two
equally critical pillars of the Software Engineering
Competencies (SEC). Researchers recommend that
studies be carried out considering different points of
view, from software professionals, educators to the in-
dustry, as it is necessary to pay more attention to both
contexts: research and practice (Assyne et al., 2021).
A software testing process aims to structure the
steps, activities, artifacts, roles and responsibilities of
testing, allowing organization and control of the entire
test cycle, minimizing risks and adding quality to the
software (Pressman and Maxim, 2021). In software
testing practice, successful testing often depends on
the skills, intuition and experience of the tester (Kaner
et al., 2011).
In view of this, this research aims to present an
experience report in the analysis of the competence
level of a software testing team in the industry, from
the perspective of managers (expectation) and testing
process professionals (reality). In this way, the skills
gaps that professionals need to develop to reach the
expected level are identified, enabling professional
training, reduced turnover, increased productivity and
product quality.
Maia, N., Oran, A. and Gadelha, B.
Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing Teams.
DOI: 10.5220/0011853800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 152-159
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
This research addresses concepts related to software
engineering skill sets and knowledge described in the
Software Engineering Competency Model, available
on SWECOM (Ardis et al., 2014). SEC was also pre-
sented in a systematic mapping described in (Assyne
et al., 2021). In this mapping, 60 primary studies have
been analyzed, which sought to answer the follow-
ing research question: What can the current literature
tell us about the evolution of Software Engineering
Competencies? As a result, the following were iden-
tified: 2 research areas (organizational and personal);
11 themes inside 49 core competencies; 14 models or
frameworks which, in turn, were classified accord-
ing to the context: 5 frameworks focused on personal
competencies and 9 frameworks focused on organi-
zational competencies. The framework described by
na-Ramos et al., 2012), was chosen out of the
14, as it is aimed at mapping competencies of soft-
ware testing teams, the focus of this research.
2.1 Competency Mapping Model
The framework presented by (Salda
na-Ramos et al.,
2012) is used to mapping competencies focused on
technical skills and general skills required for the test-
ing team and was based on the main references on
software testing: The White Book (Llorens-Garcia
et al., 2009), Tmap® (Vroon et al., 2013), TMMi®
(van Veenendaal et al., 2022), ISTQB® (ISTQB,
2022), SWEBOK (Abran et al., 2004). Among the
different methodologies available to define a compe-
tency model, this framework (Salda
na-Ramos et al.,
2012) adopted the methodology based on Job Anal-
ysis: it identifies the competencies from the charac-
teristics of the job in terms of mission in the organi-
zation, objectives operational, evaluation criteria, or-
ganizational situation, areas of activity and level of
autonomy and responsibility of the position.
The framework aims to reduce the skills gap re-
quired for the testing team according to the main re-
sponsibilities of the following roles: Test Contract
Manager (TCM): Manage resources, contract ser-
vices and control the project. Oversees the testing
process and improves it, and maintains and enforces
testing policies. Test Manager (TM): Coordinate and
manage the activities of the test team. It is responsi-
ble for ensuring the quality of products and processes,
in addition to checking that the documentation is cor-
rect. Tracks activities related to testing, monitoring
and estimating the time, schedule and costs required
to run the tests. Test Engineer (TE): Managing and
maintaining the test plan, designing and reviewing
test cases, overseeing the test environment and per-
forming reviews. Tester (T): Create and execute the
test cases, ensuring that they are executed with the
data according to the requirements and documenting
the results obtained from the execution of the tests.
The technical and general competencies and their
proficiency levels required for each role of the soft-
ware testing team, were identified through the com-
petency mapping framework. The competency lev-
els are: Low (L): Member of the testing team does
not have this competency; Medium (M): Test team
member is still learning. Competency has been par-
tially acquired; High (H): Team member is indepen-
dent. Competency has been fully acquired. Very
High (VH): Team member masters this skill and prac-
tices steadily. More details about the framework are
available in the supplementary material
(Maia et al.,
2.2 Related Works
Ahmed et al. (Ahmed et al., 2015) investigated which
soft skills are most appropriate for each role within a
software team and how the industry considers these
soft skills during employee hiring. The authors con-
cluded that the most critical soft skills for the role
of software testing (communication, analytical and
problem solving skills, interpersonal skills, ability to
work independently and organization) does not reflect
what the industry considered at the time of hiring.
This study suggests that the industry pays more at-
tention to the set of interpersonal skills and the ability
to work independently, given that the role of software
testing requires attention to details, at the same time
that it is necessary to report the results to the devel-
opers which requires communication and conflict
resolution skills.
Given the above, this research aims to address
some gaps not presented in the works previously men-
tioned: (i) which soft skills and hard skills are es-
sential for the roles of the software testing team; (ii)
which soft skills and hard skills are less developed
and what action is needed to develop these skills to
improve project deliveries; (iii) what is the influence
factor of these competencies to increase the quality of
This research was based on the competencies map-
ping framework described in Section 2.1, which char-
Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing Teams
acterizes the levels of competencies according to a
set of technical competencies and general competen-
cies expected for each software testing team role. As
testing professionals, it is understood that they are all
those involved in the software testing process, accord-
ing to the roles defined in Section 2.1. A question-
naire was applied to professionals from a company in
order to answer the following research questions:
RQ1. What technical competencies do the test-
ing professionals consider important for each role?
RQ2. What general competencies do testing profes-
sionals consider important for each role? RQ3. What
are the desired competencies levels for each role from
the managers’ perspective? And from the test team’s
to? RQ4. How do professionals evaluate themselves
according to the levels of technical and general com-
3.1 Questionnaire Specification
The questionnaire was divided into three sections: the
first of sociodemographic characterization, with the
objective of characterizing the profile of the partic-
ipants; the second assessment of the levels of skills
(general and technical) desired for each role of the
testing team; the third self-assessment of skills levels
(general and technical) according to their role within
the testing team. The concepts about the roles and
the definition of the levels of competency were made
available in electronic form to facilitate the under-
standing of the participant.
Three objective questions were asked, using a 4-
point Likert scale, where 1 means that the level of
technical competency required is Low and 4 means
that the level of competency required is Very High.
An open question was also asked in order to assess
whether the participants considered the questions sat-
isfactory. The questionnaire has a total of 77 ques-
tions that map all competencies according to each
role, that is, each competency was considered an ob-
jective question. It is worth noting that all participants
agreed to participate in the study by signing a Free
and Informed Consent Form (CF), thus guaranteeing
the confidentiality of the data provided. The question-
naire was available during the first half of May 2022.
More details about the CF and the full version of the
questionnaire are available in the supplementary ma-
terial (Maia et al., 2023).
3.2 Data Collection
The study was conducted at a company, which has
units in different regions of Brazil. The questionnaire
was applied through an online form, in a team that
works with software development, where the testing
team is allocated with the development team, adopt-
ing practices of agile methodology, working in global
software projects, and providing different contexts
within the development and the testing process.
The profile of the participants was mapped ac-
cording to age, gender, level of education, position,
role and time of professional experience in the area of
software testing. A total of 25 participants answered
the questionnaire, who held the following positions:
interns (36%); technicians, trainees and test analysts
(52%); and project managers (12%). It was found that
most participants (80%) have a maximum of 5 years
of experience, 12% have 6 to 15 years of experience
and 8% have more than 15 years of experience.
In order to characterize the roles according to the
definition adopted in the competency mapping model,
it was asked which role is closest to the responsibili-
ties currently exercised by the participants. Of the 25
participants, 52% identified most with the roles de-
scribed in the Software Tester role, followed by 32%
Test Engineer, 12% Test Contract Manager and 4%
Test Manager.
4.1 The Technical Competencies
The competency mapping model used offers a set of
specific technical competencies (TCs) for the testing
team. From this, the participants assessed what com-
petency level is needed for each role presented in
Section 2.1. We will highlight the results obtained
that were different from the baseline presented by the
Test Contract Manager (Figure 1:) TC1 and TC6
were evaluated with a High level, whereas the TC2,
TC3, TC4, TC5 competencies should be at Very High
level. Comparing the result obtained with the base-
line, there was divergence only in TC6 (knowledge
in business processes), where the level indicated was
Very High and the participants consider the High
level as sufficient.
Test Manager (Figure 2:) the competencies that
must to be at Very High level was: TC1, TC2, TC4,
TC5, TC9, TC10; and the competencies TC3, TC6,
TC7, TC8 just need to be at the High level. The main
differences refer to the increase in the level of knowl-
edge expected for the Test Manager in the themes of
software engineering practices (TC1), project man-
agement (TC4) and technical programming knowl-
edge (TC7), which went from Medium/High to Very
High. There was a decreases in TC3 (knowing the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Technical Competencies - Test Contract Manager.
Figure 2: Technical Compentencies - Test Manager.
organizational process), it went from Very High to
Test Engineer (Figure 3:) only the TC3 competency
was considered as a High level, whilst all others were
assigned a Very High level (TC1, TC2, TC4, TC5).
When comparing the levels indicated by baseline it
was noticed that there was an increase in the level of
knowledge expected by Test Engineers in TC4 and
TC5, which went from High to Very High. However,
there was a reduction in the expected level for TC3,
which went from Very High to High, referring to the
mastery of revision techniques.
Software Tester (Figure 4:) all technical competen-
cies were evaluated by the participant with a High
level as sufficient. Through the comparative analysis
of the levels indicated in baseline, it was possible to
verify that there was an increase in the level of knowl-
edge of TC4 (programming knowledge), which went
from Medium to High. However, there was a reduc-
tion in the level of knowledge expected in TC6, which
went from Very High to High, with regard to knowl-
edge about test automation.
Figure 3: Technical Compentencies - Test Engineer.
Figure 4: Technical Compentencies - Tester.
In general, there were no major divergences in the
baseline comparative analysis in relation to the results
found, when we consider the perspective of all partic-
ipants. The main divergences could be due to the fact
that currently the roles of the testing process have re-
ceived new responsibilities, increasing the degree of
complexity of their activities, such as: (i) the Test
Manager should have greater control of project man-
agement ; (ii) the Test Engineer needs to have more
knowledge about software and product engineering;
(iii) the Software Tester must have more knowledge
about programming.
4.2 The General Competencies
The competency mapping model used offers a set of
general competencies (GCs) that are applied to all test
team roles. From this, the participants assessed what
competency’s level is needed for each role.
In Figure 5 it is possible to observe that for
the role of Software Tester, this same competence
(GC19) is being considered at a Very High level,
that is, creativity is a very important competence for
the execution of the tests, as well as communication
(GC3), teamwork (GC07), being self-taught (GC9),
working in a variety of environments (GC16) and
commitment to quality (GC20). Other General Com-
petencies were considered High (GC1, GC2, GC5,
GC11, GC13) or tied with Very High (GC6, GC8,
GC10). Knowledge of the English language, moti-
Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing Teams
Figure 5: General Compentencies - Tester.
vation, conflict resolution and leadership were skills
required as an Intermediate level for Testers.
According to Figure 6, the general Compenten-
cies for the role of the Test Engineer presented the
following Compentencies as a Very High level: com-
munication (GC3), teamwork (GC7), interpersonal
relationships (GC8), being self-taught (GC9), critical
thinking (GC10), problem solving (GC13), creativity
(GC19) and commitment to quality (GC20). A di-
vergence was noticed when analyzing GC12, GC14
and GC18, which was considered of High level for
Test Engineers and Low (GC12, GC14) and Medium
(GC18) for Testers. Such Compentencies, as they are
soft skills more focused on roles with greater respon-
sibilities within the team, justify these differences in
results, however, when considering a possible promo-
tion, they are important skills to be developed.
4.3 The Desired Competencies Levels
Based on the results presented in sections 4.1 and 4.2,
an analysis was carried out based on the categoriza-
Figure 6: General Compentencies - Test Engineer.
tion of respondents by roles. The responses of the
Testing Contract Manager roles were analyzed sepa-
rately in relation to the other roles, considering that
they are responsible for hiring the testing team.
The Technical Competencies desired for the Test
Engineer are: TC1 and TC2 were considered Very
High level from both sides perspective. There was a
divergence in TC3, where the managers considered it
to be a Very High level and the other team members
considered it to be a High level, on the other hand,
they believed that the TC4 and TC5 skills need to be
of a Very High level, whilst the managers considered
them only to be of a High. In this sense, it is desired
that the Test Engineer has mastery over the test pro-
cess, strategies and techniques. An important finding
when comparing baseline results with managers and
team members is that knowledge about revision tech-
niques (TC3) is considered Very High by managers
and by baseline, while members of the team consider
only High, perhaps because they don’t really know
what review techniques are about.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Analyzing the General Competencies from the
perspective of managers in relation to the Test Engi-
neer, it is clear that the expectation has to be a Very
High level in the following skills: GC4, GC5, GC7,
GC9, GC10, GC11, GC13, GC15, GC16 , GC17,
GC19 and GC20. Whilst the testing team considers
just the following competencies on High level: GC4,
GC5 and GC13. In this sense, it is worth mentioning
that the managers have a very high expectation that
the Test Engineer has fluency in the English language,
autonomy for problem solving and teamwork, while
the other members see the High level for such skills.
This result can be associated with the characteristics
of this organization, which operates in projects at a
global level. Analyzing another divergence, it was no-
ticed that GC3 and GC8 were considered a High level
by the managers and a Very High level by the test
team, which may mean that the test team recognizes
the importance that the role of Test Engineer has in
communicating and having a good interpersonal rela-
tionship. This is due to the fact that the Test Engineer
is in constant contact with the other members of the
software development process and acts as an interface
between the requirements and the developers.
The managers’ perspectives in relation to the test-
ing team diverged in almost all Technical Competen-
cies for the Tester, with the exception of TC4 (knowl-
edge about software development and construction),
where both considered the High level. This diver-
gence can be due to the fact that managers do not
know in depth the practical activities of testers, to
the point of identifying the complexity of each one
of them. For the testing team, all competencies of
the Tester role are considered High. When answer-
ing about TC1 and TC5, the managers themselves
did not reach a consensus on which level was ex-
pected, where each one answered Medium, High and
Very High, respectively. The TC3 and TC6 competen-
cies were considered Medium by the managers, which
may mean that there is not much expectation in the
field of programming and automation on the part of
the testers.
Analyzing the divergences between General
Compentencies expected for the Tester, managers
want these professionals to have a Very High level in
the ability to adapt to new situations and a positive
attitude (GC15 and GC17), and High in the knowl-
edge of English and resolution of interpersonal con-
flicts (GC4 and GC14). Such skills were considered
High and Medium by the team members, respectively.
In general, there was a consensus that for the role of
Tester, it is expected that they have a Very High level
in the following competencies: GC7, GC9, GC16,
GC19, and GC20. That is, the Tester is expected to
know how to work well in a team, be able to learn
alone, adapt well to different environments, be cre-
ative, and have a commitment to quality.
In addition to the objective questions about gen-
eral and technical skills, an open question was asked,
and it was possible to observe that 8% of the partic-
ipants answered that test automation is an essential
competence also for the Test Engineer and not only
for the Tester, as presented in the baseline.
4.4 Competencies Self-Assessment
This section will compare the levels of technical and
general competencies available in the baseline with
the results of self-assessments. This analysis only
considers the self-assessment of the roles of Test En-
gineers and Testers, given that the mapping of compe-
tencies aims to identify gaps between the competen-
cies desired by managers and the competencies that
professionals have in practice. The results from the
managers’ perspective have already been presented in
Section 4.3, but the gaps in the professionals’ self-
assessments will now be discussed.
Table 1: Technical Competencies - Test Engineer.
Baseline’s Framework Manager’s Expectation Self-evaluation
Table 2: Technical Competencies - Tester.
Baseline’s Framework Manager’s Expectation Self-evaluation
In the Table 1, when comparing the baseline with
the perspectives of the managers, there were no di-
vergences regarding the desired levels of competen-
cies for the Test Engineer. When analyzing the result
of the self-evaluations, it is observed that the compe-
tencies TC4 and TC5 coincide both with the expecta-
tions of the managers and with what is presented in
the baseline, all with the High level. This means that
the managers have a good understanding of the role
and responsibilities of the Test Engineer and that the
professionals attend to what is expected of their role.
This alignment is beneficial for the organization, as it
will not be necessary to carry out negotiations for the
development of such competencies. However, TC1,
TC2, and TC3 competencies need to be developed to
reach managers’ expectations, moving from the High
to the Very High level. The TC3 was divergent: while
Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing Teams
Table 3: General Competencies – Test Engineer.
Baseline’s Framework Manager’s Expectation Self-evaluation
GC12 H H H
GC18 M H H
the managers considered it as a Very High level, in
the self-assessment it appears with a Medium level.
Therefore, there is a need for investment in training
for Test Engineers to develop this competency fo-
cused on specific knowledge of review techniques, in
addition to improving the technical knowledge of pro-
gramming, testing techniques, and software architec-
In the Table 2, regarding the comparison of the
baseline with the perspectives of the managers, it is
noticed that there were divergences regarding the de-
sired levels of competencies for the role of Software
Tester. However, when analyzing the result of the
self-assessments, it is observed that the TC3 and TC6
competencies meet the managers’ expectations. The
expectation of the levels of TC4 and TC5 competen-
cies were not accurate, given that there was no con-
sensus on the part of the managers, however, the result
of the self-assessment coincided with the baseline,
whose level of TC4 is Medium and TC5 is High. The
TC2 competency needs to be developed to reach the
expectations of managers, moving from the Medium
to the Very High level, focusing on training testing
strategies, methodologies, and techniques for testers.
In addition, the greatest divergence was about TC6
(knowledge about test automation), which was con-
sidered Medium by both managers and testers, but
baseline suggests a Very High level. Therefore, there
is a need for a better understanding of the activities of
the Tester, to enable an alignment of expectations and
better targeting of demands.
According to the data presented in the Table 3
referring to the general skills expected for the Test
Engineer, it can be seen that there was a consen-
sus both between the data pointed out by the base-
line, as well as those obtained in this research: GC1,
GC2, GC3, GC12, GC20. There was a divergence
in the level managers’ expectations about what was
Table 4: General Competencies – Tester.
Baseline’s Framework Manager’s Expectation Self-evaluation
GC11 M H H
GC13 M H H
GC14 L H H
GC18 M M H
suggested by the baseline and with the results of
the self-assessments of the following competencies:
GC4, GC5, and GC15. That is, managers expect Test
Engineers to have a Very High level of knowledge of
the English language, information management, and
the ability to adapt to new situations, while baseline
considers such skills to be Medium to High, and par-
ticipants self-assessed at a High level. In this sense, it
is suggested that professionals develop such skills to
reach the level desired by managers.
The General Competencies for the Tester are pre-
sented in Table 4. It can be seen that there was a con-
sensus both between the data indicated by the base-
line, as well as those obtained in this research only
for the competencies: GC2 and GC4. Considering
the competencies GC7, GC11, GC10, GC13, GC14,
GC16, GC17 and GC20, the professionals already
meet the desired requirements for their role. Though
the GC3 and GC18 competencies were self-rated
above the desired, that is, they have communication
and leadership skills above what managers expect.
However, it is necessary to develop the competen-
cies GC5, GC9, GC15, and GC19, which were con-
sidered from a High to Very High level by the man-
agers, while the Testers self-assessed at a Medium or
High level. In this sense, Testers need to improve
their competencies: information management, ability
to learn, ability to adapt to new situations, and cre-
This section presents the limitations and threats to the
validity of the study conducted with software industry
professionals. The main ones are: (i) applied ques-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tionnaire; (ii) sample representativeness and size; (iii)
understanding of roles by the team. To minimize (i),
the questionnaire used was based on the Competency
Mapping Model already established in the (Salda
Ramos et al., 2012) literature. As for (ii), because it
is a study conducted in a single software development
team, limiting the variety of roles to only 3 managers
and 22 members of the testing team, this study was
limited to only one context. And in (iii) we asked
the participants which role was closest to their main
attributions, they answered according to their percep-
tions, which can generate a bias of interpretation or
understanding of their own responsibilities. A map-
ping of the roles was carried out in relation to the po-
sitions, roles, and time of experience. A divergence
was perceived in terms of experience level and the
role answered by the participant. Therefore, the role
declared by the participant was considered.
This work presented the analysis of the competencies
levels of a testing team in an R&D Company from the
perspective of managers and team members regard-
ing all the roles involved in the testing process. As a
result, we noticed that the professionals believe they
have more competencies than those needed to carry
out their activities. Some general competencies the
participants already meet the manager’s expectation.
This research contributes to the industry by establish-
ing the competency levels expected by contractors
and comparing them with the professional’s results,
which facilitates interviews, career planning, and in-
vestment in training. For the academy, it’s important
to develop the themes that need to be improved dur-
ing graduation, forming professionals who are better
prepared for the job market. As future work, we high-
light the need to apply the framework in larger teams,
with a greater variety of roles, in addition to consid-
ering a better refinement when assigning a role to the
participant, which corresponds to their position. In
addition, it is important to carry out a study of how
these skills can be developed, given that professionals
need to meet the expectations of managers, in addi-
tion to complying with the demands of the projects.
This research was supported by Eldorado Re-
search Institute and Federal University of Ama-
zonas (UFAM), CAPES - Financing Code 001,
CNPq process 314174/2020-6, FAPEAM process
062.00150/2020, and grant #2020/05191-2 S
ao Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP). We also thank the
USES research group for their support and practition-
ers for their voluntary participation in the study.
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