and management of its configurations to be stored in
a knowledge-base. The facts in the knowledge-base
are further exploited with the help of a Cyber Physi-
cal Recommendation System (CPRS). In this context,
the CPRS presents a model architecture that may pro-
vide necessary recommendations for building a CPS
according to the presented objective, details, and ap-
plication scenario. In the future work, we plan the
to improve the knowledge-base using the training and
testing phase with the help of natural language pro-
cessing algorithms and techniques. While this must
also provide means to explore the explainabilty as-
pects of such a supporting system.
The authors would like to thank the University of the
Littoral Cote d’Opale, and the Lebanese University
for the financial support.
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Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System