Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT : Towards a Cyber
Physical Recommendation System
Mohammad Choaib
, Moncef Garouani
, Mourad Bouneffa
, Nicolas Waldhoff
, Adeel Ahmad
and Yasser Mohanna
Univ. Littoral C
ote d’Opale, LISIC, Laboratoire d’Informatique Signal et Image de la C
ote d’Opale, France
Department of Electronics and Physics, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Univ. Littoral C
ote d’Opale, UDSMM, Unit
e de Dynamique et de Structure des Mat
eriaux Mol
eculaires, France,,
Cyber Physical System, Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, Decision Support Systems, NLP.
Among the key factors of Industry 4.0 are the intensive use of Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs). These systems
can be implemented at many application levels for various application domains. Each application requires a
personalized CPS architecture concerning the Physical sensors as well as the management of Cyber systems.
Furthermore, it requires also the maintenance of the communications among these different sub-systems. How-
ever, researchers and engineers may lack the essential knowledge to design and build an autonomous CPS. In
this paper, we propose the concept of a novel Cyber Physical Recommendation System (CPRS) in order to
address this open challenge. The proposed approach is subjected to assist the competencies of researchers
and engineers to design and build more efficient CPS according to the given objective, domain, and input
application scenarios. In this regard, CPRS recommend the components of the desired CPS, based on a novel
architecture model of the components, connections, and tasks of the CPSs. The proposed system is eventually
intended to aide the progress in leading factories towards the maturity of fourth industrial revolution.
The practices and massive data in Industry 4.0 have
significantly proven their utility for the transformation
phase of manufacturing processes. The current litera-
ture in this domain prominently demonstrates the re-
search work towards the tuning of machine learning
algorithms and parameters to transform factories into
smart industrial components (Garouani. et al., 2021).
The main concept is to deal with the major chal-
lenges faced by the companies, especially the evolu-
tion of big data, arbitration of decision-making, real-
time monitoring and control of integration of novel
technologies such as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
or enabling Internet of Things (IoT). It is principally
intended to better manage the interconnections be-
tween the Cyber systems and Physical systems.
The CPSs are generally described as physical and
engineered systems whose operations are monitored,
coordinated, controlled, and integrated by a commu-
nication and computing core (Rajkumar et al., 2010).
A CPS is recognized as a networked collection of
cyber systems and physical systems that are moni-
tored and controlled by user-specified semantic laws.
For this purpose, a network connects the cyber and
physical systems to construct a real-time system on
a large scale (Chung, 2017). In this respect, a CPS
can be viewed as a real-time feedback system where
the cyber sub-systems and physical sub-systems are
inter-connected with multiple means of communica-
tion. The recent structures of CPS are often imple-
mented with the increasing use of smart sensors and
embedded systems in addition to the practices in-
volving the cloud computing, data storage, and arti-
ficial intelligence techniques (Garouani et al., 2022c).
The major objective is to mainly pursue the idea of
transformation of industry towards the rise of more
smarter factories that can further enhance the matu-
rity of the fourth industrial revolution. It can also
help, among others, in the advancement of predictive
maintenance, real-time monitoring systems, and im-
proved self-optimization capabilities (Garouani et al.,
The CPSs have been widely used in the real-time
systems. Most of these systems have customised con-
figuration according to the application domains and
Choaib, M., Garouani, M., Bouneffa, M., Waldhoff, N., Ahmad, A. and Mohanna, Y.
Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System.
DOI: 10.5220/0011848900003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 365-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
their architecture and connection system. In this con-
text, each application needs its own physical com-
ponents, communication network, and computational
primacy. These could change according to the objec-
tive, type of physical entities being measured, type of
generated output data and parameters,etc. The system
stakeholders usually lack the essential knowledge to
identify and choose suitable components that match
their requirements (Garouani et al., 2022d). Thereby,
the automated assistance for the required human ex-
pertise can allow the engineers and researchers of
smart factories to rapidly build, validate, and deploy
CPS solutions. It may also improve their quality
of service, productivity, and more importantly, re-
duce the need of the interventions from human ex-
perts (Garouani et al., 2022b).
Motivated by this goal, in this paper, we discuss
the architecture, concept and application domain of
the CPSs. Later on, we present the architecture and
connection of a personalized CPS that serve as a base
for the CPRS (Cyber Physical Recommendation sys-
tem). The proposed system mainly attempts to pro-
vide necessary recommendations for building a CPS
according to the presented set of objectives and ap-
plication scenarios. In this regard, CPRS recom-
mends the components of the desired CPS, based on
a novel architecture of the components, connections,
and achievable tasks. This system is intended to help
in leading the smart factories toward the fourth in-
dustrial revolution. It might enable the identification
of CPS parts and components to save time and effort
avoiding unintended accidents.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows : The
section 2 discusses the architecture, concept and do-
main of application of CPS. The section 2.3 presents
our own CPS architecture and connection to be a ba-
sis for the proposed CPRS. The section 3 introduces
the main components of the proposed recommenda-
tion system and discusses how these components col-
laborate to achieve the pursued goals. We later on
show, how to implement the framework for represen-
tative application scenarios, in the section 4, and we
discuss the prototypical implementation. Finally, the
section 5 concludes the paper and outlines future per-
Nowadays, CPSs are termed as one of the key fac-
tors of the fourth industrial revolution, as they help
in achieving the goal of intelligent, resilient, and self-
adaptable machines required by the industry 4.0 (Lee
et al., 2015). As a result of their ability to integrate
into a wide range of domains and applications, they
are considered to be one of the fastest growing tech-
nologies in the world (Raisin et al., 2020).
2.1 Application Domains
This section presents an overlapped overview of some
of the advanced CPSs used in different domains and
application levels. We attempt to assess the internal
mechanisms of CPSs for various domains; healthcare,
manufacturing, and transportation are the most signif-
icant but neither limited nor exhausted to be applied
across different contexts in order to better understand
the nature of machine states and anomalies. These are
briefly reviewed in the following sections.
2.1.1 Healthcare Domain
Healthcare domain broadly encompass the applica-
tions used in hospital management systems, inten-
sive care units, assisted living, and/or monitoring the
health condition of elderly patients. Healthcare is a
very delicate and sensitive domain to work with since
it depends on accurate decision-making in real-time
analysis. Among them, the CPS with the implica-
tion of cloud computing and big data can play a major
role in the development and improvement of the med-
ical science applications. These may use the stored
data either structured or unstructured e.g the doctors
input and feedback, in addition to the data collected
from medical instruments, biosensors and wearable
devices for high-performance modeling and accurate
decision making. In (Banerjee et al., 2011) the au-
thors present a framework for modeling and analyzing
Cyber Physical Medical frameworks, with two ma-
jor applications. The first, is an infusion pump sys-
tem for future prediction of drug concentration while
the second is a multi-infusion pump for chemother-
apy. Healthcare domain is a diverse field of research
that has been performed with the help of numerous
CPSs architectural designs and implemented applica-
tions (Haque et al., 2014).
2.1.2 Manufacturing Domain
For the last decade, most of the research literature
has been focused towards the development of smart
factories for more reliable and efficient results. The
market needs have shown continuous demand of new
requirements in contexts of optimal cost, quality, flex-
ibility, and real-time execution. In this regard, the
recent CPSs are integrated as a technological evolu-
tion that has mainly resulted, in response to achieve
these demands. Furthermore, the CPSs are embedded
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in various manufacturing applications like automa-
tion (Garouani et al., 2022c), shop floor, etc. For ex-
ample a systematic approach for predictive produc-
tion systems is proposed by (Lee et al., 2017) using
CPSs to inject resilience and interoperability so that
the productivity of manufacturing can be optimized.
We believe that data generated by these systems can
be used to further improve the equipment intelligence
and reduce energy consumption to benefit environ-
mental constraints. It require to take advantage of big
data analytic and data enabled predictive collabora-
tive decision making for the real time control systems,
hence, increase the production efficiency (Wan et al.,
2.1.3 Transportation Domain
The transportation domains often involve the np-
complex combinatorial problems. Many of the prob-
lems, such as traffic congestion, have arisen due to the
increase in the number of transportation vehicles and
actors. Traffic bottle-necks, air pollution, and safety
issues require to address a carefully focused atten-
tion on each individual elements of a transportation
system. The transportation systems can reach a new
smart solution for different applications with the in-
tegration of smart sensors, embedded systems, and
CPSs computing capabilities. The cooperative vehi-
cle safety systems (Fallah et al., 2010), intelligent in-
tersection management systems (Zheng et al., 2017),
intelligent charging systems for electric vehicles (Ge
et al., 2012), and different application in other trans-
portation fields (aviation, automotive aerospace, intel-
ligent transportation, traffic control, etc.) are some of
the examples in this domain.
2.2 CPS Architectures
Although the main concept of the CPS remains the
same, the state of the art literature shows a variety
of different architectures. For example, Jamwal et
al. present a CPS architecture for Intelligence Manu-
facturing Systems (IMS) spanned over three layers, as
given below (Jamwal et al., 2020) :
Physical Connection Layer: The concerned indus-
trial components at this layer embed the equip-
ment such as sensors and various types of mea-
surement devices in the manufacturing resources.
Different communication means are used to con-
nect the involved set of machines in order to es-
tablish a proper, robust, and uniform connection
among the actuators, manufacturing resources,
measurement instruments, and sensors.
Middle Layer: This layer is aimed at data transfer,
data management, and device management. It is
also used to allow the interconnection between the
external applications, the elements of the physical
layer and the computation layer.
Computation Layer: This layer is of utmost impor-
tance to carry the decision-making with the help
of analysis and processing of stored data. The ma-
jor objective is to render the autonomous capabil-
ities for the machine functions in order to make
them self-aware and self-dependent.
Some authors, in (Yan et al., 2019) present a four-
level framework for CPS that is partitioned into sen-
sors and control, connection, cognition, and appli-
cation & services. Although we can also witness
in (Lee et al., 2015) a five-layer architecture where
the authors present the CPS system as composed of
a smart connection level, data-to-information conver-
sion level, cyber level, cognition level, and configura-
tion level.
(Djouad et al., 2018),also present an architecture en-
compassed at five major parts, as discussed below :
1. The Physical sphere contains physical process
(e.g. Temperature) and Physical entities (cars, hu-
mans, animals, etc.)
2. The Cyber-Physical sphere contains sensors, ac-
tuators, and a user interface for control.
3. The Cybernetic sphere contains computational el-
ements, storage elements, and a CPS applica-
tion (which consists of computational services de-
signed to assist the user by interacting with other
cyber components).
4. The Data and Information sphere contains the data
collected by sensors and the output information
generated by the computational elements.
5. The Deployment sphere contains hardware and
software components that can offer information
and data; it may provide actuating capabilities.
2.3 Proposed CPS Architectures and
The flexibility and multi-dimensional capabilities of
using the CPSs allow them to be incorporated across
a vast range of application domains. These are may
include predictive maintenance, monitoring and con-
trol for the applications in agriculture, electric smart
grid, instrumentation, infrastructure and communica-
tions systems, etc. Inspired by the CPS design con-
cept given by (Djouad et al., 2018), we propose a
novel CPS concept which is intended to be more sim-
ple and more convenient to be used as a base concept
Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System
for the proposed recommendation system in our ap-
proach. This architecture is intended to be used as
a conceptualization of the Cyber Physical Systems.
This means that it will be used as a sphere of CPS
ontology. We eventually intend to develop a recom-
mendation system concerning the design of CPS. The
proposed architecture play a central role in the defi-
nition of the knowledge-base that may constitute the
core of the recommendation system.
The proposed architecture is depicted in the fig-
ure 1 which divides the CPS into three main parts :
Physical Sphere: The physical sphere contains com-
ponents responsible on interacting with the real
world systems to measure and collect information
or to perform a given task.
1. Sensing Sphere is responsible to collect data
and information from the physical entities by
using smart components and smart sensors.
2. Execution Sphere is responsible to perform
and execute commands given by the output data
after being analyzed and processed. For exam-
ple, these orders can be performed by actuators,
machines or even using alarms.
3. Human in The Loop use the HCI (Human
Computer Interaction) strategies such as the
user can trigger an actuator by giving command
whenever it is needed.
4. Control Unit controls the module by receiving
and modifying data to be processed on cyber
level, followed by the execution of produced
5. Micro-Controllers contains the devices which
are used to read and store measured data that
shall be scheduled later on for further analysis
and processing.
Network Sphere is subjected to the communication
means and establishment of connection among the
devices of physical sphere. This part must con-
sider the following aspects :
1. Security: The development of CPS involves
the various interconnected systems. It also
involves the progress of networking, comput-
ing, and integration of novel smart technologies
that most domains nowadays requires. Among
other, these include the quality factors like the
efficiency, accuracy, and authenticity. So due to
vast interconnection and the use of IoT, CPSs
can be widely contingent on various malicious
uninvited access through cyber-attacks, pollut-
ing input data, or the manipulation of physical
entities. So, security measures regarding the
system limitations and background must be pri-
oritized during the building of a CPS.
2. Data Transport Sphere: This part is responsi-
ble for the interconnection between the physi-
cal and the cyber layer where data transmission
is done using communication technologies such
as BLT, 4G, 5G, LANs, IR, RFID, Wi-Fi, and
Zigbee along with other technologies. Due to
the increasing number of devices which are in-
terconnected through the communication pro-
tocols over the internet (TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6).
These must ensure data routing and transmis-
sion either through cloud computing, or inter-
net gateways. The communicated data can also
be subjected to the encryption in order to ensure
enhanced security to prevent malicious attacks.
Cyber Sphere is finally responsible for analyzing,
processing, and storage of data and information
which have been subsequently measured in the
physical layer that may produce more data. It
might be subjected to control instructions for
the computational elements or to execute specific
tasks. Some of the sub-system modules in this
part are as follows :
1. Front-End Module: This module implements
the interactive platform which are used to vi-
sualize data (Input or output) to present the de-
sired information on usable user interfaces.
2. Back-End Module: This module is a part of
the middle layer between the data and the front-
end module. Since the back-end processes ma-
nipulate the stored data by some defined algo-
rithms to generate an output decision, that can
be used to control or exploit the database to
eventually develop an application subject to the
user groups.
3. Storage Module: This module gives an easy
access to store and manage data that may be
used to analyze the physical entity conditions.
Examples of storage systems are DB, Cloud,
Excel, MongoDB, oracle, MySQL, etc.
4. Server Module: The servers offer numerous
services to varied network objectives. Even
though they come in different forms (Computer
software programs, or hard drives) they mostly
carry out the same function of receiving, stor-
ing, and sharing data. The servers also play a
crucial role in a company’s ability to collab-
orate, since these provide the ability to com-
municate the essential data components for the
clients and the dependency services that the
other applications may need.
(Oks et al., 2019) propose a reference architec-
ture for the design of the demonstrators for industrial
cyber-physical systems. It displays the components
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Physical SphereCyber Sphere
Sensing Part Execution Part
Human In the
Actuators and
Control Unit
Figure 1: General overview of the proposed CPS architecture.
of the CPS from the physical sphere to communica-
tion and cyber spheres. It also include the objectives,
scenarios, configurations for better demonstration of
the connections among these components.
We eventually intend to develop a general connec-
tion concept that can be applied in most of the appli-
cations domains and that can serve as a base for the
recommendation system. The illustrated concept in
figure 2 serves as a framework to build a CPS accord-
ing to the user’s objective. This architecture is com-
posed of two major parts; the first part is the physical
sphere which contains the HMI for human interfer-
ence, along with the sensing and actuating compo-
nents. Additionally, it has the control unit and the
micro-controllers to store data and carry out com-
mands. While the second part, which is the cyber
sphere consists of the front-end and back-end for the
data processing and presentation. It also involves the
database and the server components to communicate
and transfer data.
Control UnitSensor
Actuator C
Physical Sphere
Front End
Back End
Cyber Sphere
Figure 2: Proposed CPS Connection.
The communication network mainly establishes
link between the physical sphere and cyber sphere.
It also deals with the communication links among the
different sub-components of the physical and cyber
spheres. According to the given scenario, these com-
ponents (sensors, actuators, DB, etc.) shall be recom-
mended as deemed fit to the user needs to achieve ul-
timate objective.
Every application requires its own physical compo-
nents, communication network, and computational
part. The stakeholders of the system usually lack the
required knowledge to identify the suitable compo-
nents that are susceptible to match their requirements.
Thus, it may require a decision support system that
can help stakeholders to identify the CPS parts and
components, which can save time and effort along
with avoiding the mistakes and accidents. The gener-
ated output is further maintained with the help of the
suggestion engine through the use of a Knowledge-
Base (KB). The knowledge-base contains the collec-
tion of meta-features that describe the sensors, their
specifications, concerned domains and any descrip-
tions. The global architecture of the proposed frame-
work is illustrated in Figure 3.
The system receives the user input (such as prod-
uct features, domain, case, price range, etc.) through
the interactions with the chatbot. In case of the intro-
duction of a fresh problem the system retrieves the
information regarding the user’s objective, applica-
tion scenario completed by the properties, details and
any other information regarding the new input project.
This input is mainly achieved by the frontend. As a
Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System
Chat Bot
front -end
user input
(Product features,
New Problem
(Similarity, grouping, logical query)
(ranking, confidence)
user feedback,
Figure 3: The global architecture of the Recommendation
result, a new problem is generated and stored in the
KB which shall be analysed later on. In this respect,
when the system receives a new unseen problem, it
first extracts the meta-features that describes the prob-
lem then these are analyzed and processed using Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP) techniques in order
to extract the keywords that describe the domain of
the application. The steps in this order are executed to
make use of the stored data in the KB (specification,
description, and domain) to produce a sorted list, af-
ter a fetch and return. It contains the candidate which
refers to particular sensors in the KB. Retrieval of
data is made according to similarity, grouping, and
logical queries. Then, the output is revised accord-
ing to the obtained ranking and confidence, before its
recommendation to the user. Feedback questions are
presented to take the opinion of users according to
the compatibility of the result to his/her objective and
needs. In this respect, the feedback allows the knowl-
edge base to be upgraded with the results of the each
new problem.
The Meta-knowledge base provides the means to
store and search the knowledge issued from offline
phase (the training of the recommendation system).
Broadly, it can be divided into the following two ma-
jor categories :
Storing the knowledge (description, specifica-
tions, meta-features) in a structured way.
Searching and acquiring information while driv-
ing explanations acquisition process.
The proposed system intends to make consider-
able use of ontologies in form of knowledge graphs,
both for improved information gathering and query
understanding by the suggestion engine as well as for
facilitating the acquisition of explanations.
Below is an example of the data stored in the KB
where sensors are presented by means of name, type,
specification, description, and domain.
10 M. Choaib et al.
The proposed system intends to make considerable use of ontologies in form
of knowledge graphs, both for improved information gathering and query under-
standing by the suggestion engine as well as for facilitating the acquisition of
Below is an example of the data stored in the KB where sensors are presented
by means of name, type, specification, description, and domain (FHI humidity
sensor) :
Listing 1.1. xml file that describe the humidity sensor
1 < Se ns or >
2 < Name > FH I </ Na me >
3 < Type > Hum id it y se ns or </Typ e >
4 < Speci fi catio n >
5 < Po wermax > 5 </ Po wermax >
6 < RangeminC > -60 </ Ra ngeminC >
7 < RangemaxC > 140 </ Ra ngemaxC >
8 < Rangemi nR H > 0 </ Ra ng eminRH >
9 < Rangema xR H > 10 0 < / Ran ge ma xRH >
10 < Accur ac ym in > -1 < / Acc ur acymin >
11 < Accur ac ym ax > 1 </ Accurac ym ax %>
12 < Price > 5.8 $ </ Price >
13 </ Spe ci ficat io n >
14 < Descr ip ti on >
15 <Use > Designed for high volume , c ost s en si tive
appli ca tions </U se >
16 < Manuf ac turer > TE C onnec ti vity </ Ma nufac tu rer >
17 < Data T ype > A na lo g </Dat a Type>
18 < Progr am mable > Tr ue < / Pro gr ammab le >
19 < Commu ni catio n > Cable </ Commu ni catio n >
20 </ Des cr iption >
21 < Do ma in >
22 < Histori ca l App >
23 1 -au to motiv e c abin air control
24 2 -hom e ap pliance s
25 3 -in du stria l p ro cess control systems
26 4 -Me te orolo gy
27 </ Histo ri cal App >
28 < Do ma in of A pp > I nd us tr y </ Do ma in of App >
29 </ Domain >
30 </Sensor >
5 Conclusion and prospective
The Cyber Physical Systems are usual complex amalgamation of hardware and
software components. These are applied on various application levels for different
domains. Hence, the CPS configurations differ from domain to domain and at
multiple application levels. Furthermore, with technological evolution, the CPS
Figure 4: Xml file that describe a humidity sensor.
To illustrate our approach, we consider the construc-
tion of a Patient Surveillance System (PSS) for elderly
people. In this context, the main purpose is to help
the users in achieving their objective by analyzing
the needs. For instance, concerning the PSS prob-
lem, the objective is to build a system that support
in the day-to-day living tasks and assure the patient
safety. For this purpose, the recommendation system
provides the information on sensors/actuators related
to the different application levels and tasks. The even-
tual goal is to choose the most convenient set of sen-
sor(s)/actuator(s) among the recommendations made
by the system.
In the proposed system, the eventual recommen-
dation is chosen interactively, based on the details
provided by the user with the help of the chat-
bot. These are presented in form of the textual key-
words (such as reason, objective, budget, etc.), as il-
lustrated in Figure 5. The details may be clear or
somehow vague according to the user’s knowledge of
the domain. The user’s description can range from ex-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
I need a home surveillance
system for elderly, to monitor
their movement, and to detect
gas leak, fire, and humidity
Chat Box
Home Survellance
Monitor Movement
Detect Gas Leak ,fire,
and humidity
200 m^2
User's Input
Figure 5: Example:Home Surveillance for Elder Patients (Data Input).
plaining the exact need with details (such as explain-
ing the need for monitoring the patient’s movement,
pill-taking times, or other stuff. It may also include
configuration of material regarding his safety e.g a
gas leakage, fire detection, extreme humidity, etc.) or
otherwise it can include the general parameters (such
as describing the need for patients monitoring system
or home safety surveillance system). Regardless the
issue, the system must be able to analyze and rec-
ommend either a precise recommendation (a specific
type of sensors like pressure sensor) or a general one
(a set of multiple sensors concerning the same appli-
cation such that gas, fire detection or humidity sen-
sors). Still, in both cases, it must respond according
to the user’s needs.
For the sake of simplicity, we take the PSS appli-
cation as a case study as it can correspond to a large
number of public such as the elderly people. In this
case, the system can be considered at two consecutive
levels, as explained in the following :
Data Input: In this part, the users can interact with
the system using the chatbot through a series of
questions where the user can express his objec-
tive, need, use case, budget, range, etc. According
to the users preferences the input data can be gen-
erated as shown in figure 5. This data can be used
by the system, later on for the analysis in order to
generate more accurate recommendation.
Data Analysis: In this part, the input text can be
pre-processed using e.g segmentation technique
which is used to split the text into meaningful seg-
ments that can be composed into words, sentences
or topics, or the tokenization technique that can be
used as a way for separating a piece of text into
smaller units called tokens. These can be broadly
classified into three types: word, character, and
sub-word. For the sake of clarity, let us consider
the word monitoring, it can be tokenized as char-
acters: m-o-n-i-t-o-r-i-n-g. Similarly, we may use
Stemming technique, which in fact is a process of
removing a part of a word, or reducing a word to
its stem or root for example monitor is the root of
the word monitoring.
As a result of pre-processing keywords we formu-
late the data preparations that can be generated, as
shown in figure 6. The processed data can be ana-
lyzed using semantic analysis based on RNN/LSTM.
The choice of RNN/LSTM is justified by the fact that
RNN are an important variant of neural networks that
are heavily used in Natural Language Processing. It
can be further observed in the literature that it pro-
vides flexibility in the network to work with vary-
ing lengths of sentences. The Recurrent Neural Net-
work (RNN) has a major advantage, in comparison
to the standard neural networks, as it gives the back
propagation technique that may enlarge the training
data set for the recurrent learning. In addition, it
also manifest the advantage of sharing features that
are learned across different positions of text which in
both cases can’t be achieved with standard neural net-
work. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algo-
rithm is a type of a popular RNN for learning sequen-
tial data prediction problems. Like any other neural
network, LSTM comprises a few layers that aid in
pattern recognition and learning for improved perfor-
mance. The fundamental function of an LSTM can
be viewed as holding the necessary data while dis-
carding the data that is neither necessary nor help-
ful for subsequent prediction. All this analysis can
be stored in the Knowledge-Base that is built using
Neo4j (V
agner, 2018). Neo4j is an open-source graph
oriented database management system. It allows data
to be represented as nodes connected by a set of arcs
whereas each object (either node or an arc) can have
their own properties.
Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System
NLP Module
based on
Extracted Key Words
Real Time
Home Safety
Knowledge Base
Recommendation classification criteria
Gas sensor : X32ofg, 10$, 87%
Humidity sensor : FHI, 5.8$, 88%
Fire Detection sensor :2HU, 3$, 90%
Output example:
Explainabilty of
User's Input
Figure 6: Example:Home Surveillance for Elder Patients (Data Analysis).
The Output recommendation can be classified on
the basis of some criteria, as chosen by the user
with the help of the communication via the chat-
bot. These criteria can include the classification on
the basis of budget, efficiency, range, etc. The output
can be presented to the user on the chatbot includ-
ing the explainability factors of the generated recom-
mendation. The explainability part render the capa-
bility to justify the recommendation in a transparent
manner, as it provides the explanations of the recom-
mendation system on multiple levels. For instance,
let us consider the recommendation of a temperature
sensor. This sensor is recommended because it fits
the objective of the user, since a similar application
was found that has used this sensor in the historical
traces (like Room Temperature Measurement applica-
tions). The knowledge-base provides the means to
query the trances in the Historical App component,
as shown in the listing 4. We can also observe that
the specification fits well the criteria from the budget
constraints (5 euros), temperature range (0°C,100°C)
and accuracy (-1,1) as were given by the user. Sim-
ilarly, the specifications from the knowledge-base
can give the supplementary information (power range,
data type, ability to be programmable or not, and
communication types, etc.) related to the sensors.
The Cyber Physical Systems are usually complex
amalgamation of hardware and software components.
These are applied on various application levels for
the different domains. Hence, the CPS configura-
tions may differ from domain to domain and at mul-
tiple application levels. Furthermore, according to
the technological evolution, the CPS are required to
be maintained at both the layers of hardware com-
ponents and their articulating software components;
which presents a major research challenge. In this pa-
per, we attempt to briefly encompass the architecture,
concept and domains of different applications of CPS.
In this respect, we present a novel CPS design and
modeling approach that may allow the maintenance
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and management of its configurations to be stored in
a knowledge-base. The facts in the knowledge-base
are further exploited with the help of a Cyber Physi-
cal Recommendation System (CPRS). In this context,
the CPRS presents a model architecture that may pro-
vide necessary recommendations for building a CPS
according to the presented objective, details, and ap-
plication scenario. In the future work, we plan the
to improve the knowledge-base using the training and
testing phase with the help of natural language pro-
cessing algorithms and techniques. While this must
also provide means to explore the explainabilty as-
pects of such a supporting system.
The authors would like to thank the University of the
Littoral Cote d’Opale, and the Lebanese University
for the financial support.
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Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System