Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling
Domain Knowledge
Kazunori Someya
, Toshiaki Aoki
and Naoki Ishihama
Space Technology Directorate I, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
Research and Development Directorate, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Keywords: Spacecraft Operation, Metamodel, Compaction, Review, Model-Based Systems Engineering.
Abstract: Due to the difficulty of performing repairs during flight, spacecraft is operated according to operational
scenarios tested before launch. Operational models, a type of SysML activity diagram, can be used to depict
these scenarios. Although it aids in communication between engineers and stakeholders, the activity
diagram can rapidly grow rather large. Due to the extensive operational model, it is therefore challenging to
review the activity diagram, which could result in serious issues. Therefore, to make operational models
easier to evaluate, they should be made concise. This study offers a metamodel that offers stereotypes that
can succinctly characterize spacecraft operational scenarios. First, a mind map was used to depict the
domain knowledge of spacecraft operations. Second, stereotype metamodel was created by extracting
common knowledge from the mind map. Utilizing stereotypes, operational models’ size can be decreased;
however, crucial review-related data could be lost. Therefore, shrinking stereotypes assures that crucial
information would not be lost. Several trials were conducted and showed that the number of elements of
operational models with stereotypes, as well as their size, reduced by almost half, compared with the
original ones, allowing for a simplified review process and boosting trust in the accuracy of the operational
Spacecraft systems require high dependability as
repairs during operation in space are challenging to
undertake after a rocket launch. All operations are
carried out only using operational scenarios tested in
advance using system behaviors (Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency [JAXA], 2013; JAXA, 2016).
Failure to validate a particular situation could result
in unpredictable spacecraft behaviors and, in the
worst case, loss of the spacecraft. Operational
scenarios should be broken down into specific
processes with system design. These designs
leverage the model-based systems engineering
(MBSE) technique and are represented using SysML
(Friedenthal et al, 2014; OMG, 2015) to clearly
show traces (Friendenthal and Oster, 2017; Poupart
et al, 2012). Using the MBSE, engineers and
stakeholders can quickly come to a common
understanding through visualization. Additionally,
an operational scenario is considered a flowchart
represented as an activity diagram using operational
An extremely large activity diagram is
challenging to review. We ran into this issue when
we examined the spacecraft operational scenarios of
JAXA produced by the spacecraft manufacturer. A
document of the operational design, which included
operational scenarios illustrated with activity
diagrams, contained approximately 1,000 A4-size
pages and hence, was difficult to review.
Operational scenarios for spacecraft include large
volumes of data that are difficult to remove because
they cover everything from high-level concepts to
specific instructions. This research focuses on the
visualization of pertinent data required to achieve
compaction. Particularly, a short compact diagram
can make a review easier. Additionally, operational
scenarios for a review are often printed on A4-size
papers. A broad operational scenario is printed on
multiple pages. However, this long description
makes reviewing challenging, and failure to conduct
Someya, K., Aoki, T. and Ishihama, N.
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0011839200003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 102-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
a comprehensive review could compromise
In this research, we provide operational
metamodels that consist of stereotypes and tagged
values to express operational scenarios as small
diagrams. Particularly, the metamodels were created
focusing on the shades of information that are
important behaviors, but not significant behaviors in
the assessment of operational scenarios. We believed
that a particular characteristic of frequent or
consistent activities was a small value to depict each
time. Additionally, a distinctive feature is that a
stereotype in the metamodels defined stereotype’s
name and a behavior shown in a flowchart.
Compaction involves creating a series of common or
repeated actions as stereotypes and tagged values
and expressing them as one piece. However, some
information may be lost because of stereotype
compaction. As a result, vital portions of a review
should be kept as necessary information, despite the
removal of uninteresting information. In order to
ensure that the important information is not deleted,
we made a validation model which represents
information used in the review and confirmed that,
for each element of the validation model, there exists
an element which corresponds to it in the
The MBSE technique was introduced by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), the European Space Agency, and a
Japanese manufacturer of satellites for the spacecraft
design; at the moment, the modeling of spacecraft
systems is a top priority (Fosse et al, 2015; Feo-
Arenis et al, 2015; Tamakoshi et al, 2019). This
method is based on systems engineering
methodology (Haskin et al, 2011) and is also applied
to the creation of spacecraft systems (Friendenthal
and Oster, 2017). SysML, as an extension of the
UML modeling language (OMG, 2015), is
commonly used to create activity diagrams.
Modeling a spacecraft system using the MBSE
method at a space agency intends to create a system
model (Poupart et al, 2012; Fosse et al, 2015).
Operational scenarios are modeled based on a
concept of operation (ConOps) or high-level activity
for system requirement analysis (Herzig et al, 2018;
Kaslow et all, 2017). ConOps contains scenarios for
all important operational circumstances (NASA,
2016), but does not grow significantly, as no in-
depth operational technique is defined. As a result,
this research is distinguished by emphasizing on
operation models, with a recognition of the
challenge presented by a huge model, and by
attempting to contribute to spacecraft system
development through compression.
UML or SysML stereotypes are prepared in
advance as UML profiles and formally published
from Object Management Group (OMG) to execute
domain-specific modeling. For instance, metamodels
or profiles exist for spacecraft operation by SOLM
(OMG, 2012) and embedded system by MATRE
(OMG, 2011). These UML profiles aimed to
increase the amount that can be specified
specifically for domains (Selic, 2013). The
distinctive point of our method is that stereotypes
will be employed for compaction, which is the
reverse of extension. Additionally, stereotypes with
certain behavior could help shrink the size of
activity diagrams through experimentation.
Abstraction is one sort of compaction to
condense diagram sizes. An ontology-based
compaction technique exists against the backdrop of
ever-more complicated models (Guizzardi et al,
2019; Figueiredo et al, 2018). This research does not
focus on the rise in huge models as a result of
ontology complexity. Additionally, an ontology is
challenging to develop. However, an operation must
be modeled by outlining the specific design
processes. Clarifying the big picture is imperative,
regardless of the operation. Our method involves
arranging operational domain information using a
mind map, for example, clarifying ontology.
Another compression technique is combining
identical or related parts into a single element. A
technique that mixes similar action components
from different scenarios is possible, represented by
an activity diagram into a single scenario (Beckman
et al, 2017). This technique is effective for reducing
the number of scenarios. However, in our
operational scenarios, the same elements also
emerge in a single scenario, and not only in many
scenarios. This strategy makes a scenario review
tough due to a generated new loop flow, making the
execution order difficult to grasp. Consequently, this
does not meet our goal of enhancing scenario
reviews. Additionally, no information is lost because
this method incorporates equivalent information
transformation. Our compaction method does not
guarantee equal information transformation. Because
of this, our strategy incorporates metamodel
validation to protect crucial data after compaction.
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
We suggest a technique for operational model
compaction using stereotypes and tagged values
described as metamodels, thereby concealing
irrelevant information during operation reviews.
Specifically, behavior, event and interface data
included in spacecraft operation are clarified using a
mind map to visualize domain knowledge before the
metamodels are created. Additionally, we ensure
that essential information is not hidden during the
People involved in spacecraft development share
common understanding on the operation and system
behavior. Common practices are known information,
such as low-value actions in the evaluation. Such
actions could increase the size operation procedure
diagram. Regarding derivational development, the
difference between current systems is more
significant than typical practices in a review. The
differing points show a high risk of failure. We
intend to comprehend the essence of a given
behavior, rather than detailed common behaviors.
Consequently, typical behaviors, defined by
stereotypes and tagged values, are characterized as a
metamodel. Additionally, in compaction preparation,
we provide a layer to govern the granularity of an
operational scenario as a metamodel. Stereotypes
outline a series of behaviors in the same layer. The
stereotype efficiency drops when many layer
behaviors are included in single activity diagram.
We also anticipate that the size of one diagram can
be reduced by dividing it into layers.
The primary contributions of this study are the
size reduction of activity diagrams using the
metamodels, concealment of unimportant
information, and necessary retention of information,
to concentrate on the core of operation behavior.
Furthermore, our approach includes a validation
procedure for determining whether the metamodels
preserve the required data for a review. A compacted
operational model helps reduce the number of
elements and size of an activity diagram compared
to the original activity diagram, thereby enhancing
and simplifying a review. As a result, the goal is to
keep each scenario to one page so that it can be
easily reviewed.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the compaction
approach. Using mind maps, this approach starts by
arranging and displaying domain information on
spacecraft. Although these maps are not exactly
specified, they are easy and useful for sharing and
comprehending the design and functionality of the
entire spacecraft. The operational layer metamodel is
developed according to the spacecraft architecture
based on system design domain knowledge. This
metamodel is referred to as the layer of the
operational scenario. It seeks to offer direction and
backing for the granularity of the description based
on each layer. The operational stereotype metamodel
is constructed from using behaviors based on
domain knowledge on spacecraft operation.
Specifically, a common behavior is defined by
selecting a mind map. These two metamodels are
collectively referred to as operational metamodels,
and a condensed activity diagram is constructed
using these metamodels. The SysML requirement
diagram is the validation model, and not a
metamodel. Certain information might be lost due to
compaction. Consequently, a validation procedure
for assessing the operational metamodels from
the review perspective is needed. The review
Figure 1: Overview of the relations between operational metamodels.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
perspective is taken from review points acquired
from engineers and stakeholders using mind maps.
These review points are used to abstract and design
common objects, which form the review perspective.
We suggest creating a compacted activity diagram
using the operational metamodels that have two
metamodels: the operational layer and operational
stereotype. Both metamodels exhibit an activity
diagram at their base. This section discusses the
operational layer metamodel, operational stereotype
metamodel, and validation of both metamodels.
4.1 Operational Layer Metamodel
The operational layer metamodel is intended to
govern and guide granularity for applying the
stereotype effectively and describes the overall
structure of the operational scenario. This
metamodel shows a modest direct impact on making
the diagram smaller and is used for compaction
reprocessing. If the granularity is uneven and the
descriptions are mixed among the activities of many
layers, replacing one action with a stereotype that
matches the series of actions is challenging. This is
because a stereotype outlines a string of behaviors in
the same layer.
We propose an operational layer metamodel that
defines the relations between operational situations
that relate to the spacecraft development layer, swim
lanes, and actions in an activity diagram using a
class diagram (Fig. 2). The layer is described in
terms of a general spacecraft system as integrated
systems (i.e., as a SoS), system, subsystem,
component, hardware, and software. Operational
scenarios are designed in synchronization with the
system development layer. This metamodel
regulates the granularity scenario by referring to the
system development layer. A development layer
extends up to one layer below the development goal
layer. Therefore, swim lanes (i.e., activity partition)
of an activity diagram are assigned in one layer
beneath the system layer. By fixing actors in place,
interactions in a scenario are set according to swim
lanes, making inserting the actions of other layers
challenging. Consequently, the granularity of
operational situations is guided by specifying actors
allocated in swim lanes. In this manner, granularity
can be guided by arranging actors and actions that
match to the layers for each scenario. The
metamodel at the top is the layered activity diagram
with four layers: a SoS, system, subsystem, and
component. Each activity diagram depicts the link of
traces between layers in accordance with the system
development process. Actors in one-level layer and
one layer lower in a swim lane appear in each
activity diagram. Additionally, the actions of each
actor are placed in the corresponding swim lane. The
multiplicity of action elements is set to a number
greater than zero.
4.2 Operational Stereotype Metamodel
The operational stereotype metamodel design has
two steps to organize the spacecraft operational
domain knowledge into categories to find a common
behavior and related information, and to define
stereotypes and tagged values based on frequent
4.2.1 Domain Knowledge of a Mind Map
We compile data kinds and events from the
spacecraft operation domain knowledge and
visualize them using a mind map (Fig. 3). This study
Figure 2: Operational layer metamodel based on the spacecraft structure.
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
Figure 3: Part of spacecraft operational domain knowledge as a mind map.
sought to first visualize a standard document for
spacecraft operation and then to compile common
knowledge through interviews with engineers and
stakeholders, as well as from other documents. The
standard documents are applicable documents for
spacecraft development and describes common
actions and data pertaining to all spacecraft activities.
These documents are very helpful as they are
founded on accepted common knowledge. This idea
is intriguing since typical conduct quickly shows up
on the mind map. Thus, concealed information on
the typical document-based mind map will be
spacecraft-specific behaviors or parameters, which
should be defined as tagged values and present the
condensed activity diagram. A mind map has 58
4.2.2 Stereotype and Tagged value
The conditions of spacecraft common behaviors
frequently occur in operational settings, and data do
not change between input and output within a
sequence. Behaviors that emerge frequently are
likely common behaviors, with a strong
compactification effect. No data change suggests
that this sequence lacks data processing activity for
providing unimportant information. For instance, the
execution behavior by a command comprises
systems A and B sending a command and receiving
it, respectively, and then executing it (left side of Fig.
4). Execution by command includes the three actions,
namely, transmission, reception, and execution,
which are command-related behaviors. As a result,
these three behaviors are together classified as one
stereotype of “Command” (right side of Fig. 4). The
new action that applies the stereotype is set in the
swim lanes of command execution because the idea
of this sequence is that the execution action is more
significant than data transmission and reception
activities. However, information regarding the
transmission source and command name in this
sequence is obscured due to compaction. To provide
information, tagged values are made to hold the data.
We suggest an operational stereotype metamodel
to shrink the size of operational scenario drawings
by excluding irrelevant details (Fig. 5). The
stereotype chosen from the mind map by a function
of spacecraft operation is that a typical behavior is
dependent on the data kind. For instance, the data
type of command data shown in Fig. 3 exhibits the
typical behavior (Fig. 4). We take advantage of the
unique feature of spacecraft system operation that
once the data type is determined, the behavior is also
uniquely determined.
This metamodel is called the Spacecraft
Operation UML Profile. The elements of a
stereotype on the metamodel display a hierarchical
structure and an inheritance relationship, as
indicated by generalization notation. A behavior
defined by each stereotype is categorized as parents
or children, if the behavior of each element reveals
(a) Original behavior
(b) Command stereotype
Figure 4: Definition of common behavior as flowchart for
command stereotype.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: Operational stereotype metamodel.
an inheritance relationship. A stereotype at the top
(e.g., SatOpe stereotype presented in Fig. 5) creates
elements that are frequently used in each activity
(e.g., a time constraint, precondition, postcondition,
execution time, and power consumption). Other
stereotypes describe parent–child interactions by
various common characteristics. For example, a
command stereotype is designed from a parent class
from other types of command stereotypes. In other
words, the command stereotype has a common
behavior with other command stereotypes of the
child class, which is a receive command from other
systems and execution. Particularly, the stored
command stereotype adds a timer of a tagged value.
A parent class of a real-time command stereotype by
a stored command stereotype exhibits the same
behavior with the command stereotype. However, a
behavior of stored command is different from them,
and this data type has a timer for command
executing. If the difference in common behaviors
exists between parent and child stereotypes, a tagged
valued is provided.
Enumeration components are intended for
quickly choosing tagged values and controlling the
granularity of a scenario. The type of granularity
word being used can be understood by preparing the
values beforehand. The granularity of a scenario is
controlled by a word defined by enumeration
elements. For example, the DataLinkType element is
an enumeration element that describes the type of
internal communication for the spacecraft. This
element uses the line tag, designated as the
command stereotype’s type of DataLinkType. This
scenario focuses on the data exchange within the
spacecraft, and not the connection between the
spacecraft and a ground system. Particularly, this
becomes additional knowledge for comprehending
the operational context. This data is utilized for the
link tag on the command stereotype. Enumeration of
DataLinkType is designed by an internal network of
data links from the mind map shown in Fig. 3. A
data link is always used when transmitting
commands, and thus choosing which data link to use
is required. Tagged values can help in choosing the
right kind of a data link. If this information was a
note element, an omission could have occurred. If a
crucial tagged value is blank, we advise writing “to
be determined” (TBD) to denote an incomplete
design. Further, mentioned elements include TBD
4.3 Validation of Metamodeling
We demonstrate the ability of operational stereotype
metamodels to retain the relevant information for
a review following compaction. Unnecessary
information is concealed via stereotype application.
Information may be lost when drawing a compaction
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
activity diagram since some actions are concealed.
However, tagged values give hidden information
through compaction, which restores required
information. Because of this, validation is done to
see if tagged values provide the necessary data
needed for a review. This necessary information
depends on the review perspective of engineers and
stakeholders who act as operational scenario
reviewers. The tagged values of the operational
metamodels are checked to ascertain whether all
requirements are satisfied.
The requirement diagram of SysML is used for
verification. The review perspective is extracted
from review points gathered from engineers and
stakeholders and then defined as requirement
elements. Validation is performed to check whether
the elements of metamodels (e.g., tagged values
corresponding to requirements) exist. If a
requirement cannot be traced, the requirement is
deemed not satisfied because of insufficient
necessary information. However, metamodels can be
improved if any inadequacy is discovered. They are
validated only when all requirements are met.
Figure 6 depicts the validation model used to
determine if the components of a metamodel adhere
to all requirements from review points. It also
displays the proportion of all elements, four
components of the review viewpoint, and three
Figure 6: Part of the validation model for the traceability
of the operational metamodel.
elements of the requirements for the operational
stereotype metamodel. The review perspective is
divided into a nesting structure (upper-left side of
Fig. 6). The metamodels’ requirements are examined
and connected as nesting shown in the lower-left
corner of the figure. The elements of the metamodels
on the right side correspond to the requirements and
are connected by a satisfaction connection for
satisfying them. For instance, the element of
“calculate the amount of data for each
communication” necessitates data size between each
communication that needs information regarding the
amount of data. This is satisfied using the
DataAmount tag, which is created using the
telemetry and downlink stereotypes to represent the
quantity of data.
In the first experiment, we verified the operational
stereotype metamodel and confirmed its effectiveness.
The real reviewer for the JAXA operation scenario
was given from the review perspective. The
suggested metamodel was assessed in terms of this
review perspective, and no deficiencies were
discovered. Subsequently, the proposed compaction
method was compared with a traditional approach
employed in actual development, and its
effectiveness was evaluated. Final tests were
carried out by employing the operational metamodels
in various contexts to validate the compaction impact.
We targeted three actual operational scenarios of the
JAXA earth observation satellite. Our goal is to
assess the effect of the suggested strategy on ease of
reviews. Activity diagrams were made in each layer
based on the operation layer metamodel before
applying the stereotypes to these diagrams using the
operational stereotype metamodel. We also assessed
the compaction impact before and after the
application of the stereotypes to determine whether
any reduction occurred in the number of elements
and drawing size (whether it could be fully included
on an A4 sheet).
5.1 Validation Operational Stereotype
The operational stereotype metamodel was assessed
to determine whether relevant information is kept
after compaction. We used the requirement diagram
to extract requirements for the metamodel from the
review perspective. We checked whether elements
that correspond to each requirement exist in the
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
metamodel. If it did not exist, this implies that the
data needed for the review is lost. The metamodel
was improved by adding new stereotypes or tagged
values. Table 1 shows the tracing findings among
the review perspective, requirements, and
components of the metamodel.
A total of 13 elements are derived from the
review viewpoint using requirements for the
operation metamodel. For instance, the review
perspective of the data recorder capacity was divided
into the amount of data size and the link type (i.e.,
link speed). In particular, 12 of the 13 requirements
were satisfied by the elements of the operation
metamodel, and the remaining 1 requirement
showed no comparable element. Data that
corresponds to the execution time of each action was
not found. Therefore, by adding a new tagged value
so that this information may be kept, the metamodel
was enhanced to ensure that the information is saved
even after compaction. Because each action time
was connected to all stereotypes, we added it as a
“Duration” tagged value to SatOpe. The stereotype
Table 1: Result of the validation of the operational
stereotype metamodel.
Elements Number of
ective 10
Requirement for the operational
Satisfy the requirement 12
Found a lack of element in the
operation metamodel
i.e., not satisf
the re
seen in Fig. 5 was the enhanced version of the
metamodel, with the addition of “Duration.”
5.2 Comparison Method
We assessed and compared the proposed strategy
with a traditional approach (Fig. 7). In this instance,
the mission sensor subsystem performs observations
using the commands sent from the data handling
subsystem. Observation data were captured by the
recorder subsystem and were sent to the data
handling subsystem. The command and telemetry
stereotypes were applied to the original activity
diagram in Fig. 7(a) and used to produce the
compaction activity diagram. Several acts were
swapped out for one action with the stereotypes in
Fig. 7(b). The number of pieces was decreased from
eight to five, and the length of the drawing size was
trimmed. The information obscured by compaction
was written down as the associated tagged values.
For instance, the execution sequence of observation
by a command applies the command stereotype and
substitutes it with the action for observation on the
swim lane of the mission sensor. TheFrom tag on
the command stereotype is configured for data
handling and instead conceals the sending action.
This command stereotype exhibits theCmdName
tag for the command name as on the display. We
discovered that the “CmdName” tag will be empty,
and no information regarding the command name is
present on the original activity diagram. This tag sets
TBD from the enumerated list and denotes an
incomplete scenario.
(a) Original activity diagram. (b) Compaction activity diagram obtained
using the operational metamodel.
(c) Compaction activity diagram obtained
using the conventional method.
Figure 7: Comparison of the compaction methods in a simple scenario.
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
Figure 7(c) displays the outcome of the
traditional procedure. The traditional approach
combines related activities into one action (i.e.,
related acts were replaced by one action) without
using the stereotypes. This approach is extremely
straightforward and is used in practical
advancements and operational scenario applications.
It describes the contents of several actions by
combining or abstracting them into a single action.
The substituted action was expressed horizontally
for the associated swim lane. Compared to that in
Fig. 7(b), the range to be replaced by one action and
the total number of elements are the same. However,
no other points could achieve a one-to-one
correspondence with actions and participants on the
swim lane. In the review, a single action should
exhibit a relation to one actor, which was also
defined by the operational layer metamodel. Here,
the mission sensor was not involved in the original
action of transmitting telemetry. However, it is
connected to the conventional approach used (Fig.
7(c)). The traditional approach worked well when
there were nearby swim lanes. However, it could not
be expressed well in long swim lanes.
5.3 Actual Operational Scenarios
Characteristic scenarios from the actual earth
observation satellite of JAXA were chosen as test
cases to assess the compaction effect of the three
approaches evaluated in the previous section. The
three chosen test cases included two scenarios, and
six scenarios were targeted at the SoS and system
layers. As a result, the same actions were the focus
for the application of each compaction method.
Test case 1 exhibits activity diagrams of the
observation operation as a typical satellite mission
scenario. This study evaluated the compaction effect
in a standard scenario. If this scenario has a
compression effect, it can be considered effective in
other JAXA satellite scenarios. Six action elements
are common behaviors in the SoS layer to be the
compaction targets. Meanwhile, 18 action elements
are common behaviors in the system layer as
compaction targets. Test case 2 includes a critical,
high-risk operational scenario based on an unstable
initial satellite operation after separation from the
rocket. Critical operations demanded careful review
due to the high risk of spacecraft loss. The
applicability of high-risk operations was evaluated.
Five action elements are common behaviors in the
SoS layer to be the compaction targets. In the system
layer, 19 action elements are common behaviors to
be the compaction targets. Test case 3 includes a
satellite orbit control scenario with the largest
number of actions and has a long flow. Longer
scenarios were difficult to review. Further, how far a
long scenario could be shortened was evaluated. In
the SoS layer, one action element is common
behaviors to be the compaction target. In the system
layer, 23 action elements are common behaviors to
be the compaction targets.
Figure 8 presents the compaction effect of the
three methods using actual scenarios. The bars
indicate the original scenario before compression,
proposed method using the operational metamodel,
conventional method used in the actual field, and
method using the functions of the MBSE tool from
the left. The MBSE tool makes use of the call
behavior action element defined in SysML, which
combines actions into a single element and expresses
them through the call function (Aleksandraviciene
and Morkevicius, 2018; Sparx Systems central
Europe, 2022). Figure 8(a) and (b) present the total
number of elements in each scenario and the
drawing diagram size, respectively. The operational
metamodel method had fewer elements throughout,
and the diagram size was the same or smaller
compared with those of other methods. Despite a
small difference between the number of elements
for the conventional and proposed methods, the
(a) Compaction effect using the number of elements. (b) Compaction effect using the drawing size as an A4
Figure 8: Result of compaction using three methods by actual scenarios.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
proposed method had the advantage in that it could
incorporate the information regarding memo
elements included in the scenario in one action
element as a tagged value. Diagram sizes were also
similar. However, the system layer of case 3 in Fig.
8(b) was smaller than that of the proposed method.
This was because the memo element was included in
one element, and the action element became large.
The conventional method, wherein the memo and
action elements are separate, had more flexibility in
terms of the element arrangements, and the diagram
size was smaller.
The use of the MBSE tool function resulted in
more elements and larger diagram size than the
original one because multiple actions were
combined into one, called behavior action. This
action must be redefined in detail in another diagram.
The call behavior action was used between layers as
an abstraction of the scenario of one layer below, but
making it compact in the same layer was difficult.
The proposed method has the advantage in that the
detailed behavior is not drawn each time because the
targeted behavior is a common behavior and is only
defined once.
5.4 Compaction Result
The method with the proposed metamodels had the
best compression effect from the result presented in
Section 5.3. In this section, we analyze the
compression effect for the proposed method using
the test cases presented in Section 5.3. Table 2 lists
the ratios of compaction by the number of elements
and drawing size. We found that the effect of
compaction in the system layer was larger than that
in the SoS layer. The number of elements and
diagram size in the system layer was cut in half, and
the compaction rate remained nearly constant.
Meanwhile, the effects were smaller in the SoS layer
than those in the system layer. Although the number
of elements was reduced in case 1 of the SoS layer,
the diagram size was not reduced. This is because
the actions using stereotypes resulted in a larger
drawing size due to the tagged values added for
Table 2: Effect of compaction.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Av
Number of elements
SoS la
er 75% 92% 77% 81%
System layer 52% 59% 63% 58%
Drawing size as A4 sheet
SoS layer 100% 86% 75% 87%
stem la
er 67% 49% 54% 56%
As we were able to quantitatively demonstrate
that the system is compact, we should confirm the
ease of review. Although the ease of review is
difficult to quantitatively evaluate, we knew that
making the diagram smaller from the eye tracking
experiment in the study of Lubke et al. (2021) would
improve the ease of review. Therefore, we evaluated
the effectiveness of this method based on the
opinions of key persons for the introduction of our
proposed method. The three selected stakeholders
were a person with experience in creating
operational scenarios, a person in charge of
reviewing operational scenarios, and a manager from
JAXA. They are key people in deploying this
methodology in other spacecraft systems. Although
the number of interviewees (i.e., three persons only)
may seem small, a strong impetus from a top-down
approach by key persons is effective for the
penetration of new model-based methods (e.g., the
proposed method and MBSE). Therefore, evaluation
results should be obtained from key stakeholders.
These three persons were asked to check the
compact before and after and were interviewed
based on three points: whether it is easy to review,
whether their review perspectives are drawn using
the diagram, and whether they have any concerns
about the compact. The reviewers stated that the
activity diagram became easier to view and evaluate
because it became smaller and simpler and only
focused on important operational behaviors. For the
retention of the necessary information, no answer
was received because any information for review
was missing. One interesting reviewer responded
that the time constraints about a scenario they could
not review were because time information was not
displayed, and the time-tagged value was indicated
as a TBD. Time information was not hidden due to
compaction but was excluded in the original
scenario. By applying the operational metamodel,
the diagram size in this study was reduced while still
showing the information necessary for the review,
TBD. These tagged values are related to the
reviewer’s viewpoint, as described under item C in
Section IV. Finding missing information depends on
the skill of individual reviewers. Many reviewers
can use a tagged value, guided by TBD, to find
missing information.
Particular benefits have been revealed through the
experiments. First, the proposed compaction method
that uses the metamodel with stereotypes is superior
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
to the conventional method and a call behavior
action used based on the MBSE tool function. In the
conventional method, when actions that span distant
swim lanes were combined into one, the relationship
between actions and actors was broken to a one-to-
one relationship. Here, we achieved compaction
without breaking the relationship of the original
scenario, even if it was combined into one action by
defining the behavior with stereotypes. Additionally,
by introducing a mechanism to validate the
stereotypes and tagged values based on the review
perspective, clarifying the information that should
not be hidden during compaction was possible by
tracing the requirement diagram. In this study, the
reviewers were interested in the operational scenario
and found that they did not want time information to
be hidden during compaction. However, they
realized that the metamodel did not support this.
Therefore, we improved the operational stereotype
metamodel based on the validation result.
Particularly, a compressed activity diagram that
contains the necessary information for a review can
be created.
Second, the operational scenarios as activity
diagrams were transformed into compact drawings
by applying the operational metamodel. Specifically,
the application of stereotypes with commonly
recognized behavior in an activity diagram reduced
the number of elements and activity diagram size
compared to the original diagrams (Table 2). The
flow of the scenario is much easier to understand by
printing the diagrams on one A4 sheet. An activity
diagram of two or more pages can be reduced to one
page by compaction. The compaction effect is
particularly high in the system layer scenario (Fig. 8).
Twice as many applied stereotypes in the system
layer are found compared to in the SoS layer.
Particularly, the command stereotype entailing the
known sequence of the three steps of transmission,
reception, and execution can be merged into one
element with the stereotype, reducing the number of
elements to one-third. In this experiment, the
command stereotype was applied many times; even
general operational scenarios include this command
operation. Therefore, we believe that high
compaction can be expected even when our
proposed method is used in other scenarios of
JAXA’s satellite operation design document
mentioned in Section 1. Additionally, a similar
effect can be expected in other spacecraft
operational scenarios.
We demonstrated an example that the review of
an operational scenario becomes easy when the
scenario is fitted in one A4 sheet. However, the
complete image becomes challenging to see if it is
displayed in a huge sheet. Therefore, we believed
that the size of a scenario diagram should be smaller
to help ease the reviews. Some of the interviewed
reviewers claimed that the suggested procedure
eased the review, and we think that this is
empirically true. However, simplifying reviews is
not limited to reducing the number of elements and
realizing an A4-size document. As a result, we will
eventually gather quantitative data on simple
We proposed operational metamodels that comprise
layers and stereotypes defined to reduce the size of
activity diagrams using domain knowledge. We also
developed a mechanism to validate these
metamodels and confirmed that relevant information
can be retained by fine-tuning after compaction. To
solve the problem of large-scale activity diagrams
used in presenting operational scenarios during
reviews, this study achieved a compact presentation
by hiding unimportant information using operational
metamodels. Consequently, an actor in an activity
diagram is defined according to the layer defined by
the operation layer metamodel, the number of
elements in an activity diagram could be reduced,
and some elements were consolidated into one
element with a stereotype. Thus, the diagram
becomes compacted and is reduced down to the
target, that is, a one-page document. Therefore, we
demonstrated that using the activity diagrams with
our stereotypes could make the review of operational
scenarios easier.
In subsequent work, we will continue to assess
whether a review may be made better. The three
engineers in this study responded that the condensed
operational model enabled an easier review.
However, our study only included a few cases, and
the interview results are qualitative. We think that
more quantitative analysis and experiments are
required. For instance, we may collect some
mistakes related to the review perspective and
incorporate them in the compacted operational and
original models. We could also assess the number of
errors originated from which model in the
experiment. If relevant information is kept in the
condensed operational model, more faults are
anticipated to be discovered because activity
diagrams became easier to review using our
suggested strategy.
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Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge