Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents
who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making
Yoshimasa Ohmoto
and Hikaru Nakaaki
Faculty of Infomatics, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan
Human-Agent Interaction, Human Factors, Persuade, Engagement.
A collaborative task execution by leveraging the respective strengths of human and artificial agents can solve
problems more effectively than if both entities work separately. The important point is that humans have the
mental attitude to transform their own opinions through active interaction with the agent. However, people do
not often interact actively with agents because they often consider them to be mere information providers. In
this study, our idea was to increase participant engagement by having participants experience interactions in
which the agent is persuaded by the participant in a decision-making task. We performed an experiment to
analyze whether the interaction with an agent that implements a persuasion interaction model could enhance
the user’s sense of self-efficacy and engagement in the task. As a result, the participant’s behavior and the
questionnaire’s findings revealed that persuading the interaction partner generally improves engagement in the
interaction. On the other hand, it was suggested that the experience of persuading the interaction partner and
the experience of the partner agreeing influenced the subsequent engagement and subjective evaluation of the
We believe that the final form of the interface be-
tween humans and artifacts can be roughly classi-
fied into two types: “transparent, in which the in-
terface (and its accompanying artifacts) can be em-
ployed without concern for its presence, and “pro-
jective, in which the presence of the interface plays
a crucial role in addition to the functions it offers.
The “transparent” interface is ultimately the one in
which the absence of interaction (or the perception
of interaction) works best. Numerous common user-
friendly interfaces and human-supporting artifacts are
oriented this way. However, they are often oriented
toward a “projective” form in situations that require
agents. For instance, it has been reported that in
idea support situations, idea generation is facilitated
by communication with others (Sannomiya, 2015;
Chen et al., 2019). In decision-making situations,
some studies have demonstrated that agents enhance
users’ impressions of the decision-making process
and their positive attitude toward decision-making by
adding the agents’ subjective opinions to their propos-
als (Ohmoto et al., 2014).
Traditional interactive systems often exist as tools
that passively help humans performing a specific task
and discovering the decision-making factors in which
users are interested (Raux et al., 2005; Misu et al.,
2011). The user must recognize that agents are more
than just information providers in human-agent in-
teraction. For example, the agent’s recommendation
and/or opinion opposing the user’s idea has dimin-
ished importance to the user when the agent is just an
information presentation interface to the user. Qiu and
Benbasat (Qiu and Benbasat, 2009) proposed employ-
ing the perspective of social relationships between hu-
mans and the design of interfaces for software-based
product recommendation agents, providing value be-
yond the functionality design and practical aspects of
decision support systems. The results of a laboratory
experiment show that employing humanoid embodi-
ment and human voice-based communication signif-
icantly affects users’ perceptions of social presence,
which in turn improves users’ trusting beliefs, percep-
tions of enjoyment, and their intentions to employ the
agent as a decision aid.
However, it is crucial to accomplish the task while
dynamically changing the roles and initiatives of both
parties for numerous entities to accomplish a task co-
operatively by leveraging their respective strengths.
Such interaction techniques include “Mixed-Initiative
Ohmoto, Y. and Nakaaki, H.
Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0011803600003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 923-930
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Interaction” (Allen et al., 1999). Gianni et al. (Gianni
et al., 2011) noted that to achieve a mutually initiated
interaction between humans and agents, there are still
some challenges. Additionally, each participant in the
interaction must continuously interact with a certain
degree of spontaneity to achieve the mixed-initiative
interaction. Such a state in which a participant’s spon-
taneous approach is applied is considered a state in
which engagement with the tasks and interactions is
A possible way to enhance user engagement is to
increase self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977). Self-efficacy
is the state of knowing that one can achieve a certain
goal. The higher the self-efficacy, the more proactive
one is said to be in achieving a goal. Some studies aim
to enhance human work motivation for monotonous
and boring tasks by increasing self-efficacy (Fujino
et al., 2007). In these studies, humans were required
to convince a character agent of the task’s importance,
and work motivation was demonstrated to improve for
tasks after the agent was persuaded. This indicates
that the awareness of trying to persuade the agent en-
hances human engagement and improves self-efficacy
when the agent can be persuaded.
This study’s final goal is to develop a human-
agent interaction model, which can realize a mixed-
initiative interaction. To accomplish this, it is crucial
to induce and maintain the engagement of the par-
ticipants in the interaction. In this study, our idea
was to increase participant engagement by having par-
ticipants experience interactions in which the agent
is persuaded by the participant in a decision-making
task. A persuasion interaction model was proposed,
and we examined whether the interaction with an
agent that implemented the model could enhance the
user’s sense of self-efficacy and engagement.
Numerous studies have analyzed ways to enhance en-
gagement (e.g., (Kotze, 2018)). In these studies, hav-
ing a sense that a person’s actions affect one’s collab-
orative partners and the environment was considered
to play a crucial role. When performing tasks that
involve actual work, it is easier to feel that a person
has made an impact on others and the environment
due to the feedback provided by the findings of the
work. However, in tasks that focus on discussion and
decision-making, it is challenging to obtain explicit
feedback and to feel that a person has made changes
in others and the environment during the task. In this
study, we hypothesized that users could experience
interactions, which persuade the agent in a decision-
making task; thus, making them feel that they have
made a change in others in a relatively explicit way,
which could enhance their engagement.
It is crucial for the persuader to actively interact
with the persuaded to persuade others. By making
users aware that they must persuade the agent, it is ex-
pected to initiate an engagement in being actively in-
volved in tasks that require interaction with the agent.
Additionally, since proactive decision-making can in-
crease confidence in one’s abilities (Siebert et al.,
2020), we expect that interactions that persuade the
agent will increase self-efficacy.
2.1 Persuasion Interaction with Agents
The agent to be persuaded initially expresses an opin-
ion that differs from the opinion of the interacting user
in situations where decision-making is needed during
the task. Through the human-agent interaction, the
agent is encouraged by the user to change its opinion
and finally changes its opinion to another opinion that
conforms to the user’s intention. Here, this is called
“persuasion. Our preliminary experiments using a
fully controlled agent by the experimenter confirmed
that the sequence of persuasion interaction between
the user and the agent to be persuaded often follows
the following;
1. Introduction Phase. The agent encourages the
user to express his/her opinions and tries to clar-
ify the user’s intentions and thoughts in decision-
making situations. The user may express an am-
biguous opinion. However, the agent infers some
important factors of the user’s opinion as much as
possible. After the user’s utterances, the agent ex-
presses an opinion that is opposite to or does not
immediately agree with the user.
2. Persuasion Phase. The agent encourages the user
to persuade the agent against the agent’s opinion.
First, the agent makes an utterance agreeing with
part of the user’s opinion or incorporating a bit
of the user’s argument. Then, depending on the
content of the user’s response, the agent expresses
reasons why the agent’s proposal is better. Based
on the user’s objections to the agent’s opinion, the
agent infers the user’s important factors, and the
agent suggests points where it can compromise.
3. Agreement Phase. As the interaction progresses,
the agent shows the user with a gradual shift in the
agent’s opinion from disagreeing to agreeing with
the user. At the end of the persuasion interaction,
the agent plainly agrees with the user’s opinion,
indicating that the agent has changed its opinion
in response to the user’s persuasion.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Implemented Interaction Model
The agent must change its response according to how
the user interacts and the progress of the conversation
for the user to feel that the agent has been persuaded
by the user. In this study, we categorized the attitudes
and the responses of users and agents in their persua-
sion interactions. The corresponding agent responses
were then determined according to the user’s attitude
and the progress of the conversation. Table 1 summa-
rizes the agent’s reaction corresponding to each user’s
attitude and stage of the conversation.
Argument. Utterances that reinforce one’s opinion,
such as expressing a position, showing an advan-
tage, or expressing one’s thoughts, are considered
“arguments. This includes rebuttals but does not
consider whether the content of the utterance is
valid or not.
Pointed Out (User Only). A denial of an agent’s
position or arguments, pointing out a fault, or sim-
ilar utterances are considered a “pointed out” by
the user. A refutation of the agent’s previous ut-
terance is an “argument.
Question. Utterances that ask for opinions or con-
firmation from others are considered “questions.
If the user asks a question that the agent can an-
swer with a “yes/no, the agent will in any case
respond appropriately according to the content of
the question.
Neutral. Utterances that do not amount to a denial
of the others, or utterances that seem thoughtful or
monologue (e.g., “What should I do”?) are con-
sidered “neutral. When a user makes an utterance
that shows agreement or understanding with the
agent, it is also treated as a neutral utterance. In
other words, the agent does not persuade the user.
Suggestion. Regardless of the position, utterances
that are necessary for the benefit of the whole
are considered “suggestions. For example, “We
should decide about XX, etc. These are sugges-
tions that require consideration regardless of the
position of either the user or the agent.
Acceptance (Agent Only.) Positive utterances such
as agreeing with the user’s opinion or showing
empathy are considered “acceptance. The agent
always makes an utterance of acceptance at the
end of a conversation. This encourages the user’s
willingness to be persuaded.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of an agent that
implements the above user attitudes and the agent’s
responses to them as persuaded actions in a decision-
making situation. The user information component
Voice Input
Pointed out
Attitude classification
User information
Agent reaction
Output Utterance
Output behavior
Facial expression
Figure 1: The architecture of an agent that implements the
persuaded actions.
retains the user’s position and arguments from the
user’s utterances. The attitude classification compo-
nent classifies the estimated user’s attitude accord-
ing to the user’s utterances and the conversation sce-
nario. The agent reaction component determines the
agent’s reaction according to the correspondence in
Table 1. To determine the agent’s behavior from a
predefined database, the agent’s response, the phases
of the decision-making scene, and the content that has
already appeared in the conversation are integrated.
An experiment was conducted employing an agent
that implements the interaction model described
above to test the hypothesis that the human persuasion
of an agent increases self-efficacy and engagement in
a task. In the experiment, participants conducted a
decision-making task while conversing with an agent;
one participant performed two different tasks and in-
teracted with an agent with a different behavior model
for each task. One behavioral model was the “per-
suaded agent, which naturally conducted conversa-
tions in which it was persuaded in decision-making
situations, and the other behavioral model was the
“agreeing agent, which agreed to human sugges-
tions. Participants’ conversational situations during
the experiment were recorded by video and employed
Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making
Table 1: The agent’s reaction corresponding to each user’s attitude and phase of the conversation.
User’s attitude Agent responses
Persuasion phase (first half) Persuasion phase (second phase) Agreement phase
Argument Argument, Suggestion Question, Neutral Neutral, Acceptance
Pointed out Argument, Question Question, Neutral Neutral, Acceptance
Question Argument, Suggestion Argument, Acceptance Suggestion, Acceptance
Neutral Argument, Question Suggestion, Neutral Neutral, Acceptance
Suggestion Argument, Question Question, Neutral Neutral, Acceptance
for evaluation. Participants completed a questionnaire
in each session and a questionnaire directly compar-
ing the two sessions at the end of the experiment.
3.1 Description of the Task
In the experiment, one participant performed both
the “Persuaded condition” employing the persuaded
agent and the Agreeing condition” using the agreeing
agent. Participants were taught to persuade the agents
in a decision-making scene if necessary. The content
of the decision-making situations in each session was
different; however, the structure of the conversation
was kept the same. In each session, there were two
different decision-making scenes. Each session in-
cluded two agents and a participant in the conversa-
tion; the two agents and the participant were taught
that their positions were equal. The appearance of
each agent in each session was different.
3.1.1 Common
In common with the two sessions, a scenario was set
up in which the participant worked with two agents to
write an introductory article on a given tourist desti-
nation as a school assignment. In the two conditions,
the task commonly followed the following flow: 1.
ice-breaker, 2. first decision-making scene, 3. chat-
ting scene with scene changes, 4. second decision-
making scene. In each decision-making scene, the
participants were instructed to express their ideas
about a course of action and to make a decision that
had everyone, including the agent, take the same ac-
tion. In the decision-making scene, they expressed
their opinions twice, and in each case, they were
also encouraged to state reasons why they were the
way they were. A story connecting the preceding
and following decision-making situations was facil-
itated through conversation in the chatting situation.
The content of the conversation in the chatting scene
was unrelated to the course of action in the decision-
making scene.
Both the participants and agents were engaged in
a voice conversation during the task. During the con-
versation, four options were displayed at the top of
the screen to guide the participants’ statements and
Guide options
Interaction recommendation indicator
Figure 2: The screen shot of the experiment.
encourage them to keep their statements within a cer-
tain range. A similar system has been proposed by
(Tominaga et al., 2021) and others. Since the turn of
speech is often not obvious in interactions with artifi-
cial agents, a ♢♢♢ icon was shown on the screen
as an “interaction recommendation indicator” at the
point when the participant was encouraged to interact
with the agents. Participants could interact with the
agents even when the indicator was not displayed. If
the participant’s utterance agreed with an option, the
option was indicated in red to show that the choice
had been made. Figure 2 is an example of the dis-
played screen in the experiment.
Conversation scenarios were made in advance,
and the timing of presenting the interaction recom-
mendation indicator to the participant and options of
speech guidelines presented to participants were de-
termined according to the conversation scenarios. The
timing of when the agents were persuaded was set as
the point in time when seven conversation turns were
performed with the agent, which was the same for all
Persuaded Condition. In the Persuaded condition,
a scenario was set up in which the participants
were to visit the museum, cover the event, and
buy a souvenir to take home. The task was to de-
cide which part of the museum to visit in the first
decision-making scene. In the second decision-
making scene, the task was to decide which sou-
venir to buy. In this condition, one agent took a
neutral position while the other agent took a posi-
tion that conflicted with the participant’s opinion.
The agent taking the neutral position was swapped
in each decision-making scene.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
control PC
Agent status
Scenario status
WoZ environment
The experimenter
Category of
the participant
voice input
Display the agents’
Immersive display
Figure 3: The experimental setting.
Agreeing Condition. In the Agreeing condition, a
scenario was set up in which the participants
would interview the garden park and leave from
there. The task was to decide the division of the
roles during the interview in the first decision-
making scene. In the second decision-making
scene, the task was to decide on public transporta-
tion to return home after the interview. In this con-
dition, one agent took a neutral position while the
other agent took a position agreeing with the par-
ticipant’s opinion. The agent taking the neutral
position was swapped in each decision-making
3.2 Experimental Setting
Figure 3 illustrates the experimental setting. We em-
ployed the Immersive Collaborative Interaction En-
vironment (ICIE) (Nishida et al., 2014) and Unity
( to construct the virtual environ-
ment and the two agents. The ICIE employs a 360-
degree immersive display consisting of eight portrait
orientation LCD monitors with a 65-inch octagonal
screen. Participants in the experiment stood in the
center of the displays and interacted with the two
agents on the displays using their voice. The partici-
pants’ utterance was transmitted to the operator using
a microphone, and the operator controlled the agents
according to the utterances based on the predefined
rules (Wizard of Oz: WoZ). The participant’s voice
was recorded using microphones. The experimenter
sat out of the participant’s sight and observed the par-
ticipant’s behavior. The agents used audio to provide
suggestions and presentations.
3.3 Procedure
First, the participants were instructed about the ex-
periment and practiced interacting with the agents. A
session on the decision-making task was started after
it was determined that the participant was sufficiently
proficient in how to interact with the agents. Two ses-
sions were conducted for the entire experiment. Af-
ter each session, the participant completed a question-
naire about their conversations during the task. Each
session lasted around 30 minutes, and the entire ex-
periment lasted about 1 hour.
The interaction during the experiment proceeded
based on the participant’s utterances. The experi-
menter classified the utterances according to predeter-
mined rules (Wizard of Oz: WoZ). The agents’ utter-
ances were selected according to predetermined rules
based on the category of the participant’s utterances,
which were entered by the WoZ operator. Based on
input from the WoZ operator, the decision-making
task proceeded automatically.
Twenty-eight undergraduate students participated
in the experiment (22 were male and 6 were female).
The participants ranged in age from 19 to 24 years,
with an average age of 20.9 years (standard devia-
tion: 2.78). Fourteen of the participants first inter-
acted with the agents in the Persuaded condition (P-
first group). The remaining fourteen participants first
interacted with the agents in the Agreeing condition
(A-first group).
3.4 Result
Speech latency was measured as an index to infer the
participant’s willingness to participate in the conver-
sation in a decision-making task. Some researchers
report that the speech reaction time is related to
the divergent/convergent phases in discussion (Ichino,
2011) and in the human mental state in social interac-
tions with agents (Bechade et al., 2015; Ono et al.,
2016). Based on the speech recorded in the video,
speech latency was defined as the period between the
display of the interaction recommendation indicator
and the participant’s utterance. For utterances in sit-
uations in which the agent has not displayed the in-
teraction recommendation indicator, the latency was
defined as “0” if the agent was speaking, otherwise,
the latency was defined as “the time since the previ-
ous agent’s utterance.
The post-session questionnaire consisted of six
questions regarding self-efficacy, engagement for the
interaction, and satisfaction with the interactions dur-
ing the sessions, each answered on a 7-point Likert
scale. The questionnaires after all sessions consisted
of three items that directly compared the sessions
to each other regarding self-efficacy, engagement for
the interaction, satisfaction with the interactions, and
which of the two sessions was felt more strongly.
Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making
3.4.1 Speech Latency
Figure 4 shows the means and standard errors of
speech latency. We performed a two-way analysis of
variance (Group: P-first or A-first x Condition: Per-
suaded or Agreeing).
Persuaded Agreeing
Speech latency (s)
P-first A-first
Figure 4: The speech la-
tency between groups.
first second
Speech latency (s)
Persuaded Agreeing
Figure 5: The speech la-
tency between scenes.
The findings indicated a significant difference in
condition (F(1, 26) = 5.64, p = 0.025; Persuaded <
Agreeing). The difference as a numerical value is
insignificant. However, the fact that significant dif-
ferences were found despite the explicit triggers for
participants’ utterances shows that they could grasp
their partner’s utterances well and could also quickly
formulate their own opinions about their own opin-
ions. Thus, the result demonstrates that participants’
engagement with the interaction was increased in Per-
suaded condition.
We measured participants’ speech latency in each
of two decision-making scenes in one session to ex-
amine changes in participants’ engagement over time.
Figure 5 shows the mean and standard error of the
speech latency. We performed the two-way analysis
of variance (Scene: first or second x Condition: Per-
suaded or Agreeing) on these data.
The findings revealed that there was a marginally
significant difference in Scene (F(1, 27) = 4.13, p =
0.052; first < second). In other words, the results
demonstrate that in both the Persuaded and Agreeing
conditions, the speech latency tends to be longer in
the second scene. This indicates that engagement may
be decreasing as participants understand the prepared
3.4.2 Questionnaires for Each Session
Questions were asked regarding self-efficacy, engage-
ment in the interaction, and satisfaction with the inter-
action during each session. All participants answered
the self-efficacy question; however, one participant in
the P-first group did not answer the questions for en-
gagement and satisfaction; so this participant was ex-
cluded from the analysis. Figure 6 shows the means
and standard errors for each. We performed a two-
way analysis of variance (Group: P-first or A-first x
Condition: Persuaded or Agreeing) on these data.
The results demonstrated that the interaction was sig-
nificant (F(1,26) = 7.87, p = 0.0094). A simple main
effect test revealed that in the P-first group, scores
were substantially lower in the Persuaded condition
(F(1, 26) = 8.32, p = 0.0078). Another simple main
effect test demonstrated that in the Persuaded condi-
tion, there was a marginally significant difference in
the Group (F(1, 52) = 3.78, p = 0.058; P-first < A-
first). This indicates that participants who had not ex-
perienced being agreed with by their partner were less
likely to feel a sense of self-efficacy when persuad-
ing, whereas participants who had experienced being
agreed with by their partner did not experience a de-
crease in self-efficacy when persuading.
Engagement in the Interaction.
The result demonstrated a marginally significant dif-
ference in condition (F(1,25) = 4.01, p = 0.056; Per-
suaded > Agreeing). However, a simple main ef-
fect was tested since the interaction was significant
(F(1,25) = 8.65, p = 0.0069). The findings demon-
strated that in the A-first group, the scores in the
Agreeing condition were substantially lower than that
in Persuaded condition (F(1, 25) = 12.22, p = 0.0018).
This indicated that participants who had not experi-
enced persuasion were less likely to enhance their en-
gagement when the other party simply agreed without
persuasion. The results also demonstrated that partic-
ipants who had experienced persuasion did not expe-
rience a significant decrease in engagement when the
other party agreed without persuasion.
Satisfaction with the Interactions.
The result demonstrated a marginally significant dif-
ference in condition (F(1,25) = 3.41, p = 0.077; Per-
suaded > Agreeing). This shows that persuading or
not may enhance interaction satisfaction, although the
impact is not large.
3.4.3 Session-to-Session Comparison
To make direct comparisons between sessions, we an-
alyzed the results of participants’ answers to question-
naires regarding self-efficacy, engagement in the in-
teraction, and satisfaction with the interactions. Each
item was encoded with the middle as the reference
(0), with the Persuaded condition in the positive di-
rection and the Agreeing condition in the negative di-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Persuaded Agreeing
Score of Self
P-first A-first
Persuaded Agreeing
Score of Engagement in
P-first A-first
Persuaded Agreeing
Score of Satisfaction with
P-first A-first
Figure 6: The results of questionnaires regarding self-efficacy, engagement, and satisfaction with the interaction.
Self-efficiency Engagement in
the interaction
Satisfaction with
the interactions
Scores of questionnaires
Figure 7: The results of questionnaires of direct compar-
isons between sessions.
Self-efficiency Engagement in
the interaction
Satisfaction with
the interactions
P-first A-first
Scores of questionnaires
Figure 8: The results of questionnaires of direct compar-
isons between sessions in each group.
rection (+3 to -3). Figure 7 shows the results. A one-
sample Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was conducted
with the null hypothesis that the mean is 0 for each
item. The findings showed marginally significant dif-
ferences in engagement for the interaction (engage-
ment, p = 0.057; Persuaded > Agreeing).
Since Questionnaires for each session sometimes
showed different trends by the group, they were tab-
ulated separately for each group. Figure 8 shows
the results. A one-sample Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test was conducted in the same way for each group.
The findings demonstrated that there were no signifi-
cant differences in the P-first group, while there were
marginal or significant differences in self-efficacy and
engagement for the interaction in the A-first group
(self-efficacy, p = 0.070; engagement for the interac-
tion, p = 0.011; both, Persuaded ¿ Agreeing).
These results demonstrate that, when comparing
the two interaction experiences overall, persuading
produces positive, albeit not large, impressions in en-
gagement and satisfaction. Additionally, the results
show that participants’ positive impressions of self-
efficacy and engagement were stronger when partic-
ipants were persuaded after they had experienced an
interaction in which the others agreed with the partic-
ipants. However, this may have been influenced by
impressions from the second session conducted.
The participants’ behavior and the results of the ques-
tionnaire demonstrated that, overall, persuading the
interaction partner enhances engagement in the inter-
action. However, the experience of persuading the
interaction partner and the experience of the partner
agreeing influenced the subsequent engagement and
subjective evaluation of the interaction. This indicates
that participants made criteria for their interactions
with others based on their prior experiences and as-
sessed their own experiences based on these criteria.
In other words, to enhance engagement in a particular
situation, it is crucial to comprehensively design the
series of interactions leading up to that situation.
The findings of the questionnaire after the two
interaction sessions revealed that self-efficacy was
lower when the agents were persuaded in the first ses-
sion. However, engagement tended to score higher
in the Persuaded condition. To analyze the relation-
ship between these ratings, we computed the corre-
lation coefficients among self-efficacy, engagement
and satisfaction questionnaire findings in the Per-
suaded and Agreeing conditions, respectively, and
discovered that although there was a strong correla-
tion between engagement and satisfaction (Persuaded
= 0.78, Agreeing = 0.73), there was no strong cor-
relation between self-efficacy and engagement and
between self-efficacy and satisfaction (between self-
efficacy and engagement, Persuaded = 0.29, Agreeing
= 0.17; between self-efficacy and satisfaction, Per-
suaded = 0.39, Agreeing = 0.33). This shows that self-
efficacy has no direct effect on engagement in the cur-
rent experimental task. Interaction factors, which can
directly influence engagement must be considered.
In this experimental task, since the interactions
proceeded according to a predetermined decision-
Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making
making scenario, participants might not have fully
understood the need for persuasion in their interac-
tions with the agent and in the task. It is also possible
that although the participants were allowed to speak
freely, they were guided in the direction of the inter-
action by displaying speech options, and thus did not
have sufficient awareness that they were successfully
persuaded by their own opinions. We would like to
test this in a conversation with sufficient flexibility.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether
the interaction with an agent that implemented the
proposed persuasion model could enhance the user’s
sense of self-efficacy and engagement in the task. We
conducted an experiment employing an agent that im-
plements the interaction model described above to test
the hypothesis that the human persuasion of an agent
increases self-efficacy and engagement in a task. As a
result, the participants’ behavior and the results of the
questionnaire demonstrated that, overall, persuading
the interaction partner enhances engagement in the in-
teraction. However, the experience of persuading the
interaction partner and the experience of the partner
agreeing influenced the subsequent engagement and
subjective evaluation of the interaction. We believe
that persuasion interaction plays an important role for
intelligent agents to be recognized as independent en-
tities with their own opinions, rather than just accept-
ing human commands. In the future, we would like
to examine whether persuasion interaction can con-
tribute to improving the quality of collaborative deci-
sion making.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence