Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
Elias Seid, Oliver Popov and Fredrik Blix
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
Cyber Physical-Systems, Industrial Internet of Things, Security Requirements, Goal Model, Attack Pattern,
Domain Assumption.
In today’s software systems, security is one of the a major issues that need to be considered when designing
Cyber Physical-Systems(CPS). CPS are engineered systems built from, and depend upon, the seamless inte-
gration of computational algorithms and physical components. Security breaches are on the rise, and CPS
are challenged by a catastrophic damage which resulted in billions of losses. Security solutions to the Cyber
Physical-Systems that we have are likely to become obsolete. Even though security agents issue new sets of
vulnerability indicators and patches to address the security breach, these vulnerability indicators change over
time, which is a perpetual process. We argue that any security solution for the Cyber Physical-Systems should
be adaptive, based on the type of attacks and their frequency. The security solution should monitor its envi-
ronment continuously to defend itself from a cyber-attack by modifying its defensive mechanism. We propose
a framework for modelling, analyzing and monitoring security attacks (events) in the social, cyber and physi-
cal infrastructure realms of CPS. The framework is evaluated by using security attack scenarios taken from a
recognized security knowledge repository.
Industrial automation and control systems have been
studied independently than together within the ICT
framework. initially a firewall was used to mitigate
any potential threat coming towards the core compo-
nent of the system (Boyes et al., 2018). However, the
disruption of internet of things has made a huge im-
pact in changing the infrastructure of the Industrial
automation and control system, particularly changes
related to Industrial systems such the electrical man-
agement systems, manufacturing etc. The concept of
IACS has been studied in the area of cyber physical
systems. Since they were integrated into industries
such as in manufacturing, energy management system
and the like, they were named cyber-physical systems
while doing only the operational activities of the in-
dustries. After the disruption by internet of things in
1999, it becomes familiar to be used within the con-
nected devices in various business and industrial set-
tings (Boyes et al., 2018).
A number of definitions of cyber physical-systems
(CPS) have been studied in the literature (Griffor
et al., 2017), (Henzinger et al., 2008), (Baheti and
Gill, 2011), (Poovendran, 2010) and (Shafi, 2012).
However, (Boyes et al., 2018) has summarized all
and integrated all concepts addressed in literature that
talk about CPS, and has set a common ground. And
CPS is defined as system comprising a set of interact-
ing physical and digital components that can be cen-
tralised or decentralised”. Such definition has three
major components; sensing, computation and net-
working that is essential to address the real world
by employing physical process. Industrial Internet
of Things(IIoT) extend the concepts and definitions
used in CPS, and are defined as ”smart connected as-
sets or things as part of a larger system or system of
systems that make up the smart manufacturing enter-
prise”(Conway, 2016).
Moreover, IIoT seek to connect industrial assets
such as engines, power grids, and sensors to the cloud
by using the network. (Helmi
o et al., 2017), (Con-
way, 2016), (Helmi
o et al., 2017) made an effort
that industrial assets are considered core components
of IIoT that are connected in the industrial setting.
Furthermore, the industrial assets are connected to a
cloud over a network, and thus industrial assets are
able to generate, transfer, and analyse information at
real time and monitor their surrounding environment
based on the information exchanged (Jeschke et al.,
The authors claim that this all exchange of infor-
mation is done with out human intervene however,
we argue that the industrial setting needs human in
Seid, E., Popov, O. and Blix, F.
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011803400003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 722-732
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the loop to manage and monitor industrial assets as
their physical world of cyber physical-systems run in
an insecured environment. The assertion that CPS
devices can generate, analyse, exchange and mon-
itor information with out human in the loop does
not make the definition complete. However, CPS
are socio-technical ecosystems involving people, pro-
cesses, technology, and infrastructure and are usually
designed in a ”piecemeal” rather than a holistic fash-
ion, leaving parts of the system vulnerable (M
et al., 2016).
There have been challenges in addressing multi-
stage attacks on CPS as their components have be-
come vulnerable for a cyber-attack. Tackling such
attacks remains a taunting unsolved problem, since
components come with its own complexities and vul-
nerabilities, and they need coordinated security solu-
tion (Wang et al., 2010).
Moreover, Cyber Physical-Systems(CPS) have the
potential to transform the way we live, work, and
interact with engineered systems as the Internet has
transformed the way people interact with informa-
tion. Smart cities, smart power grids, intelligent
homes with network of appliances, robot assisted liv-
ing, environmental monitoring and transportation sys-
tems are examples of such complex systems and ap-
plications. These complexities will drive innovation
and competition in sectors such as agriculture, en-
ergy, transportation, building design and automation,
health-care, and manufacturing.
In CPS, the physical world is integrated with sens-
ing, communication, and computing components, and
these components have complex interactions (Baner-
jee et al., 2012).
Motivation. Internet of things (IoT) are a particular
type of CPS. As IoT scales to billions of connected
devices with the capacity to sense, control, and other-
wise interact with the human and physical world the
requirements for dependability, security, safety, and
privacy grow immensely.
Devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) generate,
process, and exchange large amounts of security and
safety-critical data and privacy-sensitive information,
and that led to be potential targets of different security
attacks (Poulsen, 2003), (Turk, 2005), (Buchs et al.,
2013). For instance, a sensor that measures the tem-
perature of a physical environment and transmits data
accordingly is a smart item.
The domain of smart items encompasses hetero-
geneous, dynamic and flexible networks commonly
referred to as sensor networks. Such networks consist
of a large number of spatially distributed smart items
that can be easily attached to physical entities and are
able to monitor a number of parameters (e. g, tem-
Figure 1: Cyber Physical-Systems (CPS)(Hu et al., 2016).
perature, sound, vibration, pressure and motion), and
transmit data to remote software systems.
Ensuring a security solution for cyber physical-
systems is much harder than security solution for
software systems because designing security solu-
tion for CPS not only considers properties of compo-
nent (sensing, communication, and computing com-
ponents) but also their interaction with the physical
environment (Banerjee et al., 2012). Attackers can
exploit CPS components that are subject to increased
risk and probability of attack, since these compo-
nents (e. g., the sensors) communicate and interact in
an open and thus insecure environment where secu-
rity threats, such as illegal disclosure of information,
transmission of falsified data, authentication and/or
authorization violations, must be taken into consid-
eration. For example, CPS items may be exposed to
the public, for instance, by being attached to vehi-
cles or containers, and their data may be easily ma-
nipulated, removed or destroyed. Particularly, sen-
sors may provide, at runtime, critical security infor-
mation to the application itself raising new security
requirements that must be then considered and satis-
fied (M
uller et al., 2016).
Objective of the Paper. We are interested in devel-
oping a framework named Asfalia
, for modelling,
analysing and monitoring of security attack-events for
Cyber Physical-Systems. Specifically, we build secu-
rity attack models, generate run time behaviors and
events from behavioral models. We employed Com-
mon Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
(CAPEC), a well-known attack pattern repository as
an input for our model, taken from security knowl-
edge sources
To meet our objective, models have to be in-
tegrated representing 1) security attack patterns (Li
et al., 2014), for modeling security attacks, 2) con-
textual goal models, to build attack models in terms
of contextual goals (Ali et al., 2010) and 3) runtime
goal models (Dalpiaz et al., 2013), to generate be-
havioral models. We also adopt some concepts from
Asfalia (in Greek) means security
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
Figure 2: Components of the Attack Model.
the Event Model in (Cailliau and van Lamsweerde,
2017), to generate events using systematic approach
from leaf-level tasks and their corresponding analy-
The model consists of the following four major
components: 1) Vulnerability Model (VM): This
model represents type of attack patterns, potential
threats and type of assets. An asset is anything that
has value to an organization (data or service) which
is central as a target of the attack (Li et al., 2018).
Vulnerability determines relevance of security goals,
and a security goal is a desire to protect an asset
(resource) or organizational policy, rules and regu-
lations. An obstacle to an asset compromises secu-
rity concerns such as integrity, confidentiality, avail-
ability and accountability (T
urpe, 2017). 2) Attack-
Mechanism Model (AM): This model captures goal
models, domain assumptions, attack mechanisms and
task operationalization. In this model, we capture,
understand and represent adversary behaviors of at-
tack both at design-time and runtime that facilitates to
derive security events. 3) Behavioral Model (BM):
This model captures fundamental system behaviors
such as sequential, interleaving, multiplicity, alterna-
tive instances of attack goal models, sub-goals, do-
main assumptions, tasks (mechanisms) and events of
attack patterns. System behavior annotations will
be discussed in detail in section four. 4) Event
Model (EM): This model captures events that are de-
rived from the attack models. These events could be
grouped into observable and non- observable events.
However, in this work we only focus on observable
events that includes information about type, value and
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents research baseline for our work, while
section 3 presents Asfalia framework. We provide in
sections 4 further details and examples concerning the
models of the framework. In section 5 we present ex-
periment and results, while section 6 deals with the
discussions. Section 7 present related work, and sec-
tion 8 concludes and discusses future work.
2.1 Goal-Based Contextual
Requirements Modeling
A goal-oriented RE modelling and reasoning frame-
work has been proposed for systems that run in nu-
merous contexts, and establishes goal models to re-
late goals and contexts (Ali et al., 2010). The frame-
work extended Tropos (Bresciani et al., 2004) goal
model to capture the relationship between each vari-
ant to goal satisfaction. In particular, contexts are con-
sidered as labels that can be mapped to specific goal
model artifact. Moreover, they define semantics for
contexts that are modelled within goal models (Ali
et al., 2010). We used and integrated some of their
elements into Asfalia framework.
2.2 Runtime Goal Model
In the last decade, research in adaptive software sys-
tems have shown a rapid growth. Adaptive means that
software systems should monitor its environment con-
tinuously to defend itself from external obstacles by
changing its alternative mechanism (Souza and My-
lopoulos, 2012). Recent approaches have shown that
self-adaptive system softwares depends on variants
of goal models to coordinate monitoring and adapta-
tion mechanism. Dalpiaz (Dalpiaz et al., 2013) stud-
ied conceptual distinction between design-time goal
models and runtime goal models. The authors have
made the following contributions: 1) The relation-
ship between design-time goal models, the derived
runtime goal models and runtime instance in terms
of Goal-Oriented Requirement Models. 2) Reasoning
approach using runtime goal instance. In Asfalia, we
extended (Dalpiaz et al., 2013) to generate behavioral
models for the security attack strategies thus derived
runtime attack pattern models.
2.3 Three-Layer Security Requirements
Analysis Framework
The framework supports the analysis of security re-
quirements for socio-technical systems(STSs) from
a holistic perspective, meaning that the framework
spans the three layers of STSs. Moreover, the frame-
work supports ”cross layer analysis that spins off
security requirements across realms”: Security so-
lutions offered for security requirements in the so-
cial layer spin off security requirements in the cyber-
layer, and solutions adopted for these requirements
further spin off security requirements in the physical
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
layer(Li and Horkoff, 2014). The three-layer frame-
work has the following procedures:
Our approach shares similarities with this frame-
work in terms of layer specific-concepts as our mod-
els (VM, AM, BM and EM) analyze vulnerabilities,
design attack mechanism, and build behavioral mod-
els in a realm-specific approach meaning they span
the three realms of CPS (cyber, physical infrastruc-
ture including the social one).
2.4 Security Patterns
A pattern is defined in terms of context, problem
and solution. Patterns might be specified to solve a
problem in a certain context (Fern
andez et al., 2008).
Moreover, Security pattern use well-established secu-
rity knowledge to support analysts to solve security
problems. These patterns combine security require-
ment and security mechanism, and have been used
to solve a particular security problem. Many secu-
rity patterns have been proposed in the literature. (Li
and Horkoff, 2014) have used security patterns to op-
erationalise security goals based on security mecha-
nisms, and they leveraged organizational security pat-
tern, physical security pattern physical security pat-
tern and software security patterns for security re-
quirement analysis process.
Modeling Security Patterns as Contextual Goal
Model. An attack is the use of an exploit by an adver-
sary to take advantage of a weakness with the intent
of achieving a negative social and technical impact.
Therefore, attacker’s behavior is expressed in terms
of the task and how to perform the task with respect
to a target such as software application (asset). (Li
et al., 2014) has integrated security patterns to support
security requirements analysis technique by modeling
security patterns as contextual goal model.
Attack Pattern Modeling. In the literature, (Li et al.,
2015) have leveraged anti-goal approach (Van Lam-
sweerde, 2004) to analyse system adversaries to pro-
vide a security solution. This approach analyses anti-
goal refinement from attacker’s perspective by using
different real attack scenarios at design-time. We ex-
tended (Li et al., 2014) to build behavioral models for
security attack patterns and integrated in (VM, AM,
BM, EM) models of our framework.
We describe here an overview of the framework
named (Asfalia), and we provide in detail each model
of the framework with illustrative example in sec-
tion 4. The framework consists of the follow-
ing elements: Vulnerability Model (VM), Attack-
Mechanism Model (AM), Behavioral Model (BM)
and Event Model (EM). Figure 3 shows an extracted
example models of the framework. Each components
of the framework are described as follows:
Vulnerability Model (VM). Captures type of attack
patterns, In
, patterns are grouped into two categories:
The first category of attack is Domain-based attack
and the other is Mechanizm-based attack. For ex-
ample, Social Engineering is a type of attack cat-
egorised under domain-based attack category while
Collect and Analyze Information is type of attack un-
der mechanizm-based attack
.These category of at-
tacks will be discussed in section ve, in the exper-
iment section.
Potential threats and type of asset are also cap-
tured in this model. An asset is anything that has value
to an organization, and could be tangible (physical)
and intangible (non-physical) assets in which the tar-
get of the attack is concerned. Security concerns such
as confidentiality, integrity, availability and account-
ability to an asset can be associated to the business,
application or infrastructure context. For example,
(Haley et al., 2008) has analyzed asset and the cor-
responding security goal from business context of a
system. In the next section, we show models (VM,
AM, BM and EM) where vulnerabilities imposed to
an asset are refined with respect to the business, cyber
and physical Infrastructure context of the system, us-
ing different type of attack scenarios taken from well-
known security knowledge sources
Attack-Mechanism Model (AM). Captures goal
models, domain assumptions, attack mechanisms
and task operationalizations that are used to operate
cyber-attack by taking advantage of a weaknesses of
CPS with the intent of achieving a negative social
and technical impact. Absent of adversaries (lack of
actor) when designing a secured system have been
realized as a major challenge for security require-
ment engineering researchers. Adversaries are anti-
stakeholders who have a goal to compromise a sys-
tem. For example, threats are indirectly discovered
because adversaries whose goal, potential, and behav-
iors define threats of a system.
Behavioral Model (BM). Represents and captures
runtime behaviors of an attack strategies. It anno-
tates runtime attack behaviors of security attack. In
this model, Attack-Mechanism Model (AM) is em-
ployed to generate attack behaviors. Moreover, (VM
and AM) models use and extend concepts from the
three-layer requirement analysis framework (Li and
Horkoff, 2014) while (BM and EM) models use and
extend (Dalpiaz et al., 2013). To fully understand
threats and vulnerabilities in VM and EM, linear, top-
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
Figure 3: Extracted Asfalia Model.
down analysis approach may not be sufficient (T
2017). We integrated an iterative approach to an-
alyze realm-specific vulnerabilities. We reuse and
adopt syntax and denotation of goal expressions from
(Dalpiaz et al., 2013), as shown in Figures 5 and 6
Event Model (EM). This model captures events that
are derived from attack mechanism and behavioral
models (BM and AM). We describe EM model in the
next section using various attack scenarios.
We enriched the models (VM, AM, EM and BM) by
using and revisiting the existing contextual guide-
line from attack pattern repositories
. These en-
riched guidelines are described as follows: 1) Ex-
plore: Searching for vulnerability (a weakness) that
can be directly used by an adversary. 2) Experiment:
Find a specific weakness with the intention of achiev-
ing a negative consequence. 3) Exploit: Is an input
or action designed to take advantage of a weakness
(or multiple weaknesses) and achieve a negative so-
cial and technical impact. 4) Attack prerequisites:
Assumptions about properties of people, processes,
technology and infrastructure that are assumed to hold
from the attackers point of view for an adversary to
Specifically, we enriched the guidelines by fol-
lowing the contextual goal model approach (Ali et al.,
2010). We applied them in our models, in order to
analyze potential vulnerabilities, and captures knowl-
edge about how specific parts of an attack are de-
signed and executed. For instance, as shown in the
an attacker is able to cause a victim to load
content into their web-browser that bypasses security
zone controls and gain access to increased privileges
to execute scripting code (malicious content).
We illustrate this attack scenario using the above-
mentioned enriched contextual guidelines (proce-
dures) as follows:
Explore. Find systems susceptible to the attack, find
systems that contain functionality that is accessed
from both the internet zone and the local zone.
Experiment. Find the insertion point for the pay-
load, the code to be executed. The attacker first needs
to find some system functionality or possibly another
weakness in the system.
Exploit. Craft and inject the payload, the code to be
executed, and develop the payload to be executed in
the higher privileged zone in the user’s browser.
Attack Prerequisites. Insufficient Input Validation
by the system. In this section we provide the mod-
els of the framework using illustrative attack pattern
4.1 Vulnerability Model(VM)
This model captures type of attack patterns, potential
threats, and type of asset in which an asset is a po-
tential target for cyber attacks. VM consists of the
following sub-elements:
Threat. Is the potential for abuse of an asset that will
cause harm in the context of the problem.
Vulnerability. Is a weakness in the system that an
attack exploits.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Syntax and denotation of goal expressions (Dalpiaz et al., 2013).
Asset. Is anything that has value to an organization,
and could be tangible (physical) and intangible (non-
physical) in which the target of the attack is con-
Attack Pattern. Is defined as generic description of a
deliberate, malicious adversary that frequently occurs
in a specific context (Moore et al., 2001). It describes
the common elements and techniques used in attacks
against vulnerable CPS components. These patterns
generalize reusable attack knowledge from frequent
adversaries in facilitating security requirements anal-
ysis for the system-to-be. An attack pattern consists
of: General goal of the attack, Antecedent, Steps to
carry out the attack and Consequent.
Antecedent. Are assumptions about properties of
people, processes, technology and infrastructure that
are assumed to hold from the attacker’s point of view
or prerequisite for an adversary to succeed. An-
tecedents can include the skills, resources, access, or
knowledge that the attacker must have, and the level
of risk that need to be tolerated (Haley and Laney, ).
Consequent. Are consequences such as knowledge
exploited by the the attacker and changes to the tar-
geted system that occur as a result of attack step ex-
ecution, and when the antecedent is fulfilled. Several
studies such as (Ali et al., 2010; Li et al., 2015; Li
et al., 2014) have been increasingly recognizing the
leading role of Goal-oriented Requirements Engineer-
ing in modeling and analysis of security, safety and
privacy concerns.
For instance, graphical representation of extracted
security attack
shows that an adversary captured by VM Model.
Specifically, Taking advantage of application future
to recover users forgotten password and use it as the
original user (Threat) and software application (As-
set) is target of the attack. This adversary occurred
as a result of an attack, shown on the top-left side of
the model: 1) Password Recovery Exploitation and
a vulnerability, shown on the top-right side of the
model: 2) Insufficiently Protected Credentials. More-
over, the asset (software application) refined in the
cyber realm could encounter an attack sequentially
that the first attack occurred (Password Recovery Ex-
ploitation) and followed by the second vulnerability
Insufficiently Protected Credentials or can happen in
parallel (concurrent) attack.
4.2 Attack-Mechanism Model (AM)
This model captures design strategies, different at-
tack pattern mechanisms. More importantly, it builds
attack mechanisms by employing goal models, do-
main assumptions, attack mechanisms and task oper-
ationalization artifacts. Each attack pattern captures
knowledge about how specific parts of an attack are
designed and executed, providing the adversary’s per-
spective on the problem and the solution, and gives
guidance on ways to mitigate the attack’s effective-
ness. AM model depends on VM model since it pre-
pares its attacking mechanism based on the threat ex-
plored in VM model. However, threats can be refined
not only in linear but also iteratively.
For example, consider a security solution to use
TLS protocol. TLS protocol offers confidentiality,
integrity and authentication. However, TLS further
extends its support from other component (CA) to
manage certificates and keys (T
urpe, 2017). The
threat might not directly compromise TLS protocol
but can impose adversaries to the certificates author-
ities (CA) such as exploiting private keys since TLS
depends on certificate authorities. Due to this inter-
dependencies, threats that are recognized in one realm
can affect further another realm. Attack-Mechanism
Model, consists of sub-elements to perform attack
strategies, and the elements adopt Goal-oriented prin-
ciples (Van Lamsweerde, 2001).
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
Goals. A goal is a prescriptive statement of intent
to be satisfied by cooperation of the agents forming
the system goal. The word system refers to both
the software and its environment, including people,
legacy software, devices like sensors and actuators
(Van Lamsweerde, 2009). Throughout the model, we
use goals instead of anti-goals as anti-goals are con-
sidered to be goals from attacker’s point of view.
Goal Model. Is an AND/OR-graph showing how
goals contribute positively or negatively to each other,
and AND-refinement captures a combination of sub-
goals entailing the parent goal; and OR-refinement
captures an alternative way of satisfying the parent
goal. A goal may be refined into sub-goals by asking
How questions whereas it may be abstracted into par-
ent goals by asking Why questions. Tasks: Describe
behaviors of the system-to-domain assumption.
Domain Assumptions. Are properties of the domain
that are assumed to hold. Normally, assumptions
considered as an assertions to check the correctness
of goal refinement or operationalization. In general,
like goals, assumptions cannot be enforced to be
refined (Feather et al., 1998). However, in our model,
domain assumptions are refined together with tasks
in order to satisfy the root goal as shown in Figure 3,
because they are used as antecedents that supports to
perform cyber attack, and facilitates to choose type
of attack mechanism.
Design-Time Attack Model. As shown in
,a Goal
Password Recovery Exploitation (attack method) re-
fined into two tasks that satisfies the attack mech-
anism: Understand password recovery mechanism
(T1) Find a weakness in the password recovery mech-
anism and exploit it (T2). Four domain assump-
tions refined together with tasks: (The system allows
users to recover password (DA1) Password mecha-
nism has been designed or implemented insecurely
(DA2), Password recovery mechanism relies only on
something the user knows (DA3) and No third-party
intervention is required to use the password recovery
mechanism) to attack the root level goal (DA4).
4.3 Behavioral Model (BM)
Building a complete behavioral model for a very com-
plicated systems like CPS, with many complex and
heterogeneous states is often quite challenging prob-
lem (Cailliau and van Lamsweerde, 2017). To un-
derstand how attacker’s fulfill their target by com-
promising security concerns such as Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability and Accountability, one has to
analyze how the threat environment is behaving with
in the system, how the adversaries can compromise,
Figure 5: Bottom-up Propagation of an Event.
and how the system behaves under multi-stage at-
tacks, and recognize system behaviors to facilitate
such analysis. This model captures fundamental sys-
tem behaviors such as Sequential, Interleaving, Mul-
tiplicity, Alternative instances of attack goal mod-
els, sub-goals, domain assumptions and tasks (mech-
anisms). BM model extends and integrates (Dalpiaz
et al., 2013), and annotate runtime behaviors of VM
and AM, thus transforms design-time attack models to
runt time attack models.
Runtime Attack Model. BM model provides anno-
tations of fundamental system behavior, derives run-
time attack models from design-time attack models
in order to support attack event monitoring. We il-
lustrate these system behaviors using attack scenarios
extracted from the full model
Alternative System Behavior expresses that the
system need to satisfy a goal, and depending on the
type of obstacle facing, a change in behavior is ex-
pected to happen and Multiple Instance annotates run-
ning system behaviors that could have more than once
instance, and the instances can be ordered in sequence
(Sequential) or they can occur concurrently (Inter-
leaved). The behavioral annotations can be shown in
the model
The following example illustrates BM using attack
scenario example, and the model can be found in
Sequential and Interleaving. As shown in
two fun-
damental system behaviors are annotated. For exam-
ple, Goals, G1 (Phishing) is refined to G2 (Obtain
domain name and certificate to spoof legitimate site),
G3 (Explore legitimate website), G4 (Convince user
to inter sensitive information), and G5 (Use stolen
credentials to log into legitimate site). Possible be-
havioral annotation of G1 is an Instance of G2 should
be achieved first followed by Interleaved fulfillment
of G3 and G4 and followed by G5. Formally, Anno-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Security attack category used in our experiment.
Attack pattern category Meta-level attack patterns
Privilege Escalation Cross Zone Scripting
Overflow Buffers Buffer Overflow via Parameter Expansion
Cross-Site Scripting XSS through HTTP query String
Buffer Manipulation Overflow Buffers
Input Data Manipulation Relative Path Traversal
Communication Interception
Software Authentication abuse
Physical security Bypass electronic card/ access control
Inject unexpected items Argument Injection
Engage in Deceptive interactions Phishing
Employee Probabilistic techniques Brute Force
Subvert access control Exploitation of Trusted Credentials
Functionality Misuse Password Recovery Exploitation
tation of G1: (G2; (G3 # G4); G5)
Alternative System Behavior. G3 is refined to three
tasks T3 (Use spidering software to get copy of web
pages), T4 ( manually save copies of required web-
pages from legitimate site), T5 (Create webpages
which look legitimate site but different in content).
Possible annotations of G3 can be specified that the
system should either T3 (Use spidering software to
get copy of webpages) or T4 (Manually save copies of
required webpages from legitimate site). If T3 didn’t
work out due some obstacles then T5 (Create web-
pages which look legitimate site but different in con-
tent) is executed. Formally, Annotation of G3: (Try
(T3) ? Skip : T5) / T4).
Multiplicity Behavior. For example as it can be seen
,T1 (Obtain domain name that visually looks simi-
lar to the legitimate site), T2 (Obtain a legitimate SSL
certificate for the new domain) can be repeated mul-
tiple times without waiting for each other. Formally,
Annoations of G2: (T1; T2)
4.4 Event Model (EM)
This model captures events derived from behavioral
models (BM). These events could be grouped into
observable and non- observable events from event-
log perspective. Particularly, we focus on observ-
able events. [BMEM] shows security related events,
E1 (Buffer region identified), E2 (Injection vector
identified), E3 (Excessive data sent to the targeted
buffer), E4 (Content injected into the targeted soft-
ware). Events (E1, E2, E3, E4) are derived from (T1,
T2, T3 and T4), thus when the root goal is satisfied.
The overall model of the experiment contains 831
elements which consists of 20 attack patterns, 20
parallel-attack patterns, 88 Goals and Sub-goals, 91
Tasks, 41 Domain assumptions, 99 Events and 74 Be-
havioral annotations as shown in Table 2.
The experiment has been performed on two types
of attack pattern categories (Domain-Based Attack
and Mechanizm-Based Attack) as shown in
Table 2: Statistics of elements of the full model.
Elements of the Model No
Attack patterns 20
Parallel attack patterns 20
Goals and sub-goals 88
Tasks 91
Domain assumptions 42
Behavioral annotations 74
Events 99
Relationships 398
Total 831
Domain-Based Attack. Organizes attack patterns hi-
erarchically based on the attack domain. Attacks such
as Social Engineering, Supply Chain, Communica-
tion, Physical Security and others are grouped under
this category.
Mechanizm-Based Attack. Organizes attack pat-
terns hierarchically based on mechanisms that are
frequently employed when exploiting a vulnerabil-
ity. The attack patterns that are members of this cate-
gory represent the different techniques used to attack
a system. They do not, however, represent the conse-
quences or goals of the attacks. For example, (Collect
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
and Analyse Information), (Inject Unexpected Items),
(Engage in Deceptive Interactions) and others are
grouped in this category. Moreover, at the highest
level, categories exist to group patterns that share a
common characteristics.
Realm-Specific Adversaries. Our models focus on
realm-specific adversaries meaning that it spans the
three realms of CPS (Cyber, Physical infrastructure,
and including the Social one). We also analysed the
inter-dependence relationship among realm-specific
attack models. AM model depends on VM model for
achieving realm-specific vulnerabilities, and vulnera-
bilities captured in (VM model) spin off and provide
an input to the the next realm (AM model) thus select
a suitable attack mechanizm by taking an advantage
of weaknesses explored in VM model.
We developed a framework for building behavioral
models of security attacks and derive security-events
for CPS. Our approach enriched and transformed
design-time security attack models into runtime attack
model. In our model, events are derived from runtime
attack models. In AM model, we found that similar
attack patterns use the same way of attacking mech-
anism to achieve a root goal. However, they differ
when they use specific type of task and domain as-
sumptions to achieve the same root level-goal. For ex-
ample, let’s consider two types of attack pattern from
the full model
,one Password Recovery Exploitation
and the other Functionality Misuse. Both types of at-
tacks have the same method of attacking mechanism,
using Brute force (trial-and-error method), and with
the same final goal, to take advantage of the applica-
tion feature in order to gain access into the system.
Particularly, the former one uses a mechanizm: (Find
a weakness in the password recovery) and exploit it,
and assumes (Password recovery mechanism relies
only on something the user knows while the later one
uses a mechanism: cryptanalysis, and assumes that
attack requires basic scripting ability to automate the
exploration of the search space. We also recognized
that Behavioral Models (BM) can be used to facilitate
and support security goal refinement and security goal
simplification proposed in (Li and Horkoff, 2014).
Novelty of the Framework. Building runtime be-
havioural models, and derive security events to sup-
port security attack event monitoring.
Threats to Validity. In the experiment section, the
objective was to evaluate our approach by building
behavioral models for security attacks using attack
scenarios taken from
.The results of our approach are
encouraging but we consider them as preliminary, so
they need to be further confirmed by performing ex-
periments including a larger set of participants.
Internal Validity. Factors affecting subject perfor-
mance was very important in the experiment section.
We believe that the skill of the subject involved in
building design time and runtime attack models, and
the corresponding analysis was appropriate for the ob-
jective of our preliminary experiment.
External Validity. Although our security attacks sce-
narios are complicated, it was only performed by one
subject. However, we need to do further experiments
using Asfalia framework with more attack scenarios,
and by including more participants.
Goal-Based Adaptive Systems. The complexity of
software systems is increasing, software engineering
researchers and practitioners have made several ef-
forts, and have shown a huge interest in self-adaptive
systems. (Silva Souza et al., 2011) has proposed a
new class of requirements, called Awareness Require-
ments, which talk about the runtime status of other
requirements. (DeLoach and Miller, 2010) have an-
alyzed the difference between goal classes and in-
stances for adaptive systems. (Dalpiaz et al., 2013)
proposed runtime goal model in which they have
provided conceptual distinction between design-time
goal models and runtime goal model, and a struc-
tured pattern for runtime goal model have been de-
rived. (Cailliau and van Lamsweerde, 2017) has pro-
posed an approach of obstacle-driven runtime adap-
tation techniques to achieve increased satisfaction of
probabilistic system goals under the current condi-
tions. We share similarities in these approaches in
terms runtime goal model but our approach applies
to attack scenarios and aimed on building behavioral
models for attack strategies.
Security Attack Pattern. Research in security pat-
tern has made tremendous progress in collecting and
organizing security patterns however, their applicabil-
ity is very less. (Moore et al., 2001) have introduced
attack patterns to encapsulate utilizable attack knowl-
edge from multiple attack occurrences in order to sup-
port security requirement analysis. Other approach
that model security patterns as goal models such as
(Mouratidis et al., 2006) extended Secure Tropos us-
ing security patterns.
Attack Scenarios. Several proposals have made ef-
forts to analyse and model attack scenario, whereby
steps have been described to explore how attackers
perform an attack. In the literature there are differ-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ent proposal that have focused in providing ways of
representing attack scenarios, for example attack trees
(Morais et al., 2013) and graphs (Phillips and Swiler,
1998) have been used as an approach to capture at-
tack scenarios by different researchers. In contrast
with our approach, these efforts are somehow limited
in terms of specifying how attack strategies are con-
Further works have also been studied to analyse
and model threats such as STRIDE (Shostack, 2014),
however it fails to model attacker’s intentions and are
somehow limited in addressing multi-stage attacks.
In contrast to this work, several proposals have been
explicitly addressed to capture the rationale behind
attacker actions using anti-goals such as (Van Lam-
sweerde, 2004). Similar approaches that goes beyond
(Van Lamsweerde, 2004), (Li et al., 2015) have pro-
posed to analyse security analysis from an attacker’s
perspective and detailed adversary’s malicious inten-
tions. Our approach shares similarities with these
approaches in terms of attack models, anti-goal re-
finement and the way how attack scenarios are con-
structed. However, our method goes beyond this by
studying behavioural models of security attack sce-
narios and applied for constructing runtime attack
Security solution for Cyber Physical-Systems should
be adaptive, and needs a systematic approach to sup-
port monitoring of security attack events. We pro-
posed Asfalia, a framework for modeling, analysing
and monitoring of security attacks (events) where at-
tack strategies are analysed in a realm-specific. The
model captures security attack events and their corre-
sponding behaviors. The framework has been eval-
uated using extensive security attack scenarios. Ex-
periments have been conducted on two categories of
attack pattern, namely domain-based and mechanizm-
based attacks. In summary, VM model captures the
adversaries, vulnerabilities, and analyse the target of
the attack in terms of realm-specific approach. AM
model constructs attack model based on the adver-
saries specified in VM model. BM model annotates
system behaviors for VM and AM models and finally
in EM models, events are derived from behavioral
We are in the process of developing a prototype
tool that reflects Asfalia framework along with exten-
sions and improvements necessary for thorough eval-
uation. The results of the preliminary experiments in-
dicate that one of the limitations of the current frame-
work is the requirement for almost an expert level
understanding of modeling and security by the users.
Further experiments will also include different com-
binations of users, those that know modeling, but very
little security and vice versa.
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