DEff-GAN: Diverse Attribute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis
Rajiv Kumar
and G. Sivakumar
Department of CSE, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
One-shot Learning, Few-shot Learning, Generative Modelling, Adversarial Learning, Data Efficient GAN.
Requirements of large amounts of data is a difficulty in training many GANs. Data efficient GANs involve
fitting a generator’s continuous target distribution with a limited discrete set of data samples, which is a
difficult task. Single image methods have focused on modelling the internal distribution of a single image
and generating its samples. While single image methods can synthesize image samples with diversity, they
do not model multiple images or capture the inherent relationship possible between two images. Given only
a handful number of images, we are interested in generating samples and exploiting the commonalities in the
input images. In this work, we extend the single-image GAN method to model multiple images for sample
synthesis. We modify the discriminator with an auxiliary classifier branch, which helps to generate wide
variety of samples and to classify the input labels. Our Data-Efficient GAN (DEff-GAN) generates excellent
results when similarities and correspondences can be drawn between the input images/classes.
Most of the modern deep learning based methods de-
pend on large datasets and need long training times
(Donahue and Simonyan, 2019), (Karras et al., 2020)
for achieving high performance and state-of-the-art
results. The trend still continues and is observed even
in some of the few-shot learning tasks (Liu et al.,
2019). However, there are use cases and scenarios
where obtaining even a handful number of images is
difficult due to reasons of privacy, security and eth-
ical reasons. Though Generative Adversarial Net-
works (GANs) are able to generate realistic images
of high quality (Donahue and Simonyan, 2019), (Ku-
mar et al., 2021), (Karras et al., 2020), this is pos-
sible with the availability of large and diverse train-
ing datasets (Tundia et al., 2021) that prevents mem-
orization problems. In most cases, the amount of data
needed for training or adapting a GAN is in the or-
der of hundreds, if not in thousands, thereby leaving
no purpose in generating more of the same data. In
the few-shot realm, when GANs are trained directly
with small datasets, it leads to severe quality degra-
dation or memorization issues or both. Therefore, it
becomes essential to prevent mode collapse and over-
fitting to generate samples with diversity.
Recently, there has been interest in single image
generative models to synthesize image samples of
various scales and sizes. Single-image GAN mod-
els (Shocher et al., 2019), (Shaham et al., 2019),
(Hinz et al., 2020), (Sushko et al., 2021), etc have
overcome the overfitting and mode collapse issues
by learning from the internal distribution of patches
from a single image. However, the synthesized im-
age samples make little to no sense when they lack
coherence. Efforts to improve the diversity in a few-
shot setting leads to artifacts, poor realism, and inco-
herency in images. With only a single image mod-
elled by a GAN, there are applications like image
super-resolution, harmonization, etc., which is pos-
sible by using the patches from the input image it-
self. Modelling multiple images can result in gen-
eralization as well as learning the underlying seman-
tic relations between the images. This leads to po-
tential for learning the relation between the patches
from multiple images that opens up the possibilities
of style transfer, content transfer, image compositing,
image blending. In a few shot scenario, novel sample
synthesis is possible by transferring visual attributes
like color, tone, texture or style from one image to
another and by combining features from different in-
puts. For unsupervised image synthesis, the visual at-
tributes can come from different images without any
guidance on how the features should be combined.
In this paper, we illustrate that single-image
GANs can be adapted for multi-class image synthe-
Kumar, R. and Sivakumar, G.
DEff-GAN: Diverse Attr ibute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011799600003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sis in a few-shot setting for similar classes. Lets con-
sider the case of two face images, where correspon-
dences can be drawn between common facial features
like eyes, nose, lips, hair, etc. These correspondences
can give rise to similarities and relations at the local
patch level, which can be leveraged for novel sample
synthesis. For this, we propose changes to existing
single image GAN (Hinz et al., 2020) to adapt it for
multi-class few-shot image synthesis. Previous meth-
ods like SinGAN and ConSinGAN had focused only
in the generation of samples of a single image. We
propose changes to generate samples with attributes
from multiple images by the use of an auxiliary clas-
sifier branch for the discriminator, to output the class
probabilities in addition to the real/generated labels.
The discriminator objective then includes the classi-
fier loss that minimizes the cross entropy loss between
the labels of generated images and the class labels.
We also modify the training procedure for modelling
multiple images and to speed up the training, while
single-image GAN methods generate a single sample
every time. As a result, for images with similar se-
mantics and underlying content, our method synthe-
sizes novel samples in a few shot setting. In the case
of face images and textures, our method can result
in diverse sample synthesis generating hundreds of
variations while retaining the semantics, from a sin-
gle image of two different faces images. The paper
contributions are as follows:
We introduce DEff-GAN, a pretraining-free few-
shot image synthesis method by adapting single-
image GAN methods for multiple images for di-
verse novel sample synthesis.
We briefly explain the Related works in Section 2,
Methodology in Section 3, Implementation details in
Section 4, Experiments and evaluation in Section 5,
Results and analysis in Section 6 and Conclusion and
future scope in Section 7.
There are various approaches for few-shot genera-
tion, from direct training of few-shot image datasets
to few-shot test time generalization. In the former
case, a generative model is trained directly on a small
dataset with a handful of images without adapting a
pre-trained model or training on large number of base
categories. In the latter case, generative models are
trained on a set of base categories for long training
schedules and later applied to novel categories with
optimization (Clou
atre and Demers, 2019), (Liang
et al., 2020) or finetuning. In some cases, there is no
optimization involved when using fusion-based meth-
ods (Hong et al., 2020a), (Hong et al., 2020b), (Gu
et al., ) or transformation-based methods (Hong et al.,
2022), (Ding et al., 2022). One way for knowledge
transfer is to use pre-trained models from related do-
mains and adapting it using only a few input im-
ages. However, the resulting network can still be large
which can easily overfit to the data since the number
of samples is very less.
Recent works (Shocher et al., 2017) perform vari-
ous tasks (Ruiz et al., 2020), (Tritrong et al., 2021) us-
ing very few data samples (Yang et al., 2019) and even
from a single image (Shaham et al., 2019), (Shocher
et al., 2019), (Hinz et al., 2020). We briefly ex-
plain the similarities and differences of single image
GAN methods and their drawbacks. InGAN (Shocher
et al., 2019) focuses on the completeness and coher-
ence of the generated images with an encoder-encoder
architecture that generates sample images of various
shapes, sizes and aspect ratios. SinGAN (Shaham
et al., 2019) is a single image based GAN frame-
work for image harmonization, image editing, super-
resolution tasks, etc. ConSinGAN (Hinz et al., 2020)
takes one step further by improving the speed of
training of SinGAN and also improves on the num-
ber of stages required for generating an image of
required resolution. InGAN and rcGAN (Arantes
et al., 2020) learns the distribution of image patches
of multiple images in the same model and fills in the
patches from the training image for image manipu-
lations and downstream tasks. SA-SinGAN (Chen
et al., 2021) uses self-attention mechanism in a sin-
gle image model to improve the image quality by
obtaining the global structure and also improves the
training time. While the above methods generate ap-
pealing results, most single image methods have not
been adapted or illustrated to work with multiple im-
In the setting of learning from a single video,
One-shot GAN (Sushko et al., 2021) uses a two-
branch discriminator to assess the internal content
from the scene layout with separate content and lay-
out branches. In a few-shot setting, one method (Liu
et al., 2021) works with dataset sizes up to 100 im-
ages but fails for fewer images ( 10) in terms of
sample diversity, as generated samples become lim-
ited to input image reconstructions. Another method
(Ojha et al., 2021) can adapt a pre-trained GAN with
as few as 10 images by learning cross-domain corre-
spondences. However, it is difficult to find a GAN
pre-trained on related domains and only the style pa-
rameters of the pre-trained GAN are altered, which
prevents capturing of the underlying semantics of the
target domain. For pretraining-free few-shot image
DEff-GAN: Diverse Attribute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis
synthesis, one method (Kong et al., 2021) proposes
a mixup-based distance regularization on the feature
space of both the generator and discriminator to en-
hance both fidelity and diversity.
3.1 Problem Formulation
For the few-shot image synthesis task, we consider
two images, x
and x
belonging to the same class as
the base case. The goal is to learn a generative model
that can generate samples of large diversity with vi-
sual attributes from the two input images. Similarly,
for the multi-class image synthesis problem, we con-
sider a set of k images, {x
, x
... x
} belonging to
the related classes. Given a set of k images, which is
usually a small number (k < 5), our goal is to learn
a model that can generate samples of the k related
classes using a single image of each class, for the im-
age synthesis problem.
3.2 Proposed Framework
For modelling a few number of images using a gener-
ative model, training a lightweight model is preferable
than adapting a pretrained model that was trained on a
large dataset. Single-image based sample synthesis is
generally based on progressive growing based archi-
tectures with multi-stage and multi-resolution train-
ing. This gives greater control over the image gener-
ation process and its quality in comparison to end-to-
end training of the whole network, which otherwise
may also overfit to the input images. The receptive
fields at varying scales are captured by a cascade of
patch-GANs with progressive field of view to cap-
ture the patch distributions at that scale and by scal-
ing up through image sizes. An unconditional gen-
erative model is learned as a growing generator by
adding new layers, keeping the previous stages frozen
or trained at small learning rates. To this end, we de-
tail the design and details of our framework for one-
shot multi-class image synthesis and few-shot image
3.3 Design
In principle, we could adapt the architecture of Sin-
GAN (Shaham et al., 2019) or that of ConSinGAN
(Hinz et al., 2020). We adapt ConSinGAN architec-
ture for our method due to faster training speeds and
concurrent training of multiple stages. Hence, our
method has commonalities in terms of design, archi-
tecture and implementation with ConSinGAN (Hinz
et al., 2020). Also, we use features in our method
between the generator stages, rather than image out-
puts from the previous stage generators. We em-
ploy a pyramid of fully convolutional patch-GANs,
which consists of generators stages {G
, G
and discriminators {D
, D
}. We associate
each generator stage G
from {G
, G
} with
a discriminator D
from {D
, D
}, for i ε
{N, N 1...0} (refer Figure 1). Generator stage G
corresponds to the image of coarsest scale, while the
generator stage G
corresponds to generator dealing
with the finest details.
Let’s consider the training of generator at stage i,
for i < N. During the training stage i, the generator
stage G
and discriminator D
are trained. The gen-
erator training at any stage i requires only fixed noise
maps and noise samples to the unconditional genera-
tor at the coarsest scale, with features from the lower
stages propagated to the higher stages. Once the gen-
erator at a scale i is trained completely, then training
proceeds to the generator stage i + 1 and so on. There
are different set of images involved in training at any
scale i, i.e. real images and generated images at scale
i. The growing generator learns by adversarial train-
ing by generating images and by minimizing the re-
construction loss of generated images to real images.
3.4 Objective Function
For adversarial training, we consider a set of real
and fake images, which correspond to the dataset im-
ages and generated images correspondingly. In our
method, the discriminator is modified to have an aux-
iliary classifier branch to classify the inputs in addi-
tion to the discriminator’s real/fake label that helps in
adversarial learning. However, our generator is differ-
ent from that of AC-GAN, since it is dependent only
on the noise samples and independent of the class la-
bels, while the generator used in AC-GAN takes the
class label along with the noise samples while gener-
ating samples. We do not condition the generator on
an input image or class label and hence our generator
is unconditional, while our discriminator has an aux-
iliary classifier branch. The growing generator G is a
lightweight iterative optimization based network that
learns to map randomly sampled noise z belonging to
Z to the output space of images, G : Z > X . l(.) is
a distance metric in the image space which can either
belong to l
or l
norm. We consider Mean Squared
Error (MSE) pixel reconstruction loss enforced be-
tween the real images and reconstructed images for
samples generated using fixed noise maps, as given
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
in Equation 1. The generator’s objective is to fool the
discriminator into identifying the generated images as
real and to reduce the reconstruction loss. The gen-
erator objective involves an adversarial loss and re-
construction loss, as given in Equation 2. More im-
portantly, we do not have an adversarial or supportive
classifier loss enforced as a part of generator’s objec-
) = ||G
(z) x
. (1)
, D
) + αL
). (2)
The discriminator objective function consists of two
parts: the log-likelihood of the correct source, L
given in Equation 3 and the log-likelihood of the cor-
rect class, L
, given in Equation 4. The discrim-
inator gives a probability distribution over sources
(real/generated), P(S|X ) and a probability distribution
over the class labels, P(C|X) = D(X ).
= E[log P(S = real | X
E[log P(S = f ake | X
f ake
)]. (3)
= E[log P(C = c | X
E[log P(C = c | X
f ake
)]. (4)
The discriminator is trained to maximize L
, while G is trained to maximize L
. For the real
input images, cross entropy loss is enforced between
class labels of the randomly ordered training batch
and the classifier outputs of the discriminator. For the
fake images, it is desired to have attributes from mul-
tiple inputs for attribute transfer and hence we assign
class labels in a random fashion resulting in gener-
ated images to take attributes from other classes. The
discriminator is provided with input images labelled
as real and generated images labelled as fake. Gradi-
ent penalty is computed between the real and the fake
images and the gradients are back propagated using
WGAN-GP (Gulrajani et al., 2017) adversarial loss.
To prevent mode collapse and to capture the complete
set of real images, we consider each training batch
to comprise of the whole set of input images. Con-
sidering batch sizes smaller than the full set of real
images may lead to non-capturing of all modes. Also,
the input images are fixed before the critic operations
and shuffled in each critic iteration in a random order.
To be memory-efficient while handling multiple im-
ages, the fixed maps are generated only for the coars-
est scale, while previous methods have considered a
pyramid of fixed maps for each image corresponding
to each scale. Consequently, we abstain from adding
noise after each stage with upsampling step after ob-
serving that it has little to no effect during our method
Stage 0
Stage 1
Stage N
Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2
Stage 0
Stage 0
Stage 1
Figure 1: Layout diagram illustrating the different stages
and the relation between the real and generated images. The
right section illustrates the relation between the various im-
ages, the generator and discriminator networks.
Figure 2: Multi-class image synthesis on cats and dog
classes. The leftmost two columns are the real images while
the rest of the images are generated images.
The implementation of our method involves a grow-
ing generator and a pyramid of discriminators. The
generator and discriminator start with the same num-
ber of convolutional layers. As training proceeds,
the generator is progressively grown by concatenat-
ing the latest stage that captures the patch distribu-
tion at that scale to the previously trained stages. We
suggest concurrent training of at least two stages and
the learning rates are exponentially decayed along the
stages so to fine-tune the network weights of previous
stages. We use a pyramid of the scaled real image for
each training stage for each image. We randomly se-
lect one of the k images in each iteration and the asso-
ciated pyramids with it, while training on that image.
A fixed noise map is a random noise map that is as-
signed at the beginning of training and fixed for each
train image for the coarsest scale and used for recon-
struction of input images. For WGAN-GP, the num-
ber of critic iterations per generator iteration is usually
fixed between 3 and 5. Differentiable Augmentation
(Zhao et al., 2020) is an augmentation technique that
improves the data efficiency of GANs for both un-
conditional and class-conditional generation, by im-
posing various types of differentiable augmentations
on both real and fake samples. We observe that dif-
ferentiable augmentation with color helps to improve
the quality of the generated images, while cutout and
translation have detrimental effects in some cases.
DEff-GAN: Diverse Attribute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis
Figure 3: Few shot image synthesis of two face images. The
leftmost column has the inputs and the rest of the images are
generated images (256 x 256).
Figure 4: Generated samples (128x128) from ConSinGAN
on modelling two inputs for different sets of faces. Samples
are affected by mode collapse and are incoherent.
4.1 Architecture
We train our method with the following hyper-
parameters. When multiple generator stages are con-
currently trained, we use a learning rate scaling of 0.5
between any stage and its previous stages. The num-
ber of training stages can be varied between 6 to 8
for training images up to dimensions 256 x 256. The
number of input channels are 3 and the number of fil-
ters in the convolution layers can be 64 or 128 filters
for most cases. Using larger number of filters come
at the expense of more GPU memory consumption.
We use prelu as the activation function and α, the
weight for reconstruction loss as 10. We use Adam
optimizer with betas of 0.5 and 0.999. While train-
ing, we explicitly set the learning rate of discrimina-
tor at 0.00025, half as that of generator at 0.0005. We
use multi-step learning rate scheduler with a gamma
value of 0.1 and milestones as 0.8 times the number
of images times the number of iteration per image.
The penultimate and the last stage can be trained for
extended iterations to further improve the quality of
generated images. The number of convolutional lay-
ers in each stage can be varied from 3 to 6 depending
on the number of images that are modelled.
Most of the related few-shot generative methods re-
quire pre-training on a large number of base classes
and long training schedules, since they focus on few-
shot test-time generalization. We have not considered
these methods as baselines, since they benefit from
prior-knowledge from previously seen data and have
an unfair advantage in a true few-shot setting. We
choose mixup-based distance learning method (Kong
et al., 2021) as the baseline for comparing our method
for few-shot image generation.
5.1 Datasets
We consider images from multiple datasets to illus-
trate the flexibility of our method. The inputs/classes
used in our experiments belong to human faces, cat
and dog faces, etc. The face images are sourced from
celebA (Liu et al., 2015) and anime datasets. We
source the flower images from the Oxford 102-flowers
dataset for the few-shot image synthesis task. We
also considered a subset of 10 images from 100-shot-
Obama dataset for the few-shot image synthesis.
5.2 Evaluation Metric
Image synthesis quality of the GAN generated sam-
ples are usually evaluated by Inception Score (IS),
Frechet Inception Distance (FID) and Learned Per-
ceptual Similarity (LPIPS). We assess the quality of
the generated images using LPIPS and SIFID (Sha-
ham et al., 2019) for evaluating our method. While,
SIFID compares one input image against the set of
generated images, FID metric is designed to compute
the distance between comparable number of real and
generated images. However, the number of input im-
ages are limited in few-shot multi-class image synthe-
sis while the generated samples are diverse and large
in number. A recent work (Sushko et al., 2021) points
out that SIFID tends to penalize the diversity and fa-
vors overfitting and hence may not be the best met-
ric to evaluate diverse images. The diversity of the
generated samples can be measured by LPIPS metric
(Dosovitskiy and Brox, 2016).
5.3 Experiments
Unlike single image GANs, the images gen-
erated by our method in one-shot multi-class
image synthesis/few-shot image synthesis tasks
have features and attributes from multiple input
classes/images. Since each generated sample has
attributes from multiple inputs/classes, we compute
SIFID metric on the complete set of generated im-
ages against each input image. For all FID and SIFID
computation, 100 images were generated against two,
three, ve or ten input images for our method. For
our baseline (Mixdl), the checkpoints at 10K intervals
were used to generate 5000 images from which 1000
images were considered for computing the above met-
rics. For different experiments, the images of size
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: LPIPS metric computed for all generated images
between consecutive image pairs for five inputs of flow-
ers images, two inputs of male faces and female faces for
the few-shot image synthesis task compared for Mixdl*
(columns 2-5) and our method (columns 6-11).
LPIPS 30K* 40K* 50K* 60K* 3000(6) 3500(6) 4000(6) 4500(6) 5000(6) 5500(6)
Flowers-5 0.48 0.39 0.53 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.59
Male faces 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.27
Female faces 0.27 0.32 0.32 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27
Table 2: LPIPS values computed between each input im-
age and generated images for five inputs compared between
Mixdl* (columns 2-4) and our method (columns 5-8).
LPIPS 30K* 40K* 50K* 60K* 3000(6) 3500(6) 4000(6) 4500(6)
Flower-1 0.64 0.62 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.65
Flower-2 0.52 0.44 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.63
Flower-3 0.66 0.65 0.67 0.64 0.64 0.63 0.64
Flower-4 0.63 0.60 0.64 0.69 0.68 0.69 0.69
Flower-5 0.68 0.66 0.51 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
Male-1 0.42 0.44 0.41 0.30 0.27 0.28 0.28
Male-2 0.47 0.43 0.44 0.30 0.29 0.31 0.28
Female-1 0.33 0.36 0.37 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.27
Female-2 0.46 0.45 0.42 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28
128 or 256 were generated, while all experiments that
compare our method with Mixdl (Kong et al., 2021)
are compared on image size of 256 x 256.
We conducted image synthesis experiments for
one-shot multi-class image synthesis on cat and dog
faces for two inputs (refer Fig.2), human faces for two
inputs of male (refer Fig.8) and female faces (refer
Fig.3), three inputs of female faces (refer Fig.9) and
five inputs of flower images (refer Fig.7). The gen-
erated images for the few-shot image synthesis for a
selected set of ten images from the 100-shot-Obama
dataset are in Figure 6. The LPIPS value for the same
are given in Table 1 and Table 2, where the top most
row denotes the iteration number at which the images
were generated using Mixdl, while for our method the
number of stages are mentioned alongside training it-
erations that vary between 2-6k per stage. We also
report the FID values of our method compared to the
baseline (Kong et al., 2021) (Mixdl) in Table 3 and
SIFID values of our method in Table 4. The SIFID
values of mixdl are very large in comparison to our
method and has been skipped in the table. The results
of the generation of cat and dog images are given in
Figure 2. The results of one-shot image synthesis on
non-facial texture images of polka dot are given in
Figure 5.
Initially, we considered ConSinGAN as a baseline for
modelling multiple images, with a single input ran-
domly selected in each iteration from the set of few
images, keeping the image remained fixed throughout
the critic operations, but the generated images were
affected by mode collapse. The mode collapsed im-
ages on modelling two face images for three image
Figure 5: Few-shot image synthesis on polka dot texture
class. The top row leftmost two images are the inputs and
the rest are generated images (256x256).
Table 3: FID values between input images and the gener-
ated images for few-shot image synthesis task using Mixdl*
(columns 2-4) and our method (columns 5-10).
FID 30K* 40K* 50K* 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Flowers 200.94 219.63 244.73 236.52 238.56 244.33
Male faces 238.03 205.94 201.05 217.78 202.74 205.14 189.16
Female faces 167.90 140.29 130.09 128.76 121.78 119.97 128.11
Table 4: SIFID values between each input image and gen-
erated images for two inputs (rows 2-3, 4-5) and three in-
puts (rows 6-8) for few-shot image synthesis task using our
SIFID 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Male-1 0.196 0.142 0.177 0.173
Male-2 0.174 0.197 0.199 0.169
2-Female-1 0.149 0.143 0.148 0.156
2-Female-2 0.226 0.205 0.199 0.194
3-Female-1 0.593 0.611 0.619 0.644
3-Female-2 0.569 0.419 0.456 0.445
3-Female-3 0.810 0.850 0.826 0.826
pairs can be seen in Figure 4. We avoid the evaluation
of mode collapsed images as all generated images are
the same. We conjecture that mode collapse could be
due to smaller batch sizes that doesn’t consider all in-
put images and the image remains fixed throughout
the critic operations.
6.1 Quantitative Results
Table 3 compares the FID scores computed between
the input images and the generated images. We can
observe that our method has lower FID scores that im-
plies better quality than the baseline for two inputs of
human faces for both male and female faces. Table 2
compares LPIPS scores computed between each input
image and the set of generated images for our method
and Mixdl. We can observe that for 2-input case, our
method scores better LPIPS scores than the baseline.
For five inputs of flower images, our method falls be-
hind the baseline for both LPIPS and FID scores. We
conjecture that this could be due to fewer common
correspondences and rough alignments of input im-
ages. It is easier to align correspondences with fewer
and similar images but difficult when the number of
classes are large and different, leading to less coherent
samples. To summarize, training Mixdl is inefficient
in a few-shot setting due to large number of network
DEff-GAN: Diverse Attribute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis
Figure 6: Few-shot synthesis on ten selected Obama face
images. The top two rows images are the input im-
ages, while the rest of the images are generated images
parameters and the checkpoint size. Table 4 compares
the SIFID values of our method for various input im-
ages. Values below 1 for SIFID scores indicate that
the generated images are similar and share features
from the input images. Since we have computed the
SIFID scores of each input against all generated im-
ages, small SIFID scores imply that generated sam-
ples have features from multiple input images, which
imply the transfer of visual attributes. The baseline
method had very high SIFID scores, which could be
due to poor attributes/features from multiple inputs.
6.2 Observations and Analysis
The selection of input images becomes crucial for
data efficient few-shot GANs, which are important
for the decision boundary of the discriminator. The
abrupt changes in the output of the generator is due to
the discontinuities in latent space and possible reason
for degradation of few-shot GANs. The assumption
for novel image synthesis is that the generated image
should have the similar global layouts as that of origi-
nal images with possible attribute transfer from other
input images.
From the results of few-shot face synthesis, we
can observe that our method is able to faithfully gen-
erate diverse set of generated images. Our method
also extends to non-facial classes like texture images
or flower class. Also, our method can extend to re-
lated classes as one-shot multi-class image synthesis,
Figure 7: Few-shot image synthesis on five flower images.
The first row images are the input images, while the rest of
the images are generated images (256x256).
Figure 8: One-shot face synthesis on two male face images.
The leftmost two images are the input images and the rest
of the images are generated images (128x128).
as in the case of dog and cat images. We can observe
that the generated images with largest diversity were
the ones with similarity in textures, shapes and color,
which is observed in the case of polka-dot texture im-
ages. We can infer that neither FID and SIFID are
good evaluation metrics for one-shot multi-class im-
age synthesis. FID computation requires lot more in-
put images and gives large FID values when the num-
ber of input images are a few, while the generated im-
ages are large in number. On the other hand, SIFID
is suitable for a single image and doesn’t take into
consideration for multiple input images and feature
transfer. As a limitation in comparison to other GAN
methods, the generated samples of our method also
tend to have non-smooth interpolations to other sam-
ples. One can always find some set of input images
that are inherently difficult for our method to generate
leading to reduced semantics.
Figure 9: Few-shot face synthesis using three face images.
The top row leftmost three images are the inputs and the rest
are generated images (256x256).
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In this work, we improved the capabilities of single
image models to accommodate multiple images. This
is possible with simple assumptions of similarities in
underlying content and a modified discriminator ar-
chitecture and objective function. When we consider
two face images that are roughly aligned, but differ
in other aspects like texture, color and light intensi-
ties, our method involves learning a distribution of the
patches that appear from the natural composition of
the input images. The idea extends to multiple im-
ages, assuming that the images are roughly aligned
and the images share similar underlying content lay-
outs. Our method generates diverse set of hundreds
of data samples by training on just two input images.
Future work can focus on improving control over the
style at global and local level.
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