an evaluation of this methodology execution, where
there were found several weak points that can serve
as a base for future works.
The analysis was proposed to be performed by
means of scenario identification, produced by means
of MASRML (Guedes, 2012), a language that extends
UML use-case diagram for the context of multiagent
systems. This analysis aims to identify specific re-
quirements for MAS focusing on the support of the
BDI model. Finally, the validation phase of this pro-
cess aims to validate the artifacts specified in the elic-
itation and analysis phases.
To evaluate the proposed process, we applied it in
the second version of the Heraclito systems (Galafassi
et al., 2019) - a multiagent system that aims to aid in
logical teaching. The requirements engineering pre-
sented in this process can help in the development of
the second version of this system.
In the process execution, we performed interviews
with Heraclito Stakeholders, with the objective of
eliciting the requirements and to identify preliminar
scenarios for the system. These preliminar scenarios
served as the base to the elaboration of the preliminar
use case diagrams, in which we identified the goals,
perceptions, plans, and actions of the agent roles of
Heraclito System. We validated these scenarios by
means of a complete reading with the stakeholders.
Based on this study, we identified opportunities
for future work. One of them is related to a possi-
ble extension of the Homer methodology, to provide
a bigger support to particular requirements of MAS,
such as actions, perceptions, and plans. Another op-
portunity for future work is the need of a notation
that expresses the agents’ beliefs and how they can
change. Moreover, we are currently extending our
process in order to adapt other phases of software en-
gineering for the multi-agent systems development.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence