REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent
Systems: An Application Example
Iderli Pereira de Souza Filho
, Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo Guedes
and Giovane D’Avila Mendonc¸a
Software Engineering Post-Graduation Program, Pampa Federal University, Av. Tiaraju, 810, Alegrete, Brazil
Requirement Engineering Process, Model BDI, Multiagent Systems.
Requirements engineering is a crucial phase for the development process of any software, including multi-
agent systems. This particular kind of software is composed of agents, autonomous and proactive entities
which can collaborate among themselves to achieve a given goal. However, multi-agent systems have some
particular requirements that are not normally found in other software, making the requirements engineering
general processes and techniques less efficient. Taking this into account, this work presents a specific require-
ments engineering process for multi-agent systems with emphasis in a consolidated model in the cognitive
agents development (BDI Model). This process supports the requirements engineering subareas of elicita-
tion, analysis, specification, and validation, thus, presenting a wide coverage of the requirements engineering
area. The proposed process was evaluated through its application in requirements engineering of Heraclito
multi-agent system. This assessment allowed us to identify future works and improvement points in our work.
Agents technology is a software paradigm that pro-
vides agent abstractions for open, distributed, and het-
erogeneous systems development (Gan et al., 2020).
Software agents are autonomous, social, reactive and
proactive entities (Hajduk et al., 2019). A multia-
gent system (MAS) consists of a set of agents that
can interact with each other. These systems can be
used to solve problems that are difficult or impossible
for a monolithic system or for a single agent to solve
ıguez Viruel, 2011).
Ferber in (Ferber, 2014) states that developing a
MAS is not an easy task. This led to the emergence
of AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering). Sl-
houb in (Slhoub et al., 2019) states that AOSE aims to
support development processes for agent-based sys-
tems, imposing a solid practice of software engineer-
ing in concepts of artificial intelligence.
AOSE objectives include adapting requirements
engineering to the multiagent context. Although there
are development processes that address requirements
engineering for MAS, we noticed gaps and points for
improvement in their approaches which were discov-
ered by means of a primary study, where we carried
out a literature systematic review (MendonC¸ a. et al.,
2021). Among these gaps, we considered the most
important the need of a process that encompasses the
four subareas of requirements engineering defined in
SWEBOK (Bourque et al., 2014) and a support to re-
quirements needed to cognitive agents based on the
Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model.
Moreover, according to (Javed et al., 2022) re-
quirements engineering is an essential activity in
the software development lifecycle and, according to
(Herzig et al., 2017) the concepts of beliefs and goals
(desires) play a central role in the conception and im-
plementation of agents. Thus, we realized the need to
propose a requirements engineering process for MAS,
allowing to represent particular requirements for this
kind of system and surpassing the main gaps we found
in current processes.
We called this new process REPMAS (Require-
ments Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems).
We incorporated in REPMAS some existing works for
MAS requirements engineering, such as the Homer
technique and the MASRML language.
Homer technique allows agent-oriented require-
ments elicitation and it has the advantage of being
easily usable in other approaches (Wilmann and Ster-
Filho, I., Guedes, G. and Mendonça, G.
REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example.
DOI: 10.5220/0011798800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 1, pages 387-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ling, 2005)), while MASRML (Guedes et al., 2020)
is a UML-based language that adapts the use-cases
diagram in order to support the main concepts used
in MAS based on the BDI model. It is important to
highlight that our process was validated by means of
its application in the second version of the Heraclito
system (Galafassi et al., 2019).
This paper is organized as follows, section 2
presents the basic concepts applied in this work. Sec-
tion 3 compares the proposed process with the other
MAS processes that deal somehow with requirements
engineering. Our requirements engineering process is
detailed in Section 4 and the results of its application
in Section 5. Lastly, we present the conclusion.
2.1 Agents and Multiagent Systems
An agent is a computational process, established in
an environment, designed to achieve a purpose by
means of autonomous and flexible behavior (Vicari
and Gluz, 2007). An agent has autonomy, social
ability, reactivity, and pro-activity. Autonomy is the
agent’s capability to operate without the users’ direct
intervention. Social ability allows agents to interact
among themselves by means of some kind of agent
communication language. Reactivity refers to the ca-
pability of perceiving the environment and answering
timely to the changes that occur in the environment.
Finally, pro-activity is the agent capability to have a
behavior directed to a goal, taking the initiative with-
out receiving orders (Hajduk et al., 2019).
A multiagent system is composed of sev-
eral intelligent agents interacting among themselves
(Wooldridge, 2009). The development of this kind of
system is used in several areas (Liu et al., 2010), due,
among other reasons, to its capability to deal with
complexity (Boes and Migeon, 2017).
2.2 Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Model
The Belief-Desire-Intention model is a software
model developed to programming intelligent agents
characterized by including beliefs, desires, and inten-
tions in the agent architecture (Bratman et al., 1987).
Beliefs represent what an agent believe to be true
about the environment, about itself, and about other
agents. Desires represent the goals the agent would
like to achieve. And intentions represent desires the
agent believes he can achieve and take actions to
achieve them (Rao and Georgeff, 1995).
MASRML Multi-Agent Systems Requirements
Modeling Language is a UML-based Domain-
Specific Modeling Language (DSML) conceived for
the requirements modeling in multiagent system
projects (Guedes et al., 2020). This DSML extends
the UML metamodel in order that the use-case dia-
gram can be applied in the specific domain of multi-
agent systems. MASRML provides mechanisms to
represent the concepts of agent role, goal (desire),
perception, belief, intention, plan, and action, sup-
porting the concepts of the BDI model.
In MASRML, new concepts were created inspired
by concepts of UML. The main contribution was the
creation of the AgentRoleActor and InternalUseCase
metaclasses to represent agent roles and the function-
alities assigned to them, stereotyped in goals, per-
ceptions, actions, and plans. Some associations were
also created in order to associate perceptions, actions,
and plans to the goals that an agent role wishes to
achieve, thus establishing the conditions for a goal to
become an intention and which plan will be executed
in this case, as well as the possible external actions
performed during the execution of a plan.
Furthermore, MASRML internal use-cases docu-
mentation provides a clear view of the structure of
cognitive agents, allowing, for example, to determine
what is needed for a given goal to become an inten-
tion or to establish the steps to be performed when
executing a perception or a plan.
REPMAS uses MASRML notation throughout its
execution, producing partial MASRML use-case dia-
grams for each agent role and a final MASRML use-
case diagram representing all agent role actors and all
the internal use cases assigned to each one of them.
2.4 Requirement Engineering
In SWEBOK (Bourque et al., 2014) it is stated that
the requirements engineering process cover four main
subareas: (I) Requirements Elicitation; (II) Require-
ments Analysis; (III) Requirements Specification; and
(IV) Requirements Validation.
Requirements elicitation aims to understand the
problem that the software must solve using techniques
such as interviews, scenarios, prototyping, observa-
tions, user histories, among others. Requirements
analysis aims to detect and solve conflicts among the
requirements, to classify the requirements, to derive
new software requirements, and to establish how the
functionalities must interact with its organizational
and operational environment.
Requirements specification, by its turn, produces
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
requirements documents that can be systematically
reviewed, evaluated, and approved. Finally, require-
ments validation evaluates requirements documents to
ensure that the requirements are understandable, con-
sistent, and complete.
2.5 The Homer Technique
Homer (Human Oriented Method for Eliciting Re-
quirements), proposed by (Wilmann and Sterling,
2005), is a technique for eliciting requirements proper
to MAS. When applying this technique, the inter-
viewer asks the Stakeholders questions through or-
ganizational metaphors, as making the stakeholders
think in the software as a company that is hiring new
employees. This style of elicitation aims to more eas-
ily discover the agent roles and its goals within the
system, besides the system boundaries, business rules,
and relationships between the agents.
It is important to highlight that Homer assumes
that the use of multiagent systems is valid and that the
customer desires an agent-oriented solution. How-
ever, Homer does not perform a feasibility test to de-
termine whether a multiagent system is suitable for
solving the problem or not.
2.6 The Heraclito System
Heraclito is a multiagent system for the interactive
and dialectical learning with focus on the natural
deduction teaching of propositional logic (Galafassi
et al., 2019). This Intelligent Tutor System is based
in a Multiagent System and identifies the individual
knowledge of each student in the context of Natural
Deduction in Propositional Logic.
Heraclito assists students in solving various types
of Logic exercises and provides the LOGOS Elec-
tronic Notebook to create and edit formulas, truth
tables and proofs of Propositional Logic (Galafassi
et al., 2019). We applied REPMAS in the require-
ments engineering of Heraclito second version.
With the objective to understand the state-of-art of
the requirement engineering processes for multiagent
systems, mainly in what concerns to the coverage
of the requirements engineering subareas defined in
SWEBOK (Bourque et al., 2014) and its support to
the BDI model (Rao et al., 1995), we performed a lit-
erature systematic review (MendonC¸ a. et al., 2021).
The systematic review analysed a total of 43 stud-
ies and did not find any methodology that supports the
use of BDI model and cover the four requirements en-
gineering subareas defined in SWEBOK. Moreover,
we perceived a strong lack, in a general way, in the
areas of requirements elicitation and validation.
This review was the basis for our proposal of
a MAS requirements engineering process, since we
search for acting in the gaps found in the current pro-
cesses and contributing to the area as a whole.
The support to the BDI model was mentioned in 8
processes, however, performing a deeper analysis, we
realized that only the PRACTIONIST process (Mor-
reale et al., 2006) supports the use of this model dur-
ing requirements engineering. Nevertheless, this pro-
cess only contemplates the requirements analysis and
specification subareas, it does not support the elicita-
tion and validation phases.
We identified several processes that cover require-
ments engineering for multiagent systems through our
literature systematic review (MendonC¸ a. et al., 2021).
The focus of our study was to observe the coverage of
requirements engineering of these processes and their
support for the BDI model in order to identify gaps in
both requirements engineering and BDI support.
From this systematic review, we identified the
need to create a requirements engineering process for
multiagent systems. Thus, we developed the REP-
MAS process with the aim of covering all the re-
quirements engineering subareas defined in SWE-
BOK (Bourque et al., 2014) adapted specifically for
the context of multiagent systems.
It is important to highlight that our process also
aims to adapt requirements specific for MAS, such as
agent roles, perceptions, goals, and actions. In this
way, we intend to provide a greater support to require-
ments engineering for cognitive agents.
Another relevant point to be highlighted is that, al-
though this process is limited to Requirements Engi-
neering, our research group is working on techniques
and notations that can help to expand this process to
other areas of Software Engineering, such as the Soft-
ware Design subarea.
4.1 General Process Description
We believe it is important to highlight the choice of
using the Homer technique and the MASRML lan-
guage. We decided to use them in REPMAS because
REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example
both were created to fill gaps in requirements engi-
neering for MAS. According to Willmann (Wilmann
and Sterling, 2005), Homer technique was conceived
due to the little attention AOSE devotes to require-
ments models and notations focused on elicitation.
And, according to Guedes (Guedes et al., 2020).
MASRML was created to solve the lack of mecha-
nisms to model functional requirements for multia-
gent systems.
Thus, as can be seen in Figure 1, REPMAS starts
in the requirements elicitation subprocess (detailed in
Figure 2), that generates the preliminary requirements
document. After eliciting the requirements, the ana-
lyst must identify the roles that agents can play. Agent
roles can be discovered by verifying which function-
alities can be described in the preliminary scenarios
and grouping these functionalities by speciality.
For each agent role, the subprocess of agents in-
ternal scenarios identification (detailed in Figure 3) is
executed. In this subprocess are generated a partial
MASRML use-case diagrams (UCDs) for each agent
goal, resulting in the phase where the final UCD is
produced. After producing the final UCD, the docu-
ments created must be validated.
Figure 1: General Process.
4.2 Requirements Elicitation
Analysing the processes of requirements engineering
for multiagent systems, we verified that Homer tech-
nique (Wilmann and Sterling, 2005), stood out among
the analysed methodologies. This was the only tech-
nique that presented a way to elicit requirements fo-
cused directly with the stakeholder. Moreover, Homer
was made specifically to be integrated into other de-
velopment process, that is the reason why we decided
to integrate this technique in our process.
Another important point is that none methodol-
ogy presented an appropriate approach for the BDI
model, we verified that Tropos methodology (My-
lopoulos et al., 2013) supports BDI, however although
Tropos states to have an elicitation phase, it does not
present ways for eliciting requirements. Tropos elici-
tation phase is not described, this appears to be a kind
of free phase where it is allowed to its users to apply
the elicitation technique they want.
Thus, we understand that Homer technique is the
most suitable for collecting specific requirements for
multiagent systems and we integrate this technique
into our process. The requirements elicitation sub-
process can be seen in Figure 2.
The application of these questions intends to iden-
tify generic characteristics of the environment to ex-
tract the preliminar scenarios that will serve as a basis
to the agents internal scenarios identification and to
the diagrams production.
Figure 2: Subprocess of Requirements Elicitation.
4.3 Subprocess of Agent Internal
Scenarios Identification
The subprocess of agent internal scenarios identifica-
tion (Figure 3), intends to extract agents specific char-
acteristics as well as documenting internal use cases
and producing partial use-cases diagrams.
For each agent role defined previously, the analyst
must identify the initial beliefs associated with this
role and identify a goal for this agent role. With the
identification of this goal, the analist must determine
the beliefs needed for the goal to become an intention,
identify perceptions needed for the identified goal, de-
termine which beliefs can be affected by the percep-
tions identified and the possible external actions asso-
ciated with the goal.
The analyst must verify whether for this goal is
necessary a plan. It is possible that a goal does not
have plans associated (in situations in which the agent
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Subprocess of Agent Internal Scenarios.
reactions are simple and demand little reasoning),
however it is also possible for a goal to have more
than a plan, it will depend on the goal complexity. If
it is realized that a plan is necessary, then it is needed
to identify the steps to accomplish that plan and the
external actions associated with the plan.
The subprocess is finished with the production of
a partial MASRML use-case diagram and the docu-
mentation of the scenarios relative to the use cases
that compose it. This subprocess presents how is
made the requirements specfication with the applica-
tion of MASRML. This DSML allows to model BDI
agents, demonstrating its cogntive features.
It is important to highlight that the documentation
of MASRML scenarios presents a description of the
system functioning and agents’ characteristics, in ad-
dition to what is presented in the diagrams, such as
the agents’ beliefs.
This section has as its objective to present the exe-
cution of the proposed process in the developing of
the requirements engineering for the second version
of the Heraclito System.
5.1 Applying the Requirements
To verify the functioning and applicability of Homer,
we applied this technique in interviews with the stake-
holders of the Heraclito project. We hope that the re-
quirements engineering performed in this work will
contribute to the development of the second version
of Heraclito.
We performed three interviews with Heraclito sys-
tem stakeholders. It is important to highlight that the
conflicts found during the interviews were solved by
means of new interviews with the stakeholders.
The performed interviews allowed to extract the
positions in the organizational metaphor proposed and
its tasks in the enterprise. We also got to extract the
dependencies relations between the positions and its
limitations. Heraclito system does not have a position
hierarchy, however we believe that it would be pos-
sible to delimit a hierarchy with these questions for
other systems.
By means of applying Homer technique, we got
to extract the agent roles (defined by positions in the
organizational metaphor) and the goals of these roles.
We also verified whether these goals depend on other
goals to be executed. For each goal, we also extracted
tasks for the goal to be achieved. Besides these char-
acteristics, the Homer technique would allow us to ex-
tract the hierarchy levels of each agent role, however,
we did not identify hierarchy levels in the agent roles
in the Heraclito system.
With the content elicited we were able to create a
preliminary description of Heraclito scenarios. These
scenarios allowed us to identify agent roles and to de-
velop the use-case models representing the system in-
ternal scenarios.
However, we would like to highlight that we were
not able to elicit the functionalities accessed by the
external agents (users), because Homer technique
does not cover the users actions. In this case, we
asked questions not included in Homer, with the ob-
jective to understand which functionalities could be
accessed by the system users.
5.2 Identification Agent Roles
Applying Homer methodology questions allowed us
to acquire a description of the functions needed in the
When verifying the answers, we noticed that all
the interviewees presented three base-functions for
Heraclito. However, the interviewee 2 showed an-
swers very disconnected from the others. Analysing
his answers we realized that several parts of the sys-
REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example
tem were missing. On the other hand, the intervie-
wees 1 and 3, provided very similar answers, mostly
changing only the nomenclature.
Regarding the answers of the interviewee 2, we
made the decision to use those that were compatible
with those of the others interviewee and to validate in
other interviews those answers that were disconnected
with the answers of the others interviewee.
From the description of these functions, we delim-
ited the system agents. Next, analysing the answers,
not only to the questions, but also of the tasks de-
scribed, we got to identify similarities in the agents
described, defining the following agent roles:
Technical Specialist: It is responsible for all that
needs technical knowledge. This agent role pre-
pares the student content, corrects tests and ques-
tions, and follows the student in each action in
solving a question;
Mediator: It is the single responsible for inter-
mediating the system with the student. It follows
the student development, presenting feedback and
providing clues. This agent role also knows the
student profile;
Bayesian Analyst: This agent role has knowl-
edge about the historical of the student questions
and tests. Based on this historical, the Bayesian
Analyst prepares a Bayesian Network containing
several statistics of the student results.
We also highlighted that the agents contained in
the Heraclito System are cognitive agents, i. e., these
agents present a mechanism of decision taking, ad-
vanced interactions, and have goals strongly estab-
5.3 Production of the Agents Internal
Aiming to demonstrate the operation of MASRML,
together with the process execution, in this section we
will present a scenario analysed from the Heraclito
The partial use-case diagram (Figure 4), presents
the necessary steps for the Mediator Agent Role to
perform the ”Inform question to the Student” inter-
nal functionaly. The agent playing this role perceives
the solicitation of a new question and the goal ”In-
form question to the Student” became an intention.
This way, the plan ”Prepare to apply the question” is
triggered, ending with the presenting of the question
to the student. The description of the scenario steps
needed to perform this Goal can be viewed in the Ta-
bles 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Figure 4: Partial Use-Case Diagram - Inform a Question to
the Student.
Table 1: Goal - Inform Question to the Student.
Internal Use Case Name Inform Question to the Student.
Stereotype Goal
AgentRoleActor Mediator
Abstract This internal use case describes the steps followed
by the agent that plays the role of Mediator
to inform new study questions to the student.
Initial Beliefs Negative solicitation of a new question
Perceptions Probing of new solicitations of questions
Main Scenario
Actions to AgentRoleActor
1. Execute the internal use case ”Perceive new question request”
Alternative Scenario - Solicitation of a New Question Perceived
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Change belief of Solicitation of a New Question to positive
2. Make the goal an intention.
3. Execute internal use case ”Prepare question application”
Table 2: Perception - Perceive a new question request.
Internal Use Case Name Perceive a new question request
Stereotype Perception
AgentRoleActor Mediator
Abstract This internal use case describes the probing
of the environment to verify
if a student asked for a new study question.
Pre-conditions The Goal Internal Use Case ”Inform
question to the student” must be in execution.
Initial Beliefs There was no request for a new question.
Main Scenario
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Probe the environment to verify the occurrence of a new request of question.
Alternative Scenario - True Perception
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Starts to believe that a student requested a new question.
5.4 Requirements Validation
In the requirements validation we verified the accep-
tance of the proposed scenarios. This review valida-
tion was applied after the first version of the scenarios
specification and served as a method to identify errors
in the scenario description, together with a validation
of the agent’s goals.
This validation was made by presenting the sce-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Perception - Perceive the submission at a new ques-
tion by the technical Specialist.
Internal Use Case Name Perceive the submission at a new question by the
Technical Specialist
Stereotype Perception
AgentRoleActor Mediator
Abstract This internal use case describes the probing of the
environment to verify if the Technical Specialist
sent a new question.
Pre-conditions The Plan Internal Use Case ”Prepare question
application” must be in execution.
Initial Beliefs Technical Specialist did not send a new question.
Main Scenario
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Probe the environment to verify if a new question from the student was
sent by the Technical Specialist.
Alternative Scenario - New question perceived.
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Starts to believe that the Technical Specialis sent a new question.
2. Receives a new question from the Technical Specialist.
Table 4: Plan - Prepare to apply the question.
Internal Use Case Name Prepare to apply the question
Stereotype Plan
AgentRoleActor Mediator
Abstract This internal use case describes the steps
followed by the agent that plays the Mediator
role to request a question to the Technical
Specialist to allow its application.
Main Scenario
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Request a new question to the Technical Specialist
2. Execute internal use case ”Perceive the submission of a new question
by the Technical Specialist”
Alternative Scenario - Sending of new question from the student perceived
AgentRoleActor Actions
1. Apply student question.
narios to the stakeholders, asking if they were correct
and asking for suggestions. If the stakeholder found
an error or if there was something missing in the sce-
nario description, a comment suggesting alterations in
the scenario should be made.
With this validation we identified several errors
presented in the specification first version. Among
the errors found there was the lack of depth in some
goals and points not covered in the interviews.
Even containing errors, the validation gave us a
confirmation that the elicitation and analysis were
satisfactory. The requirements elicited and analysed
were mostly correct and the stakeholders were satis-
fied with the documentation produced.
5.5 Improvements Foressen to the
Applying REPMAS in a real environment, allowed us
to extract some information that can contribute with
future works.
The technique Homer has several weaknesses,
most of them regarding its coverage or difficulty to
extract some particular requirements for MAS. How-
ever, we considered Homer organizational metaphor
very useful for extracting requirements for MAS.
Currently, in our research group, we are develop-
ing a technique for requirements elicitation based on
the organizational metaphor present in Homer tech-
nique. We intend to include this technique in the ini-
tial phase of this requirements engineering process, in
order to make it easier to obtain scenarios that will be
analyzed and specified with help of MASRML.
Another consideration we can quote is that the
agents’ beliefs are not expressed in the models. MAS-
RML use-case models, in spite of supporting partic-
ular MAS requirements, do not provide a way to ex-
press the agents’ beliefs, only in the use cases doc-
umentation. So it is necessary to perform a study
to verify if there are ways of belief modeling or if
it is needed to propose a method and/or notation for
it. This study is being performed in parallel with this
work and we are verifying the possibility to model
beliefs through conceptual models produced by ex-
tended UML class diagrams to represent agents’ be-
liefs, besides other structural information as goals,
perceptions, and plans representations.
Finally, from a wider perspective, we considered
that our work contributed to the requirements engi-
neering of the Heraclito project in a satisfactory way,
eliciting and analysing a wide range of specific re-
quirements for MAS, specially when dealing with
BDI agents.
In this study we proposed REPMAS - a require-
ments engineering process for multiagent systems.
The proposed process encompassed the four require-
ments engineering subareas inspired in the SWEBOK
(Bourque et al., 2014): elicitation, analysis, specifica-
tion, and validation. With this process we tried to give
support to the software engineer when performing a
requirements engineering for this kind of system.
The elicitation stage of this process aims to dis-
cover specific requirements for MAS by means of
a direct contact with the Stakeholder, eliciting soft-
ware agents and its functions, by means of interview,
performing an organization metaphor with the hiring
of new employees for an enterprise. This elicitation
was performed by means of the Homer methodology
(Wilmann and Sterling, 2005). We have also made
REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example
an evaluation of this methodology execution, where
there were found several weak points that can serve
as a base for future works.
The analysis was proposed to be performed by
means of scenario identification, produced by means
of MASRML (Guedes, 2012), a language that extends
UML use-case diagram for the context of multiagent
systems. This analysis aims to identify specific re-
quirements for MAS focusing on the support of the
BDI model. Finally, the validation phase of this pro-
cess aims to validate the artifacts specified in the elic-
itation and analysis phases.
To evaluate the proposed process, we applied it in
the second version of the Heraclito systems (Galafassi
et al., 2019) - a multiagent system that aims to aid in
logical teaching. The requirements engineering pre-
sented in this process can help in the development of
the second version of this system.
In the process execution, we performed interviews
with Heraclito Stakeholders, with the objective of
eliciting the requirements and to identify preliminar
scenarios for the system. These preliminar scenarios
served as the base to the elaboration of the preliminar
use case diagrams, in which we identified the goals,
perceptions, plans, and actions of the agent roles of
Heraclito System. We validated these scenarios by
means of a complete reading with the stakeholders.
Based on this study, we identified opportunities
for future work. One of them is related to a possi-
ble extension of the Homer methodology, to provide
a bigger support to particular requirements of MAS,
such as actions, perceptions, and plans. Another op-
portunity for future work is the need of a notation
that expresses the agents’ beliefs and how they can
change. Moreover, we are currently extending our
process in order to adapt other phases of software en-
gineering for the multi-agent systems development.
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REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example