Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using
Implicit Evaluation Methods
Abhishek Kaushik
and Gareth J. F. Jones
ADAPT Centre, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Conversational Search Interface, Conventional Search, User Satisfaction, Human Computer Interaction,
Information Retrieval.
Conversational search applications offer the prospect of improved user experience in information seeking via
agent support. However, it is not clear how searchers will respond to this mode of engagement, in comparison
to a conventional user-driven search interface, such as those found in a standard web search engine. We
describe a laboratory-based study directly comparing user behaviour for a conventional search interface (CSI)
with that of an agent-mediated multiview conversational search interface (MCSI) which extends the CSI.
User reaction and search outcomes of the two interfaces are compared using implicit evaluation using ve
analysis methods: workload-related factors (NASA Load Task), psychometric evaluation for the software,
knowledge expansion, user interactive experience and search satisfaction. Our investigation using scenario-
based search tasks shows the MCSI to be more interactive and engaging, with users claiming to have a better
search experience in contrast to a corresponding standard search interface.
The growth in networked information resources has
seen search or information retrieval become a ubiqui-
tous application, used many times each day by mil-
lions of people in both their work and personal use
of the internet. For most users, their experience of
search tools is dominated by their use of web search
engines, such as those provided by Google and Bing,
on various different computing platforms. Users lack
of knowledge on the topic of their information need
often means that they must perform multiple search
iterations. This enables to learn about their area of
investigation and eventually to create a query which
sufficiently describes their information need which is
able to retrieve relevant content. The search process
is thus often cognitively demanding on the user and
inefficient in terms of the amount of work that they
are required to do.
Bringing together the needs of users to search un-
structured information technologies and advances in
artificial intelligence, recent years have seen rapid
growth in research interest in the topic of conversa-
tional search (CS) systems (Radlinski and Craswell,
2017). CS systems assume the presence of an agent
of some form which enables a dialogue-based inter-
action between the searcher and the search engine to
support the user in satisfying their information needs
(Radlinski and Craswell, 2017). Studies of CS to date
have generally adopted a human “wizard” in the role
of the search agent (Trippas et al., 2017; Avula et al.,
2018). These studies have been conducted in CS sys-
tems with the implicit assumption that an agent can
interpret the searcher’s actions with human like intel-
ligence. In this study, we take a alternative position
using an automatic rule-based agent to support the
searcher in the CS interface and compare this with
the effectiveness of a similar CSI to perform the same
search tasks. In this study, we introduce a desktop
based prototype MCSI to a search engine API Our
interface combines a CS assistant with an extended
standard graphical search interface. The goals of our
study include both better understanding of how users
respond to CS interfaces and automated agents, and
how these compare with the user experience of a CSI
for the same task.
The ubiquity of CSIs means that users have well
established mental models of the search process from
their use of these tools. With respect to this, it is im-
portant to consider that it has been found in multiple
studies that subjects find it difficult to adapt to new
Kaushik, A. and Jones, G.
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0011798500003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
technologies, especially when dealing with interfaces
(Krogsæter et al., 1994). Thus, when presented with
a new type of interface for an equivalent search task,
it is interesting to consider how users will adapt and
respond to it.
Previous studies of CS interfaces have focused on
chatbot type interfaces which limit the information
space of the search (Avula et al., 2018; Avula and
Arguello, 2020), and are very different from conven-
tional graphical search interfaces. Search via engage-
ment with a chat type agent can result in the devel-
opment of quite different information-seeking men-
tal models to those developed in the use of standard
search systems, meaning that it is not possible to di-
rectly consider the potential of CS in more conven-
tional search settings based on these studies. We are
interested in this study to consider how user mental
models of the search process from CSIs will response
in a CS conversational setting to enhance the user
search experience.
For our study of conversational engagement with
a search engine and contrasting it with more conven-
tional user-driven interaction, we adopt a range of im-
plicit evaluation methods. Specifically we use cog-
nitive workload-related factors (NASA Load Task)
(Hart and Staveland, 1988), psychometric evalua-
tion for software (Lewis, 1995), knowledge expan-
sion (Wilson and Wilson, 2013) and search satisfac-
tion (Kaushik and Jones, 2018). Our findings show
that users exhibit significant differences in the above
dimensions of evaluation when using our MCSI and a
corresponding CSI.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
overviews existing work in conversational engage-
ment and its evaluation, Section 3 describes the
methodology for our investigation, Section 4 provides
details of our experimental procedure and our results
and includes analysis, findings and hypothesis testing
and Section 5 concludes.
In this section, we provide an overview of existing
related work in conversational interfaces, conversa-
tional search and relevant topics in evaluation.
2.1 Conversational Interfaces
Conversational interaction (CI) with information sys-
tems is a longstanding topic of interest in comput-
ing. However, activity has increased greatly in re-
cent years. The key motivation for examining CI is
the development of interactive systems which enable
users to achieve their objectives using a more natu-
ral mode of engagement than cognitively demanding
traditional user-driven interfaces. Such user-driven
interfaces require users to develop mental models to
use them reliably. Recent research on CI has focused
on multiple topics including mode of interaction, the
intelligence of conversational agents, the structure of
conversation, and dialogue strategy (McTear et al.,
2016; Abdul-Kader and Woods, 2015; Roller et al.,
2020). Progress in CI can be classified in four facet
areas: smart interfaces, modeling conversational phe-
nomena, machine learning approaches, and toolkits
and languages (Singh et al., 2019; Braun and Matthes,
2019; Araujo, 2020).
Current chatbot interfaces have evolved, in com-
mon with many areas, from rule-based systems to the
use of data driven approaches using machine learning
and deep learning methods (Nagarhalli et al., 2020).
Toolkits have been developed to support the construc-
tion and testing of chatbot agents for particular appli-
cations. The majority of research on conversational
agents has focused on question answering and chit
chat (unfocused dialogue) systems. Only very lim-
ited work has been done on information-seeking bots,
dating mainly from the early 1990s (Stein and Thiel,
1993). One recent example of a multimodal conversa-
tional search is presented in our earlier work (Kaushik
et al., 2020). This enables a user to explore long docu-
ments using a multi-view interface. Our current study
is focused on evaluation of this interface in compari-
son to a CSI.
2.2 Conversational Search
While users of search tools have become accustomed
to standard “single shot” interfaces, of the form seen
in current web search engines, interest in the poten-
tial of alternative conversational search-based tools
has increased greatly in recent years (Radlinski and
Craswell, 2017). Traditional search interfaces have
significant challenges for users, in requiring them
to express their information needs in fully formed
queries, although users have generally learned to
use them to good effect. The idea of agent-support
conversational-based interaction supporting them in
the search process is thus very attractive. Multiple
studies have been conducted to investigate the poten-
tial of conversational search in different dimensions.
These studies however have generally involved use of
a human in the role of an agent wizard (Avula and Ar-
guello, 2020; Avula et al., 2018; Avula et al., 2019).
These have the limitation of assuming both human
intelligence and error free speech recognition, which
will generally not be the case in a real system (Trippas
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
et al., 2017; Trippas et al., 2018).
Some studies on conversational search have been
based completely on a data-driven approach us-
ing machine learning methods to extract a query
from multiple utterances. The drawback of this ap-
proach is that the dialogues are not analyzed based
on incremental learning over multiple conversations
(Nogueira and Cho, 2017; Bowden et al., 2017).
Other types of studies have developed agents by us-
ing an intermediate approach in which a combination
of rules is used to form a dialogue strategy from users
search behaviour (De Bra and Post, 1994) (Kaushik
and Jones, 2018), which guide the user in conversa-
tions with the support of a pretrained machine learn-
ing model to extract the intent and entities from utter-
ance. We follow this last approach in our multiview
prototype to understand the user search experience in
a conversational setting.
2.3 Evaluation
Currently, there is no standard mechanism for eval-
uation of conversational search interfaces. In this
study, we adopt implicit measures in five dimensions
(Kaushik and Jones, 2021) user search experience
(Kaushik and Jones, 2018), knowledge gain (Wil-
son and Wilson, 2013), cognitive and physical load
(Hart and Staveland, 1988), user interactive experi-
ence (Schrepp, 2018) and usability of the interface
software (Lewis, 1995).
In this section, we describe the details of our user
study which aims to enable us to observe and bet-
ter understand and contrast the behaviour of searchers
using a CSI and our prototype MCSI. This section is
divided into two subsections: interface design and ex-
perimental setup.
3.1 Prototype Conversational Search
In order to investigate user response to search using a
MCSI and to contrast this with a comparable CSI with
the same search back-end, we developed a fully func-
tioning prototype system, shown in Figure 1. The in-
terface is divided into two distinct sections. The right-
hand side which corresponds to a standard CSI, and
the lefthand side which is a text-based chat agent and
interacts with both the search engine and the user. Es-
sentially the agent works alongside the user as an as-
sistant, rather than being positioned between the user
and the search engine (Maes, 1994).
The Web interface components are implemented
using the web python framework flask and with
HTML, CSS, and JS toolkits. The agent is controlled
by a logical system and is implemented using Arti-
ficial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) scripts.
These scripts are used to identify the intent of the user,
to access a spell checking API
, and are responsible
for search and giving responses to the users. Since the
focus of this study is on the functionality of the search
interface, the search is carried out by making calls
to the Wikipedia API. The interface includes multi-
ple components, as discussed in detail in our previous
work (Kaushik et al., 2020)
3.1.1 Dialogue Strategy and Taxonomy
After exploring user search behaviour (Kaushik and
Jones, 2018) and dialogue systems, we developed a
dialogue strategy and taxonomy to support CS. The
dialogue process is divided into three phases and four
states as discussed in detail in our previous work
(Kaushik et al., 2020) The three phases include:
Identification of the information need of the user,
Presentation of the results in the chat system,
Continuation of the dialogue until the user is sat-
isfied or aborts the search.
The agent can seek confirmation from the user, if
the query is not clear, it can also correct the query by
using the spell checker and reconfirm the query from
the user to make the process precise enough to pro-
vide better results. The agent can also highlight spe-
cific information in long documents to help the user
to direct their attention to potential important content.
The user always has the option to interrupt the
ongoing communication process by entering a new
query directly into the Query Box. The communica-
tion finishes by the user ending the search with suc-
cess or with failure to address their information need.
3.1.2 System Workflow
The system workflow is divided into two sections:
Conversation Management and Search Management,
dicussed in detail in our previous work.
1. Conversation Management: This includes a Di-
alogues Manager, a Spell Checker and connec-
tion to the Wikipedia API. The Dialogue Manager
validates the user input and either sends it to the
AIML scripts or self-handles it, if the user input
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Conversational Agent incorporating: chat display, chat box, information box, query box with action buttons for
Enter and Clear, and retrieved snippets and documents. Green outline indicates the MCSI setting and red block indicates the
CSI setting.
misspelt or incorrect. We use AIML scripts to im-
plement the response to the user. The system re-
sponse to user input directed to the AIML scripts
is determined by the AIML script, which can fur-
ther classify the user’s intent. The two major cat-
egories of intent are: greeting and search. The
greeting intent is responsible for initializing, end-
ing the conversation and system revealment. The
search intent is responsible for directing the user
input to the spell checker or wikipedia API and
transferring control to search management. The
Spell Checking module is responsible for check-
ing the spelling of the query and asking for sug-
gestions from the user (for an example: If the user
searches for “viusal” then the system would ask:
Do you mean ”visual”?). Once the user confirms
“yes” or “no”, then the query is forwarded to the
Wikipedia API.
2. Search Management: This is responsible for
search and display of the top 3 search results. The
user may also look for more sub-sections from
a selected document. Search management also
has an option to display the full document. This
opens a display with important sections with re-
spect to the query highlighted. The criteria for
an important section is based on a Custom Al-
gorithm which extracts important sentences based
on a TF-IDF score for each sentence by select-
ing the top-scoring sentences. The top 30% of
extracted sentences are divided into clusters by
Density based Clustering (DBSCAN) to extract
diverse segments (combination of the sentences).
Important segments are selected from these seg-
ments by using a cosine similarity score with the
3.1.3 User Engagement
The user can interact with both the search agent as-
sistant and directly with the search engine. If the
user commences a search from the Retrieval Results
box, the assistant initiates a dialogue to assist them in
the search process. The system also provides support
to the user in reading full documents. As described
above, important sections in long documents are high-
lighted to ease reading and reduce cognitive effort.
3.1.4 Review of Long Documents
In our study reported in (Kaushik and Jones, 2018),
we note users can spend considerable time review-
ing long documents. Our MCSI aims to support
these users and reduce their required effort by high-
lighting important segments with respect to the user’s
query, as described above. This facility also provides
the user with the opportunity to explore subsections
within a document instead of needing to read a full
long document.
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
It is late, but you can’t get to sleep because
a sore throat has taken hold and it is hard to
swallow. You have run our of cough drops, and
wonder if there are any folk remedies that
might help you out until morning.
Figure 2: Example backstory from UQV100 test collection.
3.1.5 Conventional Interface
To enable direct comparison with our MCSI, a CSI
for our study was formed by using the MCSI with
the agent panel removed and the document highlight-
ing facilities disabled. The searcher enters their query
in the query box, document summaries are returned
by the Wikipedia API, and full documents can be se-
lected for viewing.
3.2 Information Needs for Study
For our investigation, we wished to give searchers re-
alistic information needs which could be satisfied us-
ing a standard web search engine. In order to con-
trol the form and detail of these, we decided to use
a set of information needs specified within backsto-
ries, e.g. as shown in Figure 2. The backstories that
we selected were taken from the UQV100 test collec-
tion (Bailey et al., 2016), whose cognitive complexity
is based on the Taxonomy of Learning (Krathwohl,
2002). We decided to focus on the most cognitively
engaging backstories, Analyze type, in the expecta-
tion that these would require the greatest level of user
search engagement to satisfy the information need.
Since the UQV100 topics were not provided with
type labels, we selected a suitable subset as follows.
The UQV100 topics were provided labeled with esti-
mates of the number of queries which would need to
be entered and the number of documents that would
need to be accessed in order to satisfy the associated
information need. We used the product of these fig-
ures as an estimate of the expected cognitive complex-
ity, and then manually selected 12 of the highest scor-
ing backstories that we rated as the most suitable for
use by general web searchers, e.g. not requiring spe-
cific geographic knowledge or of specific events.
3.3 Experimental Procedure
Participants in our study had to complete search tasks
based on the backstories using the MCSI and CSIs.
Sessions were designed to assign search tasks and use
of the alternative interfaces arranged to avoid poten-
tial sequence-related biasing effects. Each session
consisted of multiple backstory search tasks. While
undertaking a search session, participants were re-
quired to complete a pre- and post task search ques-
tionnaires. In this section we first give details of the
practical experimental setup, then outline the ques-
tionnaires, and finally describe a pilot study under-
taken to finalise the design of the study.
3.3.1 Experimental Setup
Participants used a setup of two computers arranged
with two monitors side by side on a desk in our labo-
ratory. One monitor was used for the search session,
and the other to complete the online questionnaires.
Participants carried out their search tasks accessing
the Wikipedia search API using our interfaces run-
ning using a Google chrome browser. In addition,
all search activities were recorded using a standard
screen recorder tool to enable post-collection review
of the user activities. Approval was obtained from our
university Research Ethics Committee prior to under-
taking the study. Participants were given printed in-
structions for their search sessions. each task.
3.3.2 Questionnaires
Participants completed two questionnaires for each
search task. The questionnaire was divided into three
Basic Information Survey: Participants entered
their assigned user ID, age, occupation and task
Pre-Search: Participants entered details of their
pre-existing knowledge with respect to topic of
the search task to be undertaken.
Post-Search: Post-search feedback from the user
including their search experience, knowledge
gain, and writing the post-search summary.
The questionnaire was completed online in a
Google form.
3.3.3 Pilot Study
A pilot study was conducted with two undergraduate
students in Computer Science using two additional
backstory search tasks. This enabled us to see how
long it took them to complete the sections of the study
using the CSI and the MCSI, to gain insights into the
likely behaviour of participants, and to generally de-
bug the experimental setup.
Each of the pilot search tasks took around 30 min-
utes to complete. Feedback from the pilot study was
used to refine the specification of the questionnaire.
Results from the pilot study are not included in the
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 1: Task load index to compare the load on user while
using both the systems (MCSI and CSI) with independent T
two tailed test.
Task Load CSI MCSI Percentage P-Value
Index Mean Mean Change
Mentally Demanding 4.16 3.68 11.54 .273795
Physically Demanding 3.12 2.76 11.54 .441676
Hurried or Rushed 3.34 2.76 14.81 .213878
Successful Accomplishing 4.28 5.32 -24.3 .016199
How hard did you have
to work to accomplish? 4.44 3.96 10.81 .270243
How insecure, discouraged, irritated,
stressed, and annoyed were you? 3.32 2.40 27.71 .071443
3.3.4 Study Design
Based on the result of the pilot study, each participant
in the main study was assigned two of the selected
12 search task backstories with the expectation that
their overall session would last around one hour. Pairs
of backstories for each session were selected using
a Latin square procedure. After every six tasks the
sequence of allocation of the interface was rotated to
avoid any type of sequence effect (Bradley, 1958).
Each condition was repeated 4 times with the ex-
pectation that this would give sufficient results to be
able to observe significant differences where these are
present. Since there were 12 tasks, this required 24
subjects to participate in the study. In total, 27 sub-
jects (9 Females, 18 Males) in the age group of 18-35
participated in our study (excluding the pilot study),
we examined the data of 25 subject, since 2 subjects
were found not to have followed the instructions cor-
rectly. The study was conducted in two phases. Each
user had to perform a different search task using the
CSI and MCSI with the sequencing of their use of the
interfaces varied to avoid learning or biasing effects.
As well as completing the questionnaires, the sub-
jects also attended a semi-structured interview after
completion of their session of two tasks using both in-
terface conditions. The user actions in the videos and
interviews were thematically labelled by two indepen-
dent analysts and Kappa coefficients were calculated
(approx mean .85) (Landis and Koch, 1977). Dispar-
ities in labels were ‘resolved by mutual agreement
between the analysts. The interview questionnaire
dealt with user search experience, software usability
and cognitive dimensions, and was quantitatively an-
alyzed. Based on the interview analysis, out of 25
participants 92% were happy and satisfied with the
MCSI. In all conditions, subjects preferred the MCSI.
Showing that there is no sequence effect arising from
the order of the interfaces in the search sessions.
Each hypothesis of the study was tested using a T-
Test (since the number of samples was less than 31).
Each hypothesis was evaluated on a number of factors
which contribute to the examination in each dimen-
sion as discussed below.
Table 2: Post Study System Usability Questionnaire
Topic CSI MCSI Percentage P value
Mean Mean Change
Easy to use
4.04 5.96 47.52 .000059
Simple to use 4.48 5.92 32.14 .003526
Effectively complete my work
3.92 5.64 43.88 .000226
Quickly complete my work
3.72 5.76 54.84 .00003
Efficiently complete my work
3.88 5.76 48.45 .000045
Comfortable using this system
4.16 5.88 41.35 .000471
Whenever I make a mistake using the
system, I recover easily and quickly
4.04 5.44 34.65 .006827
The information is clear
4.16 5.92 42.31 .000072
It is easy to find the information I needed
4.00 5.48 37 .000706
The information is effective in
helping me complete the tasks and scenarios
4.20 5.68 35.24 .000675.
The organization of information
on the system screens is clear
4.44 5.92 33.33 .000184
The interface of this system is pleasant
4.28 6.08 42.06 .00002
Like using the interface
4.20 6.12 45.71 .000014
This system has all the functions
and capabilities I expect it to have
4.08 5.72 40.2 .000168
Overall, I am satisfied with this system
4.16 5.92 42.31 .000029
The MCSI was compared with the conventional inter-
face using an implicit evaluation method examining
multiple dimensions: cognitive load, knowledge gain,
usability and search satisfactions.
4.1 Cognitive Dimensions
Conventional search can impose a significant cogni-
tive load on the searcher (Kaushik, 2019). An impor-
tant factor in the evaluation of conversational systems
is measurement of the cognitive load experienced by
users. To measure user workload, the NASA Ames
Research Centre proposed the NASA Task Load In-
dex (Hart and Staveland, 1988; Kaushik and Jones,
2021). In terms of cognitive load, the user was asked
to evaluate the conventional interface and MCSI in 6
dimensions from the NASA Task Load Index associ-
ated with mental load and physical load,as shown in
Table 1.
1. H0: Users experience a similar task load dur-
ing the search with multiple interfaces: The
grading scale of the NASA Task Load Index mea-
sure lie between 0 (low) - 7 (High). We compared
the mean difference of both systems on all six
parameters. In all aspects, subjects experienced
lower task load using the MCSI. Subjects claimed
more success in accomplishing the task using the
MCSI. Results for accomplishing the task were
statistically significantly different. Subjects felt
less insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed, and
annoyed, while using the MCSI with a signifi-
cant difference (P<0.10). This implies that the
null hypothesis was rejected on the basis of the
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
Table 3: Summary Comparison Metric (Wilson and Wilson,
Parameter Definition
Dqual Comparison of the quality of facts
in the summary in range 0-3 where 0
represents irrelevant facts and
3 specific details with relevant facts.
Dintrp Measures the association of facts in
a summary in the range 0-2 where
0 represents no association of the facts and
2 that all facts
in a summary are associated
with each other in a meaning.
Dcrit Examines the quality of critiques of topic
written by the author
in range the 0-1 where 0
represents facts are listed with
without thought or analysis
of their value and 1
where both advantages and
disadvantages of the facts are given.
Task Load index. Although four factors were
not significantly different, the mean difference be-
tween both the systems on these factors was more
than 10%. This shows that the user experienced
less subjective mental workload while using the
4.2 Usability
CS studies generally do not explore the dimensions of
software usability. However, it is important to under-
stand the challenges and opportunities of CSs on the
basis of software requirements analysis. This allows
a system to be evaluated based on real-life deploy-
ment and to identify areas for improvement. Lower
effectiveness and efficiency of a software system can
increase cognitive load, reduce engagement and act
as a barrier in the process of learning while searching
(Kaushik and Jones, 2018; Vakkari, 2016; Kaushik,
2019). Usability is an important evaluation metric of
interactive software. IBM Computer Usability Sat-
isfaction Questionnaires are a Psychometric Evalu-
ation for software from the perspective of the user
(Lewis, 1995) known as the Post-Study System Us-
ability Questionnaire (PSSUQ) Administration and
Scoring. The PSSUQ was evaluated using four di-
mensions: overall satisfaction score (OVERALL),
system usefulness (SYSUSE), information quality
(INFOQUAL) and interface quality (INTERQUAL),
which include fifteen parameters. On each dimension,
the MCSI outperformed the CSI. The grading scale
lies between 0 (low) - 7 (High). We compared the
mean difference of both systems on all parameters. In
all aspects, subjects experienced less task load when
Table 4: Comparison of Pre-search and Post-search sum-
mary for the CSI (Change in Knowledge).
Topic Pre-Task Post Task P Value
DQual (1-3)
0.32 1.56 .00005
DCrit (0-1) 0 0.32 .0026
DIntrp (0-2)
0 0.84 .00005
Table 5: Comparison of Pre-search and Post-search sum-
mary for the MCSI (Change in Knowledge).
Topic Pre-search Post search P Value
DQual (1-3)
0.52 2.12 <.00001
DCrit (0-1)
0.12 0.72 <.00001
DIntrp (0-2)
0.28 1.36 <.00001
Table 6: Comparison of Traditional Search and Interface
Parameters Influence P value (< 0.5)
Increase in Critique 87% .048153
Increase in Quality 29% .299076
Increase in Interpretation 22% .312712.
using the MCSI , as shown in Table 2.
1. H0: User Psychometric Evaluation for the con-
versational interface and conventional search
has no significant difference: A T Independent
test was conducted. It was found that for all the
parameters the MCSI outperformed the CSI. The
null hypothesis was rejected and the H1 hypothe-
sis was accepted, which is that the MCSI performs
better than the CSI.
4.3 Knowledge Expansion
Satisfaction of the user’s information need is directly
related to their knowledge gain about the search topic.
Knowledge gain can be measured based on recall of
new facts gained after the completion of the search
process (Wilson and Wilson, 2013). We investigated
knowledge expansion using a comparison of pre-
search and post-search summaries written by the par-
ticipant, based on a number of parameters, as shown
in Table 3, while using both the systems. We divide
the hypothesis into two sub-parts as follows:
1. Comparison of pre-search and post-search sum-
maries: This is to verify the knowledge expansion
after each task independent of the search interface
used by the participant.
2. Comparison of the mean difference between pre-
search and post-search summaries for each inter-
face: This is to verify which interface supported
users better in gaining knowledge.
The user gains knowledge during the search when
using either of the search interfaces. To measure their
knowledge gain, we asked subjects to write a short
summary of the topic before the search and after the
search. Each summary was analyzed based on three
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
criteria as described in (Wilson and Wilson, 2013):
Quality of Facts (DQual), Intrepterations (DInterpre-
tation) and Critiques (DCritique), as shown in Table
3. The summaries were scored against these three fac-
tors by two independent analysts with the Kappa co-
efficient (Approx .85) (Landis and Koch, 1977). We
conducted hypothesis T dependent testing on tasks
completed using both the conventional search inter-
face and the MCSI.
1. H0: No significant difference in the increase
of the knowledge after completing the search
task in both settings: As shown in Tables 4 and
5, the pre-search score and post-search score for
all three factors were statistically significant in
both the search settings. This implies that sub-
jects expand their knowledge while carrying out
the search. This rejects the null hypothesis which
leads to the alternative hypothesis which con-
cludes that users experienced significant increase
in their knowledge after search in both search set-
After concluding the alternative hypothesis, it was
important to investigate whether one system was bet-
ter in expanding the user’s knowledge. We purposed
and tested the following hypothesis.
1. H0: Knowledge gain during the search is inde-
pendent of the interface design: In this test, we
compared the Mean of the difference in the score
for pre-search and post-search summaries in both
settings. conducted on the change of the three pa-
rameter scores as discussed above for the hypoth-
esis testing as shown in the Table 6. It was found
that in the MCSI interface setting, the subjects
scored higher in the change of critique, quality
and interpretation. This implies that the subjects
learned more while using the MCSI. The differ-
ence in critique score was statistically significant,
while the other two parameters were not statisti-
cally significant. The quality and interpretation
increased more than 20% while using the MCSI.
This confirms the alternative hypothesis, subjects’
knowledge expands more when using the MCSI.
4.4 Search Experience
Learning while searching is an integral part of the in-
formation seeking process. Based on the search as
learning proposed by Vakkeri (Vakkari, 2016), the
user search experience can be evaluated on 15 param-
eters, including the relevance of the search result, the
quality of the text presented by the interface, and un-
derstanding of the topic in both the search settings via
pre-search and post-search questionnaires.
Table 7: Characteristics of the search process (Vakkari,
2016) by the change in knowledge structure where * indi-
cates statistically significant results.
Parameters CSI MCSI Percentage P value
Mean Mean Change
Difficulty in finding the
information needed to
address this task? 4.64 3.16 -35.25 .002168
Quality of text presented
with respect to your information
need and query? 4.52 5.64 21.55 .010465
How useful were the search
results in the whole search task? 4.04 5.12 23.08 .029826
How useful was the text shown
in the whole search task in
satisfying the information need? 4.08 5.36 27.62 .010245
Did you find yourself to be cognitively
engaged while carrying
out the search task?
3.92 5.92 42.31 .000015
Did you expand your knowledge about
the topic while completing
this search task? 4.84 6 20 .005026
I feel that I now have a better
understanding of the topic
of this search task. 4.56 5.88 25.64 .002094
How would you grade the success
of your search session
for this topic? 4.48 5.72 24.35 .005937
How do you rate your assigned
search setting in terms of
understanding your inputs? 3.72 5.40 39.18 .003121.
How do you rate your assigned
search setting in the presentation
of the search results?
3.84 5.76 45.45 .00001
How do you rate the suggestion(s)
skills of your assigned
search setting?
3.72 5.56 54.44 .000053
1. H0: Subjects find no significant difference
between while using both the interfaces: The
T-independent test was conducted among all 15
parameters, shown in Table 7. It was found that
the null hypothesis was rejected
Subjects search experience was statistically sig-
nificantly better with the MCSI.
In the pre-search questionnaire, subjects were
asked to anticipate the difficultly level of the
search before starting the search and in post-
search questionnaire, subjects were asked to indi-
cate the difficulty level they actually experienced.
It was observed that pre-search anticipated dif-
ficulty level and the post-search actual difficulty
level increased for the CSI (16%) and decreased
in the case of MCSI search task (14%).
4.5 Interactive User Experience
To ensure a conversational search system provides
reasonable User Experience (UX), it is critical to have
a measurability which defines user insights about the
system. A UX questionnaire for interactive prod-
ucts is the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S)
(Laugwitz et al., 2008; Schrepp et al., 2017; Hinderks
et al., 2018). This questionnaire also enables analy-
sis and interpret outcomes by comparing with bench-
marks of a larger dataset of outcomes for other in-
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
Table 8: UEQ-S score based on CSI and MCSI where ’P’
stands for Pragmatic Quality and ’H’ stands for Hedonic
Quality (statistically significant).
Negative Positive Scale CSI Mean MCSI Mean P Values
obstructive supportive P 3.44 5.60 2.96e-08
complicated easy P 3.40 5.76 7.84e-09
inefficient efficient P 2.88 4.40 1.69e-05
confusing clear P 3.40 5.48 2.31e-06
boring exciting H 2.64 5.44 8.88e-16
not interesting interesting H 2.48 5.48 9.76e-15
conventional inventive H 2.36 6.28 1.17e-14
usual leading edge H 1.96 5.20 8.95e-12
teractive products (Hinderks et al., 2018). This ques-
tionnaire also provides the opportunity to compare in-
teractive products with each other. For specified pur-
poses, a brief version (UEQ-S) was prepared which
had only 8 parameters to be considered (Hinderks
et al., 2018). UEQ-S was preferred for the MCSI,
since it is mostly used for interactive products. For
example, users filled the experience questionnaire af-
ter finishing the search task, if there were too many
questions, a user may not complete the answers fully
or even refuse to complete it (as they have finished the
search task and are in the process of leaving or starting
the next task, so the motivation to invest more time
on feedback may be limited). The UEQ-S contains
two meta dimensions Pragmatic and Hedonic qual-
ity. Each dimension contains 4 different parameters,
as shown in Table 8. Pragmatic quality explores the
usage experience of the search system, while Hedonic
quality explores the pleasantness of use of the system.
1. HO: Users feel a similar interactive experience
when using the different interfaces: Users eval-
uated the system based on 8 parameters as shown
in Table 8. The grading scale was assigned be-
tween 0 (low) - 7 (High). We compared the mean
difference of both systems on all parameters. In
all aspects, subjects experience was positive in
Pragmatic quality and Hedonic quality when us-
ing the MCSI,
and statistically significantly different in compar-
ison to the CSI. Subjects felt obstructive, compli-
cated, confusing, inefficient, and boring, while us-
ing the CSI with significant difference (P<0.10).
This implies that the null hypothesis was rejected
on the basis of the user experience.
Based on these findings, we can conclude that the
user experience was more pleasant and easy while
using the MCSI.
4.6 Analysis of Study Results
In summary, hypothesis testing showed that the MCSI
reduced cognitive load, increased knowledge expan-
sion, increased cognitive engagement and provided a
better search experience load. Based on the results
of the study, a number of research questions deal-
ing with factors relating to conversational search, the
challenges of conventional search, and user search be-
haviour can be addressed.
4.6.1 RQ1: What Are the Factors that Support
Search Using the MCSI
Around 92% of the subjects claim in the post-search
interview that the MCSI was better than the CSI.
Around 48% found that the MCSI allowed them to
more easily access the information. A similar view
was found in terms of information relevance and its
structure as presented to the user. Around 38% of sub-
jects were satisfied with the options and suggestions
provided by the MCSI.
The other reasons for their satisfaction were the
highlighting of segments in long documents, finding
the search system effective, its being interactive and
engaging, and user friendly.
4.6.2 RQ2: What Are the Challenges with the
Conventional Search System?
Subjects found some major challenges in completing
the search tasks with the CSI. The limitations were
mainly based on observations from user interactions
and feedback after the search task. The limitations
can be divided into five broad categories.
Exploration: Around 60% of the subjects claimed
they found it difficult to explore the content with
the CSI, which meant that they were unable to learn
through the search process. It was noted that they
needed to expend much effort to go through whole
documents, which discouraged them from exploring
further to satisfy their information need. Another rea-
son was that too much information was displayed to
them on the page which confused them during the
process of information seeking.
Cognitive Load: Around 28% of subjects experi-
enced issues with cognitive load using the CSI. In
current search systems, a query to the search engine
returns the best document in a single shot. The user
may need to perform multiple searches by modifying
the search query each time to satisfy their information
need. There are multiple limitations associated with
this single query search approach which put high cog-
nitive load on the user. The following points highlight
the limitations and weaknesses of single-shot search
(Kaushik, 2019).
1. The user must completely describe their informa-
tion need in a single query.
2. The user may not be able to adequately describe
their information need.
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
3. High cognitive load on the user in forming a
4. An information retrieval system should return rel-
evant content in a single pass based on the query.
5. The user must inspect returned content to identify
relevant information.
Interaction and Engagement: 8% found difficulty
in engaging and interactive with long documents.
Subjects can find content in long documents irrele-
vant or vague with respect to their specific informa-
tion need. Using the CSI, 32% of the subjects did
not find the long documents precise enough to satisfy
their information need. In contrast, 90% of them were
satisfied with the way information was presented to
them in the MCSI, although the Wikipedia API and
underlying retrieval method was same for both inter-
Highlighting: Another issue which was referred to
by around 8% of subjects related to text highlighting.
Subjects found that the absence of highlighting in
the CSI was frustrating.
4.6.3 RQ3: Does Highlighting Important
Segments Support Users in Effective and
Efficient Search?, and Why?
92% of subjects liked the document highlighting op-
tions in the MCSI. The following reasons were iden-
tified for choosing this.
1. Interactive and Engaging: Around 28% of sub-
jects claimed that they were able to engage and
interact with documents better by using the high-
lighting options.
2. Helpful: 68% of the subjects found highlighted
documents helpful in information seeking.
3. Reduce the Cognitive Load: Around 24% of the
subjects believed that the highlighted documents
reduced their cognitive load.
4. Access to Relevant information: 36% of the sub-
jects believed that highlighted documents helped
them to more easily access useful information.
4.6.4 RQ4: What Are the Challenges and
Opportunities to Support Exploratory
Search in Conversational Settings?
The majority of subjects (92%) claimed that the
MCSI was better. The remaining subjects (8%) faced
some challenges using it. Subjects wanted more sec-
tions and subsections in the documents to support
their exploration, and also wanted support of image
search. Around 4% of the subjects felt the need for
improvement in operational speed and better incor-
poration of standard features such as spellchecking.
Subjects found the chat interface helpful for explor-
ing long documents. They were keen to see the ad-
dition of speech as a mode of user interaction and a
more refined algorithm for the selection of images for
presentation to the user.
Subjects appreciated the usefulness of the inter-
face in supporting exploratory search, but suggested
that this would be further improved by the incorpora-
tion of a question answering facility.
4.6.5 RQ5: How Does User Experience Vary
Between Search Settings in Comparison to
Each Other?
1. Observing the Pragmatic and Hedonic Proper-
ties of CSI: The users provided feedback based
on their experience using the CSI. The CSI score
is negative with respect to both Pragmatic and
Hedonic properties and the overall score is also
negative. From this we can infer that the user’s
experience of the CSI system is neither effective
nor efficient, as shown in the Table 9. From Ta-
ble 9, we can calculate the mean range after data
transformation for UEQ-S where is -3 too nega-
tive and +3 is too positive. Table 9 shows the con-
fidence interval and confidence level. The smaller
the confidence interval the higher the precision
(Schrepp, 2018). The confidence interval and con-
fidence level confirm our analysis that all the di-
mensions of Pragmatic and Hedonic properties
were negatively experienced by the users. Gener-
ally, items belonging to the same scale should be
highly correlated. To verify the user consistency,
alpha-coefficient correlation was calculated using
the UEQ-S toolkit. As per different studies, an
alpha value > 0.7 is considered sufficiently con-
sistent (Hinderks et al., 2018). This shows that
user marking of the CSI is consistent. The UEQ-S
tool kit also provides an option to detect random
and non-serious answers by the users (Schrepp,
2018) (Hinderks et al., 2018). This is carried out
by checking how much the best and worst evalu-
ation of an item in a scale differ. Based on this
evaluation, the users’ feedback does not show any
suspicious data.
2. Observing the Pragmatic and Hedonic Proper-
ties of MCSI: The MCSI scored positive in Prag-
matic, Hedonic and Overall score from which we
can infer that the user’s experience of the MCSI is
good in general and with good ease of use. Table
10 shows the confidence interval and confidence
level. The confidence interval and confidence
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
Table 9: CSI confidence intervals on UEQ-S where, ’P’ stands for Pragmatic Quality, ’H’ stands for Hedonic Quality and ’C’
stands for Confidence.
Confidence intervals (p=0.05) per scale
Scale Mean (-3 to 3) Std. Dev. N C C interval alpha value
P -0.720 1.349 25 0.529 -1.249 -0.191 0.91
H -1.640 1.233 25 0.483 -2.213 -1.157 0.92
Overall -1.180 1.207 25 0.473 -1.653 -0.707 0.91
Table 10: MCSI confidence intervals on UEQ-S, where ’P’ stands for Pragmatic Quality,’H’ stands for Hedonic Quality and
’C’ stands for Confidence.
CSI Confidence intervals (p=0.05) per scale
Scale (-3 to 3) Mean (-3 to 3) Std. Dev. N C C Interval alpha value
P 1.310 0.596 25 0.234 1.076 1.544 0.79
H 1.600 0.559 25 0.219 1.381 1.819 0.79
Overall 1.455 0.519 25 0.203 1.252 1.658 0.79
level confirms our analysis that all the dimensions
of pragmatic and hedonic scores were positively
experienced by the users. Alpha-coefficient cor-
relation (Hinderks et al., 2018) confirms that the
marking of MCSI by the users is consistent. The
UEQ-S toolkit also provides an option to detect
random and non-serious answers by users. This
is conducted by checking how much the best and
worst evaluation of an item in a scale differ. Based
on this evaluation, the users’ feedback does not
detect any suspicious data.
4.6.6 RQ6: How Does User Experience Vary for
both Search Settings in Comparison to a
Standard Benchmark?
1. Comparison of the CSI with the Standard
Benchmark: This benchmark was developed
based users on feedback on 21 interactive prod-
ucts (Hinderks et al., 2018). Based on the com-
parison from the benchmark, the CSI UX is far
below the mean of the interactive products (Prag-
matic Quality < 0.4, Hedonic Quality < 0.37 and
overall < 0.38). This signifies that the UX with
the CSI needs major improvement on Pragmatic
and Hedonic sectors. In the comparison to the
benchmark, the CSI rates as a low quality of user
experience and lies in the range of worst 25% of
the products.
2. Comparison of the MCSI with the Standard
Benchmark: Based on the comparison from the
benchmark (Hinderks et al., 2018), the MCSI UX
is far above the mean of the interactive products
(Pragmatic Quality > 0.4, Hedonic Quality >
0.37 and overall > 0.38). This signifies the UX
of the MCSI compared to other interactive prod-
ucts (benchmark) is very high and is of excellent
level, and lies in the range of 10% best results.
The study reported in this paper indicates that subjects
found our MCSI more helpful than a closely matched
CSI. We also observed types of user behaviour while
using MCSI which are different to those when using
a CSI. Using our agent-based system, we observe the
natural expectations of user search in conversational
settings. We observed that subjects do not encounter
any difficulty in using the new interface, because it
seems to be similar to the standard search interface
with the additional capabilities of conversation. We
also observe that the information space and its struc-
ture is a key component in information seeking. Sub-
jects found highlighting important segments in long
documents enables them to access information much
easily. The MCSI made the search process less cog-
nitively demanding and more cognitively engaging.
Clearly our existing rule-based search agent can
be extended in terms of functionality, and going for-
ward we aim to examine basing its functionality on
machine learning based methods, but this will require
access to sufficient suitable training data, which is not
available at this prototype stage.
This work was supported by Science Founda-
tion Ireland as part of the ADAPT Centre (Grant
13/RC/2106) at Dublin City University.
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HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications