Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and
Representative Facial Data for Anonymization
alia F. de C. Meira
, Ricardo C. C. de M. Santos, Mateus C. Silva
, Eduardo J. da S. Luz
and Ricardo A. R. Oliveira
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil
GANs, Privacy, Data Anonymization, Representative Data, Face Swap, Deep Learning.
Deep learning models based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks (GANs) have enabled in-
creasingly realistic face-swapping tasks. Surveillance cameras for detecting people and faces to monitor hu-
man behavior are becoming more common. Training AI models for these detection and monitoring tasks
require large sets of facial data that represent ethnic, gender, and age diversity. In this work, we propose the
use of generative facial manipulation techniques to build a new representative data augmentation set to be
used in deep learning training for tasks involving the face. In the presented step, we implemented one of the
most famous facial switching architectures to demonstrate an application for anonymizing personal data and
generating synthetic data with images of drivers’ faces during their work activity. Our case study generated
synthetic facial data from a driver at work. The results were convincing in facial replacement and preservation
of the driver’s expression.
Surveillance cameras that utilize pre-trained AI mod-
els are common in industrial, commercial and resi-
dential environments (Morishita et al., 2021; Eldran-
daly et al., 2019). These cameras are used for various
applications such as fatigue detection (Sikander and
Anwar, 2018), personal protective equipment detec-
tion (Nath et al., 2020) and, human behavior classifi-
cation to identify inappropriate or dangerous behavior
for the individual (Ahmed and Echi, 2021; Liu et al.,
2021; Alajrami et al., 2019).
Facial exchange technology has evolved with a va-
riety of specialized approaches and techniques. Cur-
rently, the most common approaches are: face swap,
and synthesized aging and rejuvenation while main-
taining the person’s identity. The work by Yu et al.
(Yu et al., 2021) divides facial manipulation algo-
rithms into two types: face swapping and face reen-
The models behind these face swap tasks are
based on Autoencoders (AEs) and Adversarial Gen-
erative Neural Networks (GANs). Generative models
can potentially learn any data distribution in an un-
supervised way (Pavan Kumar and Jayagopal, 2021).
The increasing advancement of these techniques has
raised questions about privacy and manipulation of
personal data for fraud, scams, and unethical and ma-
licious applications. Mirsky et al. (Mirsky and Lee,
2021) reinforce the need to advance the detection of
false content to obtain countermeasures for this con-
In this work, we propose the use of generative fa-
cial manipulation techniques for constructing a new
set of data augmentation. Facial manipulation tech-
niques for entertainment and advertising attract at-
tention and become increasingly popular in online
communities (Yu et al., 2021). With our automatic
method, the user will be able to generate new repre-
sentative deepfake faces by following the automatic
steps shown in Figure 1.
Based on the discussion presented, we intend to
develop an automatic method for generating synthetic
data of representative faces for use with embedded
cameras in industrial scenarios. The use of open mod-
els is a requirement. Therefore, the main objective of
this text is:
To present the method for generating representa-
tive synthetic datasets for work activities based
on face-switching by Adversary Generative Neu-
Meira, N., Santos, R., Silva, M., Luz, E. and Oliveira, R.
Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization.
DOI: 10.5220/0011796800003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP , pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Representation of the automatic system for gen-
erating representative synthetic datasets.
ral Networks.
We propose to develop this work through the fol-
lowing steps:
Step 1 Generate representative deepfake faces
with ethnic, racial, gender, and age diversity to
avoid biases in facial datasets;
Step 2 Provide one or more videos of the situa-
tion studied for the model;
Step 3 Train the model to get replicas of the
videos provided with the faces swapped. These
videos will provide a representative, anonymized
synthetic facial dataset for training models for
tasks involving facial datasets.
This work aims to explore a case study of moni-
toring the work activity of drivers of a transport com-
pany, with embedded cameras onboard the vehicle,
to obtain a proof of concept for Step 2 and Step 3.
For this, the case study consists of replacing the face
of the individual during the performance of his work
through the deepfake technique using GAN.
The main contribution of this work is to present a
proof of concept as an alternative for generating syn-
thetic and anonymized data representative of employ-
ees during the execution of the work activity.
This work is structured as follows: In Section 1,
we presented the problem and the main contributions
of the work. In Section 2 we provide a theoretical re-
view of deepfake algorithms, metrics for evaluating
GANs, and challenges for detecting and creating fake
content. In Section 3 we present some works related
to people detection and ethics in AI. In Section 4 we
present the methodology implemented, with the re-
sults achieved in Section 5 . Finally, the conclusions
are in Section 6.
In this section, we present some concepts and research
that have advanced in the context of deepfakes: evolv-
ing approaches, face swap approaches, metrics for
evaluating deepfakes, and recent discussions on false
content detection and future challenges.
2.1 Popularization of Face Swap
Frameworks: DeepFaceLab
Most deepfakes are created using variations or com-
binations of generative adversarial networks and
encoder-decoder networks (Mirsky and Lee, 2021;
Yu et al., 2021). Among these, the GANs intro-
duced by Goodfellow et al. (Goodfellow et al., 2014)
have gained particular attention for quality imag-
ing and data augmentation tasks (Pavan Kumar and
Jayagopal, 2021).
The popularization of facial manipulation algo-
rithms gained prominence in 2017, with the publica-
tion of a deepfake video posted by a Reddit user and,
in the same year, videos of former President Barak
Obama (Suwajanakorn et al., 2017; Kumar et al.,
2017; Jalalifar et al., 2018).
Then, deepfake algorithms for facial swap and
synthesis became popular, such as Fast Face-
Swap (Korshunova et al., 2017), Faceswap-GAN
(Shaoanlu, 2018), and DeepFaceLab (Perov et al.,
DeepFaceLab (DFL)
(Perov et al., 2020) is an
open-source deepfake project used to create facial
manipulation videos. The three phases of the DFL
pipeline are extraction, training, and conversion:
Extraction aims to extract a face from the
source (src) and destination (dst) sets. It performs
face detection, face alignment, and face segmen-
Training – training has two structures;
Conversion swap face from src to dst and vice
At the time of its release, DFL had competitive re-
sults with other face swap frameworks in experiments
under the same conditions. Currently, DFL has a sup-
port community for users’ implementations and ques-
2.2 Metrics for GANs
The work of Kumar and Jayagopal (Pavan Kumar and
Jayagopal, 2021) organized the main evaluation met-
Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization
rics for GANs. The authors found that no metrics
were developed and standardized to evaluate GANs.
In addition, evaluation proposals rely on a distance
function to calculate the distance between an actual
distribution and a generated distribution. Some of the
metrics presented were:
Nearest Neighbor Classifier (1-NN) is a ver-
sion of the classifier two sample tests (C2ST), and
not an evaluation metric and aims to verify a simi-
larity between the distribution of real data and the
distribution of generated data;
Inception Scores (IS) this metric is derived
from the work of Salimans et al. (Salimans et al.,
2016), and is used to assess the quality and diver-
sity of images synthesized by generative models;
Mode Score (MS) - metric that overcomes the
limitation faced by the IS metric and considers the
previous distribution statistics to assess the qual-
ity and diversity of images (Cai et al., 2019).
Other metrics presented are: Maximum mean
discrepancy (MMD) (Guo et al., 2020), Multi-scale
structural similarity for image quality (Wang et al.,
2004), and Wasserstein critical (Arjovsky et al.,
2.3 False Content Detection
The work of Yu et al. (Yu et al., 2021) aimed to
demonstrate the current status of deepfake video de-
tection research. The authors cited the recent merger
of Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft, which teamed
up to host the Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC)
to build innovative technologies beneficial to detect-
ing deepfake videos. The authors also cite that tra-
ditional methods are not suitable for detecting deep-
The proposed methods for detecting deepfakes
can be divided into at least five categories:
General-network-Based Methods: detection is
considered a frame-level classification task that
CNNs complete;
Temporal-consistency-Based Methods: several
works have implemented RNNs to detect incon-
sistencies between adjacent frames;
Visual Artifacts-Based Methods: discrepancies
that appear at the image blend boundaries;
Camera-fingerprints-Based Methods: different
devices leave different traces on captured images.
So it is possible to identify when face and back-
ground images are coming from different devices;
Biological-signals-Based Methods: approaches
based on blink rate and heart rate.
Other works aimed to use multitasking learning
(Nguyen et al., 2019) , attention mechanisms (Dang
et al., 2020) and methods based on visual artifacts (Li
and Lyu, 2018) among others.
2.4 Challenges in Creating Deepfakes
The works of Mirsky and Lee (Mirsky and Lee,
2021), Yu et al. (Yu et al., 2021) and Kumam
and Jayagopal (Pavan Kumar and Jayagopal, 2021)
pointed out some of the challenges in creating and de-
tecting realistic deepfakes:
Generalization deepfakes are data-driven and
reflect training data in the output, especially for
disparate data distributions;
Identity Leakage - sometimes, the driver’s iden-
tity is partially transferred to the final deepfake
image. This problem is recurrent in facial image
synthesis problems;
Occlusions occur when part of the source or tar-
get image is obstructed by a hand, hair, glasses, or
any other item;
Temporal Coherence deepfake videos often
produce more obvious artifacts with oscillations
and irregular variations;
Trade-Off network complexity and detection
Robustness – detecting fake material is more dif-
ficult in compressed videos;
Trap for the Generator if the generator is not
as good as the discriminator, then the discrimi-
nator always differentiates between real and fake
data. This feature can be caused by gradient leak-
age from the generators;
Mode Collapse Problem of GANs - the genera-
tor tries to over-optimize the discriminator at each
epoch of the GAN training. If the discriminator is
caught in the local minimum trap and always re-
jecting all instances of its inputs, then the genera-
tor continues to generate the same set of instances;
Convergence Problem sometimes, GAN train-
ing does not converge due to irregularities in
the model structure, hyperparameter tuning, and
training strategies.
These challenges point out how research still
needs to advance in developing and detecting quality
deepfake videos.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In this Section, we present some works that reinforce
the thesis about the importance of surveillance and in-
spection in productive and typical environments to-
day. These systems are commonly trained with AI to
detect people in these environments.
Luo et al. (Luo et al., 2020) addressed the lim-
itations of surveillance in hazardous areas and pro-
posed a real-time video surveillance system to detect
people and industrial plant status in a hazardous area.
The proposed system accurately recognized people
and provided instant feedback on unsafe behavior.
Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2019) proposed a
method to solve camera surveillance systems (CSS)
problems, such as storage capacity and bandwidth
consumption. This issue happens due to the high de-
mand from various industries for smart manufactur-
ing that needs to monitor for abnormal behavior or
perceivable objects.
Boudjit & Ramzan (Boudjit and Ramzan, 2022)
presented the research progress in developing applica-
tions for identifying and detecting people using drone
camera-based convolutional neural networks (CNN).
The authors used different people in the tests to vali-
date the application’s performance.
Gorospe et al. (Gorospe et al., 2021) compared the
performance of different DL methods in a human de-
tection case. The authors also developed an environ-
ment to be embedded in any general-purpose embed-
ded system, aiming at an edge computing system. The
authors used the Visual wake words (VWW) dataset
for binary classification to predict whether there is a
person in the image.
Zhao et al. (Zhao et al., 2019) designed Eagle-
Eye, an efficient face detector with high accuracy and
speed to be implemented in popular embedded de-
vices with low computing power. The authors demon-
strated ablation studies, and EagleEye runs on ARM
Cortex-A53 (Raspberry Pi1 3b+) based embedded de-
vice at 21FPS with VGA resolution input with better
accuracy than methods with the same order of com-
putational complexity.
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2020) also focused on
the challenge of matching facial recognition perfor-
mance and speed in an embedded environment. The
authors designed and implemented a method based
on the MTCNN algorithms for feature extraction and
on the RKNN model to quantify the acceleration of
feature extraction. The result was facial recognition
processing on the RK3399Pro platform, meeting real-
time requirements.
Lv et al. (Lv et al., 2021) used the MTCNN
and LCNN algorithms to design an embedded fa-
cial recognition system. The authors significantly
improved the face detection and recognition perfor-
mance of the embedded system.
These are just a few examples of applications that
monitor and detect individuals. People detection sys-
tems must deal with factors such as ethnic diversity,
racial diversity, age range, and gender.
This section presents the methodology implemented
for the dataset’s configuration. We also present the
architecture of the GAN used in this work (see in Fig-
ure 2).
4.1 Dataset
The DFL framework fits into the one-to-one
paradigm, i.e., there are two types of data: source
(src) and destination (dst). We obtained source (src)
images from videos publicly available on YouTube.
The videos aim to cover the broadest possible range
of expressions and angles.
We compose the destination (dst) dataset with im-
ages monitoring the work activity of drivers of a
transport company. While driving, the images from
the driver were recorded inside the moving vehicle.
The videos have a resolution of 640x480, with 28
4.2 Pipeline
The DFL workflow consists of three sequential steps:
extraction, training, and conversion.
4.2.1 Extraction
The extraction consists of extracting the face from the
src and dst data. We used the whole-face extraction
mode in all training. We use the standard S3FD face
Then the DFL performs the alignment. In devel-
oping the DFL, the authors (Perov et al., 2020) noted
that facial landmarks were vital in maintaining sta-
bility. Then, the authors implemented two canonical
types of facial landmark extraction algorithms, fol-
lowed by a classical method of mapping and trans-
forming point patterns (Perov et al., 2020).
4.2.2 Training
In the training phase, the authors (Perov et al., 2020)
proposed two structures: the DF structure and the
Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization
Figure 2: Overview of the extraction phase of the DF structure in DeepFaceLab (DFL) - adapted from Perov et al, (Perov
et al., 2020).
LIAE structure. The architecture is composed of an
Encoder and an Inter that share weights and two De-
coders that belong to src and dst separately (Perov
et al., 2020). The DF framework aims to solve the
unpaired problem, it can complete the face swap task,
but it cannot inherit enough information from dst,
such as lighting.
Then, to improve the luminosity consistency prob-
lem, the LIAE structure is more complex. This struc-
ture consists of an Encoder, followed by two indepen-
dent Inters. InterAB generates latent code from src
and dst, while InterB generates latent code from dst
only (Perov et al., 2020).
Another strategy adopted by the authors (Perov
et al., 2020) is using a loss-weighted sum mask in
general SSIM to improve the quality of the generated
face, such as adding more weights to the eye area than
the cheek area to generate a livelier look.
The standard loss consists of a mixed loss (DSSIM
(structural dissimilarity) + MSE) to take advantage
of both, such as: generalizing human faces faster
and providing better clarity, respectively (Perov et al.,
4.2.3 Conversion
The first step of converting from src to dst is trans-
forming the generated face (see Figure 3). The face
generated with the mask is reverted to the original po-
sition of the target image. Then the face is realigned
to fit the target image’s outer contour perfectly. Fi-
nally, a super-resolution neural network improves the
sharpness and smoothing of the generated face (Perov
et al., 2020).
In this Section, we present the results obtained with
the training. We discuss the results related to the train-
ing data and the qualitative results in this case.
5.1 Data Results
We performed the training with the DF structure, us-
ing the Quick96 model (Perov et al., 2020), as shown
in Figure 2. The training lasted about 3 hours. The
hardware available for training was a computer with
an AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT six-core processor, 32 GB
of RAM, and the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 graph-
ics processing unit (GPU) with 21.78 GB of VRAM.
We consider different expressions and lighting
conditions inside the vehicle to train the model. The
image “aligned debug” allows checking if the refer-
ence points are correct in the face extraction phase, as
shown in Figure 3.
5.2 Qualitative Results
The model was able to perform the alignment of the
front face effectively.For a lateral face, it was neces-
sary to contemplate several faces of rotation in the
data set to improve the result, but the face swap
in these cases presented a realism bottleneck. We
changed the available settings to achieve greater re-
alism and alignment of the generated deepfake face in
the conversion phase. This result is seen in Figure 4
Figure 5 shows some examples of the original im-
age versus the obtained deepfake. As expected, the
model had more difficulty performing face replace-
ment when there was interference, for example, hand
on face. We also observed some artifacts when the
driver was fatigued, such as when the driver yawned.
We hope to correct this aspect by contributing to the
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Images generated by ”aligned debug” in the extraction phase for different poses and expressions. Allows the user
to verify that the reference points are correct.
Figure 4: Overview of conversion phase in DeepFaceLab (DFL) (adapted from Perov et al., 2017).
Figure 5: Original images versus deepfake synthetic images obtained with DFL training.
source dataset with more representations of the open
mouth and yawning. One can see an example of
the result achieved in this link:
Overall, the model achieved the goal of perform-
ing the driver’s anonymization while effectively pre-
serving expressions and poses.
In this work, we present a proof of concept of one
of the stages of development of an image data aug-
mentation tool. The ultimate goal of this research is
to generate more diverse, representative, and anony-
mous datasets in a GAN-based tool. In this work we
present the face change phase for a work environment
to generate synthetic and anonymized images.
We presented a case study an anonymization ap-
plication for a vehicle driver. We built a source
dataset from YouTube videos. We created a desti-
nation dataset with real vehicle driver videos. We
trained the DFL model to perform face-swap and
driver anonymization. We presented the quality of
anonymization generated from low-resolution and
low-quality images. The model provides significant
anonymization results and has preserved poses and
We used the DeepFaceLab framework for this de-
velopment step. We found significant difficulties with
Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization
images of driver fatigue, such as yawning. In future
works, we intend to improve this aspect through the
dataset and test the LIAE model proposed by DFL. In
the next step, we intend to develop the integration be-
tween STEP 1 and STEP 2 to automate the process of
generating these datasets.
The authors would like to thank CAPES, CNPq and
the Federal University of Ouro Preto for support-
ing this work. This study was financed in part
by the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pes-
soal de N
ıvel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance
Code 001, the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPQ) and the Uni-
versidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP).
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Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization