An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System
Using Wearable Sensors
Mhd. Wasim Raed
, Semih Y
, Ali G
, Igor Kotenko
2 a
, Elena Fedorchenko
2 b
and Anna Polubaryeva
Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey
St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
RFID, Mental Stress, Mental Health, Wearable Sensors, Recognition System, Monitoring System, Arduino,
Heart Rate Variability, Electro Dermal Activity, Bitalino Development System.
A vast increase in the percentage of elderly people over the past few decades has induced a serious concern
among the research fraternity worldwide. Consequently, the large increase in the number of elderly needing
assistance because of chronic diseases is expected to take place. Dementia, depression and mental stress are
among the most disabling diseases with dangerous consequences such as wandering into hazardous or insecure
areas. This wandering, particularly in urban areas can be life threatening. Recently, with the rapid emergence
of disruptive technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless
bio sensors, it has become feasible to build systems that combine IoT and the cloud for monitoring the elderly
suffering from dementia or depression. Furthermore, mental chronic diseases, such as stress and depression,
are becoming a major concern for governments around the globe. The American Psychological Association
(APA) categorizes stress, anxiety and depression as main factors for diverse mental health problems. The
cost for treating work-related stress, anxiety and depression, is estimated to be around 617 billion euros per
year in Europe alone. Wearable devices for monitoring chronic diseases such as mental stress and depression
have been considered as game-changers to the way diseases are managed, by measuring vital signs like skin
conductance and changes in the levels of biological stress, and sending warnings remotely to an online server.
This paper proposes a work in progress Arduino based real-time stress recognition and localization system
using wearable RFID and vital sign sensors for elderly suffering from Dementia and mental stress. The
current work utilizes the heart rate variability and Electro Dermal Activity wearable sensors based on the
Bitalino development system for measuring mental stress and anxiety in a smart home setting for elderly
living alone by exposing a number of subjects to stress and anxiety stimulating horror videos. The system was
tested successfully in the university lab.
Stress is a common human physiological and physical
body reaction. However, prolonged stress may lead to
adverse effects on human health. One of the victims
of prolonged stress are employees at the workplace
office. Stressed employees are often unproductive,
and companies must bear their healthcare costs. Emo-
tionally stressful and traumatic events damage the hu-
man psyche. According to new research, stress may
damage the heart as well. In the most relevant study
so far on this topic, scientists estimate that a stress-
related psychiatric disorder may increase the rate of
heart attacks by 34%, strokes by 75%, and high blood
pressure by over 100%. A stressful encounter or event
increases the risk of heart attack by a factor of 1.34,
stroke by a factor of 1.75 and high blood pressure by
a factor of 2.15. Even though stress-related disorders
are treatable, it is important to diagnose the symptoms
of stress early through regular monitoring of the hu-
man body. The goal of this project is to develop an ef-
fective stress monitoring system for office employees
and thereby prevent the onset of stress-related health
Raed, M., Yön, S., Güne¸s, A., Kotenko, I., Fedorchenko, E. and Polubaryeva, A.
An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors.
DOI: 10.5220/0011796000003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 325-331
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
disorders (Bacon, 2019).
Stress is considered as the health epidemic of the
21st century according to World Health Organization
(WHO). The WHO defined the stress as a response
of a mismatch between the pressures and demands in
life with their abilities and knowledge. In fact, the
stress has the impact in not only the emotional and
physical health of human but also businesses (Fink,
2016). In 1999, stress costs European Union 20 bil-
lion euros where 50% to 60% of all sick days and
42 billion dollars for USA in 2002 (Brun, ). Fur-
thermore, according to Richmond Hypnosis Center,
110 million people die every year due to stress. That
means, every 2 seconds, 7 people die. According to
WebMD, intense and long-term anger causes mental
health problems including anxiety, depression, self-
harm, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease,
stroke, and cancer. Heart rate variability (HRV), re-
ferring to the tiny variation of the interval between
successive sinus heartbeats, contains abundant infor-
mation of autonomic nervous response (Malik et al.,
1996; Kim et al., 2006).
HRV can reflect the balance between sympathetic
and parasympathetic branches of the individual auto-
nomic nervous system by its spectral analysis. Time-
domain, frequency-domain and nonlinear indices of
HRV have been widely used as the marked features
for emotion recognition.
Kim et al. used time-domain and frequency-
domain HRV indices to achieve an accuracy of 61.8%
for classifying sadness, stress, surprise and anger
emotions (Kim et al., 2006). Mikuckas et al. de-
veloped a human-computer system for stressful state
recognition by analyzing multiple HRV indices from
time-domain, frequency-domain and nonlinear and
reported that most HRV indices were sensitive to
stress state (Mikuckas et al., 2014).
Furthermore, Dementia is considered to be a
chronic disease, where the elderly suffers from a dete-
rioration in cognitive functions (i.e. the ability to pro-
cess thought) beyond what might be expected from
normal younger people. This disease affects memory,
orientation, thinking, comprehension, learning capac-
ity, judgement, and consciousness. The impairment
of the cognitive function is usually accompanied, and
occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional
control, social behavior, or motivation. The impact
of dementia on family, caregivers and society at large
can be multi-dimensional: physical, social, psycho-
logical, and economic (Raad et al., 2021).
Lately, researchers have focused on the impor-
tance of quality of life in a healthcare setting. The
quality of life (QoL) is defined as the need to be
able to carry activities of daily living (ADL) indepen-
dently, enjoy time, and feel empowered (EDA, 2021).
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines QoL
as “the individual’s recognition of their position in
life in the context of the culture and value systems
in which they live and related to their goals and con-
cerns”. Providing the elderly with smart-home ser-
vices like localization is in the right direction for
boosting their QoL (Raad et al., 2021).
These related studies gave us a good basis for fur-
ther exploring the changes in HRV indices between
different emotional states. This research aims at de-
veloping a comprehensive system based on disrup-
tive technologies like RFID & wearable biosensors
for real time monitoring of mental stress, depression
and wandering detection of elderly. The relevance of
proposed research is particularly in the valuable con-
tribution to the research area of Internet of things,
battery less RFID and wireless biosensor for moni-
toring mental stress and localization of elderly suffer-
ing from Dementia in a smart home setting. Here, we
propose an affordable prototype of a novel real time
stress recognition system using wearable vital sign
sensors. The proposed system constitutes an excellent
work in progress test bed for establishing an optimal
telehealth biosensor network for stress level identifi-
cation, acquisition of vital signs data using biosensors
with wireless capabilities.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the research methodology including the phys-
iological and physical basis of the research as well as
technological basis of the research. Section 3 intro-
duces the proposed RFID based tracking system. The
paper ends with discussion on the future research and
the privacy and security related issues.
This section describes the research methodology in-
cluding the physiological and physical basis of the re-
search as well as technological basis of the research.
2.1 Electro Dermal Activity (EDA) and
The human heart provides vast insight into our hu-
man body. One such term is HRV which measures
the variation in time between two consecutive heart-
beats. HRV is affected by a variety of physiologi-
cal phenomena such as breathing, hormonal reactions,
metabolism, movement of the human body and one
of the factors are stress reactions and emotional reac-
tions. In an ideal scenario, HRV of a person increases
during relaxing activities such as meditation, when a
BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
person is in a good mood, etc., while during a stress-
ful encounter, HRV decreases which point to an in-
verse correlation between HRV and stress (Hoffman,
). Fig.1 illustrates the HRV characteristics under high
stress and low-stress conditions measured using vol-
unteering students subjects during exam period.
Figure 1: NN interval in a low and high stress situation.
Electro dermal Activity also known as galvanic
skin reflects the activity of the sympathetic nervous
system. The state of the sweat glands reflects the
measure of skin resistance. When the sympathetic
nervous system is activated, the sweating of the skin
increases the conductance of the skin. During activa-
tion of the sympathetic nervous system due to stress-
ful encounters, the brain sends a signal to the skin to
increase the sweat levels. When the sweat level in-
creases, the corresponding increase in skin conduc-
tance can be measured to study the stress levels. Skin
conductance can be characterized into two types:
1. Tonic skin conductance response which measures
smooth and slow-changing conductance levels
2. Phasic skin conductance response which mea-
sures the rapid changing peaks.
The skin conductance level using tonic skin con-
ductance and phasic skin conductance response tests,
conducted in Yi Yang and Bingkun Yang’s work in
Human Computer Interaction Lab (EDA, 2021).
2.2 The System Hardware
The proposed system is implemented in the form of
a prototype of Arduino microcontroller interfaced to
a multitude of bio sensors from Bitalino kit using
the bio signal platform. The Arduino is an open-
source platform for microcontrollers that are used by
communities and non-engineering people to help in
building innovative thinking and encourage commu-
nities to develop new electronic products that help in
many ways such as manufacturing and other sectors.
The Arduino UNO utilized in the proposed stress-
monitoring system is interfaced to Gravity heart rate
sensor (a thumb-sized heart rate monitor designed for
Arduino microcontrollers). It has a Gravity interface,
for easy plug-and-play connectivity. It is a pulse sen-
sor that is developed based on PPG (Photo Plethys-
mography) techniques. It is a simple and low-cost
optical technique that can be used to detect blood vol-
ume changes in the microvascular bed of tissues (see
Figure 2: Interfacing Gravity heart rate sensor with Arduino
BITtalino is a hardware and software toolkit that is
designed to measure body signals. It could be used for
biomedical proposes or industrial applications for the
welfare of workers who work in a harsh environment
and it can help in designing new wearable products
for everyday use. The BITalino hardware has a mi-
croprocessor with an external battery and has 32kB
flash program memory; 1kB EEPROM; 2kB inter-
nal SRAM, operating voltage 3.3V-5V, it can be con-
nected via Bluetooth or USB port. The BiTalino was
utilized using the Biosignal platform to lay the ground
for developing an IoT based wearable stress monitor-
ing system.
The testing took place utilizing volunteering stu-
dents in the final year project examination period,
where the students suffer from a lot of mental stress.
The measurement of mental stress took place using
wearable heart rate, EDA & ECG wearable sensors
from Bitalino kit using the Biosignal platform. We
have performed extensive experiments using student
volunteers in the university RF
ID lab due difficulties
we encountered to access elderly patients in hospitals.
2.3 The Heart Rate Measurement
The four graphs below illustrate the Heart rate mea-
surement and HRV before and during stressful situa-
tions, graphically depicted in Figures 3-6.
Figures 3 and 4 display the heart rate and the cor-
An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors
responding HRV readings of the student when he is at
Figures 5 and 6 display the heart rate and HRV at
the time of the stressful encounter. When the subject
experiences a stressful moment his heart rate spikes
and HRV remains low with little to no variation be-
tween successive heartbeats.
Figure 3: Heart rate before the moment of stress.
Figure 4: Heart rate variability before moment of stress.
Figure 5: Heart rate measured at the moment of stress.
Figure 6: HRV measured at the moment of stress.
2.4 Stress Measurement Using EDA
Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the tonic skin conductance
level from BITalino software before and after the
stressful encounter invoked by a horror video. The
skin conductance displayed constant low skin conduc-
tance level in Fig.7 and then displayed a huge spike in
Fig.8 indicating a moment of stress.
Figure 7: Tonic skin conductance in a relaxation scenario.
Figure 8: Tonic skin conductance at the moment of stress.
Elderly suffering from dementia and other chronic
diseases who are living alone at home, are usually too
frail and not able to carry basics activities of daily
living (ADL). Also, elderly suffering from dementia
often show psychotic behavior and instance of com-
plete unawareness, which requires continuous assis-
tance and support. Living in smart homes eases the
situation of these people by providing necessary fa-
cilities and services to make their lives more enjoy-
able. One important aspect of smart homes is the
availability of a seamless localization system. The
main feature of such systems is to be able to track
remotely the movement of the elderly at the room
level. Currently, this is done using surveillance track-
ing systems such as cameras. Although these systems
BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
have been successful, they are privacy invasive. In
this work, we are proposing to use a Sirit RFID ro-
bust reader, commonly used in industrial applications
to track the movement of the elderly. For our design,
the reader is configured to read and identify tags in
the range of the deployed antennas. The reader is con-
nected to linearly polarized antennas with RF power
of 30 dbm. We used antennas with coverage range of
7 to 15 meters.
3.1 RFID Sensor Platform
The passive RFID tags are used to find the location
of the elderly. Therefore, each elderly is to wear a
personal tag all the time. The tag can be attached in
different places on the body as illustrated by Fig.9.
The localization principal is based on three possible
zones: within bedroom, outside bedroom, while exit-
ing the house. The methodology of the proposed solu-
tion is based on distributing four antennas: three in the
house (one antenna in each room) and one at the exit.
To detect that the elderly person is inside their room,
he needs to be detected by the room antenna. The role
of the exit antenna is to trigger that the elderly is tend-
ing to wander outside the house. Time represents the
last timestamp at which the readings took place, they
refresh in real-time (see Table1 for the timestamp of
the elderly localization indoors). See Fig.10 for the
localization algorithm of the elderly roaming inside
and outside the house (Raad et al., 2021).
Figure 9: Tonic skin conductance at the moment of stress.
Table 1: Localization of elderly with timestamp (Raad et al.,
Id Location Time
0X00A1 In House 11:44:29
0X00A2 Roaming outside House 11:44:01
0X00A3 Inside Room 11:44:38
Figure 10: Higher level Localization of the Elderly (Raad
et al., 2021).
We carried several tests to determine the best perfor-
mance of the antennas to detect the wearable RFID
tags. The testing in the lab started by adjusting the
antennas based on their polarization to maximize the
reading probability of the tags inside and outside the
lab environment.
The proposed RFID localization system was
tested successfully using three volunteers. The RFID
part of the research contributes an added value for
boosting the quality of life by mitigating the number
of falls for elderly suffering from Dementia, and by
constituting a robust telehealth smart system for send-
ing warnings in the onset of elderly wandering outside
their home.
In addition to that, in the context of elderly suffer-
ing from depression and mental stress, Physiological
and bio signals such as galvanic skin response, elec-
trocardiogram (ECG), photo plethysmography (PPG),
electromyography (EMG) and electrical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) can provide reliable information
regarding the intensity of stress level.
The relevant stress data collected constitutes the
first phase of this research to investigate the feasibility
of implanting such a system in a non-invasive form.
In this direction, the intended research in the near fu-
ture aims to investigate sensors’ placement within the
human body, which will help to develop an optimiza-
tion configuration of vital sign sensors network for
stress level detection. In order to generate stress, a
set of different audios and videos will be used by re-
ferring to the World Health Organization (WHO) and
specialists in the psychotherapist fields. The videos
and audios will be selected to specifically generate
several types of mental stress including neutral, mild,
moderate and severe stress levels. A study on existing
An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors
affective frameworks used for a similar purpose will
be deeply carried out. In addition, to mimic reality
and improve the efficiency of the generated stress, a
full virtual reality system with all accessories will be
used with the selected contents. Data collection and
preprocessing will be carried out and various machine
learning algorithms will be investigated through ex-
tensive simulation for stress level classification. See
Fig.11 depicting the scenario of investigating the opti-
mum placement of the various wearable mental stress
monitoring sensors on the human body. The future
work will be centered around an IOT telehealth sys-
tem for monitoring the human mental stress to miti-
gate the drastic effect of stress on the quality of life,
and utilizing RFID for immediate localization of el-
derly once the warnings are received by a caregiver.
Figure 11: Optimum placement of the wearable mental
stress sensors.
Finally it should be noticed that the 21st century
has brought with it a higher risk of attacks on medi-
cal devices and medical applications, the emergence
of new types of such attacks and, accordingly, an en-
hanced risk for patients, what use wearable, wireless
or embedded medical devices and may suffer from
the malicious actions of such intruders: medical data
nowadays is more valuable and attractive for attack-
ers than financial data (Burky, 2022; Doynikova et al.,
In regard with the elderly, suffering from dementia
and other diseases mentioned in this article, the risk
blast off even more: using the devices of more vulner-
able patients, attackers can access the data of medical
institutions, relatives of such patients, directly harm
the elders.
Recent studies have shown that there are countless
attack vectors, attack methodologies and vulnerabili-
ties of the medical devices of all types (Yaqoob et al.,
2019). The security and safety of medical devices
are vital for people using any kind of medical device,
including implantable medical devices (IMDs). It is
possible that IMDs will also be subject to complex
cyberattacks ransomware attacks over time. At
the moment, the most urgent problem seems to be
breaking such IMDs by simply studying the specifi-
cations and documentation for them, which are freely
available on Google, as well as by breaking the cryp-
tographic protection (Radcliffe, 2011). Lee et al. (Li
et al., 2011) researched insulin pump systems. They
managed not only to get encrypted information from
the device, but also to fake false glucose readings on
the monitor. In addition, they successfully sent their
own commands to the pump due to the lack of authen-
tication. Radcliffe (Radcliffe, 2011) and Takahashi
(Takahashi, 2011) have shown that they can take full
control of some insulin pump systems because these
medical devices receive unauthorized radio signals or
commands. That is why these and other researchers
are not only hacking medical devices, but also work-
ing on security solutions such as passwords for pace-
makers and other embedded medical devices (Storm,
Another example of a wearable device that may
attract the attention of hackers is Nymi, a small wear-
able device that uses an electrocardiogram (ECG)
to authenticate the user (D’Souza, ). According to
the developers of this device, a person’s own heart-
beat is a unique key that can be used to unlock any
paired device. If the device is hacked, then with the
help of persistent identification, one can access any
other devices that belong to a person: a car, pref-
erences, location, and downloaded data. Manipulat-
ing a medical devices of people with mental chronic
diseases may cause severe damage and unpredictable
outcomes. This is why it is so significant to take a
security and privacy of the medical devices into con-
sideration within the whole period of medical device
existence (starting from design and till utilization).
The new system developed by the authors of this
article is based on Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) technology, which many authors consider rev-
olutionary and versatile: RFID can be used both in the
provision of direct medical services, the provision of
the services related to medical purposes, and directly
to track patients (Bochem et al., 2022; Abugabah
et al., 2020; Rajak and Shaw, 2021). It should be
noted that despite the increased and ever-increasing
risk for the security and privacy of medical devices,
manufacturers of the latter still pay less attention to
safety issues, giving priority to the efficiency and per-
formance of devices (Doynikova et al., 2022). The
RFID-based tracking system proposed in this article,
in addition to efficiency, also will take into account
issues of privacy and security.
The Authors Acknowledge the support of Istanbul
Aydin University.
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An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors