YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low
Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild
Hadjer Boughanem
, Haythem Ghazouani
and Walid Barhoumi
e de Tunis El Manar, Institut Sup
erieur d’Informatique d’El Manar, Research Team on Intelligent Systems in
Imaging and Artificial Vision (SIIVA), LR16ES06 Laboratoire de recherche en Informatique, Mod
elisation et Traitement de
l’Information et de la Connaissance (LIMTIC), 2 Rue Abou Rayhane Bayrouni, 2080 Ariana, Tunisia
e de Carthage, Ecole Nationale d’Ing
enieurs de Carthage, 45 Rue des Entrepreneurs,
2035 Tunis-Carthage, Tunisia
In-The-Wild FER, Deep Features, YCbCr Color Space, CNN, Features Extraction, Deep Learning.
Facial expressions are natural and universal reactions for persons facing any situation, while being extremely
associated with human intentions and emotional states. In this framework, Facial Emotion Recognition (FER)
aims to analyze and classify a given facial image into one of several emotion states. With the recent progress
in computer vision, machine learning and deep learning techniques, it is possible to effectively recognize
emotions from facial images. Nevertheless, FER in a wild situation is still a challenging task due to several
circumstances and various challenging factors such as heterogeneous head poses, head motion, movement blur,
age, gender, occlusions, skin color, and lighting condition changes. In this work, we propose a deep learning-
based facial expression recognition method, using the complementarity between deep features extracted from
three pre-trained convolutional neural networks. The proposed method focuses on the quality of features
offered by the YCbCr color space and demonstrates that using this color space permits to enhance the emotion
recognition accuracy when dealing with images taken under challenging conditions. The obtained results,
on the SFEW 2.0 dataset captured in wild environment as well as on two other facial expression benchmark
which are the CK+ and the JAFFE datasets, show better performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Nowadays, along with the excess in computer perfor-
mance and the anticipation increase of human com-
puter interaction, FER has attracted rising attention
from researchers in different fields. In addition to the
FER studies in computer science field (Ghazouani,
2021), (Bejaoui et al., 2019), (Sidhom et al., 2023),
(Bejaoui et al., 2017) the emotion recognition is
present in psychology (Banskota et al., 2022), neuro-
science (Yamada et al., 2022) and other related disci-
plines. Despite the numerous studies in the FER, rec-
ognizing an emotion in uncontrolled circumstances
remains a real challenge. The complexity of back-
grounds and other circumstances in real-world con-
ditions hinders the correct detection of faces from
the backgrounds and subsequently affects the emotion
recognition rate. However, regardless of the condi-
tions in which facial expressions images have been
taken, the process leading to recognizing emotions
is the same. A typical FER system is mainly com-
posed of three core steps, starting with face detec-
tion, then features extraction and finishing by emo-
tion classification (Boughanem et al., 2021). Accu-
rate results of face detection enable features extrac-
tion to be performed on well-focused image regions
and certainly to have a high recognition rate. Several
methods were proposed for face detection. We de-
note methods that use classic machine learning tech-
niques (Hu et al., 2022), CNNs (Billah et al., 2022),
classification techniques (Hosgurmath et al., 2022)
and those that use skin color detection using differ-
ent color spaces (Khanam et al., 2022), (Ittahir et al.,
2022). This factor plays an integral role to separate
the skin parts from the non-skin ones and provides an
important cue for face detection. Several color spaces
have been investigated, and the most used ones for are
RGB, HSV and YCbCr (Al-Tairi et al., 2014), (Rah-
man et al., 2014). Among these spaces, the YCbCr is
the most recommended when dealing with facial im-
ages. In fact, the skin color range is well defined in
this space (Terrillon et al., 2000), (Yan et al., 2021).
Boughanem, H., Ghazouani, H. and Barhoumi, W.
YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild.
DOI: 10.5220/0011795300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Recent FER methods include CNN and Deep Learn-
ing (DL) techniques for feature extraction and emo-
tion classification. They are widely used due to their
satisfactory results obtained even when dealing with
resolution issues. DL methods and CNN models are
used with different space colors. The YCbCr is suit-
able for image classification applications where the
lightness conditions change drastically and especially
for applications involving skin color. That is because,
the YCbCr color space does not contain the effects of
light which can change the characteristics of the skin
color. Therefore, many feature information can be ob-
tained robustly even in-the-wild conditions. This mo-
tivated us to use CNN extraction methods along with
the YCbCr space for FER in-the-wild. In fact, in order
to improve the emotion recognition rate of wild facial
expressions, we deal in this work with facial images
converted into the YCbCr space color. Indeed, deep
features are extracted from three pre-trained CNNs.
Then, they are combined to be fed to a Support Vector
Machine (SVM) in order to classify the facial features
into one emotional class.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 details the related works dealing with
in-the-wild expressions and especially those using the
YCbCr color space. In section 3, a description of the
proposed method is given. In section 4, we discuss the
experimental results. Finally, section 5 summarizes
the proposed method and highlights future scope.
Face detection and feature extraction in different
backgrounds are technically difficult, especially when
dealing with complex backgrounds of the uncon-
strained environments. The major challenge in face
detection is to cope with different variations in the
human face caused by several factors such as face ori-
entation, face size, facial expression, people ethnicity,
age and lighting changes. Therefore the face detection
step is a crucial step, because it determines the quality
of the features extracted and then classified to recog-
nize the emotions. Several techniques change the de-
fault space color into YCbCr space, to detect the faces
based on the skin color region which are easier to dis-
tinguish from the non-skin parts in this color space. In
(Nugroho et al., 2021), the highest accuracy for face
detection is obtained in YCbCr color space reaching
96.13%. Indeed, the authors used a segmentation step
with thresholding and morphological operation. The
authors in (Yan et al., 2021) deal also with images
in YCbCr color space. They used the elliptic skin
color model and logistic regression analysis to deter-
mine the skin color probability while using a genetic
algorithm to segment the face region. The obtained
results show an improvement of face detection and a
good robustness to posture and expression changes.
The work of (Li, 2022), proposed a method based on
skin color segmentation, particle swarm search and
curve approximation aiming to improve the accuracy
of expression recognition in facial images converted
into YCbCr color space. The results show that the
method can eliminate the interference factor and im-
prove the facial recognition rate. (Ahmady et al.,
2022), used two different types of features, including
fuzzified Pseudo Zernike Moments features and struc-
tural features like teeth existence, eye and mouth-
opening, and eyebrow constriction). The feature ex-
traction was based on images converted into YCbCr
color space to localize facial components. The ex-
perimental results of this method demonstrate the ro-
bustness of the method in terms of age, ethnicity, and
gender changes, as well as to increase the recognition
rate of facial expression. The research of (Vansh et al.,
2020) improved the face detection using the YCbCr
space and Adaboost. It involves pre-processing of in-
put images to extract skin tone in YCbCr color space,
followed by face detection using Haar cascade classi-
fiers. The approach in this paper provides the ability
to detect the occluded faces or side faces in the input
image. The test results in (Putra et al., 2020) illustrate
that the YCbCr color space has obtained maximum
accuracy when recognizing skin diseases among all
color spaces. Results obtained by the aforementioned
image processing applications involving skin color
are promising. This motivated us to use the YCbCr
color space in order to deal with issues of FER in-the-
wild environment. Subsequently, deep relevant facial
features extracted using fine-tuned CNN architetures
from images converted to the YCbCr color space are
fed to an SVM classifier to recognize facial emotions
in unconstrained environments. For the purpose of
fulfilling the need to deal with FER in-the-wild in
many applications, the suggested method proposes an
enhanced deep learning-based method to recognize
spontaneous emotions captured in unconstrained en-
vironments. The method relies on the complementar-
ity between the deep features extracted from different
CNN models (Boughanem et al., 2022).
The proposed method is structured on three main
components: Pre-processing and face detection, fea-
ture extraction and selection and emotion classifica-
tion. A flowchart of the proposed method is provided
YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild
in the Figure 1. It is based on the deep feature ex-
traction from facial expression images converted into
YCbCr color space. It uses three pre-trained mod-
els. The features are extracted from each model sep-
arately. The most relevant ones are then selected and
concatenated into one final feature vector. The feature
selection mechanism used in this work ensures the
quality of the final feature vector. Moreover, the com-
plementarity of deep features extracted in the YCbCr
space and selected from specific layers, ensures the
enhancement of the overall emotion recognition rate.
3.1 Image Pre-Processing and Face
Image pre-processing is the first step in the FER. The
quality of input images and facial features selection
are critical to obtain good classification results. How-
ever, challenging environments and bad acquisition
conditions can lead to poor quality images. Addi-
tionally, movement, noise, luminosity, face orienta-
tion, and face position offset can make the feature ex-
traction a complicated step (Deng et al., 2021). More-
over, the presence of complex background or extra fa-
cial features such as glasses, beard and moustache can
increase significantly the FER task. Consequently,
pre-processing is an essential step to deal with noise
caused by image acquisition and digitization. In this
step, the input facial images are aligned and normal-
ized to shorten the neural network learning time and
to obtain a better inference generalization in order to
ensure lighting change robustness. Subsequently, the
input images are converted to YCbCr color space as
illustrated in Figure 2.
The images in YCbCr space are stored as three di-
mensional matrix, according to the three components
Y, Cb and Cr. Finally, in order to keep only useful re-
gions and simultaneously to eliminate the maximum
of the non-facial parts, the image have been cropped
by detecting face over the entire image. In this work,
the simple and robust face detection algorithm of Vi-
ola & Jones (Viola and Jones, 2001) is applied.
YCbCr Color Space: YCbCr is the standard for
digital television and image compression, where Y
represents the luminance component (luma) which is
more sensitive to the human eye, whereas, the Cb and
Cr represent the chrominance component (chroma),
which refer to the blue and the red color respectively
(Rahman et al., 2014). The Luma component is cal-
culated by a weighted sum of the components of Red,
Green and Blue as indicated in (1).
Y = 0.299 × Red + 0.587 × Green + 0.114 × Blue
The chroma components are calculated from
the Luma as illustrated respectively in (2) and (3)
(Khanam et al., 2022):
Cb = Blue Y (2)
Cb = Red Y (3)
The difference between YCbCr and RGB is that
RGB represents colors as combinations of red, green
and blue signals, while YCbCr represents colors as
combinations of a brightness signal and two chroma
signals. In YCbCr, Y is luma (brightness), Cb is blue
minus luma (B-Y) and Cr is red minus luma (R-Y).
The luma channel, typically denoted Y approximates
the monochrome picture content. The two chroma
channels, Cb and Cr, are color difference channels.
After applying the face detection on images trans-
formed in YCbCr space, we perform data augmenta-
tion (DA) to feed sufficient training images to fine-
tune the CNN models. Indeed, DL based FER meth-
ods are mostly driven by the availability of large sam-
ples of training data. It is not always possible, even
unfeasible, to obtain enough training samples, fur-
thermore sufficient samples for each category of emo-
tion, especially when concerning facial images in-the-
wild. In order to tackle this issue, geometric DA
techniques are applied to generate sufficient number
of training samples. We have applied four geometric
DA techniques to generate new training images from
each cropped image, which are: horizontal and verti-
cal translations, horizontal reflection and random im-
age rotations with a rotation angle within [-10°, 10°].
3.2 Feature Extraction and Selection
Once the face detection is completed, the images are
resized into 224 × 224 × 3. Then, the facial expres-
sion information is extracted from the facial images
in YCbCr color space, using the feature extraction
methods. After that, the emotions are classified ac-
cording to the extracted features. Wherefore, facial
feature extraction is considered the key step in FER
process. It determines the final emotion recognition
result and also affects the recognition rate. In this
stage, we implement three well-known powerful pre-
trained CNN models. The choice of the ResNet101,
VGG19, and GoogleNet models were argued in our
previous published work (Boughanem et al., 2022).
Moreover, these models have been applied on datasets
taken in controlled environments in several works
(Siam et al., 2022) (Saurav et al., 2022), and simi-
larly, they proved their effectiveness. CNNs are the
most popular path of processing and analyzing im-
ages. Their hidden layers called convolutional lay-
ers are exploited to extract valuable deep features.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Proposed method’s layout.
Figure 2: Color space conversion and face detection.
The ResNet101 (He et al., 2016), VGG19 (Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2014) and GoogleNet (Szegedy et al.,
2015) models are used for deep feature extraction.
Thereafter, the selected features from the three pre-
trained models are combined to form one feature vec-
tor containing all the facial expression features.
In order to extract the foremost facial features, for
a first step, we perform a transfer learning on the
three neural networks. The parameters of the trans-
fer learning have been fixed according to the de-
clared parameters in (Boughanem et al., 2022) paper.
We use a learning rate of 1.e-4 and we optimize the
GoogleNet and the ResNet101 models by ADAM op-
timizer, however we use the SIGMOID optimizer for
the VGG19 model. The results obtained on the three
datasets are shown in the following table (Table 1).
Table 1: Transfer learning results on three datasets.
ResNet101 90.48% 91.04% 59.69%
GoogleNet 92.86% 89.90% 54.53%
VGG19 90.48% 87.62% 54.90%
The second part examines the facial feature ex-
traction from each model used models to be combined
in one facial feature vector. The final feature vector
is fed to an SVM classifier in order to determine the
emotional state of the input face. The most suitable
features are selected from top block layers of each
used DL model. We retained the two combinations
that gave the highest recognition rates for in-the-wild
environments. The first combination is composed of
two pooling layers and one fully connected layer. The
second one is composed of two fully connected layers
and one pooling layer. These two combinations have
been tested on the YCbCr datasets and gave better
recognition rates compared to those obtained on the
RGB color space when applied on the three datasets,
while outperforming also those of relevant state-of-
the-art methods. The results, using the retained com-
binations, on the three datasets are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Recognition rates using the YCbCr color space.
1st combination 92.28% 100% 98.90%
2nd combination 91.46% 100% 99.17%
3.3 Emotion Classification
The performance of the emotion classification is
closely related to the pre-treatment step. The output
of the feature extraction step, is a single feature vec-
tor gathering relevant facial features from three pre-
trained neural networks. A supervised SVM classifier
is trained to classify the extracted feature into right
emotion categories. The test images are different of
the training ones. Their number is reduced compared
to the training images, since the test images enfold
only 20% of the total of each dataset.
In this section, the datasets used in this work are firstly
described. Then we present extensive quantitative re-
YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild
sults and comparison between the proposed method
and the existing works. Finally, we analyze and dis-
cuss the results.
4.1 Datasets
In this work, we deal with spontaneous emotions as
well as posed ones in two different environmental
conditions. The focus was on emotions in-the-wild
environments, considering the complexity of their
context which is the closest to reality. In order to
ensure the effectiveness of the proposed method, we
used two other datasets conceived under controlled
laboratory conditions for the experimental results.
We conduct experiments on three FER datasets
(Table 3), namely SFEW 2.0 (Dhall et al., 2012),
CK+ (Kanade et al., 2000) and JAFFE (Lyons et al., ) .
The Static Facial Expressions in the Wild
(SFEW 2.0): It is a static version (Dhall et al.,
2014) collected by extracting images from the
videos of the Acted Facial Expressions in the Wild
(AFEW) dataset. This version of SFEW dataset
was updated in 2018. It is composed of three sets,
the training set contains 958 images, the valida-
tion one contains 436 and the test sets includes
372 images. All the sets are distributed into seven
classes of emotion (Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy,
Neutral, Sad, Surprise).
The Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+):
The CK+ is an extended version of the CK dataset.
It is partitioned into six basic emotions (Anger,
Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise) and
a ”Contempt” emotion, containing posed and
spontaneous emotions. The dataset is conceived
in constrain laboratory conditions. It is comprised
of male and female subjects belonging to different
ethnic groups (Lucey et al., 2010).
The Japanese Female Facial Expression
Dataset (JAFFE): This dataset is also conceived
in laboratory-controlled conditions. It contains
213 facial expression images of 10 Japanese
women. The dataset is composed only of posed
emotions. The facial expression images are in
grayscale sized 256 × 256 pixels, encampassing
the seven universal emotions.
Table 3: Datasets samples distribution.
Training set (80%) Test set (20%)
SFEW 2.0 984 236
CK+ 4331 1083
JAFFE 170 43
4.2 Facial Emotion Recognition Results
The findings of each method step have been illustrated
in Tables 1 and 2. The first step results are three fea-
ture vectors corresponding to the three CNN models.
After the combination, we obtain one feature vec-
tor containing all facial features selected from each
model. We summarize the results of the two steps
in Table 4. We report the confusion matrices corre-
sponding to each dataset in the Figures 3,4 and 5.
Table 4: Facial emotion recognition results.
ResNet101 90.48% 91.04% 59.69%
GoogleNet 92.86% 89.90% 54.53%
VGG19 90.48% 87.62% 54.90%
accuracy 100% 99.17% 92.28%
Figure 3: Confusion matrix of the proposed method on the
SFEW 2.0 dataset.
4.3 Discussion
The experiments on the in-the-wild dataset
(SFEW 2.0) have shown very satisfactory results.
The overall recognition rate after combining different
features selected from the three neural networks
reached 92.3%. The recognition rates obtained by the
three CNNs individually for this in-the-wild dataset
are: 59.69%, 54.90% and 54.53% for ResNet101,
VGG19 and GoogleNet, respectively. The three
recognition rates are close to each other. However,
the facial features conveyed from the three models are
complementary. This fact explains the higher overall
recognition rate reached after feature combination.
For the second dataset CK+ containing spontaneous
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Confusion matrix of the proposed method on the
JAFFE dataset.
Figure 5: Confusion matrix of the proposed method on the
CK+ dataset.
and posed emotions in laboratory conditions, the
final recognition rate reaches 99.2% which is as
well a high rate. It was achieved by combining the
selected deep and relevant facial features extracted
from different CNN layers. It is noteworthy that
the misclassified images are only nine images. The
majority of these images are confused with neutral
emotion. This is because the ”Neutral” class does not
exist in this dataset and was designed manually by
collecting the three first sequences of each person’s
facial expressions from the six emotions. Regarding
the JAFFE dataset, all the emotions have been well
recognized. The obtained recognition rate of 100%
is a proof of the complementarity between facial
features assembled from the facial features of each
pre-trained model. Comparing the results of the two
tested layers’ combinations presented in Table 2, we
can notice that the two combinations provide similar
values for the CK+ and the SFEW 2.0 datasets. A
certain margin of difference of 0.27% and 0.82%
have been scored respectively. Similarly, the two
combinations impart identical values for the case of
the JAFFE dataset. The highest ranked combination
(two pooling layers and one fully connected layer) for
wild environments in the benchmark work, remains
in the first position for this dataset. The conversion to
the YCbCr color space brought more relevant facial
features leading to improve the overall recognition
rate. In the case of the CK+ dataset, the highest
recognition rate was obtained by applying the second
combination (two fully connected layers and one
pooling layer) with a minimum percentage gap of
0.27%. In Table 5 and Table 6, we evaluated the
efficiency of the proposed method by comparing its
results with some relevant state-of-the-art methods,
including the work of (Boughanem et al., 2022) using
RGB color space. Table 5 presents an expanded com-
parison on the SFEW 2.0 dataset. The outcomes of
the proposed method applied using the YCbCr color
space outperform all the state-of-the-art methods,
even the work of (Boughanem et al., 2022) which
deals with the same problems and datasets while
using the RGB color space. The recognition rates
obtained on the YCbCr space reached an increase
of 4.1% compared to (Boughanem et al., 2022) and
29.4% compared to the second best recognition rate
(Cai et al., 2022) cited in the table. With regard to the
two controlled-laboratory conditions datasets (Table
6), the recognition rates obtained using the original
color space (RGB or Grayscale) of JAFFE and CK+
datasets are almost similar, except in (Lakshmi
and Ponnusamy, 2021), which shows an average
difference of 7.86% on the JAFFE dataset, and 1% on
the CK+ dataset. Nevertheless, the results achieved
on the datasets in the YCbCr color space are still
better than several recent works and attain 100% of
recognition rate on the JAFFE dataset. We notice that
the second combination tested in YCbCr space on
all datasets, presents better results than the top one
layers’ combination used in the RGB color space in
(Boughanem et al., 2022). This fact can be attributed
to the robustness of the facial features based on the
skin color driven by the YCbCr color space.
This work presents a relevant deep feature extraction-
based method for in-the-wild FER. We implemented
it from facial images in the YCbCr color space using
YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild
deep CNNs, where three CNN models have been used
as feature extractors. The outcomes of the emotion
recognition from facial images in the YCbCr color
space prove that the extracted features contain more
relevant facial expression features comparing to the
RGB color space. The fact that the luminance compo-
nent (Y) is separated from the two chrominance com-
ponents (Cb and Cr) confirms that it does not affect
the facial expressions features, what allows many fea-
ture information to be acquired robustly in-the-wild
conditions as well as in controlled conditions. There-
fore the YCbCr is appropriate for emotion recogni-
tion through facial images. Experiments have been
conducted on three datasets: SFEW 2.0, CK+ and
JAFFE, and obtained results show that the combina-
tion of deep features from different neural networks
achieve a global rewarding and satisfactory recogni-
tion rates under in-the-wild and controlled environ-
ments. The findings marks recognition rates that have
not been achieved before, especially for the static fa-
cial expression in the wild dataset. In future work, we
will use skin color detection-based techniques for face
detection, from the same color space YCbCr, while
extending the method for real-time recognition.
Table 5: Comparaison of the recognition rate (%) with state-
of-the-art methods on the SFEW 2.0 dataset.
Studies SFEW 2.0 Color space
(Boughanem et al., 2022) 88.20% RGB
(Cai et al., 2022) 62.90% RGB
(Ruan et al., 2022) 62.16% RGB
(Sadeghi and Raie, 2022) 61.01% RGB
(Nan et al., 2022) 55.14% RGB
(Zhu et al., 2022) 54.87% RGB
(Nan et al., 2022) 54.56% RGB
The proposed method 92.30% YCbCr
Table 6: Comparison of the recognition rate (%) with state-
of-the-art methods on the JAFFE and the CK+ datasets.
Studies CK+ JAFFE
(Kar et al., 2022) 98.81% 99.30%
(Boughanem et al., 2022) 98.80% 97.62%
(Chen et al., 2022) 98.38% 99.17%
(Lakshmi and Ponnusamy, 2021) 97.66% 90.83%
The proposed method 99.20% 100%
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