Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation
Patricia L. Su
1 a
and Angel D. Sappa
1,2 b
Escuela Superior Polit
ecnica del Litoral, ESPOL, Facultad de Ingenier
ıa en Electricidad y Computaci
on, CIDIS,
Campus Gustavo Galindo Km. 30.5 V
ıa Perimetral, P.O. Box 09-01-5863, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Computer Vision Center, Edifici O, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Contrastive Loss, Relativistic Standard GAN Loss, Spectral Normalization.
This paper proposes a novel model to obtain thermal image-like representations to be used as an input in
any thermal image compressive sensing approach (e.g., thermal image: filtering, enhancing, super-resolution).
Thermal images offer interesting information about the objects in the scene, in addition to their temperature.
Unfortunately, in most of the cases thermal cameras acquire low resolution/quality images. Hence, in order
to improve these images, there are several state-of-the-art approaches that exploit complementary information
from a low-cost channel (visible image) to increase the image quality of an expensive channel (infrared image).
In these SOTA approaches visible images are fused at different levels without paying attention the images
acquire information at different bands of the spectral. In this paper a novel approach is proposed to generate
thermal image-like representations from a low cost visible images, by means of a contrastive cycled GAN
network. Obtained representations (synthetic thermal image) can be later on used to improve the low quality
thermal image of the same scene. Experimental results on different datasets are presented.
In recent year, thermal imaging has increasingly being
used in a range of different fields in industry, which
has lately led to the manufacturing of low-cost ther-
mal vision sensors. Low-cost thermal sensors are fast
becoming available, and they are making their way
into applications other than heavy industrial usage,
such as surveillance, criminal investigation, military
use, medical research, and building maintenance. Ex-
ploiting these alternate perspectives has the potential
to play a significant role in computer vision by im-
proving the accuracy of our existing conventional dig-
ital vision.
Although thermal sensors have come a long way,
there is still a bottleneck related with the poor resolu-
tion, the cost of thermal cameras grows exponentially
with greater resolution. In general, their resolutions
are substantially lower than those of regular digital
cameras working in the visible spectrum. Hence, it is
critical to discover ways to leverage the information
from sensors working at different spectral bands and
combine them together to maximize their advantages.
Recently, some approaches have been proposed
trying to use visible images information to enhance
the other domain images and hence produce images
with a higher quality and close to human perception
at a lower cost. These approaches are referred to in the
literature as Guidance Image Processing (e.g., (Kopf
et al., 2007), (Hui et al., 2016), (Barron and Poole,
2016)). Most of guidance based method fuse the pro-
vided information at different levels, but in almost
all the cases the given images (e.g., thermal and vis-
ible) are used to feed the model without any concern
on their nature/difference—they capture information
from different spectral bands.
There are some approaches where the guidance is
not performed at an image pixel level but at a feature
level, for instance edges from one image are used to
enhance the other image. The use of edge-based guid-
ing facilitates the reconstruction of higher-frequency
features (e.g., (Xie et al., 2015), (Zhou et al., 2018)).
As mentioned before, the different nature of provided
images reduce the possibility of taking the best from
each representation. In the current work we propose
to generate thermal image-like representations from
visible spectrum images in order to facilitate the fur-
ther guided process, since both images will be repre-
sented in a closer domain (thermal image domain).
Most of the approaches mentioned above are deep
learning based solutions, which by means of efficient
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) significantly
Suárez, P. and Sappa, A.
Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011795200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
outperform traditional methods. A fundamental as-
pect of CNNs is the large volume of data are required
for their training. Furthermore, in cases like the one
tackled in the current work, the existence of paired
images (thermal and visible spectrum) is required.
Having in mind these drawbacks (large amount of
data, and the existence of paired set) in the current
work a model capable of generating synthetic ther-
mal images from its counterpart in visible space is
proposed. The model is trained with unpaired set of
thermal and visible images, which represent a great
advantage with respect most of the state-of-the-art
approaches. The contribution of this paper can be
pointed out in:
The usage of contrastive loss (Liu et al., 2021),
to enhance the feature extraction of the genera-
tor. With the introduction of this loss, the learning
of the model is favored from similar regions of
the images contrasted with latent spaces with low
affinity. In the proposed model, a combination of
this loss with identity and adversarial loss is pro-
The modification of the architecture to use spec-
tral normalization instead of batch normalization
to improve the stylization of the images and avoid-
ing fading of gradients (Miyato et al., 2018).
The implementation of relativistic GAN to facil-
itate that the generated samples are closer to the
decision limit of the model. This allows the model
to generalize more quickly and improves the qual-
ity of the images.
The manuscript is organized as follows. Section
2 presents works related with the generation of syn-
thetic images to solve related problems. Section 3
presents the proposed cycled GAN modified archi-
tecture. Experimental results and comparisons with
different implementations are given in Section 4. Fi-
nally, conclusions are presented in Section 5.
Several approaches have been proposed to generate
synthetic images to be used in the training of models
that need thermal spectrum data sets, or to reinforce
the training of other techniques that solve issues re-
lated to control, detection, classification, among oth-
ers. In (Guo et al., 2019), an approach related with
pedestrian detection in thermal imaging scenarios is
proposed. It tackles the limitations of current data
sets by generating synthetic thermal images from their
widely available visible counterpart applying domain
matching. To generate the synthetic data set, a com-
ponent has been created that performs the transfor-
mation from the visible to the far infrared domain to-
gether with the bounding boxes of the detected pedes-
trians. It is implemented through a cycled GAN net-
work that serves as a data augmenter when training
the pedestrian detection model in the thermal domain.
Although interesting results are obtained the approach
is not focused on the quality of the generated synthetic
thermal images but on the pedestrian detection appli-
Another use of the synthetic thermal images gen-
erated by CNN models is the one presented in Zhang
et al, (Zhang et al., 2018), in that paper it is proposed
to use the synthetic images to train a tracking model.
The authors apply the transformation of paired and
unpaired images. With these images, the results of
the tracking model with thermal images are improved.
Given the evolution of autonomous driving based on
LIDAR sensors, there are some approaches that have
been proposed. Therefore, in Lu et al. (Lu and Lu,
2021) the authors have designed a scheme to estimate
the depth of the scene based on synthetic thermal im-
ages generated from RGB. The synthetic images are
obtained by means of a cycled GAN network that per-
forms the translation from visible to thermal domain
together with a disparity map to maintain the consis-
tency relation of the generated images.
In Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2021), the authors pro-
pose a method to improve scene context for night vi-
sion applications. This model uses synthetic images
generated from visible spectrum images. A GAN net-
work is used for mapping context information, gen-
erating synthetic images with higher quality. It al-
lows improving the capture of fine details in synthetic
images, used to enhance the context of scenes. In
another approach, proposed by Li et al. (Li et al.,
2020), a semantic image segmentation technique is
presented. The authors propose to overcome light-
ing and environmental limitations by using images
from both, real and synthetic thermal infrared cam-
eras, to guide the contour extraction. A synthetic im-
age dataset has been generated by a modified pix2pix
image transformation proposed by (Isola et al., 2017).
These synthetic images allow to improve the results of
the training for the cases in which the visible images
present limitations.
Another technique that uses thermal images is the
one presented in (Kniaz et al., 2018), where a cross-
modal generative network is proposed to generate
synthetic thermal images that serve as a support for
training a people reidentification model. This model
introduces object notations to improve the results of
people re-identification. Another application of syn-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
thetic data is the one presented in Saleh et al, (Saleh
et al., 2019) where the use of point cloud data from
3D LiDAR sensors for critical safety tasks applied to
autonomous vehicle systems is introduced. Given the
existing techniques to generate synthetic images, the
authors propose to generate the point cloud from syn-
thetic images using a cycle GAN combined with the
real images obtained by 3D LiDAR sensors. This al-
lows to improve the detection results of vehicles from
a bird’s eye view.
In the context of synthetic image generation, Gen-
erative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have facilitated
the process and helped a lot in the area of computer
vision. The transformation of information between
domains is the main functional that these generative
networks achieve. There are currently many types of
generative networks, but we are going to mention only
the once more related to the context of the problem to
be solved in this paper. The learning of these classes
of networks is done through the training process with
a correctly registered data set. However, obtaining the
paired information is sometimes not possible or, in
case it is possible, some times it is difficult to acquire
enough data to train the network. These limitations
have motivated works such as the one presented in
Zhu et al., (Zhu et al., 2017), to be able to generate im-
ages from one domain to another, without the need for
them to be registered, the author in this work present
the cycle consistency loss which allow the unpair im-
age transformation kwnon as cycled GAN. To address
our proposed problem, we are going to use a set of im-
ages from the visible spectrum and map them to the
thermal spectrum. Therefore, the mapping function
is: G: X Y such that the image distribution of G(X)
is indistinguishable from the distribution of Y using
contradictory loss, originally proposed in (Goodfel-
low Ian et al., 2014). However, for the domain trans-
lation proposed in (Zhu et al., 2017) this mapping is
very loosely constrained, a reverse F mapping is nec-
essary: Y X and introduce a loop consistency loss
to enforce F(G(X)) X (and vice versa). The next
section details the changes with respect to the origi-
nal Cycled GAN (Zhu et al., 2017) implemented in
the current work to enhance the translation of infor-
mation. Our proposal is motivated by the fact that
the mapping must include not only shape, but also the
textures and should simulate temperatures of objects,
making the design of the architecture more challeng-
ing. The pre-processing applied to the dataset for the
training process is also presented.
The proposed approach is a combination of several
state of the art techniques adapted to the problem of
obtaining synthetic thermal images from visible spec-
trum images. The architecture is based on a Cycled
GAN to perform the transfer of unpaired domains that
is presented in (Zhu et al., 2017). To achieve a closer
translation to the intensity of the pixels of the far in-
frared spectrum, it is proposed to use the contrastive
loss. This allows to improve the quality of the im-
ages. The inclusion of this contrastive loss, presented
in (Liu et al., 2021), allows the proposed architecture
to focus on determining the relationship between in-
put embeddings from regions close to the region being
processed. This method tries to predict the missing
information based on its environment instead of pre-
dicting the values per pixel. To determine the similar-
ity of nearby regions, cosine similarity is used. This
makes it easy to determine the difference based on
its orientation and not just the magnitude like the L1
loss. It must be considered that the discriminator of
the model maximizes the replicas closest to the real
one and minimizes the differences between the target
image and the various embeddings of the processed
nearby image regions. In this way, the discriminator
is updated minimizing the distances between the real
image and the embeddings of the same class while be-
ing maximized otherwise. By forcing the embeds to
relate through the loss of cosine similarity, the dis-
criminator can learn the detailed representations of
real images. Similarly, the generator exploits knowl-
edge of the discriminator, such as intraclass features
and higher order representations of the actual images,
to generate more realistic images. The use of this
class of contrastive loss is already quite widespread,
especially in the computer field of vision, where dif-
ferent approaches apply it (e.g., (Yu et al., 2021), (Liu
et al., 2021), (Su
arez et al., 2019), (Park et al., 2020))
given the good results obtained in improving the qual-
ity of the images.
It is important to emphasize that given the re-
sults obtained in the experiments carried out, the RGB
color space of the input images of the model had to be
changed to HSV. This is due to the fact that with the H
channel of this color space it was possible to perform
the transformation of the visible information to ther-
mal with greater accuracy in the simulation of tem-
peratures of the objects presented in the images. This
allows not only to reflect good contours and details,
but also to represent the temperatures of the generated
synthetic thermal images with a high fidelity.
Additionally, in this paper we include a relativistic
GAN loss (Jolicoeur-Martineau, 2018), instead of the
Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation
standard GAN loss proposed by (Goodfellow et al.,
2020). This relativistic GAN loss assumes that in
each mini-batch at least half of the data generated are
false, which can be observed by minimizing the learn-
ing divergence. Therefore, we include this relativis-
tic loss because allows estimating that in a mini-batch
of randomly generated data, more realistic than false
samples are obtained. According to the authors of rel-
ativistic loss, they argue that the probability of real
data being real D(xr) should decrease as the probabil-
ity of fake data being real D(x f ) increase. Therefore,
this forces the generated samples to be closer to the
real ones, avoiding model saturation and also acceler-
ate the training process. For this reason, this loss is
very well coupled to the transformation process from
visible to thermal and, according to the results we ob-
tained, it was adapted in our cycled transformation
model. The standard GAN loss function is replaced
with the relativistic standard GAN loss for discrimi-
nator and generator respectively and they are defined
= E
[ f
(C (x
) C (x
))] (1)
= E
[ f
(C (x
) C (x
))] (2)
where f and g are functions mapping a scalar input
to another scalar and x
, x
is the real and fake image
To replace the consistency cycle loss of the GAN
network, see Eq. 3, a contrastive loss has been imple-
mented in our architecture:
(G,F) = E
F(G(x)) x
] (3)
G(F(y)) y
This loss allows the model to be trained based on
learning the similarity of the latency spaces resulting
from the generating network. According with (An-
donian et al., 2021), for each model input image x,
contrastive learning approaches only need to define
the similarity distribution to sample a positive input
(· | x), and a data distribution for a negative
input x
(· | x), with respect to a sample input x.
Furthermore, they argue that the shape of the ten-
sor V
is determined by the architecture of
the network, where S
is the number of spatial lo-
cations of the tensor. Therefore, the tensor is in-
dexed with the notation v
, which is the D
dimensional feature vector at spatial location s
. It
has been denoted ¯v
as the collection of
feature vectors at all other spatial locations. Accord-
ing to (Andonian et al., 2021) this loss can be written
as follows:
Y ,Y ) =
( ˆv
, ¯v
The main objective of this type of training based
on constrative loss is that the model matches similar
and different samples. Those that are similar or called
positive should be mapped as close together as pos-
sible. On the other hand, the negative or dissimilar
pairs must be further away from the positive latency
space. These similar representations will become uni-
fied, while the dissimilar ones will separate from the
latency space of the positive pairs.
In addition, the model also implements the iden-
tity loss function so that the intensity levels of the
pixels do not go outside the bounds of the objective
domain during the transformation of the data. This
implies that the generating network must preserve the
most relevant characteristics, learn the level of ther-
mal intensity, the shape of the objects and help main-
tain the stability of the formation model. That is, it
is true that F(x) x and G(y) y. λ is an aggregate
term to define the relative importance of the cycle and
identity losses, compared to the GAN:
(G,F) = E
F(c) c
+ E
G(n) n
Finally the multiple loss function implemented in
our model is defined as:
(G,D, X,Y ) + λ
(G,H,X) (4)
(G,H,Y ) + γL
where λ,γ are the weights of the contrastive and iden-
tity loss function respectively, and have been defined
empirically according to the results of the experi-
The architecture (see Fig. 1) also includes a spec-
tral normalization to improve the quality of the gener-
ated synthetic thermal images. This normalization has
been implemented, given the challenge involved in
training a GAN network is to control the performance
of the generator and discriminant networks. The main
goal is to avoid the fading of the gradients, so as not
to collapse the training of the model. To improve the
multimodal translation from the visible to the far in-
frared spectrum, spectral normalization has been in-
troduced in the discriminator. This improves control
of the efficiency of this network, avoiding learning in-
stability. It also contributes to the generalization of
the model in less time. This occurs because the dis-
criminator is more efficient at distinguishing the tar-
get distribution pattern. With this normalization it is
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Cycle GAN proposed architecture.
avoided that the derivative of the discriminator net-
work becomes zero and therefore the generating net-
work stops its learning. This normalization acts as
a choice constraint implemented in the discriminator
This section presents quantitative and qualitative re-
sults obtained with the proposed approach. It also in-
cludes a description of the data set used for training
and the pre-processing applied to the images. Finally,
a comparative analysis is carried out using the met-
rics of similarity and maximum noise present in the
synthetic images.
4.1 Datasets
The designed model has been trained with the M3FD
data set (Liu et al., 2022), whose acquisition has
been carried out with a binocular optical and infrared
sensor. The data set contains 4,500 image pairs of
recorded outdoor scenes; from these images 3000
pairs were used for training, 890 pairs for testing and
the rest of the images for validation of the already
trained model. It is worth mentioning that the im-
ages were pre-processed to generate the most realistic
synthetic images possible in the far infrared spectrum.
Therefore, the images were transferred to the HSV
color space. Then the H channel that represents the
(hue) has been selected as input to train model. Ad-
ditionally, to validate the robustness of the model, a
proprietary data set—referred to as Thermal Stereo—
with 200 pairs of registered visible-thermal images
has been considered. The results obtained with the
model trained with the M3FD data set are included in
the comparisons.
4.2 Training Settings
In order to train the model, the visible images have
been converted to the HSV color space. Only the H
channel has been considered to train the model. In
addition, during the training the images have been re-
sized to 256 x 256 pixels. For training the model
the traditional GAN loss has been replaced with the
relativistic GAN loss. The objective with this loss
is that the discriminator globally evaluates the ran-
dom samples against the real input data of the model.
Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation
Figure 2: Experimental results: (1st. row) results with state of the art technique (Zhu et al., 2017); (2nd. row) results from the
proposed approach; (3rd. row) ground truth images from M3FD and Thermal Stereo datasets.
With this loss, a better quality of the generated im-
ages is achieved. The learning rate has been defined at
0.000273. The Adam optimizer has been used, where
and β
have default values of 0.85 and 0.99 , re-
spectively. For quantitative evaluation, the maximum
signal/noise ratio (PSNR) metric and the structural
similarity index (SSIM) metric have been defined. A
TITAN V GPU has been used for training. The train-
ing time of the model lasts about 96 hours.
4.3 Comparisons
The proposed approach has been evaluated by com-
paring it with the state-of-the-art model that performs
the translation of unpaired images presented in (Zhu
et al., 2017). This proposal allows generating syn-
thetic images from images of the visible spectrum to
another unpaired domain. Based on this concept, we
have modified the loss functions and preprocessed the
input images, in order to generate synthetic images
of the thermal spectrum. Table 1 presents average re-
sults obtained with (Zhu et al., 2017) and the approach
proposed in the current work. The model has been
validated with samples from the M3FD data set and
our own dataset taken from outdoor scenes. Figure
2, shows some illustrations of the synthetic thermal
images obtained from these validation sets. Addition-
ally, for the purposes of quality comparison, Tables 2
and 3 show the best and worst results of the SSIM ob-
tained with each data set—PSNR values are also pro-
vided. Furthermore, to illustrate these comparisons,
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 present the images that correspond
to the metrics shown in these tables.
Table 1: Average results from the validation sets (M3FD-
Thermal Stereo). Best results in bold.
M3FD Thermal Stereo
(Zhu et al., 2017) 12.589 0.501 11.939 0.419
Prop. Approach 14.734 0.772 17.0989 0.733
Table 2: Best and Worst SSIM results from the M3FD vali-
dation set. Best results in bold.
(Zhu et al., 2017) 17.381 0.631 8.90 0.3042
Prop. Approach 22.899 0.869 11.279 0.638
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
BEST RESULTS Ground Truths WORST RESULTS Ground Truths
Figure 3: BEST and WORST results obtained with (Zhu et al., 2017): (1st. row) Images from M3FD dataset; (2nd. row)
Images from Thermal Stereo dataset.
BEST RESULTS Ground Truths WORST RESULTS Ground Truths
Figure 4: BEST and WORST results obtained with the proposed approach: (1st. row) Images from M3FD dataset; (2nd. row)
Images from Thermal Stereo dataset.
Table 3: Best and Worst SSIM results from the Thermal
Stereo validation set. Best results in bold.
(Zhu et al., 2017) 17.434 0.641 5.56 0.0682
Prop. Approach 31.502 0.950 11.538 0.4324
This paper improves the domain transformation
mechanism by generating synthetic images of the far
infrared (thermal) spectrum from visible spectrum
images. In order to transfer not only shape, but also
make the model simulate the temperature and tex-
ture of the thermal images, the unpaired cycled GAN
network has been taken and modifications have been
made in terms of the loss and normalization functions.
As a further work we will explore with other state-
of-the-art techniques based on transformers or diffu-
sion models. The idea is to evaluate the generalization
of the model to generate synthetic images with better
Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation
This material is based upon work supported by the
Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award
number FA9550-22-1-0261; and partially supported
by the ESPOL project CIDIS-12-2022; the Span-
ish Government under Project PID2021-128945NB-
I00; and the ”CERCA Programme / Generalitat de
Catalunya”. The authors gratefully acknowledge the
NVIDIA Corporation for the donation of a Titan V
GPU used for this research.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications