Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in
Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts
Joep Wegstapel
, Thymen den Hartog
, Mick Sneekes
, Bart Staal
2 a
, Ellis van der Scheer-Horst
2 b
Sandra van Dulmen
3 c
and Sjaak Brinkkemper
1 d
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Physiotherapy, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Nivel (Netherlands institute for health services research), Utrecht, The Netherlands
Physiotherapy, Yellow Flags, Signal Terms, Automated Medical Reporting, Automated Text Identification.
This paper investigates the possibility of automating the process of identifying yellow flags and their signal
terms in physiotherapeutic consultation transcripts from patients with low back pain, using Automated Text
Identification. It is part of the Automated Medical Reporting research domain. In physiotherapy focused
on low back pain, yellow flags are considered psycho-social predictors of poor recovery and risk factors for
chronic disability development. This paper uses a 6-step mixed method approach. Consultation transcripts and
yellow flag assessment guidelines were collected, an automated identification tool was built and the OSPRO
assessment guideline was used to test the tool for accuracy. It was found that it is possible to identify Yellow
Flags and their Signal Terms automatically with the tool developed in this experiment. However, this is just the
beginning, and much more research must be done in the future to further enhance the tool, mainly to improve
In healthcare in the broader sense, much time is spent
on administrative tasks, of which identifying yellow
flags is an example (Stearns et al., 2021). This re-
quires a lot of budget and takes the (para)medic’s at-
tention away from providing a patient with care (Buk-
man, 2019; Maas et al., 2020). To solve this issue to a
big extent, research is spent on developing the disci-
pline of Automated Medical Reporting (AMR) (Maas
et al., 2020). This paper concerns Automated Medical
Reporting in the field of physiotherapy, where the aim
is to reduce the administrative burden by automati-
cally turning a consultation recording into a medical
report. Many people suffer from low back pain (LBP)
(Hoy et al., 2010). In physiotherapy focused on LBP,
yellow flags are used to denote psycho-social predic-
tors of chronicity or poor recovery after physiothera-
peutic treatment (Moffett and McLean, 2006; Barron
et al., 2007); an example could be a patient stating that
he experiences pain when working, making him avoid
this work, or a patient complaining about low back
pain while suffering from depressive feelings at the
same time. These yellow flags and their correspond-
ing signal terms are usually identified at the start of
treatment to anticipate the potential risks and address
them adequately from the start of the treatment. This
paper investigates the feasibility of identifying yellow
flags and their signal terms automatically, using Au-
tomated Text Identification. Based on this, the main
research question this paper answers is formulated as:
“How can the process of identifying yellow flags
and their signal terms in physiotherapeutic consul-
tation transcripts be automated?”
First, more information on the context and back-
ground of this research is given, then the 6 step re-
search method is discussed, the data analysis is de-
scribed based on the same 6 steps, and finally the dis-
cussion is presented, leading to the conclusion at the
end of the paper.
Wegstapel, J., den Hartog, T., Sneekes, M., Staal, B., van der Scheer-Horst, E., van Dulmen, S. and Brinkkemper, S.
Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts.
DOI: 10.5220/0011793800003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 530-537
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Currently, a physiotherapeutic consultation can be
recorded and transcribed, but the search for Yellow
Flags and Signal Words is not yet automated (Parker,
2007; Stewart et al., 2011). If this identification pro-
cess could be automated, it would drastically improve
efficiency by decreasing the administrative burden,
and lead to more accurate treatment designs (Watson,
2.1 Background
To properly understand the important concepts of yel-
low flags and signal terms discussed in this paper, ex-
tensive literature research has been done. A collection
of the most relevant information is discussed below.
First, short definitions of the concepts are given and
after that these concepts are discussed in more detail.
Definitions. Yellow Flags are “psycho-social fac-
tors associated with the risk of the development of
chronicity in patients/employees that may also pre-
dict a poor recovery after treatment” (Moffett and
McLean, 2006; Barron et al., 2007; Main, 2013).
A Signal Terms is “a word or phrase that gives an idea
about what we might expect to come next” (Demet-
ros, 2021). This is a more general definition, but in
the context of this research signal terms are focused
on signal terms signaling potential yellow flags.
Yellow Flags. Psycho-social flags in healthcare, re-
ferred to as yellow flags, look at factors that identify
risk of chronic disability development, as well as po-
tential incomplete recovery from the current condi-
tion different to the expectation (Kendall, 1997; Mof-
fett and McLean, 2006; Barron et al., 2007). Yellow
flags in physiotherapy are an example of a psycho-
social flag, and they can be divided into three natures
(Leerar et al., 2007):
Beliefs, appraisals, judgements, and negative be-
liefs about pain.
Emotional responses, distress for meeting criteria
of mental disorder diagnosis, worries, fears, anxi-
ety in general.
Pain behavior (including coping strategies),
avoidance of activities due to expectations of pain
and possible re-injury, over-reliance on passive
treatments, catastrophizing pain sensations.
This paper focuses on yellow flags in all these differ-
ent natures.
Signal Terms. When a certain pattern of words can
be found in similar positions in a text, these could be
signal terms (Carballo-Costa et al., 2022). In 2011,
Milojevic et al stated that “The higher the occurrence
of signal words in the included articles, the more rel-
evant it is to the topic to which it refers” (Milojevi
et al., 2011). This could help with finding signal terms
for a specific context. In case of physiotherapeutic
consults, where the definition of signal terms has not
yet been clearly defined, scanning texts for patterns
of words can help with the creation of a list of sig-
nal terms for this specific context. An example would
be a patient catastrophizing the experienced pain by
adding strong adjectives to the pain statement.
2.2 Yellow Flag Assessment Guidelines
In this research, 4 yellow flag assessment guidelines
have been taken into account to assess yellow flags
and their signal terms. These are the OSPRO, MPQ,
PCS and HADS assessment tools. The yellow flag
queries corresponding to these assessment guidelines
can be found in the Appendix.
The OSPRO (Optimal Screening for Prediction of
Referral and Outcome) is meant as a concise, multi-
dimensional yellow flag assessment guideline for ap-
plication in orthopedic physiotherapy. It assesses 11
psychological constructs measuring pain-associated
psychological distress, based on validated psycholog-
ical questionnaires (Lentz et al., 2016).
Before the development of the MPQ (McGill Pain
Questionnaire), pain was mainly described and mea-
sured in terms of intensity, whereas MPQ also investi-
gates the qualitative aspect of pain, like pain in terms
of time, space, temperature, tenseness, fear and the
general subjective experiencing of pain. MPQ can be
used for standard registration and evaluation of pain
as well as for diagnosing and monitoring the effects
of therapy (Oerlemans et al., 1999; Van der Kloot and
Vertommen, 1989).
PCS (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) focuses on the
catastrophizing of pain. People over exaggerate their
pain experience. With PCS, researchers constructed a
scale that incorporated also the non redundant dimen-
sions of pain catastrophizing, including the tendency
to increase attentional focus on pain-related thoughts,
making people exaggerate (Sullivan et al., 2009).
To understand the experience of suffering in the
setting of medical practice, the contribution of mood
disorders like anxiety and depression must also be as-
sessed. The HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Despres-
sion Scale) was designed to provide a simple yet re-
liable tool for use in medical practice. It is useful for
initial diagnosis and to track progression (or resolu-
tion) of psychological symptoms (Snaith, 2003; Stern,
Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts
2.3 Automated Identification
Text mining, also known as text data mining or knowl-
edge discovery from textual databases, refers to the
process of extracting interesting and non-trivial pat-
terns or knowledge from text documents (Tan et al.,
1999). This article presents a text mining framework
consisting of two components: Text refining, which
transforms unstructured text documents into an in-
termediate form, and knowledge distillation, which
deduces patterns or knowledge from this intermedi-
ate form. To apply automated identification to a text,
these two components need to be executed consecu-
tively, and then the knowledge distillation phase must
be able to identify the yellow flags and their signal
terms present in the transcripts (Tan et al., 1999).
There are other cases in which text-mining is used in
the healthcare domain.
2.3.1 State-of-the-Art
In 2008, Raya et al. (Raja et al., 2008) showed that
text mining can be an effective tool in healthcare con-
texts. The shift to electronic clinical records opened a
huge opportunity window for the text mining research
area. The 2014 research by Pendyala et al. gave fur-
ther insights into the use of text mining techniques for
automating medical diagnosis (Pendyala et al., 2014).
This led to an overall increased use of text and data
mining in healthcare, strengthened by the information
richness of the healthcare sector making the use of
these techniques indispensable (T
aranu, 2016). This
fact is supported by a 2019 review written by Luque
et al. of over 90 research papers on text mining in
healthcare. They stated that Text mining can be used
in healthcare and is especially helpful in improving
early disease diagnosis. It can help in developing
novel and improved therapies that reduce risk and de-
rived problems and for producing new medical hy-
pothesis (Luque et al., 2019). More recently, van Dijk
et al. proved that text-mining in electronic healthcare
records can be used as an efficient tool for screening
and data collection in cardiovascular trials (van Dijk
et al., 2021).
The main goal of this research is to test if it is possible
to automatically identify yellow flags and signal terms
in physiotherapeutic consultation transcripts. Based
on this goal, the main research question introduced in
the introduction was formulated. To answer this ques-
tion, 2 sub-questions were formulated, being: Which
of the available assessment tools produces the most
results in the automated identification of yellow flags
and their signal terms in physiotherapeutic consulta-
tion transcripts? and How can the process of identi-
fying Yellow Flags and their Signal Terms in physio-
therapeutic consultation transcripts be automated?
To answer the research questions, a mixed-method
approach was used; interviews were held and an ex-
periment was executed. The following 6 steps were
(1) Collecting transcripts. First, 2 physiothera-
pists and the HAN Research Group were interviewed.
The latter provided 50 real physiotherapeutic con-
sultation transcripts concerning people suffering low
back pain. They have been made anonymous to deal
with any privacy infringements.
(2) Collecting yellow flag assessment guidelines.
Literature research was done concerning yellow flag
assessment guidelines, which led to the collection of
four yellow flag assessment guidelines discussed in
section 2.2. The yellow flag queries corresponding to
these guidelines can be found in the Appendix.
(3) Building automated search tool for yellow flag
queries. A tool was built to automatically identify
specific yellow flag queries in a text. The queries
and the text to be searched can be separately provided
to the tool as input, allowing for multiple texts to be
searched with multiple search queries.
(4) Comparing yellow flag assessment guidelines.
The tool was used to search 10 randomly chosen tran-
scripts with the yellow flag queries from the yellow
flag assessment guidelines. These yellow flag queries
can be found in the tables in the appendix. Statistics
of each of these assessment guidelines were gener-
ated; they are summarized in table 2. Based on these
statistics it was decided to continue with OSPRO (see
step 4 in section 4 for more information on this deci-
(5) Filtering results of OSPRO guideline. Before
determining the accuracy of the guideline, the results
were filtered; how this was done is described in step
5 of section 4.
(6) Determining accuracy based on ground truth.
Finally, the 10 transcripts marked based on OSPRO-
YF were marked by hand (see figure 1). The hand-
marked document, referred to as ground truth, was
compared to the automatically marked document,
which resulted in the True Positives (TP), False Pos-
itives (FP) and False Negatives (FN) summarized in
table 3, leading to the recall and precision scores pre-
sented in the same table. These results are discussed
in section 4.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Excerpt of hand-marked consultation transcript
with yellow flags and signal terms marked in yellow and
the remaining text blurred.
This section is based on the 6 steps described in the
previous section (section 3).
(1) Collecting transcripts. The 50 consultation
transcripts have an average of 4910 words, divided
over 15 pages. The corresponding recordings are on
average 32 minutes and 13 seconds long. Interesting
to note is that the duration variation of the consul-
tations is large, with the shortest consultation tran-
scribed being 7 minutes long, whereas the longest
consultation had a duration of 1 hour and 21 min-
utes. The shortest consultation turned out the be an
outlier. Since the average consultation duration is
32 minutes, it can be said that physiotherapists take
their time when assessing a patient for low back pain.
Looking at the number of words per minute, the vari-
ation between consultations is smaller; on average
a physiotherapeutic low back pain consultation con-
tains 159 words per minute, with a standard deviation
of 26 words. In 10 of the 50 consultations, a third
speaker was present. Twice these third speakers were
physiotherapist supervisors; the other 8 were patient
relatives. Speaker turns by these persons are treated
as patient information, as they often contain valuable
information. See table 1 for more transcript metadata.
Table 1: Metadata Transcripts.
Length H:M:S Pages Words Words per minute
AVG 00:32:13 15 4910 159,1
Min 00:07:06 6 1402 89,8
Max 01:20:53 36 12746 205,0
St.Dev 00:19:54 8 2678 26,4
(2) Collecting yellow flag assessment guidelines.
Here the yellow flag assessment guidelines were col-
lected. In step 4, these guidelines are compared to
each other. The OSPRO-YF and HADS were in En-
glish, so in this step they were translated to Dutch to
match the transcripts.
(3) Building automated search tool for yellow flag
queries. In this step the automated identification
tool was built, to automatically identify yellow flags
and signal terms in the physiotherapeutic consultation
transcripts. The tool, created in Java 17, takes two
input files: the consultation transcript and the search
terms (yellow flag query) that the tool searches for
within the transcript. Then the tool calculates a score
for every speaker turn in the transcript, based on the
sum of the frequencies of all the search terms found in
the speaker turn. A high score indicates a high proba-
bility of a speaker turn containing a yellow flag. The
output is presented in a .txt file, a .json file or in the
console. People interested in the source code of this
tool can contact us by email.
(4) Comparing yellow flag assessment guidelines.
As described in section 3, the OSPRO, MPQ-DLV,
PCS and HADS assessment guidelines were com-
pared to each other. They were compared based on
3 different factors: the number of turns with poten-
tial yellow flags, the number of found words which
are potential yellow flags and the average number of
words per marked turn. The corresponding statistics
are presented in Table 2, ’Assessment guideline com-
parison’ below.
Table 2: Assessment guideline statistics.
Number of turns with
potential yellow flag
62 130 1315 2287
Number of found
words which are
potential yellow flags
74 150 3232 14702
Avg. number of
words per marked
1.19 1.15 2.46 6.43
The results presented above show that the
OSPRO-YF assessment guideline returned the most
potential yellow flags and signal terms, in absolute
Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts
numbers as well as on average. Since it is important
to find as many relevant yellow flags as possible us-
ing the automated marking tool, and since OSPRO is
the only guideline with queries consisting of full sen-
tences, which is most similar to the way yellow flags
are generally described, it was decided to choose this
assessment guideline over the other 3, and use it to
test the tool for accuracy.
(5) Filtering results based on OSPRO-YF guide-
line. Since the OSPRO-YF tool returned a lot of po-
tential yellow flags and signal terms with low scores,
these results were not taken into account in this re-
search. After translating to Dutch, there was a total
of 155 different search terms divided over 27 unique
word combinations. This gives an average of 5.74
words per unique combination with a standard devia-
tion of 3.98. The choice to filter out any score lower
than 5.0 was based on the average number of words
per search term and the relatively large standard de-
viation. It was decided not to round up to a score of
6.0, to not exclude even more potential yellow flags.
Rounding off was necessary because the tool scores
each speaker turn as a score without decimals.
(6) Determining accuracy based on ground truth.
The 10 randomly selected transcripts had already
been searched for the OSPRO yellow flag query. The
same transcripts were also marked by hand (ground
truth) to more critically analyse the accuracy of the
returned results. The tool was able to mark 117 true
positives, meaning the automatically marked flag was
also marked as a Yellow Flag by hand. 782 of the total
of 944 marked words turned out to be false positives,
meaning the yellow flag marked by the tool was not
marked by hand, and there were 45 yellow flags that
the tool missed (false negatives). This led to an over-
all recall for this sample of 72.22% with a precision
rate of 13.01%. The precision rate tells us that most
of the marked words turned out to not be real yellow
flags. However, the recall of 72% showed that, using
the automated identification tool, almost 3 quarters of
the relevant instances were actually retrieved, which
is actually pretty good. All together, it can be said
that the tool already does well on retrieving real yel-
low flags and signal terms, but it currently retrieves
too many irrelevant words as well. An overview of
all data per transcript can be found in Table 2, ’Recall
and precision data based on OSPRO-YF’, below.
The results from the previous section tell us more
about how feasible it is to automatically identify yel-
low flags and their signal terms in physiotherapeutic
Table 3: Recall and precision data based on OSPRO-YF.
Consult. file TP FP FN Recall Precision
Cons. file 1 24 114 8 75.00% 17.39%
Cons. file 2 12 29 8 60.00% 29.27%
Cons. file 3 21 76 4 84.00% 21.65%
Cons. file 4 9 52 1 90.00% 14.75%
Cons. file 5 14 58 4 77.78% 19.44%
Cons. file 6 5 145 6 45.45% 3.33%
Cons. file 7 13 81 3 81.25% 13.83%
Cons. file 8 10 97 6 62.50% 9.35%
Cons. file 9 2 73 3 40.00% 2.67%
Cons. file 10 7 57 2 77.78% 10.94%
Total 117 782 45 72.22% 13.01%
consultation transcripts.
First of all it is important to mention that in this
research, the transcripts marked by hand are assumed
to be 100% correct. It is very likely that this does not
reflect reality.
It is also not to be forgotten that the fact that
OSPRO-YF returns the most potential yellow flags,
does not mean that it returns the most relevant yellow
flags. It is possible that the other 3 assessment guide-
lines, the MPQ, PCS and HADS, even though they
return less potential yellow flags, in fact return more
relevant yellow flags than the OSPRO-YF guideline
does. This should be further investigated in future re-
Furthermore, it was decided to only focus on the
speaker turns in which the patient was speaking. Af-
ter analyzing the transcripts, it was found that many
yellow flags and signal terms are actually pronounced
by the physiotherapist, after which the patient only
agrees or does not agree. To not miss these yellow
flags, it was decided to take into account speaker turns
of all involved speakers.
The transcripts contain natural language which
is currently interpreted by a trained physiotherapist.
Since natural language is ambiguous, it is hard for the
tool to identify all yellow flags and signal terms, as
they can be formulated in many different ways. This
makes the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
crucial for correctly automating the identification pro-
cess (Dalpiaz et al., 2019). The tool must also be ex-
tended with synonyms to make sure no information is
The two professionals interviewed were physio-
therapists working for a private practise, who men-
tioned that in their experience, the administrative bur-
den of adding yellow flags to a patients Electronic
Health Record (EHR) is nonexistent. When a yellow
flag is noticed, they act on it immediately by alter-
ing the treatment. This alteration of treatment might
end up in the EHR, but mentioning the yellow flag
as a reason of alteration is not necessary according to
them. Since ’n’ is only 2 in this case, it cannot be gen-
eralized across all physiotherapists. Further research
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
must be done to investigate if the claims made here
are more broadly applicable.
This paper seeks to answer the research question:
“How can the process of identifying yellow flags and
their signal terms in physiotherapeutic consultation
transcripts be automated?” The answer to this ques-
tion is that it is possible to automatically mark yel-
low flags and their signal terms in Physio Therapeutic
consultation transcripts by using an automated identi-
fication tool. Even though the tool constructed for this
paper was only able to mark yellow flags and signal
terms with a total precision of 13%, it reaches a recall
score of 72%. It can be said that the tool already does
well on retrieving real yellow flags and signal terms,
but it currently also retrieves too many irrelevant ones.
Due to time constraints the scope of this research was
narrow; more research needs to be conducted. Since
natural language is very ambiguous, more research
must be conducted to embed Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) in the tool, to up the recall and the
precision scores. Also, more training data like ex-
amples of yellow flags and signal terms are needed,
and a standardized format must be established, stating
what components yellow flags consist of. The OS-
PRO, MPQ, PCS and HADS assessment guidelines
might be able to contribute to achieve this.
To conclude, it is safe to assume that automated iden-
tification of yellow flags and signal terms is possible
using the tool described in this research. However,
this is just the beginning, and much more research
must be done in the future to further enhance the tool,
aiming to improve the accuracy metrics. The recall
score of 72% can be improved, but the focus must be
on improving the precision score of 13%.
We want to thank Psychology researcher Wim van
Lankveld from the HAN University of Applied Sci-
ences for the interview, guidance, and providing us
with the transcripts and other relevant information.
Ethical approval for the data collection of this
study was given by the Ethical Research Committee
of the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Ni-
jmegen, the Netherlands (EACO 145.04/19).
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therapy for musculoskeletal pain? Physiotherapy,
Lists of Yellow Flags & Signal Terms
This section contains all yellow flags and their sig-
nal terms, retrieved from the HADS (Snaith, 2003;
Stern, 2014), PCS (Sullivan et al., 2009), OSPRO-
YF (Lentz et al., 2016) and MPQ (Oerlemans et al.,
1999; Van der Kloot and Vertommen, 1989) assess-
ment guidelines.
Table 4: HADS search terms (Translated from dutch).
Search Terms HADS
Tense Enjoyment
Anxious Laughing
Uncomfortable Restless
Excited Relaxed
Difficult Uneasy
Interested Restless
Rejoice Anxiety
Panic Feel
Sensation Feeling
Table 5: PCS search terms (Translated from dutch).
Search Terms PCS
Pain Stopping
Can’t go on Never get better
Overwhelming Overwhelmed
Not enduring Pain will get worse
Painful event Going away
Can’t get out of my
How much it hurts
Pain ceases Intensity
Reduce intensity of
Serious thing happen
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 6: OSPRO-YF search terms (Translated from dutch).
Search Terms OSPRO-YF
Poor appetite Overeating
Satisfied Displeases me
Hot headed Mad
Reacting irritated Criticism from others
makes me angry
Poor appetite or
overeating problems
I am satisfied
Some unimportant
thoughts go through
my head and bother
I am a hot headed
When I get angry, I
say nasty tings
It makes me furious
when I am criticized
in front of others
I can’t keep it out of
my mind
Physical activity can
harm my painful
body region
I can’t do physical
activities that (can)
make my pain worse
My work is too hard
for me
During painful
episodes it’s hard for
me to think about
anything other than
the pain
I can lead a full life
despite my chronic
Before I can make se-
rious plans, I have
to get my pain under
My therapy doesn’t
care how I feel emo-
Table 7: MPQ search terms (Translated from dutch).
Search Terms MPQ-DLV
Throbbing Thumping
Bursting Flaring
Flashing Shooting
Pungent Stinging
Piercing Sharp
Cutting As sharp as a knife
Pressing Squeezing
Stringing Pulling
Splitting Tearing
Burning Burning
Flaming Brooding
Glowing Scorching
Cold Ice-cold
Freezing Tingling
Itching Electric
Stiff Tight
Cramping Whining
Persistent Tiring
Debilitating Exhausting
Exhausting Grumpy
Depressing Sickening
Tense Oppressing
Vestigating Disturbing
Frightening Terrifying
Harassing Torturous
Mild Moderate
Very Enormous
Wearable Obstructive
Dismaying Unbearable
Annoying Miserable
Dreadful Terrible
Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts